- =============================================================================
- MOXA Smartio Family Device Driver Ver 1.1 Installation Guide
- for Linux Kernel 2.2.x and 2.0.3x
- Copyright (C) 1999, Moxa Technologies Co, Ltd.
- =============================================================================
- Content
- 1. Introduction
- 2. System Requirement
- 3. Installation
- 4. Utilities
- 5. Setserial
- 6. Troubleshooting
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- The Smartio family Linux driver, Ver. 1.1, supports following multiport
- boards.
- -C104P/H/HS, C104H/PCI, C104HS/PCI, CI-104J 4 port multiport board.
- -C168P/H/HS, C168H/PCI 8 port multiport board.
- This driver has been modified a little and cleaned up from the Moxa
- contributed driver code and merged into Linux 2.2.14pre. In particular
- official major/minor numbers have been assigned which are different to
- those the original Moxa supplied driver used.
- This driver and installation procedure have been developed upon Linux Kernel
- 2.2.5 and backward compatible to 2.0.3x. This driver supports Intel x86 and
- Alpha hardware platform. In order to maintain compatibility, this version
- has also been properly tested with RedHat, OpenLinux, TurboLinux and
- S.u.S.E Linux. However, if compatibility problem occurs, please contact
- Moxa at
- In addition to device driver, useful utilities are also provided in this
- version. They are
- - msdiag Diagnostic program for detecting installed Moxa Smartio boards.
- - msmon Monitor program to observe data count and line status signals.
- - msterm A simple terminal program which is useful in testing serial
- ports.
- - io-irq.exe Configuration program to setup ISA boards. Please note that
- this program can only be executed under DOS.
- All the drivers and utilities are published in form of source code under
- GNU General Public License in this version. Please refer to GNU General
- Public License announcement in each source code file for more detail.
- In Moxa's ftp sites, you may always find latest driver at
- or
- This version of driver can be installed as Loadable Module (Module driver)
- or built-in into kernel (Static driver). You may refer to following
- installation procedure for suitable one. Before you install the driver,
- please refer to hardware installation procedure in the User's Manual.
- We assume the user should be familiar with following documents.
- - Serial-HOWTO
- - Kernel-HOWTO
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. System Requirement
- - Hardware platform: Intel x86 or Alpha machine
- - Kernel version: 2.0.3x or 2.2.x
- - gcc version 2.72 or later
- - Maximum 4 boards can be installed in combination
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Installation
- 3.1 Hardware installation
- There are two types of buses, ISA and PCI, for Smartio family multiport
- board.
- ISA board
- ---------
- You'll have to configure CAP address, I/O address, Interrupt Vector
- as well as IRQ before installing this driver. Please refer to hardware
- installation procedure in User's Manual before proceed any further.
- Please make sure the JP1 is open after the ISA board is set properly.
- PCI board
- ---------
- You may need to adjust IRQ usage in BIOS to avoid from IRQ conflict
- with other ISA devices. Please refer to hardware installation
- procedure in User's Manual in advance.
- IRQ Sharing
- -----------
- Each port within the same multiport board shares the same IRQ. Up to
- 4 Moxa Smartio Family multiport boards can be installed together on
- one system and they can share the same IRQ.
- 3.2 Driver files and device naming convention
- The driver file may be obtained from ftp, CD-ROM or floppy disk. The
- first step, anyway, is to copy driver file "mxser.tgz" into specified
- directory. e.g. /moxa. The execute commands as below.
- # cd /moxa
- # tar xvf /dev/fd0
- or
- # cd /moxa
- # cp /mnt/cdrom/<driver directory>/mxser.tgz .
- # tar xvfz mxser.tgz
- You may find all the driver and utilities files in /moxa/mxser.
- Following installation procedure depends on the model you'd like to
- run the driver. If you prefer module driver, please refer to 3.3.
- If static driver is required, please refer to 3.4.
- Dialin and callout port
- -----------------------
- This driver remains traditional serial device properties. There're
- two special file name for each serial port. One is dial-in port
- which is named "ttyMxx". For callout port, the naming convention
- is "cumxx".
- Device naming when more than 2 boards installed
- -----------------------------------------------
- Naming convention for each Smartio multiport board is pre-defined
- as below.
- Board Num. Dial-in Port Callout port
- 1st board ttyM0 - ttyM7 cum0 - cum7
- 2nd board ttyM8 - ttyM15 cum8 - cum15
- 3rd board ttyM16 - ttyM23 cum16 - cum23
- 4th board ttyM24 - ttym31 cum24 - cum31
- Board sequence
- --------------
- This driver will activate ISA boards according to the parameter set
- in the driver. After all specified ISA board activated, PCI board
- will be installed in the system automatically driven.
- Therefore the board number is sorted by the CAP address of ISA boards.
- For PCI boards, their sequence will be after ISA boards and C168H/PCI
- has higher priority than C104H/PCI boards.
- 3.3 Module driver configuration
- Module driver is easiest way to install. If you prefer static driver
- installation, please skip this paragraph.
- 1. Find "Makefile" in /moxa/mxser, then run
- # make install
- The driver files "mxser.o" and utilities will be properly compiled
- and copied to system directories respectively.Then run
- # insmod mxser
- to activate the modular driver. You may run "lsmod" to check
- if "mxser.o" is activated.
- 2. Create special files by executing "msmknod".
- # cd /moxa/mxser/driver
- # ./msmknod
- Default major numbers for dial-in device and callout device are
- 174, 175. Msmknod will delete any special files occupying the same
- device naming.
- 3. Up to now, you may manually execute "insmod mxser" to activate
- this driver and run "rmmod mxser" to remove it. However, it's
- better to have a boot time configuration to eliminate manual
- operation.
- Boot time configuration can be achieved by rc file. Run following
- command for setting rc files.
- # cd /moxa/mxser/driver
- # cp ./rc.mxser /etc/rc.d
- # cd /etc/rc.d
- You may have to modify part of the content in rc.mxser to specify
- parameters for ISA board. Please refer to rc.mxser for more detail.
- Find "rc.serial". If "rc.serial" doesn't exist, create it by vi.
- Add "rc.mxser" in last line. Next, open rc.local by vi
- and append following content.
- if [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.serial ]; then
- sh /etc/rc.d/rc.serial
- fi
- 4. Reboot and check if mxser.o activated by "lsmod" command.
- 5. If you'd like to drive Smartio ISA boards in the system, you'll
- have to add parameter to specify CAP address of given board while
- activating "mxser.o". The format for parameters are as follows.
- insmod mxser ioaddr=0x???,0x???,0x???,0x???
- | | | |
- | | | +- 4th ISA board
- | | +------ 3rd ISA board
- | +------------ 2nd ISA board
- +------------------- 1st ISA board
- 3.4 Static driver configuration
- 1. Create link
- # cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char
- # ln -s /moxa/mxser/driver/mxser.c mxser.c
- 2. Add CAP address list for ISA boards
- In module mode, the CAP address for ISA board is given by
- parameter. In static driver configuration, you'll have to
- assign it within driver's source code. If you will not
- install any ISA boards, you may skip to next portion.
- The instructions to modify driver source code are as
- below.
- a. # cd /moxa/mxser/driver
- # vi mxser.c
- b. Find the array mxserBoardCAP[] as below.
- static int mxserBoardCAP[]
- = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- c. Change the address within this array using vi. For
- example, to driver 2 ISA boards with CAP address
- 0x280 and 0x180 as 1st and 2nd board. Just to change
- the source code as follows.
- static int mxserBoardCAP[]
- = {0x280, 0x180, 0x00, 0x00};
- 3. Modify tty_io.c
- # cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/
- # vi tty_io.c
- Find pty_init(), insert "mxser_init()" as
- pty_init();
- mxser_init();
- 4. Modify tty.h
- # cd /usr/src/linux/include/linux
- # vi tty.h
- Find extern int tty_init(void), insert "mxser_init()" as
- extern int tty_init(void);
- extern int mxser_init(void);
- 5. Modify Makefile
- # cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char
- # vi Makefile
- Find L_OBJS := tty_io.o ...... random.o, add
- "mxser.o" at last of this line as
- L_OBJS := tty_io.o ....... mxser.o
- 6. Rebuild kernel
- The following are for Linux kernel rebuilding,for your reference only.
- For appropriate details, please refer to the Linux document.
- If 'lilo' utility is installed, please use 'make zlilo' to rebuild
- kernel. If 'lilo' is not installed, please follow the following steps.
- a. cd /usr/src/linux
- b. make clean /* take a few minutes */
- c. make dep /* take a few minutes */
- d. make bzImage /* take probably 10-20 minutes */
- e. Backup original boot kernel. /* optional step */
- f. cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz
- g. Please make sure the boot kernel (vmlinuz) is in the
- correct position. If you use 'lilo' utility, you should
- check /etc/lilo.conf 'image' item specified the path
- which is the 'vmlinuz' path, or you will load wrong
- (or old) boot kernel image (vmlinuz).
- h. chmod 400 /vmlinuz
- i. lilo
- j. rdev -R /vmlinuz 1
- k. sync
- Note that if the result of "make zImage" is ERROR, then you have to
- go back to Linux configuration Setup. Type "make config" in directory
- /usr/src/linux or "setup".
- Since system include file, /usr/src/linux/include/linux/interrupt.h,
- is modified each time the MOXA driver is installed, kernel rebuilding
- is inevitable. And it takes about 10 to 20 minutes depends on the
- machine.
- 7. Make utility
- # cd /moxa/mxser/utility
- # make install
- 8. Make special file
- # cd /moxa/mxser/driver
- # ./msmknod
- 9. Reboot
- 3.5 Custom configuration
- Although this driver already provides you default configuration, you
- still can change the device name and major number.The instruction to
- change these parameters are shown as below.
- Change Device name
- ------------------
- If you'd like to use other device names instead of default naming
- convention, all you have to do is to modify the internal code
- within the shell script "msmknod". First, you have to open "msmknod"
- by vi. Locate each line contains "ttyM" and "cum" and change them
- to the device name you desired. "msmknod" creates the device names
- you need next time executed.
- Change Major number
- -------------------
- If major number 30 and 35 had been occupied, you may have to select
- 2 free major numbers for this driver. There are 3 steps to change
- major numbers.
- 1. Find free major numbers
- In /proc/devices, you may find all the major numbers occupied
- in the system. Please select 2 major numbers that are available.
- e.g. 40, 45.
- 2. Create special files
- Run /moxa/mxser/driver/msmknod to create special files with
- specified major numbers.
- 3. Modify driver with new major number
- Run vi to open /moxa/mxser/driver/mxser.c. Locate the line
- contains "MXSERMAJOR". Change the content as below.
- #define MXSERMAJOR 40
- #define MXSERCUMAJOR 45
- 4. Run # make install in /moxa/mxser/driver.
- 3.6 Verify driver installation
- You may refer to /var/log/messages to check the latest status
- log reported by this driver whenever it's activated.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. Utilities
- There are 3 utilities contained in this driver. They are msdiag, msmon and
- msterm. These 3 utilities are released in form of source code. They should
- be compiled into executable file and copied into /usr/bin.
- msdiag - Diagnostic
- --------------------
- This utility provides the function to detect what Moxa Smartio multiport
- board exists in the system.
- msmon - Port Monitoring
- -----------------------
- This utility gives the user a quick view about all the MOXA ports'
- activities. One can easily learn each port's total received/transmitted
- (Rx/Tx) character count since the time when the monitoring is started.
- Rx/Tx throughputs per second are also reported in interval basis (e.g.
- the last 5 seconds) and in average basis (since the time the monitoring
- is started). You can reset all ports' count by <HOME> key. <+> <->
- (plus/minus) keys to change the displaying time interval. Press <ENTER>
- on the port, that cursor stay, to view the port's communication
- parameters, signal status, and input/output queue.
- msterm - Terminal Emulation
- ---------------------------
- This utility provides data sending and receiving ability of all tty ports,
- especially for MOXA ports. It is quite useful for testing simple
- application, for example, sending AT command to a modem connected to the
- port or used as a terminal for login purpose. Note that this is only a
- dumb terminal emulation without handling full screen operation.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Setserial
- Supported Setserial parameters are listed as below.
- uart set UART type(16450-->disable FIFO, 16550A-->enable FIFO)
- close_delay set the amount of time(in 1/100 of a second) that DTR
- should be kept low while being closed.
- closing_wait set the amount of time(in 1/100 of a second) that the
- serial port should wait for data to be drained while
- being closed, before the receiver is disable.
- spd_hi Use 57.6kb when the application requests 38.4kb.
- spd_vhi Use 115.2kb when the application requests 38.4kb.
- spd_normal Use 38.4kb when the application requests 38.4kb.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Troubleshooting
- The boot time error messages and solutions are stated as clearly as
- possible. If all the possible solutions fail, please contact our technical
- support team to get more help.
- Error msg: More than 4 Moxa Smartio family boards found. Fifth board and
- after are ignored.
- Solution:
- To avoid this problem, please unplug fifth and after board, because Moxa
- driver supports up to 4 boards.
- Error msg: Request_irq fail, IRQ(?) may be conflict with another device.
- Solution:
- Other PCI or ISA devices occupy the assigned IRQ. If you are not sure
- which device causes the situation,please check /proc/interrupts to find
- free IRQ and simply change another free IRQ for Moxa board.
- Error msg: Board #: C1xx Series(CAP=xxx) interrupt number invalid.
- Solution:
- Each port within the same multiport board shares the same IRQ. Please set
- one IRQ (IRQ doesn't equal to zero) for one Moxa board.
- Error msg: No interrupt vector be set for Moxa ISA board(CAP=xxx).
- Solution:
- Moxa ISA board needs an interrupt vector.Please refer to user's manual
- "Hardware Installation" chapter to set interrupt vector.
- Error msg: Couldn't install MOXA Smartio family driver!
- Solution:
- Load Moxa driver fail, the major number may conflict with other devices.
- Please refer to previous section 3.5 to change a free major number for
- Moxa driver.
- Error msg: Couldn't install MOXA Smartio family callout driver!
- Solution:
- Load Moxa callout driver fail, the callout device major number may
- conflict with other devices. Please refer to previous section 3.5 to
- change a free callout device major number for Moxa driver.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------