- /*
- ** This file is private to iosapic driver.
- ** If stuff needs to be used by another driver, move it to a common file.
- **
- ** WARNING: fields most data structures here are ordered to make sure
- ** they pack nicely for 64-bit compilation. (ie sizeof(long) == 8)
- */
- /*
- ** Interrupt Routing Stuff
- ** -----------------------
- ** The interrupt routing table consists of entries derived from
- ** MP Specification Draft 1.5. There is one interrupt routing
- ** table per cell. N- and L-class consist of a single cell.
- */
- struct irt_entry {
- /* Entry Type 139 identifies an I/O SAPIC interrupt entry */
- u8 entry_type;
- /* Entry Length 16 indicates entry is 16 bytes long */
- u8 entry_length;
- /*
- ** Interrupt Type of 0 indicates a vectored interrupt,
- ** all other values are reserved
- */
- u8 interrupt_type;
- /*
- ** PO and EL
- ** Polarity of SAPIC I/O input signals:
- ** 00 = Reserved
- ** 01 = Active high
- ** 10 = Reserved
- ** 11 = Active low
- ** Trigger mode of SAPIC I/O input signals:
- ** 00 = Reserved
- ** 01 = Edge-triggered
- ** 10 = Reserved
- ** 11 = Level-triggered
- */
- u8 polarity_trigger;
- /*
- ** IRQ and DEVNO
- ** irq identifies PCI interrupt signal where
- ** 0x0 corresponds to INT_A#,
- ** 0x1 corresponds to INT_B#,
- ** 0x2 corresponds to INT_C#
- ** 0x3 corresponds to INT_D#
- ** PCI device number where interrupt originates
- */
- u8 src_bus_irq_devno;
- /* Source Bus ID identifies the bus where interrupt signal comes from */
- u8 src_bus_id;
- /*
- ** Segment ID is unique across a protection domain and
- ** identifies a segment of PCI buses (reserved in
- ** MP Specification Draft 1.5)
- */
- u8 src_seg_id;
- /*
- ** Destination I/O SAPIC INTIN# identifies the INTIN n pin
- ** to which the signal is connected
- */
- u8 dest_iosapic_intin;
- /*
- ** Destination I/O SAPIC Address identifies the I/O SAPIC
- ** to which the signal is connected
- */
- u64 dest_iosapic_addr;
- };
- #define IRT_IOSAPIC_TYPE 139
- #define IRT_PO_MASK 0x3
- #define IRT_ACTIVE_HI 1
- #define IRT_ACTIVE_LO 3
- #define IRT_EL_MASK 0x3
- #define IRT_EL_SHIFT 2
- #define IRT_EDGE_TRIG 1
- #define IRT_LEVEL_TRIG 3
- #define IRT_IRQ_MASK 0x3
- #define IRT_DEV_MASK 0x1f
- #define IRT_DEV_SHIFT 2
- struct iosapic_irt {
- struct iosapic_irt *irt_next; /* next routing table */
- struct irt_entry *irt_base; /* intr routing table address */
- size_t irte_count; /* number of entries in the table */
- size_t irte_size; /* size (bytes) of each entry */
- };
- #endif
- struct vector_info {
- struct iosapic_info *vi_ios; /* I/O SAPIC this vector is on */
- struct irt_entry *vi_irte; /* IRT entry */
- u32 *vi_eoi_addr; /* precalculate EOI reg address */
- u32 vi_eoi_data; /* IA64: ? PA: swapped txn_data */
- int vi_txn_irq; /* virtual IRQ number for processor */
- ulong vi_txn_addr; /* IA64: id_eid PA: partial HPA */
- ulong vi_txn_data; /* IA64: vector PA: EIR bit */
- u8 vi_status; /* status/flags */
- u8 vi_irqline; /* INTINn(IRQ) */
- char vi_name[32]; /* user visible identity */
- };
- struct iosapic_info {
- struct iosapic_info *isi_next; /* list of I/O SAPIC */
- unsigned long isi_hpa; /* physical base address */
- struct irq_region *isi_region; /* each I/O SAPIC is one region */
- struct vector_info *isi_vector; /* IRdT (IRQ line) array */
- int isi_num_vectors; /* size of IRdT array */
- int isi_status; /* status/flags */
- unsigned int isi_version; /* DEBUG: data fr version reg */
- /* round up to next cacheline */
- char isi_name[20]; /* identify region for users */
- };
- #ifdef __IA64__
- /*
- ** PA risc does NOT have any local sapics. IA64 does.
- ** PIB (Processor Interrupt Block) is handled by Astro or Dew (Stretch CEC).
- **
- ** PA: Get id_eid from IRT and hardcode PIB to 0xfeeNNNN0
- ** Emulate the data on PAT platforms.
- */
- struct local_sapic_info {
- struct local_sapic_info *lsi_next; /* point to next CPU info */
- int *lsi_cpu_id; /* point to logical CPU id */
- unsigned long *lsi_id_eid; /* point to IA-64 CPU id */
- int *lsi_status; /* point to CPU status */
- void *lsi_private; /* point to special info */
- };
- /*
- ** "root" data structure which ties everything together.
- ** Should always be able to start with sapic_root and locate
- ** the desired information.
- */
- struct sapic_info {
- struct sapic_info *si_next; /* info is per cell */
- int si_cellid; /* cell id */
- unsigned int si_status; /* status */
- char *si_pib_base; /* intr blk base address */
- local_sapic_info_t *si_local_info;
- io_sapic_info_t *si_io_info;
- extint_info_t *si_extint_info;/* External Intr info */
- };
- #endif