- /*
- * Copyright 2002 Andi Kleen
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details. No warranty for anything given at all.
- */
- #include <linux/linkage.h>
- #include <asm/errno.h>
- // #define FIX_ALIGNMENT 1
- /*
- * Checksum copy with exception handling.
- * On exceptions src_err_ptr or dst_err_ptr is set to -EFAULT and the
- * destination is zeroed.
- *
- * Input
- * rdi source
- * rsi destination
- * edx len (32bit)
- * ecx sum (32bit)
- * r8 src_err_ptr (int)
- * r9 dst_err_ptr (int)
- *
- * Output
- * eax 64bit sum. undefined in case of exception.
- *
- * Wrappers need to take care of valid exception sum and zeroing.
- */
- /* for now - should vary this based on direction */
- #define prefetch prefetcht2
- #define movnti movq
- .macro source
- 10:
- .section __ex_table,"a"
- .align 8
- .quad 10b,bad_source
- .previous
- .endm
- .macro dest
- 20:
- .section __ex_table,"a"
- .align 8
- .quad 20b,bad_dest
- .previous
- .endm
- .globl csum_partial_copy_generic
- .p2align
- csum_partial_copy_generic:
- prefetchnta (%rdi)
- pushq %rbx
- pushq %r12
- pushq %r14
- pushq %r15
- movq %r8,%r14
- movq %r9,%r15
- movl %ecx,%eax
- movl %edx,%ecx
- /* align source to 8 bytes */
- movl %edi,%r8d
- andl $7,%r8d
- jnz bad_alignment
- after_bad_alignment:
- #endif
- movl $64,%r10d
- xorl %r9d,%r9d
- movq %rcx,%r12
- shrq $6,%r12
- /* loopcounter is maintained as one less to test efficiently for the
- previous to last iteration. This is needed to stop the prefetching. */
- decq %r12
- js handle_tail /* < 64 */
- jz loop_no_prefetch /* = 64 + X */
- /* main loop. clear in 64 byte blocks */
- /* tries hard not to prefetch over the boundary */
- /* r10: 64, r9: zero, r8: temp2, rbx: temp1, rax: sum, rcx: saved length */
- /* r11: temp3, rdx: temp4, r12 loopcnt */
- .p2align
- loop:
- /* Could prefetch more than one loop, but then it would be even
- trickier to avoid prefetching over the boundary. The hardware prefetch
- should take care of this anyways. The reason for this prefetch is
- just the non temporal hint to avoid cache pollution. Hopefully this
- will be handled properly by the hardware. */
- prefetchnta 64(%rdi)
- loop_no_prefetch:
- source
- movq (%rdi),%rbx
- source
- movq 8(%rdi),%r8
- source
- movq 16(%rdi),%r11
- source
- movq 24(%rdi),%rdx
- dest
- movnti %rbx,(%rsi)
- dest
- movnti %r8,8(%rsi)
- dest
- movnti %r11,16(%rsi)
- dest
- movnti %rdx,24(%rsi)
- addq %rbx,%rax
- adcq %r8,%rax
- adcq %r11,%rax
- adcq %rdx,%rax
- source
- movq 32(%rdi),%rbx
- source
- movq 40(%rdi),%r8
- source
- movq 48(%rdi),%r11
- source
- movq 56(%rdi),%rdx
- dest
- movnti %rbx,32(%rsi)
- dest
- movnti %r8,40(%rsi)
- dest
- movnti %r11,48(%rsi)
- dest
- movnti %rdx,56(%rsi)
- adcq %rbx,%rax
- adcq %r8,%rax
- adcq %r11,%rax
- adcq %rdx,%rax
- adcq %r9,%rax /* add in carry */
- addq %r10,%rdi
- addq %r10,%rsi
- decq %r12
- jz loop_no_prefetch /* previous to last iteration? */
- jns loop
- /* do last upto 56 bytes */
- handle_tail:
- /* ecx: count */
- movl %ecx,%r10d
- andl $63,%ecx
- shrl $3,%ecx
- jz fold
- clc
- movl $8,%edx
- loop_8:
- source
- movq (%rdi),%rbx
- adcq %rbx,%rax
- dest
- movnti %rbx,(%rsi)
- leaq (%rsi,%rdx),%rsi /* preserve carry */
- leaq (%rdi,%rdx),%rdi
- decl %ecx
- jnz loop_8
- adcq %r9,%rax /* add in carry */
- fold:
- movl %eax,%ebx
- shrq $32,%rax
- addq %rbx,%rax
- /* do last upto 6 bytes */
- handle_7:
- movl %r10d,%ecx
- andl $7,%ecx
- shrl $1,%ecx
- jz handle_1
- movl $2,%edx
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- clc
- loop_1:
- source
- movw (%rdi),%bx
- adcq %rbx,%rax
- dest
- movw %bx,(%rsi)
- addq %rdx,%rdi
- addq %rdx,%rsi
- decl %ecx
- jnz loop_1
- adcw %r9w,%ax /* add in carry */
- /* handle last odd byte */
- handle_1:
- testl $1,%r10d
- jz ende
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- source
- movb (%rdi),%bl
- dest
- movb %bl,(%rsi)
- addw %bx,%ax
- adcw %r9w,%ax /* carry */
- ende:
- sfence
- popq %r15
- popq %r14
- popq %r12
- popq %rbx
- ret
- /* align source to 8 bytes. */
- /* r8d: unalignedness, ecx len */
- bad_alignment:
- testl $1,%edi
- jnz odd_source
- /* compute distance to next aligned position */
- movl $8,%r8d
- xchgl %r8d,%ecx
- subl %r8d,%ecx
- /* handle unaligned part */
- shrl $1,%ecx
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- movl $2,%r10d
- align_loop:
- source
- movw (%rdi),%bx
- addq %rbx,%rax /* carry cannot happen */
- dest
- movw %bx,(%rsi)
- addq %r10,%rdi
- addq %r10,%rsi
- decl %ecx
- jnz align_loop
- jmp after_bad_alignment
- /* weird case. need to swap the sum at the end because the spec requires
- 16 bit words of the sum to be always paired.
- handle it recursively because it should be rather rare. */
- odd_source:
- /* copy odd byte */
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- source
- movb (%rdi),%bl
- addl %ebx,%eax /* add to old checksum */
- adcl $0,%ecx
- dest
- movb %al,(%rsi)
- /* fix arguments */
- movl %eax,%ecx
- incq %rsi
- incq %rdi
- decq %rdx
- call csum_partial_copy_generic
- bswap %eax /* this should work, but check */
- jmp ende
- #endif
- /* Exception handlers. Very simple, zeroing is done in the wrappers */
- bad_source:
- movl $-EFAULT,(%r14)
- jmp ende
- bad_dest:
- movl $-EFAULT,(%r15)
- jmp ende