- |
- | x_snan.sa 3.3 7/1/91
- |
- | fpsp_snan --- FPSP handler for signalling NAN exception
- |
- | SNAN for float -> integer conversions (integer conversion of
- | an SNAN) is a non-maskable run-time exception.
- |
- | For trap disabled the 040 does the following:
- | If the dest data format is s, d, or x, then the SNAN bit in the NAN
- | is set to one and the resulting non-signaling NAN (truncated if
- | necessary) is transferred to the dest. If the dest format is b, w,
- | or l, then garbage is written to the dest (actually the upper 32 bits
- | of the mantissa are sent to the integer unit).
- |
- | For trap enabled the 040 does the following:
- | If the inst is move_out, then the results are the same as for trap
- | disabled with the exception posted. If the instruction is not move_
- | out, the dest. is not modified, and the exception is posted.
- |
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- X_SNAN: |idnt 2,1 | Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- |section 8
- .include "fpsp.h"
- |xref get_fline
- |xref mem_write
- |xref real_snan
- |xref real_inex
- |xref fpsp_done
- |xref reg_dest
- .global fpsp_snan
- fpsp_snan:
- link %a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- fsave -(%a7)
- moveml %d0-%d1/%a0-%a1,USER_DA(%a6)
- fmovemx %fp0-%fp3,USER_FP0(%a6)
- fmoveml %fpcr/%fpsr/%fpiar,USER_FPCR(%a6)
- |
- | Check if trap enabled
- |
- btstb #snan_bit,FPCR_ENABLE(%a6)
- bnes ena |If enabled, then branch
- bsrl move_out |else SNAN disabled
- |
- | It is possible to have an inex1 exception with the
- | snan. If the inex enable bit is set in the FPCR, and either
- | inex2 or inex1 occurred, we must clean up and branch to the
- | real inex handler.
- |
- ck_inex:
- moveb FPCR_ENABLE(%a6),%d0
- andb FPSR_EXCEPT(%a6),%d0
- andib #0x3,%d0
- beq end_snan
- |
- | Inexact enabled and reported, and we must take an inexact exception.
- |
- take_inex:
- moveb #INEX_VEC,EXC_VEC+1(%a6)
- moveml USER_DA(%a6),%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1
- fmovemx USER_FP0(%a6),%fp0-%fp3
- fmoveml USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr/%fpsr/%fpiar
- frestore (%a7)+
- unlk %a6
- bral real_inex
- |
- | SNAN is enabled. Check if inst is move_out.
- | Make any corrections to the 040 output as necessary.
- |
- ena:
- btstb #5,CMDREG1B(%a6) |if set, inst is move out
- beq not_out
- bsrl move_out
- report_snan:
- moveb (%a7),VER_TMP(%a6)
- cmpib #VER_40,(%a7) |test for orig unimp frame
- bnes ck_rev
- moveql #13,%d0 |need to zero 14 lwords
- bras rep_con
- ck_rev:
- moveql #11,%d0 |need to zero 12 lwords
- rep_con:
- clrl (%a7)
- loop1:
- clrl -(%a7) |clear and dec a7
- dbra %d0,loop1
- moveb VER_TMP(%a6),(%a7) |format a busy frame
- moveb #BUSY_SIZE-4,1(%a7)
- movel USER_FPSR(%a6),FPSR_SHADOW(%a6)
- orl #sx_mask,E_BYTE(%a6)
- moveml USER_DA(%a6),%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1
- fmovemx USER_FP0(%a6),%fp0-%fp3
- fmoveml USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr/%fpsr/%fpiar
- frestore (%a7)+
- unlk %a6
- bral real_snan
- |
- | Exit snan handler by expanding the unimp frame into a busy frame
- |
- end_snan:
- bclrb #E1,E_BYTE(%a6)
- moveb (%a7),VER_TMP(%a6)
- cmpib #VER_40,(%a7) |test for orig unimp frame
- bnes ck_rev2
- moveql #13,%d0 |need to zero 14 lwords
- bras rep_con2
- ck_rev2:
- moveql #11,%d0 |need to zero 12 lwords
- rep_con2:
- clrl (%a7)
- loop2:
- clrl -(%a7) |clear and dec a7
- dbra %d0,loop2
- moveb VER_TMP(%a6),(%a7) |format a busy frame
- moveb #BUSY_SIZE-4,1(%a7) |write busy size
- movel USER_FPSR(%a6),FPSR_SHADOW(%a6)
- orl #sx_mask,E_BYTE(%a6)
- moveml USER_DA(%a6),%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1
- fmovemx USER_FP0(%a6),%fp0-%fp3
- fmoveml USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr/%fpsr/%fpiar
- frestore (%a7)+
- unlk %a6
- bral fpsp_done
- |
- | Move_out
- |
- move_out:
- movel EXC_EA(%a6),%a0 |get <ea> from exc frame
- bfextu CMDREG1B(%a6){#3:#3},%d0 |move rx field to d0{2:0}
- cmpil #0,%d0 |check for long
- beqs sto_long |branch if move_out long
- cmpil #4,%d0 |check for word
- beqs sto_word |branch if move_out word
- cmpil #6,%d0 |check for byte
- beqs sto_byte |branch if move_out byte
- |
- | Not byte, word or long
- |
- rts
- |
- | Get the 32 most significant bits of etemp mantissa
- |
- sto_long:
- movel ETEMP_HI(%a6),%d1
- movel #4,%d0 |load byte count
- |
- | Set signalling nan bit
- |
- bsetl #30,%d1
- |
- | Store to the users destination address
- |
- tstl %a0 |check if <ea> is 0
- beqs wrt_dn |destination is a data register
- movel %d1,-(%a7) |move the snan onto the stack
- movel %a0,%a1 |load dest addr into a1
- movel %a7,%a0 |load src addr of snan into a0
- bsrl mem_write |write snan to user memory
- movel (%a7)+,%d1 |clear off stack
- rts
- |
- | Get the 16 most significant bits of etemp mantissa
- |
- sto_word:
- movel ETEMP_HI(%a6),%d1
- movel #2,%d0 |load byte count
- |
- | Set signalling nan bit
- |
- bsetl #30,%d1
- |
- | Store to the users destination address
- |
- tstl %a0 |check if <ea> is 0
- beqs wrt_dn |destination is a data register
- movel %d1,-(%a7) |move the snan onto the stack
- movel %a0,%a1 |load dest addr into a1
- movel %a7,%a0 |point to low word
- bsrl mem_write |write snan to user memory
- movel (%a7)+,%d1 |clear off stack
- rts
- |
- | Get the 8 most significant bits of etemp mantissa
- |
- sto_byte:
- movel ETEMP_HI(%a6),%d1
- movel #1,%d0 |load byte count
- |
- | Set signalling nan bit
- |
- bsetl #30,%d1
- |
- | Store to the users destination address
- |
- tstl %a0 |check if <ea> is 0
- beqs wrt_dn |destination is a data register
- movel %d1,-(%a7) |move the snan onto the stack
- movel %a0,%a1 |load dest addr into a1
- movel %a7,%a0 |point to source byte
- bsrl mem_write |write snan to user memory
- movel (%a7)+,%d1 |clear off stack
- rts
- |
- | wrt_dn --- write to a data register
- |
- | We get here with D1 containing the data to write and D0 the
- | number of bytes to write: 1=byte,2=word,4=long.
- |
- wrt_dn:
- movel %d1,L_SCR1(%a6) |data
- movel %d0,-(%a7) |size
- bsrl get_fline |returns fline word in d0
- movel %d0,%d1
- andil #0x7,%d1 |d1 now holds register number
- movel (%sp)+,%d0 |get original size
- cmpil #4,%d0
- beqs wrt_long
- cmpil #2,%d0
- bnes wrt_byte
- wrt_word:
- orl #0x8,%d1
- bral reg_dest
- wrt_long:
- orl #0x10,%d1
- bral reg_dest
- wrt_byte:
- bral reg_dest
- |
- | Check if it is a src nan or dst nan
- |
- not_out:
- movel DTAG(%a6),%d0
- bfextu %d0{#0:#3},%d0 |isolate dtag in lsbs
- cmpib #3,%d0 |check for nan in destination
- bnes issrc |destination nan has priority
- dst_nan:
- btstb #6,FPTEMP_HI(%a6) |check if dest nan is an snan
- bnes issrc |no, so check source for snan
- movew FPTEMP_EX(%a6),%d0
- bras cont
- issrc:
- movew ETEMP_EX(%a6),%d0
- cont:
- btstl #15,%d0 |test for sign of snan
- beqs clr_neg
- bsetb #neg_bit,FPSR_CC(%a6)
- bra report_snan
- clr_neg:
- bclrb #neg_bit,FPSR_CC(%a6)
- bra report_snan
- |end