- /*
- * arch/ppc/common/misc-simple.c
- *
- * Misc. bootloader code for many machines. This assumes you have are using
- * a 6xx/7xx/74xx CPU in your machine. This assumes the chunk of memory
- * below 8MB is free. Finally, it assumes you have a NS16550-style uart for
- * your serial console. If a machine meets these requirements, it can quite
- * likely use this code during boot.
- *
- * Author: Matt Porter <mporter@mvista.com>
- * Derived from arch/ppc/boot/prep/misc.c
- *
- * Copyright 2001 MontaVista Software Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- */
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/elf.h>
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <asm/page.h>
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #include <asm/mmu.h>
- #include <asm/bootinfo.h>
- #include "nonstdio.h"
- #include "zlib.h"
- /* Default cmdline */
- #else
- #define CMDLINE ""
- #endif
- /* Keyboard (and VGA console)? */
- #define HAS_KEYB 1
- #else
- #define HAS_KEYB 0
- #endif
- char *avail_ram;
- char *end_avail;
- char *zimage_start;
- char cmd_preset[] = CMDLINE;
- char cmd_buf[256];
- char *cmd_line = cmd_buf;
- int keyb_present = HAS_KEYB;
- int zimage_size;
- unsigned long com_port;
- unsigned long initrd_size = 0;
- /* The linker tells us various locations in the image */
- extern char __image_begin, __image_end;
- extern char __ramdisk_begin, __ramdisk_end;
- extern char _end[];
- /* Original location */
- extern unsigned long start;
- extern int CRT_tstc(void);
- extern unsigned long serial_init(int chan, void *ignored);
- extern void serial_close(unsigned long com_port);
- extern void gunzip(void *, int, unsigned char *, int *);
- extern void serial_fixups(void);
- struct bi_record *
- decompress_kernel(unsigned long load_addr, int num_words, unsigned long cksum)
- {
- int timer = 0;
- char *cp, ch;
- struct bi_record *rec, *birecs;
- serial_fixups();
- com_port = serial_init(0, NULL);
- /* assume the chunk below 8M is free */
- end_avail = (char *)0x00800000;
- /*
- * Reveal where we were loaded at and where we
- * were relocated to.
- */
- puts("loaded at: "); puthex(load_addr);
- puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(load_addr + (4*num_words)));
- puts("n");
- if ( (unsigned long)load_addr != (unsigned long)&start )
- {
- puts("relocated to: "); puthex((unsigned long)&start);
- puts(" ");
- puthex((unsigned long)((unsigned long)&start + (4*num_words)));
- puts("n");
- }
- /*
- * We link ourself to 0x00800000. When we run, we relocate
- * ourselves there. So we just need __image_begin for the
- * start. -- Tom
- */
- zimage_start = (char *)(unsigned long)(&__image_begin);
- zimage_size = (unsigned long)(&__image_end) -
- (unsigned long)(&__image_begin);
- initrd_size = (unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_end) -
- (unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_begin);
- /*
- * The zImage and initrd will be between start and _end, so they've
- * already been moved once. We're good to go now. -- Tom
- */
- avail_ram = (char *)PAGE_ALIGN((unsigned long)_end);
- puts("zimage at: "); puthex((unsigned long)zimage_start);
- puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(zimage_size+zimage_start));
- puts("n");
- if ( initrd_size ) {
- puts("initrd at: ");
- puthex((unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_begin));
- puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_end));puts("n");
- }
- avail_ram = (char *)0x00400000;
- end_avail = (char *)0x00800000;
- puts("avail ram: "); puthex((unsigned long)avail_ram); puts(" ");
- puthex((unsigned long)end_avail); puts("n");
- if (keyb_present)
- CRT_tstc(); /* Forces keyboard to be initialized */
- /*
- * If cmd_line is empty and cmd_preset is not, copy cmd_preset
- * to cmd_line. This way we can override cmd_preset with the
- * command line from Smon.
- */
- if ( (cmd_line[0] == ' ') && (cmd_preset[0] != ' '))
- memcpy (cmd_line, cmd_preset, sizeof(cmd_preset));
- #endif
- /* Display standard Linux/PPC boot prompt for kernel args */
- puts("nLinux/PPC load: ");
- cp = cmd_line;
- memcpy (cmd_line, cmd_preset, sizeof(cmd_preset));
- while ( *cp ) putc(*cp++);
- && !defined(CONFIG_GEMINI)
- /*
- * If they have a console, allow them to edit the command line.
- * Otherwise, don't bother wasting the five seconds.
- */
- while (timer++ < 5*1000) {
- if (tstc()) {
- while ((ch = getc()) != 'n' && ch != 'r') {
- /* Test for backspace/delete */
- if (ch == 'b' || ch == '177') {
- if (cp != cmd_line) {
- cp--;
- puts("b b");
- }
- /* Test for ^x/^u (and wipe the line) */
- } else if (ch == ' 30' || ch == ' 25') {
- while (cp != cmd_line) {
- cp--;
- puts("b b");
- }
- } else {
- *cp++ = ch;
- putc(ch);
- }
- }
- break; /* Exit 'timer' loop */
- }
- udelay(1000); /* 1 msec */
- }
- *cp = 0;
- #endif
- puts("n");
- puts("Uncompressing Linux...");
- gunzip(0, 0x400000, zimage_start, &zimage_size);
- puts("done.n");
- /*
- * Create bi_recs for cmd_line and initrds
- */
- rec = (struct bi_record *)_ALIGN((unsigned long)(zimage_size) +
- (1 << 20) - 1, (1 << 20));
- birecs = rec;
- rec->tag = BI_FIRST;
- rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
- rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
- rec->tag = BI_CMD_LINE;
- memcpy( (char *)rec->data, cmd_line, strlen(cmd_line)+1);
- rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + strlen(cmd_line) + 1;
- rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
- if ( initrd_size ) {
- rec->tag = BI_INITRD;
- rec->data[0] = (unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_begin);
- rec->data[1] = initrd_size;
- rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + 2 *
- sizeof(unsigned long);
- rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec +
- rec->size);
- }
- rec->tag = BI_LAST;
- rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
- rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
- puts("Now booting the kerneln");
- serial_close(com_port);
- return birecs;
- }