- #!/bin/sh
- # Script for running PROMs and LINUX kernwls on medusa.
- # Type "sim -H" for instructions.
- MEDUSA=${MEDUSA:-/home/rickc/official_medusa/medusa}
- # ------------------ err -----------------------
- err() {
- echo "ERROR - $1"
- exit 1
- }
- # ---------------- help ----------------------
- help() {
- cat <<END
- Script for running a PROM or LINUX kernel under medusa.
- This script creates a control file, creates links to the appropriate
- linux/prom files, and/or calls medusa to make simulation runs.
- Usage:
- Initial setup:
- sim [-c <config_file>] <-p> | <-k> [<work_dir>]
- -p Create PROM control file & links
- -k Create LINUX control file & links
- -c<cf> Control file name [Default: cf]
- <work_dir> Path to directory that contains the linux or PROM files.
- The directory can be any of the following:
- (linux simulations)
- worktree
- worktree/linux
- any directory with vmlinux, vmlinux.sym & fprom files
- (prom simulations)
- worktree
- worktree/stand/arcs/IP37prom/dev
- any directory with fw.bin & fw.sim files
- Simulations:
- sim [-X <n>] [-o <output>] [-M] [<config_file>]
- -c<cf> Control file name [Default: cf]
- -M Pipe output thru fmtmedusa
- -o Output filename (copy of all commands/output) [Default: simout]
- -X Specifies number of instructions to execute [Default: 0]
- (Used only in auto test mode - not described here)
- Examples:
- sim -p <promtree> # create control file (cf) & links for prom simulations
- sim -k <linuxtree> # create control file (cf) & links for linux simulations
- sim -p -c cfprom # create a prom control file (cfprom) only. No links are made.
- sim # run medusa using previously created links &
- # control file (cf).
- exit 1
- }
- # ----------------------- create control file header --------------------
- create_cf_header() {
- cat <<END >>$CF
- #
- # Template for a control file for running linux kernels under medusa.
- # You probably want to make mods here but this is a good starting point.
- #
- # Preferences
- setenv cpu_stepping A
- setenv exceptionPrint off
- setenv interrupt_messages off
- setenv lastPCsize 100000
- setenv low_power_mode on
- setenv partialIntelChipSet on
- setenv printIntelMessages off
- setenv prom_write_action halt
- setenv prom_write_messages on
- setenv step_quantum 100
- setenv swizzling on
- setenv tsconsole on
- setenv uart_echo on
- symbols on
- # IDE disk params
- setenv diskCylinders 611
- setenv bootDrive C
- setenv diskHeads 16
- setenv diskPath idedisk
- setenv diskPresent 1
- setenv diskSpt 63
- # Hardware config
- setenv coherency_type nasid
- setenv cpu_cache_type default
- setenv synergy_cache_type syn_cac_64m_8w
- setenv l4_uc_snoop off
- # Numalink config
- setenv route_enable on
- setenv network_type router # Select [xbar|router]
- setenv network_warning 0xff
- }
- # ------------------ create control file entries for linux simulations -------------
- create_cf_linux() {
- cat <<END >>$CF
- # Kernel specific options
- setenv calias_size 0
- setenv mca_on_memory_failure off
- setenv LOADPC 0x00100000 # FPROM load address/entry point (8 digits!)
- setenv symbol_table vmlinux.sym
- load fprom
- load vmlinux
- # Useful breakpoints to always have set. Add more if desired.
- break 0xe000000000505e00 all # dispatch_to_fault_handler
- break panic all # stop on panic
- break die_if_kernel all # may as well stop
- }
- # ------------------ create control file entries for prom simulations ---------------
- create_cf_prom() {
- SYM2=""
- ADDR="0x80000000ff800000"
- [ "$EMBEDDED_LINUX" != "0" ] || SYM2="setenv symbol_table2 vmlinux.sym"
- [ "$SIZE" = "8MB" ] || ADDR="0x80000000ffc00000"
- cat <<END >>$CF
- # PROM specific options
- setenv mca_on_memory_failure on
- setenv LOADPC 0x80000000ffffffb0
- setenv promFile fw.bin
- setenv promAddr $ADDR
- setenv symbol_table fw.sym
- $SYM2
- # Useful breakpoints to always have set. Add more if desired.
- break ivt_gexx all
- break ivt_brk all
- break PROM_Panic_Spin all
- break PROM_Panic all
- break PROM_C_Panic all
- break fled_die all
- break ResetNow all
- break zzzbkpt all
- }
- # ------------------ create control file entries for memory configuration -------------
- create_cf_memory() {
- cat <<END >>$CF
- # CPU/Memory map format:
- # setenv nodeN_memory_config 0xBSBSBSBS
- # B=banksize (0=unused, 1=64M, 2=128M, .., 5-1G, c=8M, d=16M, e=32M)
- # S=bank enable (0=both disable, 3=both enable, 2=bank1 enable, 1=bank0 enable)
- # rightmost digits are for bank 0, the lowest address.
- # setenv nodeN_nasid <nasid>
- # specifies the NASID for the node. This is used ONLY if booting the kernel.
- # On PROM configurations, set to 0 - PROM will change it later.
- # setenv nodeN_cpu_config <cpu_mask>
- # Set bit number N to 1 to enable cpu N. Ex., a value of 5 enables cpu 0 & 2.
- #
- # Repeat the above 3 commands for each node.
- #
- # For kernel, default to 32MB. Although this is not a valid hardware configuration,
- # it runs faster on medusa. For PROM, 64MB is smallest allowed value.
- setenv node0_cpu_config 0x1 # Enable only cpu 0 on the node
- if [ $LINUX -eq 1 ] ; then
- cat <<END >>$CF
- setenv node0_nasid 0 # cnode 0 has NASID 0
- setenv node0_memory_config 0xe1 # 32MB
- else
- cat <<END >>$CF
- setenv node0_memory_config 0x31 # 256MB
- fi
- }
- # -------------------- set links to linux files -------------------------
- set_linux_links() {
- if [ -d $D/linux/arch ] ; then
- D=$D/linux
- elif [ -d $D/arch -o -e vmlinux.sym -o -e $D/vmlinux ] ; then
- D=$D
- else
- err "cant determine directory for linux binaries"
- fi
- rm -rf vmlinux vmlinux.sym fprom
- ln -s $D/vmlinux vmlinux
- if [ -f $D/vmlinux.sym ] ; then
- ln -s $D/vmlinux.sym vmlinux.sym
- elif [ -f $D/ ] ; then
- ln -s $D/ vmlinux.sym
- fi
- if [ -d $D/arch ] ; then
- ln -s $D/arch/ia64/sn/fprom/fprom fprom
- else
- ln -s $D/fprom fprom
- fi
- echo " .. Created links to linux files"
- }
- # -------------------- set links to prom files -------------------------
- set_prom_links() {
- if [ -d $D/stand ] ; then
- D=$D/stand/arcs/IP37prom/dev
- elif [ -d $D/sal ] ; then
- D=$D
- else
- err "cant determine directory for PROM binaries"
- fi
- SETUP="/tmp/tmp.$$"
- rm -r -f $SETUP
- sed 's/export/setenv/' < $D/../../../../.setup | sed 's/=/ /' >$SETUP
- egrep -q '^ *setenv *PROMSIZE *8MB|^ *export' $SETUP
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- SIZE="8MB"
- else
- SIZE="4MB"
- fi
- grep -q '^ *setenv *LAUNCH_VMLINUX' $SETUP
- PRODUCT=`grep '^ *setenv *PRODUCT' $SETUP | cut -d" " -f3`
- rm -f fw.bin fw.sym vmlinux vmlinux.sym fprom $SETUP
- BIN="${PRODUCT}ip37prom${SIZE}"
- ln -s $D/$SDIR/$BIN.bin fw.bin
- ln -s $D/$SDIR/$
- ln -s $D/$SDIR/$BIN.sym fw.sym
- echo " .. Created links to $SIZE prom files"
- if [ $EMBEDDED_LINUX -eq 0 ] ; then
- ln -s $D/linux/vmlinux vmlinux
- ln -s $D/linux/vmlinux.sym vmlinux.sym
- if [ -d linux/arch ] ; then
- ln -s $D/linux/arch/ia64/sn/fprom/fprom fprom
- else
- ln -s $D/linux/fprom fprom
- fi
- echo " .. Created links to embedded linux files in prom tree"
- fi
- }
- # --------------- start of shell script --------------------------------
- OUT="simout"
- PROM=0
- NCF="cf"
- while getopts "HMX:c:o:pk" c ; do
- case ${c} in
- H) help;;
- M) FMTMED=1;;
- c) NCF=${OPTARG};;
- k) PROM=0;LINUX=1;;
- p) PROM=1;LINUX=0;;
- o) OUT=${OPTARG};;
- ?) exit 1;;
- esac
- done
- shift `expr ${OPTIND} - 1`
- # Check if command is for creating control file and/or links to images.
- if [ $PROM -eq 1 -o $LINUX -eq 1 ] ; then
- [ ! -f $CF ] || err "wont overwrite an existing control file ($CF)"
- if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
- D=$1
- [ -d $D ] || err "cannot find directory $D"
- [ $PROM -eq 0 ] || set_prom_links
- [ $LINUX -eq 0 ] || set_linux_links
- fi
- create_cf_header
- [ $PROM -eq 0 ] || create_cf_prom
- [ $LINUX -eq 0 ] || create_cf_linux
- [ ! -f ../idedisk ] || ln -s ../idedisk .
- create_cf_memory
- echo " .. Basic control file created (in $CF). You might want to edit"
- echo " this file (at least, look at it)."
- exit 0
- fi
- # Verify that the control file exists
- CF=${1:-$NCF}
- [ -f $CF ] || err "No control file exists. For help, type: $0 -H"
- # Build the .cf files from the user control file. The .cf file is
- # identical except that the actual start & load addresses are inserted
- # into the file. In addition, the FPROM commands for configuring memory
- # and LIDs are generated.
- rm -f .cf .cf1 .cf2
- awk '
- function strtonum(n) {
- if (substr(n,1,2) != "0x")
- return int(n)
- n = substr(n,3)
- r=0
- while (length(n) > 0) {
- r = r*16+(index("0123456789abcdef", substr(n,1,1))-1)
- n = substr(n,2)
- }
- return r
- }
- /^#/ {next}
- /^$/ {next}
- /^setenv *LOADPC/ {loadpc = $3; next}
- /^setenv *node.._cpu_config/ {n=int(substr($2,5,2)); cpuconf[n] = strtonum($3); print; next}
- /^setenv *node.._memory_config/ {n=int(substr($2,5,2)); memconf[n] = strtonum($3); print; next}
- /^setenv *node.._nasid/ {n=int(substr($2,5,2)); nasid[n] = strtonum($3); print; next}
- /^setenv *node._cpu_config/ {n=int(substr($2,5,1)); cpuconf[n] = strtonum($3); print; next}
- /^setenv *node._memory_config/ {n=int(substr($2,5,1)); memconf[n] = strtonum($3); print; next}
- /^setenv *node._nasid/ {n=int(substr($2,5,1)); nasid[n] = strtonum($3); print; next}
- {print}
- END {
- # Generate the memmap info that starts at the beginning of
- # the node the kernel was loaded on.
- loadnasid = nasid[0]
- cnode = 0
- for (i=0; i<128; i++) {
- if (memconf[i] != "") {
- printf "sm 0x%x%08x 0x%x%04x%04xn",
- 2*loadnasid, 8*cnodes+8, memconf[i], cpuconf[i], nasid[i]
- cnodes++
- cpus += substr("0112122312232334", cpuconf[i]+1,1)
- }
- }
- printf "sm 0x%x00000000 0x%x%08xn", 2*loadnasid, cnodes, cpus
- printf "setenv number_of_nodes %dn", cnodes
- # Now set the starting PC for each cpu.
- cnode = 0
- lowcpu=-1
- for (i=0; i<128; i++) {
- if (memconf[i] != "") {
- printf "setnode %dn", cnode
- conf = cpuconf[i]
- for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
- if (conf != int(conf/2)*2) {
- printf "setcpu %dn", j
- if (length(loadpc) == 18)
- printf "sr pc %sn", loadpc
- else
- printf "sr pc 0x%x%sn", 2*loadnasid, substr(loadpc,3)
- if (lowcpu == -1)
- lowcpu = j
- }
- conf = int(conf/2)
- }
- cnode++
- }
- }
- printf "setnode 0n"
- printf "setcpu %dn", lowcpu
- }
- ' <$CF >.cf
- # Now build the .cf1 & .cf2 control files.
- CF2_LINES="^sm |^break |^run |^si |^quit |^symbols "
- egrep "$CF2_LINES" .cf >.cf2
- egrep -v "$CF2_LINES" .cf >.cf1
- if [ $STEPCNT -ne 0 ] ; then
- echo "s $STEPCNT" >>.cf2
- echo "lastpc 1000" >>.cf2
- echo "q" >>.cf2
- fi
- if [ -f vmlinux.sym ] ; then
- awk '/ _start$/ {print "sr g 9 0x" $3}' < vmlinux.sym >> .cf2
- fi
- echo "script-on $OUT" >>.cf2
- # Now start medusa....
- if [ $FMTMED -ne 0 ] ; then
- $MEDUSA -system mpsn1 -c .cf1 -i .cf2 | fmtmedusa
- elif [ $STEPCNT -eq 0 ] ; then
- $MEDUSA -system mpsn1 -c .cf1 -i .cf2
- else
- $MEDUSA -system mpsn1 -c .cf1 -i .cf2 2>&1
- fi