- /* $Id$
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992 - 1997, 2000-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/pci_ids.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <asm/sn/types.h>
- #include <asm/sn/hack.h>
- #include <asm/sn/sgi.h>
- #include <asm/sn/io.h>
- #include <asm/sn/driver.h>
- #include <asm/sn/iograph.h>
- #include <asm/param.h>
- #include <asm/sn/pio.h>
- #include <asm/sn/xtalk/xwidget.h>
- #include <asm/sn/sn_private.h>
- #include <asm/sn/addrs.h>
- #include <asm/sn/invent.h>
- #include <asm/sn/hcl.h>
- #include <asm/sn/hcl_util.h>
- #include <asm/sn/intr.h>
- #include <asm/sn/xtalk/xtalkaddrs.h>
- #include <asm/sn/klconfig.h>
- #include <asm/sn/nodepda.h>
- #include <asm/sn/pci/pciio.h>
- #include <asm/sn/pci/pcibr.h>
- #include <asm/sn/pci/pcibr_private.h>
- #include <asm/sn/pci/pci_bus_cvlink.h>
- #include <asm/sn/simulator.h>
- #include <asm/sn/sn_cpuid.h>
- extern int bridge_rev_b_data_check_disable;
- devfs_handle_t busnum_to_pcibr_vhdl[MAX_PCI_XWIDGET];
- nasid_t busnum_to_nid[MAX_PCI_XWIDGET];
- void * busnum_to_atedmamaps[MAX_PCI_XWIDGET];
- unsigned char num_bridges;
- static int done_probing = 0;
- static int pci_bus_map_create(devfs_handle_t xtalk);
- devfs_handle_t devfn_to_vertex(unsigned char busnum, unsigned int devfn);
- #define SN_IOPORTS_UNIT 256
- #define MAX_IOPORTS 0xffff
- struct ioports_to_tlbs_s ioports_to_tlbs[MAX_IOPORTS_CHUNKS];
- unsigned long sn_allocate_ioports(unsigned long pci_address);
- extern void sn_init_irq_desc(void);
- /*
- * pci_bus_cvlink_init() - To be called once during initialization before
- * SGI IO Infrastructure init is called.
- */
- void
- pci_bus_cvlink_init(void)
- {
- memset(busnum_to_pcibr_vhdl, 0x0, sizeof(devfs_handle_t) * MAX_PCI_XWIDGET);
- memset(busnum_to_nid, 0x0, sizeof(nasid_t) * MAX_PCI_XWIDGET);
- memset(busnum_to_atedmamaps, 0x0, sizeof(void *) * MAX_PCI_XWIDGET);
- memset(ioports_to_tlbs, 0x0, sizeof(ioports_to_tlbs));
- num_bridges = 0;
- }
- /*
- * pci_bus_to_vertex() - Given a logical Linux Bus Number returns the associated
- * pci bus vertex from the SGI IO Infrastructure.
- */
- devfs_handle_t
- pci_bus_to_vertex(unsigned char busnum)
- {
- devfs_handle_t pci_bus = NULL;
- /*
- * First get the xwidget vertex.
- */
- pci_bus = busnum_to_pcibr_vhdl[busnum];
- return(pci_bus);
- }
- /*
- * devfn_to_vertex() - returns the vertex of the device given the bus, slot,
- * and function numbers.
- */
- devfs_handle_t
- devfn_to_vertex(unsigned char busnum, unsigned int devfn)
- {
- int slot = 0;
- int func = 0;
- char name[16];
- devfs_handle_t pci_bus = NULL;
- devfs_handle_t device_vertex = (devfs_handle_t)NULL;
- /*
- * Go get the pci bus vertex.
- */
- pci_bus = pci_bus_to_vertex(busnum);
- if (!pci_bus) {
- /*
- * During probing, the Linux pci code invents non-existent
- * bus numbers and pci_dev structures and tries to access
- * them to determine existence. Don't crib during probing.
- */
- if (done_probing)
- printk("devfn_to_vertex: Invalid bus number %d given.n", busnum);
- return(NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Go get the slot&function vertex.
- * Should call pciio_slot_func_to_name() when ready.
- */
- slot = PCI_SLOT(devfn);
- func = PCI_FUNC(devfn);
- /*
- * For a NON Multi-function card the name of the device looks like:
- * ../pci/1, ../pci/2 ..
- */
- if (func == 0) {
- sprintf(name, "%d", slot);
- if (hwgraph_traverse(pci_bus, name, &device_vertex) ==
- if (device_vertex) {
- return(device_vertex);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * This maybe a multifunction card. It's names look like:
- * ../pci/1a, ../pci/1b, etc.
- */
- sprintf(name, "%d%c", slot, 'a'+func);
- if (hwgraph_traverse(pci_bus, name, &device_vertex) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
- if (!device_vertex) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- return(device_vertex);
- }
- /*
- * For the given device, initialize the addresses for both the Device(x) Flush
- * Write Buffer register and the Xbow Flush Register for the port the PCI bus
- * is connected.
- */
- static void
- set_flush_addresses(struct pci_dev *device_dev,
- struct sn_device_sysdata *device_sysdata)
- {
- pciio_info_t pciio_info = pciio_info_get(device_sysdata->vhdl);
- pciio_slot_t pciio_slot = pciio_info_slot_get(pciio_info);
- pcibr_soft_t pcibr_soft = (pcibr_soft_t) pciio_info_mfast_get(pciio_info);
- bridge_t *bridge = pcibr_soft->bs_base;
- device_sysdata->dma_buf_sync = (volatile unsigned int *)
- &(bridge->b_wr_req_buf[pciio_slot].reg);
- device_sysdata->xbow_buf_sync = (volatile unsigned int *)
- pcibr_soft->bs_xid);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printk("set_flush_addresses: dma_buf_sync %p xbow_buf_sync %pn",
- device_sysdata->dma_buf_sync, device_sysdata->xbow_buf_sync);
- while((volatile unsigned int )*device_sysdata->dma_buf_sync);
- while((volatile unsigned int )*device_sysdata->xbow_buf_sync);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Most drivers currently do not properly tell the arch specific pci dma
- * interfaces whether they can handle A64. Here is where we privately
- * keep track of this.
- */
- static void __init
- set_sn_pci64(struct pci_dev *dev)
- {
- unsigned short vendor = dev->vendor;
- unsigned short device = dev->device;
- if (vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_QLOGIC) {
- if ((device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP2100) ||
- (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP2200)) {
- SET_PCIA64(dev);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_SGI) {
- if (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SGI_IOC3) {
- SET_PCIA64(dev);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * sn_allocate_ioports() - This routine provides the allocation and
- * mappings between Linux style IOPORTs management.
- *
- * For simplicity sake, SN1 will allocate IOPORTs in chunks of
- * 256bytes .. irrespective of what the card desires. This may
- * have to change when we understand how to deal with legacy ioports
- * which are hardcoded in some drivers e.g. SVGA.
- *
- * Ofcourse, the SN1 IO Infrastructure has no concept of IOPORT numbers.
- * It will remain so. The IO Infrastructure will continue to map
- * IO Resource just like IRIX. When this is done, we map IOPORT
- * chunks to these resources. The Linux drivers will see and use real
- * IOPORT numbers. The various IOPORT access macros e.g. inb/outb etc.
- * does the munging of these IOPORT numbers to make a Uncache Virtual
- * Address. This address via the tlb entries generates the PCI Address
- * allocated by the SN1 IO Infrastructure Layer.
- */
- static unsigned long sn_ioport_num = 0x1000; /* Reserve room for Legacy stuff */
- unsigned long
- sn_allocate_ioports(unsigned long pci_address)
- {
- unsigned long ioport_index;
- /*
- * Just some idiot checking ..
- */
- if ( sn_ioport_num > 0xffff ) {
- printk("sn_allocate_ioports: No more IO PORTS availablen");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*
- * See Section of Intel IA-64 Acrchitecture Software Developer's
- * Manual for details.
- */
- ioport_index = sn_ioport_num / SN_IOPORTS_UNIT;
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].p = 1; /* Present Bit */
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].rv_1 = 0; /* 1 Bit */
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].ma = 4; /* Memory Attributes 3 bits*/
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].a = 1; /* Set Data Access Bit Fault 1 Bit*/
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].d = 1; /* Dirty Bit */
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].pl = 0;/* Privilege Level - All levels can R/W*/
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].ar = 3; /* Access Rights - R/W only*/
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].ppn = pci_address >> 12; /* 4K page size */
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].ed = 0; /* Exception Deferral Bit */
- ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index].ig = 0; /* Ignored */
- /* printk("sn_allocate_ioports: ioport_index 0x%x ioports_to_tlbs 0x%pn", ioport_index, ioports_to_tlbs[ioport_index]); */
- sn_ioport_num += SN_IOPORTS_UNIT;
- return(sn_ioport_num - SN_IOPORTS_UNIT);
- }
- /*
- * sn_pci_fixup() - This routine is called when platform_pci_fixup() is
- * invoked at the end of pcibios_init() to link the Linux pci
- * infrastructure to SGI IO Infrasturcture - ia64/kernel/pci.c
- *
- * Other platform specific fixup can also be done here.
- */
- void
- sn_pci_fixup(int arg)
- {
- struct list_head *ln;
- struct pci_bus *pci_bus = NULL;
- struct pci_dev *device_dev = NULL;
- struct sn_widget_sysdata *widget_sysdata;
- struct sn_device_sysdata *device_sysdata;
- #ifdef SN_IOPORTS
- unsigned long ioport;
- #endif
- pciio_intr_t intr_handle;
- int cpuid, bit;
- devfs_handle_t device_vertex;
- pciio_intr_line_t lines;
- extern void sn_pci_find_bios(void);
- #ifdef CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN2
- extern int numnodes;
- int cnode;
- #endif /* CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN2 */
- if (arg == 0) {
- sn_init_irq_desc();
- sn_pci_find_bios();
- #ifdef CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN2
- for (cnode = 0; cnode < numnodes; cnode++) {
- extern void intr_init_vecblk(nodepda_t *npda, cnodeid_t, int);
- intr_init_vecblk(NODEPDA(cnode), cnode, 0);
- }
- #endif /* CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN2 */
- return;
- }
- #if 0
- {
- devfs_handle_t bridge_vhdl = pci_bus_to_vertex(0);
- pcibr_soft_t pcibr_soft = (pcibr_soft_t) hwgraph_fastinfo_get(bridge_vhdl);
- bridge_t *bridge = pcibr_soft->bs_base;
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Before devreg fixupn");
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 0 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[0].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 1 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[1].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 2 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[2].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 3 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[3].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 4 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[4].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 5 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[5].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 6 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[6].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 7 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[7].reg);
- }
- #endif
- done_probing = 1;
- /*
- * Initialize the pci bus vertex in the pci_bus struct.
- */
- for( ln = pci_root_buses.next; ln != &pci_root_buses; ln = ln->next) {
- pci_bus = pci_bus_b(ln);
- widget_sysdata = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sn_widget_sysdata),
- widget_sysdata->vhdl = pci_bus_to_vertex(pci_bus->number);
- pci_bus->sysdata = (void *)widget_sysdata;
- }
- /*
- * set the root start and end so that drivers calling check_region()
- * won't see a conflict
- */
- #ifdef SN_IOPORTS
- ioport_resource.start = sn_ioport_num;
- ioport_resource.end = 0xffff;
- #else
- #if defined(CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN1)
- /*
- * IDE legacy IO PORTs are supported in Medusa.
- * Just open up IO PORTs from 0 .. ioport_resource.end.
- */
- ioport_resource.start = 0;
- } else {
- /*
- * We do not support Legacy IO PORT numbers.
- */
- ioport_resource.start |= IO_SWIZ_BASE | __IA64_UNCACHED_OFFSET;
- }
- ioport_resource.end |= (HSPEC_SWIZ_BASE-1) | __IA64_UNCACHED_OFFSET;
- #else
- // Need something here for sn2.... ZXZXZX
- #endif
- #endif
- /*
- * Set the root start and end for Mem Resource.
- */
- iomem_resource.start = 0;
- iomem_resource.end = 0xffffffffffffffff;
- /*
- * Initialize the device vertex in the pci_dev struct.
- */
- pci_for_each_dev(device_dev) {
- unsigned int irq;
- int idx;
- u16 cmd;
- devfs_handle_t vhdl;
- unsigned long size;
- extern int bit_pos_to_irq(int);
- if (device_dev->vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_SGI &&
- device_dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SGI_IOC3) {
- extern void pci_fixup_ioc3(struct pci_dev *d);
- pci_fixup_ioc3(device_dev);
- }
- /* Set the device vertex */
- device_sysdata = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sn_device_sysdata),
- device_sysdata->vhdl = devfn_to_vertex(device_dev->bus->number, device_dev->devfn);
- device_sysdata->isa64 = 0;
- /*
- * Set the xbridge Device(X) Write Buffer Flush and Xbow Flush
- * register addresses.
- */
- (void) set_flush_addresses(device_dev, device_sysdata);
- device_dev->sysdata = (void *) device_sysdata;
- set_sn_pci64(device_dev);
- pci_read_config_word(device_dev, PCI_COMMAND, &cmd);
- /*
- * Set the resources address correctly. The assumption here
- * is that the addresses in the resource structure has been
- * read from the card and it was set in the card by our
- * Infrastructure ..
- */
- vhdl = device_sysdata->vhdl;
- for (idx = 0; idx < PCI_ROM_RESOURCE; idx++) {
- size = 0;
- size = device_dev->resource[idx].end -
- device_dev->resource[idx].start;
- if (size) {
- device_dev->resource[idx].start = (unsigned long)pciio_pio_addr(vhdl, 0, PCIIO_SPACE_WIN(idx), 0, size, 0, PCIIO_BYTE_STREAM);
- device_dev->resource[idx].start |= __IA64_UNCACHED_OFFSET;
- }
- else
- continue;
- device_dev->resource[idx].end =
- device_dev->resource[idx].start + size;
- #ifdef CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN1
- /*
- * Adjust the addresses to go to the SWIZZLE ..
- */
- device_dev->resource[idx].start =
- device_dev->resource[idx].start & 0xfffff7ffffffffff;
- device_dev->resource[idx].end =
- device_dev->resource[idx].end & 0xfffff7ffffffffff;
- #endif
- if (device_dev->resource[idx].flags & IORESOURCE_IO) {
- cmd |= PCI_COMMAND_IO;
- #ifdef SN_IOPORTS
- ioport = sn_allocate_ioports(device_dev->resource[idx].start);
- if (ioport < 0) {
- printk("sn_pci_fixup: PCI Device 0x%x on PCI Bus %d not mapped to IO PORTs .. IO PORTs exhaustedn", device_dev->devfn, device_dev->bus->number);
- continue;
- }
- pciio_config_set(vhdl, (unsigned) PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + (idx * 4), 4, (res + (ioport & 0xfff)));
- printk("sn_pci_fixup: ioport number %d mapped to pci address 0x%lxn", ioport, (res + (ioport & 0xfff)));
- device_dev->resource[idx].start = ioport;
- device_dev->resource[idx].end = ioport + SN_IOPORTS_UNIT;
- #endif
- }
- if (device_dev->resource[idx].flags & IORESOURCE_MEM)
- }
- /*
- * Now handle the ROM resource ..
- */
- size = device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].end -
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start;
- if (size) {
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start =
- (unsigned long) pciio_pio_addr(vhdl, 0, PCIIO_SPACE_ROM, 0,
- size, 0, PCIIO_BYTE_STREAM);
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start |= __IA64_UNCACHED_OFFSET;
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].end =
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start + size;
- #ifdef CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN1
- /*
- * go through synergy swizzled space
- */
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start &= 0xfffff7ffffffffffUL;
- device_dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].end &= 0xfffff7ffffffffffUL;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Update the Command Word on the Card.
- */
- cmd |= PCI_COMMAND_MASTER; /* If the device doesn't support */
- /* bit gets dropped .. no harm */
- pci_write_config_word(device_dev, PCI_COMMAND, cmd);
- pci_read_config_byte(device_dev, PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN, (unsigned char *)&lines);
- if (device_dev->vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_SGI &&
- device_dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SGI_IOC3 ) {
- lines = 1;
- }
- device_sysdata = (struct sn_device_sysdata *)device_dev->sysdata;
- device_vertex = device_sysdata->vhdl;
- intr_handle = pciio_intr_alloc(device_vertex, NULL, lines, device_vertex);
- bit = intr_handle->pi_irq;
- cpuid = intr_handle->pi_cpu;
- #ifdef CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN1
- irq = bit_pos_to_irq(bit);
- #else /* SN2 */
- irq = bit;
- #endif
- irq = irq + (cpuid << 8);
- pciio_intr_connect(intr_handle);
- device_dev->irq = irq;
- #ifdef ajmtestintr
- {
- int slot = PCI_SLOT(device_dev->devfn);
- static int timer_set = 0;
- pcibr_intr_t pcibr_intr = (pcibr_intr_t)intr_handle;
- pcibr_soft_t pcibr_soft = pcibr_intr->bi_soft;
- extern void intr_test_handle_intr(int, void*, struct pt_regs *);
- if (!timer_set) {
- intr_test_set_timer();
- timer_set = 1;
- }
- intr_test_register_irq(irq, pcibr_soft, slot);
- request_irq(irq, intr_test_handle_intr,0,NULL, NULL);
- }
- #endif
- }
- #if 0
- {
- devfs_handle_t bridge_vhdl = pci_bus_to_vertex(0);
- pcibr_soft_t pcibr_soft = (pcibr_soft_t) hwgraph_fastinfo_get(bridge_vhdl);
- bridge_t *bridge = pcibr_soft->bs_base;
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Before devreg fixupn");
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 0 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[0].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 1 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[1].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 2 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[2].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 3 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[3].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 4 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[4].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 5 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[5].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 6 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[6].reg);
- printk("pci_fixup_ioc3: Devreg 7 0x%xn", bridge->b_device[7].reg);
- }
- printk("testing Big Window: 0xC0000200c0000000 %pn", *( (volatile uint64_t *)0xc0000200a0000000));
- printk("testing Big Window: 0xC0000200c0000008 %pn", *( (volatile uint64_t *)0xc0000200a0000008));
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * pci_bus_map_create() - Called by pci_bus_to_hcl_cvlink() to finish the job.
- *
- * Linux PCI Bus numbers are assigned from lowest module_id numbers
- * (rack/slot etc.) starting from HUB_WIDGET_ID_MAX down to
- * widgetnum 15 gets lower Bus Number than widgetnum 14 etc.
- *
- * Given 2 modules 001c01 and 001c02 we get the following mappings:
- * 001c01, widgetnum 15 = Bus number 0
- * 001c01, widgetnum 14 = Bus number 1
- * 001c02, widgetnum 15 = Bus number 3
- * 001c02, widgetnum 14 = Bus number 4
- * etc.
- *
- * The rational for starting Bus Number 0 with Widget number 15 is because
- * the system boot disks are always connected via Widget 15 Slot 0 of the
- * I-brick. Linux creates /dev/sd* devices(naming) strating from Bus Number 0
- * Therefore, /dev/sda1 will be the first disk, on Widget 15 of the lowest
- * module id(Master Cnode) of the system.
- *
- */
- static int
- pci_bus_map_create(devfs_handle_t xtalk)
- {
- devfs_handle_t master_node_vertex = NULL;
- devfs_handle_t xwidget = NULL;
- devfs_handle_t pci_bus = NULL;
- hubinfo_t hubinfo = NULL;
- xwidgetnum_t widgetnum;
- char pathname[128];
- graph_error_t rv;
- /*
- * Loop throught this vertex and get the Xwidgets ..
- */
- for (widgetnum = HUB_WIDGET_ID_MAX; widgetnum >= HUB_WIDGET_ID_MIN; widgetnum--) {
- #if 0
- {
- int pos;
- char dname[256];
- pos = devfs_generate_path(xtalk, dname, 256);
- printk("%s : path= %sn", __FUNCTION__, &dname[pos]);
- }
- #endif
- sprintf(pathname, "%d", widgetnum);
- xwidget = NULL;
- /*
- * Example - /hw/module/001c16/Pbrick/xtalk/8 is the xwidget
- * /hw/module/001c16/Pbrick/xtalk/8/pci/1 is device
- */
- rv = hwgraph_traverse(xtalk, pathname, &xwidget);
- if ( (rv != GRAPH_SUCCESS) ) {
- if (!xwidget)
- continue;
- }
- sprintf(pathname, "%d/"EDGE_LBL_PCI, widgetnum);
- pci_bus = NULL;
- if (hwgraph_traverse(xtalk, pathname, &pci_bus) != GRAPH_SUCCESS)
- if (!pci_bus)
- continue;
- /*
- * Assign the correct bus number and also the nasid of this
- * pci Xwidget.
- *
- * Should not be any race here ...
- */
- num_bridges++;
- busnum_to_pcibr_vhdl[num_bridges - 1] = pci_bus;
- /*
- * Get the master node and from there get the NASID.
- */
- master_node_vertex = device_master_get(xwidget);
- if (!master_node_vertex) {
- printk("WARNING: pci_bus_map_create: Unable to get .master for vertex 0x%pn", (void *)xwidget);
- }
- hubinfo_get(master_node_vertex, &hubinfo);
- if (!hubinfo) {
- printk("WARNING: pci_bus_map_create: Unable to get hubinfo for master node vertex 0x%pn", (void *)master_node_vertex);
- return(1);
- } else {
- busnum_to_nid[num_bridges - 1] = hubinfo->h_nasid;
- }
- /*
- * Pre assign DMA maps needed for 32 Bits Page Map DMA.
- */
- busnum_to_atedmamaps[num_bridges - 1] = (void *) kmalloc(
- sizeof(struct sn_dma_maps_s) * MAX_ATE_MAPS, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!busnum_to_atedmamaps[num_bridges - 1])
- printk("WARNING: pci_bus_map_create: Unable to precreate ATE DMA Maps for busnum %d vertex 0x%pn", num_bridges - 1, (void *)xwidget);
- memset(busnum_to_atedmamaps[num_bridges - 1], 0x0,
- sizeof(struct sn_dma_maps_s) * MAX_ATE_MAPS);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * pci_bus_to_hcl_cvlink() - This routine is called after SGI IO Infrastructure
- * initialization has completed to set up the mappings between Xbridge
- * and logical pci bus numbers. We also set up the NASID for each of these
- * xbridges.
- *
- * Must be called before pci_init() is invoked.
- */
- int
- pci_bus_to_hcl_cvlink(void)
- {
- devfs_handle_t devfs_hdl = NULL;
- devfs_handle_t xtalk = NULL;
- int rv = 0;
- char name[256];
- int master_iobrick;
- int i;
- /*
- * Iterate throught each xtalk links in the system ..
- * /hw/module/001c01/node/xtalk/ 8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15
- *
- * /hw/module/001c01/node/xtalk/15 -> /hw/module/001c01/Ibrick/xtalk/15
- *
- * What if it is not pci?
- */
- devfs_hdl = hwgraph_path_to_vertex("/dev/hw/module");
- /*
- * To provide consistent(not persistent) device naming, we need to start
- * bus number allocation from the C-Brick with the lowest module id e.g. 001c01
- * with an attached I-Brick. Find the master_iobrick.
- */
- master_iobrick = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < nummodules; i++) {
- moduleid_t iobrick_id;
- iobrick_id = iobrick_module_get(&modules[i]->elsc);
- if (iobrick_id > 0) { /* Valid module id */
- if (MODULE_GET_BTYPE(iobrick_id) == MODULE_IBRICK) {
- master_iobrick = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * The master_iobrick gets bus 0 and 1.
- */
- if (master_iobrick >= 0) {
- memset(name, 0, 256);
- format_module_id(name, modules[master_iobrick]->id, MODULE_FORMAT_BRIEF);
- strcat(name, "/node/xtalk");
- xtalk = NULL;
- rv = hwgraph_edge_get(devfs_hdl, name, &xtalk);
- pci_bus_map_create(xtalk);
- }
- /*
- * Now go do the rest of the modules, starting from the C-Brick with the lowest
- * module id, remembering to skip the master_iobrick, which was done above.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nummodules; i++) {
- if (i == master_iobrick) {
- continue; /* Did the master_iobrick already. */
- }
- memset(name, 0, 256);
- format_module_id(name, modules[i]->id, MODULE_FORMAT_BRIEF);
- strcat(name, "/node/xtalk");
- xtalk = NULL;
- rv = hwgraph_edge_get(devfs_hdl, name, &xtalk);
- pci_bus_map_create(xtalk);
- }
- return(0);
- }