- /*
- * Linux INET6 implementation
- * Forwarding Information Database
- *
- * Authors:
- * Pedro Roque <roque@di.fc.ul.pt>
- *
- * $Id: ip6_fib.c,v 1.25 2001/10/31 21:55:55 davem Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
- /*
- * Changes:
- * Yuji SEKIYA @USAGI: Support default route on router node;
- * remove ip6_null_entry from the top of
- * routing table.
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/net.h>
- #include <linux/route.h>
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <linux/in6.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #endif
- #include <net/ipv6.h>
- #include <net/ndisc.h>
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
- #include <net/ip6_fib.h>
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #define RT6_DEBUG 2
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 3
- #define RT6_TRACE(x...) printk(KERN_DEBUG x)
- #else
- #define RT6_TRACE(x...) do { ; } while (0)
- #endif
- struct rt6_statistics rt6_stats;
- static kmem_cache_t * fib6_node_kmem;
- enum fib_walk_state_t
- {
- FWS_S,
- #endif
- FWS_L,
- FWS_R,
- FWS_C,
- };
- struct fib6_cleaner_t
- {
- struct fib6_walker_t w;
- int (*func)(struct rt6_info *, void *arg);
- void *arg;
- };
- rwlock_t fib6_walker_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- #define FWS_INIT FWS_S
- #define SUBTREE(fn) ((fn)->subtree)
- #else
- #define FWS_INIT FWS_L
- #define SUBTREE(fn) NULL
- #endif
- static void fib6_prune_clones(struct fib6_node *fn, struct rt6_info *rt);
- static struct fib6_node * fib6_repair_tree(struct fib6_node *fn);
- /*
- * A routing update causes an increase of the serial number on the
- * afected subtree. This allows for cached routes to be asynchronously
- * tested when modifications are made to the destination cache as a
- * result of redirects, path MTU changes, etc.
- */
- static __u32 rt_sernum = 0;
- static struct timer_list ip6_fib_timer = { function: fib6_run_gc };
- static struct fib6_walker_t fib6_walker_list = {
- &fib6_walker_list, &fib6_walker_list,
- };
- #define FOR_WALKERS(w) for ((w)=fib6_walker_list.next; (w) != &fib6_walker_list; (w)=(w)->next)
- static __inline__ u32 fib6_new_sernum(void)
- {
- u32 n = ++rt_sernum;
- if ((__s32)n <= 0)
- rt_sernum = n = 1;
- return n;
- }
- /*
- * Auxiliary address test functions for the radix tree.
- *
- * These assume a 32bit processor (although it will work on
- * 64bit processors)
- */
- /*
- * compare "prefix length" bits of an address
- */
- static __inline__ int addr_match(void *token1, void *token2, int prefixlen)
- {
- __u32 *a1 = token1;
- __u32 *a2 = token2;
- int pdw;
- int pbi;
- pdw = prefixlen >> 5; /* num of whole __u32 in prefix */
- pbi = prefixlen & 0x1f; /* num of bits in incomplete u32 in prefix */
- if (pdw)
- if (memcmp(a1, a2, pdw << 2))
- return 0;
- if (pbi) {
- __u32 mask;
- mask = htonl((0xffffffff) << (32 - pbi));
- if ((a1[pdw] ^ a2[pdw]) & mask)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * test bit
- */
- static __inline__ int addr_bit_set(void *token, int fn_bit)
- {
- __u32 *addr = token;
- return htonl(1 << ((~fn_bit)&0x1F)) & addr[fn_bit>>5];
- }
- /*
- * find the first different bit between two addresses
- * length of address must be a multiple of 32bits
- */
- static __inline__ int addr_diff(void *token1, void *token2, int addrlen)
- {
- __u32 *a1 = token1;
- __u32 *a2 = token2;
- int i;
- addrlen >>= 2;
- for (i = 0; i < addrlen; i++) {
- __u32 xb;
- xb = a1[i] ^ a2[i];
- if (xb) {
- int j = 31;
- xb = ntohl(xb);
- while ((xb & (1 << j)) == 0)
- j--;
- return (i * 32 + 31 - j);
- }
- }
- /*
- * we should *never* get to this point since that
- * would mean the addrs are equal
- *
- * However, we do get to it 8) And exacly, when
- * addresses are equal 8)
- *
- * ip route add 1111::/128 via ...
- * ip route add 1111::/64 via ...
- * and we are here.
- *
- * Ideally, this function should stop comparison
- * at prefix length. It does not, but it is still OK,
- * if returned value is greater than prefix length.
- * --ANK (980803)
- */
- return addrlen<<5;
- }
- static __inline__ struct fib6_node * node_alloc(void)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn;
- if ((fn = kmem_cache_alloc(fib6_node_kmem, SLAB_ATOMIC)) != NULL)
- memset(fn, 0, sizeof(struct fib6_node));
- return fn;
- }
- static __inline__ void node_free(struct fib6_node * fn)
- {
- kmem_cache_free(fib6_node_kmem, fn);
- }
- static __inline__ void rt6_release(struct rt6_info *rt)
- {
- if (atomic_dec_and_test(&rt->rt6i_ref))
- dst_free(&rt->u.dst);
- }
- /*
- * Routing Table
- *
- * return the apropriate node for a routing tree "add" operation
- * by either creating and inserting or by returning an existing
- * node.
- */
- static struct fib6_node * fib6_add_1(struct fib6_node *root, void *addr,
- int addrlen, int plen,
- int offset)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn, *in, *ln;
- struct fib6_node *pn = NULL;
- struct rt6key *key;
- int bit;
- int dir = 0;
- __u32 sernum = fib6_new_sernum();
- RT6_TRACE("fib6_add_1n");
- /* insert node in tree */
- fn = root;
- do {
- key = (struct rt6key *)((u8 *)fn->leaf + offset);
- /*
- * Prefix match
- */
- if (plen < fn->fn_bit ||
- !addr_match(&key->addr, addr, fn->fn_bit))
- goto insert_above;
- /*
- * Exact match ?
- */
- if (plen == fn->fn_bit) {
- /* clean up an intermediate node */
- if ((fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO) == 0) {
- rt6_release(fn->leaf);
- fn->leaf = NULL;
- }
- fn->fn_sernum = sernum;
- return fn;
- }
- /*
- * We have more bits to go
- */
- /* Try to walk down on tree. */
- fn->fn_sernum = sernum;
- dir = addr_bit_set(addr, fn->fn_bit);
- pn = fn;
- fn = dir ? fn->right: fn->left;
- } while (fn);
- /*
- * We walked to the bottom of tree.
- * Create new leaf node without children.
- */
- ln = node_alloc();
- if (ln == NULL)
- return NULL;
- ln->fn_bit = plen;
- ln->parent = pn;
- ln->fn_sernum = sernum;
- if (dir)
- pn->right = ln;
- else
- pn->left = ln;
- return ln;
- insert_above:
- /*
- * split since we don't have a common prefix anymore or
- * we have a less significant route.
- * we've to insert an intermediate node on the list
- * this new node will point to the one we need to create
- * and the current
- */
- pn = fn->parent;
- /* find 1st bit in difference between the 2 addrs.
- See comment in addr_diff: bit may be an invalid value,
- but if it is >= plen, the value is ignored in any case.
- */
- bit = addr_diff(addr, &key->addr, addrlen);
- /*
- * (intermediate)[in]
- * /
- * (new leaf node)[ln] (old node)[fn]
- */
- if (plen > bit) {
- in = node_alloc();
- ln = node_alloc();
- if (in == NULL || ln == NULL) {
- if (in)
- node_free(in);
- if (ln)
- node_free(ln);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * new intermediate node.
- * RTN_RTINFO will
- * be off since that an address that chooses one of
- * the branches would not match less specific routes
- * in the other branch
- */
- in->fn_bit = bit;
- in->parent = pn;
- in->leaf = fn->leaf;
- atomic_inc(&in->leaf->rt6i_ref);
- in->fn_sernum = sernum;
- /* update parent pointer */
- if (dir)
- pn->right = in;
- else
- pn->left = in;
- ln->fn_bit = plen;
- ln->parent = in;
- fn->parent = in;
- ln->fn_sernum = sernum;
- if (addr_bit_set(addr, bit)) {
- in->right = ln;
- in->left = fn;
- } else {
- in->left = ln;
- in->right = fn;
- }
- } else { /* plen <= bit */
- /*
- * (new leaf node)[ln]
- * /
- * (old node)[fn] NULL
- */
- ln = node_alloc();
- if (ln == NULL)
- return NULL;
- ln->fn_bit = plen;
- ln->parent = pn;
- ln->fn_sernum = sernum;
- if (dir)
- pn->right = ln;
- else
- pn->left = ln;
- if (addr_bit_set(&key->addr, plen))
- ln->right = fn;
- else
- ln->left = fn;
- fn->parent = ln;
- }
- return ln;
- }
- /*
- * Insert routing information in a node.
- */
- static int fib6_add_rt2node(struct fib6_node *fn, struct rt6_info *rt)
- {
- struct rt6_info *iter = NULL;
- struct rt6_info **ins;
- ins = &fn->leaf;
- if (fn->fn_flags&RTN_TL_ROOT &&
- fn->leaf == &ip6_null_entry &&
- !(rt->rt6i_flags & (RTF_DEFAULT | RTF_ADDRCONF | RTF_ALLONLINK)) ){
- /*
- * The top fib of ip6 routing table includes ip6_null_entry.
- */
- fn->leaf = rt;
- rt->u.next = NULL;
- goto out;
- }
- for (iter = fn->leaf; iter; iter=iter->u.next) {
- /*
- * Search for duplicates
- */
- if (iter->rt6i_metric == rt->rt6i_metric) {
- /*
- * Same priority level
- */
- if ((iter->rt6i_dev == rt->rt6i_dev) &&
- (iter->rt6i_flowr == rt->rt6i_flowr) &&
- (ipv6_addr_cmp(&iter->rt6i_gateway,
- &rt->rt6i_gateway) == 0)) {
- if (!(iter->rt6i_flags&RTF_EXPIRES))
- return -EEXIST;
- iter->rt6i_expires = rt->rt6i_expires;
- if (!(rt->rt6i_flags&RTF_EXPIRES)) {
- iter->rt6i_flags &= ~RTF_EXPIRES;
- iter->rt6i_expires = 0;
- }
- return -EEXIST;
- }
- }
- if (iter->rt6i_metric > rt->rt6i_metric)
- break;
- ins = &iter->u.next;
- }
- /*
- * insert node
- */
- out:
- rt->u.next = iter;
- *ins = rt;
- rt->rt6i_node = fn;
- atomic_inc(&rt->rt6i_ref);
- inet6_rt_notify(RTM_NEWROUTE, rt);
- rt6_stats.fib_rt_entries++;
- if ((fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO) == 0) {
- rt6_stats.fib_route_nodes++;
- fn->fn_flags |= RTN_RTINFO;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static __inline__ void fib6_start_gc(struct rt6_info *rt)
- {
- if (ip6_fib_timer.expires == 0 &&
- (rt->rt6i_flags & (RTF_EXPIRES|RTF_CACHE)))
- mod_timer(&ip6_fib_timer, jiffies + ip6_rt_gc_interval);
- }
- /*
- * Add routing information to the routing tree.
- * <destination addr>/<source addr>
- * with source addr info in sub-trees
- */
- int fib6_add(struct fib6_node *root, struct rt6_info *rt)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn;
- int err = -ENOMEM;
- fn = fib6_add_1(root, &rt->rt6i_dst.addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr),
- rt->rt6i_dst.plen, (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
- if (fn == NULL)
- goto out;
- if (rt->rt6i_src.plen) {
- struct fib6_node *sn;
- if (fn->subtree == NULL) {
- struct fib6_node *sfn;
- /*
- * Create subtree.
- *
- * fn[main tree]
- * |
- * sfn[subtree root]
- *
- * sn[new leaf node]
- */
- /* Create subtree root node */
- sfn = node_alloc();
- if (sfn == NULL)
- goto st_failure;
- sfn->leaf = &ip6_null_entry;
- atomic_inc(&ip6_null_entry.rt6i_ref);
- sfn->fn_flags = RTN_ROOT;
- sfn->fn_sernum = fib6_new_sernum();
- /* Now add the first leaf node to new subtree */
- sn = fib6_add_1(sfn, &rt->rt6i_src.addr,
- sizeof(struct in6_addr), rt->rt6i_src.plen,
- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
- if (sn == NULL) {
- /* If it is failed, discard just allocated
- root, and then (in st_failure) stale node
- in main tree.
- */
- node_free(sfn);
- goto st_failure;
- }
- /* Now link new subtree to main tree */
- sfn->parent = fn;
- fn->subtree = sfn;
- if (fn->leaf == NULL) {
- fn->leaf = rt;
- atomic_inc(&rt->rt6i_ref);
- }
- } else {
- sn = fib6_add_1(fn->subtree, &rt->rt6i_src.addr,
- sizeof(struct in6_addr), rt->rt6i_src.plen,
- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
- if (sn == NULL)
- goto st_failure;
- }
- fn = sn;
- }
- #endif
- err = fib6_add_rt2node(fn, rt);
- if (err == 0) {
- fib6_start_gc(rt);
- if (!(rt->rt6i_flags&RTF_CACHE))
- fib6_prune_clones(fn, rt);
- }
- out:
- if (err)
- dst_free(&rt->u.dst);
- return err;
- /* Subtree creation failed, probably main tree node
- is orphan. If it is, shot it.
- */
- st_failure:
- if (fn && !(fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO|RTN_ROOT))
- fib_repair_tree(fn);
- dst_free(&rt->u.dst);
- return err;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Routing tree lookup
- *
- */
- struct lookup_args {
- int offset; /* key offset on rt6_info */
- struct in6_addr *addr; /* search key */
- };
- static struct fib6_node * fib6_lookup_1(struct fib6_node *root,
- struct lookup_args *args)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn;
- int dir;
- /*
- * Descend on a tree
- */
- fn = root;
- for (;;) {
- struct fib6_node *next;
- dir = addr_bit_set(args->addr, fn->fn_bit);
- next = dir ? fn->right : fn->left;
- if (next) {
- fn = next;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- while ((fn->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT) == 0) {
- if (fn->subtree) {
- struct fib6_node *st;
- struct lookup_args *narg;
- narg = args + 1;
- if (narg->addr) {
- st = fib6_lookup_1(fn->subtree, narg);
- if (st && !(st->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT))
- return st;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO) {
- struct rt6key *key;
- key = (struct rt6key *) ((u8 *) fn->leaf +
- args->offset);
- if (addr_match(&key->addr, args->addr, key->plen))
- return fn;
- }
- fn = fn->parent;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- struct fib6_node * fib6_lookup(struct fib6_node *root, struct in6_addr *daddr,
- struct in6_addr *saddr)
- {
- struct lookup_args args[2];
- struct rt6_info *rt = NULL;
- struct fib6_node *fn;
- args[0].offset = (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt;
- args[0].addr = daddr;
- args[1].offset = (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt;
- args[1].addr = saddr;
- #endif
- fn = fib6_lookup_1(root, args);
- if (fn == NULL || fn->fn_flags & RTN_TL_ROOT)
- fn = root;
- return fn;
- }
- /*
- * Get node with sepciafied destination prefix (and source prefix,
- * if subtrees are used)
- */
- static struct fib6_node * fib6_locate_1(struct fib6_node *root,
- struct in6_addr *addr,
- int plen, int offset)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn;
- for (fn = root; fn ; ) {
- struct rt6key *key = (struct rt6key *)((u8 *)fn->leaf + offset);
- /*
- * Prefix match
- */
- if (plen < fn->fn_bit ||
- !addr_match(&key->addr, addr, fn->fn_bit))
- return NULL;
- if (plen == fn->fn_bit)
- return fn;
- /*
- * We have more bits to go
- */
- if (addr_bit_set(addr, fn->fn_bit))
- fn = fn->right;
- else
- fn = fn->left;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- struct fib6_node * fib6_locate(struct fib6_node *root,
- struct in6_addr *daddr, int dst_len,
- struct in6_addr *saddr, int src_len)
- {
- struct rt6_info *rt = NULL;
- struct fib6_node *fn;
- fn = fib6_locate_1(root, daddr, dst_len,
- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
- if (src_len) {
- BUG_TRAP(saddr!=NULL);
- if (fn == NULL)
- fn = fn->subtree;
- if (fn)
- fn = fib6_locate_1(fn, saddr, src_len,
- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
- }
- #endif
- if (fn && fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO)
- return fn;
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Deletion
- *
- */
- static struct rt6_info * fib6_find_prefix(struct fib6_node *fn)
- {
- if (fn->fn_flags&RTN_ROOT)
- return &ip6_null_entry;
- while(fn) {
- if(fn->left)
- return fn->left->leaf;
- if(fn->right)
- return fn->right->leaf;
- fn = SUBTREE(fn);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Called to trim the tree of intermediate nodes when possible. "fn"
- * is the node we want to try and remove.
- */
- static struct fib6_node * fib6_repair_tree(struct fib6_node *fn)
- {
- int children;
- int nstate;
- struct fib6_node *child, *pn;
- struct fib6_walker_t *w;
- int iter = 0;
- for (;;) {
- RT6_TRACE("fixing tree: plen=%d iter=%dn", fn->fn_bit, iter);
- iter++;
- BUG_TRAP(!(fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO));
- BUG_TRAP(!(fn->fn_flags&RTN_TL_ROOT));
- BUG_TRAP(fn->leaf==NULL);
- children = 0;
- child = NULL;
- if (fn->right) child = fn->right, children |= 1;
- if (fn->left) child = fn->left, children |= 2;
- if (children == 3 || SUBTREE(fn)
- /* Subtree root (i.e. fn) may have one child */
- || (children && fn->fn_flags&RTN_ROOT)
- #endif
- ) {
- fn->leaf = fib6_find_prefix(fn);
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 2
- if (fn->leaf==NULL) {
- BUG_TRAP(fn->leaf);
- fn->leaf = &ip6_null_entry;
- }
- #endif
- atomic_inc(&fn->leaf->rt6i_ref);
- return fn->parent;
- }
- pn = fn->parent;
- if (SUBTREE(pn) == fn) {
- BUG_TRAP(fn->fn_flags&RTN_ROOT);
- nstate = FWS_L;
- } else {
- BUG_TRAP(!(fn->fn_flags&RTN_ROOT));
- #endif
- if (pn->right == fn) pn->right = child;
- else if (pn->left == fn) pn->left = child;
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 2
- else BUG_TRAP(0);
- #endif
- if (child)
- child->parent = pn;
- nstate = FWS_R;
- }
- #endif
- read_lock(&fib6_walker_lock);
- if (child == NULL) {
- if (w->root == fn) {
- w->root = w->node = NULL;
- RT6_TRACE("W %p adjusted by delroot 1n", w);
- } else if (w->node == fn) {
- RT6_TRACE("W %p adjusted by delnode 1, s=%d/%dn", w, w->state, nstate);
- w->node = pn;
- w->state = nstate;
- }
- } else {
- if (w->root == fn) {
- w->root = child;
- RT6_TRACE("W %p adjusted by delroot 2n", w);
- }
- if (w->node == fn) {
- w->node = child;
- if (children&2) {
- RT6_TRACE("W %p adjusted by delnode 2, s=%dn", w, w->state);
- w->state = w->state>=FWS_R ? FWS_U : FWS_INIT;
- } else {
- RT6_TRACE("W %p adjusted by delnode 2, s=%dn", w, w->state);
- w->state = w->state>=FWS_C ? FWS_U : FWS_INIT;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- read_unlock(&fib6_walker_lock);
- node_free(fn);
- if (pn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO || SUBTREE(pn))
- return pn;
- rt6_release(pn->leaf);
- pn->leaf = NULL;
- fn = pn;
- }
- }
- static void fib6_del_route(struct fib6_node *fn, struct rt6_info **rtp)
- {
- struct fib6_walker_t *w;
- struct rt6_info *rt = *rtp;
- RT6_TRACE("fib6_del_routen");
- /* Unlink it */
- *rtp = rt->u.next;
- rt->rt6i_node = NULL;
- rt6_stats.fib_rt_entries--;
- /* Adjust walkers */
- read_lock(&fib6_walker_lock);
- if (w->state == FWS_C && w->leaf == rt) {
- RT6_TRACE("walker %p adjusted by delrouten", w);
- w->leaf = rt->u.next;
- if (w->leaf == NULL)
- w->state = FWS_U;
- }
- }
- read_unlock(&fib6_walker_lock);
- rt->u.next = NULL;
- if (fn->leaf == NULL && fn->fn_flags&RTN_TL_ROOT)
- fn->leaf = &ip6_null_entry;
- /* If it was last route, expunge its radix tree node */
- if (fn->leaf == NULL) {
- fn->fn_flags &= ~RTN_RTINFO;
- rt6_stats.fib_route_nodes--;
- fn = fib6_repair_tree(fn);
- }
- if (atomic_read(&rt->rt6i_ref) != 1) {
- /* This route is used as dummy address holder in some split
- * nodes. It is not leaked, but it still holds other resources,
- * which must be released in time. So, scan ascendant nodes
- * and replace dummy references to this route with references
- * to still alive ones.
- */
- while (fn) {
- if (!(fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO) && fn->leaf == rt) {
- fn->leaf = fib6_find_prefix(fn);
- atomic_inc(&fn->leaf->rt6i_ref);
- rt6_release(rt);
- }
- fn = fn->parent;
- }
- /* No more references are possiible at this point. */
- if (atomic_read(&rt->rt6i_ref) != 1) BUG();
- }
- inet6_rt_notify(RTM_DELROUTE, rt);
- rt6_release(rt);
- }
- int fib6_del(struct rt6_info *rt)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn = rt->rt6i_node;
- struct rt6_info **rtp;
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 2
- if (rt->u.dst.obsolete>0) {
- BUG_TRAP(fn==NULL || rt->u.dst.obsolete<=0);
- return -ENOENT;
- }
- #endif
- if (fn == NULL || rt == &ip6_null_entry)
- return -ENOENT;
- BUG_TRAP(fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO);
- if (!(rt->rt6i_flags&RTF_CACHE))
- fib6_prune_clones(fn, rt);
- /*
- * Walk the leaf entries looking for ourself
- */
- for (rtp = &fn->leaf; *rtp; rtp = &(*rtp)->u.next) {
- if (*rtp == rt) {
- fib6_del_route(fn, rtp);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -ENOENT;
- }
- /*
- * Tree transversal function.
- *
- * Certainly, it is not interrupt safe.
- * However, it is internally reenterable wrt itself and fib6_add/fib6_del.
- * It means, that we can modify tree during walking
- * and use this function for garbage collection, clone pruning,
- * cleaning tree when a device goes down etc. etc.
- *
- * It guarantees that every node will be traversed,
- * and that it will be traversed only once.
- *
- * Callback function w->func may return:
- * 0 -> continue walking.
- * positive value -> walking is suspended (used by tree dumps,
- * and probably by gc, if it will be split to several slices)
- * negative value -> terminate walking.
- *
- * The function itself returns:
- * 0 -> walk is complete.
- * >0 -> walk is incomplete (i.e. suspended)
- * <0 -> walk is terminated by an error.
- */
- int fib6_walk_continue(struct fib6_walker_t *w)
- {
- struct fib6_node *fn, *pn;
- for (;;) {
- fn = w->node;
- if (fn == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (w->prune && fn != w->root &&
- fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO && w->state < FWS_C) {
- w->state = FWS_C;
- w->leaf = fn->leaf;
- }
- switch (w->state) {
- case FWS_S:
- if (SUBTREE(fn)) {
- w->node = SUBTREE(fn);
- continue;
- }
- w->state = FWS_L;
- #endif
- case FWS_L:
- if (fn->left) {
- w->node = fn->left;
- w->state = FWS_INIT;
- continue;
- }
- w->state = FWS_R;
- case FWS_R:
- if (fn->right) {
- w->node = fn->right;
- w->state = FWS_INIT;
- continue;
- }
- w->state = FWS_C;
- w->leaf = fn->leaf;
- case FWS_C:
- if (w->leaf && fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO) {
- int err = w->func(w);
- if (err)
- return err;
- continue;
- }
- w->state = FWS_U;
- case FWS_U:
- if (fn == w->root)
- return 0;
- pn = fn->parent;
- w->node = pn;
- if (SUBTREE(pn) == fn) {
- BUG_TRAP(fn->fn_flags&RTN_ROOT);
- w->state = FWS_L;
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- if (pn->left == fn) {
- w->state = FWS_R;
- continue;
- }
- if (pn->right == fn) {
- w->state = FWS_C;
- w->leaf = w->node->leaf;
- continue;
- }
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 2
- BUG_TRAP(0);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- int fib6_walk(struct fib6_walker_t *w)
- {
- int res;
- w->state = FWS_INIT;
- w->node = w->root;
- fib6_walker_link(w);
- res = fib6_walk_continue(w);
- if (res <= 0)
- fib6_walker_unlink(w);
- return res;
- }
- static int fib6_clean_node(struct fib6_walker_t *w)
- {
- int res;
- struct rt6_info *rt;
- struct fib6_cleaner_t *c = (struct fib6_cleaner_t*)w;
- for (rt = w->leaf; rt; rt = rt->u.next) {
- res = c->func(rt, c->arg);
- if (res < 0) {
- w->leaf = rt;
- res = fib6_del(rt);
- if (res) {
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 2
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "fib6_clean_node: del failed: rt=%p@%p err=%dn", rt, rt->rt6i_node, res);
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BUG_TRAP(res==0);
- }
- w->leaf = rt;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Convenient frontend to tree walker.
- *
- * func is called on each route.
- * It may return -1 -> delete this route.
- * 0 -> continue walking
- *
- * prune==1 -> only immediate children of node (certainly,
- * ignoring pure split nodes) will be scanned.
- */
- void fib6_clean_tree(struct fib6_node *root,
- int (*func)(struct rt6_info *, void *arg),
- int prune, void *arg)
- {
- struct fib6_cleaner_t c;
- c.w.root = root;
- c.w.func = fib6_clean_node;
- c.w.prune = prune;
- c.func = func;
- c.arg = arg;
- fib6_walk(&c.w);
- }
- static int fib6_prune_clone(struct rt6_info *rt, void *arg)
- {
- if (rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_CACHE) {
- RT6_TRACE("pruning clone %pn", rt);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void fib6_prune_clones(struct fib6_node *fn, struct rt6_info *rt)
- {
- fib6_clean_tree(fn, fib6_prune_clone, 1, rt);
- }
- /*
- * Garbage collection
- */
- static struct fib6_gc_args
- {
- int timeout;
- int more;
- } gc_args;
- static int fib6_age(struct rt6_info *rt, void *arg)
- {
- unsigned long now = jiffies;
- /* Age clones. Note, that clones are aged out
- only if they are not in use now.
- */
- /*
- * check addrconf expiration here.
- * They are expired even if they are in use.
- */
- if (rt->rt6i_flags&RTF_EXPIRES && rt->rt6i_expires) {
- if ((long)(now - rt->rt6i_expires) > 0) {
- RT6_TRACE("expiring %pn", rt);
- return -1;
- }
- gc_args.more++;
- } else if (rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_CACHE) {
- if (atomic_read(&rt->u.dst.__refcnt) == 0 &&
- (long)(now - rt->u.dst.lastuse) >= gc_args.timeout) {
- RT6_TRACE("aging clone %pn", rt);
- return -1;
- }
- gc_args.more++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static spinlock_t fib6_gc_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- void fib6_run_gc(unsigned long dummy)
- {
- if (dummy != ~0UL) {
- spin_lock_bh(&fib6_gc_lock);
- gc_args.timeout = (int)dummy;
- } else {
- local_bh_disable();
- if (!spin_trylock(&fib6_gc_lock)) {
- mod_timer(&ip6_fib_timer, jiffies + HZ);
- local_bh_enable();
- return;
- }
- gc_args.timeout = ip6_rt_gc_interval;
- }
- gc_args.more = 0;
- write_lock_bh(&rt6_lock);
- fib6_clean_tree(&ip6_routing_table, fib6_age, 0, NULL);
- write_unlock_bh(&rt6_lock);
- if (gc_args.more)
- mod_timer(&ip6_fib_timer, jiffies + ip6_rt_gc_interval);
- else {
- del_timer(&ip6_fib_timer);
- ip6_fib_timer.expires = 0;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&fib6_gc_lock);
- }
- void __init fib6_init(void)
- {
- if (!fib6_node_kmem)
- fib6_node_kmem = kmem_cache_create("fib6_nodes",
- sizeof(struct fib6_node),
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- void fib6_gc_cleanup(void)
- {
- del_timer(&ip6_fib_timer);
- }
- #endif