- /* Connection state tracking for netfilter. This is separated from,
- but required by, the NAT layer; it can also be used by an iptables
- extension. */
- /* (c) 1999 Paul `Rusty' Russell. Licenced under the GNU General
- * Public Licence.
- *
- * 23 Apr 2001: Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
- * - new API and handling of conntrack/nat helpers
- * - now capable of multiple expectations for one master
- * 16 Jul 2002: Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
- * - add usage/reference counts to ip_conntrack_expect
- * - export ip_conntrack[_expect]_{find_get,put} functions
- * */
- #ifdef MODULE
- #define __NO_VERSION__
- #endif
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/ip.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #include <linux/brlock.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <linux/stddef.h>
- #include <linux/sysctl.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- /* For ERR_PTR(). Yeah, I know... --RR */
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- /* This rwlock protects the main hash table, protocol/helper/expected
- registrations, conntrack timers*/
- #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock)
- #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock)
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_protocol.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_core.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/listhelp.h>
- #define IP_CONNTRACK_VERSION "2.1"
- #if 0
- #define DEBUGP printk
- #else
- #define DEBUGP(format, args...)
- #endif
- DECLARE_RWLOCK(ip_conntrack_lock);
- DECLARE_RWLOCK(ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- void (*ip_conntrack_destroyed)(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack) = NULL;
- LIST_HEAD(ip_conntrack_expect_list);
- LIST_HEAD(protocol_list);
- static LIST_HEAD(helpers);
- unsigned int ip_conntrack_htable_size = 0;
- static int ip_conntrack_max = 0;
- static atomic_t ip_conntrack_count = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
- struct list_head *ip_conntrack_hash;
- static kmem_cache_t *ip_conntrack_cachep;
- extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_generic_protocol;
- static inline int proto_cmpfn(const struct ip_conntrack_protocol *curr,
- u_int8_t protocol)
- {
- return protocol == curr->proto;
- }
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *__ip_ct_find_proto(u_int8_t protocol)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *p;
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- p = LIST_FIND(&protocol_list, proto_cmpfn,
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *, protocol);
- if (!p)
- p = &ip_conntrack_generic_protocol;
- return p;
- }
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *ip_ct_find_proto(u_int8_t protocol)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *p;
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- p = __ip_ct_find_proto(protocol);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return p;
- }
- inline void
- ip_conntrack_put(struct ip_conntrack *ct)
- {
- IP_NF_ASSERT(ct->infos[0].master);
- /* nf_conntrack_put wants to go via an info struct, so feed it
- one at random. */
- nf_conntrack_put(&ct->infos[0]);
- }
- static inline u_int32_t
- hash_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
- {
- #if 0
- dump_tuple(tuple);
- #endif
- /* ntohl because more differences in low bits. */
- /* To ensure that halves of the same connection don't hash
- clash, we add the source per-proto again. */
- return (ntohl(tuple->src.ip + tuple->dst.ip
- + tuple->src.u.all + tuple->dst.u.all
- + tuple->dst.protonum)
- + ntohs(tuple->src.u.all))
- % ip_conntrack_htable_size;
- }
- inline int
- get_tuple(const struct iphdr *iph, size_t len,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *protocol)
- {
- int ret;
- /* Never happen */
- if (iph->frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET)) {
- printk("ip_conntrack_core: Frag of proto %u.n",
- iph->protocol);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Guarantee 8 protocol bytes: if more wanted, use len param */
- else if (iph->ihl * 4 + 8 > len)
- return 0;
- tuple->src.ip = iph->saddr;
- tuple->dst.ip = iph->daddr;
- tuple->dst.protonum = iph->protocol;
- ret = protocol->pkt_to_tuple((u_int32_t *)iph + iph->ihl,
- len - 4*iph->ihl,
- tuple);
- return ret;
- }
- static int
- invert_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tuple *inverse,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *orig,
- const struct ip_conntrack_protocol *protocol)
- {
- inverse->src.ip = orig->dst.ip;
- inverse->dst.ip = orig->src.ip;
- inverse->dst.protonum = orig->dst.protonum;
- return protocol->invert_tuple(inverse, orig);
- }
- /* ip_conntrack_expect helper functions */
- /* Compare tuple parts depending on mask. */
- static inline int expect_cmp(const struct ip_conntrack_expect *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
- {
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- return ip_ct_tuple_mask_cmp(tuple, &i->tuple, &i->mask);
- }
- static void
- destroy_expect(struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp)
- {
- DEBUGP("destroy_expect(%p) use=%dn", exp, atomic_read(exp->use));
- IP_NF_ASSERT(atomic_read(exp->use));
- IP_NF_ASSERT(!timer_pending(&exp->timeout));
- kfree(exp);
- }
- inline void ip_conntrack_expect_put(struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp)
- {
- IP_NF_ASSERT(exp);
- if (atomic_dec_and_test(&exp->use)) {
- /* usage count dropped to zero */
- destroy_expect(exp);
- }
- }
- static inline struct ip_conntrack_expect *
- __ip_ct_expect_find(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
- {
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- return LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, tuple);
- }
- /* Find a expectation corresponding to a tuple. */
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *
- ip_conntrack_expect_find_get(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp;
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- exp = __ip_ct_expect_find(tuple);
- if (exp)
- atomic_inc(&exp->use);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return exp;
- }
- /* remove one specific expectation from all lists and drop refcount,
- * does _NOT_ delete the timer. */
- static void __unexpect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect)
- {
- DEBUGP("unexpect_related(%p)n", expect);
- MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* we're not allowed to unexpect a confirmed expectation! */
- IP_NF_ASSERT(!expect->sibling);
- /* delete from global and local lists */
- list_del(&expect->list);
- list_del(&expect->expected_list);
- /* decrement expect-count of master conntrack */
- if (expect->expectant)
- expect->expectant->expecting--;
- ip_conntrack_expect_put(expect);
- }
- /* remove one specific expecatation from all lists, drop refcount
- * and expire timer.
- * This function can _NOT_ be called for confirmed expects! */
- static void unexpect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect)
- {
- IP_NF_ASSERT(expect->expectant);
- IP_NF_ASSERT(expect->expectant->helper);
- /* if we are supposed to have a timer, but we can't delete
- * it: race condition. __unexpect_related will
- * be calledd by timeout function */
- if (expect->expectant->helper->timeout
- && !del_timer(&expect->timeout))
- return;
- __unexpect_related(expect);
- }
- /* delete all unconfirmed expectations for this conntrack */
- static void remove_expectations(struct ip_conntrack *ct)
- {
- struct list_head *exp_entry, *next;
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp;
- DEBUGP("remove_expectations(%p)n", ct);
- for (exp_entry = ct->sibling_list.next;
- exp_entry != &ct->sibling_list; exp_entry = next) {
- next = exp_entry->next;
- exp = list_entry(exp_entry, struct ip_conntrack_expect,
- expected_list);
- /* we skip established expectations, as we want to delete
- * the un-established ones only */
- if (exp->sibling) {
- DEBUGP("remove_expectations: skipping established %p of %pn", exp->sibling, ct);
- continue;
- }
- IP_NF_ASSERT(list_inlist(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, exp));
- IP_NF_ASSERT(exp->expectant == ct);
- /* delete expectation from global and private lists */
- unexpect_related(exp);
- }
- }
- static void
- clean_from_lists(struct ip_conntrack *ct)
- {
- DEBUGP("clean_from_lists(%p)n", ct);
- MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Remove from both hash lists: must not NULL out next ptrs,
- otherwise we'll look unconfirmed. Fortunately, LIST_DELETE
- doesn't do this. --RR */
- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_hash
- [hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple)],
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_hash
- [hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple)],
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
- /* Destroy all un-established, pending expectations */
- remove_expectations(ct);
- }
- static void
- destroy_conntrack(struct nf_conntrack *nfct)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *ct = (struct ip_conntrack *)nfct;
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto;
- DEBUGP("destroy_conntrack(%p)n", ct);
- IP_NF_ASSERT(atomic_read(&nfct->use) == 0);
- IP_NF_ASSERT(!timer_pending(&ct->timeout));
- if (ct->master && master_ct(ct))
- ip_conntrack_put(master_ct(ct));
- /* To make sure we don't get any weird locking issues here:
- * destroy_conntrack() MUST NOT be called with a write lock
- * to ip_conntrack_lock!!! -HW */
- proto = ip_ct_find_proto(ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple.dst.protonum);
- if (proto && proto->destroy)
- proto->destroy(ct);
- if (ip_conntrack_destroyed)
- ip_conntrack_destroyed(ct);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Delete our master expectation */
- if (ct->master) {
- /* can't call __unexpect_related here,
- * since it would screw up expect_list */
- list_del(&ct->master->expected_list);
- kfree(ct->master);
- }
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- DEBUGP("destroy_conntrack: returning ct=%p to slabn", ct);
- kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, ct);
- atomic_dec(&ip_conntrack_count);
- }
- static void death_by_timeout(unsigned long ul_conntrack)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *ct = (void *)ul_conntrack;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- clean_from_lists(ct);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- ip_conntrack_put(ct);
- }
- static inline int
- conntrack_tuple_cmp(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- const struct ip_conntrack *ignored_conntrack)
- {
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return i->ctrack != ignored_conntrack
- && ip_ct_tuple_equal(tuple, &i->tuple);
- }
- static struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *
- __ip_conntrack_find(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- const struct ip_conntrack *ignored_conntrack)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- h = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash_conntrack(tuple)],
- conntrack_tuple_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- tuple, ignored_conntrack);
- return h;
- }
- /* Find a connection corresponding to a tuple. */
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *
- ip_conntrack_find_get(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- const struct ip_conntrack *ignored_conntrack)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- h = __ip_conntrack_find(tuple, ignored_conntrack);
- if (h)
- atomic_inc(&h->ctrack->ct_general.use);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return h;
- }
- static inline struct ip_conntrack *
- __ip_conntrack_get(struct nf_ct_info *nfct, enum ip_conntrack_info *ctinfo)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *ct
- = (struct ip_conntrack *)nfct->master;
- /* ctinfo is the index of the nfct inside the conntrack */
- *ctinfo = nfct - ct->infos;
- IP_NF_ASSERT(*ctinfo >= 0 && *ctinfo < IP_CT_NUMBER);
- return ct;
- }
- /* Return conntrack and conntrack_info given skb->nfct->master */
- struct ip_conntrack *
- ip_conntrack_get(struct sk_buff *skb, enum ip_conntrack_info *ctinfo)
- {
- if (skb->nfct)
- return __ip_conntrack_get(skb->nfct, ctinfo);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Confirm a connection given skb->nfct; places it in hash table */
- int
- __ip_conntrack_confirm(struct nf_ct_info *nfct)
- {
- unsigned int hash, repl_hash;
- struct ip_conntrack *ct;
- enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo;
- ct = __ip_conntrack_get(nfct, &ctinfo);
- /* ipt_REJECT uses ip_conntrack_attach to attach related
- ICMP/TCP RST packets in other direction. Actual packet
- which created connection will be IP_CT_NEW or for an
- expected connection, IP_CT_RELATED. */
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- hash = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple);
- repl_hash = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple);
- /* We're not in hash table, and we refuse to set up related
- connections for unconfirmed conns. But packet copies and
- REJECT will give spurious warnings here. */
- /* IP_NF_ASSERT(atomic_read(&ct->ct_general.use) == 1); */
- /* No external references means noone else could have
- confirmed us. */
- IP_NF_ASSERT(!is_confirmed(ct));
- DEBUGP("Confirming conntrack %pn", ct);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* See if there's one in the list already, including reverse:
- NAT could have grabbed it without realizing, since we're
- not in the hash. If there is, we lost race. */
- if (!LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
- conntrack_tuple_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple, NULL)
- && !LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
- conntrack_tuple_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple, NULL)) {
- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
- /* Timer relative to confirmation time, not original
- setting time, otherwise we'd get timer wrap in
- weird delay cases. */
- ct->timeout.expires += jiffies;
- add_timer(&ct->timeout);
- atomic_inc(&ct->ct_general.use);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return NF_DROP;
- }
- /* Returns true if a connection correspondings to the tuple (required
- for NAT). */
- int
- ip_conntrack_tuple_taken(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- const struct ip_conntrack *ignored_conntrack)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- h = __ip_conntrack_find(tuple, ignored_conntrack);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return h != NULL;
- }
- /* Returns conntrack if it dealt with ICMP, and filled in skb fields */
- struct ip_conntrack *
- icmp_error_track(struct sk_buff *skb,
- enum ip_conntrack_info *ctinfo,
- unsigned int hooknum)
- {
- const struct iphdr *iph;
- struct icmphdr *hdr;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple innertuple, origtuple;
- struct iphdr *inner;
- size_t datalen;
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *innerproto;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- IP_NF_ASSERT(iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP);
- IP_NF_ASSERT(skb->nfct == NULL);
- iph = skb->nh.iph;
- hdr = (struct icmphdr *)((u_int32_t *)iph + iph->ihl);
- inner = (struct iphdr *)(hdr + 1);
- datalen = skb->len - iph->ihl*4 - sizeof(*hdr);
- if (skb->len < iph->ihl * 4 + sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(*iph)) {
- DEBUGP("icmp_error_track: too shortn");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (hdr->type != ICMP_DEST_UNREACH
- && hdr->type != ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH
- && hdr->type != ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED
- && hdr->type != ICMP_PARAMETERPROB
- && hdr->type != ICMP_REDIRECT)
- return NULL;
- /* Ignore ICMP's containing fragments (shouldn't happen) */
- if (inner->frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET)) {
- DEBUGP("icmp_error_track: fragment of proto %un",
- inner->protocol);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Ignore it if the checksum's bogus. */
- if (ip_compute_csum((unsigned char *)hdr, sizeof(*hdr) + datalen)) {
- DEBUGP("icmp_error_track: bad csumn");
- return NULL;
- }
- innerproto = ip_ct_find_proto(inner->protocol);
- /* Are they talking about one of our connections? */
- if (inner->ihl * 4 + 8 > datalen
- || !get_tuple(inner, datalen, &origtuple, innerproto)) {
- DEBUGP("icmp_error: ! get_tuple p=%u (%u*4+%u dlen=%u)n",
- inner->protocol, inner->ihl, 8,
- datalen);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Ordinarily, we'd expect the inverted tupleproto, but it's
- been preserved inside the ICMP. */
- if (!invert_tuple(&innertuple, &origtuple, innerproto)) {
- DEBUGP("icmp_error_track: Can't invert tuplen");
- return NULL;
- }
- *ctinfo = IP_CT_RELATED;
- h = ip_conntrack_find_get(&innertuple, NULL);
- if (!h) {
- /* Locally generated ICMPs will match inverted if they
- haven't been SNAT'ed yet */
- /* FIXME: NAT code has to handle half-done double NAT --RR */
- if (hooknum == NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT)
- h = ip_conntrack_find_get(&origtuple, NULL);
- if (!h) {
- DEBUGP("icmp_error_track: no matchn");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Reverse direction from that found */
- *ctinfo += IP_CT_IS_REPLY;
- } else {
- *ctinfo += IP_CT_IS_REPLY;
- }
- /* Update skb to refer to this connection */
- skb->nfct = &h->ctrack->infos[*ctinfo];
- return h->ctrack;
- }
- /* There's a small race here where we may free a just-assured
- connection. Too bad: we're in trouble anyway. */
- static inline int unreplied(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *i)
- {
- return !(i->ctrack->status & IPS_ASSURED);
- }
- static int early_drop(struct list_head *chain)
- {
- /* Traverse backwards: gives us oldest, which is roughly LRU */
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- int dropped = 0;
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- h = LIST_FIND(chain, unreplied, struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *);
- if (h)
- atomic_inc(&h->ctrack->ct_general.use);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- if (!h)
- return dropped;
- if (del_timer(&h->ctrack->timeout)) {
- death_by_timeout((unsigned long)h->ctrack);
- dropped = 1;
- }
- ip_conntrack_put(h->ctrack);
- return dropped;
- }
- static inline int helper_cmp(const struct ip_conntrack_helper *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *rtuple)
- {
- return ip_ct_tuple_mask_cmp(rtuple, &i->tuple, &i->mask);
- }
- struct ip_conntrack_helper *ip_ct_find_helper(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
- {
- return LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_helper *,
- tuple);
- }
- /* Allocate a new conntrack: we return -ENOMEM if classification
- failed due to stress. Otherwise it really is unclassifiable. */
- static struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *
- init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *protocol,
- struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *conntrack;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple repl_tuple;
- size_t hash, repl_hash;
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *expected;
- int i;
- static unsigned int drop_next = 0;
- hash = hash_conntrack(tuple);
- if (ip_conntrack_max &&
- atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) >= ip_conntrack_max) {
- /* Try dropping from random chain, or else from the
- chain about to put into (in case they're trying to
- bomb one hash chain). */
- unsigned int next = (drop_next++)%ip_conntrack_htable_size;
- if (!early_drop(&ip_conntrack_hash[next])
- && !early_drop(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash])) {
- if (net_ratelimit())
- "ip_conntrack: table full, dropping"
- " packet.n");
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- }
- }
- if (!invert_tuple(&repl_tuple, tuple, protocol)) {
- DEBUGP("Can't invert tuple.n");
- return NULL;
- }
- repl_hash = hash_conntrack(&repl_tuple);
- conntrack = kmem_cache_alloc(ip_conntrack_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!conntrack) {
- DEBUGP("Can't allocate conntrack.n");
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- }
- memset(conntrack, 0, sizeof(*conntrack));
- atomic_set(&conntrack->ct_general.use, 1);
- conntrack->ct_general.destroy = destroy_conntrack;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple = *tuple;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].ctrack = conntrack;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple = repl_tuple;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].ctrack = conntrack;
- for (i=0; i < IP_CT_NUMBER; i++)
- conntrack->infos[i].master = &conntrack->ct_general;
- if (!protocol->new(conntrack, skb->nh.iph, skb->len)) {
- kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, conntrack);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Don't set timer yet: wait for confirmation */
- init_timer(&conntrack->timeout);
- conntrack->timeout.data = (unsigned long)conntrack;
- conntrack->timeout.function = death_by_timeout;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conntrack->sibling_list);
- /* Mark clearly that it's not in the hash table. */
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].list.next = NULL;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Need finding and deleting of expected ONLY if we win race */
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- expected = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, tuple);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- /* Look up the conntrack helper for master connections only */
- if (!expected)
- conntrack->helper = ip_ct_find_helper(&repl_tuple);
- /* If the expectation is dying, then this is a looser. */
- if (expected
- && expected->expectant->helper->timeout
- && ! del_timer(&expected->timeout))
- expected = NULL;
- /* If master is not in hash table yet (ie. packet hasn't left
- this machine yet), how can other end know about expected?
- Hence these are not the droids you are looking for (if
- master ct never got confirmed, we'd hold a reference to it
- and weird things would happen to future packets). */
- if (expected && is_confirmed(expected->expectant)) {
- DEBUGP("conntrack: expectation arrives ct=%p exp=%pn",
- conntrack, expected);
- /* Welcome, Mr. Bond. We've been expecting you... */
- IP_NF_ASSERT(master_ct(conntrack));
- conntrack->status = IPS_EXPECTED;
- conntrack->master = expected;
- expected->sibling = conntrack;
- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expected);
- expected->expectant->expecting--;
- nf_conntrack_get(&master_ct(conntrack)->infos[0]);
- }
- atomic_inc(&ip_conntrack_count);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- if (expected && expected->expectfn)
- expected->expectfn(conntrack);
- return &conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL];
- }
- /* On success, returns conntrack ptr, sets skb->nfct and ctinfo */
- static inline struct ip_conntrack *
- resolve_normal_ct(struct sk_buff *skb,
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto,
- int *set_reply,
- unsigned int hooknum,
- enum ip_conntrack_info *ctinfo)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple tuple;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- IP_NF_ASSERT((skb->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET)) == 0);
- if (!get_tuple(skb->nh.iph, skb->len, &tuple, proto))
- return NULL;
- /* look for tuple match */
- h = ip_conntrack_find_get(&tuple, NULL);
- if (!h) {
- h = init_conntrack(&tuple, proto, skb);
- if (!h)
- return NULL;
- if (IS_ERR(h))
- return (void *)h;
- }
- /* It exists; we have (non-exclusive) reference. */
- /* Please set reply bit if this packet OK */
- *set_reply = 1;
- } else {
- /* Once we've had two way comms, always ESTABLISHED. */
- if (h->ctrack->status & IPS_SEEN_REPLY) {
- DEBUGP("ip_conntrack_in: normal packet for %pn",
- h->ctrack);
- *ctinfo = IP_CT_ESTABLISHED;
- } else if (h->ctrack->status & IPS_EXPECTED) {
- DEBUGP("ip_conntrack_in: related packet for %pn",
- h->ctrack);
- *ctinfo = IP_CT_RELATED;
- } else {
- DEBUGP("ip_conntrack_in: new packet for %pn",
- h->ctrack);
- *ctinfo = IP_CT_NEW;
- }
- *set_reply = 0;
- }
- skb->nfct = &h->ctrack->infos[*ctinfo];
- return h->ctrack;
- }
- /* Netfilter hook itself. */
- unsigned int ip_conntrack_in(unsigned int hooknum,
- struct sk_buff **pskb,
- const struct net_device *in,
- const struct net_device *out,
- int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *ct;
- enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo;
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto;
- int set_reply;
- int ret;
- /* FIXME: Do this right please. --RR */
- (*pskb)->nfcache |= NFC_UNKNOWN;
- /* Doesn't cover locally-generated broadcast, so not worth it. */
- #if 0
- /* Ignore broadcast: no `connection'. */
- if ((*pskb)->pkt_type == PACKET_BROADCAST) {
- printk("Broadcast packet!n");
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- } else if (((*pskb)->nh.iph->daddr & htonl(0x000000FF))
- == htonl(0x000000FF)) {
- printk("Should bcast: %u.%u.%u.%u->%u.%u.%u.%u (sk=%p, ptype=%u)n",
- NIPQUAD((*pskb)->nh.iph->saddr),
- NIPQUAD((*pskb)->nh.iph->daddr),
- (*pskb)->sk, (*pskb)->pkt_type);
- }
- #endif
- /* Previously seen (loopback)? Ignore. Do this before
- fragment check. */
- if ((*pskb)->nfct)
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- /* Gather fragments. */
- if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
- if (!*pskb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
- }
- proto = ip_ct_find_proto((*pskb)->nh.iph->protocol);
- /* It may be an icmp error... */
- if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP
- && icmp_error_track(*pskb, &ctinfo, hooknum))
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- if (!(ct = resolve_normal_ct(*pskb, proto,&set_reply,hooknum,&ctinfo)))
- /* Not valid part of a connection */
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- if (IS_ERR(ct))
- /* Too stressed to deal. */
- return NF_DROP;
- IP_NF_ASSERT((*pskb)->nfct);
- ret = proto->packet(ct, (*pskb)->nh.iph, (*pskb)->len, ctinfo);
- if (ret == -1) {
- /* Invalid */
- nf_conntrack_put((*pskb)->nfct);
- (*pskb)->nfct = NULL;
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
- if (ret != NF_DROP && ct->helper) {
- ret = ct->helper->help((*pskb)->nh.iph, (*pskb)->len,
- ct, ctinfo);
- if (ret == -1) {
- /* Invalid */
- nf_conntrack_put((*pskb)->nfct);
- (*pskb)->nfct = NULL;
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
- }
- if (set_reply)
- set_bit(IPS_SEEN_REPLY_BIT, &ct->status);
- return ret;
- }
- int invert_tuplepr(struct ip_conntrack_tuple *inverse,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *orig)
- {
- return invert_tuple(inverse, orig, ip_ct_find_proto(orig->dst.protonum));
- }
- static inline int resent_expect(const struct ip_conntrack_expect *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *mask)
- {
- DEBUGP("resent_expectn");
- DEBUGP(" tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&i->tuple);
- DEBUGP("ct_tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&i->ct_tuple);
- DEBUGP("test tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(tuple);
- return (((i->ct_tuple.dst.protonum == 0 && ip_ct_tuple_equal(&i->tuple, tuple))
- || (i->ct_tuple.dst.protonum && ip_ct_tuple_equal(&i->ct_tuple, tuple)))
- && ip_ct_tuple_equal(&i->mask, mask));
- }
- /* Would two expected things clash? */
- static inline int expect_clash(const struct ip_conntrack_expect *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *mask)
- {
- /* Part covered by intersection of masks must be unequal,
- otherwise they clash */
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple intersect_mask
- = { { i->mask.src.ip & mask->src.ip,
- { i->mask.src.u.all & mask->src.u.all } },
- { i->mask.dst.ip & mask->dst.ip,
- { i->mask.dst.u.all & mask->dst.u.all },
- i->mask.dst.protonum & mask->dst.protonum } };
- return ip_ct_tuple_mask_cmp(&i->tuple, tuple, &intersect_mask);
- }
- inline void ip_conntrack_unexpect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- unexpect_related(expect);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- }
- static void expectation_timed_out(unsigned long ul_expect)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect = (void *) ul_expect;
- DEBUGP("expectation %p timed outn", expect);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- __unexpect_related(expect);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- }
- /* Add a related connection. */
- int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct ip_conntrack *related_to,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *old, *new;
- int ret = 0;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Because of the write lock, no reader can walk the lists,
- * so there is no need to use the tuple lock too */
- DEBUGP("ip_conntrack_expect_related %pn", related_to);
- DEBUGP("tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->tuple);
- DEBUGP("mask: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->mask);
- old = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, resent_expect,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, &expect->tuple,
- &expect->mask);
- if (old) {
- /* Helper private data may contain offsets but no pointers
- pointing into the payload - otherwise we should have to copy
- the data filled out by the helper over the old one */
- DEBUGP("expect_related: resent packetn");
- if (related_to->helper->timeout) {
- if (!del_timer(&old->timeout)) {
- /* expectation is dying. Fall through */
- old = NULL;
- } else {
- old->timeout.expires = jiffies +
- related_to->helper->timeout * HZ;
- add_timer(&old->timeout);
- }
- }
- if (old) {
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return -EEXIST;
- }
- } else if (related_to->helper->max_expected &&
- related_to->expecting >= related_to->helper->max_expected) {
- struct list_head *cur_item;
- /* old == NULL */
- if (net_ratelimit())
- "ip_conntrack: max number of expected "
- "connections %i of %s reached for "
- "%u.%u.%u.%u->%u.%u.%u.%u%sn",
- related_to->helper->max_expected,
- related_to->helper->name,
- NIPQUAD(related_to->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.src.ip),
- NIPQUAD(related_to->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.dst.ip),
- related_to->helper->flags & IP_CT_HELPER_F_REUSE_EXPECT ?
- ", reusing" : "");
- if (!(related_to->helper->flags &
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return -EPERM;
- }
- /* choose the the oldest expectation to evict */
- list_for_each(cur_item, &related_to->sibling_list) {
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *cur;
- cur = list_entry(cur_item,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect,
- expected_list);
- if (cur->sibling == NULL) {
- old = cur;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* (!old) cannot happen, since related_to->expecting is the
- * number of unconfirmed expects */
- IP_NF_ASSERT(old);
- /* newnat14 does not reuse the real allocated memory
- * structures but rather unexpects the old and
- * allocates a new. unexpect_related will decrement
- * related_to->expecting.
- */
- unexpect_related(old);
- ret = -EPERM;
- } else if (LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, &expect->tuple,
- &expect->mask)) {
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- DEBUGP("expect_related: busy!n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- new = (struct ip_conntrack_expect *)
- kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_expect), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!new) {
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- DEBUGP("expect_relaed: OOM allocating expectn");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- /* Zero out the new structure, then fill out it with the data */
- DEBUGP("new expectation %p of conntrack %pn", new, related_to);
- memset(new, 0, sizeof(*expect));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new->list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new->expected_list);
- memcpy(new, expect, sizeof(*expect));
- new->expectant = related_to;
- new->sibling = NULL;
- /* increase usage count. This sucks. The memset above overwrites
- * old usage count [if still present] and we increase to one. Only
- * works because everything is done under ip_conntrack_lock() */
- atomic_inc(&new->use);
- /* add to expected list for this connection */
- list_add(&new->expected_list, &related_to->sibling_list);
- /* add to global list of expectations */
- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, &new->list);
- /* add and start timer if required */
- if (related_to->helper->timeout) {
- init_timer(&new->timeout);
- new->timeout.data = (unsigned long)new;
- new->timeout.function = expectation_timed_out;
- new->timeout.expires = jiffies +
- related_to->helper->timeout * HZ;
- add_timer(&new->timeout);
- }
- related_to->expecting++;
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return ret;
- }
- /* Change tuple in an existing expectation */
- int ip_conntrack_change_expect(struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple *newtuple)
- {
- int ret;
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- DEBUGP("change_expect:n");
- DEBUGP("exp tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->tuple);
- DEBUGP("exp mask: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->mask);
- DEBUGP("newtuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(newtuple);
- if (expect->ct_tuple.dst.protonum == 0) {
- /* Never seen before */
- DEBUGP("change expect: never seen beforen");
- if (!ip_ct_tuple_equal(&expect->tuple, newtuple)
- && LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, newtuple, &expect->mask)) {
- /* Force NAT to find an unused tuple */
- ret = -1;
- } else {
- memcpy(&expect->ct_tuple, &expect->tuple, sizeof(expect->tuple));
- memcpy(&expect->tuple, newtuple, sizeof(expect->tuple));
- ret = 0;
- }
- } else {
- /* Resent packet */
- DEBUGP("change expect: resent packetn");
- if (ip_ct_tuple_equal(&expect->tuple, newtuple)) {
- ret = 0;
- } else {
- /* Force NAT to choose again the same port */
- ret = -1;
- }
- }
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- return ret;
- }
- /* Alter reply tuple (maybe alter helper). If it's already taken,
- return 0 and don't do alteration. */
- int ip_conntrack_alter_reply(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack,
- const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *newreply)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- if (__ip_conntrack_find(newreply, conntrack)) {
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Should be unconfirmed, so not in hash table yet */
- IP_NF_ASSERT(!is_confirmed(conntrack));
- DEBUGP("Altering reply tuple of %p to ", conntrack);
- DUMP_TUPLE(newreply);
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple = *newreply;
- if (!conntrack->master)
- conntrack->helper = LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_helper *,
- newreply);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return 1;
- }
- int ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- list_prepend(&helpers, me);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return 0;
- }
- static inline int unhelp(struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
- {
- if (i->ctrack->helper == me) {
- /* Get rid of any expected. */
- remove_expectations(i->ctrack);
- /* And *then* set helper to NULL */
- i->ctrack->helper = NULL;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- /* Need write lock here, to delete helper. */
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- LIST_DELETE(&helpers, me);
- /* Get rid of expecteds, set helpers to NULL. */
- for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++)
- LIST_FIND_W(&ip_conntrack_hash[i], unhelp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *, me);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Someone could be still looking at the helper in a bh. */
- br_write_lock_bh(BR_NETPROTO_LOCK);
- br_write_unlock_bh(BR_NETPROTO_LOCK);
- }
- /* Refresh conntrack for this many jiffies. */
- void ip_ct_refresh(struct ip_conntrack *ct, unsigned long extra_jiffies)
- {
- IP_NF_ASSERT(ct->timeout.data == (unsigned long)ct);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* If not in hash table, timer will not be active yet */
- if (!is_confirmed(ct))
- ct->timeout.expires = extra_jiffies;
- else {
- /* Need del_timer for race avoidance (may already be dying). */
- if (del_timer(&ct->timeout)) {
- ct->timeout.expires = jiffies + extra_jiffies;
- add_timer(&ct->timeout);
- }
- }
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- }
- /* Returns new sk_buff, or NULL */
- struct sk_buff *
- ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
- struct sock *sk = skb->sk;
- unsigned int olddebug = skb->nf_debug;
- #endif
- if (sk) {
- sock_hold(sk);
- skb_orphan(skb);
- }
- local_bh_disable();
- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
- local_bh_enable();
- if (!skb) {
- if (sk) sock_put(sk);
- return skb;
- } else if (skb_is_nonlinear(skb) && skb_linearize(skb, GFP_ATOMIC) != 0) {
- kfree_skb(skb);
- if (sk) sock_put(sk);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (sk) {
- skb_set_owner_w(skb, sk);
- sock_put(sk);
- }
- ip_send_check(skb->nh.iph);
- skb->nfcache |= NFC_ALTERED;
- /* Packet path as if nothing had happened. */
- skb->nf_debug = olddebug;
- #endif
- return skb;
- }
- /* Used by ipt_REJECT. */
- static void ip_conntrack_attach(struct sk_buff *nskb, struct nf_ct_info *nfct)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *ct;
- enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo;
- ct = __ip_conntrack_get(nfct, &ctinfo);
- /* This ICMP is in reverse direction to the packet which
- caused it */
- else
- ctinfo = IP_CT_RELATED;
- /* Attach new skbuff, and increment count */
- nskb->nfct = &ct->infos[ctinfo];
- atomic_inc(&ct->ct_general.use);
- }
- static inline int
- do_kill(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *i,
- int (*kill)(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *data),
- void *data)
- {
- return kill(i->ctrack, data);
- }
- /* Bring out ya dead! */
- static struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *
- get_next_corpse(int (*kill)(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *data),
- void *data)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h = NULL;
- unsigned int i;
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- for (i = 0; !h && i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++) {
- h = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[i], do_kill,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *, kill, data);
- }
- if (h)
- atomic_inc(&h->ctrack->ct_general.use);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return h;
- }
- void
- ip_ct_selective_cleanup(int (*kill)(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *data),
- void *data)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- /* This is order n^2, by the way. */
- while ((h = get_next_corpse(kill, data)) != NULL) {
- /* Time to push up daises... */
- if (del_timer(&h->ctrack->timeout))
- death_by_timeout((unsigned long)h->ctrack);
- /* ... else the timer will get him soon. */
- ip_conntrack_put(h->ctrack);
- }
- }
- /* Fast function for those who don't want to parse /proc (and I don't
- blame them). */
- /* Reversing the socket's dst/src point of view gives us the reply
- mapping. */
- static int
- getorigdst(struct sock *sk, int optval, void *user, int *len)
- {
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple tuple = { { sk->rcv_saddr, { sk->sport } },
- { sk->daddr, { sk->dport },
- /* We only do TCP at the moment: is there a better way? */
- if (strcmp(sk->prot->name, "TCP") != 0) {
- DEBUGP("SO_ORIGINAL_DST: Not a TCP socketn");
- return -ENOPROTOOPT;
- }
- if ((unsigned int) *len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) {
- DEBUGP("SO_ORIGINAL_DST: len %u not %un",
- *len, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- h = ip_conntrack_find_get(&tuple, NULL);
- if (h) {
- struct sockaddr_in sin;
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_port = h->ctrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]
- .tuple.dst.u.tcp.port;
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = h->ctrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]
- .tuple.dst.ip;
- DEBUGP("SO_ORIGINAL_DST: %u.%u.%u.%u %un",
- NIPQUAD(sin.sin_addr.s_addr), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
- ip_conntrack_put(h->ctrack);
- if (copy_to_user(user, &sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0)
- return -EFAULT;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- DEBUGP("SO_ORIGINAL_DST: Can't find %u.%u.%u.%u/%u-%u.%u.%u.%u/%u.n",
- NIPQUAD(tuple.src.ip), ntohs(tuple.src.u.tcp.port),
- NIPQUAD(tuple.dst.ip), ntohs(tuple.dst.u.tcp.port));
- return -ENOENT;
- }
- static struct nf_sockopt_ops so_getorigdst
- = { { NULL, NULL }, PF_INET,
- 0, 0, NULL, /* Setsockopts */
- 0, NULL };
- #define NET_IP_CONNTRACK_MAX 2089
- #define NET_IP_CONNTRACK_MAX_NAME "ip_conntrack_max"
- static struct ctl_table_header *ip_conntrack_sysctl_header;
- static ctl_table ip_conntrack_table[] = {
- sizeof(ip_conntrack_max), 0644, NULL, proc_dointvec },
- { 0 }
- };
- static ctl_table ip_conntrack_dir_table[] = {
- {NET_IPV4, "ipv4", NULL, 0, 0555, ip_conntrack_table, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- { 0 }
- };
- static ctl_table ip_conntrack_root_table[] = {
- {CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555, ip_conntrack_dir_table, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- { 0 }
- };
- #endif /*CONFIG_SYSCTL*/
- static int kill_all(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *data)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- /* Mishearing the voices in his head, our hero wonders how he's
- supposed to kill the mall. */
- void ip_conntrack_cleanup(void)
- {
- unregister_sysctl_table(ip_conntrack_sysctl_header);
- #endif
- ip_ct_attach = NULL;
- /* This makes sure all current packets have passed through
- netfilter framework. Roll on, two-stage module
- delete... */
- br_write_lock_bh(BR_NETPROTO_LOCK);
- br_write_unlock_bh(BR_NETPROTO_LOCK);
- i_see_dead_people:
- ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_all, NULL);
- if (atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) != 0) {
- schedule();
- goto i_see_dead_people;
- }
- kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
- vfree(ip_conntrack_hash);
- nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
- }
- static int hashsize = 0;
- MODULE_PARM(hashsize, "i");
- int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- int ret;
- /* Idea from tcp.c: use 1/16384 of memory. On i386: 32MB
- * machine has 256 buckets. >= 1GB machines have 8192 buckets. */
- if (hashsize) {
- ip_conntrack_htable_size = hashsize;
- } else {
- ip_conntrack_htable_size
- = (((num_physpages << PAGE_SHIFT) / 16384)
- / sizeof(struct list_head));
- if (num_physpages > (1024 * 1024 * 1024 / PAGE_SIZE))
- ip_conntrack_htable_size = 8192;
- if (ip_conntrack_htable_size < 16)
- ip_conntrack_htable_size = 16;
- }
- ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
- printk("ip_conntrack version %s (%u buckets, %d max)"
- " - %d bytes per conntrackn", IP_CONNTRACK_VERSION,
- ip_conntrack_htable_size, ip_conntrack_max,
- sizeof(struct ip_conntrack));
- ret = nf_register_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
- if (ret != 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to register netfilter socket optionn");
- return ret;
- }
- ip_conntrack_hash = vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)
- * ip_conntrack_htable_size);
- if (!ip_conntrack_hash) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack_hashn");
- goto err_unreg_sockopt;
- }
- ip_conntrack_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ip_conntrack",
- sizeof(struct ip_conntrack), 0,
- if (!ip_conntrack_cachep) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack slab cachen");
- goto err_free_hash;
- }
- /* Don't NEED lock here, but good form anyway. */
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
- list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
- list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
- list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++)
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ip_conntrack_hash[i]);
- /* This is fucking braindead. There is NO WAY of doing this without
- the CONFIG_SYSCTL unless you don't want to detect errors.
- Grrr... --RR */
- ip_conntrack_sysctl_header
- = register_sysctl_table(ip_conntrack_root_table, 0);
- if (ip_conntrack_sysctl_header == NULL) {
- goto err_free_ct_cachep;
- }
- #endif /*CONFIG_SYSCTL*/
- /* For use by ipt_REJECT */
- ip_ct_attach = ip_conntrack_attach;
- return ret;
- err_free_ct_cachep:
- kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
- err_free_hash:
- vfree(ip_conntrack_hash);
- err_unreg_sockopt:
- nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }