- /*
- * cs_internal.h 1.54 2000/10/26 20:10:55
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
- * at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
- * <dahinds@users.sourceforge.net>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
- * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- typedef struct erase_busy_t {
- eraseq_entry_t *erase;
- client_handle_t client;
- struct timer_list timeout;
- struct erase_busy_t *prev, *next;
- } erase_busy_t;
- #define ERASEQ_MAGIC 0xFA67
- typedef struct eraseq_t {
- u_short eraseq_magic;
- client_handle_t handle;
- int count;
- eraseq_entry_t *entry;
- } eraseq_t;
- #define CLIENT_MAGIC 0x51E6
- typedef struct client_t {
- u_short client_magic;
- socket_t Socket;
- u_char Function;
- dev_info_t dev_info;
- u_int Attributes;
- u_int state;
- event_t EventMask, PendingEvents;
- int (*event_handler)(event_t event, int priority,
- event_callback_args_t *);
- event_callback_args_t event_callback_args;
- struct client_t *next;
- u_int mtd_count;
- wait_queue_head_t mtd_req;
- erase_busy_t erase_busy;
- } client_t;
- /* Flags in client state */
- #define CLIENT_CONFIG_LOCKED 0x0001
- #define CLIENT_IRQ_REQ 0x0002
- #define CLIENT_IO_REQ 0x0004
- #define CLIENT_UNBOUND 0x0008
- #define CLIENT_STALE 0x0010
- #define CLIENT_WIN_REQ(i) (0x20<<(i))
- #define CLIENT_CARDBUS 0x8000
- typedef struct io_window_t {
- u_int Attributes;
- ioaddr_t BasePort, NumPorts;
- ioaddr_t InUse, Config;
- } io_window_t;
- #define WINDOW_MAGIC 0xB35C
- typedef struct window_t {
- u_short magic;
- u_short index;
- client_handle_t handle;
- struct socket_info_t *sock;
- u_long base;
- u_long size;
- pccard_mem_map ctl;
- } window_t;
- #define REGION_MAGIC 0xE3C9
- typedef struct region_t {
- u_short region_magic;
- u_short state;
- dev_info_t dev_info;
- client_handle_t mtd;
- u_int MediaID;
- region_info_t info;
- } region_t;
- #define REGION_STALE 0x01
- /* Each card function gets one of these guys */
- typedef struct config_t {
- u_int state;
- u_int Attributes;
- u_int Vcc, Vpp1, Vpp2;
- u_int IntType;
- u_int ConfigBase;
- u_char Status, Pin, Copy, Option, ExtStatus;
- u_int Present;
- u_int CardValues;
- io_req_t io;
- struct {
- u_int Attributes;
- } irq;
- } config_t;
- /* Maximum number of IO windows per socket */
- #define MAX_IO_WIN 2
- /* Maximum number of memory windows per socket */
- #define MAX_WIN 4
- /* The size of the CIS cache */
- #define MAX_CIS_TABLE 64
- #define MAX_CIS_DATA 512
- typedef struct socket_info_t {
- spinlock_t lock;
- struct pccard_operations * ss_entry;
- u_int sock;
- socket_state_t socket;
- socket_cap_t cap;
- u_int state;
- u_short functions;
- u_short lock_count;
- client_handle_t clients;
- u_int real_clients;
- client_handle_t reset_handle;
- pccard_mem_map cis_mem;
- u_char *cis_virt;
- config_t *config;
- struct resource * cb_cis_res;
- u_char *cb_cis_virt;
- struct cb_config_t *cb_config;
- #endif
- struct {
- u_int AssignedIRQ;
- u_int Config;
- } irq;
- io_window_t io[MAX_IO_WIN];
- window_t win[MAX_WIN];
- region_t *c_region, *a_region;
- erase_busy_t erase_busy;
- int cis_used;
- struct {
- u_int addr;
- u_short len;
- u_short attr;
- } cis_table[MAX_CIS_TABLE];
- char cis_cache[MAX_CIS_DATA];
- u_int fake_cis_len;
- char *fake_cis;
- struct proc_dir_entry *proc;
- #endif
- int use_bus_pm;
- } socket_info_t;
- /* Flags in config state */
- #define CONFIG_LOCKED 0x01
- #define CONFIG_IRQ_REQ 0x02
- #define CONFIG_IO_REQ 0x04
- /* Flags in socket state */
- #define SOCKET_PRESENT 0x0008
- #define SOCKET_SETUP_PENDING 0x0010
- #define SOCKET_RESET_PENDING 0x0040
- #define SOCKET_SUSPEND 0x0080
- #define SOCKET_WIN_REQ(i) (0x0100<<(i))
- #define SOCKET_IO_REQ(i) (0x1000<<(i))
- #define SOCKET_REGION_INFO 0x4000
- #define SOCKET_CARDBUS 0x8000
- #define CHECK_HANDLE(h)
- (((h) == NULL) || ((h)->client_magic != CLIENT_MAGIC))
- #define CHECK_SOCKET(s)
- (((s) >= sockets) || (socket_table[s]->ss_entry == NULL))
- #define SOCKET(h) (socket_table[(h)->Socket])
- #define CONFIG(h) (&SOCKET(h)->config[(h)->Function])
- #define CHECK_REGION(r)
- (((r) == NULL) || ((r)->region_magic != REGION_MAGIC))
- #define CHECK_ERASEQ(q)
- (((q) == NULL) || ((q)->eraseq_magic != ERASEQ_MAGIC))
- #define EVENT(h, e, p)
- ((h)->event_handler((e), (p), &(h)->event_callback_args))
- /* In cardbus.c */
- int cb_alloc(socket_info_t *s);
- void cb_free(socket_info_t *s);
- int cb_config(socket_info_t *s);
- void cb_release(socket_info_t *s);
- void cb_enable(socket_info_t *s);
- void cb_disable(socket_info_t *s);
- void read_cb_mem(socket_info_t *s, u_char fn, int space,
- u_int addr, u_int len, void *ptr);
- void cb_release_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s);
- /* In cistpl.c */
- void read_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s, int attr,
- u_int addr, u_int len, void *ptr);
- void write_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s, int attr,
- u_int addr, u_int len, void *ptr);
- void release_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s);
- int verify_cis_cache(socket_info_t *s);
- void preload_cis_cache(socket_info_t *s);
- int get_first_tuple(client_handle_t handle, tuple_t *tuple);
- int get_next_tuple(client_handle_t handle, tuple_t *tuple);
- int get_tuple_data(client_handle_t handle, tuple_t *tuple);
- int parse_tuple(client_handle_t handle, tuple_t *tuple, cisparse_t *parse);
- int validate_cis(client_handle_t handle, cisinfo_t *info);
- int replace_cis(client_handle_t handle, cisdump_t *cis);
- int read_tuple(client_handle_t handle, cisdata_t code, void *parse);
- /* In bulkmem.c */
- void retry_erase_list(struct erase_busy_t *list, u_int cause);
- int get_first_region(client_handle_t handle, region_info_t *rgn);
- int get_next_region(client_handle_t handle, region_info_t *rgn);
- int register_mtd(client_handle_t handle, mtd_reg_t *reg);
- int register_erase_queue(client_handle_t *handle, eraseq_hdr_t *header);
- int deregister_erase_queue(eraseq_handle_t eraseq);
- int check_erase_queue(eraseq_handle_t eraseq);
- int open_memory(client_handle_t *handle, open_mem_t *open);
- int close_memory(memory_handle_t handle);
- int read_memory(memory_handle_t handle, mem_op_t *req, caddr_t buf);
- int write_memory(memory_handle_t handle, mem_op_t *req, caddr_t buf);
- int copy_memory(memory_handle_t handle, copy_op_t *req);
- /* In rsrc_mgr */
- void validate_mem(int (*is_valid)(u_long), int (*do_cksum)(u_long),
- int force_low, socket_info_t *s);
- int find_io_region(ioaddr_t *base, ioaddr_t num, ioaddr_t align,
- char *name, socket_info_t *s);
- int find_mem_region(u_long *base, u_long num, u_long align,
- int force_low, char *name, socket_info_t *s);
- int try_irq(u_int Attributes, int irq, int specific);
- void undo_irq(u_int Attributes, int irq);
- int adjust_resource_info(client_handle_t handle, adjust_t *adj);
- void release_resource_db(void);
- int proc_read_io(char *buf, char **start, off_t pos,
- int count, int *eof, void *data);
- int proc_read_mem(char *buf, char **start, off_t pos,
- int count, int *eof, void *data);
- #define MAX_SOCK 8
- extern socket_t sockets;
- extern socket_info_t *socket_table[MAX_SOCK];
- extern struct proc_dir_entry *proc_pccard;
- #endif
- extern int pc_debug;
- #define DEBUG(n, args...) do { if (pc_debug>(n)) printk(KERN_DEBUG args); } while (0)
- #else
- #define DEBUG(n, args...) do { } while (0)
- #endif
- #endif /* _LINUX_CS_INTERNAL_H */