- /*
- * linux/drivers/video/cyber2000fb.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Russell King
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * Integraphics Cyber2000 frame buffer device
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- /*
- * Internal CyberPro sizes and offsets.
- */
- #define MMIO_OFFSET 0x00800000
- #define MMIO_SIZE 0x000c0000
- #define NR_PALETTE 256
- #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_LL)
- static void debug_printf(char *fmt, ...)
- {
- extern void printascii(const char *);
- char buffer[128];
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- printascii(buffer);
- }
- #else
- #define debug_printf(x...) do { } while (0)
- #endif
- #define PIXFORMAT_8BPP 0
- #define PIXFORMAT_16BPP 1
- #define PIXFORMAT_24BPP 2
- #define PIXFORMAT_32BPP 3
- #define VISUALID_256 1
- #define VISUALID_64K 2
- #define VISUALID_16M_32 3
- #define VISUALID_16M 4
- #define VISUALID_32K 6
- #define FUNC_CTL 0x3c
- #define FUNC_CTL_EXTREGENBL 0x80 /* enable access to 0xbcxxx */
- #define BIU_BM_CONTROL 0x3e
- #define BIU_BM_CONTROL_ENABLE 0x01 /* enable bus-master */
- #define BIU_BM_CONTROL_BURST 0x02 /* enable burst */
- #define BIU_BM_CONTROL_BACK2BACK 0x04 /* enable back to back */
- #define X_V2_VID_MEM_START 0x40
- #define X_V2_VID_SRC_WIDTH 0x43
- #define X_V2_X_START 0x45
- #define X_V2_X_END 0x47
- #define X_V2_Y_START 0x49
- #define X_V2_Y_END 0x4b
- #define X_V2_VID_SRC_WIN_WIDTH 0x4d
- #define Y_V2_DDA_X_INC 0x43
- #define Y_V2_DDA_Y_INC 0x47
- #define Y_V2_VID_FIFO_CTL 0x49
- #define Y_V2_VID_FMT 0x4b
- #define Y_V2_VID_DISP_CTL1 0x4c
- #define Y_V2_VID_FIFO_CTL1 0x4d
- #define J_X2_VID_MEM_START 0x40
- #define J_X2_VID_SRC_WIDTH 0x43
- #define J_X2_X_START 0x47
- #define J_X2_X_END 0x49
- #define J_X2_Y_START 0x4b
- #define J_X2_Y_END 0x4d
- #define J_X2_VID_SRC_WIN_WIDTH 0x4f
- #define K_X2_DDA_X_INIT 0x40
- #define K_X2_DDA_X_INC 0x42
- #define K_X2_DDA_Y_INIT 0x44
- #define K_X2_DDA_Y_INC 0x46
- #define K_X2_VID_FMT 0x48
- #define K_X2_VID_DISP_CTL1 0x49
- #define K_CAP_X2_CTL1 0x49
- #define CAP_X_START 0x60
- #define CAP_X_END 0x62
- #define CAP_Y_START 0x64
- #define CAP_Y_END 0x66
- #define CAP_DDA_X_INIT 0x68
- #define CAP_DDA_X_INC 0x6a
- #define CAP_DDA_Y_INIT 0x6c
- #define CAP_DDA_Y_INC 0x6e
- #define MEM_CTL1 0x71
- #define MEM_CTL2 0x72
- #define MEM_CTL2_SIZE_2MB 0x01
- #define MEM_CTL2_SIZE_4MB 0x02
- #define MEM_CTL2_SIZE_MASK 0x03
- #define MEM_CTL2_64BIT 0x04
- #define EXT_FIFO_CTL 0x74
- #define CAP_PIP_X_START 0x80
- #define CAP_PIP_X_END 0x82
- #define CAP_PIP_Y_START 0x84
- #define CAP_PIP_Y_END 0x86
- #define CAP_NEW_CTL1 0x88
- #define CAP_NEW_CTL2 0x89
- #define BM_CTRL0 0x9c
- #define BM_CTRL1 0x9d
- #define CAP_MODE1 0xa4
- #define CAP_MODE1_8BIT 0x01 /* enable 8bit capture mode */
- #define CAP_MODE1_CCIR656 0x02 /* CCIR656 mode */
- #define CAP_MODE1_IGNOREVGT 0x04 /* ignore VGT */
- #define CAP_MODE1_ALTFIFO 0x10 /* use alternate FIFO for capture */
- #define CAP_MODE1_SWAPUV 0x20 /* swap UV bytes */
- #define CAP_MODE1_MIRRORY 0x40 /* mirror vertically */
- #define CAP_MODE1_MIRRORX 0x80 /* mirror horizontally */
- #define DCLK_MULT 0xb0
- #define DCLK_DIV 0xb1
- #define DCLK_DIV_VFSEL 0x20
- #define MCLK_MULT 0xb2
- #define MCLK_DIV 0xb3
- #define CAP_MODE2 0xa5
- #define Y_TV_CTL 0xae
- #define EXT_MEM_START 0xc0 /* ext start address 21 bits */
- #define HOR_PHASE_SHIFT 0xc2 /* high 3 bits */
- #define EXT_SRC_WIDTH 0xc3 /* ext offset phase 10 bits */
- #define EXT_SRC_HEIGHT 0xc4 /* high 6 bits */
- #define EXT_X_START 0xc5 /* ext->screen, 16 bits */
- #define EXT_X_END 0xc7 /* ext->screen, 16 bits */
- #define EXT_Y_START 0xc9 /* ext->screen, 16 bits */
- #define EXT_Y_END 0xcb /* ext->screen, 16 bits */
- #define EXT_SRC_WIN_WIDTH 0xcd /* 8 bits */
- #define EXT_COLOUR_COMPARE 0xce /* 24 bits */
- #define EXT_DDA_X_INIT 0xd1 /* ext->screen 16 bits */
- #define EXT_DDA_X_INC 0xd3 /* ext->screen 16 bits */
- #define EXT_DDA_Y_INIT 0xd5 /* ext->screen 16 bits */
- #define EXT_DDA_Y_INC 0xd7 /* ext->screen 16 bits */
- #define EXT_VID_FIFO_CTL 0xd9
- #define EXT_VID_FMT 0xdb
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_YUV422 0x00 /* formats - does this cause conversion? */
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_RGB555 0x01
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_RGB565 0x02
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_RGB888_24 0x03
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_RGB888_32 0x04
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_DUP_PIX_ZOON 0x08 /* duplicate pixel zoom */
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_MOD_3RD_PIX 0x20 /* modify 3rd duplicated pixel */
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_DBL_H_PIX 0x40 /* double horiz pixels */
- #define EXT_VID_FMT_UV128 0x80 /* UV data offset by 128 */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1 0xdc
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_INTRAM 0x01 /* video pixels go to internal RAM */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_IGNORE_CCOMP 0x02 /* ignore colour compare registers */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_NOCLIP 0x04 /* do not clip to 16235,16240 */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_UV_AVG 0x08 /* U/V data is averaged */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_Y128 0x10 /* Y data offset by 128 */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_VINTERPOL_OFF 0x20 /* vertical interpolation off */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_FULL_WIN 0x40 /* video out window full */
- #define EXT_VID_DISP_CTL1_ENABLE_WINDOW 0x80 /* enable video window */
- #define EXT_VID_FIFO_CTL1 0xdd
- #define VFAC_CTL1 0xe8
- #define VFAC_CTL1_CAPTURE 0x01 /* capture enable */
- #define VFAC_CTL1_VFAC_ENABLE 0x02 /* vfac enable */
- #define VFAC_CTL1_FREEZE_CAPTURE 0x04 /* freeze capture */
- #define VFAC_CTL1_FREEZE_CAPTURE_SYNC 0x08 /* sync freeze capture */
- #define VFAC_CTL1_VALIDFRAME_SRC 0x10 /* select valid frame source */
- #define VFAC_CTL1_PHILIPS 0x40 /* select Philips mode */
- #define VFAC_CTL1_MODVINTERPOLCLK 0x80 /* modify vertical interpolation clocl */
- #define VFAC_CTL2 0xe9
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_VIDDATAVALID 0x01 /* invert video data valid */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_GRAPHREADY 0x02 /* invert graphic ready output sig */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_DATACLK 0x04 /* invert data clock signal */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_HSYNC 0x08 /* invert hsync input */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_VSYNC 0x10 /* invert vsync input */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_FRAME 0x20 /* invert frame odd/even input */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_BLANK 0x40 /* invert blank output */
- #define VFAC_CTL2_INVERT_OVSYNC 0x80 /* invert other vsync input */
- #define VFAC_CTL3 0xea
- #define VFAC_CTL3_CAP_IRQ 0x40 /* enable capture interrupt */
- #define CAP_MEM_START 0xeb /* 18 bits */
- #define CAP_MAP_WIDTH 0xed /* high 6 bits */
- #define CAP_PITCH 0xee /* 8 bits */
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC 0xef
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC_HDIV 0x01
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC_HDIV4 0x02
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC_ODDEVEN 0x04
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC_HSYNCDIV2 0x08
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC_SYNCTZOR 0x20
- #define CAP_CTL_MISC_DISPUSED 0x80
- #define REG_BANK 0xfa
- #define REG_BANK_X 0x00
- #define REG_BANK_Y 0x01
- #define REG_BANK_W 0x02
- #define REG_BANK_T 0x03
- #define REG_BANK_J 0x04
- #define REG_BANK_K 0x05
- /*
- * Bus-master
- */
- #define BM_VID_ADDR_LOW 0xbc040
- #define BM_VID_ADDR_HIGH 0xbc044
- #define BM_ADDRESS_LOW 0xbc080
- #define BM_ADDRESS_HIGH 0xbc084
- #define BM_LENGTH 0xbc088
- #define BM_CONTROL 0xbc08c
- #define BM_CONTROL_ENABLE 0x01 /* enable transfer */
- #define BM_CONTROL_IRQEN 0x02 /* enable IRQ at end of transfer */
- #define BM_CONTROL_INIT 0x04 /* initialise status & count */
- #define BM_COUNT 0xbc090 /* read-only */
- /*
- * Graphics Co-processor
- */
- #define CO_CMD_L_PATTERN_FGCOL 0x8000
- #define CO_CMD_L_INC_LEFT 0x0004
- #define CO_CMD_L_INC_UP 0x0002
- #define CO_CMD_H_SRC_PIXMAP 0x2000
- #define CO_CMD_H_BLITTER 0x0800
- #define CO_REG_CONTROL 0xbf011
- #define CO_REG_SRC_WIDTH 0xbf018
- #define CO_REG_PIX_FORMAT 0xbf01c
- #define CO_REG_FORE_MIX 0xbf048
- #define CO_REG_FOREGROUND 0xbf058
- #define CO_REG_WIDTH 0xbf060
- #define CO_REG_HEIGHT 0xbf062
- #define CO_REG_X_PHASE 0xbf078
- #define CO_REG_CMD_L 0xbf07c
- #define CO_REG_CMD_H 0xbf07e
- #define CO_REG_SRC_PTR 0xbf170
- #define CO_REG_DEST_PTR 0xbf178
- #define CO_REG_DEST_WIDTH 0xbf218
- /*
- * Private structure
- */
- struct cfb_info;
- struct cyberpro_info {
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- unsigned char *regs;
- char *fb;
- char dev_name[32];
- unsigned int fb_size;
- /*
- * The following is a pointer to be passed into the
- * functions below. The modules outside the main
- * cyber2000fb.c driver have no knowledge as to what
- * is within this structure.
- */
- struct cfb_info *info;
- /*
- * Use these to enable the BM or TV registers. In an SMP
- * environment, these two function pointers should only be
- * called from the module_init() or module_exit()
- * functions.
- */
- void (*enable_extregs)(struct cfb_info *);
- void (*disable_extregs)(struct cfb_info *);
- };
- /*
- * Note! Writing to the Cyber20x0 registers from an interrupt
- * routine is definitely a bad idea atm.
- */
- int cyber2000fb_attach(struct cyberpro_info *info, int idx);
- void cyber2000fb_detach(int idx);