- /*
- * linux/drivers/video/cyber2000fb.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Russell King
- *
- * MIPS and 50xx clock support
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Bradley D. LaRonde <>
- *
- * 32 bit support, text color and panning fixes for modes != 8 bit
- * Copyright (C) 2002 Denis Oliver Kropp <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * Intergraphics CyberPro 2000, 2010 and 5000 frame buffer device
- *
- * Based on cyberfb.c.
- *
- * Note that we now use the new fbcon fix, var and cmap scheme. We do still
- * have to check which console is the currently displayed one however, since
- * especially for the colourmap stuff. Once fbcon has been fully migrated,
- * we can kill the last 5 references to cfb->currcon.
- *
- * We also use the new hotplug PCI subsystem. I'm not sure if there are any
- * such cards, but I'm erring on the side of caution. We don't want to go
- * pop just because someone does have one.
- *
- * Note that this doesn't work fully in the case of multiple CyberPro cards
- * with grabbers. We currently can only attach to the first CyberPro card
- * found.
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/fb.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <video/fbcon.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb8.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb16.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb24.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb32.h>
- /*
- * Define this if you don't want RGB565, but RGB555 for 16bpp displays.
- */
- /*#define CFB16_IS_CFB15*/
- #include "cyber2000fb.h"
- struct cfb_info {
- struct fb_info fb;
- struct display_switch *dispsw;
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- unsigned char *region;
- unsigned char *regs;
- signed int currcon;
- int func_use_count;
- u_long ref_ps;
- /*
- * Clock divisors
- */
- u_int divisors[4];
- struct {
- u8 red, green, blue;
- } palette[NR_PALETTE];
- u_char mem_ctl1;
- u_char mem_ctl2;
- u_char mclk_mult;
- u_char mclk_div;
- };
- static char default_font_storage[40];
- static char *default_font = "Acorn8x8";
- MODULE_PARM(default_font, "s");
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(default_font, "Default font name");
- /*
- * Our access methods.
- */
- #define cyber2000fb_writel(val,reg,cfb) writel(val, (cfb)->regs + (reg))
- #define cyber2000fb_writew(val,reg,cfb) writew(val, (cfb)->regs + (reg))
- #define cyber2000fb_writeb(val,reg,cfb) writeb(val, (cfb)->regs + (reg))
- #define cyber2000fb_readb(reg,cfb) readb((cfb)->regs + (reg))
- static inline void
- cyber2000_crtcw(unsigned int reg, unsigned int val, struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- cyber2000fb_writew((reg & 255) | val << 8, 0x3d4, cfb);
- }
- static inline void
- cyber2000_grphw(unsigned int reg, unsigned int val, struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- cyber2000fb_writew((reg & 255) | val << 8, 0x3ce, cfb);
- }
- static inline unsigned int
- cyber2000_grphr(unsigned int reg, struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- cyber2000fb_writeb(reg, 0x3ce, cfb);
- return cyber2000fb_readb(0x3cf, cfb);
- }
- static inline void
- cyber2000_attrw(unsigned int reg, unsigned int val, struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- cyber2000fb_readb(0x3da, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(reg, 0x3c0, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_readb(0x3c1, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(val, 0x3c0, cfb);
- }
- static inline void
- cyber2000_seqw(unsigned int reg, unsigned int val, struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- cyber2000fb_writew((reg & 255) | val << 8, 0x3c4, cfb);
- }
- /* -------------------- Hardware specific routines ------------------------- */
- /*
- * Hardware Cyber2000 Acceleration
- */
- static void cyber2000_accel_wait(struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- int count = 100000;
- while (cyber2000fb_readb(CO_REG_CONTROL, cfb) & 0x80) {
- if (!count--) {
- debug_printf("accel_wait timed outn");
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, CO_REG_CONTROL, cfb);
- return;
- }
- udelay(1);
- }
- }
- static void cyber2000_accel_setup(struct display *p)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- cfb->dispsw->setup(p);
- }
- static void
- cyber2000_accel_bmove(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
- int height, int width)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &p->fb_info->var;
- u_long src, dst;
- u_int fh, fw;
- fw = fontwidth(p);
- sx *= fw;
- dx *= fw;
- width *= fw;
- width -= 1;
- if (sx < dx) {
- sx += width;
- dx += width;
- cmd |= CO_CMD_L_INC_LEFT;
- }
- fh = fontheight(p);
- sy *= fh;
- dy *= fh;
- height *= fh;
- height -= 1;
- if (sy < dy) {
- sy += height;
- dy += height;
- cmd |= CO_CMD_L_INC_UP;
- }
- src = sx + sy * var->xres_virtual;
- dst = dx + dy * var->xres_virtual;
- cyber2000_accel_wait(cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x00, CO_REG_CONTROL, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x03, CO_REG_FORE_MIX, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(width, CO_REG_WIDTH, cfb);
- if (var->bits_per_pixel != 24) {
- cyber2000fb_writel(dst, CO_REG_DEST_PTR, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writel(src, CO_REG_SRC_PTR, cfb);
- } else {
- cyber2000fb_writel(dst * 3, CO_REG_DEST_PTR, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(dst, CO_REG_X_PHASE, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writel(src * 3, CO_REG_SRC_PTR, cfb);
- }
- cyber2000fb_writew(height, CO_REG_HEIGHT, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(cmd, CO_REG_CMD_L, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(0x2800, CO_REG_CMD_H, cfb);
- }
- static void
- cyber2000_accel_clear(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy, int sx,
- int height, int width)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &p->fb_info->var;
- u_long dst;
- u_int fw, fh;
- u32 bgx = attr_bgcol_ec(p, conp);
- fw = fontwidth(p);
- fh = fontheight(p);
- dst = sx * fw + sy * var->xres_virtual * fh;
- width = width * fw - 1;
- height = height * fh - 1;
- cyber2000_accel_wait(cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x00, CO_REG_CONTROL, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x03, CO_REG_FORE_MIX, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(width, CO_REG_WIDTH, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(height, CO_REG_HEIGHT, cfb);
- switch (var->bits_per_pixel) {
- case 15:
- case 16:
- bgx = ((u16 *)p->dispsw_data)[bgx];
- case 8:
- cyber2000fb_writel(dst, CO_REG_DEST_PTR, cfb);
- break;
- case 24:
- cyber2000fb_writel(dst * 3, CO_REG_DEST_PTR, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(dst, CO_REG_X_PHASE, cfb);
- bgx = ((u32 *)p->dispsw_data)[bgx];
- break;
- case 32:
- bgx = ((u32 *)p->dispsw_data)[bgx];
- cyber2000fb_writel(dst, CO_REG_DEST_PTR, cfb);
- break;
- }
- cyber2000fb_writel(bgx, CO_REG_FOREGROUND, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(CO_CMD_L_PATTERN_FGCOL, CO_REG_CMD_L, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(0x0800, CO_REG_CMD_H, cfb);
- }
- static void
- cyber2000_accel_putc(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int c,
- int yy, int xx)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- cyber2000_accel_wait(cfb);
- cfb->dispsw->putc(conp, p, c, yy, xx);
- }
- static void
- cyber2000_accel_putcs(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
- const unsigned short *s, int count, int yy, int xx)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- cyber2000_accel_wait(cfb);
- cfb->dispsw->putcs(conp, p, s, count, yy, xx);
- }
- static void cyber2000_accel_revc(struct display *p, int xx, int yy)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- cyber2000_accel_wait(cfb);
- cfb->dispsw->revc(p, xx, yy);
- }
- static void
- cyber2000_accel_clear_margins(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
- int bottom_only)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)p->fb_info;
- cfb->dispsw->clear_margins(conp, p, bottom_only);
- }
- static struct display_switch fbcon_cyber_accel = {
- setup: cyber2000_accel_setup,
- bmove: cyber2000_accel_bmove,
- clear: cyber2000_accel_clear,
- putc: cyber2000_accel_putc,
- putcs: cyber2000_accel_putcs,
- revc: cyber2000_accel_revc,
- clear_margins: cyber2000_accel_clear_margins,
- fontwidthmask: FONTWIDTH(8)|FONTWIDTH(16)
- };
- /*
- * Set a single color register. Return != 0 for invalid regno.
- */
- static int
- cyber2000_setcolreg(u_int regno, u_int red, u_int green, u_int blue,
- u_int transp, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- u_int alpha = transp ^ 0xFFFF;
- if (regno >= NR_PALETTE)
- return 1;
- red >>= 8;
- green >>= 8;
- blue >>= 8;
- alpha >>= 8;
- cfb->palette[regno].red = red;
- cfb->palette[regno].green = green;
- cfb->palette[regno].blue = blue;
- switch (cfb->fb.var.bits_per_pixel) {
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
- case 8:
- cyber2000fb_writeb(regno, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
- case 16:
- #ifndef CFB16_IS_CFB15
- if (regno < 64) {
- /* write green */
- cyber2000fb_writeb(regno << 2, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cfb->palette[regno >> 1].red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cfb->palette[regno >> 1].blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- }
- if (regno < 32) {
- /* write red,blue */
- cyber2000fb_writeb(regno << 3, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cfb->palette[regno << 1].green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- }
- if (regno < 16)
- ((u16 *)cfb->fb.pseudo_palette)[regno] =
- ((red << 8) & 0xf800) |
- ((green << 3) & 0x07e0) |
- ((blue >> 3));
- break;
- #endif
- case 15:
- if (regno < 32) {
- cyber2000fb_writeb(regno << 3, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- }
- if (regno < 16)
- ((u16 *)cfb->fb.pseudo_palette)[regno] =
- ((red << 7) & 0x7c00) |
- ((green << 2) & 0x03e0) |
- ((blue >> 3));
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB24
- case 24:
- cyber2000fb_writeb(regno, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- if (regno < 16)
- ((u32 *)cfb->fb.pseudo_palette)[regno] =
- (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
- case 32:
- cyber2000fb_writeb(regno, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- if (regno < 16)
- ((u32 *)cfb->fb.pseudo_palette)[regno] =
- (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
- break;
- #endif
- default:
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- struct par_info {
- /*
- * Hardware
- */
- u_char clock_mult;
- u_char clock_div;
- u_char visualid;
- u_char pixformat;
- u_char crtc_ofl;
- u_char crtc[19];
- u_int width;
- u_int pitch;
- u_int fetch;
- /*
- * Other
- */
- u_char palette_ctrl;
- u_int vmode;
- };
- static const u_char crtc_idx[] = {
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
- 0x08, 0x09,
- 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18
- };
- static void cyber2000fb_set_timing(struct cfb_info *cfb, struct par_info *hw)
- {
- u_int i;
- /*
- * Blank palette
- */
- for (i = 0; i < NR_PALETTE; i++) {
- cyber2000fb_writeb(i, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, 0x3c9, cfb);
- }
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0xef, 0x3c2, cfb);
- cyber2000_crtcw(0x11, 0x0b, cfb);
- cyber2000_attrw(0x11, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_seqw(0x00, 0x01, cfb);
- cyber2000_seqw(0x01, 0x01, cfb);
- cyber2000_seqw(0x02, 0x0f, cfb);
- cyber2000_seqw(0x03, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_seqw(0x04, 0x0e, cfb);
- cyber2000_seqw(0x00, 0x03, cfb);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(crtc_idx); i++)
- cyber2000_crtcw(crtc_idx[i], hw->crtc[i], cfb);
- for (i = 0x0a; i < 0x10; i++)
- cyber2000_crtcw(i, 0, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x11, hw->crtc_ofl, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x00, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x01, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x02, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x03, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x04, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x05, 0x60, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x06, 0x05, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x07, 0x0f, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x08, 0xff, cfb);
- /* Attribute controller registers */
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- cyber2000_attrw(i, i, cfb);
- cyber2000_attrw(0x10, 0x01, cfb);
- cyber2000_attrw(0x11, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_attrw(0x12, 0x0f, cfb);
- cyber2000_attrw(0x13, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000_attrw(0x14, 0x00, cfb);
- /* woody: set the interlaced bit... */
- /* FIXME: what about doublescan? */
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x11, 0x3ce, cfb);
- i = cyber2000fb_readb(0x3cf, cfb);
- if (hw->vmode == FB_VMODE_INTERLACED)
- i |= 0x20;
- else
- i &= ~0x20;
- cyber2000fb_writeb(i, 0x3cf, cfb);
- /* PLL registers */
- cyber2000_grphw(DCLK_MULT, hw->clock_mult, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(DCLK_DIV, hw->clock_div, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(MCLK_MULT, cfb->mclk_mult, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(MCLK_DIV, cfb->mclk_div, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x90, 0x01, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0xb9, 0x80, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0xb9, 0x00, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x56, 0x3ce, cfb);
- i = cyber2000fb_readb(0x3cf, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(i | 4, 0x3cf, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(hw->palette_ctrl, 0x3c6, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(i, 0x3cf, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x20, 0x3c0, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0xff, 0x3c6, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x14, hw->fetch, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x15, ((hw->fetch >> 8) & 0x03) |
- ((hw->pitch >> 4) & 0x30), cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(0x77, hw->visualid, cfb);
- /* make sure we stay in linear mode */
- cyber2000_grphw(0x33, 0x0d, cfb);
- /*
- * Set up accelerator registers
- */
- cyber2000fb_writew(hw->width, CO_REG_SRC_WIDTH, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writew(hw->width, CO_REG_DEST_WIDTH, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(hw->pixformat, CO_REG_PIX_FORMAT, cfb);
- }
- static inline int
- cyber2000fb_update_start(struct cfb_info *cfb, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var)
- {
- u_int base;
- base = var->yoffset * var->xres_virtual + var->xoffset;
- /* have to be careful, because bits_per_pixel might be 15
- in this version of the driver -- 2002/06/13 */
- base *= (var->bits_per_pixel + 7) >> 3;
- base >>= 2;
- if (base >= 1 << 20)
- return -EINVAL;
- cyber2000_grphw(0x10, base >> 16 | 0x10, cfb);
- cyber2000_crtcw(0x0c, base >> 8, cfb);
- cyber2000_crtcw(0x0d, base, cfb);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set the Colormap
- */
- static int
- cyber2000fb_set_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int kspc, int con,
- struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- struct fb_cmap *dcmap = &fb_display[con].cmap;
- int err = 0;
- /* no colormap allocated? */
- if (!dcmap->len) {
- int size;
- if (cfb->fb.var.bits_per_pixel == 16)
- size = 32;
- else
- size = 256;
- err = fb_alloc_cmap(dcmap, size, 0);
- }
- /*
- * we should be able to remove this test once fbcon has been
- * "improved" --rmk
- */
- if (!err && con == cfb->currcon) {
- err = fb_set_cmap(cmap, kspc, cyber2000_setcolreg, &cfb->fb);
- dcmap = &cfb->fb.cmap;
- }
- if (!err)
- fb_copy_cmap(cmap, dcmap, kspc ? 0 : 1);
- return err;
- }
- static int
- cyber2000fb_decode_crtc(struct par_info *hw, struct cfb_info *cfb,
- struct fb_var_screeninfo *var)
- {
- u_int Htotal, Hblankend, Hsyncend;
- u_int Vtotal, Vdispend, Vblankstart, Vblankend, Vsyncstart, Vsyncend;
- #define BIT(v,b1,m,b2) (((v >> b1) & m) << b2)
- hw->crtc[13] = hw->pitch;
- hw->crtc[17] = 0xe3;
- hw->crtc[14] = 0;
- hw->crtc[8] = 0;
- Htotal = var->xres + var->right_margin +
- var->hsync_len + var->left_margin;
- if (Htotal > 2080)
- return -EINVAL;
- hw->crtc[0] = (Htotal >> 3) - 5;
- hw->crtc[1] = (var->xres >> 3) - 1;
- hw->crtc[2] = var->xres >> 3;
- hw->crtc[4] = (var->xres + var->right_margin) >> 3;
- Hblankend = (Htotal - 4*8) >> 3;
- hw->crtc[3] = BIT(Hblankend, 0, 0x1f, 0) |
- BIT(1, 0, 0x01, 7);
- Hsyncend = (var->xres + var->right_margin + var->hsync_len) >> 3;
- hw->crtc[5] = BIT(Hsyncend, 0, 0x1f, 0) |
- BIT(Hblankend, 5, 0x01, 7);
- Vdispend = var->yres - 1;
- Vsyncstart = var->yres + var->lower_margin;
- Vsyncend = var->yres + var->lower_margin + var->vsync_len;
- Vtotal = var->yres + var->lower_margin + var->vsync_len +
- var->upper_margin - 2;
- if (Vtotal > 2047)
- return -EINVAL;
- Vblankstart = var->yres + 6;
- Vblankend = Vtotal - 10;
- hw->crtc[6] = Vtotal;
- hw->crtc[7] = BIT(Vtotal, 8, 0x01, 0) |
- BIT(Vdispend, 8, 0x01, 1) |
- BIT(Vsyncstart, 8, 0x01, 2) |
- BIT(Vblankstart,8, 0x01, 3) |
- BIT(1, 0, 0x01, 4) |
- BIT(Vtotal, 9, 0x01, 5) |
- BIT(Vdispend, 9, 0x01, 6) |
- BIT(Vsyncstart, 9, 0x01, 7);
- hw->crtc[9] = BIT(0, 0, 0x1f, 0) |
- BIT(Vblankstart,9, 0x01, 5) |
- BIT(1, 0, 0x01, 6);
- hw->crtc[10] = Vsyncstart;
- hw->crtc[11] = BIT(Vsyncend, 0, 0x0f, 0) |
- BIT(1, 0, 0x01, 7);
- hw->crtc[12] = Vdispend;
- hw->crtc[15] = Vblankstart;
- hw->crtc[16] = Vblankend;
- hw->crtc[18] = 0xff;
- /* overflow - graphics reg 0x11 */
- /* 0=VTOTAL:10 1=VDEND:10 2=VRSTART:10 3=VBSTART:10
- */
- hw->crtc_ofl =
- BIT(Vtotal, 10, 0x01, 0) |
- BIT(Vdispend, 10, 0x01, 1) |
- BIT(Vsyncstart, 10, 0x01, 2) |
- BIT(Vblankstart,10, 0x01, 3) |
- 1 << 4;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * The following was discovered by a good monitor, bit twiddling, theorising
- * and but mostly luck. Strangely, it looks like everyone elses' PLL!
- *
- * Clock registers:
- * fclock = fpll / div2
- * fpll = fref * mult / div1
- * where:
- * fref = 14.318MHz (69842ps)
- * mult = reg0xb0.7:0
- * div1 = (reg0xb1.5:0 + 1)
- * div2 = 2^(reg0xb1.7:6)
- * fpll should be between 115 and 260 MHz
- * (8696ps and 3846ps)
- */
- static int
- cyber2000fb_decode_clock(struct par_info *hw, struct cfb_info *cfb,
- struct fb_var_screeninfo *var)
- {
- u_long pll_ps = var->pixclock;
- const u_long ref_ps = cfb->ref_ps;
- u_int div2, t_div1, best_div1, best_mult;
- int best_diff;
- int vco;
- /*
- * Step 1:
- * find div2 such that 115MHz < fpll < 260MHz
- * and 0 <= div2 < 4
- */
- for (div2 = 0; div2 < 4; div2++) {
- u_long new_pll;
- new_pll = pll_ps / cfb->divisors[div2];
- if (8696 > new_pll && new_pll > 3846) {
- pll_ps = new_pll;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (div2 == 4)
- return -EINVAL;
- /*
- * Step 2:
- * Given pll_ps and ref_ps, find:
- * pll_ps * 0.995 < pll_ps_calc < pll_ps * 1.005
- * where { 1 < best_div1 < 32, 1 < best_mult < 256 }
- * pll_ps_calc = best_div1 / (ref_ps * best_mult)
- */
- best_diff = 0x7fffffff;
- best_mult = 32;
- best_div1 = 255;
- for (t_div1 = 32; t_div1 > 1; t_div1 -= 1) {
- u_int rr, t_mult, t_pll_ps;
- int diff;
- /*
- * Find the multiplier for this divisor
- */
- rr = ref_ps * t_div1;
- t_mult = (rr + pll_ps / 2) / pll_ps;
- /*
- * Is the multiplier within the correct range?
- */
- if (t_mult > 256 || t_mult < 2)
- continue;
- /*
- * Calculate the actual clock period from this multiplier
- * and divisor, and estimate the error.
- */
- t_pll_ps = (rr + t_mult / 2) / t_mult;
- diff = pll_ps - t_pll_ps;
- if (diff < 0)
- diff = -diff;
- if (diff < best_diff) {
- best_diff = diff;
- best_mult = t_mult;
- best_div1 = t_div1;
- }
- /*
- * If we hit an exact value, there is no point in continuing.
- */
- if (diff == 0)
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Step 3:
- * combine values
- */
- hw->clock_mult = best_mult - 1;
- hw->clock_div = div2 << 6 | (best_div1 - 1);
- vco = ref_ps * best_div1 / best_mult;
- if ((ref_ps == 40690) && (vco < 5556))
- /* Set VFSEL when VCO > 180MHz (5.556 ps). */
- hw->clock_div |= DCLK_DIV_VFSEL;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Decode the info required for the hardware.
- * This involves the PLL parameters for the dot clock,
- * CRTC registers, and accelerator settings.
- */
- static int
- cyber2000fb_decode_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct cfb_info *cfb,
- struct par_info *hw)
- {
- int err;
- hw->width = var->xres_virtual;
- hw->palette_ctrl = 0x06;
- hw->vmode = var->vmode;
- switch (var->bits_per_pixel) {
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
- case 8: /* PSEUDOCOLOUR, 256 */
- hw->pixformat = PIXFORMAT_8BPP;
- hw->visualid = VISUALID_256;
- hw->pitch = hw->width >> 3;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
- case 16:/* DIRECTCOLOUR, 64k */
- #ifndef CFB16_IS_CFB15
- hw->pixformat = PIXFORMAT_16BPP;
- hw->visualid = VISUALID_64K;
- hw->pitch = hw->width >> 2;
- hw->palette_ctrl |= 0x10;
- break;
- #endif
- case 15:/* DIRECTCOLOUR, 32k */
- hw->pixformat = PIXFORMAT_16BPP;
- hw->visualid = VISUALID_32K;
- hw->pitch = hw->width >> 2;
- hw->palette_ctrl |= 0x10;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB24
- case 24:/* TRUECOLOUR, 16m */
- hw->pixformat = PIXFORMAT_24BPP;
- hw->visualid = VISUALID_16M;
- hw->width *= 3;
- hw->pitch = hw->width >> 3;
- hw->palette_ctrl |= 0x10;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
- case 32:/* TRUECOLOUR, 16m */
- hw->pixformat = PIXFORMAT_32BPP;
- hw->visualid = VISUALID_16M_32;
- hw->pitch = hw->width >> 1;
- hw->palette_ctrl |= 0x10;
- break;
- #endif
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- err = cyber2000fb_decode_clock(hw, cfb, var);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = cyber2000fb_decode_crtc(hw, cfb, var);
- if (err)
- return err;
- hw->width -= 1;
- hw->fetch = hw->pitch;
- if (!(cfb->mem_ctl2 & MEM_CTL2_64BIT))
- hw->fetch <<= 1;
- hw->fetch += 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set the User Defined Part of the Display
- */
- static int
- cyber2000fb_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con,
- struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- struct display *display;
- struct par_info hw;
- int err, chgvar = 0;
- /*
- * CONUPDATE and SMOOTH_XPAN are equal. However,
- * SMOOTH_XPAN is only used internally by fbcon.
- */
- if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_CONUPDATE) {
- var->vmode |= FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
- var->xoffset = cfb->fb.var.xoffset;
- var->yoffset = cfb->fb.var.yoffset;
- }
- err = cyber2000fb_decode_var(var, (struct cfb_info *)info, &hw);
- if (err)
- return err;
- if (var->activate & FB_ACTIVATE_TEST)
- return 0;
- if ((var->activate & FB_ACTIVATE_MASK) != FB_ACTIVATE_NOW)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (cfb->fb.var.xres != var->xres)
- chgvar = 1;
- if (cfb->fb.var.yres != var->yres)
- chgvar = 1;
- if (cfb->fb.var.xres_virtual != var->xres_virtual)
- chgvar = 1;
- if (cfb->fb.var.yres_virtual != var->yres_virtual)
- chgvar = 1;
- if (cfb->fb.var.bits_per_pixel != var->bits_per_pixel)
- chgvar = 1;
- if (con < 0) {
- display = cfb->fb.disp;
- chgvar = 0;
- } else {
- display = fb_display + con;
- }
- var->red.msb_right = 0;
- var->green.msb_right = 0;
- var->blue.msb_right = 0;
- switch (var->bits_per_pixel) {
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
- case 8: /* PSEUDOCOLOUR, 256 */
- var->red.offset = 0;
- var->red.length = 8;
- var->green.offset = 0;
- var->green.length = 8;
- var->blue.offset = 0;
- var->blue.length = 8;
- cfb->fb.fix.visual = FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR;
- cfb->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb8;
- display->dispsw_data = NULL;
- display->next_line = var->xres_virtual;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
- case 16:/* DIRECTCOLOUR, 64k */
- #ifndef CFB16_IS_CFB15
- var->red.offset = 11;
- var->red.length = 5;
- var->green.offset = 5;
- var->green.length = 6;
- var->blue.offset = 0;
- var->blue.length = 5;
- cfb->fb.fix.visual = FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR;
- cfb->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb16;
- display->dispsw_data = cfb->fb.pseudo_palette;
- display->next_line = var->xres_virtual * 2;
- break;
- #endif
- case 15:/* DIRECTCOLOUR, 32k */
- var->bits_per_pixel = 15;
- var->red.offset = 10;
- var->red.length = 5;
- var->green.offset = 5;
- var->green.length = 5;
- var->blue.offset = 0;
- var->blue.length = 5;
- cfb->fb.fix.visual = FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR;
- cfb->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb16;
- display->dispsw_data = cfb->fb.pseudo_palette;
- display->next_line = var->xres_virtual * 2;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB24
- case 24:/* TRUECOLOUR, 16m */
- var->red.offset = 16;
- var->red.length = 8;
- var->green.offset = 8;
- var->green.length = 8;
- var->blue.offset = 0;
- var->blue.length = 8;
- cfb->fb.fix.visual = FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR;
- cfb->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb24;
- display->dispsw_data = cfb->fb.pseudo_palette;
- display->next_line = var->xres_virtual * 3;
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
- case 32:/* TRUECOLOUR, 16m */
- var->transp.offset = 24;
- var->transp.length = 8;
- var->red.offset = 16;
- var->red.length = 8;
- var->green.offset = 8;
- var->green.length = 8;
- var->blue.offset = 0;
- var->blue.length = 8;
- cfb->fb.fix.visual = FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR;
- cfb->dispsw = &fbcon_cfb32;
- display->dispsw_data = cfb->fb.pseudo_palette;
- display->next_line = var->xres_virtual * 4;
- break;
- #endif
- default:/* in theory this should never happen */
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: no support for %dbppn",
- cfb->, var->bits_per_pixel);
- cfb->dispsw = &fbcon_dummy;
- break;
- }
- if (var->accel_flags & FB_ACCELF_TEXT && cfb->dispsw != &fbcon_dummy)
- display->dispsw = &fbcon_cyber_accel;
- else
- display->dispsw = cfb->dispsw;
- cfb->fb.fix.line_length = display->next_line;
- display->screen_base = cfb->fb.screen_base;
- display->line_length = cfb->fb.fix.line_length;
- display->visual = cfb->fb.fix.visual;
- display->type = cfb->fb.fix.type;
- display->type_aux = cfb->fb.fix.type_aux;
- display->ypanstep = cfb->fb.fix.ypanstep;
- display->ywrapstep = cfb->fb.fix.ywrapstep;
- display->can_soft_blank = 1;
- display->inverse = 0;
- cfb->fb.var = *var;
- cfb->fb.var.activate &= ~FB_ACTIVATE_ALL;
- /*
- * Update the old var. The fbcon drivers still use this.
- * Once they are using cfb->fb.var, this can be dropped.
- * --rmk
- */
- display->var = cfb->fb.var;
- /*
- * If we are setting all the virtual consoles, also set the
- * defaults used to create new consoles.
- */
- if (var->activate & FB_ACTIVATE_ALL)
- cfb->fb.disp->var = cfb->fb.var;
- if (chgvar && info && cfb->fb.changevar)
- cfb->fb.changevar(con);
- cyber2000fb_update_start(cfb, var);
- cyber2000fb_set_timing(cfb, &hw);
- fb_set_cmap(&cfb->fb.cmap, 1, cyber2000_setcolreg, &cfb->fb);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Pan or Wrap the Display
- */
- static int
- cyber2000fb_pan_display(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con,
- struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- u_int y_bottom;
- y_bottom = var->yoffset;
- if (!(var->vmode & FB_VMODE_YWRAP))
- y_bottom += var->yres;
- if (var->xoffset > (var->xres_virtual - var->xres))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (y_bottom > cfb->fb.var.yres_virtual)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (cyber2000fb_update_start(cfb, var))
- return -EINVAL;
- cfb->fb.var.xoffset = var->xoffset;
- cfb->fb.var.yoffset = var->yoffset;
- if (var->vmode & FB_VMODE_YWRAP) {
- cfb->fb.var.vmode |= FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
- } else {
- cfb->fb.var.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Update the `var' structure (called by fbcon.c)
- *
- * This call looks only at yoffset and the FB_VMODE_YWRAP flag in `var'.
- * Since it's called by a kernel driver, no range checking is done.
- */
- static int cyber2000fb_updatevar(int con, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- return cyber2000fb_update_start(cfb, &fb_display[con].var);
- }
- static int cyber2000fb_switch(int con, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- struct display *disp;
- struct fb_cmap *cmap;
- if (cfb->currcon >= 0) {
- disp = fb_display + cfb->currcon;
- /*
- * Save the old colormap and video mode.
- */
- disp->var = cfb->fb.var;
- if (disp->cmap.len)
- fb_copy_cmap(&cfb->fb.cmap, &disp->cmap, 0);
- }
- cfb->currcon = con;
- disp = fb_display + con;
- /*
- * Install the new colormap and change the video mode. By default,
- * fbcon sets all the colormaps and video modes to the default
- * values at bootup.
- *
- * Really, we want to set the colourmap size depending on the
- * depth of the new video mode. For now, we leave it at its
- * default 256 entry.
- */
- if (disp->cmap.len)
- cmap = &disp->cmap;
- else
- cmap = fb_default_cmap(1 << disp->var.bits_per_pixel);
- fb_copy_cmap(cmap, &cfb->fb.cmap, 0);
- cfb->fb.var = disp->var;
- cfb->fb.var.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
- cyber2000fb_set_var(&cfb->fb.var, con, &cfb->fb);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * (Un)Blank the display.
- */
- static void cyber2000fb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = (struct cfb_info *)info;
- int i;
- /*
- * Blank the screen if blank_mode != 0, else unblank. If
- * blank == NULL then the caller blanks by setting the CLUT
- * (Color Look Up Table) to all black. Return 0 if blanking
- * succeeded, != 0 if un-/blanking failed due to e.g. a
- * video mode which doesn't support it. Implements VESA
- * suspend and powerdown modes on hardware that supports
- * disabling hsync/vsync:
- * blank_mode == 2: suspend vsync
- * blank_mode == 3: suspend hsync
- * blank_mode == 4: powerdown
- *
- * wms...Enable VESA DMPS compatible powerdown mode
- * run "setterm -powersave powerdown" to take advantage
- */
- switch (blank) {
- case 4: /* powerdown - both sync lines down */
- cyber2000_grphw(0x16, 0x05, cfb);
- break;
- case 3: /* hsync off */
- cyber2000_grphw(0x16, 0x01, cfb);
- break;
- case 2: /* vsync off */
- cyber2000_grphw(0x16, 0x04, cfb);
- break;
- case 1: /* soft blank */
- cyber2000_grphw(0x16, 0x00, cfb);
- for (i = 0; i < NR_PALETTE; i++) {
- cyber2000fb_writeb(i, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0, 0x3c9, cfb);
- }
- break;
- default: /* unblank */
- cyber2000_grphw(0x16, 0x00, cfb);
- for (i = 0; i < NR_PALETTE; i++) {
- cyber2000fb_writeb(i, 0x3c8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cfb->palette[i].red, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cfb->palette[i].green, 0x3c9, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cfb->palette[i].blue, 0x3c9, cfb);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get the currently displayed virtual consoles colormap.
- */
- static int
- gen_get_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int kspc, int con, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- fb_copy_cmap(&info->cmap, cmap, kspc ? 0 : 2);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Get the currently displayed virtual consoles fixed part of the display.
- */
- static int
- gen_get_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix, int con, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- *fix = info->fix;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Get the current user defined part of the display.
- */
- static int
- gen_get_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- *var = info->var;
- return 0;
- }
- static struct fb_ops cyber2000fb_ops = {
- owner: THIS_MODULE,
- fb_set_var: cyber2000fb_set_var,
- fb_set_cmap: cyber2000fb_set_cmap,
- fb_pan_display: cyber2000fb_pan_display,
- fb_get_fix: gen_get_fix,
- fb_get_var: gen_get_var,
- fb_get_cmap: gen_get_cmap,
- };
- /*
- * Enable access to the extended registers
- */
- static void cyber2000fb_enable_extregs(struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- cfb->func_use_count += 1;
- if (cfb->func_use_count == 1) {
- int old;
- old = cyber2000_grphr(FUNC_CTL, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(FUNC_CTL, old | FUNC_CTL_EXTREGENBL, cfb);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Disable access to the extended registers
- */
- static void cyber2000fb_disable_extregs(struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- if (cfb->func_use_count == 1) {
- int old;
- old = cyber2000_grphr(FUNC_CTL, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(FUNC_CTL, old & ~FUNC_CTL_EXTREGENBL, cfb);
- }
- cfb->func_use_count -= 1;
- }
- /*
- * This is the only "static" reference to the internal data structures
- * of this driver. It is here solely at the moment to support the other
- * CyberPro modules external to this driver.
- */
- static struct cfb_info *int_cfb_info;
- /*
- * Attach a capture/tv driver to the core CyberX0X0 driver.
- */
- int cyber2000fb_attach(struct cyberpro_info *info, int idx)
- {
- if (int_cfb_info != NULL) {
- info->dev = int_cfb_info->dev;
- info->regs = int_cfb_info->regs;
- info->fb = int_cfb_info->fb.screen_base;
- info->fb_size = int_cfb_info->fb.fix.smem_len;
- info->enable_extregs = cyber2000fb_enable_extregs;
- info->disable_extregs = cyber2000fb_disable_extregs;
- info->info = int_cfb_info;
- strncpy(info->dev_name, int_cfb_info->, sizeof(info->dev_name));
- }
- return int_cfb_info != NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Detach a capture/tv driver from the core CyberX0X0 driver.
- */
- void cyber2000fb_detach(int idx)
- {
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cyber2000fb_attach);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cyber2000fb_detach);
- /*
- * These parameters give
- * 640x480, hsync 31.5kHz, vsync 60Hz
- */
- static struct fb_videomode __devinitdata cyber2000fb_default_mode = {
- refresh: 60,
- xres: 640,
- yres: 480,
- pixclock: 39722,
- left_margin: 56,
- right_margin: 16,
- upper_margin: 34,
- lower_margin: 9,
- hsync_len: 88,
- vsync_len: 2,
- };
- static char igs_regs[] __devinitdata = {
- 0x12, 0x00, 0x13, 0x00,
- 0x16, 0x00,
- 0x31, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00,
- 0x50, 0x00, 0x51, 0x00, 0x52, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00,
- 0x54, 0x00, 0x55, 0x00, 0x56, 0x00, 0x57, 0x01,
- 0x58, 0x00, 0x59, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00,
- 0x70, 0x0b, 0x73, 0x30,
- 0x74, 0x0b, 0x75, 0x17, 0x76, 0x00, 0x7a, 0xc8
- };
- /*
- * We need to wake up the CyberPro, and make sure its in linear memory
- * mode. Unfortunately, this is specific to the platform and card that
- * we are running on.
- *
- * On x86 and ARM, should we be initialising the CyberPro first via the
- * IO registers, and then the MMIO registers to catch all cases? Can we
- * end up in the situation where the chip is in MMIO mode, but not awake
- * on an x86 system?
- *
- * Note that on the NetWinder, the firmware automatically detects the
- * type, width and size, and leaves this in extended registers 0x71 and
- * 0x72 for us.
- */
- static inline void cyberpro_init_hw(struct cfb_info *cfb, int at_boot)
- {
- int i;
- /*
- * Wake up the CyberPro.
- */
- #ifdef __sparc__
- #ifdef __sparc_v9__
- #error "You loose, consult DaveM."
- #else
- /*
- * SPARC does not have an "outb" instruction, so we generate
- * I/O cycles storing into a reserved memory space at
- * physical address 0x3000000
- */
- {
- unsigned char *iop;
- iop = ioremap(0x3000000, 0x5000);
- if (iop == NULL) {
- prom_printf("iga5000: cannot map I/On");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- writeb(0x18, iop + 0x46e8);
- writeb(0x01, iop + 0x102);
- writeb(0x08, iop + 0x46e8);
- writeb(0x33, iop + 0x3ce);
- writeb(0x01, iop + 0x3cf);
- iounmap((void *)iop);
- }
- #endif
- if (at_boot) {
- /*
- * Use mclk from BIOS. Only read this if we're
- * initialising this card for the first time.
- * FIXME: what about hotplug?
- */
- cfb->mclk_mult = cyber2000_grphr(MCLK_MULT, cfb);
- cfb->mclk_div = cyber2000_grphr(MCLK_DIV, cfb);
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__mips__)
- /*
- * x86 and MIPS are simple, we just do regular
- * outb's instead of cyber2000fb_writeb.
- */
- outb(0x18, 0x46e8);
- outb(0x01, 0x102);
- outb(0x08, 0x46e8);
- outb(0x33, 0x3ce);
- outb(0x01, 0x3cf);
- if (at_boot) {
- /*
- * Use mclk from BIOS. Only read this if we're
- * initialising this card for the first time.
- * FIXME: what about hotplug?
- */
- cfb->mclk_mult = cyber2000_grphr(MCLK_MULT, cfb);
- cfb->mclk_div = cyber2000_grphr(MCLK_DIV, cfb);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef __arm__
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x18, 0x46e8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x01, 0x102, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x08, 0x46e8, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x33, 0x3ce, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0x01, 0x3cf, cfb);
- /*
- * MCLK on the NetWinder and the Shark is fixed at 75MHz
- */
- cfb->mclk_mult = 0xdb;
- cfb->mclk_div = 0x54;
- #endif
- /*
- * Initialise the CyberPro
- */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(igs_regs); i += 2)
- cyber2000_grphw(igs_regs[i], igs_regs[i+1], cfb);
- if (at_boot) {
- /*
- * get the video RAM size and width from the VGA register.
- * This should have been already initialised by the BIOS,
- * but if it's garbage, claim default 1MB VRAM (woody)
- */
- cfb->mem_ctl1 = cyber2000_grphr(MEM_CTL1, cfb);
- cfb->mem_ctl2 = cyber2000_grphr(MEM_CTL2, cfb);
- } else {
- /*
- * Reprogram the MEM_CTL1 and MEM_CTL2 registers
- */
- cyber2000_grphw(MEM_CTL1, cfb->mem_ctl1, cfb);
- cyber2000_grphw(MEM_CTL2, cfb->mem_ctl2, cfb);
- }
- /*
- * Ensure thatwe are using the correct PLL.
- * (CyberPro 5000's may be programmed to use
- * an additional set of PLLs.
- */
- cyber2000fb_writeb(0xba, 0x3ce, cfb);
- cyber2000fb_writeb(cyber2000fb_readb(0x3cf, cfb) & 0x80, 0x3cf, cfb);
- }
- static struct cfb_info * __devinit
- cyberpro_alloc_fb_info(struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id, char *name)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb;
- cfb = kmalloc(sizeof(struct cfb_info) + sizeof(struct display) +
- sizeof(u32) * 16, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!cfb)
- return NULL;
- memset(cfb, 0, sizeof(struct cfb_info) + sizeof(struct display));
- cfb->currcon = -1;
- cfb->dev = dev;
- if (id->driver_data == FB_ACCEL_IGS_CYBER5000)
- cfb->ref_ps = 40690; // 24.576 MHz
- else
- cfb->ref_ps = 69842; // 14.31818 MHz (69841?)
- cfb->divisors[0] = 1;
- cfb->divisors[1] = 2;
- cfb->divisors[2] = 4;
- if (id->driver_data == FB_ACCEL_IGS_CYBER2000)
- cfb->divisors[3] = 8;
- else
- cfb->divisors[3] = 6;
- strcpy(cfb->, name);
- cfb->fb.fix.type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
- cfb->fb.fix.type_aux = 0;
- cfb->fb.fix.xpanstep = 0;
- cfb->fb.fix.ypanstep = 1;
- cfb->fb.fix.ywrapstep = 0;
- cfb->fb.fix.accel = id->driver_data;
- cfb->fb.var.nonstd = 0;
- cfb->fb.var.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
- cfb->fb.var.height = -1;
- cfb->fb.var.width = -1;
- cfb->fb.var.accel_flags = FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
- strcpy(cfb->fb.modename, cfb->;
- strcpy(cfb->fb.fontname, default_font);
- cfb->fb.fbops = &cyber2000fb_ops;
- cfb->fb.changevar = NULL;
- cfb->fb.switch_con = cyber2000fb_switch;
- cfb->fb.updatevar = cyber2000fb_updatevar;
- cfb->fb.blank = cyber2000fb_blank;
- cfb->fb.flags = FBINFO_FLAG_DEFAULT;
- cfb->fb.disp = (struct display *)(cfb + 1);
- cfb->fb.pseudo_palette = (void *)(cfb->fb.disp + 1);
- fb_alloc_cmap(&cfb->fb.cmap, NR_PALETTE, 0);
- return cfb;
- }
- static void __devinit
- cyberpro_free_fb_info(struct cfb_info *cfb)
- {
- if (cfb) {
- /*
- * Free the colourmap
- */
- fb_alloc_cmap(&cfb->fb.cmap, 0, 0);
- kfree(cfb);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Parse Cyber2000fb options. Usage:
- * video=cyber2000:font:fontname
- */
- int
- cyber2000fb_setup(char *options)
- {
- char *opt;
- if (!options || !*options)
- return 0;
- while ((opt = strsep(&options, ",")) != NULL) {
- if (!*opt)
- continue;
- if (strncmp(opt, "font:", 5) == 0) {
- strncpy(default_font_storage, opt + 5, sizeof(default_font_storage));
- default_font = default_font_storage;
- continue;
- }
- printk(KERN_ERR "CyberPro20x0: unknown parameter: %sn", opt);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int __devinit
- cyberpro_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb;
- u_int h_sync, v_sync;
- u_long smem_size;
- char name[16];
- int err;
- sprintf(name, "CyberPro%4X", id->device);
- err = pci_enable_device(dev);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = pci_request_regions(dev, name);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = -ENOMEM;
- cfb = cyberpro_alloc_fb_info(dev, id, name);
- if (!cfb)
- goto failed_release;
- cfb->region = ioremap(pci_resource_start(dev, 0),
- pci_resource_len(dev, 0));
- if (!cfb->region)
- goto failed_ioremap;
- cfb->regs = cfb->region + MMIO_OFFSET;
- cyberpro_init_hw(cfb, 1);
- switch (cfb->mem_ctl2 & MEM_CTL2_SIZE_MASK) {
- case MEM_CTL2_SIZE_4MB: smem_size = 0x00400000; break;
- case MEM_CTL2_SIZE_2MB: smem_size = 0x00200000; break;
- default: smem_size = 0x00100000; break;
- }
- /*
- * Hmm, we _need_ a portable way of finding the address for
- * the remap stuff, both for mmio and for smem.
- */
- cfb->fb.fix.mmio_start = pci_resource_start(dev, 0) + MMIO_OFFSET;
- cfb->fb.fix.smem_start = pci_resource_start(dev, 0);
- cfb->fb.fix.mmio_len = MMIO_SIZE;
- cfb->fb.fix.smem_len = smem_size;
- cfb->fb.screen_base = cfb->region;
- if (!fb_find_mode(&cfb->fb.var, &cfb->fb, NULL, NULL, 0,
- &cyber2000fb_default_mode, 8)) {
- printk("%s: no valid mode foundn", cfb->;
- goto failed;
- }
- cfb->fb.var.yres_virtual = cfb->fb.fix.smem_len * 8 /
- (cfb->fb.var.bits_per_pixel * cfb->fb.var.xres_virtual);
- if (cfb->fb.var.yres_virtual < cfb->fb.var.yres)
- cfb->fb.var.yres_virtual = cfb->fb.var.yres;
- cyber2000fb_set_var(&cfb->fb.var, -1, &cfb->fb);
- /*
- * Calculate the hsync and vsync frequencies. Note that
- * we split the 1e12 constant up so that we can preserve
- * the precision and fit the results into 32-bit registers.
- * (1953125000 * 512 = 1e12)
- */
- h_sync = 1953125000 / cfb->fb.var.pixclock;
- h_sync = h_sync * 512 / (cfb->fb.var.xres + cfb->fb.var.left_margin +
- cfb->fb.var.right_margin + cfb->fb.var.hsync_len);
- v_sync = h_sync / (cfb->fb.var.yres + cfb->fb.var.upper_margin +
- cfb->fb.var.lower_margin + cfb->fb.var.vsync_len);
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %dkB VRAM, using %dx%d, %d.%03dkHz, %dHzn",
- cfb->, cfb->fb.fix.smem_len >> 10,
- cfb->fb.var.xres, cfb->fb.var.yres,
- h_sync / 1000, h_sync % 1000, v_sync);
- err = register_framebuffer(&cfb->fb);
- if (err < 0)
- goto failed;
- /*
- * Our driver data
- */
- pci_set_drvdata(dev, cfb);
- if (int_cfb_info == NULL)
- int_cfb_info = cfb;
- return 0;
- failed:
- iounmap(cfb->region);
- failed_ioremap:
- cyberpro_free_fb_info(cfb);
- failed_release:
- pci_release_regions(dev);
- return err;
- }
- static void __devexit cyberpro_remove(struct pci_dev *dev)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = pci_get_drvdata(dev);
- if (cfb) {
- /*
- * If unregister_framebuffer fails, then
- * we will be leaving hooks that could cause
- * oopsen laying around.
- */
- if (unregister_framebuffer(&cfb->fb))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: danger Will Robinson, "
- "danger danger! Oopsen imminent!n",
- cfb->;
- iounmap(cfb->region);
- cyberpro_free_fb_info(cfb);
- /*
- * Ensure that the driver data is no longer
- * valid.
- */
- pci_set_drvdata(dev, NULL);
- if (cfb == int_cfb_info)
- int_cfb_info = NULL;
- pci_release_regions(dev);
- }
- }
- static int cyberpro_suspend(struct pci_dev *dev, u32 state)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Re-initialise the CyberPro hardware
- */
- static int cyberpro_resume(struct pci_dev *dev)
- {
- struct cfb_info *cfb = pci_get_drvdata(dev);
- if (cfb) {
- cyberpro_init_hw(cfb, 0);
- /*
- * Restore the old video mode and the palette.
- * We also need to tell fbcon to redraw the console.
- */
- cfb->fb.var.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
- cyber2000fb_set_var(&cfb->fb.var, -1, &cfb->fb);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static struct pci_device_id cyberpro_pci_table[] __devinitdata = {
- { 0, }
- };
- static struct pci_driver cyberpro_driver = {
- name: "CyberPro",
- probe: cyberpro_probe,
- remove: __devexit_p(cyberpro_remove),
- suspend: cyberpro_suspend,
- resume: cyberpro_resume,
- id_table: cyberpro_pci_table
- };
- /*
- * I don't think we can use the "module_init" stuff here because
- * the fbcon stuff may not be initialised yet. Hence the #ifdef
- * around module_init.
- */
- int __init cyber2000fb_init(void)
- {
- return pci_module_init(&cyberpro_driver);
- }
- static void __exit cyberpro_exit(void)
- {
- pci_unregister_driver(&cyberpro_driver);
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- module_init(cyber2000fb_init);
- #endif
- module_exit(cyberpro_exit);
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Russell King");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CyberPro 2000, 2010 and 5000 framebuffer driver");
- MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci,cyberpro_pci_table);