- struct lun_map {
- __u8 id:5,
- chan:3;
- __u8 lun;
- };
- typedef struct emul_pp {
- __u8 p_code:6,
- null:1,
- p_save:1;
- __u8 p_length;
- __u16 cylinder;
- __u8 heads;
- __u8 sectors;
- __u8 null2;
- __u8 s_lunmap:4,
- ems:1;
- __u16 drive_type; /* In Little Endian ! */
- struct lun_map lunmap[4];
- }emulpp;
- /* Log Sense pages */
- typedef struct log_sheader {
- __u8 page_code,
- reserved;
- __u16 length;
- }logsh;
- /* Log Sense Statistics */
- typedef struct read_command_statistics {
- __u16 code; /* 0x01 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x24 */
- __u32 h_commands,
- uncached,
- la_cmds,
- la_blks,
- la_hits,
- missed,
- hits,
- seq_la_blks,
- seq_la_hits;
- }r_cmd_stat;
- typedef struct write_command_statistics {
- __u16 code; /* 0x03 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x28 */
- __u32 h_commands,
- uncached,
- thru,
- bypass,
- soft_err,
- hits,
- b_idle,
- b_activ,
- b_blks,
- b_blks_clean;
- }w_cmd_stat;
- typedef struct host_command_statistics {
- __u16 code; /* 0x02, 0x04 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x30 */
- __u32 sizes[12];
- }hst_cmd_stat;
- typedef struct physical_command_statistics {
- __u16 code; /* 0x06, 0x07 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x34 */
- __u32 sizes[13];
- }phy_cmd_stat;
- typedef struct misc_device_statistics {
- __u16 code; /* 0x05 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x10 */
- __u32 disconnect,
- pass_thru,
- sg_commands,
- stripe_boundary_crosses;
- }msc_stats;
- /* Configuration Pages */
- typedef struct controller_configuration {
- __u16 code; /* 0x01 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 intt:1,
- sec:1,
- csh:1,
- key:1,
- tmr:1,
- srs:1,
- nvr:1;
- __u8 interrupt;
- }coco;
- typedef struct controller_hardware_errors {
- __u16 code; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 unused:1,
- per:1;
- __u8 interrupt;
- }coher;
- typedef struct memory_map {
- __u16 code; /* 0x03, 0x04 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x04 */
- __u32 memory_map;
- }mema;
- typedef struct scsi_transfer {
- __u16 code; /* 0x05 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x04 */
- __u8 offset,
- period;
- __u16 speed;
- }scsitrans;
- typedef struct scsi_modes {
- __u16 code; /* 0x06 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 que:1,
- cdis:1,
- wtru:1,
- dasd:1,
- ncr:1,
- awre:1;
- __u8 reserved;
- }scsimod;
- typedef struct host_bus {
- __u16 code; /* 0x07 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 speed:6,
- pci:1,
- eisa:1;
- __u8 reserved;
- }hobu;
- typedef struct scsi_bus {
- __u16 code; /* 0x08 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 speed:4,
- res:1,
- ext:1,
- wide:1,
- dif:1;
- __u8 busnum;
- }scbu;
- typedef struct board_type {
- __u16 code; /* 0x09 */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x04 */
- __u8 unused:1,
- cmi:1,
- dmi:1,
- cm4k:1,
- cm4:1,
- dm4k:1,
- dm4:1,
- hba:1;
- __u8 cpu_type,
- cpu_speed;
- __u8 sx1:1,
- sx2:1,
- unused2:4,
- alrm:1,
- srom:1;
- }boty;
- typedef struct memory_config {
- __u16 code; /* 0x0a */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x04 */
- __u8 banksize[4];
- }memco;
- typedef struct firmware_info {
- __u16 code; /* 0x0b */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x04 */
- __u8 dnld:1,
- bs528:1,
- fmt:1,
- fw528:1;
- __u8 unused1,
- fw_type,
- unused;
- }firm;
- typedef struct subsystem_info {
- __u16 code; /* 0x0c */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 shlf:1,
- swap:1,
- noss:1;
- __u8 reserved;
- }subinf;
- typedef struct per_channel_info {
- __u16 code; /* 0x0d */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x02 */
- __u8 channel;
- __u8 shlf:1,
- swap:1,
- noss:1,
- srs:1,
- que:1,
- ext:1,
- wide:1,
- diff:1;
- }pcinf;
- typedef struct array_limits {
- __u16 code; /* 0x0e */
- __u8 flags;
- __u8 length; /* 0x04 */
- __u8 max_groups,
- raid0_drv,
- raid35_drv,
- unused;
- }arrlim;
- /*
- * Overrides for Emacs so that we follow Linus's tabbing style.
- * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
- * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
- * of the file.
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- * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -4
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- * c-label-offset: -4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * tab-width: 8
- * End:
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