- #ifndef __LINUX_UHCI_H
- #define __LINUX_UHCI_H
- /*
- $Id: usb-uhci.h,v 1.58 2001/08/28 16:45:00 acher Exp $
- */
- #define MODNAME "usb-uhci"
- static __inline__ void uhci_wait_ms(unsigned int ms)
- {
- if(!in_interrupt())
- {
- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- schedule_timeout(1 + ms * HZ / 1000);
- }
- else
- mdelay(ms);
- }
- /* Command register */
- #define USBCMD 0
- #define USBCMD_RS 0x0001 /* Run/Stop */
- #define USBCMD_HCRESET 0x0002 /* Host reset */
- #define USBCMD_GRESET 0x0004 /* Global reset */
- #define USBCMD_EGSM 0x0008 /* Global Suspend Mode */
- #define USBCMD_FGR 0x0010 /* Force Global Resume */
- #define USBCMD_SWDBG 0x0020 /* SW Debug mode */
- #define USBCMD_CF 0x0040 /* Config Flag (sw only) */
- #define USBCMD_MAXP 0x0080 /* Max Packet (0 = 32, 1 = 64) */
- /* Status register */
- #define USBSTS 2
- #define USBSTS_USBINT 0x0001 /* Interrupt due to IOC */
- #define USBSTS_ERROR 0x0002 /* Interrupt due to error */
- #define USBSTS_RD 0x0004 /* Resume Detect */
- #define USBSTS_HSE 0x0008 /* Host System Error - basically PCI problems */
- #define USBSTS_HCPE 0x0010 /* Host Controller Process Error - the scripts were buggy */
- #define USBSTS_HCH 0x0020 /* HC Halted */
- /* Interrupt enable register */
- #define USBINTR 4
- #define USBINTR_TIMEOUT 0x0001 /* Timeout/CRC error enable */
- #define USBINTR_RESUME 0x0002 /* Resume interrupt enable */
- #define USBINTR_IOC 0x0004 /* Interrupt On Complete enable */
- #define USBINTR_SP 0x0008 /* Short packet interrupt enable */
- #define USBFRNUM 6
- #define USBFLBASEADD 8
- #define USBSOF 12
- /* USB port status and control registers */
- #define USBPORTSC1 16
- #define USBPORTSC2 18
- #define USBPORTSC_CCS 0x0001 /* Current Connect Status ("device present") */
- #define USBPORTSC_CSC 0x0002 /* Connect Status Change */
- #define USBPORTSC_PE 0x0004 /* Port Enable */
- #define USBPORTSC_PEC 0x0008 /* Port Enable Change */
- #define USBPORTSC_LS 0x0030 /* Line Status */
- #define USBPORTSC_RD 0x0040 /* Resume Detect */
- #define USBPORTSC_LSDA 0x0100 /* Low Speed Device Attached */
- #define USBPORTSC_PR 0x0200 /* Port Reset */
- #define USBPORTSC_SUSP 0x1000 /* Suspend */
- /* Legacy support register */
- #define USBLEGSUP 0xc0
- #define USBLEGSUP_DEFAULT 0x2000 /* only PIRQ enable set */
- #define UHCI_NULL_DATA_SIZE 0x7ff /* for UHCI controller TD */
- #define UHCI_PID 0xff /* PID MASK */
- #define UHCI_PTR_BITS 0x000F
- #define UHCI_PTR_TERM 0x0001
- #define UHCI_PTR_QH 0x0002
- #define UHCI_PTR_DEPTH 0x0004
- #define UHCI_NUMFRAMES 1024 /* in the frame list [array] */
- #define UHCI_MAX_SOF_NUMBER 2047 /* in an SOF packet */
- #define CAN_SCHEDULE_FRAMES 1000 /* how far future frames can be scheduled */
- /*
- * for TD <status>:
- */
- #define TD_CTRL_SPD (1 << 29) /* Short Packet Detect */
- #define TD_CTRL_C_ERR_MASK (3 << 27) /* Error Counter bits */
- #define TD_CTRL_LS (1 << 26) /* Low Speed Device */
- #define TD_CTRL_IOS (1 << 25) /* Isochronous Select */
- #define TD_CTRL_IOC (1 << 24) /* Interrupt on Complete */
- #define TD_CTRL_ACTIVE (1 << 23) /* TD Active */
- #define TD_CTRL_STALLED (1 << 22) /* TD Stalled */
- #define TD_CTRL_DBUFERR (1 << 21) /* Data Buffer Error */
- #define TD_CTRL_BABBLE (1 << 20) /* Babble Detected */
- #define TD_CTRL_NAK (1 << 19) /* NAK Received */
- #define TD_CTRL_CRCTIMEO (1 << 18) /* CRC/Time Out Error */
- #define TD_CTRL_BITSTUFF (1 << 17) /* Bit Stuff Error */
- #define TD_CTRL_ACTLEN_MASK 0x7ff /* actual length, encoded as n - 1 */
- #define uhci_status_bits(ctrl_sts) (ctrl_sts & 0xFE0000)
- #define uhci_actual_length(ctrl_sts) ((ctrl_sts + 1) & TD_CTRL_ACTLEN_MASK) /* 1-based */
- #define uhci_ptr_to_virt(x) bus_to_virt(x & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS)
- /*
- * for TD <flags>:
- */
- #define UHCI_TD_REMOVE 0x0001 /* Remove when done */
- /*
- * for TD <info>: (a.k.a. Token)
- */
- #define TD_TOKEN_TOGGLE 19
- #define uhci_maxlen(token) ((token) >> 21)
- #define uhci_toggle(token) (((token) >> TD_TOKEN_TOGGLE) & 1)
- #define uhci_endpoint(token) (((token) >> 15) & 0xf)
- #define uhci_devaddr(token) (((token) >> 8) & 0x7f)
- #define uhci_devep(token) (((token) >> 8) & 0x7ff)
- #define uhci_packetid(token) ((token) & 0xff)
- #define uhci_packetout(token) (uhci_packetid(token) != USB_PID_IN)
- #define uhci_packetin(token) (uhci_packetid(token) == USB_PID_IN)
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- New TD/QH-structures
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- typedef enum {
- } uhci_desc_type_t;
- typedef struct {
- __u32 link;
- __u32 status;
- __u32 info;
- __u32 buffer;
- } uhci_td_t, *puhci_td_t;
- typedef struct {
- __u32 head;
- __u32 element; /* Queue element pointer */
- } uhci_qh_t, *puhci_qh_t;
- typedef struct {
- union {
- uhci_td_t td;
- uhci_qh_t qh;
- } hw;
- uhci_desc_type_t type;
- dma_addr_t dma_addr;
- struct list_head horizontal;
- struct list_head vertical;
- struct list_head desc_list;
- int last_used;
- } uhci_desc_t, *puhci_desc_t;
- typedef struct {
- struct list_head desc_list; // list pointer to all corresponding TDs/QHs associated with this request
- dma_addr_t setup_packet_dma;
- dma_addr_t transfer_buffer_dma;
- unsigned long started;
- struct urb *next_queued_urb; // next queued urb for this EP
- struct urb *prev_queued_urb;
- uhci_desc_t *bottom_qh;
- uhci_desc_t *next_qh; // next helper QH
- char use_loop;
- char flags;
- } urb_priv_t, *purb_priv_t;
- struct virt_root_hub {
- int devnum; /* Address of Root Hub endpoint */
- void *urb;
- void *int_addr;
- int send;
- int interval;
- int numports;
- int c_p_r[8];
- struct timer_list rh_int_timer;
- };
- typedef struct uhci {
- int irq;
- unsigned int io_addr;
- unsigned int io_size;
- unsigned int maxports;
- int running;
- int apm_state;
- struct uhci *next; // chain of uhci device contexts
- struct list_head urb_list; // list of all pending urbs
- spinlock_t urb_list_lock; // lock to keep consistency
- int unlink_urb_done;
- atomic_t avoid_bulk;
- struct usb_bus *bus; // our bus
- __u32 *framelist;
- dma_addr_t framelist_dma;
- uhci_desc_t **iso_td;
- uhci_desc_t *int_chain[8];
- uhci_desc_t *ls_control_chain;
- uhci_desc_t *control_chain;
- uhci_desc_t *bulk_chain;
- uhci_desc_t *chain_end;
- uhci_desc_t *td1ms;
- uhci_desc_t *td32ms;
- struct list_head free_desc;
- spinlock_t qh_lock;
- spinlock_t td_lock;
- struct virt_root_hub rh; //private data of the virtual root hub
- int loop_usage; // URBs using bandwidth reclamation
- struct list_head urb_unlinked; // list of all unlinked urbs
- long timeout_check;
- int timeout_urbs;
- struct pci_dev *uhci_pci;
- struct pci_pool *desc_pool;
- long last_error_time; // last error output in uhci_interrupt()
- } uhci_t, *puhci_t;
- #define MAKE_TD_ADDR(a) ((a)->dma_addr&~UHCI_PTR_QH)
- #define MAKE_QH_ADDR(a) ((a)->dma_addr|UHCI_PTR_QH)
- #define UHCI_GET_CURRENT_FRAME(uhci) (inw ((uhci)->io_addr + USBFRNUM))
- #define CLEAN_NOT_FORCED 0
- #define CLEAN_FORCED 1
- #define is_td_active(desc) (desc-> & cpu_to_le32(TD_CTRL_ACTIVE))
- #define set_qh_head(desc,val) (desc)->hw.qh.head=cpu_to_le32(val)
- #define set_qh_element(desc,val) (desc)->hw.qh.element=cpu_to_le32(val)
- #define set_td_link(desc,val) (desc)->
- #define set_td_ioc(desc) (desc)-> |= cpu_to_le32(TD_CTRL_IOC)
- #define clr_td_ioc(desc) (desc)-> &= cpu_to_le32(~TD_CTRL_IOC)
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Virtual Root HUB
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* destination of request */
- #define RH_INTERFACE 0x01
- #define RH_ENDPOINT 0x02
- #define RH_OTHER 0x03
- #define RH_CLASS 0x20
- #define RH_VENDOR 0x40
- /* Requests: bRequest << 8 | bmRequestType */
- #define RH_GET_STATUS 0x0080
- #define RH_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x0100
- #define RH_SET_FEATURE 0x0300
- #define RH_SET_ADDRESS 0x0500
- #define RH_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x0680
- #define RH_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x0700
- #define RH_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x0880
- #define RH_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x0900
- #define RH_GET_STATE 0x0280
- #define RH_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A80
- #define RH_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B00
- #define RH_SYNC_FRAME 0x0C80
- /* Our Vendor Specific Request */
- #define RH_SET_EP 0x2000
- /* Hub port features */
- #define RH_PORT_CONNECTION 0x00
- #define RH_PORT_ENABLE 0x01
- #define RH_PORT_SUSPEND 0x02
- #define RH_PORT_OVER_CURRENT 0x03
- #define RH_PORT_RESET 0x04
- #define RH_PORT_POWER 0x08
- #define RH_PORT_LOW_SPEED 0x09
- #define RH_C_PORT_CONNECTION 0x10
- #define RH_C_PORT_ENABLE 0x11
- #define RH_C_PORT_SUSPEND 0x12
- #define RH_C_PORT_OVER_CURRENT 0x13
- #define RH_C_PORT_RESET 0x14
- /* Hub features */
- #define RH_C_HUB_LOCAL_POWER 0x00
- #define RH_C_HUB_OVER_CURRENT 0x01
- #define RH_ENDPOINT_STALL 0x01
- /* Our Vendor Specific feature */
- #define RH_REMOVE_EP 0x00
- #define RH_ACK 0x01
- #define RH_REQ_ERR -1
- #define RH_NACK 0x00
- #endif