- /****************************************************************************
- * sdlamain.c WANPIPE(tm) Multiprotocol WAN Link Driver. Main module.
- *
- * Author: Nenad Corbic <>
- * Gideon Hack
- *
- * Copyright: (c) 1995-2000 Sangoma Technologies Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * ============================================================================
- * Dec 22, 2000 Nenad Corbic Updated for 2.4.X kernels.
- * Removed the polling routine.
- * Nov 13, 2000 Nenad Corbic Added hw probing on module load and dynamic
- * device allocation.
- * Nov 7, 2000 Nenad Corbic Fixed the Multi-Port PPP for kernels
- * 2.2.16 and above.
- * Aug 2, 2000 Nenad Corbic Block the Multi-Port PPP from running on
- * kernels 2.2.16 or greater. The SyncPPP
- * has changed.
- * Jul 25, 2000 Nenad Corbic Updated the Piggiback support for MultPPPP.
- * Jul 13, 2000 Nenad Corbic Added Multi-PPP support.
- * Feb 02, 2000 Nenad Corbic Fixed up piggyback probing and selection.
- * Sep 23, 1999 Nenad Corbic Added support for SMP
- * Sep 13, 1999 Nenad Corbic Each port is treated as a separate device.
- * Jun 02, 1999 Gideon Hack Added support for the S514 adapter.
- * Updates for Linux 2.2.X kernels.
- * Sep 17, 1998 Jaspreet Singh Updated for 2.1.121+ kernel
- * Nov 28, 1997 Jaspreet Singh Changed DRV_RELEASE to 1
- * Nov 10, 1997 Jaspreet Singh Changed sti() to restore_flags();
- * Nov 06, 1997 Jaspreet Singh Changed DRV_VERSION to 4 and DRV_RELEASE to 0
- * Oct 20, 1997 Jaspreet Singh Modified sdla_isr routine so that card->in_isr
- * assignments are taken out and placed in the
- * sdla_ppp.c, sdla_fr.c and sdla_x25.c isr
- * routines. Took out 'wandev->tx_int_enabled' and
- * replaced it with 'wandev->enable_tx_int'.
- * May 29, 1997 Jaspreet Singh Flow Control Problem
- * added "wandev->tx_int_enabled=1" line in the
- * init module. This line intializes the flag for
- * preventing Interrupt disabled with device set to
- * busy
- * Jan 15, 1997 Gene Kozin Version 3.1.0
- * o added UDP management stuff
- * Jan 02, 1997 Gene Kozin Initial version.
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/config.h> /* OS configuration options */
- #include <linux/stddef.h> /* offsetof(), etc. */
- #include <linux/errno.h> /* return codes */
- #include <linux/string.h> /* inline memset(), etc. */
- #include <linux/slab.h> /* kmalloc(), kfree() */
- #include <linux/kernel.h> /* printk(), and other useful stuff */
- #include <linux/module.h> /* support for loadable modules */
- #include <linux/ioport.h> /* request_region(), release_region() */
- #include <linux/wanrouter.h> /* WAN router definitions */
- #include <linux/wanpipe.h> /* WANPIPE common user API definitions */
- #include <linux/in.h>
- #include <asm/io.h> /* phys_to_virt() */
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/sdlapci.h>
- #include <linux/if_wanpipe_common.h>
- #if defined(LINUX_2_4)
- #include <asm/uaccess.h> /* kernel <-> user copy */
- #include <linux/inetdevice.h>
- #define netdevice_t struct net_device
- #elif defined(LINUX_2_1)
- #include <asm/uaccess.h> /* kernel <-> user copy */
- #include <linux/inetdevice.h>
- #define netdevice_t struct device
- #else
- #include <asm/segment.h>
- #define devinet_ioctl(x,y) dev_ioctl(x,y)
- #define netdevice_t struct device
- #define test_and_set_bit set_bit
- typedef unsigned long mm_segment_t;
- #endif
- #include <linux/ip.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
- #define wpf_init(a,b) (-EPROTONOSUPPORT)
- #endif
- #define wpc_init(a,b) (-EPROTONOSUPPORT)
- #endif
- #ifndef CONFIG_WANPIPE_X25
- #define wpx_init(a,b) (-EPROTONOSUPPORT)
- #endif
- #define wpp_init(a,b) (-EPROTONOSUPPORT)
- #endif
- #define wsppp_init(a,b) (-EPROTONOSUPPORT)
- #endif
- /***********FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES*********************************************
- static void * dbg_kmalloc(unsigned int size, int prio, int line) {
- int i = 0;
- void * v = kmalloc(size+sizeof(unsigned int)+2*KMEM_SAFETYZONE*8,prio);
- char * c1 = v;
- c1 += sizeof(unsigned int);
- *((unsigned int *)v) = size;
- for (i = 0; i < KMEM_SAFETYZONE; i++) {
- c1[0] = 'D'; c1[1] = 'E'; c1[2] = 'A'; c1[3] = 'D';
- c1[4] = 'B'; c1[5] = 'E'; c1[6] = 'E'; c1[7] = 'F';
- c1 += 8;
- }
- c1 += size;
- for (i = 0; i < KMEM_SAFETYZONE; i++) {
- c1[0] = 'M'; c1[1] = 'U'; c1[2] = 'N'; c1[3] = 'G';
- c1[4] = 'W'; c1[5] = 'A'; c1[6] = 'L'; c1[7] = 'L';
- c1 += 8;
- }
- v = ((char *)v) + sizeof(unsigned int) + KMEM_SAFETYZONE*8;
- printk(KERN_INFO "line %d kmalloc(%d,%d) = %pn",line,size,prio,v);
- return v;
- }
- static void dbg_kfree(void * v, int line) {
- unsigned int * sp = (unsigned int *)(((char *)v) - (sizeof(unsigned int) + KMEM_SAFETYZONE*8));
- unsigned int size = *sp;
- char * c1 = ((char *)v) - KMEM_SAFETYZONE*8;
- int i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < KMEM_SAFETYZONE; i++) {
- if ( c1[0] != 'D' || c1[1] != 'E' || c1[2] != 'A' || c1[3] != 'D'
- || c1[4] != 'B' || c1[5] != 'E' || c1[6] != 'E' || c1[7] != 'F') {
- printk(KERN_INFO "kmalloced block at %p has been corrupted (underrun)!n",v);
- printk(KERN_INFO " %4x: %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2xn", i*8,
- c1[0],c1[1],c1[2],c1[3],c1[4],c1[5],c1[6],c1[7] );
- }
- c1 += 8;
- }
- c1 += size;
- for (i = 0; i < KMEM_SAFETYZONE; i++) {
- if ( c1[0] != 'M' || c1[1] != 'U' || c1[2] != 'N' || c1[3] != 'G'
- || c1[4] != 'W' || c1[5] != 'A' || c1[6] != 'L' || c1[7] != 'L'
- ) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "kmalloced block at %p has been corrupted (overrun):n",v);
- printk(KERN_INFO " %4x: %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2xn", i*8,
- c1[0],c1[1],c1[2],c1[3],c1[4],c1[5],c1[6],c1[7] );
- }
- c1 += 8;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "line %d kfree(%p)n",line,v);
- v = ((char *)v) - (sizeof(unsigned int) + KMEM_SAFETYZONE*8);
- kfree(v);
- }
- #define kmalloc(x,y) dbg_kmalloc(x,y,__LINE__)
- #define kfree(x) dbg_kfree(x,__LINE__)
- ******************************************************************************/
- /****** Defines & Macros ****************************************************/
- #ifdef _DEBUG_
- #define STATIC
- #else
- #define STATIC static
- #endif
- #define DRV_VERSION 5 /* version number */
- #define DRV_RELEASE 0 /* release (minor version) number */
- #define MAX_CARDS 16 /* max number of adapters */
- #ifndef CONFIG_WANPIPE_CARDS /* configurable option */
- #endif
- #define CMD_OK 0 /* normal firmware return code */
- #define CMD_TIMEOUT 0xFF /* firmware command timed out */
- #define MAX_CMD_RETRY 10 /* max number of firmware retries */
- /****** Function Prototypes *************************************************/
- extern void disable_irq(unsigned int);
- extern void enable_irq(unsigned int);
- /* Module entry points */
- int init_module (void);
- void cleanup_module (void);
- /* WAN link driver entry points */
- static int setup (wan_device_t* wandev, wandev_conf_t* conf);
- static int shutdown (wan_device_t* wandev);
- static int ioctl (wan_device_t* wandev, unsigned cmd, unsigned long arg);
- /* IOCTL handlers */
- static int ioctl_dump (sdla_t* card, sdla_dump_t* u_dump);
- static int ioctl_exec (sdla_t* card, sdla_exec_t* u_exec, int);
- /* Miscellaneous functions */
- STATIC void sdla_isr (int irq, void* dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
- static void release_hw (sdla_t *card);
- static void run_wanpipe_tq (unsigned long);
- static int check_s508_conflicts (sdla_t* card,wandev_conf_t* conf, int*);
- static int check_s514_conflicts (sdla_t* card,wandev_conf_t* conf, int*);
- /****** Global Data **********************************************************
- * Note: All data must be explicitly initialized!!!
- */
- /* private data */
- static char drvname[] = "wanpipe";
- static char fullname[] = "WANPIPE(tm) Multiprotocol Driver";
- static char copyright[] = "(c) 1995-2000 Sangoma Technologies Inc.";
- static int ncards = 0;
- static sdla_t* card_array = NULL; /* adapter data space */
- /* Wanpipe's own task queue, used for all API's.
- * All protocol specific tasks will be instered
- * into "wanpipe_tq_custom" task_queue.
- * On each rx_interrupt, the whole task queue
- * (wanpipe_tq_custom) will be queued into
- * IMMEDIATE_BH via wanpipe_mark_bh() call.
- * The IMMEDIATE_BH will execute run_wanpipe_tq()
- * function, which will execute all pending,
- * tasks in wanpipe_tq_custom queue */
- #ifdef LINUX_2_4
- DECLARE_TASK_QUEUE(wanpipe_tq_custom);
- static struct tq_struct wanpipe_tq_task =
- {
- routine: (void (*)(void *)) run_wanpipe_tq,
- data: &wanpipe_tq_custom
- };
- #else
- static struct tq_struct *wanpipe_tq_custom = NULL;
- static struct tq_struct wanpipe_tq_task =
- {
- 0,
- (void *)(void *) run_wanpipe_tq,
- &wanpipe_tq_custom
- };
- #endif
- static int wanpipe_bh_critical=0;
- /******* Kernel Loadable Module Entry Points ********************************/
- /*============================================================================
- * Module 'insert' entry point.
- * o print announcement
- * o allocate adapter data space
- * o initialize static data
- * o register all cards with WAN router
- * o calibrate SDLA shared memory access delay.
- *
- * Return: 0 Ok
- * < 0 error.
- * Context: process
- */
- #ifdef MODULE
- int init_module (void)
- #else
- int wanpipe_init(void)
- #endif
- {
- int cnt, err = 0;
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s v%u.%u %sn",
- fullname, DRV_VERSION, DRV_RELEASE, copyright);
- /* Probe for wanpipe cards and return the number found */
- printk(KERN_INFO "wanpipe: Probing for WANPIPE hardware.n");
- ncards = wanpipe_hw_probe();
- if (ncards){
- printk(KERN_INFO "wanpipe: Allocating maximum %i devices: wanpipe%i - wanpipe%i.n",ncards,1,ncards);
- }else{
- printk(KERN_INFO "wanpipe: No S514/S508 cards found, unloading modules!n");
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- /* Verify number of cards and allocate adapter data space */
- card_array = kmalloc(sizeof(sdla_t) * ncards, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (card_array == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset(card_array, 0, sizeof(sdla_t) * ncards);
- /* Register adapters with WAN router */
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < ncards; ++ cnt) {
- sdla_t* card = &card_array[cnt];
- wan_device_t* wandev = &card->wandev;
- card->next = NULL;
- sprintf(card->devname, "%s%d", drvname, cnt + 1);
- wandev->magic = ROUTER_MAGIC;
- wandev->name = card->devname;
- wandev->private = card;
- wandev->enable_tx_int = 0;
- wandev->setup = &setup;
- wandev->shutdown = &shutdown;
- wandev->ioctl = &ioctl;
- err = register_wan_device(wandev);
- if (err) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: %s registration failed with error %d!n",
- drvname, card->devname, err);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cnt){
- ncards = cnt; /* adjust actual number of cards */
- }else {
- kfree(card_array);
- printk(KERN_INFO "IN Init Module: NO Cards registeredn");
- err = -ENODEV;
- }
- return err;
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- /*============================================================================
- * Module 'remove' entry point.
- * o unregister all adapters from the WAN router
- * o release all remaining system resources
- */
- void cleanup_module (void)
- {
- int i;
- if (!ncards)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < ncards; ++i) {
- sdla_t* card = &card_array[i];
- unregister_wan_device(card->devname);
- }
- kfree(card_array);
- printk(KERN_INFO "nwanpipe: WANPIPE Modules Unloaded.n");
- }
- #endif
- /******* WAN Device Driver Entry Points *************************************/
- /*============================================================================
- * Setup/configure WAN link driver.
- * o check adapter state
- * o make sure firmware is present in configuration
- * o make sure I/O port and IRQ are specified
- * o make sure I/O region is available
- * o allocate interrupt vector
- * o setup SDLA hardware
- * o call appropriate routine to perform protocol-specific initialization
- * o mark I/O region as used
- * o if this is the first active card, then schedule background task
- *
- * This function is called when router handles ROUTER_SETUP IOCTL. The
- * configuration structure is in kernel memory (including extended data, if
- * any).
- */
- static int setup (wan_device_t* wandev, wandev_conf_t* conf)
- {
- sdla_t* card;
- int err = 0;
- int irq=0;
- /* Sanity checks */
- if ((wandev == NULL) || (wandev->private == NULL) || (conf == NULL)){
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: Failed Sdlamain Setup wandev %u, card %u, conf %u !n",
- wandev->name,
- (unsigned int)wandev,(unsigned int)wandev->private,
- (unsigned int)conf);
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting WAN Setupn", wandev->name);
- card = wandev->private;
- if (wandev->state != WAN_UNCONFIGURED){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: failed sdlamain setup, busy!n",
- wandev->name);
- return -EBUSY; /* already configured */
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "nProcessing WAN device %s...n", wandev->name);
- /* Initialize the counters for each wandev
- * Used for counting number of times new_if and
- * del_if get called.
- */
- wandev->del_if_cnt = 0;
- wandev->new_if_cnt = 0;
- wandev->config_id = conf->config_id;
- if (!conf->data_size || (conf->data == NULL)) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: firmware not found in configuration data!n",
- wandev->name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Check for resource conflicts and setup the
- * card for piggibacking if necessary */
- if(!conf->S514_CPU_no[0]) {
- if ((err=check_s508_conflicts(card,conf,&irq)) != 0){
- return err;
- }
- }else {
- if ((err=check_s514_conflicts(card,conf,&irq)) != 0){
- return err;
- }
- }
- /* If the current card has already been configured
- * or its a piggyback card, do not try to allocate
- * resources.
- */
- if (!card->wandev.piggyback && !card->configured){
- /* Configure hardware, load firmware, etc. */
- memset(&card->hw, 0, sizeof(sdlahw_t));
- /* for an S514 adapter, pass the CPU number and the slot number read */
- /* from 'router.conf' to the 'sdla_setup()' function via the 'port' */
- /* parameter */
- if (conf->S514_CPU_no[0]){
- card->hw.S514_cpu_no[0] = conf->S514_CPU_no[0];
- card->hw.S514_slot_no = conf->PCI_slot_no;
- card->hw.auto_pci_cfg = conf->auto_pci_cfg;
- if (card->hw.auto_pci_cfg == WANOPT_YES){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Setting CPU to %c and Slot to Auton",
- card->devname, card->hw.S514_cpu_no[0]);
- }else{
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Setting CPU to %c and Slot to %in",
- card->devname, card->hw.S514_cpu_no[0], card->hw.S514_slot_no);
- }
- }else{
- /* 508 Card io port and irq initialization */
- card->hw.port = conf->ioport;
- card->hw.irq = (conf->irq == 9) ? 2 : conf->irq;
- }
- /* Compute the virtual address of the card in kernel space */
- if(conf->maddr){
- card->hw.dpmbase = phys_to_virt(conf->maddr);
- }else{
- card->hw.dpmbase = (void *)conf->maddr;
- }
- card->hw.dpmsize = SDLA_WINDOWSIZE;
- /* set the adapter type if using an S514 adapter */
- card->hw.type = (conf->S514_CPU_no[0]) ? SDLA_S514 : conf->hw_opt[0];
- card->hw.pclk = conf->hw_opt[1];
- err = sdla_setup(&card->hw, conf->data, conf->data_size);
- if (err){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Hardware setup Failed %in",
- card->devname,err);
- return err;
- }
- if(card->hw.type != SDLA_S514)
- irq = (conf->irq == 2) ? 9 : conf->irq; /* IRQ2 -> IRQ9 */
- else
- irq = card->hw.irq;
- /* request an interrupt vector - note that interrupts may be shared */
- /* when using the S514 PCI adapter */
- if(request_irq(irq, sdla_isr,
- (card->hw.type == SDLA_S514) ? SA_SHIRQ : 0,
- wandev->name, card)){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Can't reserve IRQ %d!n", wandev->name, irq);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }else{
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Card Configured %i or Piggybacking %i!n",
- wandev->name,card->configured,card->wandev.piggyback);
- }
- if (!card->configured){
- /* Initialize the Spin lock */
- #if defined(__SMP__) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Initializing for SMPn",wandev->name);
- #endif
- /* Piggyback spin lock has already been initialized,
- * in check_s514/s508_conflicts() */
- if (!card->wandev.piggyback){
- spin_lock_init(&card->wandev.lock);
- }
- /* Intialize WAN device data space */
- wandev->irq = irq;
- wandev->dma = 0;
- if(card->hw.type != SDLA_S514){
- wandev->ioport = card->hw.port;
- }else{
- wandev->S514_cpu_no[0] = card->hw.S514_cpu_no[0];
- wandev->S514_slot_no = card->hw.S514_slot_no;
- }
- wandev->maddr = (unsigned long)card->hw.dpmbase;
- wandev->msize = card->hw.dpmsize;
- wandev->hw_opt[0] = card->hw.type;
- wandev->hw_opt[1] = card->hw.pclk;
- wandev->hw_opt[2] = card->hw.memory;
- wandev->hw_opt[3] = card->hw.fwid;
- }
- /* Protocol-specific initialization */
- switch (card->hw.fwid) {
- case SFID_X25_502:
- case SFID_X25_508:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting X.25 Protocol Init.n",
- card->devname);
- err = wpx_init(card, conf);
- break;
- case SFID_FR502:
- case SFID_FR508:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting Frame Relay Protocol Init.n",
- card->devname);
- err = wpf_init(card, conf);
- break;
- case SFID_PPP502:
- case SFID_PPP508:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting PPP Protocol Init.n",
- card->devname);
- err = wpp_init(card, conf);
- break;
- case SFID_CHDLC508:
- case SFID_CHDLC514:
- if (conf->ft1){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting FT1 CSU/DSU Config Driver.n",
- card->devname);
- err = wpft1_init(card, conf);
- break;
- }else if (conf->config_id == WANCONFIG_MPPP){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting Multi-Port PPP Protocol Init.n",
- card->devname);
- err = wsppp_init(card,conf);
- break;
- }else{
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Starting CHDLC Protocol Init.n",
- card->devname);
- err = wpc_init(card, conf);
- break;
- }
- default:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Error, Firmware is not supported %X %X!n",
- wandev->name,card->hw.fwid,SFID_CHDLC508);
- }
- if (err != 0){
- if (err == -EPROTONOSUPPORT){
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: Error, Protocol selected has not been compiled!n",
- card->devname);
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: Re-configure the kernel and re-build the modules!n",
- card->devname);
- }
- release_hw(card);
- wandev->state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED;
- return err;
- }
- /* Reserve I/O region and schedule background task */
- if(card->hw.type != SDLA_S514 && !card->wandev.piggyback)
- if (!request_region(card->hw.port, card->hw.io_range,
- wandev->name)) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "port 0x%04x busyn", card->hw.port);
- release_hw(card);
- wandev->state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED;
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* Only use the polling routine for the X25 protocol */
- card->wandev.critical=0;
- return 0;
- }
- /*==================================================================
- * configure_s508_card
- *
- * For a S508 adapter, check for a possible configuration error in that
- * we are loading an adapter in the same IO port as a previously loaded S508
- * card.
- */
- static int check_s508_conflicts (sdla_t* card,wandev_conf_t* conf, int *irq)
- {
- unsigned long smp_flags;
- int i;
- if (conf->ioport <= 0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: can't configure without I/O port address!n",
- card->;
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (conf->irq <= 0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: can't configure without IRQ!n",
- card->;
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (test_bit(0,&card->configured))
- return 0;
- /* Check for already loaded card with the same IO port and IRQ
- * If found, copy its hardware configuration and use its
- * resources (i.e. piggybacking)
- */
- for (i = 0; i < ncards; i++) {
- sdla_t *nxt_card = &card_array[i];
- /* Skip the current card ptr */
- if (nxt_card == card)
- continue;
- /* Find a card that is already configured with the
- * same IO Port */
- if ((nxt_card->hw.type == SDLA_S508) &&
- (nxt_card->hw.port == conf->ioport) &&
- (nxt_card->next == NULL)){
- /* We found a card the card that has same configuration
- * as us. This means, that we must setup this card in
- * piggibacking mode. However, only CHDLC and MPPP protocol
- * support this setup */
- if ((conf->config_id == WANCONFIG_CHDLC ||
- conf->config_id == WANCONFIG_MPPP) &&
- (nxt_card->wandev.config_id == WANCONFIG_CHDLC ||
- nxt_card->wandev.config_id == WANCONFIG_MPPP)){
- *irq = nxt_card->hw.irq;
- memcpy(&card->hw, &nxt_card->hw, sizeof(sdlahw_t));
- /* The master could already be running, we must
- * set this as a critical area */
- lock_adapter_irq(&nxt_card->wandev.lock, &smp_flags);
- nxt_card->next = card;
- card->next = nxt_card;
- card->wandev.piggyback = WANOPT_YES;
- /* We must initialise the piggiback spin lock here
- * since isr will try to lock card->next if it
- * exists */
- spin_lock_init(&card->wandev.lock);
- unlock_adapter_irq(&nxt_card->wandev.lock, &smp_flags);
- break;
- }else{
- /* Trying to run piggibacking with a wrong protocol */
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ERROR: Resource busy, ioport: 0x%xn"
- "%s: This protocol doesn't supportn"
- "%s: multi-port operation!n",
- card->devname,nxt_card->hw.port,
- card->devname,card->devname);
- return -EEXIST;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Make sure I/O port region is available only if we are the
- * master device. If we are running in piggibacking mode,
- * we will use the resources of the master card */
- if (check_region(conf->ioport, SDLA_MAXIORANGE) &&
- !card->wandev.piggyback) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: I/O region 0x%X - 0x%X is in use!n",
- card->, conf->ioport,
- conf->ioport + SDLA_MAXIORANGE);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*==================================================================
- * configure_s514_card
- *
- * For a S514 adapter, check for a possible configuration error in that
- * we are loading an adapter in the same slot as a previously loaded S514
- * card.
- */
- static int check_s514_conflicts(sdla_t* card,wandev_conf_t* conf, int *irq)
- {
- unsigned long smp_flags;
- int i;
- if (test_bit(0,&card->configured))
- return 0;
- /* Check for already loaded card with the same IO port and IRQ
- * If found, copy its hardware configuration and use its
- * resources (i.e. piggybacking)
- */
- for (i = 0; i < ncards; i ++) {
- sdla_t* nxt_card = &card_array[i];
- if(nxt_card == card)
- continue;
- if((nxt_card->hw.type == SDLA_S514) &&
- (nxt_card->hw.S514_slot_no == conf->PCI_slot_no) &&
- (nxt_card->hw.S514_cpu_no[0] == conf->S514_CPU_no[0])&&
- (nxt_card->next == NULL)){
- if ((conf->config_id == WANCONFIG_CHDLC ||
- conf->config_id == WANCONFIG_MPPP) &&
- (nxt_card->wandev.config_id == WANCONFIG_CHDLC ||
- nxt_card->wandev.config_id == WANCONFIG_MPPP)){
- *irq = nxt_card->hw.irq;
- memcpy(&card->hw, &nxt_card->hw, sizeof(sdlahw_t));
- /* The master could already be running, we must
- * set this as a critical area */
- lock_adapter_irq(&nxt_card->wandev.lock,&smp_flags);
- nxt_card->next = card;
- card->next = nxt_card;
- card->wandev.piggyback = WANOPT_YES;
- /* We must initialise the piggiback spin lock here
- * since isr will try to lock card->next if it
- * exists */
- spin_lock_init(&card->wandev.lock);
- unlock_adapter_irq(&nxt_card->wandev.lock,&smp_flags);
- }else{
- /* Trying to run piggibacking with a wrong protocol */
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ERROR: Resource busy: CPU %c PCISLOT %in"
- "%s: This protocol doesn't supportn"
- "%s: multi-port operation!n",
- card->devname,
- conf->S514_CPU_no[0],conf->PCI_slot_no,
- card->devname,card->devname);
- return -EEXIST;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*============================================================================
- * Shut down WAN link driver.
- * o shut down adapter hardware
- * o release system resources.
- *
- * This function is called by the router when device is being unregistered or
- * when it handles ROUTER_DOWN IOCTL.
- */
- static int shutdown (wan_device_t* wandev)
- {
- sdla_t *card;
- int err=0;
- /* sanity checks */
- if ((wandev == NULL) || (wandev->private == NULL)){
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- if (wandev->state == WAN_UNCONFIGURED){
- return 0;
- }
- card = wandev->private;
- if (card->tty_opt){
- if (card->tty_open){
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: Shutdown Failed: TTY is still openn",
- card->devname);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- }
- wandev->state = WAN_UNCONFIGURED;
- set_bit(PERI_CRIT,(void*)&wandev->critical);
- /* In case of piggibacking, make sure that
- * we never try to shutdown both devices at the same
- * time, because they depend on one another */
- if (card->disable_comm){
- card->disable_comm(card);
- }
- /* Release Resources */
- release_hw(card);
- /* only free the allocated I/O range if not an S514 adapter */
- if (wandev->hw_opt[0] != SDLA_S514 && !card->configured){
- release_region(card->hw.port, card->hw.io_range);
- }
- if (!card->configured){
- memset(&card->hw, 0, sizeof(sdlahw_t));
- if (card->next){
- memset(&card->next->hw, 0, sizeof(sdlahw_t));
- }
- }
- clear_bit(PERI_CRIT,(void*)&wandev->critical);
- return err;
- }
- static void release_hw (sdla_t *card)
- {
- sdla_t *nxt_card;
- /* Check if next device exists */
- if (card->next){
- nxt_card = card->next;
- /* If next device is down then release resources */
- if (nxt_card->wandev.state == WAN_UNCONFIGURED){
- if (card->wandev.piggyback){
- /* If this device is piggyback then use
- * information of the master device
- */
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Piggyback shutting downn",card->devname);
- sdla_down(&card->next->hw);
- free_irq(card->wandev.irq, card->next);
- card->configured = 0;
- card->next->configured = 0;
- card->wandev.piggyback = 0;
- }else{
- /* Master device shutting down */
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Master shutting downn",card->devname);
- sdla_down(&card->hw);
- free_irq(card->wandev.irq, card);
- card->configured = 0;
- card->next->configured = 0;
- }
- }else{
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Device still running %in",
- nxt_card->devname,nxt_card->wandev.state);
- card->configured = 1;
- }
- }else{
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Master shutting downn",card->devname);
- sdla_down(&card->hw);
- free_irq(card->wandev.irq, card);
- card->configured = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*============================================================================
- * Driver I/O control.
- * o verify arguments
- * o perform requested action
- *
- * This function is called when router handles one of the reserved user
- * IOCTLs. Note that 'arg' stil points to user address space.
- */
- static int ioctl (wan_device_t* wandev, unsigned cmd, unsigned long arg)
- {
- sdla_t* card;
- int err;
- /* sanity checks */
- if ((wandev == NULL) || (wandev->private == NULL))
- return -EFAULT;
- if (wandev->state == WAN_UNCONFIGURED)
- return -ENODEV;
- card = wandev->private;
- if(card->hw.type != SDLA_S514){
- disable_irq(card->hw.irq);
- }
- if (test_bit(SEND_CRIT, (void*)&wandev->critical)) {
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- switch (cmd) {
- err = ioctl_dump(wandev->private, (void*)arg);
- break;
- err = ioctl_exec(wandev->private, (void*)arg, cmd);
- break;
- default:
- err = -EINVAL;
- }
- return err;
- }
- /****** Driver IOCTL Handlers ***********************************************/
- /*============================================================================
- * Dump adapter memory to user buffer.
- * o verify request structure
- * o copy request structure to kernel data space
- * o verify length/offset
- * o verify user buffer
- * o copy adapter memory image to user buffer
- *
- * Note: when dumping memory, this routine switches curent dual-port memory
- * vector, so care must be taken to avoid racing conditions.
- */
- static int ioctl_dump (sdla_t* card, sdla_dump_t* u_dump)
- {
- sdla_dump_t dump;
- unsigned winsize;
- unsigned long oldvec; /* DPM window vector */
- unsigned long smp_flags;
- int err = 0;
- #if defined(LINUX_2_1) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- if(copy_from_user((void*)&dump, (void*)u_dump, sizeof(sdla_dump_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- #else
- if ((u_dump == NULL) ||
- verify_area(VERIFY_READ, u_dump, sizeof(sdla_dump_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- memcpy_fromfs((void*)&dump, (void*)u_dump, sizeof(sdla_dump_t));
- #endif
- if ((dump.magic != WANPIPE_MAGIC) ||
- (dump.offset + dump.length > card->hw.memory))
- return -EINVAL;
- #ifdef LINUX_2_0
- if ((dump.ptr == NULL) ||
- verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, dump.ptr, dump.length))
- return -EFAULT;
- #endif
- winsize = card->hw.dpmsize;
- if(card->hw.type != SDLA_S514) {
- lock_adapter_irq(&card->wandev.lock, &smp_flags);
- oldvec = card->hw.vector;
- while (dump.length) {
- /* current offset */
- unsigned pos = dump.offset % winsize;
- /* current vector */
- unsigned long vec = dump.offset - pos;
- unsigned len = (dump.length > (winsize - pos)) ?
- (winsize - pos) : dump.length;
- /* relocate window */
- if (sdla_mapmem(&card->hw, vec) != 0) {
- err = -EIO;
- break;
- }
- #if defined(LINUX_2_1) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- if(copy_to_user((void *)dump.ptr,
- (u8 *)card->hw.dpmbase + pos, len)){
- unlock_adapter_irq(&card->wandev.lock, &smp_flags);
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- #else
- memcpy_tofs((void*)(dump.ptr),
- (void*)(card->hw.dpmbase + pos), len);
- #endif
- dump.length -= len;
- dump.offset += len;
- (char*)dump.ptr += len;
- }
- sdla_mapmem(&card->hw, oldvec);/* restore DPM window position */
- unlock_adapter_irq(&card->wandev.lock, &smp_flags);
- }else {
- #if defined(LINUX_2_1) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- if(copy_to_user((void *)dump.ptr,
- (u8 *)card->hw.dpmbase + dump.offset, dump.length)){
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- #else
- memcpy_tofs((void*)(dump.ptr),
- (void*)(card->hw.dpmbase + dump.offset), dump.length);
- #endif
- }
- return err;
- }
- /*============================================================================
- * Execute adapter firmware command.
- * o verify request structure
- * o copy request structure to kernel data space
- * o call protocol-specific 'exec' function
- */
- static int ioctl_exec (sdla_t* card, sdla_exec_t* u_exec, int cmd)
- {
- sdla_exec_t exec;
- int err=0;
- if (card->exec == NULL && cmd == WANPIPE_EXEC){
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- #if defined(LINUX_2_1) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- if(copy_from_user((void*)&exec, (void*)u_exec, sizeof(sdla_exec_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- #else
- if ((u_exec == NULL) ||
- verify_area(VERIFY_READ, u_exec, sizeof(sdla_exec_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- memcpy_fromfs((void*)&exec, (void*)u_exec, sizeof(sdla_exec_t));
- #endif
- if ((exec.magic != WANPIPE_MAGIC) || (exec.cmd == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- switch (cmd) {
- err = card->exec(card, exec.cmd,;
- break;
- }
- return err;
- }
- /******* Miscellaneous ******************************************************/
- /*============================================================================
- * SDLA Interrupt Service Routine.
- * o acknowledge SDLA hardware interrupt.
- * o call protocol-specific interrupt service routine, if any.
- */
- STATIC void sdla_isr (int irq, void* dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- #define card ((sdla_t*)dev_id)
- if(card->hw.type == SDLA_S514) { /* handle interrrupt on S514 */
- u32 int_status;
- unsigned char CPU_no = card->hw.S514_cpu_no[0];
- unsigned char card_found_for_IRQ;
- u8 IRQ_count = 0;
- for(;;) {
- read_S514_int_stat(&card->hw, &int_status);
- /* check if the interrupt is for this device */
- if(!((unsigned char)int_status &
- return;
- /* if the IRQ is for both CPUs on the same adapter, */
- /* then alter the interrupt status so as to handle */
- /* one CPU at a time */
- if(((unsigned char)int_status & (IRQ_CPU_A | IRQ_CPU_B))
- == (IRQ_CPU_A | IRQ_CPU_B)) {
- int_status &= (CPU_no == S514_CPU_A) ?
- }
- card_found_for_IRQ = 0;
- /* check to see that the CPU number for this device */
- /* corresponds to the interrupt status read */
- switch (CPU_no) {
- case S514_CPU_A:
- if((unsigned char)int_status &
- card_found_for_IRQ = 1;
- break;
- case S514_CPU_B:
- if((unsigned char)int_status &
- card_found_for_IRQ = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* exit if the interrupt is for another CPU on the */
- /* same IRQ */
- if(!card_found_for_IRQ)
- return;
- if (!card ||
- (card->wandev.state == WAN_UNCONFIGURED && !card->configured)){
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "Received IRQ %d for CPU #%cn",
- irq, CPU_no);
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "IRQ for unconfigured adaptern");
- S514_intack(&card->hw, int_status);
- return;
- }
- if (card->in_isr) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: interrupt re-entrancy on IRQ %dn",
- card->devname, card->wandev.irq);
- S514_intack(&card->hw, int_status);
- return;
- }
- spin_lock(&card->wandev.lock);
- if (card->next){
- spin_lock(&card->next->wandev.lock);
- }
- S514_intack(&card->hw, int_status);
- if (card->isr)
- card->isr(card);
- if (card->next){
- spin_unlock(&card->next->wandev.lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&card->wandev.lock);
- /* handle a maximum of two interrupts (one for each */
- /* CPU on the adapter) before returning */
- if((++ IRQ_count) == 2)
- return;
- }
- }
- else { /* handle interrupt on S508 adapter */
- if (!card || ((card->wandev.state == WAN_UNCONFIGURED) && !card->configured))
- return;
- if (card->in_isr) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "%s: interrupt re-entrancy on IRQ %d!n",
- card->devname, card->wandev.irq);
- return;
- }
- spin_lock(&card->wandev.lock);
- if (card->next){
- spin_lock(&card->next->wandev.lock);
- }
- sdla_intack(&card->hw);
- if (card->isr)
- card->isr(card);
- if (card->next){
- spin_unlock(&card->next->wandev.lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&card->wandev.lock);
- }
- #undef card
- }
- /*============================================================================
- * This routine is called by the protocol-specific modules when network
- * interface is being open. The only reason we need this, is because we
- * have to call MOD_INC_USE_COUNT, but cannot include 'module.h' where it's
- * defined more than once into the same kernel module.
- */
- void wanpipe_open (sdla_t* card)
- {
- ++card->open_cnt;
- }
- /*============================================================================
- * This routine is called by the protocol-specific modules when network
- * interface is being closed. The only reason we need this, is because we
- * have to call MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT, but cannot include 'module.h' where it's
- * defined more than once into the same kernel module.
- */
- void wanpipe_close (sdla_t* card)
- {
- --card->open_cnt;
- }
- /*============================================================================
- * Set WAN device state.
- */
- void wanpipe_set_state (sdla_t* card, int state)
- {
- if (card->wandev.state != state) {
- switch (state) {
- printk (KERN_INFO "%s: link connected!n",
- card->devname);
- break;
- printk (KERN_INFO "%s: link connecting...n",
- card->devname);
- break;
- printk (KERN_INFO "%s: link disconnected!n",
- card->devname);
- break;
- }
- card->wandev.state = state;
- }
- card->state_tick = jiffies;
- }
- sdla_t * wanpipe_find_card (char *name)
- {
- int cnt;
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < ncards; ++ cnt) {
- sdla_t* card = &card_array[cnt];
- if (!strcmp(card->devname,name))
- return card;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- sdla_t * wanpipe_find_card_num (int num)
- {
- if (num < 1 || num > ncards)
- return NULL;
- num--;
- return &card_array[num];
- }
- static void run_wanpipe_tq (unsigned long data)
- {
- task_queue *tq_queue = (task_queue *)data;
- if (test_and_set_bit(2,(void*)&wanpipe_bh_critical))
- run_task_queue (tq_queue);
- clear_bit(2,(void*)&wanpipe_bh_critical);
- }
- void wanpipe_queue_tq (struct tq_struct *bh_pointer)
- {
- if (test_and_set_bit(1,(void*)&wanpipe_bh_critical))
- queue_task(bh_pointer,&wanpipe_tq_custom);
- clear_bit(1,(void*)&wanpipe_bh_critical);
- }
- void wanpipe_mark_bh (void)
- {
- if (!test_and_set_bit(0,(void*)&wanpipe_bh_critical)){
- queue_task(&wanpipe_tq_task,&tq_immediate);
- mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
- clear_bit(0,(void*)&wanpipe_bh_critical);
- }
- }
- void wakeup_sk_bh (netdevice_t *dev)
- {
- wanpipe_common_t *chan = dev->priv;
- if (test_bit(0,&chan->common_critical))
- return;
- if (chan->sk && chan->tx_timer){
- chan->tx_timer->expires=jiffies+1;
- add_timer(chan->tx_timer);
- }
- }
- int change_dev_flags (netdevice_t *dev, unsigned flags)
- {
- struct ifreq if_info;
- mm_segment_t fs = get_fs();
- int err;
- memset(&if_info, 0, sizeof(if_info));
- strcpy(if_info.ifr_name, dev->name);
- if_info.ifr_flags = flags;
- set_fs(get_ds()); /* get user space block */
- err = devinet_ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS, &if_info);
- set_fs(fs);
- return err;
- }
- unsigned long get_ip_address (netdevice_t *dev, int option)
- {
- #ifdef LINUX_2_4
- struct in_ifaddr *ifaddr;
- struct in_device *in_dev;
- if ((in_dev = __in_dev_get(dev)) == NULL){
- return 0;
- }
- #elif defined(LINUX_2_1)
- struct in_ifaddr *ifaddr;
- struct in_device *in_dev;
- if ((in_dev = dev->ip_ptr) == NULL){
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(LINUX_2_1) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- if ((ifaddr = in_dev->ifa_list)== NULL ){
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- switch (option){
- case WAN_LOCAL_IP:
- #ifdef LINUX_2_0
- return dev->pa_addr;
- #else
- return ifaddr->ifa_local;
- #endif
- break;
- #ifdef LINUX_2_0
- return dev->pa_dstaddr;
- #else
- return ifaddr->ifa_address;
- #endif
- break;
- #ifdef LINUX_2_0
- return dev->pa_mask;
- #else
- return ifaddr->ifa_mask;
- #endif
- break;
- #ifdef LINUX_2_0
- return dev->pa_brdaddr;
- #else
- return ifaddr->ifa_broadcast;
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void add_gateway(sdla_t *card, netdevice_t *dev)
- {
- mm_segment_t oldfs;
- struct rtentry route;
- int res;
- memset((char*)&route,0,sizeof(struct rtentry));
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)
- &(route.rt_dst))->sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)
- &(route.rt_dst))->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)
- &(route.rt_genmask))->sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)
- &(route.rt_genmask)) ->sin_family = AF_INET;
- route.rt_flags = 0;
- route.rt_dev = dev->name;
- oldfs = get_fs();
- set_fs(get_ds());
- #if defined(LINUX_2_1) || defined(LINUX_2_4)
- res = ip_rt_ioctl(SIOCADDRT,&route);
- #else
- res = ip_rt_new(&route);
- #endif
- set_fs(oldfs);
- if (res == 0){
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Gateway added for %sn",
- card->devname,dev->name);
- }
- return;
- }
- /****** End *********************************************************/