- /* -*- linux-c -*- */
- /* $Id: 8253xsyn.c,v 1.17 2002/02/10 22:17:25 martillo Exp $
- * 8253xsyn.c: SYNC TTY Driver for the SIEMENS SAB8253X DUSCC.
- *
- * Implementation, modifications and extensions
- * Copyright (C) 2001 By Joachim Martillo, Telford Tools, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
- /* Standard in kernel modules */
- #include <linux/module.h> /* Specifically, a module */
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/tty_flip.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include "8253xctl.h"
- #include "8253x.h"
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #ifdef MODULE
- #endif
- static void sab8253x_flush_to_ldiscS(void *private_) /* need a separate version for sync
- there are no flags associated with
- received sync TTY data*/
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty = (struct tty_struct *) private_;
- unsigned char *cp;
- int count;
- struct sab_port *port;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- if(tty)
- {
- port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- if(port == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (test_bit(TTY_DONT_FLIP, &tty->flags))
- {
- queue_task(&tty->flip.tqueue, &tq_timer);
- return;
- }
- /* note that a hangup may have occurred -- perhaps should check for that */
- port->DoingInterrupt = 1;
- while(port->sab8253xc_rcvbuflist && (skb_queue_len(port->sab8253xc_rcvbuflist) > 0))
- {
- skb = skb_dequeue(port->sab8253xc_rcvbuflist);
- count = skb->data_len;
- cp = skb->data;
- (*tty->ldisc.receive_buf)(tty, cp, 0, count);
- dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
- }
- port->DoingInterrupt = 0;
- }
- void sab8253x_flush_charsS(struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_flush_chars"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if ((Sab8253xCountTransmit(port) <= 0) || tty->stopped || tty->hw_stopped)
- { /* can't flush */
- return;
- }
- sab8253x_start_txS(port);
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------
- * sab8253x_stopS() and sab8253x_startS()
- *
- * This routines are called before setting or resetting tty->stopped.
- * They enable or disable transmitter interrupts, as necessary.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void sab8253x_stopS(struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- /* can't do anything here */
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_stop"))
- {
- return;
- }
- /* interrupt handles it all*/
- /* turning off XPR is not an option in sync mode */
- }
- void sab8253x_startS(struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_start"))
- {
- return;
- }
- sab8253x_start_txS(port);
- }
- static void sab8253x_receive_charsS(struct sab_port *port,
- union sab8253x_irq_status *stat)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty = port->tty;
- unsigned char buf[32];
- int free_fifo = 0;
- int reset_fifo = 0;
- int msg_done = 0;
- int msg_bad = 0;
- int count = 0;
- int total_size = 0;
- int rstatus = 0;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- /* Read number of BYTES (Character + Status) available. */
- if((stat->images[ISR1_IDX] & SAB82532_ISR1_RDO) || (stat->images[ISR0_IDX] & SAB82532_ISR0_RFO) )
- {
- ++msg_bad;
- ++free_fifo;
- ++reset_fifo;
- }
- else
- {
- if (stat->images[ISR0_IDX] & SAB82532_ISR0_RPF)
- {
- count = port->recv_fifo_size;
- ++free_fifo;
- }
- if (stat->images[ISR0_IDX] & SAB82532_ISR0_RME)
- {
- count = READB(port, rbcl);
- count &= (port->recv_fifo_size - 1);
- ++msg_done;
- ++free_fifo;
- total_size = READB(port, rbch);
- if(total_size & SAB82532_RBCH_OV) /* need to revisit for 4096 byte frames */
- {
- msg_bad++;
- }
- rstatus = READB(port, rsta);
- if((rstatus & SAB82532_RSTA_VFR) == 0)
- {
- msg_bad++;
- }
- if(rstatus & SAB82532_RSTA_RDO)
- {
- msg_bad++;
- }
- if((rstatus & SAB82532_RSTA_CRC) == 0)
- {
- msg_bad++;
- }
- if(rstatus & SAB82532_RSTA_RAB)
- {
- msg_bad++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Read the FIFO. */
- (*port->readfifo)(port, buf, count);
- /* Issue Receive Message Complete command. */
- if (free_fifo)
- {
- sab8253x_cec_wait(port);
- WRITEB(port, cmdr, SAB82532_CMDR_RMC);
- }
- if(reset_fifo)
- {
- sab8253x_cec_wait(port);
- WRITEB(port, cmdr, SAB82532_CMDR_RHR);
- }
- if(msg_bad)
- {
- port->msgbufindex = 0;
- return;
- }
- memcpy(&port->msgbuf[port->msgbufindex], buf, count);
- port->msgbufindex += count;
- if (port->is_console)
- {
- wake_up(&keypress_wait);
- }
- #endif
- if(msg_done)
- {
- if(port->msgbufindex <= 3) /* min is 1 char + 2 CRC + status byte */
- {
- port->msgbufindex = 0;
- return;
- }
- total_size = port->msgbufindex - 3; /* strip off the crc16 and the status byte */
- port->msgbufindex = 0;
- /* ignore the receive buffer waiting -- we know the correct size here */
- if (!tty)
- {
- return;
- }
- if(skb = dev_alloc_skb(total_size), skb)
- {
- memcpy(skb->data, &port->msgbuf[0], total_size);
- skb->tail = (skb->data + total_size);
- skb->data_len = total_size;
- skb->len = total_size;
- skb_queue_tail(port->sab8253xc_rcvbuflist, skb);
- }
- queue_task(&tty->flip.tqueue, &tq_timer); /* clear out flip buffer as fast as possible
- * maybe should not be done unconditionally hear
- * but should be within the above consequence
- * clause */
- }
- }
- static void sab8253x_check_statusS(struct sab_port *port,
- union sab8253x_irq_status *stat)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty = port->tty;
- int modem_change = 0;
- mctlsig_t *sig;
- if (!tty)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* check_modem:*/
- /* Checking DCD */
- sig = &port->dcd;
- if (stat->images[sig->irq] & sig->irqmask)
- {
- sig->val = ISON(port,dcd);
- port->icount.dcd++;
- modem_change++;
- }
- /* Checking CTS */
- sig = &port->cts;
- if (stat->images[sig->irq] & sig->irqmask)
- {
- sig->val = ISON(port,cts);
- port->icount.cts++;
- modem_change++;
- }
- /* Checking DSR */
- sig = &port->dsr;
- if (stat->images[sig->irq] & sig->irqmask)
- {
- sig->val = ISON(port,dsr);
- port->icount.dsr++;
- modem_change++;
- }
- if (modem_change)
- {
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->delta_msr_wait);
- }
- sig = &port->dcd;
- if ((port->flags & FLAG8253X_CHECK_CD) &&
- (stat->images[sig->irq] & sig->irqmask))
- {
- if (sig->val)
- {
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->open_wait);
- }
- else if (!((port->flags & FLAG8253X_CALLOUT_ACTIVE) &&
- (port->flags & FLAG8253X_CALLOUT_NOHUP)))
- {
- #if 0 /* requires more investigation */
- if (schedule_task(&port->tqueue_hangup) == 0)
- {
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- sig = &port->cts;
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_CTS_FLOW)
- { /* not setting this yet */
- if (port->tty->hw_stopped)
- {
- if (sig->val)
- {
- port->tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- sab8253x_sched_event(port, SAB8253X_EVENT_WRITE_WAKEUP);
- sab8253x_start_txS(port);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(!(getccr2configS(port) & SAB82532_CCR2_TOE))
- {
- if (!(sig->val))
- {
- port->tty->hw_stopped = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * This routine is called to set the UART divisor registers to match
- * the specified baud rate for a serial port.
- */
- static void sab8253x_change_speedS(struct sab_port *port)
- {
- unsigned long flags,baud;
- tcflag_t cflag;
- u8 ccr2=0,ccr4=0,ebrg=0;
- int i, bits;
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- printk("Change speed! ");
- #endif
- if (!port->tty || !port->tty->termios)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- printk("NOT!n");
- #endif
- return;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- printk(" for real.n");
- #endif
- cflag = port->tty->termios->c_cflag;
- /* Byte size and parity */
- switch (cflag & CSIZE)
- {
- case CS5:
- bits = 7;
- break;
- case CS6:
- bits = 8;
- break;
- case CS7:
- bits = 9;
- break;
- default:
- case CS8:
- bits = 10;
- break;
- }
- if (cflag & CSTOPB)
- {
- bits++;
- }
- if (cflag & PARENB)
- {
- bits++;
- }
- /* Determine EBRG values based on the "encoded"baud rate */
- i = cflag & CBAUD;
- switch(i)
- {
- case B0:
- baud=0;
- break;
- case B50:
- baud=100;
- break;
- case B75:
- baud=150;
- break;
- case B110:
- baud=220;
- break;
- case B134:
- baud=269;
- break;
- case B150:
- baud=300;
- break;
- case B200:
- baud=400;
- break;
- case B300:
- baud=600;
- break;
- case B600:
- baud=1200;
- break;
- case B1200:
- baud=2400;
- break;
- case B1800:
- baud=3600;
- break;
- case B2400:
- baud=4800;
- break;
- case B4800:
- baud=9600;
- break;
- case B9600:
- baud=19200;
- break;
- case B19200:
- baud=38400;
- break;
- case B38400:
- if(port->custspeed)
- {
- baud=port->custspeed<<1;
- }
- else
- {
- baud=76800;
- }
- break;
- case B57600:
- baud=115200;
- break;
- #ifdef SKIPTHIS
- case B76800:
- baud=153600;
- break;
- case B153600:
- baud=307200;
- break;
- #endif
- case B230400:
- baud=460800;
- break;
- case B460800:
- baud=921600;
- break;
- case B115200:
- default:
- baud=230400;
- break;
- }
- if(!sab8253x_baud(port,baud,&ebrg,&ccr2,&ccr4,&(port->baud)))
- {
- printk("Aurora Warning. baudrate %ld could not be set! Using 115200",baud);
- baud=230400;
- sab8253x_baud(port,baud,&ebrg,&ccr2,&ccr4,&(port->baud));
- }
- if (port->baud)
- port->timeout = (port->xmit_fifo_size * HZ * bits) / port->baud;
- else
- port->timeout = 0;
- port->timeout += HZ / 50; /* Add .02 seconds of slop */
- /* CTS flow control flags */
- if (cflag & CRTSCTS)
- port->flags |= FLAG8253X_CTS_FLOW;
- else
- port->flags &= ~(FLAG8253X_CTS_FLOW);
- if (cflag & CLOCAL)
- port->flags &= ~(FLAG8253X_CHECK_CD);
- else
- port->flags |= FLAG8253X_CHECK_CD;
- if (port->tty)
- port->tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- /*
- * Set up parity check flag
- * XXX: not implemented, yet.
- */
- /*
- * Characters to ignore
- * XXX: not implemented, yet.
- */
- /*
- * !!! ignore all characters if CREAD is not set
- * XXX: not implemented, yet.
- */
- if ((cflag & CREAD) == 0)
- port->ignore_status_mask |= SAB82532_ISR0_RPF;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- sab8253x_cec_wait(port);
- WRITEB(port, bgr, ebrg);
- WRITEB(port, ccr2, READB(port, ccr2) & ~(0xc0)); /* clear out current baud rage */
- WRITEB(port, ccr2, READB(port, ccr2) | ccr2);
- WRITEB(port, ccr4, (READB(port,ccr4) & ~SAB82532_CCR4_EBRG) | ccr4);
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_CTS_FLOW)
- {
- WRITEB(port, mode, READB(port,mode) & ~(SAB82532_MODE_RTS));
- port->interrupt_mask1 &= ~(SAB82532_IMR1_CSC);
- WRITEB(port, imr1, port->interrupt_mask1);
- }
- else
- {
- WRITEB(port, mode, READB(port,mode) | SAB82532_MODE_RTS);
- port->interrupt_mask1 |= SAB82532_IMR1_CSC;
- WRITEB(port, imr1, port->interrupt_mask1);
- }
- WRITEB(port, mode, READB(port, mode) | SAB82532_MODE_RAC);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- void sab8253x_set_termiosS(struct tty_struct *tty,
- struct termios *old_termios)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if((tty->termios->c_cflag == old_termios->c_cflag) &&
- (RELEVANT_IFLAG(tty->termios->c_iflag) == RELEVANT_IFLAG(old_termios->c_iflag)))
- {
- return;
- }
- if(!port)
- {
- return;
- }
- sab8253x_change_speedS(port);
- /* Handle transition to B0 status */
- if ((old_termios->c_cflag & CBAUD) &&
- !(tty->termios->c_cflag & CBAUD))
- {
- LOWER(port,rts);
- LOWER(port,dtr);
- }
- /* Handle transition away from B0 status */
- if (!(old_termios->c_cflag & CBAUD) &&
- (tty->termios->c_cflag & CBAUD))
- {
- RAISE(port,dtr);
- if (!tty->hw_stopped ||
- !(tty->termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS))
- {
- RAISE(port,rts);
- }
- }
- /* Handle turning off CRTSCTS */
- if ((old_termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) &&
- !(tty->termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS))
- {
- tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- sab8253x_startS(tty);
- }
- }
- static int sab8253x_startupS(struct sab_port *port)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- int retval = 0;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- port->msgbufindex = 0;
- port->xmit_buf = NULL;
- port->buffergreedy = 0;
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_INITIALIZED)
- {
- goto errout;
- }
- if (!port->regs)
- {
- if (port->tty)
- {
- set_bit(TTY_IO_ERROR, &port->tty->flags);
- }
- retval = -ENODEV;
- goto errout;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the Hardware
- */
- sab8253x_init_lineS(port);
- #if 0 /* maybe should be conditional */
- if (port->tty->termios->c_cflag & CBAUD)
- {
- #endif
- /* Activate RTS */
- RAISE(port,rts);
- /* Activate DTR */
- RAISE(port,dtr);
- #if 0
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Initialize the modem signals values
- */
- port->dcd.val=ISON(port,dcd);
- port->cts.val=ISON(port,cts);
- port->dsr.val=ISON(port,dsr);
- /*
- * Finally, enable interrupts
- */
- port->interrupt_mask0 = SAB82532_IMR0_RFS | SAB82532_IMR0_PCE |
- SAB82532_IMR0_PLLA | SAB82532_IMR0_RSC | SAB82532_IMR0_CDSC;
- /*((port->ccontrol.ccr2 & SAB82532_CCR2_TOE) ? SAB82532_IMR0_CDSC : 0); */
- WRITEB(port,imr0,port->interrupt_mask0);
- port->interrupt_mask1 = SAB82532_IMR1_EOP | SAB82532_IMR1_XMR |
- SAB82532_IMR1_TIN | SAB82532_IMR1_XPR;
- WRITEB(port, imr1, port->interrupt_mask1);
- port->all_sent = 1;
- if (port->tty)
- {
- clear_bit(TTY_IO_ERROR, &port->tty->flags);
- }
- port->xmit_cnt = port->xmit_head = port->xmit_tail = 0;
- /*
- * and set the speed of the serial port
- */
- sab8253x_change_speedS(port);
- port->flags |= FLAG8253X_INITIALIZED;
- port->receive_chars = sab8253x_receive_charsS;
- port->transmit_chars = sab8253x_transmit_charsS;
- port->check_status = sab8253x_check_statusS;
- port->receive_test = (SAB82532_ISR0_RME | SAB82532_ISR0_RFO | SAB82532_ISR0_RPF);
- port->transmit_test = (SAB82532_ISR1_ALLS | SAB82532_ISR1_RDO | SAB82532_ISR1_XPR |
- SAB82532_ISR1_XDU | SAB82532_ISR1_CSC);
- port->check_status_test = (SAB82532_ISR1_CSC);
- /*((port->ccontrol.ccr2 & SAB82532_CCR2_TOE) ? 0 : SAB82532_ISR0_CDSC));*/
- restore_flags(flags);
- return 0;
- errout:
- restore_flags(flags);
- return retval;
- }
- static void sab8253x_shutdownS(struct sab_port *port)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- if (!(port->flags & FLAG8253X_INITIALIZED))
- {
- return;
- }
- save_flags(flags); cli(); /* Disable interrupts */
- /*
- * clear delta_msr_wait queue to avoid mem leaks: we may free the irq
- * here so the queue might never be waken up
- */
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->delta_msr_wait);
- if (port->xmit_buf)
- {
- port->xmit_buf = 0;
- }
- if (port->is_console)
- {
- port->interrupt_mask0 =
- SAB82532_IMR0_PERR | SAB82532_IMR0_FERR |
- /*SAB82532_IMR0_TIME |*/
- SAB82532_IMR0_PLLA | SAB82532_IMR0_CDSC;
- WRITEB(port,imr0,port->interrupt_mask0);
- port->interrupt_mask1 =
- SAB82532_IMR1_BRKT | SAB82532_IMR1_ALLS |
- SAB82532_IMR1_XOFF | SAB82532_IMR1_TIN |
- SAB82532_IMR1_CSC | SAB82532_IMR1_XON |
- SAB82532_IMR1_XPR;
- WRITEB(port,imr1,port->interrupt_mask1);
- if (port->tty)
- {
- set_bit(TTY_IO_ERROR, &port->tty->flags);
- }
- port->flags &= ~FLAG8253X_INITIALIZED;
- restore_flags(flags);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- /* Disable Interrupts */
- port->interrupt_mask0 = 0xff;
- WRITEB(port, imr0, port->interrupt_mask0);
- port->interrupt_mask1 = 0xff;
- WRITEB(port, imr1, port->interrupt_mask1);
- if (!port->tty || (port->tty->termios->c_cflag & HUPCL))
- {
- LOWER(port,rts);
- LOWER(port,dtr);
- }
- /* Disable Receiver */
- CLEAR_REG_BIT(port,mode,SAB82532_MODE_RAC);
- /* Power Down */
- CLEAR_REG_BIT(port,ccr0,SAB82532_CCR0_PU);
- if (port->tty)
- {
- set_bit(TTY_IO_ERROR, &port->tty->flags);
- }
- port->flags &= ~FLAG8253X_INITIALIZED;
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- int sab8253x_writeS(struct tty_struct * tty, int from_user,
- const unsigned char *buf, int count)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- int truelength = 0;
- int do_queue = 1;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_write"))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if(count == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if(port->active2.transmit == NULL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if((port->active2.transmit->Count & OWNER) == OWN_SAB)
- {
- sab8253x_start_txS(port); /* no descriptor slot */
- return 0;
- }
- skb = port->active2.transmit->HostVaddr; /* current slot value */
- if(port->buffergreedy == 0) /* are we avoiding buffer free's */
- { /* no */
- if((skb != NULL) || /* not OWN_SAB from above */
- (port->active2.transmit->crcindex != 0))
- {
- register RING_DESCRIPTOR *freeme;
- freeme = port->active2.transmit;
- do
- {
- if((freeme->crcindex == 0) && (freeme->HostVaddr == NULL))
- {
- break;
- }
- if(freeme->HostVaddr)
- {
- skb_unlink((struct sk_buff*)freeme->HostVaddr);
- dev_kfree_skb_any((struct sk_buff*)freeme->HostVaddr);
- freeme->HostVaddr = NULL;
- }
- freeme->sendcrc = 0;
- freeme->crcindex = 0;
- freeme = (RING_DESCRIPTOR*) freeme->VNext;
- }
- while((freeme->Count & OWNER) != OWN_SAB);
- }
- skb = NULL; /* buffer was freed */
- }
- if(skb != NULL) /* potentially useful */
- {
- truelength = (skb->end - skb->head);
- if(truelength >= count)
- {
- skb->data = skb->head; /* this buffer is already queued */
- skb->tail = skb->head;
- do_queue = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- skb_unlink(skb);
- dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
- skb = NULL;
- port->active2.transmit->HostVaddr = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* in all cases the following is allowed */
- port->active2.transmit->sendcrc = 0;
- port->active2.transmit->crcindex = 0;
- #endif
- if(skb == NULL)
- {
- if(port->DoingInterrupt)
- {
- skb = alloc_skb(count, GFP_ATOMIC);
- }
- else
- {
- skb = alloc_skb(count, GFP_KERNEL);
- }
- }
- if(skb == NULL)
- {
- printk(KERN_ALERT "sab8253xs: no skbuffs available.n");
- return 0;
- }
- if(from_user)
- {
- copy_from_user(skb->data, buf, count);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(skb->data, buf, count);
- }
- skb->tail = (skb->data + count);
- skb->data_len = count;
- skb->len = count;
- if(do_queue)
- {
- skb_queue_head(port->sab8253xbuflist, skb);
- }
- port->active2.transmit->HostVaddr = skb;
- port->active2.transmit->sendcrc = 0;
- port->active2.transmit->crcindex = 0;
- port->active2.transmit->Count = (OWN_SAB|count);
- port->active2.transmit = port->active2.transmit->VNext;
- sab8253x_start_txS(port);
- return count;
- }
- void sab8253x_throttleS(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_throttleS"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!tty)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (I_IXOFF(tty))
- {
- sab8253x_send_xcharS(tty, STOP_CHAR(tty));
- }
- }
- void sab8253x_unthrottleS(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_unthrottle"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!tty)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (I_IXOFF(tty))
- {
- sab8253x_send_xcharS(tty, START_CHAR(tty));
- }
- }
- void sab8253x_send_xcharS(struct tty_struct *tty, char ch)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- unsigned long flags;
- int stopped;
- int hw_stopped;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_send_xcharS"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!tty)
- {
- return;
- }
- if(port->sabnext2.transmit == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- if((port->sabnext2.transmit->Count & OWNER) == OWN_SAB) /* may overwrite a character
- * -- but putting subsequent
- * XONs or XOFFs later in the
- * stream could cause problems
- * with the XON and XOFF protocol */
- {
- port->sabnext2.transmit->sendcrc = 1;
- port->sabnext2.transmit->crcindex = 3;
- port->sabnext2.transmit->crc = (ch << 24); /* LITTLE ENDIAN */
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- else
- {
- restore_flags(flags);
- sab8253x_writeS(tty, 0, &ch, 1);
- }
- stopped = tty->stopped;
- hw_stopped = tty->hw_stopped;
- tty->stopped = 0;
- tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- sab8253x_start_txS(port);
- tty->stopped = stopped;
- tty->hw_stopped = hw_stopped;
- }
- void sab8253x_breakS(struct tty_struct *tty, int break_state)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *) tty->driver_data;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_breakS"))
- {
- return;
- } /* can't break in sync mode */
- }
- void sab8253x_closeS(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file * filp)
- {
- struct sab_port *port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_closeS"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if(port->open_type == OPEN_SYNC_NET)
- { /* port->tty field should already be NULL */
- return;
- }
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- --(port->count);
- if (tty_hung_up_p(filp))
- {
- if(port->count == 0) /* I think the reason for the weirdness
- relates to freeing of structures in
- the tty driver */
- {
- port->open_type = OPEN_NOT;
- }
- else if(port->count < 0)
- {
- printk(KERN_ALERT "XX20: port->count went negative.n");
- port->count = 0;
- port->open_type = OPEN_NOT;
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- return;
- }
- #if 0
- if ((tty->count == 1) && (port->count != 0))
- {
- /*
- * Uh, oh. tty->count is 1, which means that the tty
- * structure will be freed. port->count should always
- * be one in these conditions. If it's greater than
- * one, we've got real problems, since it means the
- * serial port won't be shutdown.
- */
- printk("sab8253x_close: bad serial port count; tty->count is 1,"
- " port->count is %dn", port->count);
- port->count = 0;
- }
- #endif
- if (port->count < 0)
- {
- printk(KERN_ALERT "sab8253x_close: bad serial port count for ttys%d: %dn",
- port->line, port->count);
- port->count = 0;
- }
- if (port->count)
- {
- restore_flags(flags);
- return;
- }
- port->flags |= FLAG8253X_CLOSING;
- /*
- * Save the termios structure, since this port may have
- * separate termios for callout and dialin.
- */
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_NORMAL_ACTIVE)
- {
- port->normal_termios = *tty->termios;
- }
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_CALLOUT_ACTIVE)
- {
- port->callout_termios = *tty->termios;
- }
- /*
- * Now we wait for the transmit buffer to clear; and we notify
- * the line discipline to only process XON/XOFF characters.
- */
- tty->closing = 1;
- if (port->closing_wait != SAB8253X_CLOSING_WAIT_NONE)
- {
- tty_wait_until_sent(tty, port->closing_wait);
- }
- /*
- * At this point we stop accepting input. To do this, we
- * disable the receive line status interrupts, and turn off
- * the receiver.
- */
- #if 0
- port->interrupt_mask0 |= SAB82532_IMR0_TCD; /* not needed for sync */
- #endif
- WRITEB(port,imr0,port->interrupt_mask0);
- CLEAR_REG_BIT(port, mode, SAB82532_MODE_RAC); /* turn off receiver */
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_INITIALIZED)
- {
- /*
- * Before we drop DTR, make sure the UART transmitter
- * has completely drained; this is especially
- * important if there is a transmit FIFO!
- */
- sab8253x_wait_until_sent(tty, port->timeout);
- }
- sab8253x_shutdownS(port);
- Sab8253xCleanUpTransceiveN(port);
- if (tty->driver.flush_buffer)
- {
- tty->driver.flush_buffer(tty);
- }
- if (tty->ldisc.flush_buffer)
- {
- tty->ldisc.flush_buffer(tty);
- }
- tty->closing = 0;
- port->event = 0;
- port->tty = 0;
- if (port->blocked_open)
- {
- if (port->close_delay)
- {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule_timeout(port->close_delay);
- }
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->open_wait);
- }
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->close_wait);
- port->open_type = OPEN_NOT;
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- void sab8253x_hangupS(struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
- struct sab_port * port = (struct sab_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_hangupS"))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (port->is_console)
- {
- return;
- }
- #endif
- sab8253x_flush_buffer(tty);
- if(port)
- {
- sab8253x_shutdownS(port);
- Sab8253xCleanUpTransceiveN(port);
- port->event = 0;
- port->tty = 0;
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->open_wait);
- }
- }
- int sab8253x_openS(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file * filp)
- {
- struct sab_port *port;
- int retval, line;
- int counter;
- unsigned long flags;
- line = MINOR(tty->device) - tty->driver.minor_start;
- for(counter = 0, port = AuraPortRoot;
- (counter < line) && (port != NULL);
- ++counter)
- {
- port = port->next;
- }
- if (!port)
- {
- printk(KERN_ALERT "sab8253x_openS: can't find structure for line %dn",
- line);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- save_flags(flags); /* Need to protect port->tty element */
- cli();
- if(port->tty == 0)
- {
- port->tty = tty;
- tty->flip.tqueue.routine = sab8253x_flush_to_ldiscS;
- }
- tty->driver_data = port;
- if(port->function != FUNCTION_NR)
- {
- ++(port->count);
- restore_flags(flags);
- return -ENODEV; /* only allowed if there are no restrictions on the port */
- }
- if(port->open_type == OPEN_SYNC_NET)
- {
- port->tty = NULL; /* Don't bother with open counting here
- but make sure the tty field is NULL*/
- restore_flags(flags);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- if (sab8253x_serial_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sab8253x_openS"))
- {
- ++(port->count);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_OPEN
- printk("sab8253x_open %s%d, count = %dn", tty->driver.name, port->line,
- port->count);
- #endif
- /*
- * If the port is in the middle of closing, bail out now.
- */
- if (tty_hung_up_p(filp) ||
- (port->flags & FLAG8253X_CLOSING))
- {
- if (port->flags & FLAG8253X_CLOSING)
- {
- interruptible_sleep_on(&port->close_wait);
- }
- ++(port->count);
- return ((port->flags & FLAG8253X_HUP_NOTIFY) ?
- #else
- ++(port->count);
- return -EAGAIN;
- #endif
- }
- if(port->flags & FLAG8253X_NORMAL_ACTIVE)
- {
- if(port->open_type == OPEN_ASYNC)
- {
- ++(port->count);
- return -EBUSY; /* can't reopen in sync mode */
- }
- }
- if(port->open_type > OPEN_SYNC) /* can reopen a SYNC_TTY */
- {
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- if(Sab8253xSetUpLists(port))
- {
- ++(port->count);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- if(Sab8253xInitDescriptors2(port, sab8253xs_listsize, sab8253xs_rbufsize))
- {
- ++(port->count);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- retval = sab8253x_startupS(port);
- if (retval)
- {
- ++(port->count);
- return retval; /* does not check channel mode */
- }
- retval = sab8253x_block_til_ready(tty, filp, port); /* checks channel mode */
- ++(port->count);
- if (retval)
- {
- return retval;
- }
- port->tty = tty; /* may change here once through the block */
- /* because now the port belongs to an new tty */
- tty->flip.tqueue.routine = sab8253x_flush_to_ldiscS;
- if(Sab8253xSetUpLists(port))
- {
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- if(Sab8253xInitDescriptors2(port, sab8253xs_listsize, sab8253xs_rbufsize))
- {
- Sab8253xCleanUpTransceiveN(port); /* the network functions should be okay -- only difference */
- /* is the crc32 that is appended */
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- /*
- * Start up serial port
- */
- retval = sab8253x_startupS(port); /* in case cu was running the first time
- * the function was called*/
- if (retval)
- {
- return retval; /* does not check channel mode */
- }
- if ((port->count == 1) &&
- (port->flags & FLAG8253X_SPLIT_TERMIOS))
- {
- if (tty->driver.subtype == SERIAL_TYPE_NORMAL)
- {
- *tty->termios = port->normal_termios;
- }
- else
- {
- *tty->termios = port->callout_termios;
- }
- sab8253x_change_speedS(port);
- }
- if (sab8253x_console.cflag && sab8253x_console.index == line)
- {
- tty->termios->c_cflag = sab8253x_console.cflag;
- sab8253x_console.cflag = 0;
- change_speed(port);
- }
- #endif
- port->session = current->session;
- port->pgrp = current->pgrp;
- port->open_type = OPEN_SYNC;
- return 0;
- }