- /* -*- linux-c -*- */
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2001 By Joachim Martillo, Telford Tools, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- **/
- #ifndef _8253XMCS_H_
- #define _8253XMCS_H_
- #include "8253xctl.h"
- /* structures for the multi channel server, the host card, GLINK and
- * extensions cards. This system uses the AMCC S5920 instead of the
- * PLX 9050 */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Useful macros */
- /*
- * NOTICE: pciat_identify: pci125c,102 unit 1
- * NOTICE: pciat_probe: pci125c,102 unit 1
- * NOTICE: pciat_attach: pci125c,102 instance 1
- * NOTICE: Reg End Size Pointer AccHandle
- * NOTICE: 0 -- 00000000 5093a000 5033f160
- * NOTICE: 0 be 00000000 5093c000 5033f128
- * NOTICE: 0 le 00000000 50940000 5033f0f0
- * NOTICE: 1 -- 00000080 50942000 5033f0b8
- * NOTICE: 1 be 00000080 50944000 5033f080
- * NOTICE: 1 le 00000080 50946000 5033f048
- * NOTICE: 2 -- 00004000 50948000 5033f010
- * NOTICE: 2 be 00004000 5094c000 5033efd8
- * NOTICE: 2 le 00004000 50950000 5033efa0
- * NOTICE: 3 -- 00008000 50954000 5033ef68
- * NOTICE: 3 be 00008000 5095c000 5033ef30
- * NOTICE: 3 le 00008000 50964000 5033eef8
- * NOTICE: 4 -- 00000800 5096c000 5033eec0
- * NOTICE: 4 be 00000800 5096e000 5033ee88
- * NOTICE: 4 le 00000800 50970000 5033ee50
- * NOTICE: pciat_attach: pci125c,102 1: PCI reg property
- * NOTICE: Idx Bus Dev Fun Reg Spc Addr Size
- * NOTICE: 0 000 004 000 000 CFG 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
- * NOTICE: 1 000 004 000 010 MEM 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000080
- * NOTICE: 2 000 004 000 014 MEM 00000000 00000000 00000000 00004000
- * NOTICE: 3 000 004 000 018 MEM 00000000 00000000 00000000 00008000
- * NOTICE: 4 000 004 000 01c MEM 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000800
- * PCI-device: pci125c,102@4, pciat #1
- */
- /*
- * Serial EPROM information:
- *
- * + chip speed grade [ one byte ]
- * + chip oscillator speed [ 4 bytes ]
- * + board revision [ ascii string ]
- * + date of manufacture [ ascii string ]
- * + location of manufacture [ ascii string ]
- * + serial number [ ascii string ]
- * + prototype/production flag [ one bit ]
- * + sync/async license [ one bit ]
- * + CIM type [ one byte ]
- * + assembly house [ ascii string ]
- */
- /*
- * Serial EPROM map.
- */
- #define MCS_SEP_TYPE 0x00
- #define MCS_SEP_FLAGS 0x01
- #define MCS_SEP_SPDGRD 0x02
- #define MCS_SEP_MAGIC 0x03
- #define MCS_SEP_CLKSPD 0x04
- #define MCS_SEP_SN 0x10
- #define MCS_SEP_SNLEN 0x10
- #define MCS_SEP_REV 0x20
- #define MCS_SEP_REVLEN 0x10
- #define MCS_SEP_MFGLOC 0x30
- #define MCS_SEP_MFGLOCLEN 0x10
- #define MCS_SEP_MFGDATE 0x40
- #define MCS_SEP_MFGDATELEN 0x20
- #define MCS_SEP_MAGICVAL 0x65
- /* Host NVRAM DEFINES */
- #define AMCC_NVR_VENDEVID 0x10 /* offset in 32bit quantities */
- /*
- * PCI spaces on the CIM.
- */
- #if 0 /* Solaris driver stuff */
- #define AMCC_REG 1
- #define CIMCMD_REG 2
- #define MICCMD_REG 3
- #define FIFOCACHE_REG 4
- #else
- #define AMCC_REG virtbaseaddress0 /* bridge */
- #define CIMCMD_REG virtbaseaddress1
- #define MICCMD_REG virtbaseaddress2
- #define FIFOCACHE_REG virtbaseaddress3
- #endif
- /*
- * AMCC registers:
- */
- #define AMCC_OMB 0x0c /* 4 bytes */
- #define AMCC_IMB 0x1c /* 4 bytes */
- #define AMCC_MBEF 0x34 /* 4 bytes */
- #define AMCC_INTCSR 0x38 /* 4 bytes */
- #define AMCC_INTASSERT 0x00800000 /* RO */
- #define AMCC_AOINTPIN 0x00400000 /* RO */
- #define AMCC_IMINT 0x00020000 /* R/WC */
- #define AMCC_OMINT 0x00010000 /* R/WC */
- #define AMCC_AOINTPINENA 0x00002000 /* R/W */
- #define AMCC_RCR 0x3c /* 4 bytes */
- #define AMCC_NVRACCCTRLMASK 0xe0000000 /* nvRAM Acc. Ctrl */
- #define AMCC_NVRACCFAIL 0x10000000 /* RO */
- #define AMCC_NVRBUSY 0x80000000
- #define AMCC_NVRWRLA 0x80000000
- #define AMCC_NVRWRHA 0xa0000000
- #define AMCC_NVRRDDB 0xe0000000
- #define AMCC_NVROPPMASK 0x000f0000 /* R/W */
- #define AMCC_MBXFLGRESET 0x08000000 /* WO */
- #define AMCC_RDFIFORESET 0x02000000 /* WO */
- #define AMCC_AORESET 0x01000000 /* R/W */
- #define AMCC_PTCR 0x60 /* 4 bytes */
- #define AMCC_PREFETCHMASK 0x18
- #define AMCC_WRFIFODIS 0x20
- #define AMCC_ENDCONV 0x40
- #define AMCC_PTMODE 0x80
- #define AMCC_SIZE 0x80 /* space size, in bytes */
- #define AMCC_NVRAM_SIZE 0x40 /* in shorts just to be consistent with
- * other eprom and nvram sizes*/
- /*
- * CIM Command space 0x0000 - 0x3fff
- */
- #define CIMCMD_CHANSHIFT 6 /* shift channel# to the left */
- #define CIMCMD_CHANMASK 0x3f /* 6 bits of mask */
- #define CIMCMD_CIMSHIFT 10 /* shift cim# to the left */
- #define CIMCMD_CIMMASK 0x3 /* 2 bits of mask */
- #define CIMCMD_CTRLSHIFT 1 /* shift control address to the left */
- #define CIMCMD_CTRLMASK 0x7 /* 3 bits of mask */
- #define CIMCMD_RESET 0x0000
- #define CIMCMD_RDINT 0x0002
- #define CIMCMD_RDINT_ESCCMASK 0x00ff
- #define CIMCMD_WRINT 0x0003
- #define CIMCMD_WRINTENA 0x0004
- #define CIMCMD_WRINTDIS 0x0006
- #define CIMCMD_RESETENA 0x0007 /* assert reset */
- #define CIMCMD_RESETDIS 0x0000 /* deassert the reset */
- #define CIMCMD_RDFIFOW 0x1000 /* add channel# */
- #define CIMCMD_WRFIFOB 0x2002 /* add channel# */
- #define CIMCMD_WRFIFOW 0x2000 /* add channel# */
- #define CIMCMD_RDREGB 0x1000 /* add channel# and reg# (>= 0x20) */
- #define CIMCMD_WRREGB 0x2000 /* add channel# and reg# (>= 0x20) */
- #define CIMCMD_RDSETUP 0x3200 /* add cim# and address (word acc) */
- #define CIMCMD_WRSETUP 0x3220 /* add cim# and address (word acc) */
- #define CIMCMD_RDCIMCSR 0x3000 /* add cim# */
- #define CIMCMD_CIMCSR_LED 0x01
- #define CIMCMD_CIMCSR_SWI 0x02
- #define CIMCMD_CIMCSR_SDA 0x04
- #define CIMCMD_CIMCSR_SCL 0x08
- #define CIMCMD_WRCIMCSR 0x3020 /* add cim# */
- #define CIMCMD_SIZE 0x4000 /* space size, in bytes */
- /*
- * MIC Command space 0x0000 - 0x5fc0
- */
- #define MICCMD_CHANSHIFT 6 /* shift channel# to the left */
- #define MICCMD_CHANMASK 0x3f /* 6 bits of mask */
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR 0x0000 /* R/W (byte) */
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_END 0x80
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_ENL 0x40
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_LPN 0x20
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_DGM 0x10
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_CPY 0x08
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_GLE 0x04
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_RXE 0x02
- #define MICCMD_MICCSR_IRQ 0x01
- #define MICCMD_REV 0x0001 /* RO (byte) */
- #define MICCMD_CACHETRIG 0x5000 /* WO (byte: #words-1) add channel# */
- #define MICCMD_SIZE 0x8000 /* space size, in bytes */
- /*
- * FIFO Cache space 0x000 - 0x7ff
- */
- #define FIFOCACHE_CHANSHIFT 5 /* shift channel# to the left */
- #define FIFOCACHE_CHANMASK 0x3f /* 6 bits of mask */
- #define FIFOCACHE_FIFOCACHE 0x000 /* add channel# and word offset */
- #define FIFOCACHE_SIZE 0x800 /* space size, in bytes */
- /*
- * Other miscellaneous constants
- */
- #define MAX_NCIMS 4 /* maximum of 4 CIMS */
- #define CIM_NPORTS 16 /* 16 ports per CIM */
- #define CIM_NCHIPS 2 /* 2 ESCC8s/CIM */
- #define CHIP_NPORTS 8 /* 8 ports per chip */
- #define WANMCS_CLKSPEED 7372800 /* 7.3728 MHz */
- /* PCR/PVR (Universal Port) */
- /*
- * To summarize the use of the parallel port:
- * RS-232
- * Parallel port A -- TxClkdir control (output) ports 0 - 7
- * Parallel port B -- DTR (output) ports 0 - 7
- * Parallel port C -- DSR (input) ports 0 - 7
- * Parallel port D -- unused
- */
- #define WANMCS_PCRAVAL 0x00 /* all output bits */
- #define WANMCS_PCRBVAL 0x00 /* all output bits */
- #define WANMCS_PCRCVAL 0xff /* all input bits */
- #define WANMCS_PCRDVAL 0x0f /* 4 input bits */
- #define WANMCS_PIMAVAL 0xff /* all interrupts off */
- #define WANMCS_PIMBVAL 0xff /* all interrupts off */
- #define WANMCS_PIMCVAL 0xff /* all interrupts off */
- #define WANMCS_PIMDVAL 0x0f /* all interrupts off */
- #define WANMCS_PVRAVAL 0xff /* all high */
- #define WANMCS_PVRBVAL 0xff /* all high */
- #define ANY_BITS_ARE_ON(x, b) (((x) & (b)) != 0)
- #define ANY_BITS_ARE_OFF(x, b) ((((x) & (b)) ^ (b)) != 0)
- #define ALL_BITS_ARE_ON(x, b) ((((x) & (b)) ^ (b)) == 0)
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* New types and type specific macros */
- typedef struct _mcs_sep
- {
- #if 0
- ddi_acc_handle_t s_handle; /* something from Solaris */
- #endif
- unsigned char *s_rdptr;
- unsigned char *s_wrptr;
- unsigned int s_scl;
- unsigned int s_sda;
- } mcs_sep_t;
- /*
- * Per-line private information for wanmcs.
- */
- typedef struct _wanmcspriv
- {
- unsigned char r_chipunit; /* [0, 1] or [0, 7] */
- /* these items are for accessing the ESCCx registers as bytes */
- #if 0
- ddi_acc_handle_t r_reghandle; /* handle for access to ESCCx regs */
- #endif
- unsigned char *r_rdregbase; /* base for reading ESCCx registers */
- unsigned char *r_wrregbase; /* base for writing ESCCx registers */
- /* these items are for accessing the ESCCx FIFOs as bytes and words */
- #if 0
- ddi_acc_handle_t r_fifohandle;
- #endif
- unsigned short *r_rdfifow; /* read FIFO word */
- unsigned char *r_wrfifob; /* write FIFO byte */
- unsigned short *r_wrfifow; /* write FIFO word */
- /* these items are for accessing the MIC command space */
- #if 0
- ddi_acc_handle_t r_miccmdhandle;
- #endif
- unsigned char *r_wrcachetrig; /* the FIFO cache trigger */
- /* these itmes are for accessing the FIFO cache space */
- #if 0
- ddi_acc_handle_t r_fifocachehandle;
- #endif
- unsigned short *r_fifocachebase;
- } wanmcspriv_t;
- #define AMCC_INT_OFF 0
- extern unsigned int
- amcc_read_nvram(unsigned char* buffer,
- unsigned length,
- unsigned char *bridge_space);
- extern unsigned int mcs_ciminit(SAB_BOARD *bptr, AURA_CIM *cim);
- extern int wanmcs_reset(SAB_BOARD* bptr);
- #endif