- /*
- * 3c359.c (c) 2000 Mike Phillips (mikep@linuxtr.net) All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Linux driver for 3Com 3c359 Tokenlink Velocity XL PCI NIC
- *
- * Base Driver Olympic:
- * Written 1999 Peter De Schrijver & Mike Phillips
- *
- * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
- * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
- *
- * 7/17/00 - Clean up, version number 0.9.0. Ready to release to the world.
- *
- * 2/16/01 - Port up to kernel 2.4.2 ready for submission into the kernel.
- * 3/05/01 - Last clean up stuff before submission.
- * 2/15/01 - Finally, update to new pci api.
- *
- * To Do:
- */
- /*
- * Technical Card Details
- *
- * All access to data is done with 16/8 bit transfers. The transfer
- * method really sucks. You can only read or write one location at a time.
- *
- * Also, the microcode for the card must be uploaded if the card does not have
- * the flashrom on board. This is a 28K bloat in the driver when compiled
- * as a module.
- *
- * Rx is very simple, status into a ring of descriptors, dma data transfer,
- * interrupts to tell us when a packet is received.
- *
- * Tx is a little more interesting. Similar scenario, descriptor and dma data
- * transfers, but we don't have to interrupt the card to tell it another packet
- * is ready for transmission, we are just doing simple memory writes, not io or mmio
- * writes. The card can be set up to simply poll on the next
- * descriptor pointer and when this value is non-zero will automatically download
- * the next packet. The card then interrupts us when the packet is done.
- *
- */
- #define XL_DEBUG 0
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/in.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/ptrace.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <linux/trdevice.h>
- #include <linux/stddef.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/spinlock.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
- #include "3c359.h"
- static char version[] __devinitdata =
- "3c359.c v1.2.0 2/17/01 - Mike Phillips (mikep@linuxtr.net)" ;
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Mike Phillips <mikep@linuxtr.net>") ;
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("3Com 3C359 Velocity XL Token Ring Adapter Driver n") ;
- /* Module paramters */
- /* Ring Speed 0,4,16
- * 0 = Autosense
- * 4,16 = Selected speed only, no autosense
- * This allows the card to be the first on the ring
- * and become the active monitor.
- *
- * WARNING: Some hubs will allow you to insert
- * at the wrong speed.
- *
- * The adapter will _not_ fail to open if there are no
- * active monitors on the ring, it will simply open up in
- * its last known ringspeed if no ringspeed is specified.
- */
- static int ringspeed[XL_MAX_ADAPTERS] = {0,} ;
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(ringspeed,"3c359: Ringspeed selection - 4,16 or 0") ;
- /* Packet buffer size */
- static int pkt_buf_sz[XL_MAX_ADAPTERS] = {0,} ;
- MODULE_PARM(pkt_buf_sz, "1-" __MODULE_STRING(XL_MAX_ADAPTERS) "i") ;
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(pkt_buf_sz,"3c359: Initial buffer size") ;
- /* Message Level */
- static int message_level[XL_MAX_ADAPTERS] = {0,} ;
- MODULE_PARM(message_level, "1-" __MODULE_STRING(XL_MAX_ADAPTERS) "i") ;
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(message_level, "3c359: Level of reported messages n") ;
- /*
- * This is a real nasty way of doing this, but otherwise you
- * will be stuck with 1555 lines of hex #'s in the code.
- */
- #include "3c359_microcode.h"
- static struct pci_device_id xl_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata =
- {
- { } /* terminate list */
- };
- MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci,xl_pci_tbl) ;
- static int xl_init(struct net_device *dev);
- static int xl_open(struct net_device *dev);
- static int xl_open_hw(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static int xl_hw_reset(struct net_device *dev);
- static int xl_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
- static void xl_dn_comp(struct net_device *dev);
- static int xl_close(struct net_device *dev);
- static void xl_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev);
- static void xl_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
- static struct net_device_stats * xl_get_stats(struct net_device *dev);
- static int xl_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr) ;
- static void xl_arb_cmd(struct net_device *dev);
- static void xl_asb_cmd(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static void xl_srb_cmd(struct net_device *dev, int srb_cmd) ;
- static void xl_wait_misr_flags(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static int xl_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int mtu);
- static void xl_srb_bh(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static void xl_asb_bh(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static void xl_reset(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static void xl_freemem(struct net_device *dev) ;
- /* EEProm Access Functions */
- static u16 xl_ee_read(struct net_device *dev, int ee_addr) ;
- static void xl_ee_write(struct net_device *dev, int ee_addr, u16 ee_value) ;
- /* Debugging functions */
- #if XL_DEBUG
- static void print_tx_state(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static void print_rx_state(struct net_device *dev) ;
- static void print_tx_state(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- struct xl_tx_desc *txd ;
- u8 *xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- int i ;
- printk("tx_ring_head: %d, tx_ring_tail: %d, free_ent: %d n",xl_priv->tx_ring_head,
- xl_priv->tx_ring_tail, xl_priv->free_ring_entries) ;
- printk("Ring , Address , FSH , DnNextPtr, Buffer, Buffer_Len n");
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- txd = &(xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[i]) ;
- printk("%d, %08lx, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x n", i, virt_to_bus(txd),
- txd->framestartheader, txd->dnnextptr, txd->buffer, txd->buffer_length ) ;
- }
- printk("DNLISTPTR = %04x n", readl(xl_mmio + MMIO_DNLISTPTR) );
- printk("DmaCtl = %04x n", readl(xl_mmio + MMIO_DMA_CTRL) );
- printk("Queue status = %0x n",netif_running(dev) ) ;
- }
- static void print_rx_state(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- struct xl_rx_desc *rxd ;
- u8 *xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- int i ;
- printk("rx_ring_tail: %d n", xl_priv->rx_ring_tail) ;
- printk("Ring , Address , FrameState , UPNextPtr, FragAddr, Frag_Len n");
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- /* rxd = (struct xl_rx_desc *)xl_priv->rx_ring_dma_addr + (i * sizeof(struct xl_rx_desc)) ; */
- rxd = &(xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[i]) ;
- printk("%d, %08lx, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x n", i, virt_to_bus(rxd),
- rxd->framestatus, rxd->upnextptr, rxd->upfragaddr, rxd->upfraglen ) ;
- }
- printk("UPLISTPTR = %04x n", readl(xl_mmio + MMIO_UPLISTPTR) );
- printk("DmaCtl = %04x n", readl(xl_mmio + MMIO_DMA_CTRL) );
- printk("Queue status = %0x n",netif_running(dev) ) ;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Read values from the on-board EEProm. This looks very strange
- * but you have to wait for the EEProm to get/set the value before
- * passing/getting the next value from the nic. As with all requests
- * on this nic it has to be done in two stages, a) tell the nic which
- * memory address you want to access and b) pass/get the value from the nic.
- * With the EEProm, you have to wait before and inbetween access a) and b).
- * As this is only read at initialization time and the wait period is very
- * small we shouldn't have to worry about scheduling issues.
- */
- static u16 xl_ee_read(struct net_device *dev, int ee_addr)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- u8 *xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- /* Wait for EEProm to not be busy */
- while ( readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) & EEBUSY ) ;
- /* Tell EEProm what we want to do and where */
- writew(EEREAD + ee_addr, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Wait for EEProm to not be busy */
- while ( readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) & EEBUSY ) ;
- /* Tell EEProm what we want to do and where */
- writew(EEREAD + ee_addr, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Finally read the value from the EEProm */
- writel(IO_WORD_READ | EEDATA , xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- return readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- }
- /*
- * Write values to the onboard eeprom. As with eeprom read you need to
- * set which location to write, wait, value to write, wait, with the
- * added twist of having to enable eeprom writes as well.
- */
- static void xl_ee_write(struct net_device *dev, int ee_addr, u16 ee_value)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- u8 *xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- /* Wait for EEProm to not be busy */
- while ( readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) & EEBUSY ) ;
- /* Enable write/erase */
- writew(EE_ENABLE_WRITE, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Wait for EEProm to not be busy */
- while ( readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) & EEBUSY ) ;
- /* Put the value we want to write into EEDATA */
- writew(ee_value, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Tell EEProm to write eevalue into ee_addr */
- writew(EEWRITE + ee_addr, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Wait for EEProm to not be busy, to ensure write gets done */
- while ( readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) & EEBUSY ) ;
- return ;
- }
- int __devinit xl_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
- {
- struct net_device *dev ;
- struct xl_private *xl_priv ;
- static int card_no = -1 ;
- int i ;
- card_no++ ;
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) {
- return -ENODEV ;
- }
- pci_set_master(pdev);
- if ((i = pci_request_regions(pdev,"3c359"))) {
- return i ;
- } ;
- /*
- * Allowing init_trdev to allocate the dev->priv structure will align xl_private
- * on a 32 bytes boundary which we need for the rx/tx descriptors
- */
- dev = alloc_trdev(sizeof(struct xl_private)) ;
- if (!dev) {
- pci_release_regions(pdev) ;
- return -ENOMEM ;
- }
- xl_priv = dev->priv ;
- #if XL_DEBUG
- printk("pci_device: %p, dev:%p, dev->priv: %p, ba[0]: %10x, ba[1]:%10xn",
- pdev, dev, dev->priv, (unsigned int)pdev->resource[0].start, (unsigned int)pdev->resource[1].start) ;
- #endif
- dev->irq=pdev->irq;
- dev->base_addr=pci_resource_start(pdev,0) ;
- dev->init=NULL ; /* Must be null with new api, otherwise get called twice */
- xl_priv->xl_card_name = (char *)pdev->name ;
- xl_priv->xl_mmio=ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev,1), XL_IO_SPACE);
- xl_priv->pdev = pdev ;
- if ((pkt_buf_sz[card_no] < 100) || (pkt_buf_sz[card_no] > 18000) )
- xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz = PKT_BUF_SZ ;
- else
- xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz = pkt_buf_sz[card_no] ;
- dev->mtu = xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz - TR_HLEN ;
- xl_priv->xl_ring_speed = ringspeed[card_no] ;
- xl_priv->xl_message_level = message_level[card_no] ;
- xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[0] = xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[1] = xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[2] = xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[3] = 0 ;
- xl_priv->xl_copy_all_options = 0 ;
- if((i = xl_init(dev))) {
- iounmap(xl_priv->xl_mmio) ;
- kfree(dev) ;
- pci_release_regions(pdev) ;
- return i ;
- }
- dev->open=&xl_open;
- dev->hard_start_xmit=&xl_xmit;
- dev->change_mtu=&xl_change_mtu;
- dev->stop=&xl_close;
- dev->do_ioctl=NULL;
- dev->set_multicast_list=&xl_set_rx_mode;
- dev->get_stats=&xl_get_stats ;
- dev->set_mac_address=&xl_set_mac_address ;
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev,dev) ;
- if ((i = register_netdev(dev))) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "3C359, register netdev failedn") ;
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev,NULL) ;
- iounmap(xl_priv->xl_mmio) ;
- kfree(dev) ;
- pci_release_regions(pdev) ;
- return i ;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "3C359: %s registered as: %sn",xl_priv->xl_card_name,dev->name) ;
- return 0;
- }
- static int __init xl_init(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s n", version);
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: I/O at %hx, MMIO at %p, using irq %dn",
- xl_priv->xl_card_name, (unsigned int)dev->base_addr ,xl_priv->xl_mmio, dev->irq);
- spin_lock_init(&xl_priv->xl_lock) ;
- return xl_hw_reset(dev) ;
- }
- /*
- * Hardware reset. This needs to be a separate entity as we need to reset the card
- * when we change the EEProm settings.
- */
- static int xl_hw_reset(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- u8 *xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- unsigned long t ;
- u16 i ;
- u16 result_16 ;
- u8 result_8 ;
- u16 start ;
- int j ;
- /*
- * Reset the card. If the card has got the microcode on board, we have
- * missed the initialization interrupt, so we must always do this.
- */
- writew( GLOBAL_RESET, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND ) ;
- /*
- * Must wait for cmdInProgress bit (12) to clear before continuing with
- * card configuration.
- */
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 40*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL card not responding to global reset.n", dev->name);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Enable pmbar by setting bit in CPAttention
- */
- result_8 = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- result_8 = result_8 | CPA_PMBARVIS ;
- writeb(result_8, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /*
- * Read cpHold bit in pmbar, if cleared we have got Flashrom on board.
- * If not, we need to upload the microcode to the card
- */
- writel( (IO_WORD_READ | PMBAR),xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD);
- #if XL_DEBUG
- printk(KERN_INFO "Read from PMBAR = %04x n", readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- #endif
- if ( readw( (xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) & PMB_CPHOLD ) {
- /* Set PmBar, privateMemoryBase bits (8:2) to 0 */
- writel( (IO_WORD_READ | PMBAR),xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD);
- result_16 = readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- result_16 = result_16 & ~((0x7F) << 2) ;
- writel( (IO_WORD_WRITE | PMBAR), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writew(result_16,xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Set CPAttention, memWrEn bit */
- result_8 = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- result_8 = result_8 | CPA_MEMWREN ;
- writeb(result_8, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /*
- * Now to write the microcode into the shared ram
- * The microcode must finish at position 0xFFFF, so we must subtract
- * to get the start position for the code
- */
- start = (0xFFFF - (mc_size) + 1 ) ; /* Looks strange but ensures compiler only uses 16 bit unsigned int for this */
- printk(KERN_INFO "3C359: Uploading Microcode: ");
- for (i = start,j=0; (j < mc_size && i <= 0xffff) ; i++,j++) {
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0XD0000 | i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(microcode[j],xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- if (j % 1024 == 0)
- printk(".");
- }
- printk("n") ;
- for (i=0;i < 16; i++) {
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xDFFF0) + i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(microcode[mc_size - 16 + i], xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- }
- /*
- * Have to write the start address of the upload to FFF4, but
- * the address must be >> 4. You do not want to know how long
- * it took me to discover this.
- */
- writel(MEM_WORD_WRITE | 0xDFFF4, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writew(start >> 4, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA);
- /* Clear the CPAttention, memWrEn Bit */
- result_8 = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- result_8 = result_8 & ~CPA_MEMWREN ;
- writeb(result_8, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Clear the cpHold bit in pmbar */
- writel( (IO_WORD_READ | PMBAR),xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD);
- result_16 = readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- result_16 = result_16 & ~PMB_CPHOLD ;
- writel( (IO_WORD_WRITE | PMBAR), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writew(result_16,xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- } /* If microcode upload required */
- /*
- * The card should now go though a self test procedure and get itself ready
- * to be opened, we must wait for an srb response with the initialization
- * information.
- */
- #if XL_DEBUG
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Microcode uploaded, must wait for the self test to completen", dev->name);
- #endif
- writew(SETINDENABLE | 0xFFF, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while ( !(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS_AUTO) & INTSTAT_SRB) ) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 15*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "3COM 3C359 Velocity XL card not responding.n");
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write the RxBufArea with D000, RxEarlyThresh, TxStartThresh,
- * DnPriReqThresh, read the tech docs if you want to know what
- * values they need to be.
- */
- writew(0xD000, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writew(0X0020, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writew( SETTXSTARTTHRESH | 0x40 , xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- writeb(0x04, xl_mmio + MMIO_DNBURSTTHRESH) ;
- writeb(0x04, xl_mmio + DNPRIREQTHRESH) ;
- /*
- * Read WRBR to provide the location of the srb block, have to use byte reads not word reads.
- * Tech docs have this wrong !!!!
- */
- writel(MMIO_BYTE_READ | WRBR, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- xl_priv->srb = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) << 8 ;
- writel( (MMIO_BYTE_READ | WRBR) + 1, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- xl_priv->srb = xl_priv->srb | readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- #if XL_DEBUG
- if ( readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) & 2) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "Default ring speed 4 mbps n") ;
- } else {
- printk(KERN_INFO "Default ring speed 16 mbps n") ;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: xl_priv->srb = %04xn",xl_priv->xl_card_name, xl_priv->srb);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- static int xl_open(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- u8 i ;
- u16 hwaddr[3] ; /* Should be u8[6] but we get word return values */
- int open_err ;
- u16 switchsettings, switchsettings_eeprom ;
- if(request_irq(dev->irq, &xl_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ , "3c359", dev)) {
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- /*
- * Read the information from the EEPROM that we need. I know we
- * should use ntohs, but the word gets stored reversed in the 16
- * bit field anyway and it all works its self out when we memcpy
- * it into dev->dev_addr.
- */
- hwaddr[0] = xl_ee_read(dev,0x10) ;
- hwaddr[1] = xl_ee_read(dev,0x11) ;
- hwaddr[2] = xl_ee_read(dev,0x12) ;
- /* Ring speed */
- switchsettings_eeprom = xl_ee_read(dev,0x08) ;
- switchsettings = switchsettings_eeprom ;
- if (xl_priv->xl_ring_speed != 0) {
- if (xl_priv->xl_ring_speed == 4)
- switchsettings = switchsettings | 0x02 ;
- else
- switchsettings = switchsettings & ~0x02 ;
- }
- /* Only write EEProm if there has been a change */
- if (switchsettings != switchsettings_eeprom) {
- xl_ee_write(dev,0x08,switchsettings) ;
- /* Hardware reset after changing EEProm */
- xl_hw_reset(dev) ;
- }
- memcpy(dev->dev_addr,hwaddr,dev->addr_len) ;
- open_err = xl_open_hw(dev) ;
- /*
- * This really needs to be cleaned up with better error reporting.
- */
- if (open_err != 0) { /* Something went wrong with the open command */
- if (open_err & 0x07) { /* Wrong speed, retry at different speed */
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Open Error, retrying at different ringspeed n", dev->name) ;
- switchsettings = switchsettings ^ 2 ;
- xl_ee_write(dev,0x08,switchsettings) ;
- xl_hw_reset(dev) ;
- open_err = xl_open_hw(dev) ;
- if (open_err != 0) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Open error returned a second time, we're bombing out nown", dev->name);
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev) ;
- return -ENODEV ;
- }
- } else {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Open Error = %04xn", dev->name, open_err) ;
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev) ;
- return -ENODEV ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now to set up the Rx and Tx buffer structures
- */
- /* These MUST be on 8 byte boundaries */
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring = kmalloc((sizeof(struct xl_tx_desc) * XL_TX_RING_SIZE) + 7, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL) ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring = kmalloc((sizeof(struct xl_rx_desc) * XL_RX_RING_SIZE) +7, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL) ;
- memset(xl_priv->xl_tx_ring,0,sizeof(struct xl_tx_desc) * XL_TX_RING_SIZE) ;
- memset(xl_priv->xl_rx_ring,0,sizeof(struct xl_rx_desc) * XL_RX_RING_SIZE) ;
- /* Setup Rx Ring */
- for (i=0 ; i < XL_RX_RING_SIZE ; i++) {
- struct sk_buff *skb ;
- skb = dev_alloc_skb(xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz) ;
- if (skb==NULL)
- break ;
- skb->dev = dev ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[i].upfragaddr = pci_map_single(xl_priv->pdev, skb->data,xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[i].upfraglen = xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz | RXUPLASTFRAG;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_skb[i] = skb ;
- }
- if (i==0) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Not enough memory to allocate rx buffers. Adapter disabled n",dev->name) ;
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev) ;
- return -EIO ;
- }
- xl_priv->rx_ring_no = i ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_tail = 0 ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_dma_addr = pci_map_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->xl_rx_ring, sizeof(struct xl_rx_desc) * XL_RX_RING_SIZE, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE) ;
- for (i=0;i<(xl_priv->rx_ring_no-1);i++) {
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[i].upnextptr = xl_priv->rx_ring_dma_addr + (sizeof (struct xl_rx_desc) * (i+1)) ;
- }
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[i].upnextptr = 0 ;
- writel(xl_priv->rx_ring_dma_addr, xl_mmio + MMIO_UPLISTPTR) ;
- /* Setup Tx Ring */
- xl_priv->tx_ring_dma_addr = pci_map_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->xl_tx_ring, sizeof(struct xl_tx_desc) * XL_TX_RING_SIZE,PCI_DMA_TODEVICE) ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_head = 1 ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_tail = 255 ; /* Special marker for first packet */
- xl_priv->free_ring_entries = XL_TX_RING_SIZE ;
- /*
- * Setup the first dummy DPD entry for polling to start working.
- */
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[0].framestartheader = TXDPDEMPTY ;
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[0].buffer = 0 ;
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[0].buffer_length = 0 ;
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[0].dnnextptr = 0 ;
- writel(xl_priv->tx_ring_dma_addr, xl_mmio + MMIO_DNLISTPTR) ;
- writel(DNUNSTALL, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- writel(UPUNSTALL, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- writel(DNENABLE, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- writeb(0x40, xl_mmio + MMIO_DNPOLL) ;
- /*
- * Enable interrupts on the card
- */
- netif_start_queue(dev) ;
- return 0;
- }
- static int xl_open_hw(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- u16 vsoff ;
- char ver_str[33];
- int open_err ;
- int i ;
- unsigned long t ;
- /*
- * Okay, let's build up the Open.NIC srb command
- *
- */
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(OPEN_NIC, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /*
- * Use this as a test byte, if it comes back with the same value, the command didn't work
- */
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb)+ 2, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(0xff,xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Open options */
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 8, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(0x00, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 9, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(0x00, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /*
- * Node address, be careful here, the docs say you can just put zeros here and it will use
- * the hardware address, it doesn't, you must include the node address in the open command.
- */
- if (xl_priv->xl_laa[0]) { /* If using a LAA address */
- for (i=10;i<16;i++) {
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(xl_priv->xl_laa[i],xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- }
- memcpy(dev->dev_addr,xl_priv->xl_laa,dev->addr_len) ;
- } else { /* Regular hardware address */
- for (i=10;i<16;i++) {
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(dev->dev_addr[i-10], xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- }
- }
- /* Default everything else to 0 */
- for (i = 16; i < 34; i++) {
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(0x00,xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- }
- /*
- * Set the csrb bit in the MISR register
- */
- xl_wait_misr_flags(dev) ;
- writeb(0xFF, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writeb(MISR_CSRB , xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /*
- * Now wait for the command to run
- */
- t=jiffies;
- while (! (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_SRB)) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 40*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "3COM 3C359 Velocity XL card not responding.n");
- break ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Let's interpret the open response
- */
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb)+2, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- if (readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)!=0) {
- open_err = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) << 8 ;
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 7, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- open_err |= readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- return open_err ;
- } else {
- writel( (MEM_WORD_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 8, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- xl_priv->asb = ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Adapter Opened Details: ",dev->name) ;
- printk("ASB: %04x",xl_priv->asb ) ;
- writel( (MEM_WORD_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 10, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- printk(", SRB: %04x",ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ) ;
- writel( (MEM_WORD_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 12, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- xl_priv->arb = ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- printk(", ARB: %04x n",xl_priv->arb ) ;
- writel( (MEM_WORD_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb) + 14, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- vsoff = ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- /*
- * Interesting, sending the individual characters directly to printk was causing klogd to use
- * use 100% of processor time, so we build up the string and print that instead.
- */
- for (i=0;i<0x20;i++) {
- writel( (MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xD0000 | vsoff) + i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- ver_str[i] = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- }
- ver_str[i] = ' ' ;
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Microcode version String: %s n",dev->name,ver_str);
- }
- /*
- * Issue the AckInterrupt
- */
- return 0 ;
- }
- /*
- * There are two ways of implementing rx on the 359 NIC, either
- * interrupt driven or polling. We are going to uses interrupts,
- * it is the easier way of doing things.
- *
- * The Rx works with a ring of Rx descriptors. At initialise time the ring
- * entries point to the next entry except for the last entry in the ring
- * which points to 0. The card is programmed with the location of the first
- * available descriptor and keeps reading the next_ptr until next_ptr is set
- * to 0. Hopefully with a ring size of 16 the card will never get to read a next_ptr
- * of 0. As the Rx interrupt is received we copy the frame up to the protocol layers
- * and then point the end of the ring to our current position and point our current
- * position to 0, therefore making the current position the last position on the ring.
- * The last position on the ring therefore loops continually loops around the rx ring.
- *
- * rx_ring_tail is the position on the ring to process next. (Think of a snake, the head
- * expands as the card adds new packets and we go around eating the tail processing the
- * packets.)
- *
- * Undoubtably it could be streamlined and improved upon, but at the moment it works
- * and the fast path through the routine is fine.
- *
- * adv_rx_ring could be inlined to increase performance, but its called a *lot* of times
- * in xl_rx so would increase the size of the function significantly.
- */
- static void adv_rx_ring(struct net_device *dev) /* Advance rx_ring, cut down on bloat in xl_rx */
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- int prev_ring_loc ;
- prev_ring_loc = (xl_priv->rx_ring_tail + XL_RX_RING_SIZE - 1) & (XL_RX_RING_SIZE - 1);
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[prev_ring_loc].upnextptr = xl_priv->rx_ring_dma_addr + (sizeof (struct xl_rx_desc) * xl_priv->rx_ring_tail) ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].framestatus = 0 ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upnextptr = 0 ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_tail++ ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_tail &= (XL_RX_RING_SIZE-1) ;
- return ;
- }
- static void xl_rx(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- struct sk_buff *skb, *skb2 ;
- int frame_length = 0, copy_len = 0 ;
- int temp_ring_loc ;
- /*
- * Receive the next frame, loop around the ring until all frames
- * have been received.
- */
- while (xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].framestatus & (RXUPDCOMPLETE | RXUPDFULL) ) { /* Descriptor to process */
- if (xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].framestatus & RXUPDFULL ) { /* UpdFull, Multiple Descriptors used for the frame */
- /*
- * This is a pain, you need to go through all the descriptors until the last one
- * for this frame to find the framelength
- */
- temp_ring_loc = xl_priv->rx_ring_tail ;
- while (xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[temp_ring_loc].framestatus & RXUPDFULL ) {
- temp_ring_loc++ ;
- temp_ring_loc &= (XL_RX_RING_SIZE-1) ;
- }
- frame_length = xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[temp_ring_loc].framestatus & 0x7FFF ;
- skb = dev_alloc_skb(frame_length) ;
- if (skb==NULL) { /* No memory for frame, still need to roll forward the rx ring */
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dev_alloc_skb failed - multi buffer !n", dev->name) ;
- while (xl_priv->rx_ring_tail != temp_ring_loc)
- adv_rx_ring(dev) ;
- adv_rx_ring(dev) ; /* One more time just for luck :) */
- xl_priv->xl_stats.rx_dropped++ ;
- return ;
- }
- skb->dev = dev ;
- while (xl_priv->rx_ring_tail != temp_ring_loc) {
- copy_len = xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfraglen & 0x7FFF ;
- frame_length -= copy_len ;
- pci_dma_sync_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfragaddr,xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz,PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- memcpy(skb_put(skb,copy_len), xl_priv->rx_ring_skb[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail]->data, copy_len) ;
- adv_rx_ring(dev) ;
- }
- /* Now we have found the last fragment */
- pci_dma_sync_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfragaddr,xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz,PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- memcpy(skb_put(skb,copy_len), xl_priv->rx_ring_skb[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail]->data, frame_length) ;
- /* memcpy(skb_put(skb,frame_length), bus_to_virt(xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfragaddr), frame_length) ; */
- adv_rx_ring(dev) ;
- skb->protocol = tr_type_trans(skb,dev) ;
- netif_rx(skb) ;
- } else { /* Single Descriptor Used, simply swap buffers over, fast path */
- frame_length = xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].framestatus & 0x7FFF ;
- skb = dev_alloc_skb(xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz) ;
- if (skb==NULL) { /* Still need to fix the rx ring */
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: dev_alloc_skb failed in rx, single buffer n",dev->name) ;
- adv_rx_ring(dev) ;
- xl_priv->xl_stats.rx_dropped++ ;
- return ;
- }
- skb->dev = dev ;
- skb2 = xl_priv->rx_ring_skb[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail] ;
- pci_unmap_single(xl_priv->pdev, xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfragaddr, xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz,PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- skb_put(skb2, frame_length) ;
- skb2->protocol = tr_type_trans(skb2,dev) ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_skb[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail] = skb ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfragaddr = pci_map_single(xl_priv->pdev,skb->data,xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfraglen = xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz | RXUPLASTFRAG ;
- adv_rx_ring(dev) ;
- xl_priv->xl_stats.rx_packets++ ;
- xl_priv->xl_stats.rx_bytes += frame_length ;
- netif_rx(skb2) ;
- } /* if multiple buffers */
- dev->last_rx = jiffies ;
- } /* while packet to do */
- /* Clear the updComplete interrupt */
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * This is ruthless, it doesn't care what state the card is in it will
- * completely reset the adapter.
- */
- static void xl_reset(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- unsigned long t;
- writew( GLOBAL_RESET, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND ) ;
- /*
- * Must wait for cmdInProgress bit (12) to clear before continuing with
- * card configuration.
- */
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- if(jiffies-t > 40*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "3COM 3C359 Velocity XL card not responding.n");
- break ;
- }
- }
- }
- static void xl_freemem(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- int i ;
- for (i=0;i<XL_RX_RING_SIZE;i++) {
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(xl_priv->rx_ring_skb[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail]) ;
- pci_unmap_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->xl_rx_ring[xl_priv->rx_ring_tail].upfragaddr,xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_tail++ ;
- xl_priv->rx_ring_tail &= XL_RX_RING_SIZE-1;
- }
- /* unmap ring */
- pci_unmap_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->rx_ring_dma_addr, sizeof(struct xl_rx_desc) * XL_RX_RING_SIZE, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) ;
- pci_unmap_single(xl_priv->pdev,xl_priv->tx_ring_dma_addr, sizeof(struct xl_tx_desc) * XL_TX_RING_SIZE, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE) ;
- kfree(xl_priv->xl_rx_ring) ;
- kfree(xl_priv->xl_tx_ring) ;
- return ;
- }
- static void xl_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
- struct xl_private *xl_priv =(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- u16 intstatus, macstatus ;
- if (!dev) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "Device structure dead, aaahhhh !n") ;
- return ;
- }
- intstatus = readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) ;
- if (!(intstatus & 1)) /* We didn't generate the interrupt */
- return ;
- spin_lock(&xl_priv->xl_lock) ;
- /*
- * Process the interrupt
- */
- /*
- * Something fishy going on here, we shouldn't get 0001 ints, not fatal though.
- */
- if (intstatus == 0x0001) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: 00001 int received n",dev->name) ;
- } else {
- /*
- * Host Error.
- * It may be possible to recover from this, but usually it means something
- * is seriously fubar, so we just close the adapter.
- */
- if (intstatus & HOSTERRINT) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Host Error, performing global reset, intstatus = %04x n",dev->name,intstatus) ;
- writew( GLOBAL_RESET, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND ) ;
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Resetting hardware: n", dev->name);
- netif_stop_queue(dev) ;
- xl_freemem(dev) ;
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev);
- xl_reset(dev) ;
- spin_unlock(&xl_priv->xl_lock) ;
- return ;
- } /* Host Error */
- if (intstatus & SRBRINT ) { /* Srbc interrupt */
- if (xl_priv->srb_queued)
- xl_srb_bh(dev) ;
- } /* SRBR Interrupt */
- if (intstatus & TXUNDERRUN) { /* Issue DnReset command */
- writel(DNRESET, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) { /* Wait for command to run */
- /* !!! FIX-ME !!!!
- Must put a timeout check here ! */
- /* Empty Loop */
- }
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: TX Underrun received n",dev->name) ;
- } /* TxUnderRun */
- if (intstatus & ARBCINT ) { /* Arbc interrupt */
- xl_arb_cmd(dev) ;
- } /* Arbc */
- if (intstatus & ASBFINT) {
- if (xl_priv->asb_queued == 1) {
- xl_asb_cmd(dev) ;
- } else if (xl_priv->asb_queued == 2) {
- xl_asb_bh(dev) ;
- } else {
- }
- } /* Asbf */
- if (intstatus & UPCOMPINT ) /* UpComplete */
- xl_rx(dev) ;
- if (intstatus & DNCOMPINT ) /* DnComplete */
- xl_dn_comp(dev) ;
- if (intstatus & HARDERRINT ) { /* Hardware error */
- macstatus = readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: MacStatusError, details: ", dev->name);
- if (macstatus & (1<<14))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "tchk error: Unrecoverable error n") ;
- if (macstatus & (1<<3))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "eint error: Internal watchdog timer expired n") ;
- if (macstatus & (1<<2))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "aint error: Host tried to perform illegal operation n") ;
- printk(KERN_WARNING "Instatus = %02x, macstatus = %02xn",intstatus,macstatus) ;
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Resetting hardware: n", dev->name);
- netif_stop_queue(dev) ;
- xl_freemem(dev) ;
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev);
- unregister_trdev(dev) ;
- kfree(dev) ;
- xl_reset(dev) ;
- spin_unlock(&xl_priv->xl_lock) ;
- return ;
- }
- } else {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Received Unknown interrupt : %04x n", dev->name, intstatus) ;
- }
- }
- /* Turn interrupts back on */
- writel( SETINDENABLE | INT_MASK, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- writel( SETINTENABLE | INT_MASK, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- spin_unlock(&xl_priv->xl_lock) ;
- }
- /*
- * Tx - Polling configuration
- */
- static int xl_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- struct xl_tx_desc *txd ;
- int tx_head, tx_tail, tx_prev ;
- unsigned long flags ;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&xl_priv->xl_lock,flags) ;
- netif_stop_queue(dev) ;
- if (xl_priv->free_ring_entries > 1 ) {
- /*
- * Set up the descriptor for the packet
- */
- tx_head = xl_priv->tx_ring_head ;
- tx_tail = xl_priv->tx_ring_tail ;
- txd = &(xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[tx_head]) ;
- txd->dnnextptr = 0 ;
- txd->framestartheader = skb->len | TXDNINDICATE ;
- txd->buffer = pci_map_single(xl_priv->pdev, skb->data, skb->len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE) ;
- txd->buffer_length = skb->len | TXDNFRAGLAST ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_skb[tx_head] = skb ;
- xl_priv->xl_stats.tx_packets++ ;
- xl_priv->xl_stats.tx_bytes += skb->len ;
- /*
- * Set the nextptr of the previous descriptor equal to this descriptor, add XL_TX_RING_SIZE -1
- * to ensure no negative numbers in unsigned locations.
- */
- tx_prev = (xl_priv->tx_ring_head + XL_TX_RING_SIZE - 1) & (XL_TX_RING_SIZE - 1) ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_head++ ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_head &= (XL_TX_RING_SIZE - 1) ;
- xl_priv->free_ring_entries-- ;
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[tx_prev].dnnextptr = xl_priv->tx_ring_dma_addr + (sizeof (struct xl_tx_desc) * tx_head) ;
- /* Sneaky, by doing a read on DnListPtr we can force the card to poll on the DnNextPtr */
- /* readl(xl_mmio + MMIO_DNLISTPTR) ; */
- netif_wake_queue(dev) ;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xl_priv->xl_lock,flags) ;
- return 0;
- } else {
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xl_priv->xl_lock,flags) ;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * The NIC has told us that a packet has been downloaded onto the card, we must
- * find out which packet it has done, clear the skb and information for the packet
- * then advance around the ring for all tranmitted packets
- */
- static void xl_dn_comp(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- struct xl_tx_desc *txd ;
- if (xl_priv->tx_ring_tail == 255) {/* First time */
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[0].framestartheader = 0 ;
- xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[0].dnnextptr = 0 ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_tail = 1 ;
- }
- while (xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[xl_priv->tx_ring_tail].framestartheader & TXDNCOMPLETE ) {
- txd = &(xl_priv->xl_tx_ring[xl_priv->tx_ring_tail]) ;
- pci_unmap_single(xl_priv->pdev,txd->buffer, xl_priv->tx_ring_skb[xl_priv->tx_ring_tail]->len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE) ;
- txd->framestartheader = 0 ;
- txd->buffer = 0xdeadbeef ;
- txd->buffer_length = 0 ;
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(xl_priv->tx_ring_skb[xl_priv->tx_ring_tail]) ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_tail++ ;
- xl_priv->tx_ring_tail &= (XL_TX_RING_SIZE - 1) ;
- xl_priv->free_ring_entries++ ;
- }
- netif_wake_queue(dev) ;
- }
- /*
- * Close the adapter properly.
- * This srb reply cannot be handled from interrupt context as we have
- * to free the interrupt from the driver.
- */
- static int xl_close(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- unsigned long t ;
- netif_stop_queue(dev) ;
- /*
- * Close the adapter, need to stall the rx and tx queues.
- */
- writew(DNSTALL, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 10*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL-DNSTALL not responding.n", dev->name);
- break ;
- }
- }
- writew(DNDISABLE, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 10*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL-DNDISABLE not responding.n", dev->name);
- break ;
- }
- }
- writew(UPSTALL, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 10*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL-UPSTALL not responding.n", dev->name);
- break ;
- }
- }
- /* Turn off interrupts, we will still get the indication though
- * so we can trap it
- */
- writel(SETINTENABLE, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- xl_srb_cmd(dev,CLOSE_NIC) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while (!(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_SRB)) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 10*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL-CLOSENIC not responding.n", dev->name);
- break ;
- }
- }
- /* Read the srb response from the adapter */
- writel(MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->srb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD);
- if (readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) != CLOSE_NIC) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: CLOSE_NIC did not get a CLOSE_NIC response n",dev->name) ;
- } else {
- writel((MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->srb) +2, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- if (readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)==0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Adapter has been closed n",dev->name) ;
- xl_freemem(dev) ;
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev) ;
- } else {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Close nic command returned error code %02xn",dev->name, readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- }
- }
- /* Reset the upload and download logic */
- writew(UPRESET, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 10*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL-UPRESET not responding.n", dev->name);
- break ;
- }
- }
- writew(DNRESET, xl_mmio + MMIO_COMMAND) ;
- t=jiffies;
- while (readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_INTSTATUS) & INTSTAT_CMD_IN_PROGRESS) {
- schedule();
- if(jiffies-t > 10*HZ) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: 3COM 3C359 Velocity XL-DNRESET not responding.n", dev->name);
- break ;
- }
- }
- xl_hw_reset(dev) ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- static void xl_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- struct dev_mc_list *dmi ;
- unsigned char dev_mc_address[4] ;
- u16 options ;
- int i ;
- if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
- options = 0x0004 ;
- else
- options = 0x0000 ;
- if (options ^ xl_priv->xl_copy_all_options) { /* Changed, must send command */
- xl_priv->xl_copy_all_options = options ;
- xl_srb_cmd(dev, SET_RECEIVE_MODE) ;
- return ;
- }
- dev_mc_address[0] = dev_mc_address[1] = dev_mc_address[2] = dev_mc_address[3] = 0 ;
- for (i=0,dmi=dev->mc_list;i < dev->mc_count; i++,dmi = dmi->next) {
- dev_mc_address[0] |= dmi->dmi_addr[2] ;
- dev_mc_address[1] |= dmi->dmi_addr[3] ;
- dev_mc_address[2] |= dmi->dmi_addr[4] ;
- dev_mc_address[3] |= dmi->dmi_addr[5] ;
- }
- if (memcmp(xl_priv->xl_functional_addr,dev_mc_address,4) != 0) { /* Options have changed, run the command */
- memcpy(xl_priv->xl_functional_addr, dev_mc_address,4) ;
- xl_srb_cmd(dev, SET_FUNC_ADDRESS) ;
- }
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * We issued an srb command and now we must read
- * the response from the completed command.
- */
- static void xl_srb_bh(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- u8 srb_cmd, ret_code ;
- int i ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->srb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- srb_cmd = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel((MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->srb) +2, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- ret_code = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Ret_code is standard across all commands */
- switch (ret_code) {
- case 1:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Command: %d - Invalid Command coden",dev->name,srb_cmd) ;
- break ;
- case 4:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Command: %d - Adapter is closed, must be open for this command n",dev->name,srb_cmd) ;
- break ;
- case 6:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Command: %d - Options Invalid for command n",dev->name,srb_cmd) ;
- break ;
- case 0: /* Successful command execution */
- switch (srb_cmd) {
- case READ_LOG: /* Returns 14 bytes of data from the NIC */
- if(xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: READ.LOG 14 bytes of data ",dev->name) ;
- /*
- * We still have to read the log even if message_level = 0 and we don't want
- * to see it
- */
- for (i=0;i<14;i++) {
- writel(MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->srb | i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- if(xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk("%02x:",readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- }
- printk("n") ;
- break ;
- if(xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Functional Address Set n",dev->name) ;
- break ;
- case CLOSE_NIC:
- if(xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Received CLOSE_NIC interrupt in interrupt handler n",dev->name) ;
- break ;
- if(xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Multicast options successfully changedn",dev->name) ;
- break ;
- if(xl_priv->xl_message_level) {
- if (xl_priv->xl_copy_all_options == 0x0004)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Entering promiscuous mode n", dev->name) ;
- else
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Entering normal receive mode n",dev->name) ;
- }
- break ;
- } /* switch */
- break ;
- } /* switch */
- return ;
- }
- static struct net_device_stats * xl_get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- return (struct net_device_stats *) &xl_priv->xl_stats;
- }
- static int xl_set_mac_address (struct net_device *dev, void *addr)
- {
- struct sockaddr *saddr = addr ;
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *)dev->priv ;
- if (netif_running(dev)) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Cannot set mac/laa address while card is openn", dev->name) ;
- return -EIO ;
- }
- memcpy(xl_priv->xl_laa, saddr->sa_data,dev->addr_len) ;
- if (xl_priv->xl_message_level) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: MAC/LAA Set to = %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%xn",dev->name, xl_priv->xl_laa[0],
- xl_priv->xl_laa[1], xl_priv->xl_laa[2],
- xl_priv->xl_laa[3], xl_priv->xl_laa[4],
- xl_priv->xl_laa[5]);
- }
- return 0 ;
- }
- static void xl_arb_cmd(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- u8 arb_cmd ;
- u16 lan_status, lan_status_diff ;
- writel( ( MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->arb), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- arb_cmd = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- if (arb_cmd == RING_STATUS_CHANGE) { /* Ring.Status.Change */
- writel( ( (MEM_WORD_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->arb) + 6), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Ring Status Change: New Status = %04xn", dev->name, ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) )) ;
- lan_status = ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA));
- /* Acknowledge interrupt, this tells nic we are done with the arb */
- lan_status_diff = xl_priv->xl_lan_status ^ lan_status ;
- if (lan_status_diff & (LSC_LWF | LSC_ARW | LSC_FPE | LSC_RR) ) {
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_LWF)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Short circuit detected on the loben",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_ARW)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Auto removal errorn",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_FPE)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: FDX Protocol Errorn",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_RR)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Force remove MAC frame receivedn",dev->name);
- /* Adapter has been closed by the hardware */
- netif_stop_queue(dev);
- xl_freemem(dev) ;
- free_irq(dev->irq,dev);
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Adapter has been closed n", dev->name) ;
- } /* If serious error */
- if (xl_priv->xl_message_level) {
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_SIG_LOSS)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: No receive signal detected n", dev->name) ;
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_HARD_ERR)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Beaconing n",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_SOFT_ERR)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Adapter transmitted Soft Error Report Mac Frame n",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_TRAN_BCN)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: We are tranmitting the beacon, aaahn",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_SS)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Single Station on the ring n", dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_RING_REC)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Ring recovery ongoingn",dev->name);
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_FDX_MODE)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Operating in FDX moden",dev->name);
- }
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_CO) {
- if (xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Counter Overflow n", dev->name);
- /* Issue READ.LOG command */
- xl_srb_cmd(dev, READ_LOG) ;
- }
- /* There is no command in the tech docs to issue the read_sr_counters */
- if (lan_status_diff & LSC_SR_CO) {
- if (xl_priv->xl_message_level)
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Source routing counters overflown", dev->name);
- }
- xl_priv->xl_lan_status = lan_status ;
- } /* Lan.change.status */
- else if ( arb_cmd == RECEIVE_DATA) { /* Received.Data */
- #if XL_DEBUG
- printk(KERN_INFO "Received.Data n") ;
- #endif
- writel( ((MEM_WORD_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->arb) + 6), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- xl_priv->mac_buffer = ntohs(readw(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA)) ;
- /* Now we are going to be really basic here and not do anything
- * with the data at all. The tech docs do not give me enough
- * information to calculate the buffers properly so we're
- * just going to tell the nic that we've dealt with the frame
- * anyway.
- */
- dev->last_rx = jiffies ;
- /* Acknowledge interrupt, this tells nic we are done with the arb */
- /* Is the ASB free ? */
- xl_priv->asb_queued = 0 ;
- writel( ((MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->asb) + 2), xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- if (readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) != 0xff) {
- xl_priv->asb_queued = 1 ;
- xl_wait_misr_flags(dev) ;
- writeb(0xff, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writeb(MISR_ASBFR, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- return ;
- /* Drop out and wait for the bottom half to be run */
- }
- xl_asb_cmd(dev) ;
- } else {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Received unknown arb (xl_priv) command: %02x n",dev->name,arb_cmd) ;
- }
- /* Acknowledge the arb interrupt */
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * There is only one asb command, but we can get called from different
- * places.
- */
- static void xl_asb_cmd(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- if (xl_priv->asb_queued == 1)
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->asb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(0x81, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel(MEM_WORD_WRITE | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->asb | 6, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writew(ntohs(xl_priv->mac_buffer), xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- xl_wait_misr_flags(dev) ;
- writeb(0xff, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writeb(MISR_RASB, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- xl_priv->asb_queued = 2 ;
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * This will only get called if there was an error
- * from the asb cmd.
- */
- static void xl_asb_bh(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- u8 ret_code ;
- writel(MMIO_BYTE_READ | 0xd0000 | xl_priv->asb | 2, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- ret_code = readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- switch (ret_code) {
- case 0x01:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ASB Command, unrecognized command code n",dev->name) ;
- break ;
- case 0x26:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ASB Command, unexpected receive buffer n", dev->name) ;
- break ;
- case 0x40:
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ASB Command, Invalid Station ID n", dev->name) ;
- break ;
- }
- xl_priv->asb_queued = 0 ;
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * Issue srb commands to the nic
- */
- static void xl_srb_cmd(struct net_device *dev, int srb_cmd)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- switch (srb_cmd) {
- case READ_LOG:
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(READ_LOG, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- break;
- case CLOSE_NIC:
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(CLOSE_NIC, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- break ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(SET_RECEIVE_MODE, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel(MEM_WORD_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb | 4, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writew(xl_priv->xl_copy_all_options, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- break ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(SET_FUNC_ADDRESS, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb | 6 , xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[0], xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb | 7 , xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[1], xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb | 8 , xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[2], xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | 0xD0000 | xl_priv->srb | 9 , xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(xl_priv->xl_functional_addr[3], xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- break ;
- } /* switch */
- xl_wait_misr_flags(dev) ;
- /* Write 0xff to the CSRB flag */
- writel(MEM_BYTE_WRITE | MF_CSRB , xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- writeb(0xFF, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- /* Set csrb bit in MISR register to process command */
- writeb(MISR_CSRB, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- xl_priv->srb_queued = 1 ;
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * This is nasty, to use the MISR command you have to wait for 6 memory locations
- * to be zero. This is the way the driver does on other OS'es so we should be ok with
- * the empty loop.
- */
- static void xl_wait_misr_flags(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv ;
- u8 * xl_mmio = xl_priv->xl_mmio ;
- int i ;
- if (readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) != 0) { /* Misr not clear */
- for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
- writel(MEM_BYTE_READ | 0xDFFE0 | i, xl_mmio + MMIO_MAC_ACCESS_CMD) ;
- while (readb(xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) != 0 ) {} ; /* Empty Loop */
- }
- }
- writeb(0x80, xl_mmio + MMIO_MACDATA) ;
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * Change mtu size, this should work the same as olympic
- */
- static int xl_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int mtu)
- {
- struct xl_private *xl_priv = (struct xl_private *) dev->priv;
- u16 max_mtu ;
- if (xl_priv->xl_ring_speed == 4)
- max_mtu = 4500 ;
- else
- max_mtu = 18000 ;
- if (mtu > max_mtu)
- return -EINVAL ;
- if (mtu < 100)
- return -EINVAL ;
- dev->mtu = mtu ;
- xl_priv->pkt_buf_sz = mtu + TR_HLEN ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- static void __devexit xl_remove_one (struct pci_dev *pdev)
- {
- struct net_device *dev = pdev->driver_data;
- struct xl_private *xl_priv=(struct xl_private *)dev->priv;
- unregister_trdev(dev);
- iounmap(xl_priv->xl_mmio) ;
- pci_release_regions(pdev) ;
- pci_set_drvdata(pdev,NULL) ;
- kfree(dev);
- return ;
- }
- static struct pci_driver xl_3c359_driver = {
- name: "3c359",
- id_table: xl_pci_tbl,
- probe: xl_probe,
- remove: __devexit_p(xl_remove_one),
- };
- static int __init xl_pci_init (void)
- {
- return pci_module_init (&xl_3c359_driver);
- }
- static void __exit xl_pci_cleanup (void)
- {
- pci_unregister_driver (&xl_3c359_driver);
- }
- module_init(xl_pci_init);
- module_exit(xl_pci_cleanup);