- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * Name: skvpd.c
- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
- * Version: $Revision: 1.26 $
- * Date: $Date: 2000/06/13 08:00:01 $
- * Purpose: Shared software to read and write VPD data
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * (C)Copyright 1998,1999 SysKonnect,
- * a business unit of Schneider & Koch & Co. Datensysteme GmbH.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * History:
- *
- * $Log: skvpd.c,v $
- * Revision 1.26 2000/06/13 08:00:01 mkarl
- * additional cast to avoid compile problems in 64 bit environment
- *
- * Revision 1.25 1999/11/22 13:39:32 cgoos
- * Changed license header to GPL.
- *
- * Revision 1.24 1999/03/11 14:25:49 malthoff
- * Replace __STDC__ with SK_KR_PROTO.
- *
- * Revision 1.23 1999/01/11 15:13:11 gklug
- * fix: syntax error
- *
- * Revision 1.22 1998/10/30 06:41:15 gklug
- * rmv: WARNING
- *
- * Revision 1.21 1998/10/29 07:15:14 gklug
- * fix: Write Stream function needs verify.
- *
- * Revision 1.20 1998/10/28 18:05:08 gklug
- * chg: no DEBUG in VpdMayWrite
- *
- * Revision 1.19 1998/10/28 15:56:11 gklug
- * fix: Return len at end of ReadStream
- * fix: Write even less than 4 bytes correctly
- *
- * Revision 1.18 1998/10/28 09:00:47 gklug
- * fix: unreferenced local vars
- *
- * Revision 1.17 1998/10/28 08:25:45 gklug
- * fix: WARNING
- *
- * Revision 1.16 1998/10/28 08:17:30 gklug
- * fix: typo
- *
- * Revision 1.15 1998/10/28 07:50:32 gklug
- * fix: typo
- *
- * Revision 1.14 1998/10/28 07:20:38 gklug
- * chg: Interface functions to use IoC as parameter as well
- * fix: VpdRead/WriteDWord now return SK_U32
- * chg: VPD_IN/OUT names conform to SK_IN/OUT
- * add: usage of VPD_IN/OUT8 macros
- * add: VpdRead/Write Stream functions to r/w a stream of data
- * fix: VpdTransferBlock swapped illeagal
- * add: VpdMayWrite
- *
- * Revision 1.13 1998/10/22 10:02:37 gklug
- * fix: SysKonnectFileId typo
- *
- * Revision 1.12 1998/10/20 10:01:01 gklug
- * fix: parameter to SkOsGetTime
- *
- * Revision 1.11 1998/10/15 12:51:48 malthoff
- * Remove unrequired parameter p in vpd_setup_para().
- *
- * Revision 1.10 1998/10/08 14:52:43 malthoff
- * Remove CvsId by SysKonnectFileId.
- *
- * Revision 1.9 1998/09/16 07:33:52 malthoff
- * remove memcmp() by SK_MEMCMP and
- * memcpy() by SK_MEMCPY() to be
- * independant from the 'C' Standard Library.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 1998/08/19 12:52:35 malthoff
- * compiler fix: use SK_VPD_KEY instead of S_VPD.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 1998/08/19 08:14:01 gklug
- * fix: remove struct keyword as much as possible from the c-code (see CCC)
- *
- * Revision 1.6 1998/08/18 13:03:58 gklug
- * SkOsGetTime now returns SK_U64
- *
- * Revision 1.5 1998/08/18 08:17:29 malthoff
- * Ensure we issue a VPD read in vpd_read_dword().
- * Discard all VPD keywords other than Vx or Yx, where
- * x is '0..9' or 'A..Z'.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 1998/07/03 14:52:19 malthoff
- * Add category SK_DBGCAT_FATAL to some debug macros.
- * bug fix: correct the keyword name check in vpd_write().
- *
- * Revision 1.3 1998/06/26 11:16:53 malthoff
- * Correct the modified File Identifier.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1998/06/26 11:13:43 malthoff
- * Modify the File Identifier.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1998/06/19 14:11:08 malthoff
- * Created, Tests with AIX were performed successfully
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- /*
- Please refer skvpd.txt for infomation how to include this module
- */
- static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
- "@(#)$Id: skvpd.c,v 1.26 2000/06/13 08:00:01 mkarl Exp $ (C) SK" ;
- #include "h/skdrv1st.h"
- #include "h/sktypes.h"
- #include "h/skdebug.h"
- #include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
- /*
- * Static functions
- */
- #ifndef SK_KR_PROTO
- static SK_VPD_PARA *vpd_find_para(
- SK_AC *pAC,
- char *key,
- SK_VPD_PARA *p) ;
- #else /* SK_KR_PROTO */
- static SK_VPD_PARA *vpd_find_para() ;
- #endif /* SK_KR_PROTO */
- /*
- * waits for a completetion of a VPD transfer
- * The VPD transfer must complete within SK_TICKS_PER_SEC/16
- *
- * returns 0: success, transfer completes
- * error exit(9) with a error message
- */
- static int VpdWait(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- int event) /* event to wait for (VPD_READ / VPD_write) completion*/
- {
- SK_U64 start_time ;
- SK_U16 state ;
- ("vpd wait for %sn",event?"Write":"Read")) ;
- start_time = SkOsGetTime(pAC) ;
- do {
- if (SkOsGetTime(pAC) - start_time > SK_TICKS_PER_SEC/16) {
- ("ERROR:vpd wait timeoutn")) ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- VPD_IN16(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_ADR_REG,&state) ;
- ("state = %x, event %xn",state,event)) ;
- } while((int)(state & PCI_VPD_FLAG) == event) ;
- return(0) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the dword at address 'addr' from the VPD EEPROM.
- *
- * Needed Time: MIN 1,3 ms MAX 2,6 ms
- *
- * Note: The DWord is returned in the endianess of the machine the routine
- * is running on.
- *
- * Returns the data read.
- */
- SK_U32 VpdReadDWord(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- int addr) /* VPD address */
- {
- SK_U32 Rtv ;
- /* start VPD read */
- ("vpd read dword at 0x%xn",addr)) ;
- addr &= ~VPD_WRITE ; /* ensure the R/W bit is set to read */
- VPD_OUT16(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_ADR_REG, (SK_U16) addr) ;
- /* ignore return code here */
- (void)VpdWait(pAC,IoC,VPD_READ) ;
- /* Don't swap here, it's a data stream of bytes */
- Rtv = 0 ;
- ("vpd read dword data = 0x%xn",Rtv)) ;
- return (Rtv) ;
- }
- /*
- Write the dword 'data' at address 'addr' into the VPD EEPROM, and
- verify that the data is written.
- Needed Time:
- . -------------------------------------------------------------------
- . write 1.8 ms 3.6 ms
- . internal write cyles 0.7 ms 7.0 ms
- . -------------------------------------------------------------------
- . over all program time 2.5 ms 10.6 ms
- . read 1.3 ms 2.6 ms
- . -------------------------------------------------------------------
- . over all 3.8 ms 13.2 ms
- .
- Returns 0: success
- 1: error, I2C transfer does not terminate
- 2: error, data verify error
- */
- #if 0 /* Unused at the moment */
- static int VpdWriteDWord(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* pAC pointer */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- int addr, /* VPD address */
- SK_U32 data) /* VPD data to write */
- {
- /* start VPD write */
- /* Don't swap here, it's a data stream of bytes */
- ("vpd write dword at addr 0x%x, data = 0x%xn",addr,data)) ;
- VPD_OUT32(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_DAT_REG, (SK_U32)data) ;
- /* But do it here */
- addr |= VPD_WRITE ;
- VPD_OUT16(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_ADR_REG, (SK_U16)(addr | VPD_WRITE)) ;
- /* this may take up to 10,6 ms */
- if (VpdWait(pAC,IoC,VPD_WRITE)) {
- ("Write Timed Outn")) ;
- return(1) ;
- } ;
- /* verify data */
- if (VpdReadDWord(pAC,IoC,addr) != data) {
- ("Data Verify Errorn")) ;
- return(2) ;
- }
- return(0) ;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Read one Stream of 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr' from
- * or to the I2C EEPROM.
- *
- * Returns number of bytes read / written.
- */
- static int VpdWriteStream(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *buf, /* data buffer */
- int Addr, /* VPD start address */
- int Len) /* number of bytes to read / to write */
- {
- int i ;
- int j ;
- SK_U16 AdrReg ;
- int Rtv ;
- SK_U8 * pComp; /* Compare pointer */
- SK_U8 Data ; /* Input Data for Compare */
- /* Init Compare Pointer */
- pComp = (SK_U8 *) buf;
- for (i=0; i < Len; i ++, buf++) {
- if ((i%sizeof(SK_U32)) == 0) {
- /*
- * At the begin of each cycle read the Data Reg
- * So it is initialized even if only a few bytes
- * are written.
- */
- AdrReg = (SK_U16) Addr ;
- AdrReg &= ~VPD_WRITE ; /* READ operation */
- /* ignore return code here */
- Rtv = VpdWait(pAC,IoC,VPD_READ) ;
- if (Rtv != 0) {
- return(i) ;
- }
- }
- /* Write current Byte */
- VPD_OUT8(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_DAT_REG+(i%sizeof(SK_U32)),
- *(SK_U8*)buf) ;
- if (((i%sizeof(SK_U32)) == 3) || (i == (Len - 1))) {
- /* New Address needs to be written to VPD_ADDR reg */
- AdrReg = (SK_U16) Addr ;
- Addr += sizeof(SK_U32);
- AdrReg |= VPD_WRITE ; /* WRITE operation */
- /* Wait for termination */
- Rtv = VpdWait(pAC,IoC,VPD_WRITE) ;
- if (Rtv != 0) {
- ("Write Timed Outn")) ;
- return(i - (i%sizeof(SK_U32))) ;
- }
- /*
- * Now re-read to verify
- */
- AdrReg &= ~VPD_WRITE ; /* READ operation */
- /* Wait for termination */
- Rtv = VpdWait(pAC,IoC,VPD_READ) ;
- if (Rtv != 0) {
- ("Verify Timed Outn")) ;
- return(i - (i%sizeof(SK_U32))) ;
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= (int) (i%sizeof(SK_U32));
- j ++, pComp ++ ) {
- VPD_IN8(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_DAT_REG+j, &Data) ;
- if (Data != *pComp) {
- /* Verify Error */
- ("WriteStream Verify Errorn"));
- return(i - (i%sizeof(SK_U32)) + j);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(Len);
- }
- /*
- * Read one Stream of 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr' from
- * or to the I2C EEPROM.
- *
- * Returns number of bytes read / written.
- */
- static int VpdReadStream(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *buf, /* data buffer */
- int Addr, /* VPD start address */
- int Len) /* number of bytes to read / to write */
- {
- int i ;
- SK_U16 AdrReg ;
- int Rtv ;
- for (i=0; i < Len; i ++, buf++) {
- if ((i%sizeof(SK_U32)) == 0) {
- /* New Address needs to be written to VPD_ADDR reg */
- AdrReg = (SK_U16) Addr ;
- Addr += sizeof(SK_U32);
- AdrReg &= ~VPD_WRITE ; /* READ operation */
- /* ignore return code here */
- Rtv = VpdWait(pAC,IoC,VPD_READ) ;
- if (Rtv != 0) {
- return(i) ;
- }
- }
- VPD_IN8(pAC,IoC,PCI_VPD_DAT_REG+(i%sizeof(SK_U32)),
- (SK_U8 *)buf) ;
- }
- return(Len) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read ore wirtes 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr' from
- * or to the I2C EEPROM.
- *
- * Returns number of bytes read / written.
- */
- static int VpdTransferBlock(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *buf, /* data buffer */
- int addr, /* VPD start address */
- int len, /* number of bytes to read / to write */
- int dir) /* transfer direction may be VPD_READ or VPD_WRITE */
- {
- int Rtv ; /* Return value */
- int vpd_rom_size ;
- SK_U32 our_reg2 ;
- ("vpd %s block, addr = 0x%x, len = %dn",
- dir?"write":"read",addr,len)) ;
- if (len == 0)
- return (0) ;
- VPD_IN32(pAC,IoC,PCI_OUR_REG_2,&our_reg2) ;
- vpd_rom_size = 256 << ((our_reg2 & PCI_VPD_ROM_SZ) >> 14);
- if (addr > vpd_rom_size - 4) {
- ("Address error: 0x%x, exp. < 0x%xn",
- addr, vpd_rom_size - 4)) ;
- return (0) ;
- }
- if (addr + len > vpd_rom_size) {
- len = vpd_rom_size - addr ;
- ("Warning: len was cut to %dn",len)) ;
- }
- if (dir == VPD_READ) {
- Rtv = VpdReadStream(pAC, IoC, buf, addr, len);
- } else {
- Rtv = VpdWriteStream(pAC, IoC, buf, addr, len);
- }
- return (Rtv) ;
- }
- #ifdef SKDIAG
- /*
- * Read 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr'.
- *
- * Returns number of bytes read.
- */
- int VpdReadBlock(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* pAC pointer */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *buf, /* buffer were the data should be stored */
- int addr, /* start reading at the VPD address */
- int len) /* number of bytes to read */
- {
- return (VpdTransferBlock(pAC, IoC, buf, addr, len, VPD_READ)) ;
- }
- /*
- * Write 'len' bytes of *but to the VPD EEPROM, starting at 'addr'.
- *
- * Returns number of bytes writes.
- */
- int VpdWriteBlock(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* pAC pointer */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *buf, /* buffer, holds the data to write */
- int addr, /* start writing at the VPD address */
- int len) /* number of bytes to write */
- {
- return (VpdTransferBlock(pAC, IoC, buf, addr, len, VPD_WRITE)) ;
- }
- #endif /* SKDIAG */
- /*
- * (re)initialize the VPD buffer
- *
- * Reads the VPD data from the EEPROM into the VPD buffer.
- * Get the remaining read only and read / write space.
- *
- * return 0: success
- * 1: fatal VPD error
- */
- static int VpdInit(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC) /* IO Context */
- {
- SK_VPD_PARA *r, rp ; /* RW or RV */
- int i ;
- unsigned char x ;
- /* read the VPD data into the VPD buffer */
- if (VpdTransferBlock(pAC,IoC,pAC->vpd.vpd_buf,0,VPD_SIZE,VPD_READ)
- != VPD_SIZE) {
- ("Block Read Errorn")) ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- /* find the end tag of the RO area */
- if (!(r = vpd_find_para(pAC,VPD_RV,&rp))) {
- ("Encoding Error: RV Tag not foundn")) ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- if (r->p_val + r->p_len > pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + VPD_SIZE/2) {
- ("Encoding Error: Invalid VPD struct sizen")) ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_ro = r->p_len - 1 ;
- /* test the checksum */
- for (i = 0, x = 0; (unsigned)i<=(unsigned)VPD_SIZE/2 - r->p_len; i++) {
- x += pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[i] ;
- }
- if (x != 0) {
- /* checksum error */
- ("VPD Checksum Errorn")) ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- /* find and check the end tag of the RW area */
- if (!(r = vpd_find_para(pAC,VPD_RW,&rp))) {
- ("Encoding Error: RV Tag not foundn")) ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- if (r->p_val < pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + VPD_SIZE/2) {
- ("Encoding Error: Invalid VPD struct sizen")) ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw = r->p_len ;
- /* everything seems to be ok */
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status |= VPD_VALID ;
- ("done. Free RO = %d, Free RW = %dn",
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_ro, pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw)) ;
- return(0) ;
- }
- /*
- * find the Keyword 'key' in the VPD buffer and fills the
- * parameter sturct 'p' with it's values
- *
- * returns *p success
- * 0: parameter was not found or VPD encoding error
- */
- static SK_VPD_PARA *vpd_find_para(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- char *key, /* keyword to find (e.g. "MN") */
- SK_VPD_PARA *p) /* parameter description struct */
- {
- char *v ; /* points to vpd buffer */
- int max ; /* Maximum Number of Iterations */
- v = pAC->vpd.vpd_buf ;
- max = 128 ;
- ("vpd find para %s .. ",key)) ;
- /* check mandatory resource type ID string (Product Name) */
- if (*v != (char) RES_ID) {
- ("Error: 0x%x missingn",RES_ID)) ;
- return (0) ;
- }
- if (strcmp(key,VPD_NAME) == 0) {
- p->p_len = VPD_GET_RES_LEN(v) ;
- p->p_val = VPD_GET_VAL(v) ;
- ("found, len = %dn",p->p_len)) ;
- return(p) ;
- }
- v += 3 + VPD_GET_RES_LEN(v) + 3 ;
- for ( ; ; ) {
- if (SK_MEMCMP(key,v,2) == 0) {
- p->p_len = VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) ;
- p->p_val = VPD_GET_VAL(v) ;
- ("found, len = %dn",p->p_len)) ;
- return (p) ;
- }
- /* exit when reaching the "RW" Tag or the maximum of itera. */
- max-- ;
- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RW,v,2) == 0 || max == 0) {
- break ;
- }
- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RV,v,2) == 0) {
- v += 3 + VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) + 3 ; /* skip VPD-W */
- } else {
- v += 3 + VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) ;
- }
- ("scanning '%c%c' len = %dn",v[0],v[1],v[2])) ;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (max == 0) {
- ("Key/Len Encoding errorn")) ;
- }
- #endif
- return (0) ;
- }
- /*
- * Move 'n' bytes. Begin with the last byte if 'n' is > 0,
- * Start with the last byte if n is < 0.
- *
- * returns nothing
- */
- static void vpd_move_para(
- char *start, /* start of memory block */
- char *end, /* end of memory block to move */
- int n) /* number of bytes the memory block has to be moved */
- {
- char *p ;
- int i ; /* number of byte copied */
- if (n == 0)
- return ;
- i = (int) (end - start + 1) ;
- if (n < 0) {
- p = start + n ;
- while (i != 0) {
- *p++ = *start++ ;
- i-- ;
- }
- } else {
- p = end + n ;
- while (i != 0) {
- *p-- = *end-- ;
- i-- ;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * setup the VPD keyword 'key' at 'ip'.
- *
- * returns nothing
- */
- static void vpd_insert_key(
- char *key, /* keyword to insert */
- char *buf, /* buffer with the keyword value */
- int len, /* length of the value string */
- char *ip) /* inseration point */
- {
- SK_VPD_KEY *p ;
- p = (SK_VPD_KEY *) ip ;
- p->p_key[0] = key[0] ;
- p->p_key[1] = key[1] ;
- p->p_len = (unsigned char) len ;
- SK_MEMCPY(&p->p_val,buf,len) ;
- }
- /*
- * Setup the VPD end tag "RV" / "RW".
- * Also correct the remaining space variables vpd_free_ro / vpd_free_rw.
- *
- * returns 0: success
- * 1: encoding error
- */
- static int vpd_mod_endtag(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- char *etp) /* end pointer input position */
- {
- SK_VPD_KEY *p ;
- unsigned char x ;
- int i ;
- ("vpd modify endtag at 0x%x = '%c%c'n",etp,etp[0],etp[1])) ;
- p = (SK_VPD_KEY *) etp ;
- if (p->p_key[0] != 'R' || (p->p_key[1] != 'V' && p->p_key[1] != 'W')) {
- /* something wrong here, encoding error */
- ("Encoding Error: invalid end tagn")) ;
- return(1) ;
- }
- if (etp > pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + VPD_SIZE/2) {
- /* create "RW" tag */
- p->p_len = (unsigned char)(pAC->vpd.vpd_buf+VPD_SIZE-etp-3-1) ;
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw = (int) p->p_len ;
- i = pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw ;
- etp += 3 ;
- } else {
- /* create "RV" tag */
- p->p_len = (unsigned char)(pAC->vpd.vpd_buf+VPD_SIZE/2-etp-3) ;
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_ro = (int) p->p_len - 1 ;
- /* setup checksum */
- for (i = 0, x = 0; i < VPD_SIZE/2 - p->p_len; i++) {
- x += pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[i] ;
- }
- p->p_val = (char) 0 - x ;
- i = pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_ro ;
- etp += 4 ;
- }
- while (i) {
- *etp++ = 0x00 ;
- i-- ;
- }
- return (0) ;
- }
- /*
- * Insert a VPD keyword into the VPD buffer.
- *
- * The keyword 'key' is inserted at the position 'ip' in the
- * VPD buffer.
- * The keywords behind the input position will
- * be moved. The VPD end tag "RV" or "RW" is generated again.
- *
- * returns 0: success
- * 2: value string was cut
- * 4: VPD full, keyword was not written
- * 6: fatal VPD error
- *
- */
- int VpdSetupPara(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- char *key, /* keyword to insert */
- char *buf, /* buffer with the keyword value */
- int len, /* length of the keyword value */
- int type, /* VPD_RO_KEY or VPD_RW_KEY */
- int op) /* operation to do: ADD_KEY or OWR_KEY */
- {
- SK_VPD_PARA vp ;
- char *etp ; /* end tag position */
- int free ; /* remaining space in selected area */
- char *ip ; /* input position inside the VPD buffer */
- int rtv ; /* return code */
- int head ; /* additional haeder bytes to move */
- int found ; /* additinoal bytes if the keyword was found */
- ("vpd setup para key = %s, val = %sn",key,buf)) ;
- rtv = 0 ;
- ip = 0 ;
- if (type == VPD_RW_KEY) {
- /* end tag is "RW" */
- free = pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw ;
- etp = pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + (VPD_SIZE - free - 1 - 3) ;
- } else {
- /* end tag is "RV" */
- free = pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_ro ;
- etp = pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + (VPD_SIZE/2 - free - 4) ;
- }
- ("Free RO = %d, Free RW = %dn",
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_ro, pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw)) ;
- head = 0 ;
- found = 0 ;
- if (op == OWR_KEY) {
- if (vpd_find_para(pAC,key,&vp)) {
- found = 3 ;
- ip = vp.p_val - 3 ;
- free += vp.p_len + 3 ;
- ("Overwrite Keyn")) ;
- } else {
- op = ADD_KEY ;
- ("Add Keyn")) ;
- }
- }
- if (op == ADD_KEY) {
- ip = etp ;
- vp.p_len = 0 ;
- head = 3 ;
- }
- if (len + 3 > free) {
- if (free < 7) {
- ("VPD Buffer Overflow, keyword not writtenn"));
- return (4) ;
- }
- /* cut it again */
- len = free - 3 ;
- rtv = 2 ;
- ("VPD Buffer Full, Keyword was cutn")) ;
- }
- vpd_move_para(ip + vp.p_len + found, etp+2, len-vp.p_len+head) ;
- vpd_insert_key(key, buf, len, ip) ;
- if (vpd_mod_endtag(pAC, etp + len - vp.p_len + head)) {
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status &= ~VPD_VALID ;
- ("VPD Encoding Errorn")) ;
- return(6) ;
- }
- return (rtv) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the
- * VPD buffer if not already done.
- *
- * return: A pointer to the vpd_status structure. The structure contain
- * this fields.
- */
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC) /* IO Context */
- {
- if (!(pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID)) {
- (void)VpdInit(pAC,IoC) ;
- }
- return(&pAC->vpd.v) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the VPD
- * buffer if not already done.
- * Scan the VPD buffer for VPD keywords and create the VPD
- * keyword list by copying the keywords to 'buf', all after
- * each other and terminated with a ' '.
- *
- * Exceptions: o The Resource Type ID String (product name) is called "Name"
- * o The VPD end tags 'RV' and 'RW' are not listed
- *
- * The number of copied keywords is counted in 'elements'.
- *
- * returns 0: success
- * 2: buffer overfull, one or more keywords are missing
- * 6: fatal VPD error
- *
- * example values after returning:
- *
- * buf = "Name PN EC MN SN CP VF VL YA "
- * *len = 30
- * *elements = 9
- */
- int VpdKeys(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *buf, /* buffer where to copy the keywords */
- int *len, /* buffer length */
- int *elements) /* number of keywords returned */
- {
- char *v ;
- int n ;
- SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_VPD,SK_DBGCAT_RX,("list vpd keys .. ")) ;
- *elements = 0 ;
- if (!(pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID)) {
- if (VpdInit(pAC,IoC) != 0 ) {
- *len = 0 ;
- ("VPD Init Error, terminatedn")) ;
- return(6) ;
- }
- }
- if ((signed)strlen(VPD_NAME) + 1 <= *len) {
- v = pAC->vpd.vpd_buf ;
- strcpy(buf,VPD_NAME) ;
- n = strlen(VPD_NAME) + 1 ;
- buf += n ;
- *elements = 1 ;
- ("'%c%c' ",v[0],v[1])) ;
- } else {
- *len = 0 ;
- ("buffer overflown")) ;
- return(2) ;
- }
- v += 3 + VPD_GET_RES_LEN(v) + 3 ;
- for ( ; ; ) {
- /* exit when reaching the "RW" Tag */
- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RW,v,2) == 0) {
- break ;
- }
- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RV,v,2) == 0) {
- v += 3 + VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) + 3 ; /* skip VPD-W */
- continue ;
- }
- if (n+3 <= *len) {
- SK_MEMCPY(buf,v,2) ;
- buf += 2 ;
- *buf++ = ' ' ;
- n += 3 ;
- v += 3 + VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) ;
- *elements += 1 ;
- ("'%c%c' ",v[0],v[1])) ;
- } else {
- *len = n ;
- ("buffer overflown")) ;
- return (2) ;
- }
- }
- *len = n ;
- return(0) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the
- * VPD buffer if not already done. Search for the VPD keyword
- * 'key' and copy its value to 'buf'. Add a terminating ' '.
- * If the value does not fit into the buffer cut it after
- * 'len' - 1 bytes.
- *
- * returns 0: success
- * 1: keyword not found
- * 2: value string was cut
- * 3: VPD transfer timeout
- * 6: fatal VPD error
- */
- int VpdRead(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *key, /* keyword to read (e.g. "MN") */
- char *buf, /* buffer where to copy the keyword value */
- int *len) /* buffer length */
- {
- SK_VPD_PARA *p, vp ;
- SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_VPD,SK_DBGCAT_RX,("vpd read %s .. ",key)) ;
- if (!(pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID)) {
- if (VpdInit(pAC,IoC) != 0 ) {
- *len = 0 ;
- ("vpd init errorn")) ;
- return(6) ;
- }
- }
- if ((p = vpd_find_para(pAC,key,&vp))) {
- if (p->p_len > (*(unsigned *)len)-1) {
- p->p_len = *len - 1 ;
- }
- SK_MEMCPY(buf,p->p_val,p->p_len) ;
- buf[p->p_len] = ' ' ;
- *len = p->p_len ;
- ("%c%c%c%c.., len = %dn",
- buf[0],buf[1],buf[2],buf[3],*len)) ;
- } else {
- *len = 0 ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- return (0) ;
- }
- /*
- * Check whether a given key may be written
- *
- * returns
- * SK_TRUE Yes it may be written
- * SK_FALSE No it may be written
- */
- SK_BOOL VpdMayWrite(
- char *key) /* keyword to write (allowed values "Yx", "Vx") */
- {
- if ((*key != 'Y' && *key != 'V') ||
- key[1] < '0' || key[1] > 'Z' ||
- (key[1] > '9' && key[1] < 'A') || strlen(key) != 2) {
- return (SK_FALSE) ;
- }
- return (SK_TRUE) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the VPD
- * buffer if not already done. Insert/overwrite the keyword 'key'
- * in the VPD buffer. Cut the keyword value if it does not fit
- * into the VPD read / write area.
- *
- * returns 0: success
- * 2: value string was cut
- * 3: VPD transfer timeout
- * 4: VPD full, keyword was not written
- * 5: keyword cannot be written
- * 6: fatal VPD error
- */
- int VpdWrite(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *key, /* keyword to write (allowed values "Yx", "Vx") */
- char *buf) /* buffer where the keyword value can be read from */
- {
- int len ; /* lenght of the keyword to write */
- int rtv ; /* return code */
- int rtv2 ;
- ("vpd write %s = %sn",key,buf)) ;
- if ((*key != 'Y' && *key != 'V') ||
- key[1] < '0' || key[1] > 'Z' ||
- (key[1] > '9' && key[1] < 'A') || strlen(key) != 2) {
- ("illegal key tag, keyword not writtenn")) ;
- return (5) ;
- }
- if (!(pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID)) {
- if (VpdInit(pAC,IoC) != 0 ) {
- ("vpd init errorn")) ;
- return(6) ;
- }
- }
- rtv = 0 ;
- len = strlen(buf) ;
- if (len > VPD_MAX_LEN) {
- /* cut it */
- len = VPD_MAX_LEN ;
- rtv = 2 ;
- ("keyword to long, cut after %d bytesn",VPD_MAX_LEN)) ;
- }
- if ((rtv2 = VpdSetupPara(pAC,key,buf,len,VPD_RW_KEY,OWR_KEY)) != 0) {
- ("vpd write errorn")) ;
- return(rtv2) ;
- }
- return (rtv) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the
- * VPD buffer if not already done. Remove the VPD keyword
- * 'key' from the VPD buffer.
- * Only the keywords in the read/write area can be deleted.
- * Keywords in the read only area cannot be deleted.
- *
- * returns 0: success, keyword was removed
- * 1: keyword not found
- * 5: keyword cannot be deleted
- * 6: fatal VPD error
- */
- int VpdDelete(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *key) /* keyword to read (e.g. "MN") */
- {
- SK_VPD_PARA *p, vp ;
- char *etp ;
- SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_VPD,SK_DBGCAT_TX,("vpd delete key %sn",key)) ;
- if (!(pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID)) {
- if (VpdInit(pAC,IoC) != 0 ) {
- ("vpd init errorn")) ;
- return(6) ;
- }
- }
- if ((p = vpd_find_para(pAC,key,&vp))) {
- if (p->p_val < pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + VPD_SIZE/2) {
- /* try to delete read only keyword */
- ("cannot delete RO keywordn")) ;
- return (5) ;
- }
- etp = pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + (VPD_SIZE-pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw-1-3) ;
- vpd_move_para(vp.p_val+vp.p_len, etp+2,
- - ((int)(vp.p_len + 3))) ;
- if (vpd_mod_endtag(pAC, etp - vp.p_len - 3)) {
- pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status &= ~VPD_VALID ;
- ("vpd encoding errorn")) ;
- return(6) ;
- }
- } else {
- ("keyword not foundn")) ;
- return (1) ;
- }
- return (0) ;
- }
- /*
- * If the VPD buffer contains valid data write the VPD
- * read/write area back to the VPD EEPROM.
- *
- * returns 0: success
- * 3: VPD transfer timeout
- */
- int VpdUpdate(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
- SK_IOC IoC) /* IO Context */
- {
- SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_VPD,SK_DBGCAT_TX,("vpd update .. ")) ;
- if (pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID) {
- if (VpdTransferBlock(pAC,IoC,pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + VPD_SIZE/2,
- ("transfer timed outn")) ;
- return(3) ;
- }
- }
- return (0) ;
- }
- /*
- * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the VPD buffer
- * if not already done. If the keyword "VF" is not present it will be
- * created and the error log message will be stored to this keyword.
- * If "VF" is not present the error log message will be stored to the
- * keyword "VL". "VL" will created or overwritten if "VF" is present.
- * The VPD read/write area is saved to the VPD EEPROM.
- *
- * returns nothing, errors will be ignored.
- */
- void VpdErrLog(
- SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
- SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
- char *msg) /* error log message */
- {
- SK_VPD_PARA *v, vf ; /* VF */
- int len ;
- ("vpd error log msg %sn",msg)) ;
- if (!(pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID)) {
- if (VpdInit(pAC,IoC) != 0 ) {
- ("vpd init errorn")) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- len = strlen(msg) ;
- if (len > VPD_MAX_LEN) {
- /* cut it */
- len = VPD_MAX_LEN ;
- }
- if ((v = vpd_find_para(pAC,VPD_VF,&vf))) {
- (void)VpdSetupPara(pAC,VPD_VL,msg,len,VPD_RW_KEY,OWR_KEY) ;
- } else {
- (void)VpdSetupPara(pAC,VPD_VF,msg,len,VPD_RW_KEY,ADD_KEY) ;
- }
- (void)VpdUpdate(pAC,IoC) ;
- }