- /*
- *
- * IPACX specific routines
- *
- * Author Joerg Petersohn
- * Derived from hisax_isac.c, isac.c, hscx.c and others
- *
- * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
- * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
- *
- */
- #define __NO_VERSION__
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include "hisax_if.h"
- #include "hisax.h"
- #include "isdnl1.h"
- #include "ipacx.h"
- #define DBUSY_TIMER_VALUE 80
- #define TIMER3_VALUE 7000
- #define MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1 300
- #define B_FIFO_SIZE 64
- #define D_FIFO_SIZE 32
- // ipacx interrupt mask values
- #define _MASK_IMASK 0x2E // global mask
- #define _MASKB_IMASK 0x0B
- #define _MASKD_IMASK 0x03 // all on
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // local function declarations
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void ph_command(struct IsdnCardState *cs, unsigned int command);
- static inline void cic_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void dch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg);
- static void dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void ipacx_new_ph(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void dch_bh(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void dch_sched_event(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int event);
- static void dch_empty_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int count);
- static void dch_fill_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static inline void dch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void __devinit dch_setstack(struct PStack *st, struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void __devinit dch_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- static void bch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg);
- static void bch_sched_event(struct BCState *bcs, int event);
- static void bch_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count);
- static void bch_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs);
- static void bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx);
- static void bch_mode(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc);
- static void bch_close_state(struct BCState *bcs);
- static int bch_open_state(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs);
- static int bch_setstack(struct PStack *st, struct BCState *bcs);
- static void __devinit bch_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx);
- static void __init clear_pending_ints(struct IsdnCardState *cs);
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Issue Layer 1 command to chip
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- ph_command(struct IsdnCardState *cs, unsigned int command)
- {
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC)
- debugl1(cs, "ph_command (%#x) in (%#x)", command,
- cs->dc.isac.ph_state);
- //###################################
- // printk(KERN_INFO "ph_command (%#x)n", command);
- //###################################
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CIX0, (command << 4) | 0x0E);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Transceiver interrupt handler
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static inline void
- cic_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- u_char event;
- event = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CIR0) >> 4;
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) debugl1(cs, "cic_int(event=%#x)", event);
- //#########################################
- // printk(KERN_INFO "cic_int(%x)n", event);
- //#########################################
- cs->dc.isac.ph_state = event;
- dch_sched_event(cs, D_L1STATECHANGE);
- }
- //==========================================================
- // D channel functions
- //==========================================================
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Command entry point
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- dch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg)
- {
- struct IsdnCardState *cs = (struct IsdnCardState *) st->l1.hardware;
- struct sk_buff *skb = arg;
- u_char cda1_cr, cda2_cr;
- switch (pr) {
- case (PH_DATA |REQUEST):
- if (cs->debug &DEB_DLOG_HEX) LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len);
- if (cs->debug &DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) dlogframe(cs, skb, 0);
- if (cs->tx_skb) {
- skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb);
- #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA Queued", 0);
- #endif
- } else {
- cs->tx_skb = skb;
- cs->tx_cnt = 0;
- #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA", 0);
- #endif
- dch_fill_fifo(cs);
- }
- break;
- if (cs->tx_skb) {
- if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, " l2l1 tx_skb exist this shouldn't happen");
- skb_queue_tail(&cs->sq, skb);
- break;
- }
- if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_HEX) LogFrame(cs, skb->data, skb->len);
- if (cs->debug & DEB_DLOG_VERBOSE) dlogframe(cs, skb, 0);
- cs->tx_skb = skb;
- cs->tx_cnt = 0;
- #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG
- if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) Logl2Frame(cs, skb, "PH_DATA_PULLED", 0);
- #endif
- dch_fill_fifo(cs);
- break;
- case (PH_PULL | REQUEST):
- #ifdef L2FRAME_DEBUG
- if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_LAPD) debugl1(cs, "-> PH_REQUEST_PULL");
- #endif
- if (!cs->tx_skb) {
- clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags);
- st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL);
- } else
- set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags);
- break;
- case (HW_RESET | REQUEST):
- ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_TIM);
- break;
- case (HW_INFO3 | REQUEST):
- ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_AR8);
- break;
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA_TSDP10, 0x80); // Timeslot 0 is B1
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA_TSDP11, 0x81); // Timeslot 0 is B1
- cda1_cr = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR);
- cda2_cr = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CDA2_CR);
- if ((long)arg &1) { // loop B1
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr |0x0a);
- }
- else { // B1 off
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr &~0x0a);
- }
- if ((long)arg &2) { // loop B2
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr |0x14);
- }
- else { // B2 off
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CDA1_CR, cda1_cr &~0x14);
- }
- break;
- skb_queue_purge(&cs->rq);
- skb_queue_purge(&cs->sq);
- if (cs->tx_skb) {
- dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb);
- cs->tx_skb = NULL;
- }
- if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags))
- del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer);
- break;
- default:
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_l2l1 unknown %04x", pr);
- break;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- dbusy_timer_handler(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- struct PStack *st;
- int rbchd, stard;
- if (test_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) {
- rbchd = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RBCHD);
- stard = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_STARD);
- if (cs->debug)
- debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy RBCHD %02x STARD %02x", rbchd, stard);
- if (!(stard &0x40)) { // D-Channel Busy
- set_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags);
- for (st = cs->stlist; st; st = st->next) {
- st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PAUSE | INDICATION, NULL); // flow control on
- }
- } else {
- // seems we lost an interrupt; reset transceiver */
- clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags);
- if (cs->tx_skb) {
- dev_kfree_skb_any(cs->tx_skb);
- cs->tx_cnt = 0;
- cs->tx_skb = NULL;
- } else {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: ISAC D-Channel Busy no skbn");
- debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy no skb");
- }
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x01); // Tx reset, generates XPR
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // L1 state machine intermediate layer to isdnl1 module
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- ipacx_new_ph(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- switch (cs->dc.isac.ph_state) {
- case (IPACX_IND_RES):
- ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_DI);
- l1_msg(cs, HW_RESET | INDICATION, NULL);
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_DC):
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_DR):
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_PU):
- l1_msg(cs, HW_POWERUP | CONFIRM, NULL);
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_RSY):
- l1_msg(cs, HW_RSYNC | INDICATION, NULL);
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_AR):
- l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO2 | INDICATION, NULL);
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_AI8):
- l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P8 | INDICATION, NULL);
- break;
- case (IPACX_IND_AI10):
- l1_msg(cs, HW_INFO4_P10 | INDICATION, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // bottom half handler for D channel
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- dch_bh(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- struct PStack *st;
- if (!cs) return;
- if (test_and_clear_bit(D_CLEARBUSY, &cs->event)) {
- if (cs->debug) debugl1(cs, "D-Channel Busy cleared");
- for (st = cs->stlist; st; st = st->next) {
- st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PAUSE | CONFIRM, NULL);
- }
- }
- if (test_and_clear_bit(D_RCVBUFREADY, &cs->event)) {
- DChannel_proc_rcv(cs);
- }
- if (test_and_clear_bit(D_XMTBUFREADY, &cs->event)) {
- DChannel_proc_xmt(cs);
- }
- if (test_and_clear_bit(D_L1STATECHANGE, &cs->event)) {
- ipacx_new_ph(cs);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // proceed with bottom half handler dch_bh()
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- dch_sched_event(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int event)
- {
- set_bit(event, &cs->event);
- queue_task(&cs->tqueue, &tq_immediate);
- mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill buffer from receive FIFO
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- dch_empty_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int count)
- {
- long flags;
- u_char *ptr;
- if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO))
- debugl1(cs, "dch_empty_fifo()");
- // message too large, remove
- if ((cs->rcvidx + count) >= MAX_DFRAME_LEN_L1) {
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "dch_empty_fifo() incoming message too large");
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC
- cs->rcvidx = 0;
- return;
- }
- ptr = cs->rcvbuf + cs->rcvidx;
- cs->rcvidx += count;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- cs->readisacfifo(cs, ptr, count);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC
- restore_flags(flags);
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) {
- char *t = cs->dlog;
- t += sprintf(t, "dch_empty_fifo() cnt %d", count);
- QuickHex(t, ptr, count);
- debugl1(cs, cs->dlog);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill transmit FIFO
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- dch_fill_fifo(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- long flags;
- int count;
- u_char cmd, *ptr;
- if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO))
- debugl1(cs, "dch_fill_fifo()");
- if (!cs->tx_skb) return;
- count = cs->tx_skb->len;
- if (count <= 0) return;
- if (count > D_FIFO_SIZE) {
- count = D_FIFO_SIZE;
- cmd = 0x08; // XTF
- } else {
- cmd = 0x0A; // XTF | XME
- }
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- ptr = cs->tx_skb->data;
- skb_pull(cs->tx_skb, count);
- cs->tx_cnt += count;
- cs->writeisacfifo(cs, ptr, count);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, cmd);
- // set timeout for transmission contol
- if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags)) {
- debugl1(cs, "dch_fill_fifo dbusytimer running");
- del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer);
- }
- init_timer(&cs->dbusytimer);
- cs->dbusytimer.expires = jiffies + ((DBUSY_TIMER_VALUE * HZ)/1000);
- add_timer(&cs->dbusytimer);
- restore_flags(flags);
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_ISAC_FIFO) {
- char *t = cs->dlog;
- t += sprintf(t, "dch_fill_fifo() cnt %d", count);
- QuickHex(t, ptr, count);
- debugl1(cs, cs->dlog);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // D channel interrupt handler
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static inline void
- dch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- u_char istad, rstad;
- long flags;
- int count;
- istad = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTAD);
- //##############################################
- // printk(KERN_WARNING "dch_int(istad=%02x)n", istad);
- //##############################################
- if (istad &0x80) { // RME
- rstad = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RSTAD);
- if ((rstad &0xf0) != 0xa0) { // !(VFR && !RDO && CRC && !RAB)
- if (!(rstad &0x80))
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): invalid frame");
- if ((rstad &0x40))
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): RDO");
- if (!(rstad &0x20))
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): CRC error");
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x80); // RMC
- } else { // received frame ok
- count = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_RBCLD);
- if (count) count--; // RSTAB is last byte
- count &= D_FIFO_SIZE-1;
- if (count == 0) count = D_FIFO_SIZE;
- dch_empty_fifo(cs, count);
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- if ((count = cs->rcvidx) > 0) {
- cs->rcvidx = 0;
- if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count)))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax dch_int(): receive out of memoryn");
- else {
- memcpy(skb_put(skb, count), cs->rcvbuf, count);
- skb_queue_tail(&cs->rq, skb);
- }
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- cs->rcvidx = 0;
- dch_sched_event(cs, D_RCVBUFREADY);
- }
- if (istad &0x40) { // RPF
- dch_empty_fifo(cs, D_FIFO_SIZE);
- }
- if (istad &0x20) { // RFO
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): RFO");
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x40); //RRES
- }
- if (istad &0x10) { // XPR
- if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_DBUSY_TIMER, &cs->HW_Flags))
- del_timer(&cs->dbusytimer);
- if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L1_DBUSY, &cs->HW_Flags))
- dch_sched_event(cs, D_CLEARBUSY);
- if (cs->tx_skb) {
- if (cs->tx_skb->len) {
- dch_fill_fifo(cs);
- goto afterXPR;
- }
- else {
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(cs->tx_skb);
- cs->tx_skb = NULL;
- cs->tx_cnt = 0;
- }
- }
- if ((cs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&cs->sq))) {
- cs->tx_cnt = 0;
- dch_fill_fifo(cs);
- }
- else {
- dch_sched_event(cs, D_XMTBUFREADY);
- }
- }
- afterXPR:
- if (istad &0x0C) { // XDU or XMR
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN) debugl1(cs, "dch_int(): XDU");
- if (cs->tx_skb) {
- skb_push(cs->tx_skb, cs->tx_cnt); // retransmit
- cs->tx_cnt = 0;
- dch_fill_fifo(cs);
- } else {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax: ISAC XDU no skbn");
- debugl1(cs, "ISAC XDU no skb");
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void __devinit
- dch_setstack(struct PStack *st, struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- st->l1.l1hw = dch_l2l1;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void __devinit
- dch_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: IPACX ISDN driver v0.1.0n");
- cs->tqueue.routine = (void *)(void *) dch_bh;
- cs->setstack_d = dch_setstack;
- cs->dbusytimer.function = (void *) dbusy_timer_handler;
- cs->dbusytimer.data = (long) cs;
- init_timer(&cs->dbusytimer);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_TR_CONF0, 0x00); // clear LDD
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_TR_CONF2, 0x00); // enable transmitter
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MODED, 0xC9); // transparent mode 0, RAC, stop/go
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MON_CR, 0x00); // disable monitor channel
- }
- //==========================================================
- // B channel functions
- //==========================================================
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Entry point for commands
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_l2l1(struct PStack *st, int pr, void *arg)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb = arg;
- long flags;
- switch (pr) {
- case (PH_DATA | REQUEST):
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- if (st->l1.bcs->tx_skb) {
- skb_queue_tail(&st->l1.bcs->squeue, skb);
- restore_flags(flags);
- } else {
- st->l1.bcs->tx_skb = skb;
- set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &st->l1.bcs->Flag);
- st->l1.bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0;
- restore_flags(flags);
- bch_fill_fifo(st->l1.bcs);
- }
- break;
- if (st->l1.bcs->tx_skb) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax bch_l2l1(): this shouldn't happenn");
- break;
- }
- set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &st->l1.bcs->Flag);
- st->l1.bcs->tx_skb = skb;
- st->l1.bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0;
- bch_fill_fifo(st->l1.bcs);
- break;
- case (PH_PULL | REQUEST):
- if (!st->l1.bcs->tx_skb) {
- clear_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags);
- st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_PULL | CONFIRM, NULL);
- } else
- set_bit(FLG_L1_PULL_REQ, &st->l1.Flags);
- break;
- set_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &st->l1.bcs->Flag);
- bch_mode(st->l1.bcs, st->l1.mode, st->l1.bc);
- l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg);
- break;
- l1_msg_b(st, pr, arg);
- break;
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_ACTIV, &st->l1.bcs->Flag);
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &st->l1.bcs->Flag);
- bch_mode(st->l1.bcs, 0, st->l1.bc);
- st->l1.l1l2(st, PH_DEACTIVATE | CONFIRM, NULL);
- break;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // proceed with bottom half handler BChannel_bh()
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_sched_event(struct BCState *bcs, int event)
- {
- bcs->event |= 1 << event;
- queue_task(&bcs->tqueue, &tq_immediate);
- mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Read B channel fifo to receive buffer
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_empty_fifo(struct BCState *bcs, int count)
- {
- u_char *ptr, hscx;
- struct IsdnCardState *cs;
- long flags;
- int cnt;
- cs = bcs->cs;
- hscx = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx;
- if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO))
- debugl1(cs, "bch_empty_fifo()");
- // message too large, remove
- if (bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx + count > HSCX_BUFMAX) {
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_empty_fifo() incoming packet too large");
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0;
- return;
- }
- // Read data uninterruptible
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- ptr = bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx;
- cnt = count;
- while (cnt--) *ptr++ = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RFIFOB);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC
- ptr = bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf + bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx;
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx += count;
- restore_flags(flags);
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) {
- char *t = bcs->blog;
- t += sprintf(t, "bch_empty_fifo() B-%d cnt %d", hscx, count);
- QuickHex(t, ptr, count);
- debugl1(cs, bcs->blog);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill buffer to transmit FIFO
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_fill_fifo(struct BCState *bcs)
- {
- struct IsdnCardState *cs;
- int more, count, cnt;
- u_char *ptr, *p, hscx;
- long flags;
- cs = bcs->cs;
- if ((cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX) && !(cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO))
- debugl1(cs, "bch_fill_fifo()");
- if (!bcs->tx_skb) return;
- if (bcs->tx_skb->len <= 0) return;
- hscx = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx;
- more = (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) ? 1 : 0;
- if (bcs->tx_skb->len > B_FIFO_SIZE) {
- more = 1;
- count = B_FIFO_SIZE;
- } else {
- count = bcs->tx_skb->len;
- }
- cnt = count;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- p = ptr = bcs->tx_skb->data;
- skb_pull(bcs->tx_skb, count);
- bcs->tx_cnt -= count;
- bcs->hw.hscx.count += count;
- while (cnt--) cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_XFIFOB, *p++);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, (more ? 0x08 : 0x0a));
- restore_flags(flags);
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO) {
- char *t = bcs->blog;
- t += sprintf(t, "chb_fill_fifo() B-%d cnt %d", hscx, count);
- QuickHex(t, ptr, count);
- debugl1(cs, bcs->blog);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // B channel interrupt handler
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_int(struct IsdnCardState *cs, u_char hscx)
- {
- u_char istab;
- struct BCState *bcs;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- int count;
- u_char rstab;
- bcs = cs->bcs + hscx;
- istab = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_ISTAB);
- //##############################################
- // printk(KERN_WARNING "bch_int(istab=%02x)n", istab);
- //##############################################
- if (!test_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) return;
- if (istab &0x80) { // RME
- rstab = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RSTAB);
- if ((rstab &0xf0) != 0xa0) { // !(VFR && !RDO && CRC && !RAB)
- if (!(rstab &0x80))
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: invalid frame", hscx);
- if ((rstab &0x40) && (bcs->mode != L1_MODE_NULL))
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: RDO mode=%d", hscx, bcs->mode);
- if (!(rstab &0x20))
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: CRC error", hscx);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x80); // RMC
- }
- else { // received frame ok
- count = cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_RBCLB) &(B_FIFO_SIZE-1);
- if (count == 0) count = B_FIFO_SIZE;
- bch_empty_fifo(bcs, count);
- if ((count = bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx - 1) > 0) {
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_HSCX_FIFO)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_int Frame %d", count);
- if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(count)))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax bch_int(): receive frame out of memoryn");
- else {
- memcpy(skb_put(skb, count), bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf, count);
- skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb);
- }
- }
- }
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0;
- bch_sched_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY);
- }
- if (istab &0x40) { // RPF
- bch_empty_fifo(bcs, B_FIFO_SIZE);
- if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) { // queue every chunk
- // receive transparent audio data
- if (!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(B_FIFO_SIZE)))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "HiSax bch_int(): receive transparent out of memoryn");
- else {
- memcpy(skb_put(skb, B_FIFO_SIZE), bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf, B_FIFO_SIZE);
- skb_queue_tail(&bcs->rqueue, skb);
- }
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0;
- bch_sched_event(bcs, B_RCVBUFREADY);
- }
- }
- if (istab &0x20) { // RFO
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d: RFO error", hscx);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x40); // RRES
- }
- if (istab &0x10) { // XPR
- if (bcs->tx_skb) {
- if (bcs->tx_skb->len) {
- bch_fill_fifo(bcs);
- goto afterXPR;
- }
- else {
- if (bcs->st->lli.l1writewakeup &&
- (PACKET_NOACK != bcs->tx_skb->pkt_type)) {
- bcs->st->lli.l1writewakeup(bcs->st, bcs->hw.hscx.count);
- }
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(bcs->tx_skb);
- bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0;
- bcs->tx_skb = NULL;
- }
- }
- if ((bcs->tx_skb = skb_dequeue(&bcs->squeue))) {
- bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0;
- set_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag);
- bch_fill_fifo(bcs);
- } else {
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag);
- bch_sched_event(bcs, B_XMTBUFREADY);
- }
- }
- afterXPR:
- if (istab &0x04) { // XDU
- if (bcs->mode == L1_MODE_TRANS) {
- bch_fill_fifo(bcs);
- }
- else {
- if (bcs->tx_skb) { // restart transmitting the whole frame
- skb_push(bcs->tx_skb, bcs->hw.hscx.count);
- bcs->tx_cnt += bcs->hw.hscx.count;
- bcs->hw.hscx.count = 0;
- }
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x01); // XRES
- if (cs->debug &L1_DEB_WARN)
- debugl1(cs, "bch_int() B-%d XDU error", hscx);
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_mode(struct BCState *bcs, int mode, int bc)
- {
- struct IsdnCardState *cs = bcs->cs;
- int hscx = bcs->hw.hscx.hscx;
- bc = bc ? 1 : 0; // in case bc is greater than 1
- if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_HSCX)
- debugl1(cs, "mode_bch() switch B-% mode %d chan %d", hscx, mode, bc);
- bcs->mode = mode;
- bcs->channel = bc;
- // map controller to according timeslot
- if (!hscx)
- {
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHA_TSDP_BC1, 0x80 | bc);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHA_CR, 0x88);
- }
- else
- {
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHB_TSDP_BC1, 0x80 | bc);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_BCHB_CR, 0x88);
- }
- switch (mode) {
- case (L1_MODE_NULL):
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0xC0); // rec off
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x30); // std adj.
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, 0xFF); // ints off
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments
- break;
- case (L1_MODE_TRANS):
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0x88); // ext transp mode
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x00); // xxx00000
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK);
- break;
- case (L1_MODE_HDLC):
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MODEB, 0xC8); // transp mode 0
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_EXMB, 0x01); // idle=hdlc flags crc enabled
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41); // validate adjustments
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, hscx, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK);
- break;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void
- bch_close_state(struct BCState *bcs)
- {
- bch_mode(bcs, 0, bcs->channel);
- if (test_and_clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) {
- if (bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf) {
- kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf);
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL;
- }
- if (bcs->blog) {
- kfree(bcs->blog);
- bcs->blog = NULL;
- }
- skb_queue_purge(&bcs->rqueue);
- skb_queue_purge(&bcs->squeue);
- if (bcs->tx_skb) {
- dev_kfree_skb_any(bcs->tx_skb);
- bcs->tx_skb = NULL;
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag);
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static int
- bch_open_state(struct IsdnCardState *cs, struct BCState *bcs)
- {
- if (!test_and_set_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag)) {
- if (!(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = kmalloc(HSCX_BUFMAX, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
- "HiSax open_bchstate(): No memory for hscx.rcvbufn");
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag);
- return (1);
- }
- if (!(bcs->blog = kmalloc(MAX_BLOG_SPACE, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
- "HiSax open_bchstate: No memory for bcs->blogn");
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_INIT, &bcs->Flag);
- kfree(bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf);
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvbuf = NULL;
- return (2);
- }
- skb_queue_head_init(&bcs->rqueue);
- skb_queue_head_init(&bcs->squeue);
- }
- bcs->tx_skb = NULL;
- clear_bit(BC_FLG_BUSY, &bcs->Flag);
- bcs->event = 0;
- bcs->hw.hscx.rcvidx = 0;
- bcs->tx_cnt = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static int
- bch_setstack(struct PStack *st, struct BCState *bcs)
- {
- bcs->channel = st->l1.bc;
- if (bch_open_state(st->l1.hardware, bcs)) return (-1);
- st->l1.bcs = bcs;
- st->l2.l2l1 = bch_l2l1;
- setstack_manager(st);
- bcs->st = st;
- setstack_l1_B(st);
- return (0);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void __devinit
- bch_init(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int hscx)
- {
- cs->bcs[hscx].BC_SetStack = bch_setstack;
- cs->bcs[hscx].BC_Close = bch_close_state;
- cs->bcs[hscx].hw.hscx.hscx = hscx;
- cs->bcs[hscx].cs = cs;
- bch_mode(cs->bcs + hscx, 0, hscx);
- }
- //==========================================================
- // Shared functions
- //==========================================================
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Main interrupt handler
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- void
- interrupt_ipacx(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- u_char ista;
- while ((ista = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTA))) {
- //#################################################
- // printk(KERN_WARNING "interrupt_ipacx(ista=%02x)n", ista);
- //#################################################
- if (ista &0x80) bch_int(cs, 0); // B channel interrupts
- if (ista &0x40) bch_int(cs, 1);
- if (ista &0x01) dch_int(cs); // D channel
- if (ista &0x10) cic_int(cs); // Layer 1 state
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Clears chip interrupt status
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static void __init
- clear_pending_ints(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
- {
- int ista;
- // all interrupts off
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASK, 0xff);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASKD, 0xff);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_MASKB, 0xff);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_MASKB, 0xff);
- ista = cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTA);
- if (ista &0x80) cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_ISTAB);
- if (ista &0x40) cs->BC_Read_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_ISTAB);
- if (ista &0x10) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_CIR0);
- if (ista &0x01) cs->readisac(cs, IPACX_ISTAD);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Does chip configuration work
- // Work to do depends on bit mask in part
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- void __init
- init_ipacx(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int part)
- {
- if (part &1) { // initialise chip
- //##################################################
- // printk(KERN_INFO "init_ipacx(%x)n", part);
- //##################################################
- clear_pending_ints(cs);
- bch_init(cs, 0);
- bch_init(cs, 1);
- dch_init(cs);
- }
- if (part &2) { // reenable all interrupts and start chip
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_MASKB, _MASKB_IMASK);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASKD, _MASKD_IMASK);
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_MASK, _MASK_IMASK); // global mask register
- // reset HDLC Transmitters/receivers
- cs->writeisac(cs, IPACX_CMDRD, 0x41);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 0, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41);
- cs->BC_Write_Reg(cs, 1, IPACX_CMDRB, 0x41);
- ph_command(cs, IPACX_CMD_RES);
- }
- }
- //----------------- end of file -----------------------