- // PicContro.cpp: implementation of the CPicContro class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "QuickImage.h"
- #include "PicControl.h"
- #include "raw.h"
- //#include "gemfile.h"
- //#include "MathEx.h"
- #include "dibapi.h"
- #include "importsjpegfile.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- double CPicControl::ViewFit(CPoint &ptDIBCent, const CRect &rcView, const HDIB hDIB)
- {
- LPSTR lpDIB = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- long cxDIB = ::DIBWidth(lpDIB); // Size of DIB - x
- long cyDIB = abs(::DIBHeight(lpDIB)); // Size of DIB - y
- ::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- double dX= (double)cxDIB/rcView.Width();
- double dY= (double)cyDIB/rcView.Height();
- double dZoom = dX > dY ? dX : dY;
- ptDIBCent.x = cxDIB/2;
- ptDIBCent.y = cyDIB/2;
- return dZoom;
- }
- double CPicControl::ViewActual(CPoint &ptDIBCent, const CRect &rcView, const HDIB hDIB)
- {
- // ASSERT(NULL != pView);
- LPSTR lpDIB = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- long cxDIB = ::DIBWidth(lpDIB); // Size of DIB - x
- long cyDIB = abs(::DIBHeight(lpDIB)); // Size of DIB - y
- ::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- ptDIBCent.x = cxDIB < rcView.Width() ? cxDIB/2 : rcView.Width()/2;
- ptDIBCent.y = cyDIB < rcView.Height() ? cyDIB/2 : rcView.Height()/2;
- return 1.0;
- }
- double CPicControl::ZoomIn(double dZoom)
- {
- dZoom *= 2.0;
- if(dZoom > 10)
- {
- dZoom=10.0;
- }
- return dZoom;
- }
- double CPicControl::ZoomOut(double dZoom)
- {
- dZoom /= 2.0;
- if(dZoom < 0.01)
- {
- dZoom=0.01;
- }
- return dZoom;
- }
- double CPicControl::ZoomPan(CPoint &ptDIBCent,
- const CPoint &ptMouseD, const CPoint& ptMouseU, double dZoom)
- {
- ptDIBCent.x -= int((ptMouseU.x-ptMouseD.x) * dZoom);
- ptDIBCent.y -= int((ptMouseU.y-ptMouseD.y) * dZoom);
- return dZoom;
- }
- double CPicControl::ZoomWindow(CPoint &ptDIBCent,
- const CRect &rcView, CRect &rcWindow, double dZoom)
- {
- // ASSERT(NULL != hDIB);
- // ASSERT(NULL != pView);
- rcWindow.NormalizeRect();
- if((rcWindow.Width() < 10) || (rcWindow.Height() <10))
- {
- return dZoom;
- }
- CPoint ptWindow,ptView;
- ptWindow = rcWindow.CenterPoint();
- ptView = rcView.CenterPoint();
- ptDIBCent.x += long((ptWindow.x-ptView.x) * dZoom);
- ptDIBCent.y += long((ptWindow.y-ptView.y) * dZoom);
- double dX,dY;
- dX = (double)rcView.Width() / rcWindow.Width();
- dY = (double)rcView.Height() / rcWindow.Height();
- dZoom /= (dX < dY ? dX : dY);
- return dZoom;
- }
- void CPicControl::CalcuRect(CRect& rcView, CRect& rcDIB,
- const CPoint &ptDIBCent, const HDIB hDIB, double dZoom)
- {
- // ASSERT(NULL != pView);
- LPSTR lpDIB = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- long cxDIB = ::DIBWidth(lpDIB); // Size of DIB - x
- long cyDIB = abs(::DIBHeight(lpDIB)); // Size of DIB - y
- ::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- int iDCMid = rcView.CenterPoint().x;
- double dDIBDiff = ptDIBCent.x / dZoom;
- if(iDCMid < dDIBDiff)
- {
- rcDIB.left = ptDIBCent.x - int(iDCMid * dZoom);
- }
- else
- {
- rcView.left = iDCMid - (int)dDIBDiff;
- rcDIB.left = 0;
- }
- dDIBDiff = (cxDIB - ptDIBCent.x) / dZoom;
- if(iDCMid < dDIBDiff)
- {
- rcDIB.right = ptDIBCent.x + int(iDCMid * dZoom);
- }
- else
- {
- rcView.right = iDCMid + (int)dDIBDiff;
- rcDIB.right = cxDIB;
- }
- iDCMid = rcView.CenterPoint().y;
- dDIBDiff = ptDIBCent.y / dZoom;
- if(iDCMid < dDIBDiff)
- {
- rcDIB.top = ptDIBCent.y - int(iDCMid * dZoom);
- }
- else
- {
- rcView.top = iDCMid - int(ptDIBCent.y / dZoom);
- rcDIB.top = 0;
- }
- dDIBDiff = (cyDIB - ptDIBCent.y) / dZoom;
- if(iDCMid < dDIBDiff)
- {
- rcDIB.bottom = ptDIBCent.y + int(iDCMid * dZoom);
- }
- else
- {
- rcView.bottom = iDCMid + (int)dDIBDiff;
- rcDIB.bottom = cyDIB;
- }
- if(rcDIB.top == 0)
- {
- rcDIB.top = cyDIB - rcDIB.Height();
- rcDIB.bottom = cyDIB;
- }
- if(rcView.top == 0)
- {
- cxDIB = cyDIB - rcDIB.bottom;
- rcDIB.bottom = cyDIB - rcDIB.top;
- rcDIB.top = cxDIB;
- }
- }
- void CPicControl::ViewIdeal(CPoint &ptDIBCent, double &dZoom,
- const CView *pView, const HDIB hDIB)
- {
- ASSERT(NULL != pView);
- LPSTR lpDIB = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- long cxDIB = ::DIBWidth(lpDIB); // Size of DIB - x
- long cyDIB = abs(::DIBHeight(lpDIB)); // Size of DIB - y
- ::GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);
- ptDIBCent.x = cxDIB / 2;
- ptDIBCent.y = cyDIB / 2;
- CRect rcDC;
- pView->GetClientRect(&rcDC);
- rcDC.InflateRect(-2, -2);
- double dx = (double)rcDC.Width() / cxDIB;
- double dy = (double)rcDC.Height() / cyDIB;
- if((dx > 1.0) && (dy > 1.0))
- {
- dZoom = 1.0;
- }
- else
- {
- dZoom = dx > dy ? dx : dy;
- }
- }