资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;/*
- ; * Microsoft Confidential
- ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1985-1991
- ; * All Rights Reserved.
- ; */
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; This file has most of the initialization code. All the procedures in this ;
- ; file are needed only during the initialization phase and are defined in a ;
- ; main code segment. WOA will ignore this segment when it does swapping etc ;
- ; as all of the code in this segment id discardable in any case. ;
- ; ;
- ; History: ;
- ; ;
- ; Fri June-15-1990. -by- Amit Chatterjee [amitc] ;
- ; Adapted for the Dos Task Switcher. ;
- ; ;
- ; Thu May-03-1990. -by- Amit Chatterjee [amitc] ;
- ; Created for Windows. (Added the History legend) ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ?win = 0
- ?DF = 1
- .xlist
- include cmacros.inc
- include woasegs.inc
- include macros.mac
- include njmp.mac
- include woaerr.inc
- include woakeys.inc
- include dosx.inc
- include grabber.inc
- include woaswch.inc
- .list
- .8086 ;must have to run on 8086s too.
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; define the external function calls. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------;
- ; external FAR OLDAPP procedures. ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- sBegin Data
- ;-------------------------------------------------;
- ; declare all external data seg variables. ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------;
- externB DataSegEnd ;end of _DATA segment
- externB EmsFlag ;EMS present or not.
- externB XmsFlag ;XMS present or not
- externB SwitcherColors ;colors for switcher screen
- externB WoaSwap1Path ;first swap path.
- externB WoaSwap2Path ;second swap path.
- externW Swap1MinK ;min size to be left on 1st path
- externW Swap2MinK ;min size to be left on 2nd path
- externB ErrorType ;WOA error type
- externW hApp ;window handle for this instance
- externB CurrentPathId ;swap path id for current AP.
- externB StartRestartId ;start or restart
- externW HighMemXmsHandle ;handle of the high mem XMS block
- externW StubSegSize ;size of real mode stub segment
- externW WoaCsSize ;size of protected mode code seg
- externW WoaDsSize ;size of winoldap data segment
- externD XmsBankSize ;size of XMS to be allocated
- externW XmsHeapWalkSel ;scratch selector for walking xms heap
- externW WoaStubSel ;sel for current loaction of stub code
- externW ArenaWalkSel ;temp selector for walkimg arena chain
- externW ArenaRWSel ;temp sel for reading/writing arenas
- externW AppXmsBaseSel ;selector to base of apps XMS block
- externB DosAppSwapFileName ;app swap file name
- externW DosAppNumber ;app number to be run in this instance
- externB FileTemplate ;for deleting files
- externB WoaSwapFilePrefix ;'~WOA'
- externB DiskSwap1Drive ;swap drive index for drive 1
- externB DiskSwap2Drive ;swap drive index for drive 1
- externD lpXmsControl ;XMS control function address
- externW AppMinMem ;minimum memory required
- externW AppMinXmsK ;minimum XMS memory required
- externW AppMaxXmsK ;maximum xms required
- externW LowMemSel ;pointer to start of block
- externB LowMemBlockType ;type of the low mem block
- externW LowMemArenaSel ;pointer to its arena
- externW LowMemParaSize ;size of available low memory in para
- externD HighMemSize ;size of available high heap
- externW WoaPDBSeg ;WOA's PSP
- externW SegResizeBlock ;block to resize in real mode
- externW SizeReservedArea ;size of area reserved area at heap st.
- externW UsableLowHeapSel ;sel/seg for reusable part of low heap
- externW SegAfterReservedArea ;segment after the reserved area
- externW StartScreenLines ;startup no of screen lines
- externB SwitcherID ;ID of this switcher (bits 14 & 15)
- ;-------------------------------------------------------;
- ; define any locally used constants. ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------;
- ; define any external constants. ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------;
- ;------------------------------------------------------;
- ; define public names. ;
- ;------------------------------------------------------;
- public GetSegmentLimits
- sEnd Data
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; declare external FAR Winoldap procedures. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- externFP ErrorHandler ;(WOAMGR.ASM)
- externFP FarCopyBasicSwap1FileName ;(WOAMGR.ASM)
- externFP FarCopyBasicSwap2FileName ;(WOAMGR.ASM)
- externFP FarAppendUniqueNumber ;(WOAMGR.ASM)
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; Declare the the code segment and any labels that we want to refernce in it;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-------------------------------------------------;
- ; define external data references. ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------;
- sBegin Code
- externB CodeSegEnd ;end of _TEXT segment
- sEnd Code
- sBegin StubSeg
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; declare external data refernces. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- externB WoaGrabberName ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaGrabberSwapPath ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaPath ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaParams ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaFcb1 ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaFcb2 ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB Woa6fValue ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaIrq9Global ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaNetAsyncSwitching ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externW WoaCpuType ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externW WoaFileEntrySize ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaBehavior ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaHotKeys ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externW WoaStartScreenLines ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaAltTabDisabled ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaShftAltTabDisabled ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaAltEscDisabled ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaShftAltEscDisabled ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaCtrlEscDisabled ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- externB WoaSwitcherID ;(WOARLM.ASM)
- sEnd StubSeg
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- sBegin StubSeg
- ; InitStartLine MUST be at the very start of the one time initialization code,
- ; it is the address which will be used to discard the one time initialization
- ; code after itis done.
- public InitStartLine
- InitStartLine equ $ ;MAKE ME FIRST! Everything after this will
- ; be discarded after initialization
- externB XmsStartLine ;start of XMS handler in real mode stub
- externB StubSegEnd ;end of _WOARLMSEG segment
- ;-------------------------------------------------;
- ; define local entry points ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------;
- assumes cs,StubSeg
- assumes ds,Data
- assumes es,nothing
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; define temporary strings. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- szEmsName db 'EMMXXXX0' ;EMM device name
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; define local constants. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- CMD_LINE_PARAM_LEN equ 2 ;length of command line param
- VALID_CMD_LINE_PARAM equ 0FE20H ;valid parameter
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; include the HELP text message. This is a separate file for international ;
- ; conversions. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- include woahelp.inc
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; ParseCommandLine: ;
- ; ;
- ; DOSSWAP expects a special parameter from the DOSSHELL which tells it that ;
- ; it is being run from the SHELL and not from a DOS prompt. This is actually ;
- ; a space followed by a special character which is kinda difficult to type ;
- ; in from the keyboard (At this point it is 0FEH, 08H would probably have ;
- ; been the best!). If we do not find this special parameter, we will print ;
- ; out a help text and exit. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc ParseCommandLine,<FAR,PASCAL,PUBLIC>
- cBegin
- ; command line shoule be at DS:80H.
- mov si,80h ;default DTA address
- lodsb ;get length of command line
- cmp al,CMD_LINE_PARAM_LEN ;is it the length that we expect ?
- jnz PCL_PrintHelpText ;no, print help text and exit
- ; check the validity of the parameter.
- lodsw ;get the next two words
- .errnz CMD_LINE_PARAM_LEN - 2
- cmp ax,VALID_CMD_LINE_PARAM ;is it the one that we expect ?
- jz PCL_Ret ;yes, carry is clear too.
- PCL_PrintHelpText:
- ; we don't expect any parameters. Simply print an error message an exit
- push ds ;save
- push cs
- pop ds ;ds points has stub seg
- mov dx, StubSegOFFSET HelpText
- mov ah,9
- int 21h ;print help message
- pop ds ;restore
- stc ;error exit, but no error code
- PCL_Ret:
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; InitializeWoa: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine setus up some WOA variables by reafing SYSTEM.INI etc. This ;
- ; code is executed only once and the advantage of having it in a separate ;
- ; code segment is that we will ignore all the code in this segment after ;
- ; the initializations are done. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc InitializeWoa,<FAR,PASCAL,PUBLIC>
- parmW StartRestart ;start or restart
- cBegin
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; find out if EMS is present or not, setting flag appropriately. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- mov ax,3567h ;want to get INT 67 vector
- int 21h ;ES:BX has the vector
- mov di,10 ;want to inspect offset 10
- mov si,StubSegOFFSET szEmsName ;DS:SI points to exepected name
- mov cx,8 ;need to compare 8 bytes
- cld ;set proper direction flag
- push ds ;save
- smov ds,cs ;load code
- repz cmpsb ;compare names
- pop ds ;restore
- jnz @f ;names do not match, driver absent
- mov EmsFlag,0ffh ;EMS driver prsent
- @@:
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; Parse the FCBS in the command line for the EXEC call. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cmp StartRestart,1 ;if restart
- jz @f ;skip this
- mov si,StubSegOFFSET WoaParams+1 ;point to the parameters
- mov di,StubSegOFFSET Woafcb1 ;fill in the first FCB
- smov es,cs ;all in same segment
- mov ax,2901h
- int 21h ;PARSE DOS call
- call find_next_arg ;looks for further args
- jnz @f ;no second parameter
- mov di,StubSegOFFSET Woafcb2
- mov ax,2901h
- int 21h ;parse and fill in fcb2
- @@:
- ; deal with memory requirements.
- cCall AllocateXms ;allocate all of XMS if HIMEM is loaded
- ; check for extended memory requirements, if the requirements are not
- ; satisfied, invoke the error handler and never return.
- cCall CheckXmsRequirements ;XMS memory requirement tests
- ; now get the sizes of various segments etc.
- ; get the limit fields and save them
- call GetSegmentLimits ;set segment limits -- sets StubSegSize
- cmp StartRestart,0 ;is it start ?
- jnz @f ;yes
- ; now test to see if the applications conventional and extended mode memory
- ; requirements can be satisfied or not. If memory requrements cannot be met,
- ; the following routine will never return
- call IsThereEnoughMemory ;check conventional/XMS mem requirements
- @@:
- clc ;no error
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; IsThereEnoughMemory: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine checks to see if enough memory can be released to meet the ;
- ; apllications conventional. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- IsThereEnoughMemory proc near
- xor ax,ax ;initialize size of resident area
- ; now in the resident area of conventional memory the main code and data
- ; segments will allways be resident in real mode winoldap (this is not true for
- ; protected mode winoldap). So initialize the size of the real mode resident
- ; area with the size of the main code and data segments.
- mov ax,WoaCsSize ;size of the main code segment
- add ax,WoaDsSize ;add in the size of the data segment
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; code independent of real or protected mode. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; now check convetional memory requirements.
- mov bx,AppMinMem ;get minimum req. in KB
- cmp bx,0 ;was minimum limit specified ?
- jz ThereIsEnoughMemory ;memory requirements will be met
- ; get the size of the stub segment
- add ax,StubSegSize ;size of the stub seg
- ; bx has the minimum memory required in Kbytes, we need to mutiply that by 64
- ; to get the number of paragraphs.
- shiftr ax,4 ;get number of paragraphs
- inc ax ;round up
- shiftl bx,6 ;ax has min requirement in paragraphs
- ; if there is not enough memory to run the application, get out and complain
- neg ax ;need to subtract from total memory
- add ax,LowMemParaSize ;size of low heap area
- cmp bx,ax ;is there enough memory
- jbe ThereIsEnoughMemory ;yes there is
- ; we cannot run the appilaction
- mov ErrorType,ER_LOW_MEMORY ;error type
- jmp ErrorHandler ;get out
- ThereIsEnoughMemory:
- ret
- IsThereEnoughMemory endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; GetSegmentLimits: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine gets the limits of the various winoldap segments. It also ;
- ; obtains the sel values for the block allocated to the switcher by Dos and ;
- ; also it's size and a sel for it's arena. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- GetSegmentLimits proc near
- push es ;save
- mov ax,CodeOFFSET CodeSegEnd;end label in _TEXT segment
- add ax,15 ;take into next para
- and ax,0fff0h ;paragraph allign
- mov WoaCsSize,ax ;save it
- mov ax,DataOFFSET DataSegEnd;end label in _DATA segment
- add ax,15 ;take into next para
- and ax,0fff0h ;paragraph allign
- mov WoaDsSize,ax
- ; if the XMS handler is not needed we will discard it.
- mov bx,StubSegOFFSET InitStartLine ;discardable code line
- mov ax,wptr XmsBankSize ;if there is an XMS requirement
- or ax,wptr [XmsBankSize+2] ; the XMS handler can't be
- jnz @f
- mov bx,StubSegOFFSET XmsStartLine ;discard XMS code
- @@:
- add bx,15 ;take into next para
- and bx,0fff0h ;paragraph allign
- mov StubSegSize,bx ;usable stub area
- pop es ;restore es
- mov ah,62h ;get PSP
- int 21h ;BX has the PSP segment
- mov WoaPDBSeg,bx ;save it
- mov LowMemSel,bx ;save it
- dec bx ;point to the arena
- mov LowMemArenaSel,bx ;save it
- push es ;save
- mov es,bx ;point to the arena
- mov ax,es:[3] ;get the size of block in paragraphs
- mov LowMemParaSize,ax ;save it
- mov al,es:[0] ;get the block type
- mov LowMemBlockType,al ;save it too
- pop es ;restore
- ; save the sel for the block that will be resized.
- mov ax,LowMemSel ;selector for the block
- mov SegResizeBlock,ax ;save it.
- ; get the maximum of the 3 segments.
- mov ax,_TEXT ;get code segment
- mov bx,WoaCsSize ;and its size
- cmp ax,DGROUP ;compare with DS seg
- ja @f ;no need to swap
- mov ax,DGROUP ;load ds
- mov bx,WoaDsSize ;load ds's size
- @@:
- cmp ax,_WOARLMSEG ;comapare with stub
- ja @f ;no need to swap
- mov ax,_WOARLMSEG ;load stub seg
- mov bx,StubSegSize ;and its size
- @@:
- shiftr bx,4 ;convert to para
- add ax,bx ;get to end of segment
- sub ax,LowMemSel ;subtract the PSP seg
- mov SizeReservedArea,ax ;size of reserved area
- add ax,LowMemSel ;segment where stub seg will be loaded
- mov SegAfterReservedArea,ax ;address of segment after reserved area
- mov UsableLowHeapSel,ax ;seg for usable area
- ret
- GetSegmentLimits endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; CheckXmsRequirements: ;
- ; ;
- ; If no XMS memory is required by the application, a flag would be set to ;
- ; indicate that. ;
- ; ;
- ; If XMS is required but no XMS driver is loaded we will exit and report the ;
- ; error. ;
- ; ;
- ; We will then find out details about the XMS block allocated for the high ;
- ; heap and find out whether we can meet the oldapps requiremsts. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc CheckXmsRequirements,<NEAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>
- cBegin
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; real mode specific code. In real mode we need the address of the XMS contr-;
- ; -ol fuction, so get the address and save it. ;
- ; ;
- ; (note: this instance may not need any XMS memory, but this instance may ;
- ; later handle some old app which does need XMS and will then be needing ;
- ; the address of the control function). ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cmp AppMinXmsK,0 ;is there any requirement ?
- jnz XmsMemoryDesired ;yes
- ; as no xms memory is required, set the XMS flag off.
- mov wptr [XmsBankSize],0 ;no XMS memory needed
- mov wptr [XmsBankSize+2],0 ;reset hiword too
- jmp short CheckXmsReqRet ;go back.
- XmsMemoryDesired:
- ; test to see if XMS driver is loaded.
- mov ErrorType,ER_NO_XMS_DRV ;anticipating no XMS driver
- cmp XmsFlag,0ffh ;driver loaded ?
- njnz NearErrorHandler ;no xms driver loaded
- ; XMS driver is loaded, check to see if we can support apps requirements.
- mov cx,wptr [HighMemSize+2]
- mov dx,wptr [HighMemSize] ;CX:DX has size of high heap block
- ; get the number of K bytes this amounts to.
- mov dl,dh ;divide by 256
- mov dh,cl
- mov cl,ch
- xor ch,ch ;we have divided by 256, now by 4
- shr cx,1 ;get lsb into carry
- rcr dx,1 ;get it into dx
- shr cx,1 ;get lsb into carry
- rcr dx,1 ;CX:DX has mem available in K
- or cx,cx ;if cx > 0 we have enough
- jnz GrantXmsMemory ;enough is available
- mov ErrorType,ER_LOW_XMS_MEM;anticipate not enough memory
- cmp AppMinXmsK,-1 ;all of memory needed ?
- jz AllOfXmsNeeded ;yes
- cmp dx,AppMinXmsK ;compare with min requirement
- njb NearErrorHandler ;not enough for minimum requirement
- GrantXmsMemory:
- ; we have made sure that minimum requirement is met, but we must try to grant
- ; the maximum requirement.
- mov ax,AppMaxXmsK ;this is what we want to give
- cmp ax,-1 ;do we need all ?
- jz AllOfXmsNeeded ;yes
- cmp dx,AppMaxXmsK ;compare with max requirement.
- jbe AllOfXmsNeeded ;availabe is < desired, grant all
- jmp short SetXmsRequired ;set up size to be granted
- AllOfXmsNeeded:
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; In real mode, DX has the size of the XMS block rounded down to a K. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- mov ax,dx ;all of XMS to be granted
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- SetXmsRequired:
- mov bx,1024 ;need to do Kilo to byte conversion
- mul bx ;DX:AX has apps xms bank size
- SaveXmsSize:
- mov wptr [XmsBankSize+2],dx ;save high word
- mov wptr [XmsBankSize],ax ;save low word
- CheckXmsReqRet:
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; AllocateXms: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine gets the information about the XMS block to use. The XMS block;
- ; handle is will be saved in the global switch structure by the first inst. ;
- ; of the switcher (it would be 0 otherwise) and all other instances would use;
- ; it to get the size. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc AllocateXms,<NEAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>,<es,di>
- cBegin
- ; check to see if XMS driver is installed or not.
- mov XmsFlag,0 ;assume no xms.
- mov ax,4300h ;installation check
- int 2fh
- cmp al,80h ;failure ?
- njne AllocateXmsRet ;yes, no driver installed.
- mov XmsFlag,0ffh ;XMS exists
- ; get the XMS entry point address.
- push es ;will get thrashed
- mov ax,4310h ;code to get the address
- int 2fh ;address in es:bx
- mov wptr [lpXmsControl+2],es;save segment of control function
- mov wptr [lpXmsControl],bx ;save the offset
- pop es ;restore
- ; get a pointer to the global switch structure and find out whether a privious
- ; instance had allocated the block or not.
- mov ax,4a05h ;opcode
- int 2fh ;dx:ax has the long pointer
- mov es,dx ;load it into es
- mov di,ax ;es:di -> info structure
- mov dx,es:[di].XMS_Handle ;get the stored handle
- or dx,dx ;if zero then not allocated.
- jz DoAllocateXMS ;must allocate it.
- ; the XMS block has already been allocated, save the handle and get the size.
- mov HighMemXmsHandle,dx ;save the handle
- mov ax,wptr es:[di][0].XMS_Size
- mov word ptr [HighMemSize],ax;save low word of size
- mov ax,wptr es:[di][2].XMS_Size
- mov word ptr [HighMemSize+2],ax;save high word
- jmp short AllocateXMSRet ;done.
- DoAllocateXMS:
- ; get the size of the largest available block.
- mov ah,08h ;query amt. of free memory
- call lpXmsControl ;AX has largest free block size in K
- cmp bl,80h ;error ?
- jz AllocateXmsRet ;no XMS available
- cmp bl,81h ;error ?
- jz AllocateXmsRet ;no XMS available
- ; allocate the block and get it's handle.
- push ax ;save the size of the largest block.
- mov dx,ax ;requested size = size of largest block
- mov ah,09h ;allocate XMS block
- call lpXmsControl ;AX has largest free block size in K
- or ax,ax ;failed ?
- pop ax ;get back size
- jz AllocateXmsRet ;allocation failed.
- ; save the handle and the size of the block.
- mov HighMemXmsHandle,dx ;save the handle
- mov bx,1024 ;need size in KB
- xor dx,dx ;clear out before mul
- mul bx ;dx:ax has size in bytes
- mov word ptr [HighMemSize],ax;save low word of size
- mov word ptr [HighMemSize+2],dx;save high word
- ; now save the block information in the global structure.
- mov wptr es:[di][0].XMS_Size,ax
- mov wptr es:[di][2].XMS_Size,dx
- mov dx,HighMemXmsHandle ;get the handle
- mov es:[di].XMS_Handle,dx ;save it
- ; finally lock the block.
- mov ah,0ch ;lock XMS block
- call lpXmsControl ;AX has largest free block size in K
- AllocateXmsRet:
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; GetSizeFromArena: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine will be assembled only in real mode and it looks into the ;
- ; arena associated with a segment whose values in in ax and returns the size ;
- ; in bytes in AX. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- GetSizeFromArena proc near
- dec ax ;get to the arena
- mov es,ax ;have es pointing to arena
- mov ax,es:[3] ;get the size in paragraphs
- shiftl ax,4 ;get it in bytes
- ret
- GetSizeFromArena endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; GetSwapFilePathPrefix: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine gets the path prefix for the swap files to be used. ;
- ; ;
- ; . If the [NowWindowsAppf] section in SYSTEM.INI has an entry specifi-;
- ; -ed for the key, 'swapdisk=', then that will be the path for temp ;
- ; files,else ;
- ; . the 'GetTempFileName' function is invoked to get the complete ;
- ; path name of the temp drive and part of the name upto the unique ;
- ; number is extracted from it. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- GetSwapFilePathPrefix proc near
- cld ;do not take chances with this
- ; copy the paths. First the first swap path
- mov si,DataOFFSET WoaSwapFilePrefix
- mov di,DataOFFSET WoaSwap1Path
- call AppendDsSiToDsDi
- ; now the second swap path.
- mov si,DataOFFSET WoaSwapFilePrefix
- mov di,DataOFFSET WoaSwap2Path
- call AppendDsSiToDsDi
- ; prepare the grabber swap file name from the second swap path
- mov di,DataOFFSET DosAppSwapFileName;prepare name here
- call FarCopyBasicSwap2FileName;copy the name until the unique num
- mov ax,0ffeeh ;irrelevant, grabber will redo this
- call FarAppendUniqueNumber ;just have a win style file name
- mov si,DataOFFSET DosAppSwapFileName
- mov di,StubSegOFFSET WoaGrabberSwapPath
- push es ;save
- smov es,ds ;es:si ppints to file name
- call CopyEsSiToCsDi ;copy over to the stubsegment
- pop es
- ret
- GetSwapFilePathPrefix endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; AppendDsSiToDsDi: ;
- ; ;
- ; Appends the strung at DS:SI to the string at ES:DI and makes sure that the ;
- ; composite string end with a '' ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- AppendDsSiToDsDi proc near
- ; first get to the end of the path.
- push es
- smov es,ds ;es=ds
- @@:
- mov al,es:[di] ;get the next byte
- inc di ;next byte
- or al,al ;NULL ?
- jnz @b ;no.
- sub di,2 ;go back to last character
- mov al,es:[di] ;get the last character
- cmp al,'' ;path separator ?
- jz @f ;yes
- mov al,'' ;load it, zero in high byte
- @@:
- stosb ;append a path separator
- ; now copy the path prefix.
- @@:
- lodsb ;get the next byte
- stosb ;save it
- or al,al ;NULL copied ?
- jnz @b ;no.
- pop es ;restore
- ret
- AppendDsSiToDsDi endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; GetSwapFileInformation: ;
- ; ;
- ; Gets information for building up swap file names. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc GetSwapFileInformation,<NEAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>,<si,di>
- cBegin
- ; get the path prefix to be used for all swap files.
- call GetSwapFilePathPrefix ;get the prefix
- ; obtain the drive letter for the swap drive from the basic swap name.
- mov al,WoaSwap1Path ;get the first letter
- and al,0dfh ;convert to upper case
- mov DiskSwap1Drive,al ;save
- mov al,WoaSwap2Path ;get the first letter
- and al,0dfh ;convert to upper case
- mov DiskSwap2Drive,al ;save
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; find_next_arg: ;
- ; Takes ES:SI over DOS delimiters and if poitions it to point ;
- ; to the next valid dos argument, or resturns NZ if end of line is reached ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- find_next_arg proc near
- push ds ;save
- smov ds,es ;load it in ds:si
- find_next_arg_1:
- lodsb ;get the next byte
- cmp al,0dh ;end of command line?
- je no_more_args ;there is no second argument
- call delim ;is this a DOS delimiter?
- jz find_next_arg_1 ;yes, skip over it
- dec si ;point to this char
- xor al,al ; set zero flag
- jmp short find_next_arg_ret
- no_more_args:
- dec si
- or al,al ;If end then AL is non zero
- find_next_arg_ret:
- pop ds ;restore
- ret
- find_next_arg endp
- delim proc near
- cmp al,' ' ;space ?
- jz delim_ret
- cmp al,'='
- jz delim_Ret
- cmp al,',' ;comma ?
- jz delim_ret
- cmp al,';' ;semicolon ?
- jz delim_ret
- cmp al,09H ;tab
- jz delim_ret
- cmp al,0AH ; Line Feed
- delim_ret:
- ret
- Delim endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; GetCompleteFileName: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine takes a long pointer to a complete or partial file name and ;
- ; returns the complete file name in the same buffer. If the file cannot be ;
- ; found, AX will be set to -1. Also it assumes that the file name with the ;
- ; NULL terminator is not more than 64 characters long. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc GetCompleteFileName,<NEAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>
- parmD lpName ;input file name
- cBegin
- cld ;do not take chances with this
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; DeleteTempFiles: ;
- ; ;
- ; This routine goes through a sequence of find first/find next calls and ;
- ; deletes all woa and grabber left over temp files if any. The current DTA ;
- ; address is saved and this routine uses a DTA on the stack for these calls ;
- ; ;
- ; The grabber files will not be deleted if we have an instance of Windows ;
- ; 3.0 winoldap active or if this is not the first instance of the switcher. ;
- ; ;
- ; The grabber swap files can only be in the second swap path (the grabbers ;
- ; do not support two swap paths and Winoldap lets the grabber know only of ;
- ; the second swap path.). There will thus be 3 groups to delete (woa swap ;
- ; files in two swap paths and grabber swap file groups in the second path). ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc DeleteTempFiles,<NEAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>,<es,si,di>
- localD CurrentDta ;saves current DTA address here
- localV NewDta,128 ;used for find/first and find next.
- cBegin
- ; get and save the current DTA address
- mov ah,2fh ;get DTA address call
- int 21h ;es:bx has the current address
- mov seg_CurrentDta,es ;save segment
- mov off_CurrentDta,bx ;save offset
- ; set the new DTA address to stack.
- lea dx,NewDta ;will have it here on stack.
- push ds ;save
- smov ds,ss ;ds:dx is the new DTA area
- mov ah,1ah ;set DTA address
- int 21h ;new DTA on stack
- pop ds ;restore
- ; now delete the WOA temp files.
- mov cx,3 ;3 chains to delete
- DeleteAChain:
- ; get the template of the next chain based on the value of cx:
- ; CX = 3 implies woa files in second path, CX = 2 implies grabber files in
- ; second path and CX = 1 implies woa files in first path.
- ; We should not try to delete grabber files if the SwitcherID is not 1 or if
- ; Windows 3.0 winoldap is active.
- cmp cx,2 ;trying to delete grabber files ?
- jnz DTF_OkToDeleteChain ;no.
- cmp SwitcherID,1 ;first instance of switcher ?
- jnz DTF_SkipThisChain ;no, do not delete grabber files
- ; check to see if another winoldap is active as a real mode stub.
- mov ax,IS_WINOLDAP_ACTIVE ;woa traps this in real mode
- int 2fh ;see if woa is in chain
- or ax,ax ;is woa active as a stub ?
- jz DTF_SkipThisChain ;yes, donot delete any files
- DTF_OkToDeleteChain:
- call GetTempFileTemplate ;ds:dx has the file name template
- push cx ;save
- mov cx,3 ;include hidden and read-only files
- mov ah,4eh ;find first call
- int 21h ;get the first in chain
- jc DoNextChain ;no such file
- DeleteTheFile:
- ; recreate the complete path-file name from the file name that we just found
- pop cx ;restore loop index
- push cx ;save it back
- call CopyBasicTempPrefix ;get the basic temp prefix
- sub di,4 ;back over '~DOS'
- lea si,NewDta+1eh ;file name here
- push ds ;save
- smov ds,ss ;ds:dx has the file to delete
- ; now copy the file name over to complete the path file name
- @@:
- lodsb ;get the next character of file name
- stosb ;copy it
- or al,al ;are we done ?
- jnz @b ;no.
- ; now delete the file after setting normal attributes.
- pop ds ;restore ds
- mov ax,4301h ;set file attributes
- xor cx,cx ;normal attributes
- int 21h ;normal attributes set
- mov ah,41h ;delete file code
- int 21h ;one file deleteted
- mov ah,4fh ;find next file in chain
- int 21h ;did we get another
- jc DoNextChain ;no.
- jmp short DeleteTheFile ;delete this and look for more
- DoNextChain:
- pop cx ;get back count
- DTF_SkipThisChain:
- loop DeleteAChain ;delete this chain too.
- ; now set back the original DTA address and go back.
- push ds ;save
- mov dx,off_CurrentDta ;old dta offset
- mov ds,seg_CurrentDta ;old dta segment
- mov ah,1ah ;set DTA code
- int 21h ;DTA address restored
- pop ds ;restore data segment
- DeleteTempFilesRet:
- cEnd
- ;------------------------------------------;
- ; get template for temp files based on the ;
- ; value of CX. ;
- ; CX = 3 => woa temp files in swap path2 ;
- ; CX = 2 => grb temp files in swap path2 ;
- ; CX = 1 => woa temp files in swap path1 ;
- ;------------------------------------------;
- GetTempFileTemplate proc near
- call CopyBasicTempPrefix ;get the basic path prefix
- cmp cx,2 ;grabber template ?
- jz GetGrbTemplate ;get grabbers file template
- ; now append a nibble for the switcher ID.
- mov al,SwitcherID ;get the ID
- and al,0fh ;only a nibble of ID
- add al,30h ;convert numbers to ascii
- cmp al,'9' ;did we go above 9 ?
- jbe GTFT_ALHasAscii ;no, we are ok.
- add al,7h ;convert to (A-F)
- GTFT_ALHasAscii:
- stosb ;save it
- mov ax,'.*' ;follow it up with '*.*'
- stosw ;save it
- mov ax,'*' ;ah will have terminating NULL
- stosw ;template created
- mov dx,DataOFFSET FileTemplate
- ret
- GetGrbTemplate:
- sub di,3 ;step back over 'DOS'
- mov ax,'RG' ;nedd to have 'GRB' instead
- stosw ;'GR' saved
- mov al,'B' ;last part of 'GRB'
- stosb ;initial part done.
- mov ax,'.*' ;follow it up with '*.*'
- stosw ;save it
- mov ax,'*' ;ah will have terminating NULL
- stosw ;template created
- mov dx,DataOFFSET FileTemplate
- ret
- GetTempFileTemplate endp
- ;--------------------------------------------;
- ; gets the basic swap path prefix based on ;
- ; the value of cx. CX = 2 or 3 implies use ;
- ; swap path 2, CX = 1 implies use path 1 ;
- ;--------------------------------------------;
- CopyBasicTempPrefix proc near
- mov di,DataOFFSET FileTemplate
- test cx,2 ;2 or 3
- jnz @f ;yes.
- call FarCopyBasicSwap1FileName;get prefix for path 1
- ret
- @@:
- call FarCopyBasicSwap2FileName;get prefix for path 2
- ret
- CopyBasicTempPrefix endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; GetSwitcherInfo: ;
- ; ;
- ; Gets info from the global switch structure. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- cProc GetSwitcherInfo,<FAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>,<es>
- localD OtherSwitcherAddr ;call in address of the 'other' switcher
- cBegin
- ; get a pointer to the global block.
- mov ax,4a05h ;opcode
- int 2fh ;dx:ax has the long pointer
- mov es,dx ;load it into es
- mov di,ax ;es:di -> info structure
- ; scan through the list and if all ProgramID's are zero, then reset the
- ; Id_Serial field.
- lea si,[di].Program_List ;es:si points to the first program entry
- mov cx,MAX_NUM_PROGRAMS ;get the max number of entries
- xor ax,ax ;will build a count here
- LoopAllEntries:
- test es:[si].Program_Flags,F_FREE
- jnz ContinueLoop ;this is a free entry
- cmp es:[si].Program_Id,0 ;has this been run before ?
- jnz OutOfLoop ;yes, break out of loop
- ContinueLoop:
- add si, SIZE Switch_Entry ;es:si -> next program
- inc ax ;one more fresh entry obtained
- loop LoopAllEntries ;continue lloking
- OutOfLoop:
- cmp ax,MAX_NUM_PROGRAMS ;all entries fresh ?
- jb @f ;no.
- mov es:[di].Id_Serial,0 ;reset this.
- @@:
- ; copy the SwitcherId from the global structure.
- mov al,es:[di].Switcher_Id ;ID allocated to this swicher
- mov SwitcherID,al ;save it.
- ; get a pointer to the first program in the list.
- lea si,[di].Program_List ;start of array
- xor ah,ah ;clear out high byte
- mov al,es:[di].First_In_List;get index of first entry
- mov bl,SIZE Switch_Entry ;size of each entry
- mul bl ;ax has start offset
- add si,ax ;es:si -> first program in list.
- ; copy program related variables.
- mov ax,es:[si].Conv_Req ;get conventional memory requirements
- mov AppMinMem,ax ;save minimum memory required
- mov ax,es:[si].XMS_Req ;amount of xms required
- mov AppMinXmsK,ax ;save as min xms requirement
- mov ax,es:[si].XMS_Want ;xms desired
- mov AppMaxXmsK,ax ;save it
- ; if AppMaxXmsK is < AppMinXmsK, set it to AppMinXmsK.
- cmp ax,AppMinXmsK ;ax could be -1 too.
- jae @f ;all is fine
- mov ax,AppMinXmsK ;minimum
- mov AppMaxXmsK,ax ;save it
- @@:
- ; copy global variables and flags from the switch_info structure.
- xor ah,ah ;reset
- mov al,es:[di].Num_Lines ;start up no of screen lines
- ; if the screen lines is zero, we must get it from the BIOS area
- or al,al ;uninitialized ?
- jnz @f ;no.
- push es ;save
- mov bx,40h ;bios data area
- mov es,bx ;es points to BIOS data segment
- mov bx,84h ;location where screen lines saved
- mov al,es:[bx] ;get the no of screen lines
- inc ax ;actually it is one more
- pop es ;restore
- @@:
- mov cs:[WoaStartScreenLines],ax;save it
- mov StartScreenLines,ax ;save a local copy too.
- mov al,es:[di].Screen_Back ;back ground screen color
- mov [SwitcherColors],al ;save it
- mov al,es:[di].Title_Back ;title back ground color
- mov [SwitcherColors+1],al ;save it
- mov al,es:[di].Title_Fore ;title text color
- mov [SwitcherColors+2],al ;save it
- mov ax,es:[di].CPU_Type ;get the CPU type
- mov cs:[WoaCpuType],ax ;save it
- mov ax,es:[di].SFT_Size ;get the file entry size
- mov cs:[WoaFileEntrySize],ax;save it
- ; set the global flags
- mov al,es:[di].Global_Flags ;get the global flags
- mov cs:[Woa6fValue],0 ;assume int 6f not to be done
- test al,GF_INT_6F_TOBE_DONE ;int 6f to be done ?
- jz @f ;no.
- mov cs:[Woa6fValue],0ffh ;int 6f to be done.
- @@:
- mov cs:[WoaIrq9Global],0 ;assume IRQ 9 to be handled globally
- test al,GF_IRQ9_GLOBAL ;is IRQ 9 global ?
- jnz @f ;yes
- mov cs:[WoaIrq9Global],0ffh ;don't handle IRQ 9
- @@:
- mov cs:[WoaNetAsyncSwitching],0 ;assume cannot switch out on async net
- test al,GF_NET_ASYNC_SWITCH_OK;is it ok to switch out ?
- jz @f ;no
- mov cs:[WoaNetAsyncSwitching],0ffh ;ok to switch out
- @@:
- ; copy various behaviour bits and hot key states.
- mov cs:[WoaBehavior],0 ;initialize
- mov cs:[WoaHotKeys],0 ;initialize
- mov ax,es:[si].Program_Flags
- mov cs:[WoaBehavior],al ;save it
- mov cs:[WoaHotkeys],ah ;save
- ; also set bytes in the local hot key list for keys that are disabled.
- test ax,F_NO_ALT_TAB ;ALT+TAB disabled ?
- jz @f ;no.
- mov cs:[WoaAltTabDisabled],0ffh
- mov cs:[WoaShftAltTabDisabled],0ffh
- @@:
- test ax,F_NO_ALT_ESC ;ALT+ESC disabled ?
- jz @f ;no.
- mov cs:[WoaAltEscDisabled],0ffh
- mov cs:[WoaShftAltEscDisabled],0ffh
- @@:
- test ax,F_NO_CTRL_ESC ;ALT+ESC disabled ?
- jz @f ;no.
- mov cs:[WoaCtrlEscDisabled],0ffh
- @@:
- ; copy the swither ID.
- mov al,SwitcherID ;get the ID
- mov cs:[WoaSwitcherID],al ;pass it on
- ; now copy the program name.
- push di ;save
- push si ;save program entry pointer
- mov di,StubSegOFFSET WoaPath;save program name here.
- lea si,[si].Program_Name ;es:si -> program name
- call CopyEsSiToCsDi ;copy the name .
- pop si ;get back start of entry
- pop di ;restore.
- ; now copy the parameters
- push di ;save
- push si ;save program entry pointer
- lea si,[di].Parameters ;es:si -> parametsrs
- mov di,StubSegOFFSET WoaParams;command parameters
- call CopyEsSiToCsDi ;copy the name .
- pop si ;get back start of entry
- pop di ;restore.
- ; get the program ID and the path ID.
- mov al,es:[si].Path_Id ;get the path ID
- mov CurrentPathId,al ;save it
- mov ax,es:[si].Program_Id ;id for the app
- mov hApp,ax ;save it.
- mov StartRestartId,al ;start if 0 else restart
- or ax,ax ;is it a fresh start ?
- jnz @f ;no.
- ; build the DosAppNumber.
- mov ax,es:[di].Id_Serial ;get the serial id
- mov DosAppNumber,ax ;save it.
- inc ax ;increment it
- mov es:[di].Id_Serial,ax ;update it.
- ; build the hApp id. This is basically the slot in the global structure where
- ; the program details have been built. Or in otherwords, it is First_In_List.
- ; we also need to combine the SwitcherID with it.
- mov ah,SwitcherID ;get the ID
- shiftl ah,4 ;only four 4 bits are significant
- mov al,es:[di].First_In_List;rest of the task id
- mov hApp,ax ;app's id
- mov es:[si].Program_Id,ax ;save it
- @@:
- ; get the grabber file name.
- mov si,di ;es:si -> SwitchInfo structure
- push si ;save
- lea si,es:[si].Grabber_Name ;es:si -> points to the grabber name
- mov di,StubSegOFFSET WoaGrabberName;will copy grabber name here
- call CopyEsSiToCsDi ;copy the name .
- pop si ;es:si -> SwitchInfo
- ; copy the two swap file paths.
- push si ;save
- lea si,es:[si].Swap_Path1 ;es:si -> points to the swap path
- mov di,DataOFFSET WoaSwap1Path;will copy path here
- call CopyEsSiToDsDi ;copy the name .
- pop si ;restore pointer to entry
- push si ;save
- lea si,es:[si].Swap_Path2 ;es:si -> points to the swap path
- mov di,DataOFFSET WoaSwap2Path;will copy path here
- call CopyEsSiToDsDi ;copy the name .
- pop si ;restore pointer to entry
- ; load the minimum space information for the two swap paths.
- mov ax,es:[si].Min_Path1 ;min space for path 1
- mov Swap1MinK,ax ;save it
- mov ax,es:[si].Min_Path2 ;min space for path 2
- mov Swap2MinK,ax ;save it
- ; get information about swap file.
- call GetSwapFileInformation
- ; If DosAppNumber is 0 and this is not a restart, we must delete all
- ; temporary files
- cmp DosAppNumber,0 ;first app ?
- jnz @f ;no.
- cmp StartRestartID,0 ;if tart
- jnz @f ;delete files.
- cCall DeleteTempFiles ;delete all temporary files.
- @@:
- clc ;successful completion of routine
- jmp short GetSwitcherInfoRet
- GetSwitcherInfoErr:
- stc ;error, cannot proceed
- GetSwitcherInfoRet:
- cEnd
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; CopyEsSiToDsDi: ;
- ; ;
- ; Copies a NULL terminated string from es:si to ds:si. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- CopyEsSiToDsDi proc near
- mov al,es:[si] ;load a byte
- mov ds:[di],al ;save it
- inc si ;bump src ptr
- inc di ;bump target ptr
- or al,al ;NULL copied ?
- jnz CopyEsSiToDsDi ;continue
- ret ;done
- CopyEsSiToDsDi endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; CopyEsSiToCsDi: ;
- ; ;
- ; Copies a NULL terminated string from es:si to cs:si. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- CopyEsSiToCsDi proc near
- mov al,es:[si] ;load a byte
- mov cs:[di],al ;save it
- inc si ;bump src ptr
- inc di ;bump target ptr
- or al,al ;NULL copied ?
- jnz CopyEsSiToCsDi ;continue
- ret ;done
- CopyEsSiToCsDi endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; NearErrorHanlder: ;
- ; ;
- ; From here we jump into the main code segment error handler. ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- NearErrorHandler:
- jmp ErrorHandler ;hApp jump into _TEXT segment
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- sEnd StubSeg
- end