资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;/*
- ; * Microsoft Confidential
- ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991
- ; * All Rights Reserved.
- ; */
- #include <common.h>
- #include <filemgr.h>
- #include <text.h>
- #include <menus.h>
- #include <prot.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <direct.h>
- extern GlobalIdle(void);
- extern TOKEN Get_Identifier_Token(char far *identifier);
- extern void Shell_TTY_Out(char *str);
- extern void Get_CWD(char *);
- extern BOOL AddTask(char far *programname, char far *parameters,char far *defaulttitle,TOKEN properties);
- struct CountryBuffer {
- int Date_Format;
- char Currency_Symbol[5];
- char Thousands_Sep[2];
- char Decimal_Sep[2];
- char Date_Sep[2];
- char Time_Sep[2];
- char Currency_Pos;
- char Num_Decimals;
- char Time_Format;
- long Case_Mapping;
- char Data_Sep[2];
- char Reserved[10];
- } ;
- struct CountryBuffer NationData;
- MSG msg;
- INST ginst;
- INGD gingd;
- INDV gindv;
- BOOL gisgraph = FALSE ;
- INCH cinch;
- BOOL gfStillInitializing; /* used in allocs to bail if we're gonna toast */
- BOOL gfScreenModeChanged; /* used to restore screen in case we bail out early */
- BOOL gfSwapHandlerInstalled;
- char gStartUpDir[1+MAX_PATH];
- char gStartInDir[1+MAX_PATH];
- int gStartUpDirEnd; /* location where the NULL goes in the above name */
- BOOL gBeeps_On; /* Whether to have Beeps turned on or not on error */
- gBeeps_On = TRUE ;
- extern MENUINFO MainMenuBar;
- extern MENUINFO FileMgrMenuBar;
- extern BYTE ErrorCrit;
- extern VOID setmenubar(MENUINFO *amenu,PWND towind);
- extern BOOL GetInternationalData(void);
- extern void InstallSwapHandler(void) ;
- extern void PrintHelpText(void);
- extern VOID SetUpExitToDos(void); /* see init.c */
- extern BOOL AsynchUpdateTreeList(void);
- VOID DeleteBatchFile(void);
- extern WND ViewWind;
- extern BOOL gMouseDown;
- extern BYTE gMouseX; /* X value of last mouse-down */
- extern BYTE gMouseY; /* Y value of last mouse-down */
- * We still don't have international am/pm symbols
- */
- /*
- * sets up datestr to be in format ' 00-00-00 '
- * sets up timestr to be in format ' 12:20 am '
- *
- * if force is not set, and time (minutes) has not changed, returns
- * false and does not format strings.
- * if force is set, formats strings and returns true
- * if force is not set, and time has changed, formats strings and returns true
- */
- #define NumToAsc(num,str) (temp=(num)/10, *(str++)=(char)((temp%10)+'0'), *(str++)=(char)((num)-temp*10+'0'))
- BOOL FAR Get_Date_and_Time_Strings(unsigned int theDate, unsigned int theTime,
- char *datestr, char *timestr, BOOL force)
- {
- static struct tm lasttime;
- struct tm temptime, *newtime;
- time_t long_time;
- register int temp;
- int date1, date2, date3; /* for international date order */
- if(!theDate && !theTime) {
- time(&long_time);
- newtime = localtime(&long_time);
- } else {
- temptime.tm_year = 80 + (theDate>>0x09);
- temptime.tm_mon = ((theDate>>0x05)&0x0f) - 1;
- temptime.tm_mday = theDate&0x1f;
- temptime.tm_hour = theTime>>0x0b;
- temptime.tm_min = (theTime>>0x05)&0x3f;
- #if 0 /* We don't use the seconds */
- temptime.tm_sec = 2*(theTime&0x1f);
- #endif
- newtime = &temptime;
- goto FormatDateAndTime;
- }
- if (force || (newtime->tm_min != lasttime.tm_min))
- {
- lasttime = *newtime;
- FormatDateAndTime:
- if(datestr) {
- if(NationData.Date_Format == 1) {
- date1 = newtime->tm_mday;
- date2 = newtime->tm_mon + 1;
- date3 = newtime->tm_year;
- } else if(NationData.Date_Format == 2) {
- date1 = newtime->tm_year;
- date2 = newtime->tm_mon + 1;
- date3 = newtime->tm_mday;
- } else {
- date1 = newtime->tm_mon + 1;
- date2 = newtime->tm_mday;
- date3 = newtime->tm_year;
- }
- NumToAsc(date1, datestr);
- *(datestr++) = *NationData.Date_Sep;
- NumToAsc(date2, datestr);
- *(datestr++) = *NationData.Date_Sep;
- NumToAsc(date3, datestr);
- }
- if(timestr) {
- if(NationData.Time_Format&0x01) { /* A 24-hour clock */
- timestr[5] = ' ';
- NumToAsc(newtime->tm_hour, timestr);
- } else { /* A 12-hour clock */
- temp = newtime->tm_hour;
- if(temp < 12) {
- if(temp == 0)
- temp = 12;
- timestr[5] = 'a';
- } else {
- if(temp != 12)
- temp = temp - 12;
- timestr[5] = 'p';
- }
- if((temp/10)>0)
- *(timestr++) = (char) ((temp/10) + '0');
- else
- *(timestr++) = (char) ' ';
- *(timestr++) = (char) ((temp%10) + '0');
- }
- *(timestr++) = *NationData.Time_Sep;
- NumToAsc(newtime->tm_min, timestr);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- } else {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- /*
- * draw the top title bar--
- */
- VOID FAR UpdateMainTitleBar(char *szTitle)
- {
- char *titlestring;
- int i;
- WORD len;
- WORD titlestart;
- char padded[100];
- titlestring = szTitle ;
- len = strlen(titlestring);
- titlestart = axMac/2 - len/2;
- for(i=0;i<axMac;i++)
- {
- padded[i] = ' ';
- }
- FEnableMouseNest(FALSE);
- TextOut(&MainWind,(RX) 0,(RY) 0, padded,titlestart,isaHilite);
- TextOut(&MainWind,(RX) titlestart,0,titlestring,len,isaHilite);
- TextOut(&MainWind,(RX) titlestart+len,(RY)0, padded,axMac-(titlestart+len),isaHilite);
- if (gisgraph)
- {
- {
- SetAreaPat(0);
- SetLinePat(1);
- SetColor(0,0x7FFF);
- Move(0,CHEIGHT-1);
- Draw((axMac)*CWIDTH,CHEIGHT-1);
- }
- }
- FEnableMouseNest(TRUE);
- }
- VOID FAR PauseBeforeScreenErase(VOID)
- {
- #ifndef NOLOADER
- if(Get_KeyWord_Assignment(TK_SAVESTATE,TK_PAUSE) != TK_DISABLED)
- {
- if (GET_WAIT_FLAG())
- {
- /* clear out keyboard buffer */
- while(kbhit())
- getch();
- Shell_TTY_Out(szPressAKey);
- /* wait for key to be hit */
- while(!kbhit())
- ;
- /* eat key */
- getch();
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- VOID ParseCommandLine(void)
- {
- char far *commandline;
- char lastfound=0;
- char tstr[256], *szWhichRes;
- TOKEN tkRes;
- #ifndef NOLOADER
- return;
- /* We use the previous bytes to store pause flag status, a far pointer, etc
- * See loader.asm for exact details.
- */
- commandline = GET_COMMAND_PTR()+9;
- #if 0
- printf("%d, ", *(commandline-2)) ;
- printf("%d, ", *(commandline-1)) ;
- printf("%d, ", *commandline) ;
- printf("%d, ", *(commandline+1)) ;
- printf("%d, ", *(commandline+2)) ;
- printf("%d, ", *(commandline+3)) ;
- printf("n") ;
- getchar() ;
- #endif
- for( ; ; ++commandline) {
- switch(*commandline) {
- case(' '):
- case('r'):
- goto AllDone;
- break;
- case('/'):
- ++commandline;
- switch(lastfound=(char)toupper(*commandline)) {
- case 'T':
- break;
- case 'G':
- break ;
- case 'B' : // /BEEP
- Set_KeyWord_Assignment(TK_SAVESTATE, TK_BEEP, TK_ENABLED);
- break ;
- case 'N' : // /NOBEEP
- break ;
- #else
- case 'B' :
- break ;
- #endif
- case 'S' : // /SWAPMOUSE
- Set_KeyWord_Assignment(TK_SAVESTATE, TK_SWAPMOUSE,
- Get_KeyWord_Assignment(TK_SAVESTATE, TK_SWAPMOUSE)
- break ;
- #endif
- #if 0
- case '?' : // /HELP
- case 'H' :
- #endif
- default :
- PrintHelpText();
- SetUpExitToDos();
- exit(0);
- }
- break;
- case(':'):
- ++commandline;
- switch(lastfound) {
- case 'G':
- case 'T':
- switch(toupper(*commandline)) {
- case 'L':
- tkRes = TK_LOWRES;
- goto MakeKeyword;
- case 'M':
- goto MakeKeyword;
- case 'H':
- tkRes = TK_HIGHRES;
- goto MakeKeyword;
- MakeKeyword:
- strfcpy(tstr, Get_Token_Identifier(tkRes));
- for(szWhichRes=tstr; *szWhichRes; ++szWhichRes)
- /*do nothing */ ;
- for(++commandline; *commandline>='0' && *commandline<='9';
- ++commandline)
- *(szWhichRes++) = *commandline;
- *szWhichRes = ' ';
- Get_Identifier_Token(tstr));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- lastfound = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- AllDone:
- ;
- #endif
- }
- extern char far * cdecl GET_STARTUP_NAME(VOID);
- VOID FAR SetUpStartUpDirectory(VOID)
- {
- #ifndef NOLOADER
- strfcpy(gStartUpDir,GET_STARTUP_NAME());
- gStartUpDirEnd=FindLastComponent(gStartUpDir);
- gStartUpDir[gStartUpDirEnd]= 0;
- #else
- strcpy(gStartUpDir,".\");
- gStartUpDirEnd=2;
- #endif
- Get_CWD(gStartInDir);
- }
- extern char *gpszNonSwap ;
- /*
- * This is where all background tasking is done, so it should
- * be called often.
- */
- VOID MainIdle(void)
- {
- static int arbitrarycounter;
- /* Add more idle procs here if required.
- */
- #ifdef PROF
- ClockOn();
- #endif
- /* note we need to call both idles always!
- * thus, the & must be & and not && so it
- * won't short circuit!
- */
- if(gMouseDown && m_fPerformingViewFile()) {
- ViewWindProc(&ViewWind, WM_MOUSEIDLE, 1,
- ((DWORD)gMouseY<<24) | ((DWORD)gMouseX<<16));
- }
- if (FileMgrIdle() & StartProgramsIdle() & AsynchUpdateTreeList())
- {
- GlobalIdle(); /* Tell the world we're idle */
- }
- /*
- * We poll the time to see if it changed. But we
- * don't really need to do it all the time, so
- * we use "arbitrarycounter" to determine if we should
- * check to see if we should update it. Assumes we
- * are idle 64k times a minute
- */
- if (arbitrarycounter++ == 0)
- MessageBar(gpszNonSwap, isaMenu,FALSE);
- #ifdef PROF
- ClockOff();
- #endif
- fPollKeyboard=TRUE;
- }
- WORD gCnx = cnxNull;
- /*
- * Called by CW during menu and dialog idle time
- */
- {
- if(cnx == cnxDialog)
- {
- PDLG pdlg = (PDLG)LOWORD(Lparam);
- if (pdlg->pfnDlg != NULL)
- {
- /* send dlmIdle to appropriate dialog proc */
- (*pdlg->pfnDlg)(dlmIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- gCnx = cnx;
- /*
- * do not idle when in a critcal dialog!
- */
- if( ErrorCrit == 0xFF)
- {
- MainIdle();
- }
- gCnx = cnxNull;
- return(rspContinue);
- }
- /*
- * we don't use the standard argv handling, so why
- * have it around?
- */
- void cdecl _setargv(void)
- {
- }
- #if 0
- void cdecl _setenvp(void)
- {
- static char * foo;
- foo = environ;
- unlink("foo");
- }
- #endif
- * this is a replacement for the C call malloc. This SHOULD NEVER BE
- * CALLED IN YOUR CODE! This function is called at startup by
- * C-runtime to setup the environment. Since we don't want to carry
- * around a bunch of code we don't use, we just use our own allocation
- * Note that this memory is never freed! This is very important, since
- * the freework function can tromp
- * The real malloc sucks in about .5k of code
- */
- void * cdecl malloc(unsigned int s)
- {
- return(PbAllocWork(s));
- }
- BOOL gfEarlyExit = FALSE ;
- extern Dos_Version(void);
- void VersionCheck(void)
- {
- /* Perform version check!! We use the new "int 2f" issued by the BIOS
- * to swap disks on a single floppy system -- "A:", "B:" on 1 physical drive
- */
- if (Dos_Version() < MIN_MAJOR_VERSION)
- {
- Shell_TTY_Out(szIncorrectDosVersion) ;
- gfEarlyExit = TRUE ;
- DoExit() ;
- }
- }
- extern WORD GetLastScanCode(void);
- /*
- * Looks for '!' signature in the ROM, followed 18 bytes later by
- * '01' which is the ROM BIOS version number.
- * Thus, this will only detect Tandy's with version 1.0 ROM.
- */
- #define IsTandy1000 ( (*((BYTE FAR *)0xf000c000L) == 0x21) && (*((WORD FAR *)0xf000c012L) == 0x3130))
- /*
- * The Tandy 1000 returns some strange keyboard messages, so we have to
- * trap them and change them to the correct messages. GetLastScanCode
- * helps us determine what the correct message is, but it will return
- * useless values if a modifier key is changed, so we have to store the
- * last useful value in wSaveScanCode.
- */
- VOID FAR PASCAL Tandy1000KeyboardHook(WORD message, WORD wParam, DWORD lParam)
- {
- static WORD wSaveScanCode = 0;
- WORD wLastScanCode;
- #if 0
- char buf[80];
- if(message == WM_CHAR)
- com1("nWM_CHAR ");
- else if(message == WM_KEYUP)
- com1("nWM_KEYUP ");
- else if(message == WM_KEYDOWN)
- com1("nWM_KEYDOWN ");
- else {
- sprintf(buf, "n%-10d ", message);
- com1(buf);
- }
- sprintf(buf, "%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x ", wParam, HIWORD(lParam),
- GetLastScanCode()&0xff7f);
- com1(buf);
- if(message==WM_CHAR && !(wParam&0xff00)) {
- buf[0] = LOBYTE(wParam);
- buf[1] = ' ';
- com1(buf);
- }
- #endif
- if(message == WM_CHAR) {
- switch(wParam) {
- case(VK_HOME):
- wLastScanCode = GetLastScanCode()&0x7f;
- if(wLastScanCode == 0x47 || wLastScanCode == 0x58)
- wSaveScanCode = wLastScanCode;
- if(wSaveScanCode == 0x47)
- wParam = '\';
- break;
- case(VK_LEFT):
- wLastScanCode = GetLastScanCode()&0x7f;
- if(wLastScanCode == 0x4b || wLastScanCode == 0x2b)
- wSaveScanCode = wLastScanCode;
- if(wSaveScanCode == 0x4b)
- wParam = '|';
- break;
- case(VK_UP):
- wLastScanCode = GetLastScanCode()&0x7f;
- if(wLastScanCode == 0x48 || wLastScanCode == 0x29)
- wSaveScanCode = wLastScanCode;
- if(wSaveScanCode == 0x48)
- wParam = '~';
- break;
- case(VK_DOWN):
- wLastScanCode = GetLastScanCode()&0x7f;
- if(wLastScanCode == 0x50 || wLastScanCode == 0x4a)
- wSaveScanCode = wLastScanCode;
- if(wSaveScanCode == 0x50)
- wParam = '`';
- break;
- case('-'):
- wLastScanCode = GetLastScanCode()&0x7f;
- if(wLastScanCode == 0x58 || wLastScanCode == 0x0c)
- wSaveScanCode = wLastScanCode;
- if(wSaveScanCode == 0x58)
- wParam = VK_HOME;
- break;
- }
- }
- InsertKeyboardMessage(message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- char b1[80];
- extern int ghashhits;
- extern int ghashmisses;
- extern int ghashnotpresent;
- extern int gnohashnotpresent;
- #endif
- extern VOID Do_Read_Ini_File(void);
- /*
- ** Main program
- */
- void cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- UnReferenced(argc) ;
- UnReferenced(argv) ;
- /* Get information on the country we're in... */
- GetInternationalData();
- /* In case we bail out because of low memory situations, we want to
- * restore the screen to appropriate state before quitting in case we
- * modified the screen mode.
- */
- gfScreenModeChanged = FALSE;
- /* The following field is used to determine whether to bail out or not in
- * a low memory situation. If we run out of memory when we are initializing
- * we will bail out.
- */
- gfStillInitializing = TRUE;
- /* used to de-install swap handler on exitting the shell */
- gfSwapHandlerInstalled = FALSE ;
- VersionCheck() ;
- SetUpStartUpDirectory();
- /*
- * parse the shell.ini file
- */
- Do_Read_Ini_File();
- /* if we are returning from a program, we must pause before
- * we initialize the screen so the user can read the output
- * of the last program
- */
- PauseBeforeScreenErase();
- if (!InitializeShell())
- DoExit();
- //if(IsTandy1000) check is disfunctional, so we used an ini switch
- if(Get_KeyWord_Assignment(TK_SAVESTATE,TK_TANDY1000) == TK_ENABLED)
- HookKeyboardMessage(TRUE, Tandy1000KeyboardHook);
- /* Allocate memory for the OutOfMemory Dialog Box HCAB structure now.
- * When we are actually, out of memory, we may not be able to allocate
- * enuf memory to put up the dialog box. This way, we are guaranteed to
- * atleast be able to say: "Out Of Memory" in a neat dialog box!
- */
- if (!AllocateHcabForOutOfMem())
- DoExit();
- /* Set up the collating table for sorts to be done later! */
- SetCollatingTable() ;
- /* If we have to use the collating sort, set sort functions to the
- * collating sorts!
- */
- if (!FDoQuickCompare())
- {
- SortFnArr[SORT_NAME] = name_cmp ;
- SortFnArr[SORT_EXT] = ext_cmp ;
- /* This is the variable that is used to call the sort function! Update
- * it correctly.
- */
- if (*SortCmp == quick_name_cmp)
- {
- *SortCmp = name_cmp ;
- }
- else if (*SortCmp == quick_ext_cmp)
- {
- *SortCmp = ext_cmp ;
- }
- }
- InstallSwapHandler() ;
- /*
- * WARNING taskmaninit must happen first!
- */
- DeleteBatchFile();
- gfSwapHandlerInstalled = TRUE ;
- gfStillInitializing = FALSE;
- ErrorCrit = 34;
- itoa(ghashhits, b1, 10);
- strcat(b1, "n");
- itoa(ghashmisses, b1+strlen(b1), 10);
- strcat(b1, "n");
- itoa(gnohashnotpresent, b1+strlen(b1), 10);
- ShellMessageBox("HASH RESULTS", b1);
- ErrorCrit = 0xFF;
- #endif
- /*
- * Handle messages (keyboard,mouse)
- */
- MainIdle();
- while (1)
- {
- if (PeekMessage(&msg))
- {
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- else
- {
- MainIdle();
- }
- fPollKeyboard=TRUE;
- }
- }