资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* DISK_IO.H */
- /* */
- /* Copyright (c) 1991 - Microsoft Corp. */
- /* All rights reserved. */
- /* Microsoft Confidential */
- /* */
- /* Prototypes and struct definitions for low level disk access via */
- /* int 13h. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* Created 06-06-89 johnhe */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************************/
- #pragma pack(1) /* Pack all structures */
- /***************************************************************************/
- #define DOS_O_RDWR 2
- #define LAST_DISK 256
- #define REDO_DISK 257
- #define NOT_FOUND 258
- #define BAD_MEDIA 1
- #define BAD_HARDWARE 2
- #define BAD_SOURCE 3
- #define NO_SPACE 4
- #define DMA_ERROR 0x09
- #define BAD_DISK_ERROR -100
- #define MEMORY_ERROR -200
- #define IVALID_DRIVE_TYPE -300
- #define MAX_RETRIES 5
- #define DSK_PARAM_LEN 13
- #define DISK_INTERRUPT 0x13
- #define DISK_TIME_OUT 0x80
- #define DISK_WRITE_PROTECT 0x03
- #define DSK_PARAMS_VECT 0x1e
- #define READ 0
- #define WRITE 1
- #define MAX_FORMAT_TYPE 6
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Structure for passing to DOS 4.x int 25h & 26h disk io operations. */
- /***************************************************************************/
- {
- long lStartSector; /* Starting sector */
- unsigned uNumSectors; /* Number of sectors */
- char far *pchBuffer; /* Ptr to buffer */
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Media bios parameter block structure. Gives information about FAT based */
- /* block devices. */
- /* */
- /***************************************************************************/
- struct BPB
- {
- unsigned int uBytesPerSec; /* Bytes per sector */
- unsigned char uchSecPerClus; /* Sectors per cluster */
- unsigned int uReservSec; /* Number of reserved sectors */
- unsigned char uchNumberFats; /* Number of copies of the FAT */
- unsigned int uRootEntries; /* Number of root dir entries */
- unsigned int uTotalSectors; /* Total sectors on the disk */
- unsigned char uchMediaDescr; /* Media descriptor */
- unsigned int uSecPerFat; /* Number sectors per FAT copy */
- unsigned int uSecPerTrack; /* Number of sectors per track */
- unsigned int uNumberHeads; /* Total number of heads */
- unsigned long ulHiddenSec; /* Total hidden sectors (boot) */
- unsigned long ulTotalBigSecs; /* Total sectors on > 32M disks */
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* MS-DOS 4.0 boot record layout */
- struct BOOT_HEADER
- {
- unsigned char BootJmp[3]; /* 3 byte jmp */
- unsigned char OemString[8]; /* 8 byte OEM name string */
- struct BPB Bpb; /* Disk BPB structure */
- unsigned char uchPhysDrv; /* Physical drive number */
- unsigned char uchCurHd; /* Current hard disk */
- unsigned char uchExtSig; /* Extended BPB signature 0x29 */
- unsigned long ulSerial; /* Serial number */
- unsigned char uchVolLabel[11]; /* Volume label string */
- unsigned char uchSystemId[8]; /* System ID ie: "FAT12" etc. */
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Format of file's creation time in a DIR structure */
- /***************************************************************************/
- struct TIME
- {
- unsigned tSec:5;
- unsigned Min:6;
- unsigned Hour:5;
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- #ifndef DATE_DEFINED
- struct DATE
- {
- unsigned Day:5;
- unsigned Month:4;
- unsigned Year:7;
- };
- #define DATE_DEFINED
- #endif
- /***************************************************************************/
- struct DIR /* MS-DOS directory entry layout */
- {
- char Name[8]; /* File name padded with spaces */
- char Ext[3]; /* Padded file extension */
- char Attrib; /* File attributes */
- char Reserv[10]; /* Reserved for MS-DOS */
- struct TIME Time; /* Packed file creation time */
- struct DATE Date; /* Packed file creation date */
- unsigned Cluster; /* File's starting cluster */
- unsigned long Size; /* File size in bytes */
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Track layout information */
- /* needed by the ROM BIOS format */
- /* track function. */
- struct FIELD_LIST
- {
- unsigned char uchTrack; /* Zero based track */
- unsigned char uchHead; /* Zero based head */
- unsigned char uchSector; /* One based sector */
- unsigned char uchSize; /* Sector size ( 2 == 512 bytes) */
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* ROM BIOS DASD structure for */
- /* disk parameters. */
- struct DSK_PARMS
- {
- unsigned char Specify1;
- unsigned char Specify2;
- unsigned char MotorWait; /* Wait till motor off */
- unsigned char SecSize; /* Bytes/Sector (2 = 512) */
- unsigned char EOT; /* Sectors per track (MAX) */
- unsigned char RWGap; /* Read Write Gap */
- unsigned char DTL; /* */
- unsigned char FmtGap; /* Format Gap Length */
- unsigned char Fill; /* Format Fill Byte */
- unsigned char HdSettle; /* Head Settle Time (MSec) */
- unsigned char MotorStrt; /* Motor start delay */
- unsigned char Res1; /* Reserve field for new ROMs */
- unsigned char Res2; /* Reserve field for new ROMs */
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- struct DOS_FCB
- {
- char Drive;
- char Name[8];
- char Ext[3];
- unsigned CurBlock;
- unsigned RecSize;
- unsigned long FileSize;
- unsigned Date;
- unsigned Time;
- char Reserved[8];
- unsigned char CurRecord;
- unsigned long RelRecord;
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Function prototype for all functions in disk_lib */
- /***************************************************************************/
- extern int IsInterlnk ( int Drive );
- extern int IsRemoveable ( int Drive );
- extern int IsLocalDrive ( int Drive );
- extern int IsValidDrive ( char DriveLetter );
- extern int IsRamDrive ( char DriveLetter );
- extern int IsReallyValidHardDrive( char chDrive );
- extern int IsValidHardDrive( char chDrive );
- extern void EnableDiskAccess( unsigned char Drive );
- extern void far *SetMediaType ( unsigned uDrv,unsigned uTotalTracks,
- unsigned uSecPerTrack );
- extern int ResetDrv ( int Drive );
- extern int SetDiskType ( unsigned uDrv, unsigned char DiskType );
- extern int IsDiskReady ( int Drive );
- extern int GetBootSector ( int Drive, char far *Buffer );
- extern int CheckDmaBound ( void *Buffer, unsigned Bytes );
- extern int PhyDiskRead ( char *pchBuf,int iSecCyl,int iHead,char chDrive,
- int cSecs);
- extern int PhyDiskWrite ( char *pchBuf,int iSecCyl,int iHead,char chDrive,
- int cSecs);
- extern int FcbOpen ( struct DOS_FCB *Fcb );
- extern int FcbRename ( char *Fcb );
- extern int FcbParse ( char *Name, char *Fcb );
- extern void far Int24Fail ( void ); /* Must be FAR */
- extern int GetNumberOfDrives( void );
- extern int AbsReadWrite ( int Drive, struct ABSIO_PACKET *absPack,
- int ReadWrite );
- extern int IsValidPath (char *szPath,unsigned int uDrvNumber, int SavePath);
- extern int MoveToDir (char *szPath, int SavePath);
- extern int IsValidDirName (char *szPath);
- extern int ValidDirChars (char *szPath);
- extern void SetFileTimeDate( struct DIR *Dir );
- extern unsigned long ToLongTd( struct DIR *Dir );
- extern int ValidatePath ( char *szPath );
- extern int ValidateDir ( char *szPath );
- extern int IsFormatted ( int iDrv, struct BPB *Bpb, char *pchBuffer );
- extern int GetDiskHead ( unsigned uSec, struct BPB *Bpb );
- extern int GetDiskTrack ( unsigned uSec, struct BPB *Bpb );
- extern long _dos_seek ( int Handle, long lOffset, int Mode );
- extern int _dos_dskreset ( void );
- extern int _dos_getdir ( char *Buffer, int Drive );
- extern unsigned long GetDiskLabel( int iDrv, char *szLabel, struct BPB *Bpb );
- extern unsigned long SetDiskLabel( int iDrv, char *szLabel, struct BPB *Bpb );
- extern int ReadWriteBoot ( int iDosDrv, void *Buffer, int ReadWrite );
- extern int ReadWriteRoot ( int iDosDrv, struct BPB *Bpb, void *Buf,
- int Sector, int ReadWrite );
- extern int ReadWriteFat ( int iDosDrv, struct BPB *Bpb, void *Buf,
- int Sector, int ReadWrite );
- extern void interrupt cdecl far NewInt24 (unsigned es, unsigned ds,
- unsigned di, unsigned si,
- unsigned bp, unsigned sp,
- unsigned bx, unsigned dx,
- unsigned cx, unsigned ax );
- extern unsigned GetMaxSectorSize ( void );
- extern unsigned GetSectorSize ( unsigned char );
- /* FILE_LIB */
- extern int FileExists ( char *szFile );
- extern int IsDirEmpty ( char *szPath );
- extern int BigReadWrite ( int iFile,char far *Buf,long lBytes,int RdWr );
- extern int RenameFCB ( char *szFrom,char *szTo );
- extern int ReplaceFile ( char *szSource,char *szDestin );
- extern int RdWrSectors ( int iDrv, unsigned uSec, unsigned uNumSec,
- char *puchBuf, struct BPB *Bpb, int RdWr );
- extern int CreatRootDir ( int iDrv, struct BPB *Bpb );
- extern int ScrubFatRoot ( int iDrv, struct BPB *Bpb );
- extern void ScrubFat ( unsigned char *pchFat, unsigned Clusters );
- extern int WriteBoot ( int iDrv, struct BPB *Bpb, char *szLabel );
- extern long GetDiskFree ( int DrvLetter );
- extern int GetDskFmtType ( void );
- extern int GetDisketteType( int Drv );
- extern int FindFirstHd ( void *Buffer );
- extern int GetDriveType ( unsigned char Drive, void *Buffer );
- extern void InitNew13 ( void *SectorBuffer );
- extern void RestoreOld13 ( void );
- extern unsigned long FloppySetDiskLabel( int iDrv, char *szLabel, struct BPB *Bpb );
- int FloppyWriteBoot( int iDrv, struct BPB *Bpb, char *szLabel );