资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* DOSDATA.C -
- Copyright (c) 1991 - Microsoft Corp.
- All rights reserved.
- Microsoft Confidential
- Program to maintain the data file for the retail upgrade install
- utility. Usage is as follows:
- DOSDATA filename
- Incorporates the information from the specified text information
- file into the master data file.
- DOSDATA /D oemname version
- Deletes all information for the specified version of DOS
- from the master data file.
- An typical text information file might contain:
- Compaq 3.31
- lie:
- fdisk.exe
- rename:
- fdisk.exe fdisk40.exe
- delete:
- print.exe
- The master data file has the format:
- Dos_record_1
- Dos_record_2
- ...
- Dos_record_n
- Null_dos_record
- Name_record_1
- Name_record_2
- ...
- Name_record_n
- Null_name_record
- Name_entry_1
- Name_entry_2
- ...
- A Dos_record is:
- [oem-name][dos-version][data-addr]
- 18 2 4 = 24 bytes
- (The data-addr field is a pointer to the beginning of the
- various data tables for that DOS.)
- A Name_record is a variable length record containing a
- zero-terminated string with a file name or action name.
- A Name_entry is a 1 byte record containing an integer index into
- the name record table.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <systypes.h>
- #include <sysstat.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include "messages.h"
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define OK 0
- #define EOL ' '
- #define USIZE sizeof( unsigned )
- #define OEM_SIZE 20
- #define COMMENT_CHAR ';'
- typedef char FLAG;
- char *szEOD = "###";
- char *szDosDataFile = "dosdata.dat";
- char *szOldDataFile = "dosdata.bak";
- /***************************************************************************/
- #define MAX_OEMS 256
- #define MAX_STRINGS 1000
- #define MAX_DATA 4000
- #define MAX_TEXT 20000U
- struct NEW_DDR
- {
- char szOemName[ OEM_SIZE ]; /* OEM name */
- char MajorVer; /* Major DOS version number */
- char MinorVer; /* Minor DOS verison number */
- unsigned uDataOffset; /* Offset of start of data */
- }nDDR;
- struct NEW_DDR *ddrOemList; /* Array of DDR structures */
- struct NEW_DDR *pNextOem;
- char *pchStringBuf; /* Flat buffer to hold the data text */
- char *pchNextStr; /* Ptr to next free data text addr */
- unsigned *uDataBuf; /* Array to hold offset of data text */
- unsigned uDataNext; /* Next free entry in the data array */
- char **apszPtr; /* Araray of ptrs to the data text */
- unsigned uNextPtr; /* Index to next free text list entry */
- void *Buf[3]; /* Ptrs to 3 allocated buffers */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void main ( int cszArg,char * *rgszArg );
- void TrimSz ( char *sz );
- void ExitMsg ( char *szMsg );
- void ExitMsg1 ( char *szMsg,void *pParam );
- void GetFileName ( char *szFileName,int cszArg,char * *rgszArg );
- char DoesItExist ( void );
- void InitializeBuffers ( void );
- void ReadOldFile ( void );
- void GetDosId ( FILE *pFile, char *szSourceFile );
- void WriteNewFile ( void );
- void ReadSourceData ( char *szSourceFile );
- unsigned GetTextOffset ( char *szText );
- void *GetMemory ( unsigned int Bytes );
- /***************************************************************************/
- void main( int cszArg, char **rgszArg )
- {
- char szSourceFile[ 200 ];
- struct find_t File;
- InitializeBuffers();
- GetFileName( szSourceFile, cszArg, rgszArg );
- if ( !(_dos_findfirst( szDosDataFile, _A_NORMAL, &File )) )
- ReadOldFile();
- ReadSourceData( szSourceFile );
- WriteNewFile();
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Allocate all needed buffers. */
- /* */
- /* void InitializeBuffers( void ) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* RETURNS: void */
- /* */
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void InitializeBuffers( void )
- {
- ddrOemList = GetMemory( sizeof( struct NEW_DDR ) * MAX_OEMS );
- pchStringBuf = GetMemory( sizeof( unsigned ) * MAX_TEXT );
- uDataBuf = GetMemory( sizeof( unsigned ) * MAX_DATA );
- apszPtr = GetMemory( sizeof( char * ) * MAX_STRINGS );
- memset( ddrOemList, 0, sizeof( struct NEW_DDR ) * MAX_OEMS );
- /* Initialize all ptrs and indexes in */
- /* case starting new file */
- pNextOem = ddrOemList;
- pchNextStr = pchStringBuf;
- uDataNext = 0;
- uNextPtr = 0;
- Buf[0] = ddrOemList; /* Initialize array of ptrs to buffers */
- Buf[1] = pchStringBuf;
- Buf[2] = uDataBuf;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Read in all the data from the existing data file and initialize the */
- /* array of indexes to the strings in the text buffer. On return the all */
- /* of the indices and ptrs to the next free positions will be set to the */
- /* correct value and ready for adding new data to each of the data areas. */
- /* */
- /* void ReadOldFile( void ) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* RETURNS: void */
- /* */
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void ReadOldFile( void )
- {
- char *EndStrBuf;
- int iFile;
- int i;
- unsigned uSize[3];
- /* Read in the 3 parts of the file */
- if ( (iFile = open( szDosDataFile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY )) != -1 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
- if ( read( iFile, (char *) &uSize[i], USIZE ) != USIZE ||
- read( iFile, (char *)Buf[i], uSize[i] ) != (int)uSize[i] )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgErrReading, szOldDataFile );
- close ( iFile );
- }
- /* Initialize the array of ptrs to text */
- EndStrBuf = pchStringBuf + uSize[1];
- pchNextStr = pchStringBuf;
- for ( uNextPtr = 0;
- pchNextStr < EndStrBuf;
- uNextPtr++ )
- {
- apszPtr[ uNextPtr ] = pchNextStr;
- pchNextStr = strchr( pchNextStr, EOL ) + 1;
- }
- pNextOem = ddrOemList + (uSize[0] / sizeof( struct NEW_DDR ));
- uDataNext = uSize[2] / sizeof( unsigned );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Opens the file specified on the command line and processes the text in */
- /* in the file and then updates the 4 data areas in memory with the new */
- /* information. */
- /* */
- /* void ReadSourceData( char *szSourceFile ) */
- /* */
- /* ARGUMENTS: szSource - Path and name string for the file to process */
- /* */
- /* RETURNS: void */
- /* */
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void ReadSourceData( char *szSourceFile )
- {
- FILE *pFile;
- char szBuf[ 80 ];
- char *szString;
- if ( (pFile = fopen( szSourceFile, "rt" )) == NULL )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgErrOpening, szSourceFile );
- while ( ! feof( pFile ) )
- {
- /* Create an OEM struct for this vender */
- GetDosId( pFile, szSourceFile );
- while ( !feof( pFile ) )
- {
- if ( !fgets( szBuf, 80, pFile ) ) /* Get next line from file */
- {
- if ( ferror( pFile ) )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgErrReading, szSourceFile );
- }
- else
- { /* Check for buffer overflow */
- if ( uDataNext >= MAX_DATA - 1 ||
- uNextPtr >= (MAX_STRINGS - 1) ||
- (pchNextStr - pchStringBuf) > (int)(MAX_TEXT - 100) )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgTooMuch, szSourceFile );
- szString = strchr( szBuf, COMMENT_CHAR );
- if ( szString )
- *szString = 0 ; /* truncate comments */
- TrimSz( szBuf );
- if ( strcmp( szBuf, szEOD ) == 0 )
- break; /* End of this OEM's data */
- if ( *szBuf )
- uDataBuf[ uDataNext++ ] = GetTextOffset( szBuf );
- }
- }
- uDataBuf[ uDataNext++ ] = 0xffffU; /* Mark end of OEM data */
- }
- fclose( pFile );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Reads in an OEM string and initializes the next free OEM ddr structure */
- /* with the OEM name, version number and then increments the next free OEM */
- /* structure pointer. */
- /* */
- /* void GetDosId( FILE *pFile, char *szSourceFile ) */
- /* */
- /* ARGUMENTS: pFile - Open file structure */
- /* szSourceFile - The name of the source file (for error msgs) */
- /* */
- /* RETURNS: void */
- /* */
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void GetDosId( FILE *pFile, char *szSourceFile )
- {
- char *szString;
- char szBuf[ 80 ];
- char szOemName[ OEM_SIZE ];
- register i;
- int MajorVer;
- int MinorVer;
- do
- {
- if ( feof( pFile ) )
- return;
- if ( ! fgets( szBuf, 80, pFile ) )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgErrReading, szSourceFile );
- szString = strchr( szBuf, COMMENT_CHAR );
- if ( szString )
- *szString = 0; /* truncate comments */
- TrimSz( szBuf );
- }
- while ( *szBuf == 0 );
- for ( i = 0;
- szBuf[i] != '*' &&
- szBuf[i] != EOL &&
- i < (OEM_SIZE - 1);
- i++ )
- szOemName[i] = szBuf[i];
- szOemName[i++] = EOL;
- if ( sscanf( szBuf+i, "%d.%d", &MajorVer, &MinorVer ) != 2 )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgBadFormat, szSourceFile );
- strncpy( pNextOem->szOemName, szOemName, sizeof( pNextOem->szOemName ) - 1 );
- pNextOem->MajorVer = (char)MajorVer;
- pNextOem->MinorVer = (char)MinorVer;
- pNextOem->uDataOffset = uDataNext * USIZE;
- pNextOem++; /* Increment ptr to next OEM */
- printf( "OEM: %-24s Version: %2d.%2.2dn", szOemName, MajorVer, MinorVer );
- }
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void WriteNewFile( void )
- {
- int iFile;
- int i;
- unsigned uSize[3];
- uSize[0] = (unsigned)((pNextOem - ddrOemList) * sizeof( struct NEW_DDR ));
- uSize[1] = (unsigned)(pchNextStr - pchStringBuf);
- uSize[2] = uDataNext * USIZE;
- unlink( szOldDataFile ); /* Delete existing .bak file */
- rename( szOldDataFile, szOldDataFile );
- if ( (iFile = open( szDosDataFile, OPEN_MODE, S_IWRITE )) != -1 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
- if ( write( iFile, (char *) &uSize[i], USIZE ) != USIZE ||
- write( iFile, (char *)Buf[i], uSize[i] ) != (int)uSize[i] )
- ExitMsg1( szMsgErrWriting, szOldDataFile );
- close ( iFile );
- }
- else
- ExitMsg1( szMsgErrWriting, szOldDataFile );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Remove trailing spaces, tabs, and new-lines from string */
- void TrimSz( char *szString )
- {
- char *szPtr;
- /* szPtr -> end of string marker */
- szPtr = strchr( szString, EOL );
- /* go back to first non-space, non-tab */
- while ( (--szPtr >= szString ) &&
- (*szPtr == ' ' || *szPtr == 't' || *szPtr == 'n') )
- ;
- *(++szPtr) = EOL; /* terminate the string after that */
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- void ExitMsg( char *szMsg )
- {
- printf( szMsg );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- void ExitMsg1( char *szMsg, void *pParam )
- {
- char szBuf[ 80 ];
- sprintf( szBuf, szMsg, pParam );
- ExitMsg( szBuf );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Returns an index to the array of pointers which has a pointer to the */
- /* specified string. If the string does not exist a buffer is allocated */
- /* for it and a pointer to this buffer is added in the next available */
- /* element in the array of pointers an the index to this element is */
- /* returned. */
- /* */
- /* unsigned GetTextOffset( char *szText ) */
- /* */
- /* ARGUMENTS: szText - Point to a string to find in or add to buffer */
- /* */
- /* RETURNS: unsigned - Offset in text buffer where string is located */
- /* */
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- unsigned GetTextOffset( char *szText )
- {
- int i;
- unsigned uOffset;
- /* See if the string is a duplicate */
- for ( i = 0; i < (int)uNextPtr; i++ )
- {
- if ( strcmp( apszPtr[ i ], szText ) == OK )
- {
- uOffset = (unsigned)(apszPtr[i] - pchStringBuf);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* If didn't find a match need to add */
- /* this string to the text buffer */
- if ( i >= (int) uNextPtr )
- {
- uOffset = (unsigned)(pchNextStr - pchStringBuf);
- strcpy( pchNextStr, szText );
- apszPtr[ uNextPtr++ ] = pchNextStr;
- pchNextStr = strchr( pchNextStr, EOL ) + 1;
- }
- return( uOffset );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- void GetFileName( char *szFileName, int cszArg, char *rgszArg[] )
- {
- if ( cszArg < 2 )
- ExitMsg( szMsgInfParam );
- if ( strlen( rgszArg [1] ) > 128 )
- ExitMsg( szMsgIllegalParam );
- strcpy( szFileName, rgszArg[ 1 ] );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Allocates the specified size buffer and returns a pointer to it. Checks */
- /* for error and aborts program if memory is not available. */
- /* */
- /* void *GetMemory( unsigned int Bytes ) */
- /* */
- /* ARGUMENTS: Bytes - Size of buffer to allocate in bytes */
- /* */
- /* RETURNS: void * - Ptr to allocated buffer */
- /* */
- /* johnhe 11-10-89 */
- /***************************************************************************/
- void *GetMemory( unsigned int Bytes )
- {
- void *Ptr;
- if ( (Ptr = malloc( Bytes )) == NULL )
- ExitMsg( szMsgMemFailed );
- return( Ptr );
- }