资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* DOS Lempel-Ziv Data Decompression Module
- (C) Copyright 1989 by Microsoft
- written by David Dickman
- LZ code by Steve Zeck
- note:
- this module is compiled twice. with LZDLL defined to be linked
- with the LZEXPAND.DLL windows code. without this, to build the
- LZCOPY.LIB dos library. be sure things work in both cases.
- */
- #ifdef LZDLL
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <winexp.h>
- #else
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <systypes.h>
- #include <sysstat.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #endif
- #include "lzcopy.h"
- // Globals
- static long cblOutSize; // size in bytes of output file
- // WriteOutBuf()
- //
- // NOTE! not to be confused with WriteOutBuf() in compress.c
- //
- // Dumps output buffer to output file. Returns c cast as an int if the write
- // is successful. If the write is unsuccessful, returns LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE or
- //
- // returns:
- // < 0 error code (all errors are < 0)
- // > 0 success, char as described above
- //
- int WriteOutBuf(UCHAR uch, // first character to be added to the empty
- // buffer after the full buffer is written
- int doshDest) // DOS output file handle
- {
- unsigned ucbToWrite, // number of bytes to write from rguchOutBuf[]
- ucbWritten; // number of bytes actually written
- // how many bytes should be written from rguchOutBuf[]?
- ucbToWrite = (unsigned)(puchOutBuf - rguchOutBuf);
- ucbWritten = FWRITE(doshDest, rguchOutBuf, ucbToWrite);
- if (ucbWritten != ucbToWrite)
- #ifndef LZDLL
- if (FERROR())
- #endif
- // keep track of bytes written
- cblOutSize += (long)ucbWritten;
- // reset write pointer to beginning of output buffer
- puchOutBuf = rguchOutBuf;
- // add the next character to the new buffer
- return ((int)(*puchOutBuf++ = uch));
- } // WriteOutBuf()
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * long DOSLZCopy()
- *
- * Copies input file with DOS handle doshSource to output file with DOS
- * handle doshDest. If the input file has a LZ compressed file header,
- * it is decompressed into the output file using LZ decoding. If the
- * input file does not have a LZ compressed file header, it is directly
- * copied to the output file.
- *
- * in:
- * doshSource source file handle
- * doshDest dest file handle
- *
- * returns:
- * # bytes copied success
- * < 0 failure for various LZERROR_ reasons
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- long DOSLZCopy(int doshSource, int doshDest)
- {
- FH FHIn; // structure holding header information from
- // compressed input file (used for decoding)
- unsigned ucbRead; // number of bytes actually read into rguchOutBuf[]
- // during direct copy
- int f; // holds LZDecode() return value
- cblOutSize = 0L;
- if (! InitBuffers())
- // check for LZ compressed file header
- if (! GetHdr((FH LZPTR *)&FHIn, doshSource) || ! ChkHdr(FHIn)
- || FHIn.uchAlgorithm != uchALG_LEMPEL_ZIV)
- {
- /************************ not compressed ****************************/
- // uncompressed file (straight DOS copy)
- // move to beginning of input file
- if (FSEEK(doshSource, 0L, SEEK_SET) != 0L)
- {
- FreeBuffers();
- }
- while ((ucbRead = FREAD(doshSource, (LPSTR)rguchOutBuf, ucbIOBufLen)) > 0U
- #ifdef LZDLL
- && ucbRead != (unsigned)(-1))
- #else
- && (FERROR() == 0))
- #endif
- {
- if (FWRITE(doshDest, rguchOutBuf, ucbRead) != ucbRead) {
- FreeBuffers();
- }
- cblOutSize += (long)ucbRead;
- }
- #ifdef LZDLL
- // here, ucbRead == 0, EOF (proper loop termination)
- // == -1, bad DOS handle
- if (ucbRead == (unsigned)(-1))
- #else
- // here, FERROR() == 0U, EOF (proper loop termination)
- // != 0U, bad DOS handle
- if (FERROR() != 0U)
- #endif
- {
- FreeBuffers();
- return LZERROR_READ;
- }
- } else {
- /************************ compressed ****************************/
- // compressed file (LZ decompression)
- // move to beginning of compressed data and decompress file
- if (FSEEK(doshSource, (long)cbHdrSize, SEEK_SET) != (long)cbHdrSize)
- {
- FreeBuffers();
- }
- if ((f = LZDecode(doshSource, doshDest)) != LZDECODE_OK)
- {
- FreeBuffers();
- return f;
- }
- }
- // copy date and time stamp
- // doshSource and doshDest known to be valid DOS file handles
- CopyCreateDate(doshSource, doshDest);
- FreeBuffers();
- return cblOutSize; // # bytes generated
- } // DOSLZCopy()