资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page ,132
- title doexec -- (xenix) exec a child process
- ;***
- ;doexec.asm - execute a child process
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1985-1988, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; defines _doexec() - execute a child process (overlay existing process)
- ; This is complicated and involves some knowledge of DOS
- ; arena headers.
- ;
- ;*******************************************************************************
- ?DF = 1 ; tell we want to define our own segments
- .xlist
- include
- include
- include
- .list
- assumesdata macro seg ;;[1] Newer versions of CMACROS reject
- assumes seg,DGROUP ;;[1]
- endm ;;[1]
- createSeg _TEXT, code, word, public, CODE, <>
- createSeg _DATA, data, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
- createSeg EXEC, eseg, word, common, DATA, DGROUP
- defGrp DGROUP ; define DGROUP
- codeOFFSET equ offset _TEXT:
- dataOFFSET equ offset DGROUP:
- l macro nam ;;[1] Conditionally make label public
- nam: ;;[1]
- endm ;;[1]
- arena struc ; first 5 bytes of the arena header
- sig db 0 ; 'M' or 'Z' for last block
- own dw 0 ; PSP value of owner process or 0 if free
- asiz dw 0 ; size of block (not including header)
- arena ends
- extrn b$EX_MSG_BEG:FAR ;[1]
- extrn b$EX_MSG_END:FAR ;[1]
- sBegin data
- assumesdata ds ;[1]
- externW _psp ; psp segment
- externB _osmajor ; dos major version number
- externW _sigintseg ; SIGINT default signal handler (segment)
- externW _sigintoff ; SIGINT default signal handler (offset)
- globalW _p_overlay,2 ; OLD_P_OVERLAY value
- staticW freepsp,0 ; arena of last free segment contiguous with PSP
- staticW emsg,<2+ OFFSET b$EX_MSG_BEG> ;[1] +2 to skip first msg number
- staticW emsgseg,<SEG b$EX_MSG_BEG> ;[1]
- staticW emsgln,<OFFSET b$EX_MSG_END>;[1] must subtract emsg from it
- staticD target,0 ; for long jump to 'exec code'
- sEnd
- FCB1 = 5ch ; offset in psp
- FCB2 = 6ch
- DOS2CMD= 280h ; size of DOS 2.0 non-resident COMMAND.COM
- externP execve
- sBegin eseg
- dd execve ; force in execve() if called from spawnve
- sEnd
- sBegin code
- assumes cs,code
- assumesdata ds ;[1]
- page
- ;***
- ;_doexec - execute a child process (overlay existing)
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ;
- ;*******************************************************************************
- cProc _doexec,<PUBLIC>,<si,di>
- parmw flag
- parmdp nam
- parmw nlength
- parmdp command
- parmdp envblock
- parmw elength
- parmw siz
- parmw initss
- parmw initsp
- parmw initcs
- parmw initip
- parmw fsiz
- cBegin
- ; exec overlays the current process using its PSP and all memory
- ; above it.
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- ; check for trashed arena before we go on - will assume OK from here on
- ; DGROUP is on the top of the stack
- assumes ds,nothing
- l checkmem
- pop ds ; restore DGROUP
- assumesdata ds ;[1]
- mov bx,-1 ; request max memory
- callos allocmem ; will always fail
- cmp al,E_arena
- je ov0 ; arena is trashed
- ; find out how much contiguous memory there is that is either free
- ; or belongs to the current process
- mov bx,[_psp]
- mov dx,bx ; dx = current owner
- dec bx ; bx = current arena header
- xor cx,cx ; last free block in contiguous area
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- l maxloop
- assumes ds,nothing
- mov ds,bx ; ds = current arena
- mov ax,ds:[own]
- cmp ax,dx ; do we own it?
- je maxadd ; yes - count it
- or ax,ax ; is it free?
- jne maxend ; no - end of contiguous memory
- mov cx,bx ; last free block of memory
- l maxadd
- inc bx
- add bx,ds:[asiz]
- jc checkmem ; carry - assuming arena is trashed
- mov al,ds:[sig] ; get arena signature
- cmp al,'M' ; are we at end of memory?
- je maxloop ; no - have good next block
- cmp al,'Z' ;
- jne checkmem ; unknown sig byte - assuming arena is trashed
- ; bx = top of contiguous area for current process
- ; cx = last free segment contiguous with PSP
- l maxend
- sub bx,dx ; bx = size
- pop ds ; restore DS
- assumesdata ds ;[1]
- mov [freepsp],cx ; save last free segment contiguous with PSP
- cmp [_osmajor],2 ; see if 2.x or above
- ja nohole ; 3.x or above, don't need hole for loader
- sub bx,DOS2CMD+1 ; leave 280h paras (10K) for the system's loader
- jnc nohole ; enough space
- ;----- memory overflow or error before user memory is released
- l ov
- mov ax,E_nomem ; not enough memory
- l ov0
- mov AH,4CH ;[1]get code to terminate
- INT 21H ;[1]immediate termination
- ;-----
- l nohole
- ; see how big the exec code will be. it must sit in hi mem. it consists of
- ; code between a: and z: below (or b: and y: for .coms), the filename, (in the
- ; case of .exe files) a para of data (initial register values), and some room
- ; (160 bytes) for a local stack
- STKSIZ= 160
- exesz= z-a
- exeln= exesz + STKSIZ ; .exe loader size + stack
- comsz = y-b
- comln= comsz + STKSIZ ; .com loader size + stack
- push bx ; save max length possible
- sub [emsgln],offset b$EX_MSG_BEG ;[1] compute message length
- mov ax,[emsgln] ;[1] need emsgln in calculations
- add ax,BYTE PTR exeln ;[2] assume .exe
- cmp flag,0
- je join0 ; was .exe
- ___tmp= comln-exeln
- add ax,BYTE PTR ___tmp ;[2] was .com
- l join0
- mov cl,4
- add ax,nlength ; plus filename
- add ax,0fh ; exec code rounded up to next para
- shr ax,cl ; (ax) = paras for exec code
- mov dx,elength ; new env length (in bytes)
- add dx,0fh ; env rounded up to next para
- shr dx,cl ; (dx) = paras for new env
- pop bx ; restore the maximum length to bx
- ; ax = exec code + data size
- ; dx = environment size
- ; bx = PSP contiguous size
- sub bx,dx ; reduce PSP by environment segment
- jbe ov
- sub bx,2 ; reduce by 2 (arena header + DOS 4.0 slop)
- jc ov
- ; bx = PSP contiguous size
- mov cx,siz ; cx = assumed .exe size
- cmp flag,0 ; .exe or .com?
- je join1 ; was .exe
- mov cx,fsiz ; size of .com child in paras
- inc cx ; plus para for stack
- jz ov
- l join1
- add cx,10h ; child must have a PSP
- jc ov
- ; ax = exec code + data size
- ; cx = minimum size of child
- ; bx = PSP contiguous size
- cmp bx,cx ; enough for child?
- jb ov ; no
- push ax ; save exec code size
- push dx ; save env size
- ; allocate and link all free memory in the system
- ; assume the arena is good here and all errors are not enough memory
- xor cx,cx ; cx = free link
- l allocloop
- mov bx,1 ; allocate 1 paragraph block
- callos allocmem
- jc allocall ; all linked up
- mov es,ax ; es = segment to allocate
- mov bx,-1 ; bx = maximum request
- l allocretry
- callos setmem ; grow segment
- jc allocretry ; force it to be allocated
- mov es:[0],cx ; save last free block
- mov cx,es ; cx = current free link
- mov dx,bx ; dx = size of last block
- jmp allocloop ; keep allocating
- l allocall
- mov bx,dx
- ; es = cx = free segment linked list
- ; bx = size of last free block
- cmp [_osmajor],2 ; check for DOS 2.0
- jne allocenv ; no - just try allocing environment
- sub bx,DOS2CMD+1 ; size to cut back
- jnc shrinkdos2
- ;----- release all "free" blocks because of error
- l freefree ; free all linked up "free" memory
- jcxz allfree
- mov es,cx
- mov cx,es:[0] ; next free block
- callos freemem
- jnc freefree ; keep freeing linked blocks
- l allfree ; if freemem error, just give up
- jmp ov ; fail with no memory error
- ;-----
- l shrinkdos2
- callos setmem
- jc freefree ; any error at this point is no memory
- ; es = cx = free segment linked list
- ; bx = size of last free block
- l allocenv
- pop dx ; dx = environment size
- push dx
- inc dx
- inc dx ; dx = envsize + 2 (for arena header + DOS 4.0)
- sub bx,dx
- jnc haveenv ; have space in this block for environment
- ; no space for environment in this block - try end of PSP contiguous area
- mov ax,[freepsp] ; ax = last free segment in PSP-contiguous area
- or ax,ax
- jz tryotherfree ; none here - try other free blocks
- inc ax ; convert arena address to segment address
- mov es,ax
- mov bx,-1
- callos setmem ; find size of segment
- cmp al,E_nomem
- jne freefree ; must be something like arena trashed
- sub bx,dx ; enough room?
- jnc haveenv ; yes - do actual environment allocation
- ; else go try somewhere else
- ; try other free blocks if above attempts fail
- l tryotherfree
- jcxz allfree
- mov ax,cx
- ;
- ; dx = environment size in paragraphs + 2 (for arena hdr + DOS 4.0 slop)
- ; cx = pointer to beginning of "free" list (segment address)
- ; ax = pointer into "free" list (segment address)
- ;
- l tryotherloop
- dec ax ;[1] AX = header address (temporarily)
- mov es,ax ; header of current free block
- mov bx,es:[asiz] ; size of current free block (in header)
- inc ax ;[1] convert header addr back into seg addr
- mov es,ax ;[1] AX = ES = segment address
- sub bx,dx ; will environment fit?
- jnc haveenv ; yes - do actual environment allocation
- mov ax,es:[0] ; else go on to next free block
- or ax,ax ; end of list?
- jz freefree ; yes - not enough memory; clean up and fail
- jmp short tryotherloop ; keep trying
- ; es = segment to shrink for environment
- ; bx = size to which to shrink chosen "free" segment
- l haveenv
- callos setmem
- jc freefree ; any error at this point is no memory
- pop bx
- callos allocmem ; allocate environment segment
- jc freefree ; any error at this point is no memory
- ; ax = environment segment
- mov es,[_psp]
- mov bx,es
- mov es:[DOS_envp],ax ; new env segment
- mov es,ax
- xor di,di ; es:di points to new env
- if sizeD
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- lds si,envblock
- else
- mov si,envblock
- endif
- mov cx,elength
- rep movsb ; move env to new segment
- if sizeD
- pop ds ; restore DGROUP
- endif
- mov dx,es ; dx = environment segment
- ; bx = PSP
- ; dx = environment segment
- push dx ; save needed registers
- push bx
- cmp _sigintseg,0 ; has ^C been hooked ?
- je letsgo ; no, do the exec
- push ds
- mov dx,_sigintoff ; load system default address
- mov ds,_sigintseg ; load system default segment
- mov ax,DOS_setvector shl 8 + 23H ; reset ^C vector (INT 23H)
- callos
- pop ds ; restore registers
- l letsgo
- ;
- ;
- ; DOS 3.30 and later allow the user to increase the size of the
- ; file handle table. If the file handle count > 20, then a far
- ; segment is allocated to store the table. This segment must be
- ; freed up before the child program is exec-ed. This code relies
- ; on the fact that DOS will free up that far segment if the handle
- ; count is set back to 20. If DOS ever changes, this code will fail.
- ;
- mov ax,word ptr [_osmajor]
- xchg ah,al ; AH = _osmajor, AL = _osminor
- cmp ax,(3 shl 8) + 30
- jb pre_DOS330 ; _osmajor:_osminor < 3:30?
- mov bx,20 ; IF >= DOS 3.30 THEN
- mov ah,67h ; Set Handle Count on principle
- callos ; set number of handles to default value
- pre_DOS330:
- pop bx
- pop dx
- ; WARNING - any errors past this point - must go to execpanic
- ; now free all blocks of memory belonging to this process
- ; except the PSP and new environment block
- ; bx = PSP
- ; dx = environment segment
- l freemore
- push bx ; save PSP
- mov ah,52h ; magic DOS call
- int 21h
- mov ax,es:[bx-2] ; ax = first arena segment!!!
- pop bx ; restore PSP
- ; ax = current segment to check
- l findused
- mov es,ax
- inc ax
- cmp ax,bx ; is it PSP?
- je atend ; yes - skip
- cmp ax,dx ; is it environment?
- je atend ; yes - skip
- cmp es:[own],bx ; do we own it?
- jne atend ; no -skip
- mov es,ax ; es = must be one past arena header
- callos freemem ; free up the segment
- jmp freemore ; and start over - even if error
- l atend
- add ax,es:[asiz] ; add in segment size
- jc freemore ; error - changed arena - retry
- cmp es:[sig],'Z' ; last segment?
- jne findused ; no - check next segment
- ; increase size of PSP to maximum amount available
- ;
- ; bx = PSP
- mov es,bx ; es= PSP
- mov bx,-1
- callos setmem
- callos setmem ; allocates on second try
- jnc bigPSP
- l execpanic ; error in exec after memory freed
- mov dx,word ptr [emsg] ;[1] DS:DX = "Not enough memory"
- mov ax,word ptr [emsgseg] ;[1]
- mov ds,ax ;[1]
- callos message
- mov ax,DOS_terminate shl 8 + 255
- callos ; error code = 255
- l bigPSP
- mov ax,es
- add ax,bx ; bx = size of PSP block
- mov es:[DOS_maxpara],ax ; set new memory limit in PSP
- ; ax = top of PSP segment
- ; ((sp)) = (exec code size)
- pop cx ; cx = exec code size
- sub bx,cx ; reduce PSP size
- jc execpanic
- sub ax,cx
- mov word ptr [target+2],ax ; set up final jump address
- ; move the exec code and its data up to hi mem
- ;
- ; ax = exec code segment
- mov es,ax ; es = exec code segment
- push es ; save exec code segment
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- push cs
- pop ds ; ds points into code segment
- xor di,di
- mov cx,BYTE PTR exesz ;[1] assume exe file
- mov si,codeOFFSET a
- cmp flag,0 ; .exe or .com?
- je exe4 ; .exe
- mov cx,BYTE PTR comsz ;[1]
- mov si,codeOFFSET b
- l exe4
- rep movsb ; move code to exec code segment
- pop ds ; restore DGROUP
- push ds ;[1] save DGROUP
- mov cx,[emsgln] ;[1] count of bytes to move
- mov si,word ptr [emsg] ;[1] DS:SI = start of 3 error messages
- mov ax,word ptr [emsgseg] ;[1]
- mov ds,ax ;[1]
- rep movsb ;[1] move 3 error messages
- pop ds ;[1] restore DGROUP
- mov bx,di ; (bx) = offset of data/name (save)
- cmp flag,0 ; .exe or .com?
- jne com5 ; .com
- ; for .exe save initial register values
- mov ax,initss
- stosw
- mov ax,initsp
- stosw
- mov ax,initcs
- stosw
- mov ax,initip
- stosw
- l com5
- if sizeD
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- lds si,nam
- else
- mov si,nam
- endif
- mov cx,nlength
- rep movsb ; move name
- if sizeD
- pop ds ; restore DGROUP
- endif
- ; exec code and its data are in hi mem. set the dma and fix the psp (the
- ; command line at offset 80h, and the fcbs)
- mov es,[_psp] ; psp seg
- ; set the dma to psp:80h
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- push es
- pop ds ; psp segment
- mov dx,80h ; default dma=psp:80h
- callos setdma
- pop ds ; restore DGROUP
- ; set up the command line
- mov di,DOS_cmdline
- if sizeD
- push ds ; save DGROUP
- lds si,command
- else
- mov si,command
- endif
- mov cl,[si] ; length of command
- inc cx ; (ch) = 0 from last rep movsb (name)
- inc cx ; count byte & terminating <cr>
- rep movsb ; move the command line into psp:80h
- ; set up the fcbs
- mov dx,bx ; (dx) = data/name offset
- mov di,FCB1 ; fcb at offset 5ch
- xchg ax,cx ; null byte to store
- ; (cx) = 0 from last rep movsb (command line)
- mov cx,20h ; length of 2 fcbs
- rep stosb ; zero the fcbs
- mov di,FCB1 ; fcb at offset 5ch
- if sizeD
- lds si,command
- else
- mov si,command
- endif
- inc si ; si points to arg1 (or space before it)
- mov ax,DOS_fcbparse shl 8 + 1
- callos ; parse filename
- cmp al,0ffh ; see if invalid drive letter
- je bad1
- xor al,al
- l bad1
- mov bl,al ; first drive letter
- mov di,FCB2 ; second fcb in psp
- mov ax,DOS_fcbparse shl 8 + 1
- callos ; parse filename
- cmp al,0ffh ; see if invalid drive letter
- je bad2
- xor al,al
- l bad2
- mov bh,al ; bx = drive letter flags
- if sizeD
- pop ds ; restore DGROUP
- endif
- ; setup stack in exec code segment
- pop cx ; exec code segment
- mov si,dx ; data/name offset in exec code
- add si,STKSIZ ; push it up to produce a stack
- cmp flag,0 ; .exe or .com? (last frame reference)
- mov bp,bx ; initial ax
- cli ; disable interrupts until stack set up
- mov ss,cx
- mov sp,si
- sti ; temporary stack set up
- jne join6 ; was .com
- push dx ; save data offset to init. register values
- add dx,8 ; name offset in hi mem
- l join6
- mov ax,es ; (ax) = paras from 0:0 to psp:0
- add ax,10h ; (ax) = paras from 0:0 to parameter block
- mov bx,100h ; psp:100h is parameter block for load/exec
- mov es:[bx],ax ; word segment address to load at
- mov es:[bx+2],ax ; word relocation factor to be applied
- push ax ; save relocation factor
- mov ax,DOS_exec shl 8 + 3
- ; (ax) = dos code for load/exec (4b03h)
- ; (dx) = name offset in exec segment
- ; (es:bx) = psp:100 (parameter block)
- ; (ds) = DGROUP seg
- ; (bp) = initial ax
- ;
- ; di and si are free
- jmp dword ptr [target] ; and away we go!
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOMEM equ 5
- BADFORM equ 6
- BADENV equ 7
- execom macro lab,fil
- l lab
- push cs
- pop ds ; DS = exec code segment
- callos ; overlay parent with child
- jnc allok&lab
- mov bx,BADFORM - NOMEM
- cmp al,E_ifunc ; invalid format
- je die&lab
- mov bl,BADENV - NOMEM
- cmp al,E_badenv ; bad environment
- je die&lab
- mov bl,BADFORM - NOMEM
- cmp al,E_badfmt ; bad format
- je die&lab
- xor bx,bx ; NOMEM - NOMEM
- l die&lab
- push cs
- pop es ; es = exec code segment
- xor ax,ax
- mov cx,-1
- mov di,BYTE PTR fil&sz ;[2]
- or bx,bx
- jz outmsg&lab
- jmp short nmsg&lab
- ; Warning if you change this section above you must
- ; leave the following bytes for DOS 2.0 to walk all
- ; over without walking on data DOS walks on DS:2E to
- ; DS:31 extra slop just incase!
- org lab + 32h
- l nmsg&lab
- repne scasb
- inc di ; skip past message number
- inc di
- dec bx
- jnz nmsg&lab
- l outmsg&lab
- mov dx,di
- callos message
- mov ax,DOS_terminate shl 8 + 255
- callos ; terminate (255)
- l allok&lab
- endm
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; .exe exec code
- execom a,exe ; expand for .exe file
- pop di ; relocation factor
- pop si ; data offset of initial register values
- lodsw ; initss
- add ax,di ; relocation factor (paras) from 0:0
- xchg dx,ax
- lodsw ; initsp
- cli
- mov ss,dx ; reloc'd ss
- mov sp,ax
- sti
- lodsw ; initcs
- add di,ax
- lodsw
- push di ; save INIT CS
- push ax ; save INIT IP
- push es
- pop ds ; es = ds = PSP
- mov ax,bp ; ax = valid drive letter flags
- xglobal proc far
- ret ; force far return to dos int 21h handler
- xglobal endp
- z:
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; .com exec code
- execom b,com ; expand for .com file
- pop di ; burn relocation factor (not used)
- mov bx,cs ; get exec code segment
- mov ax,es ; get PSP segment
- sub bx,ax ; bx = size of program area (in paragraphs)
- mov cl,4
- test bx,0f000h ; will we lost precision when we shift?
- jz doit
- mov bx,1000h ; yes, set ss:sp = psp:0000
- doit:
- shl bx,cl ; make byte offset from psp:0
- dec bx
- dec bx
- cli ; disable interrupts until stack's ok
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,bx ; reserved para offset (stack grows down)
- sti ; enable interrupts; stack's ok now
- mov word ptr ss:[bx],0 ; put 0000 on top of stack for return
- push es
- mov ax,100h
- push ax ; INIT CS:IP = PSP:100h
- push es
- pop ds ; DS = ES = CS = PSP
- mov ax,bp ; ax = valid drive letter flags
- cglobal proc far
- ret ; force far return
- cglobal endp
- y:
- cEnd nogen
- sEnd
- end