资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;***
- ; llgrp.inc - 01-May-87 - lowlevel graphics definitions
- ;***
- ;***
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1987, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Contains the definition of symbols used in lowlevel graphics modules.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; Graphics adapter types (values used in b$Adapter)
- MDPA = 00000001B ;Monochrome Display/Printer Adapter
- CGA = 00000010B ;Color Graphics Adapter
- EGA = 00000100B ;Enhanced Graphics Adapter
- VGA = 00001000B ;Video Graphics Array
- MCGA = 00010000B ;MultiColor Graphics Array
- HGC = 00100000B ;Hercules Graphics Card [1]
- OGA = 01000000B ;Olivetti Graphics Adapter [4]
- ; Monitor types (values used in b$Monitor)
- Monochrome = 00000001B ;Monochrome monitor
- StdColor = 00000010B ;Standard Color monitor
- ; (or Enhanced Color in compatibility mode)
- EnhColor = 00000100B ;Enhanced Color monitor
- AnalogMono = 00001000B ;Analog monitor supporting monochrome modes
- AnalogColor = 00010000B ;Analog monitor supporting color modes
- ; Note: The definition of AnalogMono and AnalogColor is somewhat unusual:
- ; IBM's Analog monitors are called Analog Color (which shows 256k colors)
- ; and Analog Monochrome (which shows 64 shades of gray). This is NOT
- ; the definition being used here. That distinction is unnecessary for
- ; our purposes because both types support what the bios considers "color"
- ; modes and "monochrome" modes. The definition we use is based on what
- ; bios modes are available in the current environment. This is defined
- ; by what secondary video cards (if any) are present in the machine.
- ; If a CGA is present, then the VGA driving the Analog monitor is
- ; limited by the bios to monochrome modes (7 & F). This is "AnalogMono".
- ; Similarly, if there is an MDPA present, the VGA is limited by the bios
- ; to using color modes (all modes except 7 & F). This is "AnalogColor".
- ; If the VGA is the only video card in the system, then both the
- ; AnalogMono bit and the AnalogColor bit of b$Monitor will be set,
- ; indicating that all bios modes (color and monochrome) are available.
- ; Constants used b$VGAmodes to test which BIOS modes are supported.
- VGAmode0h = 00000001B ; supports BIOS mode 0h
- VGAmode1h = 00000010B ; supports BIOS mode 1h
- VGAmode2h = 00000100B ; supports BIOS mode 2h
- VGAmode3h = 00001000B ; supports BIOS mode 3h
- VGAmode4h = 00010000B ; supports BIOS mode 4h
- VGAmode5h = 00100000B ; supports BIOS mode 5h
- VGAmode6h = 01000000B ; supports BIOS mode 6h
- VGAmode7h = 10000000B ; supports BIOS mode 7h
- VGAmodeDh = 20h ; supports BIOS mode Dh
- VGAmodeEh = 40h ; supports BIOS mode Eh
- VGAmodeFh = 80h ; supports BIOS mode Fh
- VGAmode10h = 00000001B ; supports BIOS mode 10h
- VGAmode11h = 00000010B ; supports BIOS mode 11h
- VGAmode12h = 00000100B ; supports BIOS mode 12h
- VGAmode13h = 00001000B ; supports BIOS mode 13h
- HALF = 1 ;[4] Hercules HALF mode value