资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE LLLPT - GW-BASIC Printer Interface
- ;***
- ; LLLPT - GW-BASIC Printer Interface
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- INCLUDE switch.inc
- INCLUDE rmacros.inc
- useSeg _DATA
- useSeg DV_TEXT
- INCLUDE seg.inc
- INCLUDE ibmunv.inc
- sBegin _DATA
- LPTNAM DB "LPT" ;name for use in printer open
- LPTNUM DB " ",0 ;number of printer to open (1 to 3)
- sEnd _DATA
- sBegin DV_TEXT
- externNP B$DOS3CHECK ; Check for dos 3
- assumes CS,DV_TEXT
- ;***
- ;B$OPNLPT - OPEN selected printer
- ;OEM-interface routine
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine will open a communications channel to a printer
- ; and return a file handle to this channel and a status flag.
- ;
- ; There are two ways to implement the three LPT routines
- ; (B$OPNLPT, B$SNDLPT, and B$CLSLPT). They are based
- ; on the fact that the file handle used by all three is
- ; never checked or used outside of these routines. The rest
- ; of the runtime will just store it away and pass it back to
- ; these routines.
- ;
- ; 1.) Direct output to a printer. In this case, there would be
- ; no file handle, and the value passed can be ignored.
- ; B$OPNLPT would have no work to do, and could just return
- ; with AH=0. B$CLSLPT would just return. The disadvantage
- ; to this is that it will not work over networks or for
- ; redirected output.
- ;
- ; 2.) Use DOS file handles. This is probably the most standard
- ; method as it allows for redirected printers and network
- ; printing. In this case, B$OPNLPT would open the printer
- ; as a file, possibly do hardware checks for the existence
- ; of the printer if it is not redirected, and return the
- ; handle for use in other two routines. B$SNDLPT would
- ; use the file for writing, and B$CLSLPT would close the
- ; file.
- ;
- ; If the B$OPNLPT returns [AH] = 1, the runtime will signal
- ; a Device Not Available Error.
- ;
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; [AH] = printer number (0-2)
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; [BX] = file handle
- ; [AH] = 0 if open successful, 1 if open failed.
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per convention
- ;
- ;Preserves:
- ; CX,DX
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; None.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cBegin
- CMP AH,2 ;test against upper limit
- JA OPNLPT_UNAVAIL ;if too high, then not available
- MOV BL,AH ;move index into register
- XOR BH,BH ;make it a 16-bit value
- SHL BX,1 ;shift to make it a word index
- MOV SI,BX ;keep word index for later
- ADD AH,"1" ;map 0 to "1", 1 to "2", etc.
- MOV LPTNUM,AH ;put unit number in device name
- MOV DX,OFFSET DGROUP:LPTNAM ;define name string to open
- MOV AX,3D01H ;ready to open file for writing
- INT 21H ;open the file
- JC OPNLPT_UNAVAIL ;jump if device not available
- MOV BX,AX ;move handle
- MOV AX,4400H ;get device status
- INT 21H ;perform the action
- TEST DL,80H ;test if character device
- JZ OPNLPT_CLOSE ;jump if error to close and exit
- MOV AX,4401H ;IOCTL to set device status
- OR DL,20H ;change to raw mode
- XOR DH,DH ;clear upper byte...
- INT 21H ;set the mode
- cCall B$DOS3CHECK ; See if DOS 3
- JB OPNLPT_DOS2 ;jump if DOS2
- MOV AX,440AH ;get IOCTL call for redirection
- INT 21H ;flag is in DH
- TEST DH,80H ;flag set if redirected
- JNZ OPNLPT_SUCCESS ;jump if redirected, done
- PUSH DS ;save BASCOM data segment
- MOV AX,40H ;get BIOS data segment
- MOV DS,AX ;establish addressability
- TEST DS:8[SI],0FFFFH ;test if adapter exists
- POP DS ;restore data segment
- JNZ OPNLPT_SUCCESS ;if so, success, jump
- MOV AH,3EH ;system code for closing
- INT 21H ;close the file opened
- MOV AH,1 ;error code for device unavailable
- XOR BX,BX ;clear BX for error condition
- JMP SHORT OPNLPT_DONE ;jump to exit
- XOR AH,AH ;clear error code for success
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;B$SNDLPT - Send a character to selected printer
- ;OEM-interface routine
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine takes a character and a file handle from
- ; B$OPNLPT and sends the character to the printer specified
- ; by the file handle. If there are any errors, they are
- ; returned in AH.
- ;
- ; See the documentation for B$OPNLPT for more information.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; [AL] = character
- ; [BX] = file handle
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; [AH] = 0: success
- ; 1: device not available
- ; 2: time out
- ; 3: out of paper
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per Convention
- ;
- ;Preserves:
- ; BX, CX, DX
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cBegin
- PUSH AX ; store byte in stack
- MOV DX,SP ; [DS:DX] points to data to be output
- .ERRE ID_SSEQDS ; assumes DS=SS
- MOV CX,1 ;[CX] = # of bytes to be written
- MOV AH,40H ;read operation
- INT 21H ;success reflected in carry
- POP DX ; even stack
- JC SNDLPT_UNAVAIL ;jump if error on write
- XOR AH,AH ;return 0 in AH for no error
- JMP SHORT SNDLPT_DONE ;jump to finish up
- MOV AH,1 ;set error code
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; B$CLSLPT - Close selected printer
- ;OEM-interface routine
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine takes a file handle prepared by B$OPNLPT
- ; for a line printer and closes the associated communications
- ; channel. All needed termination for the printer should be
- ; done at this point. All errors are ignored.
- ;
- ; See the documentation for B$OPNLPT for more information.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; [BX] = file handle
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per Convention
- ;
- ;Preserves:
- ; AX, BX, CX, DX
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; None.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cBegin
- MOV AH,3EH ;system code for closing
- INT 21H ;close the file opened
- cEnd
- sEnd DV_TEXT