资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE LLEGA - EGA screen mode support
- ;***
- ;LLEGA - EGA screen mode support
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Support for EGA graphics screen modes (BIOS D,E,F,10).
- ; Note that this module module contains support
- ; code for all adapters capable of handling these
- ; screen modes and also attempts to compensate for
- ; the subtle differences in their treatment.
- ;
- ; This module sets hooks in the mode-independent
- ; modules to routines here for mode-dependent
- ; graphics support. See the mode-independent
- ; modules for more precise descriptions of the
- ; purposes and interfaces of these routines.
- ;
- ; The following table summarizes the information for
- ; the modes and configurations covered:
- ;
- ; C | A B
- ; O | B T I
- ; L | I T P T
- ; O A M | O R A C S
- ; S R D O | S I C G H / P
- ; C B A N | B O E A P P L
- ; R U C R P I | M U L X Y S R A I A
- ; E R O O T T | O T O R R I B G X N
- ; E S L W E O | D E R E E Z O E E E
- ; N T S S R R | E S S S S E X S L S
- ; -- - -- -- - -- | -- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- --- - -
- ; 7 x 40 25 E C | D 16 16 320 200 32 8x8 (2) 1 4
- ; 7 x 40 25 E E | " " " " " " " " " "
- ; 7 x 40 25 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ;
- ; 8 x 80 25 E C | E 16 16 640 200 64 8x8 (2) 1 4
- ; 8 x 80 25 E E | " " " " " " " " " "
- ; 8 x 80 25 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ;
- ; 9 x 80 25 E E | 10 4 64 640 350 64 8x14 1 1 2 (64K video memory)
- ; 9 x 80 43 E E | " " " " " " 8x8 " " "
- ;
- ; 9 x 80 25 E E | 10 16 64 640 350 128 8x14 (2) 1 4 (>64K video memory)
- ; 9 x 80 25 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ; 9 x 80 43 E E | " " " " " " 8x8 " " "
- ; 9 x 80 43 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ;
- ; 10 x 80 25 E M | F 4 9 640 350 64 8x14 (1) 1 2 (>64K video memory)
- ; 10 x 80 25 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ; 10 x 80 43 E M | " " " " " " 8x8 " " "
- ; 10 x 80 43 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;NOTES: (1) PAGES = <video memory> / 2 / PAGESIZE (max 8 pages)
- ; (2) PAGES = <video memory> / PAGESIZE (max 8 pages)
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;******************************************************************************
- INCLUDE switch.inc ;feature switches
- INCLUDE rmacros.inc
- INCLUDE seg.inc
- INCLUDE ibmunv.inc
- INCLUDE baslibma.inc
- INCLUDE llgrp.inc ; Constant definitions
- INCLUDE idmac.inc
- INCLUDE grmac.inc ;ModeData macros
- INITIALIZER B$xINITEGA ;Put B$xINITEGA in initializer list
- sBegin _BSS
- ;
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ; External function vectors
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ;
- externW b$PutVector
- externW b$PalPut
- externW b$SetAttr
- ;
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ; External variables
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ;
- externB b$BiosMode
- externB b$Adapter
- externB b$Monitor
- externW b$VideoMem
- externW b$CurPages
- externW b$VideoBase
- externB b$MaskC
- externB b$AttrC
- externW b$PenC
- externW b$OffC
- externW b$SegC
- externB b$MaxAttr
- externB b$MaxColor
- externW B$LEOFST
- externW B$REOFST
- externB B$VLMASK
- externB B$VRMASK
- externB b$ForeColor
- externB b$PageSize
- externW b$CurrPSize
- externB b$ScrHeight
- externB b$MaxPage
- externB b$Tiling
- externB b$ForeMapped
- externW b$CURSOR
- externW b$CSRTYP
- externW b$SaveCa
- externB b$SaveCm
- externB b$PlaneMask
- externW b$ScreenTab
- ;
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ; Local variables
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ;
- staticB MapMask,,1 ;bit mask for Map Mask Register odd/even map
- staticB BasePlane,,1 ;base plane for odd/even modes
- sEnd _BSS
- sBegin CN_TEXT
- externNP B$USRCSR
- sEnd CN_TEXT
- assumes CS,GR_TEXT
- sBegin GR_TEXT
- externNP B$OutWord
- externNP B$BumpDS
- externNP B$BumpES
- externNP B$InitModeData
- externNP B$GetParm
- externNP b$ColorPalette
- externNP b$EnhPalette
- externNP B$EgaPalReset
- externNP B$EgaPalResetB
- externNP B$EgaPalPut
- externNP B$EgaPalTrans
- externNP B$EgaPalSet
- externNP B$EgaMapXYC
- externNP B$EgaMapXYC_D
- externNP B$EgaLeftC
- externNP B$EgaChkUpC
- externNP B$EgaUpC
- externNP B$EgaChkDownC
- externNP B$EgaDownC
- externNP B$EgaSetAttr
- externNP B$EgaReadC
- externNP B$EgaReadC_F
- externNP B$EgaReadC_64K
- externNP B$EgaSetC
- externNP B$EgaSetPixC
- externNP B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- externNP B$ResetEGA
- externNP B$EgaLineX
- externNP B$EgaLineY
- externNP B$EgaLineV
- externNP B$EgaPutAction
- externNP B$EgaPutAction_F
- externNP B$EgaPutAction_64K
- externNP B$EgaNReadL
- externNP B$EgaNReadL_F
- externNP B$EgaNWriteL
- externNP B$EgaNWriteL_F
- externNP B$EgaNSetC
- externNP B$EgaPaintBound
- externNP B$EgaPaintBound_D
- externNP B$EgaSetTile
- externNP B$EgaScanL
- externNP B$EgaScanR
- externNP B$EgaCHKBTL
- externNP B$EgaCHKBTR
- externNP B$EgaPAINPX
- externNP B$EgaPIXCNT
- externNP B$EgaScanInit
- externNP B$EgaSETCMP
- externNP B$EgaTILLFT
- externNP B$EgaTILRGT
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData ModeDData
- ;
- ; SCREEN 7, BIOS mode D
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 7
- mBiosMode 0DH
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 40
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 320
- mVertRes 200
- mVideoBase 0A000H
- mMaxAttr 15
- mMaxColor 15
- mPageSize 32 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(32/4*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 15
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 2
- mInitPalette b$ColorPalette ;moved to LLXGASUP for sharing
- mInitVgaPal b$VgaPalette
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim_D
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages SetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalReset
- mPalPut B$EgaPalPut
- mPalTrans B$EgaPalTrans
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor
- mForeMapped 15
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 4
- mMapXYC B$EgaMapXYC_D
- mLeftC B$EgaLeftC
- mChkUpC B$EgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$EgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$EgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$EgaDownC
- mSetAttr B$EgaSetAttr
- mReadC B$EgaReadC
- mSetC B$EgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$EgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$ResetEGA
- mLineX B$EgaLineX
- mLineY B$EgaLineY
- mLineV B$EgaLineV
- mPutAction B$EgaPutAction
- mNReadL B$EgaNReadL
- mNWriteL B$EgaNWriteL
- mNSetC B$EgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$EgaPaintBound_D
- mSetTile B$EgaSetTile
- mScanL B$EgaScanL
- mScanR B$EgaScanR
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData ModeEData
- ;
- ; SCREEN 8, BIOS mode E
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 8
- mBiosMode 0EH
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 80
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 640
- mVertRes 200
- mVideoBase 0A000H
- mMaxAttr 15
- mMaxColor 15
- mPageSize 64 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(64/4*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 15
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 2
- mInitPalette b$ColorPalette ;moved to LLXGASUP for sharing
- mInitVgaPal b$VgaPalette
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim_E
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages SetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalReset
- mPalPut B$EgaPalPut
- mPalTrans B$EgaPalTrans
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor
- mForeMapped 15
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 4
- mMapXYC B$EgaMapXYC
- mLeftC B$EgaLeftC
- mChkUpC B$EgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$EgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$EgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$EgaDownC
- mSetAttr B$EgaSetAttr
- mReadC B$EgaReadC
- mSetC B$EgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$EgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$ResetEGA
- mLineX B$EgaLineX
- mLineY B$EgaLineY
- mLineV B$EgaLineV
- mPutAction B$EgaPutAction
- mNReadL B$EgaNReadL
- mNWriteL B$EgaNWriteL
- mNSetC B$EgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$EgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$EgaSetTile
- mScanL B$EgaScanL
- mScanR B$EgaScanR
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData ModeFData
- ;
- ; SCREEN 10, BIOS mode F (with > 64K video memory>
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 10
- mBiosMode 0FH
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 80
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 640
- mVertRes 350
- mVideoBase 0A000H
- mMaxAttr 3
- mMaxColor 8
- mPageSize 64 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(64/2*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 3
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 2 ;no even/odd with > 64K
- mInitPalette ModeFPalette
- mInitVgaPal 0 ;not applicable
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim_F
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages SetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalResetB
- mPalPut PalPut_F
- mPalTrans PalTrans_F
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor
- mForeMapped 5 ;attr 3 maps to hardware attr 5
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 2
- mMapXYC B$EgaMapXYC
- mLeftC B$EgaLeftC
- mChkUpC B$EgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$EgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$EgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$EgaDownC
- mSetAttr SetAttr_F_10_64K
- mReadC B$EgaReadC_F
- mSetC B$EgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$EgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$ResetEGA
- mLineX B$EgaLineX
- mLineY B$EgaLineY
- mLineV B$EgaLineV
- mPutAction B$EgaPutAction_F
- mNReadL B$EgaNReadL_F
- mNWriteL B$EgaNWriteL_F
- mNSetC B$EgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$EgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$EgaSetTile
- mScanL ScanLX
- mScanR ScanRX
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData ModeFData_64K
- ;
- ; SCREEN 10, BIOS mode F with 64K video memory
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 10
- mBiosMode 0FH
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 80
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 640
- mVertRes 350
- mVideoBase 0A000H
- mMaxAttr 3
- mMaxColor 8
- mPageSize 64 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(64/2*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 3
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 12H
- mInitPalette ModeFPalette
- mInitVgaPal 0 ;not applicable
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim_F
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages SetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalResetB
- mPalPut PalPut_F
- mPalTrans PalTrans_F
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor
- mForeMapped 5 ;attr 3 maps to hardware attr 5
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 2
- mMapXYC B$EgaMapXYC
- mLeftC B$EgaLeftC
- mChkUpC B$EgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$EgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$EgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$EgaDownC
- mSetAttr SetAttr_F_10_64K
- mReadC B$EgaReadC_64K
- mSetC B$EgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$EgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$ResetEGA
- mLineX B$EgaLineX
- mLineY B$EgaLineY
- mLineV B$EgaLineV
- mPutAction B$EgaPutAction_64K
- mNReadL NReadL_64K
- mNWriteL NWriteL_64K
- mNSetC B$EgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$EgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$EgaSetTile
- mScanL ScanLX
- mScanR ScanRX
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData Mode10Data
- ;
- ; SCREEN 9, BIOS mode 10 (with > 64K video memory)
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 9
- mBiosMode 10H
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 80
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 640
- mVertRes 350
- mVideoBase 0A000H
- mMaxAttr 15
- mMaxColor 63
- mPageSize 128 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(128/4*1024) shr 4>;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 15
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 2
- mInitPalette b$EnhPalette ;moved to LLXGASUP for sharing
- mInitVgaPal b$VgaPalette
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim_10
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages SetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalReset
- mPalPut B$EgaPalPut
- mPalTrans B$EgaPalTrans
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor
- mForeMapped 15
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 4
- mMapXYC B$EgaMapXYC
- mLeftC B$EgaLeftC
- mChkUpC B$EgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$EgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$EgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$EgaDownC
- mSetAttr B$EgaSetAttr
- mReadC B$EgaReadC
- mSetC B$EgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$EgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$ResetEGA
- mLineX B$EgaLineX
- mLineY B$EgaLineY
- mLineV B$EgaLineV
- mPutAction B$EgaPutAction
- mNReadL B$EgaNReadL
- mNWriteL B$EgaNWriteL
- mNSetC B$EgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$EgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$EgaSetTile
- mScanL B$EgaScanL
- mScanR B$EgaScanR
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData Mode10Data_64K
- ;
- ; SCREEN 9, BIOS mode 10 (with 64K video memory)
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 9
- mBiosMode 10H
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 80
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 640
- mVertRes 350
- mVideoBase 0A000H
- mMaxAttr 3
- mMaxColor 63
- mPageSize 64 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(64/2*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 3
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 12H
- mInitPalette Mode10Palette_64K
- mInitVgaPal Mode10VgaPal_64K
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim_10
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages SetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalReset
- mPalPut B$EgaPalPut
- mPalTrans PalTrans_10_64K
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor
- mForeMapped 15
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 2
- mMapXYC B$EgaMapXYC
- mLeftC B$EgaLeftC
- mChkUpC B$EgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$EgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$EgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$EgaDownC
- mSetAttr SetAttr_F_10_64K
- mReadC B$EgaReadC_64K
- mSetC B$EgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$EgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$EgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$ResetEGA
- mLineX B$EgaLineX
- mLineY B$EgaLineY
- mLineV B$EgaLineV
- mPutAction B$EgaPutAction_64K
- mNReadL NReadL_64K
- mNWriteL NWriteL_64K
- mNSetC B$EgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$EgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$EgaSetTile
- mScanL ScanLX
- mScanR ScanRX
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ; ModeFPalette - used to initialize the EGA palette for SCREEN 10
- ; (BIOS mode F).
- ;
- labelB ModeFPalette ;EGA palette for BIOS mode 0FH
- ; RGBrgb
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 001000B ;video
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 011000B ;intensified
- DB 011000B ;intensified
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 001000B ;video
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 011000B ;intensified
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000000B ;black
- ;
- ; Mode10Palette_64K - used to initialize the EGA palette for SCREEN 9
- ; (BIOS mode 10) with 64K of video memory.
- ;
- labelB Mode10Palette_64K ;EGA palette for BIOS mode 10H with only 64K
- ; RGBrgb
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 111011B ;light cyan
- DB 000000B ;black (not used)
- DB 000000B ;black (not used)
- DB 111101B ;light magenta
- DB 111111B ;bright white
- ;DB 10 DUP (0) ;brown
- ;***
- ; B$Screen7
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Establish all relevent mode dependent data values and function
- ; vectors for BASIC screen mode 7.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = screen mode (7)
- ; AH = burst (0 or 1)
- ; CL = alpha columns
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C = set indicates error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc B$Screen7,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET ModeDData ;mode-specific data
- jmp short ScrCommon2 ;common routine
- cEnd <nogen>
- ;***
- ; B$Screen8
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Establish all relevent mode dependent data values and function
- ; vectors for BASIC screen mode 8.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = screen mode (8)
- ; AH = burst (0 or 1)
- ; CL = alpha columns
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C = set indicates error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc B$Screen8,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET ModeEData ;mode-specific data
- ScrCommon2:
- test b$Monitor,AnalogColor + EnhColor + StdColor
- ;check for monitor support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- jmp short ScrCommon ;common routine
- cEnd <nogen>
- ;***
- ; B$Screen9
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Establish all relevent mode dependent data values and function
- ; vectors for BASIC screen mode 9.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = screen mode (9)
- ; AH = burst (0 or 1)
- ; CL = alpha columns
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C = set indicates error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc B$Screen9,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- test b$Monitor,AnalogColor + EnhColor ;check for monitor support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET Mode10Data ;mode-specific data
- cmp b$VideoMem,64 ;check for mode 10 w/only 64K
- ja ScrCommon ;go if greater, otherwise use diff table
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET Mode10Data_64K ;mode-specific data
- ScrCommon:
- test b$Adapter,VGA + EGA ;check for adapter support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- mov cx,GraphDataLen
- call B$InitModeData ;initialize table data
- mov ax,b$VideoMem ;MaxPage = VideoMem / PageSize - 1
- div b$PageSize
- dec al ;MaxPage = #pages-1
- mov b$MaxPage,al
- clc ;indicate no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; B$Screen10
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Establish all relevent mode dependent data values and function
- ; vectors for BASIC screen mode 10.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = screen mode (10)
- ; AH = burst (0 or 1)
- ; CL = alpha columns
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C = set indicates error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc B$Screen10,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- test b$Monitor,AnalogMono + Monochrome ;check monitor support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET ModeFData ;mode-specific data
- cmp b$VideoMem,64 ;check for mode F w/only 64K
- ja Scr10Common ;go if greater, otherwise use diff table
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET ModeFData_64K ;mode-specific data
- Scr10Common:
- test b$Adapter,VGA + EGA ;check for adapter support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- mov cx,GraphDataLen
- call B$InitModeData ;initialize table data
- mov ax,b$VideoMem ; MaxPage = VideoMem / 2 / PageSize - 1
- shr ax,1 ; divide VideoMem by 2
- div b$PageSize
- sub al,1 ;MaxPage = #pages-1
- adc al,0 ;if MaxPage < 0 (64K EGA), force back to 0
- mov b$MaxPage,al
- clc ;indicate no error
- jmp short ScrExit
- ScrErr:
- stc
- ScrExit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; AlphaDim_D
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Validate the proposed text dimensions for Screen 7.
- ; If 40x25 is requested, this mode satisfies the request
- ; elseif 80x25 is requested, suggest screen mode 8
- ; else suggest screen mode 0.
- ;Entry:
- ; BH = number of lines
- ; BL = number of columns
- ;Exit:
- ; AL = -1 if this mode satisfies the request, otherwise
- ; AL is suggested screen mode to invoke for desired dimensions
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub AlphaDim_D
- cProc AlphaDim_D,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov al,-1 ;flag request satisfied (maybe)
- cmp bx,40+25*256 ;40x25?
- je ADimSet ;exit if so, standard stuff
- mov al,8 ;prepare request for screen 8, JIC
- cmp bx,80+25*256 ;80x25?
- je ADimDOk ;exit if so, try screen 8
- xor al,al ;flag request for screen 0
- ADimDOk:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; AlphaDim_F
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Validate the proposed text dimensions for Screen 10.
- ; If 40 columns are requested, treat as if 80 were requested.
- ; Fall through to AlphaDim_10 for validation.
- ;Entry:
- ; BL = number of lines
- ; BH = number of columns
- ;Exit:
- ; falls through to AlphaDim_10
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub AlphaDim_F
- cProc AlphaDim_F,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cmp bl,40 ;40 columns?
- jne AlphaDim_10 ;go if not, as if mode 10H
- mov bl,80 ;treat 40 as if request for 80
- cEnd <nogen> ;fall thru to AlphaDim_10
- ;***
- ; AlphaDim_10/AlphaDim_E
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Validate the proposed text dimensions for Screen 9 or Screen 8,
- ; depending on entry point.
- ; If 80x25 or 80x43 is requested, this mode satisfies the request
- ; elseif 40x25 is requested, suggest screen mode 7
- ; else suggest screen mode 0.
- ;Entry:
- ; BL = number of lines
- ; BH = number of columns
- ;Exit:
- ; If this mode satisfies request
- ; AL = -1
- ; b$ScrHeight is set to value in BL
- ; else
- ; AL = suggested screen mode to invoke for desired dimensions
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub AlphaDim_10
- cProc AlphaDim_10,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov al,-1 ;flag request satisfied (maybe)
- cmp bx,80+43*256 ;80x43?
- je ADimSet ;exit if so, standard stuff
- labelNP AlphaDim_E
- mov al,-1 ;flag request satisfied (maybe)
- cmp bx,80+25*256 ;80x25?
- je ADimSet ;exit if so, standard stuff
- mov al,7 ;prepare request for screen 7, JIC
- cmp bx,40+25*256 ;40x25?
- je ADimOk ;exit if so, try screen 7
- xor al,al ;flag request for screen 0
- jmp short ADimOk ; and exit
- ADimSet:
- mov b$ScrHeight,bh ;set alpha rows
- ADimOk:
- clc ;no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; SetMode
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Set EGA screen mode according to the characteristics established
- ; by previous call to B$Screenx and b$AlphaDim. Set 8x8 character
- ; font if new mode is to be 43 lines.
- ;Entry:
- ; b$BiosMode is mode to set
- ; b$ScrHeight is number of lines
- ;Exit:
- ; None
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc SetMode,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov al,b$BiosMode ;set BIOS mode
- SCNIO vSetMode
- cmp b$ScrHeight,43 ;43 lines?
- jne SetMode25 ;go if not
- mov dl,43 ; char gen call wants # of lines in DL
- mov ax,1123H ;character generator request
- xor bl,bl ; to load 8x8 font
- SCNIO ; which gets 43 lines
- SetMode25:
- call B$ResetEGA
- MOV DX,b$CURSOR ; Get current cursor position
- MOV BYTE PTR b$CSRTYP,-1 ; invalidate present cursor type so it
- ; will get changed
- CALL B$USRCSR ; display user cursor
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; SetPages
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Set the current active and visual pages and calculate page size
- ; and video segment offset for EGA modes.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = active page
- ; AH = visual page
- ;Exit:
- ; b$CurPages set to new active and visual pages.
- ; b$SegC set to start of new active page.
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc SetPages,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov b$CurPages,ax ;save page numbers
- push ax
- mov al,ah
- SCNIO vSelActivePage ;set visual page
- pop ax
- cbw ;extend active page to word
- mul b$CurrPSize ;times page size in paras
- add ax,b$VideoBase ;set video segment
- mov b$SegC,ax
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; PalPut_F
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Change palette entry for Screen 10 with translation/verification.
- ; A color value of -1 indicates that the associated palette
- ; entry is not to be modified.
- ;Entry:
- ; DX:AX = color
- ; BL = attribute
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C reset indicates successful operation
- ; set indicates PALETTE function call error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub PalPut_F
- cProc PalPut_F,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cmp ax,-1 ;lo word of color == -1?
- jne PalPut1 ;go if not, can't ignore
- cmp dx,ax ;hi word too?
- je PalPutExit ;exit if color == -1
- PalPut1:
- call PalTrans_F ;translate to external form
- jc PalPutExit ;exit if invalid w/error
- mov bh,al ;BH:BL = color:attribute
- mov al,bl ;ah:al = 2nd pair
- add al,8
- push ax ;save 2nd values in pair
- xor al,al ;subfunction "Set Individual Palette Register"
- SCNIO vSetEgaPalette
- pop ax
- xchg bx,ax ;2nd pair
- xor al,al ;subfunction "Set Individual Palette Register"
- SCNIO vSetEgaPalette
- clc ;no error
- PalPutExit:
- cEnd
- labelW TransF
- DB 0,0,0,8,0,24 ;9 possible value pairs of mode 0FH
- DB 8,0,8,8,8,24 ;0 - black, 8 - video, 18H - intensified
- DB 24,0,24,8,24,24
- ;***
- ; PalTrans_F
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Translate a user supplied attribute/color pair for Screen 10 to
- ; the corresponding hardware values after verifying that they are
- ; in the legal range.
- ; Attribute mapping: 0 --> 0
- ; 1 --> 1
- ; 2 --> 4
- ; 3 --> 5
- ; Color pair mapping per TransF table.
- ;Entry:
- ; DX:AX = user supplied color value
- ; BL = user supplied attribute value
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C set if illegal value, reset if Ok
- ; AX = actual color pair value
- ; BL = actual attribute value
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ; can exit through PalTrans_10_64K error exit.
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub PalTrans_F
- cProc PalTrans_F,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cmp bl,b$MaxAttr ;is legal attribute ?
- ja PalTrErr ;error return
- or dh,dl ;hi 3 bytes of color must be 0
- or dh,ah
- jnz PalTrErr ;error if not
- cmp al,b$MaxColor ;is legal color ?
- ja PalTrErr ;error return
- cmp bl,2 ;attributes 0 and 1 map directly
- jb PalTrNxt ;go if so
- add bl,2 ;attribute 2 maps to 4, 3 to 5
- PalTrNxt:
- push di
- MOV DI,GR_TEXTOFFSET TransF ;translate to color pair
- SHL AL,1 ;word index
- MOV AX,CS:[DI] ;translate color AX to color pair AX
- pop di
- clc ;no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; PalTrans_10_64K
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Translate a user supplied attribute for Screen 9/64K to the
- ; corresponding hardware value after verifying that the attribute
- ; value and the color value are in the legal ranges.
- ; Attribute mapping: 0 --> 0
- ; 1 --> 1
- ; 2 --> 4
- ; 3 --> 5
- ;Entry:
- ; DX:AX = user supplied color value
- ; BL = user supplied attribute value
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C set if illegal value, reset if Ok
- ; DX:AX = unchanged (user supplied color value)
- ; BL = actual attribute value
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub PalTrans_10_64K
- cProc PalTrans_10_64K,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- call B$EgaPalTrans ;check attribute and translate color
- jc PalTrErr ;error return
- cmp bl,2 ;attributes 0 and 1 map directly
- jb PalTrExit ;go if so
- add bl,2 ;attribute 2 maps to 4, 3 to 5
- PalTrExit:
- clc ;no error
- ret
- PalTrErr:
- STC ;indicate error
- cEnd
- labelB AttrX
- DB 0,3,0CH,0FH ;map to 0,3,C,F for odd/even
- ;***
- ; SetAttr_F_10_64K
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Map attribute value to the value needed by odd/even mode functions.
- ; 0 --> 00
- ; 1 --> 03
- ; 2 --> 0C
- ; 3 --> 0F
- ; If supplied attribute is outside legal range, use maximum legal value.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = attribute
- ;Exit:
- ; b$Attr updated
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub SetAttr_F_10_64K
- cProc SetAttr_F_10_64K,<NEAR>,<AX,BX>
- cBegin
- cmp al,b$MaxAttr ;test against maximum attribute
- jbe SetAttrXOk ;Brif legal
- mov al,b$MaxAttr ;limit to max
- SetAttrXOk:
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET AttrX ;translate for odd/even mode
- xlat cs:[bx]
- mov b$AttrC,al
- clc ;exit no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; SetColor
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Process the color statement for Bios modes 0Dh - 010h (BASIC Screen
- ; modes 7-10). Syntax for Screen 7-10 color statement is as follows:
- ;
- ; COLOR [foreground],[background]
- ;
- ; where "foreground" is the attribute to be used for the foreground
- ; and "background" is the color to be used for the background
- ;
- ; Any omitted parameter(s) indicate no change for that parameter.
- ;Entry:
- ; parameter list
- ; WORD 1 = flag 0 if param not present
- ; WORD 2 = parameter if WORD 1 <> 0, else second param flag
- ; etc.
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C set if error, reset if Ok.
- ; b$ForeColor is set to foreground attribute
- ; b$ForeMapped is set to foreground attribute mapped to internal value
- ;
- ;Uses
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;*****************************************************************************
- cProc SetColor,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cCall B$GetParm ;AL=foreground parameter
- mov bh,b$ForeColor ;use old values as default
- mov bl,b$ForeMapped
- jz GotFore ;go if none supplied
- cmp b$MaxAttr,al ;check for valid range
- jc SetColDun ;go if error
- push ax ;save: unmapped attr [14]
- push cx ; param count
- push b$PenC ; b$AttrC
- call [b$SetAttr] ;translate the attribute
- mov bl,b$AttrC ;translated attr in BL
- pop b$PenC
- pop cx
- pop ax ;restore unmapped attr
- mov bh,al ;unmapped attr to BH
- GotFore:
- cCall B$GetParm ;AL=background parameter
- jz NoBack ;go if none supplied
- push bx ;preserve foreground info
- xor bx,bx ;attribute 0 is background
- cbw ;AX=color
- cwd ;DX:AX=color
- call [b$PalPut] ;set background
- pop bx
- jc SetColDun ;go if error
- NoBack:
- mov b$ForeColor,bh ;save foreground values
- mov b$ForeMapped,bl
- clc ;indicate no error
- jcxz SetColDun ;if we got all params, thats true
- stc ;otherwise set error
- SetColDun:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; PIXLF3
- ;Purpose:
- ; Check for non-paint pixels left, odd/even EGA modes.
- ; Look through entire range of non-border pixels right to left
- ; to determine whether any will actually change color.
- ; Use AL as Color Don't Care mask.
- ;
- ; If using EGAINT10 interface, this routine must access the CDCReg
- ; and perform the associated color compare read with ints disabled,
- ; then reenable them to allow other processes to access the card
- ; before the next byte is checked. Since another process may have
- ; modified the graphics chip index reg as well as the data reg, we
- ; must send both index and data for each odd/even toggle.
- ;Entry:
- ; SI = byte address of rightmost byte in range
- ; BH = bit mask for leftmost byte
- ; BL = bit mask for rightmost byte
- ; DI = total number of whole bytes between first and last
- ; ES = video segment
- ;Exit:
- ; CL = 0 if no pixels found to change, non-zero if pixels to change
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;****
- DbPub PIXLF3
- cProc PIXLF3,<NEAR>,<DX>
- cBegin
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;index port for graphics register
- MOV AL,LOW CDCREG ;specify Color Don't Care
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints if using EGAINT10
- MOV AL,10101010B ;initially assume odd byte address
- JNZ STMSKL ;if correct, set this mask
- ROR AL,1 ;else rotate for other pair of planes
- OUT DX,AL ;set up for initial color compare
- ; read first byte
- MOV CL,ES:[SI] ;bit pattern of first byte with 0's where
- ;color not paint attribute
- AND CL,BL ;AND now produces difference if non-paint
- ;bit in significant position
- XOR CL,BL ;for significant bits in our first byte (bit
- ;set in BH), then non-paint will be one
- JNZ SETBTL ;found a bit to change
- OR BH,BH ;see if only one byte
- JZ NOSETL ;nothing to paint
- OR DI,DI ;see if only a "last byte"
- ; Look at whole bytes within viewport range until non-paint color found.
- ROR AL,1
- OUT DX,AL ;set up opposite Don't Care planes each time
- EGAINT10STI ;read is done, reenable ints if EGAINT10
- NOT CL ;check if all bits set (all paint color)
- OR CL,CL ;NOT does not affect flags
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints for next OUTs (loop
- ; or fall through)
- JNZ LKPTL3 ;keep looking until search of complete
- ;bytes is exhausted
- ; On last byte now, mask in BH.
- ROR AL,1
- OUT DX,AL ;last Don't Care
- MOV CL,ES:[SI] ;do last compare
- AND CL,BH ;significant bit = 0 if not paint color
- XOR CL,BH ;if different, non-paint pixel(s) present
- XOR CL,CL ;no bits to set, so zero pixels-changed flag
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints at common exit
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; PIXRT3
- ;Purpose:
- ; Check for non-paint pixels right with odd/even EGA modes.
- ; Look through entire range of non-border pixels left to right
- ; to determine whether any will actually change color.
- ; AL is used for Color Don't Care mask
- ;
- ; If using EGAINT10 interface, this routine must access the CDCReg
- ; and perform the associated color compare read with ints disabled,
- ; then reenable them to allow other processes to access the card
- ; before the next byte is checked. Since another process may have
- ; modified the graphics chip index reg as well as the data reg, we
- ; must send both index and data for each odd/even toggle.
- ;Entry:
- ; SI = byte address of leftmost byte in range
- ; BH = bit mask for rightmost byte
- ; BL = bit mask for leftmost byte
- ; DI = total number of whole bytes -1
- ; ES = video segment
- ;Exit:
- ; CL = 0 if no pixels found to change, non-zero if pixels to change
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;****
- DbPub PIXRT3
- cProc PIXRT3,<NEAR>,<DX>
- cBegin
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;index port for graphics
- MOV AL,LOW CDCREG ;set up for Color Don't Care register
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints if using EGAINT10
- MOV AL,10101010B ;initially assume odd byte mask
- TEST SI,1 ;check whether first byte odd or even
- JNZ SETMSK ;if odd, branch to set mask
- ROR AL,1 ;else rotate mask 1 right
- ; read first byte
- MOV CL,ES:[SI] ;bit pattern of first byte with 0's where
- ;color not paint attribute
- AND CL,BL ;AND now produces difference if non-paint
- ;bit in significant position
- XOR CL,BL ;for significant bits in our first byte (bit
- ;set in BH), then non-paint will be one
- JNZ PNTBIT ;found a bit to change
- OR DI,DI ;any more bytes?
- JZ PIXLAST ;no full bytes, go try last
- ; Look at whole bytes within viewport range until non-paint color found.
- ROR AL,1 ;shift Don't Care mask
- EGAINT10STI ;read is done, reenable ints if EGAINT10
- NOT CL ;check if all bits set (all paint color)
- OR CL,CL ;NOT does not affect flags
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints for next OUTs (loop
- ; or fall through)
- JNZ LKPTR3 ;keep looking until search of complete
- ;bytes is exhausted
- ; On last byte now, mask in BH.
- ROR AL,1
- MOV CL,ES:[SI] ;do last compare
- AND CL,BH ;significant bit = 0 if not paint color
- XOR CL,BH ;if different, non-paint color pixels
- JNZ PNTBIT ;leave CL non-zero as flag
- XOR CL,CL ;else zero the flag
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints at common exit
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; ScanLX
- ;Purpose:
- ; Scan left beginning with the pixel to the left of cursor,
- ; and paint pixels until:
- ; (1) the viewport edge is encounteered (edge painted)
- ; (2) a border pixel is encountered (border not painted)
- ;
- ; This version supports PAINT for the odd/even EGA modes (bios mode
- ; 10H with 64K of memory, and monochrome bios mode F). It differs
- ; from SCANL2 in its use of the Color Don't Care register in
- ; conjunction with screen reads. This is necessary because if the
- ; planes representing the even bytes and those representing the odd
- ; bytes are not disabled during color compares for odd and even bytes,
- ; respectively, the color compare is made as the sum of the bits set
- ; for each even byte and its odd successor, all four planes at one
- ; address.
- ;Entry:
- ; b$AddrC, b$MaskC = pixel to right of starting pixel
- ; b$PaintBorder = attribute of paint region border
- ; b$AttrC = attribute to paint
- ; B$LEOFST, B$VLMASK = left viewport edge
- ;Exit:
- ; BX = number of pixels scanned
- ; CL = 0 iff no pixels changed color
- ; b$OffC, b$MaskC = the last non-border pixel examined/painted
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;*****************************************************************************
- DbPub ScanLX
- cProc ScanLX,<NEAR>,<ES>
- cBegin
- CALL B$EgaScanInit
- ROL CH,1 ;see if cursor is left edge of byte
- JNB VWBYT1 ;if not, proceed to viewport checks
- DEC SI ;if so, start next byte left
- JS SCNOUT ;if negative, hit corner of screen
- VWBYT1: ;start on-screen viewport checks
- CMP SI,B$LEOFST ;see if off edge of viewport to left
- JMP BRDEX3 ;else do nothing, exit
- JNZ NOTBYT ;if not edge byte, skip bit checks
- CMP CH,B$VLMASK ;else check for pixel left too far and
- JMP BRDEX3 ;thus off viewport edge -- exit if so
- MOV DI,SI ;extra copy of first byte address
- MOV BL,CH ;extra copy of initial bit mask
- MOV BP,-1 ;this will be count of whole bytes
- XOR AH,AH ;initialize this byte's viewport mask to 0
- ; First task is to set up initial Color Don't Care mask depending
- ; on whether first byte is odd or even.
- MOV CL,10101010B ;initially assume odd byte -- 10101010
- ROR CL,1 ;if even, set up 01010101
- MOV AL,LOW CDCREG ;index to Color Don't Care register
- ; read first byte off the screen
- EGAINT10STI ;read is done, reenable ints if EGAINT10
- TEST AL,CH ;see whether initial pixel is border
- JZ SRCLF3 ;if not, start search left
- XOR CL,CL ;else set pixels-changed flag back to 0
- MOV BL,CL ;zero out 8-bit register used
- JMP BRDEX3 ;and exit gracefully
- ; look for border or viewport in first byte
- CMP DI,B$LEOFST ;is this in fact viewport edge byte?
- MOV AH,B$VLMASK ;if so, set up viewport mask in AH
- ; while not border
- ; and not viewport edge
- ; and not off the edge of the byte
- ROL CH,1
- ; keep moving left - edge of first byte
- DEC DI ;next byte address left
- INC BP ;count of intermediate bytes
- ROR CL,1 ;rotate Color Don't Care mask
- MOV AL,ES:[DI] ;read next byte left
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints between bytes if EGAINT10
- JMP SHORT SRCLF3 ;check next byte
- ; Here when border or viewport edge found.
- ; Set up bit mask for first (possibly only) byte
- ; SI = rightmost byte
- ; DI = leftmost byte (possibly same byte)
- ; BL = mask for rightmost bit in rightmost byte
- ; If viewport edge was found, AH will contain the viewport bit
- ; mask, and DI is the viewport edge byte. If SI=DI=viewport edge
- ; byte, we need to retain the viewport mask in AH. Otherwise
- ; clear AH and fetch the mask again later if needed for DI.
- CMP SI,B$LEOFST ;see if rightmost byte is LEFT viewport
- JZ SINTV2 ;if so, don't clear viewport mask
- ; register
- XOR AH,AH ;else clear AH for CHKBTL on
- SINTV2: ; rightmost byte
- MOV CH,BL ;initial bit position in CH
- MOV CL,10101010B ;need to reset Color Don't Care mask
- TEST SI,1 ;see if odd byte
- ROR CL,1
- OUT DX,AL ;set up Color Don't Care
- MOV AL,ES:[SI] ;get border bits if any
- XOR DX,DX ;this will be #pixels painted
- CALL B$EgaCHKBTL ;set up bit mask for first byte
- MOV BL,BH ;store in BL
- XOR BH,BH ;there may be only one byte
- ; see if more than 1 byte to paint
- PUSH SI ;save a copy of rightmost address
- INC BP ;see if still -1
- JZ ONEALN ;"one alone"
- DEC BP ;if not, recover real value
- PUSH DX ;store pixel count
- MOV DX,GRPADD+1 ;data port for Color Don't Care
- MOV CL,10101010B ;assume mask 10101010
- TEST DI,1 ;check DI for odd or even address
- ROR CL,1 ;if even, set up 01010101
- POP DX ;restore pixel count
- MOV AL,ES:[DI] ;get border bits if any
- MOV CH,1 ;set up mask for final byte
- CMP DI,B$LEOFST ;was this viewport byte?
- JNZ DINTV2 ;no -- don't need viewport mask
- MOV AH,B$VLMASK ;yes -- get viewport mask for CHKTBL
- CALL B$EgaCHKBTL ;set up leftmost byte bit mask in BH
- MOV b$OffC,DI
- MOV b$MaskC,CH ;update cursor
- PUSH DI ;save a copy of leftmost address
- MOV DI,BP ;store whole byte count for PIXLFT
- CMP b$Tiling,0 ;see if tiling is on
- CALL B$EgaSETCMP ;set color compare register to paint attribute
- CALL PIXLF3 ;see whether any pixels in range will change
- POP SI ;restore leftmost address to SI
- POP DI ;restore rightmost address to DI
- OR CL,CL ;returns CL non-zero if changes needed
- ; we found at least 1 pixel to change, so set entire range
- ; set pixels-changed flag, set up write mode 2
- NOT CH ;set to FF as decrement flag
- STD ;for SCANL, decrement from DI
- CALL B$EgaPIXCNT ;returns # pixels "painted" in BX
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; ScanRX
- ;Purpose:
- ; Starting with the current pixel, search right until:
- ; (1) a non-border pixel is found
- ; (2) [DX] pixels have been tested
- ; (3) the viewport edge is encountered
- ;
- ; If (2) or (3) terminated the scan, exit with:
- ; DX = remaining border bount = 0
- ;
- ; If (1) terminated the scan, scan and paint non-border pixels until:
- ; (1) the viewport edge is encountered (edge painted)
- ; (2) a border pixel is encountered (border not painted)
- ;
- ; This version supports PAINT for the odd/even EGA modes (bios mode
- ; 10H with 64K of memory, and monochrome bios mode F). It differs
- ; from SCANR2 in its use of the Color Don't Care register in
- ; conjunction with screen reads. This is necessary because if the
- ; planes representing the even bytes and those representing the odd
- ; bytes are not disabled during color compares for odd and even bytes,
- ; respectively, the color compare is made as the sum of the bits set
- ; for each even byte and its odd successor, all four planes at one
- ; address.
- ;Entry:
- ; DX = count of border pixels which may be skipped
- ; b$AddrC, b$MaskC = starting pixel
- ; b$PaintBorder = attribute of paint region border
- ; b$AttrC = attribute to paint
- ; B$REOFST, B$VRMASK = right viewport edge
- ;Exit:
- ; BX = number of pixels painted
- ; (whether or not they changed color)
- ; CL = 0 iff no pixels changed color
- ; DX = remaining border pixel count
- ; b$OffC, b$MaskC = the last non-border pixel examined/painted
- ; SI, AL = the first non-border pixel encountered
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- DbPub ScanRX
- cProc ScanRX,<NEAR>,<ES>
- cBegin
- ; set up EGA registers for color compare read
- ; point ES:[SI] to screen memory, b$MaskC in CH
- ; CL = 0 (pixels changed flag)
- CALL B$EgaScanInit ;setup
- ; Initial task is to set up a mask for specifying which planes
- ; we want to read when doing color compare reads. For even bytes,
- ; we need to specify 0's in bits 1 and 3 (color don't care planes
- ; 1 and 3), vice versa for odd bytes. For convenience in coding,
- ; we set up an 8-bit mask in CL and rotate right as we move across
- ; the screen.
- MOV BX,DX ;decrement BX instead of DX (needed for OUTs)
- MOV CL,10101010B ;assume start mask 10101010
- TEST SI,1 ;check whether odd or even byte
- JNZ COLCOM ;if odd, we're in business
- ROR CL,1 ;else 010101
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;address of index port
- MOV AL,LOW CDCREG ;Color Don't Care register
- INC DX ;data port address
- MOV AL,CL ;mask indicating planes to ignore (=0)
- OUT DX,AL ;set up initial Color Don't Care planes
- ; perform color compare on first byte
- MOV AL,ES:[SI] ;bits set where border found
- EGAINT10STI ;read is done, reenable ints if EGAINT10
- ; Starting at entry cursor, search right looking for non-border,
- ; viewport edge, or end-of-byte as long as DX does not decrement to 0.
- XOR AH,AH ;initialize viewport mask to 0
- CMP SI,B$REOFST ;check whether we are in viewport edge byte
- MOV AH,B$VRMASK ;if so, get viewport edge mask
- ; While border...
- TEST AL,CH ;compare color compare mask with b$MaskC
- JZ ENDRT3 ;if pixel not border, exit loop
- ; and not viewport edge...
- TEST AH,CH ;compare viewport edge mask with b$MaskC
- JNZ ENDRT3 ;if edge found, exit
- ; and BX is greater than 0...
- DEC BX ;contains # pixels which can be skipped
- JZ ENDRT3 ;in search for non-border pixel
- ; and not off the edge of the byte...
- ROR CH,1 ;shift bit mask right
- ; repeat the search
- ; end of first byte.
- INC SI ;next byte address
- ROR CL,1 ;rotate mask for next Color Don't Care
- OUT DX,AL ;next compare with alternate planes disabled
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints between bytes if EGAINT10
- MOV CH,80H ;mask now 1000/0000 for next search
- ; either (not border) OR (viewport edge) OR (DX = 0)
- MOV DX,BX ;return decremented value to proper register
- TEST AL,CH ;border?
- JZ NTBRD3 ;if so, we are either at viewport edge
- XOR DX,DX ;or have skipped DX pixels and therefore
- MOV BX,DX ;should exit with info as initialized
- XOR CL,CL ;restore old value to flag
- ; Look for viewport edge to determine how many bytes to look
- ; through for border pixel.
- PUSH DX ;store skipcount for later
- XOR DX,DX ;use to count pixels painted
- MOV b$SaveCa,SI ;we have a new CSAVE
- PUSH SI ;store copy of first byte address
- MOV b$SaveCm,CH
- CALL B$EgaCHKBTR ;set up byte for write, and count some pixels
- ;(AH = viewport edge mask if any)
- MOV BL,BH ;store first bit mask in BL
- XOR BH,BH ;zero BH until last byte bit mask if any
- XOR BP,BP ;start whole byte count at 0
- SUB DI,SI ;viewport edge address - first byte address
- TEST BL,1 ;if last bit not set, we found border for sure
- JZ WRTPX3 ;if just one byte, we're done
- OR DI,DI ;check also if we hit viewport edge
- JZ WRTPX3 ;if so, also done
- ; else look through DI bytes for border (this includes viewport
- ; edge byte)
- DEC BP ;start increment at -1
- MOV CH,80H ;start each byte at left edge
- PUSH DX ;save accumulating bit count
- MOV DX,GRPADD+1 ;prepare to send Color Don't Care data
- INC BP ;whole byte count
- INC SI ;point to byte
- ROR CL,1 ;rotate plane mask
- MOV AL,ES:[SI] ;read each byte for color compare
- EGAINT10STI ;read is done, reenable ints if EGAINT10
- OR AL,AL ;check for occurrence of border pixel(s)
- JNZ BRDPX3 ;set up last byte
- DEC DI ;decrement to 0 to include last byte
- JNZ SCANM3 ;go check out this byte
- ; MOV AH,B$VRMASK ;if edge of viewport, get viewport mask
- ;and proceed to set up byte for write
- ;may have found border, viewport
- ; edge, or have both in same byte
- CMP SI,B$REOFST ;heck if this is edge byte
- MOV AH,B$VRMASK ;if found, install viewport edge mask
- POP DX ;restore pixel count
- CALL B$EgaCHKBTR ;set up byte for write
- ; most recent call to CHKBTR has generated new cursor location and mask
- MOV b$OffC,SI
- MOV b$MaskC,CH
- POP DI ;restore leftmost byte address
- PUSH DI ;save a copy for leftmost add. for painting
- PUSH SI ;save copy of rightmost address also
- MOV SI,DI ;leftmost byte address in SI for PIXRGT
- MOV DI,BP ;PIXRGT will use DI to count whole bytes
- CMP b$Tiling,0 ;see whether tiling is on
- CALL B$EgaSETCMP ;set color compare register to paint attribute
- CALL PIXRT3 ;routine to determine whether any pixels change
- POP SI ;restore rightmost
- POP DI ;and leftmost byte addresses
- OR CL,CL ;non-zero indicates at least one must change
- XOR CH,CH ;zero as increment flag
- CLD ;for SCANR, paint routine should increment REP
- CALL B$EgaPAINPX ;set line
- CALL B$EgaPIXCNT ;return # pixels "painted" in BX
- POP DX ;skipcount in DX
- CALL B$ResetEGA ;reset EGA registers for BIOS write mode 0
- MOV SI,b$SaveCa ;return CSAVE
- MOV AL,b$SaveCm
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; Read_64K
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Support routine for NReadL_64K, reads one byte from screen
- ; memory into AL. Read from even plane even address, from
- ; odd plane if odd address.
- ;Entry:
- ; DS:SI = screen address
- ;Exit:
- ; AL = screen contents from address at ES:DI
- ; DI = incremented to next screen byte
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub Read_64K
- cProc Read_64K,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints if using EGAINT10
- mov al,RMPREG ;select read map select register
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- xor al,al ;for plane computation
- ror di,1 ;carry = 1 if odd address
- adc al,BasePlane ;base plane +1 iff odd address
- rol di,1 ;restore address
- out dx,al ;set plane to read
- dec dx
- lodsb ;read it (finally!!)
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints if using EGAINT10
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; NReadL_64K
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Read a line of pixels from a specified plane to an array for
- ; 64K Screen mode 9 (odd/even color mode).
- ;Entry:
- ; DS:SI = screen address
- ; ES:DI = array address
- ; CL = array align shift count
- ; CH = mask for last partial byte
- ; BP = count of bits to read
- ; BH = plane to read from
- ;Exit:
- ; ES:DI = updated to array byte past point used
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub NReadL_64K
- cProc NReadL_64K,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;address graphics controller
- ;the next 2 statements appear to be unnecessary, but I'm not totally sure.
- ; MOV AX,RWMREG ;r/w mode, [ah] = 0
- ; OutWord ;non color compare read
- shl bh,1 ;plane 0 = maps 0/1, plane 1 = maps 2/3
- mov BasePlane,bh
- call Read_64K ;preload hi byte
- mov ah,al ; to ah
- NRdLoopX:
- call Read_64K ;fill ax word with video bytes
- mov bh,al ;this lo byte will become next hi byte
- rol ax,cl ;align to array
- sub bp,8 ;8 bits done
- jbe NRdLastX ;go if bit count exhausted
- mov es:[di],ah ;save full byte
- inc di
- mov ah,bh ;move lo byte (BH) to hi byte (AH)
- jnz NRdLoopX ;loop if no offset overflow
- call B$BumpES ;move array pointer over segment boundary
- jmp short NRdLoopX ;go do another
- NRdLastX:
- and ah,ch ;strip unused bits from last byte
- mov es:[di],ah ;save last byte
- inc di
- jnz NRdDoneX
- call B$BumpES ;move array pointer over segment boundary
- NRdDoneX:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; Write_64K
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Support routine for NWriteL_64K, writes one byte to screen
- ; memory from AL. Initializes EGA regs to appropriate plane and
- ; vectors through [b$PutVector] which writes the byte after
- ; applying any bitwise logic necessary.
- ;Entry:
- ; ES:DI = screen address
- ;Exit:
- ; None
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub Write_64K
- cProc Write_64K,<NEAR>,<AX,DX>
- cBegin
- push ax
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;address graphics controller
- mov al,RMPREG ;select read map select register
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- xor al,al ;for plane computation
- ror di,1 ;carry = 1 if odd address
- adc al,BasePlane ;base plane +1 iff odd address
- rol di,1 ;restore address
- out dx,al ;set plane to read
- MOV DX,SEQADD ;address the sequencer
- MOV AL,MMREG ; map mask register
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- mov al,b$PlaneMask ;get base plane mask
- and al,MapMask ;with even/odd map mask
- and al,0FH ;strip to nibble
- out dx,al ;set plane to write
- rol MapMask,1 ;rotate even/odd mask for next byte
- pop ax
- .erre ID_SSEQDS ;assumes ss = ds
- call ss:[b$PutVector] ;put the byte (finally!!)
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; NWriteL_64K
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Write a line of pixels from an array to a specified plane for
- ; 64K Screen mode 9 (odd/even color mode).
- ;Entry:
- ; ES:DI = screen address
- ; DS:SI = array address
- ; CX = array align shift count
- ; BP = count of bits to write
- ; BH = plane to write to
- ; DL = last partial byte mask
- ; DH = first partial byte mask
- ;Exit:
- ; DS:SI = updated to array byte past point used
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub NWriteL_64K
- cProc NWriteL_64K,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- rol b$PlaneMask,1 ;shift to next plane
- rol b$PlaneMask,1
- mov MapMask,01010101B ;setup map mask for even access
- test di,1 ;is it even?
- jz IsEvenX ;go if so
- rol MapMask,1
- IsEvenX:
- shl bh,1 ;plane 0 = maps 0/1, plane 1 = maps 2/3
- mov BasePlane,bh
- push dx
- mov ah,dh ;first byte bit mask
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;address graphics controller
- mov al,BMKREG ; bit mask register
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints if using EGAINT10 interface
- OutWord ;set first partial byte mask
- pop dx
- mov ah,[si] ;preload byte from array
- inc si
- jnz NWrOvfl1X
- call B$BumpDS ;move array pointer over segment boundary
- NWrOvfl1X:
- ror ax,cl ;align to video
- add bp,cx
- sub bp,8 ;account for first partial byte
- jbe NWrLastX ;go if last byte
- call Write_64K
- mov dh,0FFH ;mask for whole bytes in the middle
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ah,dh ;middle byte bit mask
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;address graphics controller
- mov al,BMKREG ; bit mask register
- OutWord ;set full byte mask for middle bytes
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints if using EGAINT10 interface
- pop dx
- pop ax
- jmp short NWrLoopX2
- NWrLoopX:
- .erre ID_SSEQDS ;assumes ss = ds
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints if using EGAINT10 interface
- call Write_64K ;put the byte
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints if using EGAINT10 interface
- NWrLoopX2:
- rol ax,cl ;re-align to array
- xchg ah,al
- cmp cx,bp ;enough bits in this byte to finish
- jae NWrOvfl2X ;go if so, don't load another
- mov ah,[si] ;fill ax word with array bytes
- inc si
- jnz NWrOvfl2X
- call B$BumpDS ;move array pointer over segment boundary
- NWrOvfl2X:
- ror ax,cl ;align to video
- sub bp,8 ;8 bits done
- ja NWrLoopX ;go if bit count not exhausted
- NWrLastX:
- push ax
- and dh,dl ;combine first|middle mask with end mask
- mov ah,dh ;last byte bit mask
- MOV DX,GRPADD ;address graphics controller
- mov al,BMKREG ; bit mask register
- EGAINT10CLI ;disable ints if using EGAINT10 interface
- OutWord ;set first partial byte mask
- pop ax
- .erre ID_SSEQDS ;assumes ss = ds
- call Write_64K ;put the last byte
- EGAINT10STI ;reenable ints if using EGAINT10 interface
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; B$xINITEGA - initialize EGA modes
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Added with revision [26].
- ; Put the addresses of EGA screen mode support routines into the
- ; dispatch table used by the screen statement.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None
- ;Exit:
- ; ScreenTab updated
- ;Uses:
- ; None
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cBegin
- MOV WORD PTR [b$ScreenTab + (7*2) + 1],OFFSET B$Screen7
- MOV WORD PTR [b$ScreenTab + (8*2) + 1],OFFSET B$Screen8
- MOV WORD PTR [b$ScreenTab + (9*2) + 1],OFFSET B$Screen9
- MOV WORD PTR [b$ScreenTab + (10*2)+ 1],OFFSET B$Screen10
- cEnd
- sEnd GR_TEXT