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Visual C++
- TITLE LLCGA - CGA screen mode support
- ;***
- ;LLCGA - CGA screen mode support
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Support for CGA graphics screen modes (BIOS 4,5,6).
- ; Note that this module module contains support
- ; code for all adapters capable of handling these
- ; screen modes and also attempts to compensate for
- ; the subtle differences in their treatment.
- ;
- ; This module sets hooks in the mode-independent
- ; modules to routines here for mode-dependent
- ; graphics support. See the mode-independent
- ; modules for more precise descriptions of the
- ; purposes and interfaces of these routines.
- ;
- ; The following table summarizes the information for
- ; the modes and configurations covered:
- ;
- ; C | A B
- ; O | B T I
- ; L | I T P T
- ; O A M | O R A C S
- ; S R D O | S I C G H / P
- ; C B A N | B O E A P P L
- ; R U C R P I | M U L X Y S R A I A
- ; E R O O T T | O T O R R I B G X N
- ; E S L W E O | D E R E E Z O E E E
- ; N T S S R R | E S S S S E X S L S
- ; -- - -- -- - -- | -- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- --- - -
- ; 1 0 40 25 C x | 4 4 N/A 320 200 16 8x8 1 2 1
- ; 1 0 40 25 E x | " " 16 " " " " " " "
- ; 1 1 40 25 C x | 5 " N/A " " " " " " "
- ; 1 x 40 25 I x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ; 1 1 40 25 E x | " " 16 " " " " " " "
- ; 1 x 40 25 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ;
- ; 2 x 80 25 C x | 6 2 N/A 640 200 16 8x8 1 1 1
- ; 2 x 80 25 I x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ; 2 x 80 25 E x | " " 16 " " " " " " "
- ; 2 x 80 25 S x | " " " " " " " " " "
- ;
- ; Discussion of CGA odd/even line archtecture:
- ; CGA video memory is organized into two banks. The first bank,
- ; starting at B800, contains all the even scan lines. The second
- ; bank, starting at B800+8K, contains all the odd scan lines:
- ;
- ; Scan Offset
- ; Line from B800
- ; ---- ---------
- ; 0 0
- ; 1 8K
- ; 2 80
- ; 3 8K+80
- ; . .
- ; . .
- ; . .
- ;
- ; To move UP from odd scan line to even, add -8K to current address
- ; To move UP from even scan line to odd, add +8K-80 to current address
- ; To move DOWN from odd scan line to even, add -8K+80 to current address
- ; To move DOWN from even scan line to odd, add +8K to current address
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- INCLUDE ;feature switches
- INCLUDE ; Constant definitions
- INCLUDE ;ModeData macros
- INITIALIZER B$xINITCGA ;Put B$xINITCGA in initializer list
- sBegin _BSS
- ;
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ; Local variables
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ;
- staticB BackColor,,1 ;save background color for COLOR stmt
- ;__bBackColor is actually an attribute,
- ;and should stay 0 in graphics modes
- ;
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ; External function vectors
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ;
- externW b$PalPut
- ;
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ; External variables
- ; ***************************************************************************
- ;
- externW b$CurPages ; current active and visual page
- externB b$BiosMode
- externB b$Adapter
- externB b$Monitor
- externW b$ModeBurst
- externB b$ScreenMode
- externW b$VideoBase
- externB b$MaskC
- externB b$AttrC
- externW b$OffC
- externW b$SegC
- externB b$MaxAttr
- externB b$EgaPalSup
- externW B$VTOFST
- externW B$VBOFST
- externW B$VLOFST
- externW B$VROFST
- externW B$LEOFST
- externW B$REOFST
- externB b$NullColor
- externB b$BitsPerPixel
- externW b$BytesPerRow
- externW b$UpSub
- externW b$DnSub
- externW b$UpDnAdd
- externW b$ScreenTab
- sEnd _BSS
- assumes CS,GR_TEXT
- sBegin GR_TEXT
- externNP B$SCNIO ;used in SCNIO macro
- externNP B$InitModeData
- externNP B$GetParm
- externNP B$EgaPalReset
- externNP B$EgaPalPut
- externNP B$EgaPalTrans
- externNP B$EgaPalSet
- externNP B$ErrorReturn
- externNP B$CgaSetAttr
- externNP B$CgaLeftC1
- externNP B$CgaLeftC2
- externNP B$CgaChkUpC
- externNP B$CgaUpC
- externNP B$CgaChkDownC
- externNP B$CgaDownC
- externNP B$CgaPaintBound
- externNP B$CgaReadC
- externNP B$CgaSetC
- externNP B$CgaSetPixC
- externNP B$CgaSetPixFirstC
- externNP B$CgaSetPixLastC
- externNP B$CgaPutAction
- externNP B$CgaNReadL
- externNP B$CgaNWriteL
- externNP B$CgaNSetC
- externNP B$CgaSetTile
- externNP B$CgaScanL
- externNP B$CgaScanR
- externNP B$CgaLineX
- externNP B$CgaLineY
- externNP B$CgaLineV
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData Mode1Data
- ;
- ; SCREEN 1, BIOS modes 4 & 5
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 1
- mBiosMode 4 ;BIOS mode and burst may be adjusted later
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 40
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 320
- mVertRes 200
- mVideoBase 0B800H
- mMaxAttr 3
- mMaxColor 15
- mPageSize 16 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(16*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 3
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 0
- mInitPalette Mode1Palette
- mInitVgaPal Mode1VgaPal
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim1
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages B$CgaSetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalReset
- mPalPut PalPut1
- mPalTrans B$EgaPalTrans
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor SetColor1
- mForeMapped 3
- mBitsPerPixel 2
- mPlanes 1
- mMapXYC MapXYC1
- mLeftC B$CgaLeftC2
- mChkUpC B$CgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$CgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$CgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$CgaDownC
- mSetAttr SetAttr1
- mReadC B$CgaReadC
- mSetC B$CgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$CgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$CgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$CgaSetPixLastC
- mLineX B$CgaLineX
- mLineY B$CgaLineY
- mLineV B$CgaLineV
- mPutAction B$CgaPutAction
- mNReadL B$CgaNReadL
- mNWriteL B$CgaNWriteL
- mNSetC B$CgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$CgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$CgaSetTile
- mScanL B$CgaScanL
- mScanR B$CgaScanR
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;===========================================================================
- mModeData Mode2Data
- ;
- ; SCREEN 2, BIOS mode 6
- ;
- ; Mode-dependent data follows to initialize the the "b$ModeData" table
- ; in LLCGRP.
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- mScreenMode 2
- mBiosMode 6
- mBurst 0
- mScrWidth 80
- mScrHeight 25
- mHorzRes 640
- mVertRes 200
- mVideoBase 0B800H
- mMaxAttr 1
- mMaxColor 15
- mPageSize 16 ;page size in K
- mCurrPSize <(16*1024) shr 4> ;page size in paragraphs (1 plane)
- mMaxPage 0
- mNullColor 0
- mForeColor 1
- mBackColor 0
- mEgaWrMd 0
- mInitPalette b$Mode2Palette
- mInitVgaPal b$Mode2VgaPal
- mAlphaDim AlphaDim2
- mSetMode SetMode
- mSetPages B$CgaSetPages
- mPalReset B$EgaPalReset
- mPalPut B$EgaPalPut
- mPalTrans B$EgaPalTrans
- mPalSet B$EgaPalSet
- mSetColor B$ErrorReturn
- mForeMapped 1
- mBitsPerPixel 1
- mPlanes 1
- mMapXYC MapXYC2
- mLeftC B$CgaLeftC1
- mChkUpC B$CgaChkUpC
- mUpC B$CgaUpC
- mChkDownC B$CgaChkDownC
- mDownC B$CgaDownC
- mSetAttr B$CgaSetAttr
- mReadC B$CgaReadC
- mSetC B$CgaSetC
- mSetPixC B$CgaSetPixC
- mSetPixFirstC B$CgaSetPixFirstC
- mSetPixLastC B$CgaSetPixLastC
- mLineX B$CgaLineX
- mLineY B$CgaLineY
- mLineV B$CgaLineV
- mPutAction B$CgaPutAction
- mNReadL B$CgaNReadL
- mNWriteL B$CgaNWriteL
- mNSetC B$CgaNSetC
- mPaintBound B$CgaPaintBound
- mSetTile B$CgaSetTile
- mScanL B$CgaScanL
- mScanR B$CgaScanR
- mEnd GraphDataLen
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ; Mode1Palette - used to initialize the EGA palette for SCREEN 1
- ; (BIOS mode 4 or 5).
- ;
- labelB Mode1Palette
- ; RGBrgb
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 111011B ;bright cyan
- DB 111101B ;bright magenta
- DB 111111B ;bright white
- ;DB 12 DUP (0)
- ;
- ; Mode2Palette - used to initialize the EGA palette for SCREEN 2
- ; (BIOS mode 6).
- ;
- PUBLIC b$Mode2Palette
- labelB b$Mode2Palette
- ; RGBrgb
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 111111B ;bright white
- ;DB 14 DUP (0)
- ;***
- ; B$Screen1
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Establish all relevent mode dependent data values and function
- ; vectors for BASIC screen mode 1.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = screen mode (1)
- ; AH = burst (0 or 1)
- ; CL = alpha columns
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C = set indicates error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc B$Screen1,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- test b$Adapter,VGA + MCGA + EGA + CGA ;check for adapter support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- test b$Monitor,AnalogColor + EnhColor + StdColor
- ;check for monitor support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- mov al,ah ;new BIOS mode = 4 if no burst
- add al,4 ; 5 if burst
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET Mode1Data ;mode-specific data
- mov cx,GraphDataLen
- push ax
- call B$InitModeData ;initialize table data
- pop ax
- mov b$ModeBurst,ax ;save new mode and burst
- jmp short ScrCommon ;common exit
- ScrErr:
- stc
- ScrExit:
- JustReturn:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; B$Screen2
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Establish all relevent mode dependent data values and function
- ; vectors for BASIC screen mode 2.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = screen mode (2)
- ; AH = burst (0 or 1)
- ; CL = alpha columns
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C = set indicates error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ; can exit through B$Screen1's error exit.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc B$Screen2,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- test b$Adapter,VGA + MCGA + EGA + CGA ;check for adapter support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- test b$Monitor,AnalogColor + EnhColor + StdColor
- ;check for monitor support
- je ScrErr ;exit w/error if not supported
- mov bx,GR_TEXTOFFSET Mode2Data ;mode-specific data
- mov cx,GraphDataLen
- call B$InitModeData ;initialize table data
- ScrCommon:
- mov b$UpSub,8192
- mov b$DnSub,8192-80
- mov b$UpDnAdd,8192-80+8192
- clc ;indicate no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; AlphaDim1
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Validate the proposed text dimensions for Screen 1.
- ; If 40x25 is requested, this mode satisfies the request
- ; elseif 80x25 is requested, suggest screen mode 2
- ; else suggest screen mode 0.
- ;Entry:
- ; BH = number of lines
- ; BL = number of columns
- ;Exit:
- ; AL = -1 if this mode satisfies the request, otherwise
- ; AL is suggested screen mode to invoke for desired dimensions
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub AlphaDim1
- cProc AlphaDim1,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov al,-1 ;flag request satisfied (maybe)
- cmp bx,40+25*256 ;40x25?
- je ADim1Exit ;exit if so, standard stuff
- xor al,al ;flag request for screen 0
- cmp bx,80+25*256 ;80x25?
- jne ADim1Exit ;if not, let text mode try
- mov al,2 ;otherwise use screen 2
- ADim1Exit:
- clc ;no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; AlphaDim2
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Validate the proposed text dimensions for Screen 2.
- ; If 80x25 is requested, this mode satisfies the request
- ; elseif 40x25 is requested, suggest screen mode 1
- ; else suggest screen mode 0.
- ;Entry:
- ; BH = number of lines
- ; BL = number of columns
- ;Exit:
- ; AL = -1 if this mode satisfies the request, otherwise
- ; AL is suggested screen mode to invoke for desired dimensions
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub AlphaDim2
- cProc AlphaDim2,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov al,-1 ;flag request satisfied (maybe)
- cmp bx,80+25*256 ;80x25?
- je ADim1Exit ;exit if so, standard stuff
- xor al,al ;flag request for screen 0
- cmp bx,40+25*256 ;40x25?
- jne ADim2Exit ;if not, let text mode try
- inc al ;otherwise use screen 1
- ADim2Exit:
- clc ;no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; SetMode
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Set the screen mode according to the characteristics established
- ; by previous call to B$Screenx and b$AlphaDim.
- ;Entry:
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub SetMode
- cProc SetMode,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov al,b$BiosMode ;set BIOS mode
- SCNIOS vSetMode
- cmp b$ScreenMode,1 ;remainder for SCREEN 1 only
- jne SetModeExit ;exit if not
- test b$Adapter,EGA+VGA ;EGA or VGA?
- jz SetModeExit ;go if not
- ;
- ; The following is provided only to overcome a bug in the EGA BIOS
- ; routines which support the graphics "compatibility mode" (BIOS 4)
- ; so that the two calls related to PALETTE (INT10 AH = 0BH and
- ; INT10H AH = 10H) work correctly. If we use the first call once
- ; when user invokes SCREEN 1 to set the background color, then the
- ; BIOS will subsequently reference the correct (low-intensity)
- ; color values for the 4 palette attributes whenever the call using
- ; INT10H, AH = 0BH is used to toggle the palette, and whenever the
- ; call INT10H, AH = 10H is used to set an individual palette regis-
- ; ter. In the absence of this initialization, the high-intensity
- ; color values for both palettes are referenced.
- ;
- xor bx,bx ;set background to 0
- SCNIOS vSetPalette ;INT10H, AH=0BH "set color palette"
- SetModeExit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; B$CgaSetPages
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Set the current active and visual pages and calculate page size
- ; and video segment offset.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = active page (will always be 0 for these modes)
- ; AH = visual page (will always be 0 for these modes)
- ;Exit:
- ; b$CurPages set to new active and visual pages
- ; b$SegC set to video segment
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- PUBLIC B$CgaSetPages
- cProc B$CgaSetPages,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- DbAssertRel AX,E,0,GR_TEXT,<Non-zero page requested in B$CgaSetPages (LLCGA)>
- mov [b$CurPages],ax ; save page numbers
- mov ax,[b$VideoBase] ;set video segment
- mov [b$SegC],ax
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; PalPut1
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Change palette entry for Screen 1 with translation/verification.
- ; A color value of -1 indicates that the associated palette
- ; entry is not to be modified.
- ;Entry:
- ; [DX:AX] = color
- ; BL = attribute
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C reset indicates successful operation
- ; set indicates PALETTE function call error
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub PalPut1
- cProc PalPut1,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cmp ax,-1 ;lo word of color == -1?
- jne PutPalA ;go if not, can't ignore
- cmp dx,ax ;hi word too?
- je PutPalX ;exit if color == -1
- PutPalA:
- push ax
- push dx
- push bx
- call B$EgaPalPut ;put palette value
- pop bx
- pop dx
- pop ax
- jc PutPalX ;go if error
- or bl,bl ;is for background?
- jnz PutPalX ;exit if not
- call B$EgaPalTrans ;translate color value again!!
- cmp b$EgaPalSup,0 ;have we an EGA palette?
- je PutPalX ;exit if not
- mov bh,al ;overscan color
- mov al,1 ;subfunction "Set Overscan (Border) Register"
- SCNIO vSetEgaPalette ;set the border color identically
- PutPalX:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; MapXYC1
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; May given X and Y coordinates to the graphics cursor for Screen 1.
- ;Entry:
- ; CX = X coordinate
- ; DX = Y coordinate
- ;Exit:
- ; b$OffC, b$MaskC updated
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub MapXYC1
- cProc MapXYC1,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- xor ax,ax
- shr dx,1 ;dx=row within odd or even half, carry=1 if odd
- rcr ax,1 ;ax=8K if dx was odd, 0 if was even
- shr ax,1 ; computing offset to proper buffer half
- shr ax,1
- mov bx,dx ;multiply y by 80 to compute row displacement
- shl dx,1 ;dx=2*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=4*Y
- add dx,bx ;dx=5*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=10*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=20*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=40*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=80*Y
- add dx,ax ;odd rasters are displaced 8k
- mov ax,cx ;save x
- shr ax,1 ;div by PixelsPerByte (4)
- shr ax,1 ; to get byte index
- add dx,ax ;add x byte offset to y row address
- mov b$OffC,dx ;save byte offset
- and cl,3 ;mask in x bit addr
- shl cl,1 ; *2 for pixel addr in byte
- mov ch,11000000B ;leftmost pixel on in shift mask
- shr ch,cl ;move over to get mask
- mov b$MaskC,ch ;store cursor mask
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; MapXYC2
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; May given X and Y coordinates to the graphics cursor for Screen 2.
- ;Entry:
- ; CX = X coordinate
- ; DX = Y coordinate
- ;Exit:
- ; b$OffC, b$MaskC updated
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub MapXYC2
- cProc MapXYC2,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- xor ax,ax
- shr dx,1 ;dx=row within odd or even half, carry=1 if odd
- rcr ax,1 ;ax=8K if dx was odd, 0 if was even
- shr ax,1 ; computing offset to proper buffer half
- shr ax,1
- mov bx,dx ;multiply y by 80 to compute row displacement
- shl dx,1 ;dx=2*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=4*Y
- add dx,bx ;dx=5*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=10*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=20*Y
- labelNP <PUBLIC,B$MapXYC2_4> ; common to MAPXYC4 routine (lloga.asm)
- shl dx,1 ;dx=40*Y
- shl dx,1 ;dx=80*Y
- add dx,ax ;odd rasters are displaced 8k
- mov ax,cx ;save x
- shr ax,1 ;div by PixelsPerByte (8)
- shr ax,1 ; to get byte index
- shr ax,1
- add dx,ax ;add x byte offset to y row address
- mov b$OffC,dx ;save byte offset
- and cl,7 ;mask in x bit addr
- mov ch,10000000B ;leftmost pixel on in shift mask
- shr ch,cl ;move over to get mask
- mov b$MaskC,ch ;store cursor mask
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; SetAttr1
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Replicate supplied attribute throughout the attribute byte for
- ; use by Screen 1 functions. If supplied attribute is beyond
- ; legal range the maximum legal attribute is used.
- ;Entry:
- ; AL = attribute
- ;Exit:
- ; b$Attr updated
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub SetAttr1
- cProc SetAttr1,<NEAR>,<AX>
- cBegin
- cmp al,b$MaxAttr ;test against maximum attribute
- jbe SetAttr1Ok ;Brif legal
- mov al,b$MaxAttr ;limit to max
- SetAttr1Ok:
- MOV CL,2 ;2 bits per pixel
- MOV AH,AL ;attr mask in ??????xx
- OR AL,AH ;attr mask in ????xxxx
- OR AL,AH ;attr mask in ??xxxxxx
- OR AL,AH ;attr mask in xxxxxxxx
- MOV b$AttrC,al ;exit no error
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; SetColor1
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Process the color statement for Screen 1. Syntax for Screen 1
- ; color statement is as follows:
- ;
- ; COLOR [background],[fg palette],[fg override]
- ;
- ; where "background" is a color number 0-255 which gets mapped to 0-15,
- ; "fg palette" is a number which selects CGA palette 0 if even,
- ; or CGA palette 1 if odd,
- ; and "fg override" (if present) replaces and functions identically
- ; to "fg palette".
- ;
- ; Any omitted parameter(s) indicate no change for that parameter.
- ;Entry:
- ; parameter list
- ; WORD 1 = flag 0 if param not present
- ; WORD 2 = parameter if WORD 1 <> 0, else second param flag
- ; etc.
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.C set if too many parameters, reset if Ok
- ; b$NullColor set to background attribute value (always 0 for screen 1)
- ;Uses:
- ; per conv.
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub SetColor1
- cProc SetColor1,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cCall B$GetParm ;AL=background parameter
- push ax ;save background and flag
- cCall B$GetParm ;AL=1st palette parameter
- xchg ax,bx ;save 1st palette and flag
- cCall B$GetParm ;AL=2nd palette parameter
- jnz SetCol1 ;jump if param found
- ; which overrides the 1st one
- xchg ax,bx ;restore 1st palette param
- or ah,ah ;is it defaulted too?
- jnz SetCol2 ;go if so
- SetCol1:
- ; If palette parameter, then user gets bogus palette reset to
- ; 0 or 1.
- push ax ;save palette select value
- test b$Adapter,EGA + VGA ;EGA or VGA?
- jnz IsEga ;go if so
- xor bx,bx ;set background subfunction (0)
- mov bl,BackColor ;get chosen background color
- SCNIOS vSetPalette ;set background
- IsEga:
- pop bx ;restore palette select value
- mov bh,1 ;subfunction - set bogus palette
- and bl,bh ;force palette number to 0 or 1
- SCNIOS vSetPalette
- SetCol2:
- pop bx ;the background parameter is on the stack
- or bh,bh ;was there background parameter?
- jnz SetColExit ;no, only palette
- and bl,0FH ;Allow 0-255, mask to 0-15.
- test bl,8 ;If Bgnd to be intensified
- jz SetCol3 ;Brif not
- or bl,10H ;Set Intensity Bit
- SetCol3:
- mov BackColor,bl ;save it
- test b$Adapter,EGA + VGA ; EGA card present? [10] or VGA?
- jz NoEga ; No, use CGA BIOS call to set background
- mov al,bl ;AL=color
- and al,0FH ;strip intensity (PalPut will translate)
- cbw ;AX=color
- cwd ;DX:AX=color
- mov bl,bh ;BL=attribute(0)
- call [b$PalPut] ;make the EGA do what WE want
- jmp short SetColExit
- NoEga:
- SCNIOS vSetPalette ;set background color
- SetColExit:
- mov b$NullColor,0 ;use background for null color
- clc ;indicate no error
- jcxz SetColDun ;if we got all params, thats true
- stc ;otherwise set error
- SetColDun:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ; B$xINITCGA - initialize CGA modes
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Added with revision [14].
- ; Put the addresses of CGA screen mode support routines into the
- ; dispatch table used by the screen statement.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None
- ;Exit:
- ; ScreenTab updated
- ;Uses:
- ; None
- ;Exceptions:
- ;******************************************************************************
- cBegin
- MOV WORD PTR [b$ScreenTab + (1*2) + 1],OFFSET B$Screen1
- MOV WORD PTR [b$ScreenTab + (2*2) + 1],OFFSET B$Screen2
- cEnd
- sEnd GR_TEXT