资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- # Sizes for bottom strip / status line used in QBASIC/EDIT for DOS5
- # Created by Terry Farrell. (terryf)
- # January 1990. These tokens are for the file uinhelp.src and they
- # produce the file uinhelp.asm.
- #
- #
- # PLA's -------
- # don't panic about the size of this file, there is very little
- # calculating to be done, just follow the comments and you will
- # see what the numbers mean for the American version of the program.
- # The strings shown in the comments below can be found in the file
- # qbasmsgs.txt.
- #
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for MSG_StatusShiftF1
- #
- #------------------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #--------<Shift+F1=Help> < >
- #--------^---------------^-----------
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 1 to 16 f1 is selected
- [[uinhelp_01]]=1
- [[uinhelp_02]]=15
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for MSG_StatusShiftF1 and the MSG_StatusEdit
- # both stuck together
- #
- #--------0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #--------<Shift+F1=Help> <F6=Window> <F2=Subs> <F5=Run> <F8=Step>
- #-------------------------^----------^^--------^^-------^^--------^
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 17 to 28 f6 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 29 to 38 f2 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 39 to 47 f5 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 48 to 57 f8 is selected
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [[uinhelp_03]]=17
- [[uinhelp_04]]=27
- [[uinhelp_05]]=29
- [[uinhelp_06]]=36
- [[uinhelp_07]]=38
- [[uinhelp_08]]=45
- [[uinhelp_09]]=47
- [[uinhelp_10]]=57
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for MSG_StatusShiftF1 and the MSG_StatusRunning
- # both stuck together
- #
- #------------------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #--------<Shift+F1=Help> <F5=Continue> <F9=Toggle Bkpt> <F8=Step>
- #-------------------------^------------^^---------------^^--------^---
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 17 to 30 f5 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 31 to 47 f9 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 48 to 57 f8 is selected
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [[uinhelp_11]]=17
- [[uinhelp_12]]=26
- [[uinhelp_13]]=28
- [[uinhelp_14]]=49
- [[uinhelp_15]]=51
- [[uinhelp_16]]=61
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for MSG_StatusShiftF1 and the MSG_StatusImmediate
- # both stuck together
- #
- #------------------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #--------<Shift+F1=Help> <F6=Window> <Enter=Execute Line>
- #-------------------------^----------^^-------------------^
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 17 to 28 f6 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 29 to 49 enter is selected
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [[uinhelp_17]]=17
- [[uinhelp_18]]=27
- [[uinhelp_19]]=29
- [[uinhelp_20]]=51
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for MSG_StatusShiftF1 and the MSG_StatusHelp
- # both stuck together
- #
- #------------------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #--------<Shift+F1=Help> <F6=Window> <Esc=Cancel> <Ctrl+F1=Next> <Alt+F1=Back>
- #-------------------------^----------^^-----------^^-------------^^------------^
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 17 to 28 f6 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 29 to 41 esc is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 42 to 56 ctrl+f1 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 57 to 70 alt+f1 is selected
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [[uinhelp_21]]=17
- [[uinhelp_22]]=27
- [[uinhelp_23]]=29
- [[uinhelp_24]]=37
- [[uinhelp_25]]=39
- [[uinhelp_26]]=54
- [[uinhelp_27]]=56
- [[uinhelp_28]]=69
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for the MSG_StatusQEdit
- # both stuck together
- #
- #------------------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #--------MS-DOS Editor <F1=Help> Press ALT to activate menus
- #--------IBM DOS Editor <F1=Help> Press ALT to activate menus
- #-------------------------^-------^
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 16 to 25 f1 is selected
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [[uinhelp_29]]=17
- [[uinhelp_30]]=25
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # line is as follows for the MSG_StatusQHelp
- # both stuck together
- #
- #------------------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------------
- #--------012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- #---------<F1=Help> <F6=Window> <Esc=Cancel> <Ctrl+F1=Next> <Alt+F1=Back>
- #---------^-------^-^----------^^-----------^^-------------^^------------^
- # when you have translated please put in the numbers for the equivalent
- # positions in your strings.
- # i.e. if the user clicks on any position from 1 to 9 f1 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 11 to 22 f6 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 23 to 35 esc is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 36 to 50 ctrl+f1 is selected
- # if the user clicks on any position from 51 to 64 alt+f1 is selected
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [[uinhelp_31]]=01
- [[uinhelp_32]]=09
- [[uinhelp_33]]=11
- [[uinhelp_34]]=21
- [[uinhelp_35]]=23
- [[uinhelp_36]]=31
- [[uinhelp_37]]=33
- [[uinhelp_38]]=48
- [[uinhelp_39]]=50
- [[uinhelp_40]]=63
- #
- # ADDED for MsDos60
- # QHELP help viewer start-up status: MSG_StatusQHStart
- # 000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555
- # 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- # MS-DOS Help Viewer <F1=Help> Press ALT to activate menus
- # ^ ^
- # | |
- [[uinhelp_41]]=25
- [[uinhelp_42]]=33
- # QHELP help window active: MSG_StatusQHHelp
- # 00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667
- # 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- # Alt+I=Inhalt Alt+W=Weiter Alt+Z=Zuruck
- # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- [[uinhelp_43]]=01
- [[uinhelp_44]]=12
- [[uinhelp_45]]=15
- [[uinhelp_46]]=26
- [[uinhelp_47]]=29
- [[uinhelp_48]]=40