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Visual C++
- /***
- *varmgrc.c - Variable Manager for the BASIC 5.0 Interpreter
- *
- * Copyright <C> 1985, Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *Purpose:
- * Includes code for:
- * - creating and searching for variables
- * - creating and searching for user-defined types
- * Includes a description of namespaces in BASIC.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- /*
- The matrix given below is a representation of the namespaces in BASIC.
- Each class of names is listed on both the vertical and horizontal axis';
- X's in a square indicate that the two classes share a namespace (and
- could thus have name conflicts), while blanks in a square indicates that
- the two classes have separate namespaces.
- An astrisk ('*') (shown on vertical axis only) indicates that
- a type character included at the end of the name counts as
- part of the name for determining uniqueness.
- NOTE: This is a copy of the identical table in basic40.doc. If there's
- any conflict between this table and that one, the one in basic40.doc
- takes precedence.
- COM LAB DEF SUB FUNC Type Elem Sclr typd Arry typd Const
- Blk Fn Sclr Arry
- | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- COMMON Blk| XX | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | XX | | | | | | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Label | | XX | | | | | | | | | | |
- | | XX | | | | | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- DEF Fn* | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
- | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- SUB | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
- | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- FUNCTION | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
- | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Type | | | | | | XX | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | XX | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Element | | | | | | | XX | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | XX | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Scaler* | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | | | XX |
- | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | | | XX |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- typed | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | | | XX |
- Scaler | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | | | XX |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Array* | | | XX | XX | XX | | | | | XX | XX | |
- | | | XX | XX | XX | | | | | XX | XX | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- typed | | | XX | XX | XX | | | | | XX | XX | |
- Array | | | XX | XX | XX | | | | | XX | XX | |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Const | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | | | XX |
- | | | XX | XX | XX | | | XX | XX | | | XX |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "version.h"
- #if !HEAP_H
- #include "heap.h"
- #endif
- #if !CONINT_H
- #include "conint.h"
- #endif
- #if !CONTEXT_H
- #include "context.h"
- #endif
- #include "variable.h"
- #endif
- #if !QBIMSGS_H
- #include "qbimsgs.h"
- #endif
- #if !NAMES_H
- #include "names.h"
- #endif
- #if !UTIL_H
- #include "util.h"
- #endif
- #include "executor.h"
- #endif
- #if !PARSER_H
- #include "parser.h"
- #endif
- #if !TXTMGR_H
- #include "txtmgr.h"
- #endif
- #if !SCANNER_H
- #include "scanner.h"
- #endif
- /* forward reference of functions used only locally */
- ushort NEAR CreateVar(ushort, ushort);
- boolean FAR ModSharedChk(VOID);
- void NEAR ReDirect(VOID);
- ushort NEAR StdSearch(VOID);
- STATICF(VOID) AdjustStatChain(var *, ushort, ushort);
- STATICF(ushort) GrowBdVar(ushort);
- ushort NEAR FuncSearch(void);
- ushort NEAR GetDefaultType(char);
- extern ushort oNamOfPrsCur; /* set in ssrude.asm */
- VOID FAR B_ISdUpd(sd *, ushort);
- /* runtime entry point to update moving sd's */
- VOID FAR B_IAdUpd(ad *, ushort);
- /* runtime entry point to update moving ad's */
- /* varmgr-specific data */
- ushort vm_oVarCur; /* offset to current variable table entry */
- var *vm_pVarCur; /* only guaranteed to be setup immediately
- after a search or variable creation */
- ushort vm_oVarTmp; /* temporary var entry offset */
- boolean vm_fVarFound; /* return value from var search routines.
- note that, if vm_fVarFound is TRUE, the
- offset to the found var will be in
- vm_oVarCur (a static, also used in
- variable creation). */
- ushort vm_fPVCur; /* currently searching tPV if TRUE */
- STATICV uchar nm_mask; /* mask to apply to tNam flag for variable*/
- STATICV ushort errVal; /* error return - used for those cases
- which must return some other value
- (such as routines invoked via
- ForEachPrsInMrs ...) */
- STATICV boolean fConvtdToFun; /* used by FuncSearch to communicate the
- fact that it converted an existing
- entry to be a FUNCTION entry. */
- /*##############################################################################
- # #
- # Variable Storage Scheme #
- # #
- ##############################################################################*/
- /*
- Variables are stored as follows:
- There is one physical variable table per module, and one logical table
- per procedure and module. This is accomplished by having one hash table
- per logical table, all inter-woven in the physical table.
- Each hash table is initialized to zeros, and contains a fixed number
- of fields, each of which is an offset into the physical table to the
- first variable in a chain of variables that hash to the same hash table
- entry. The hashing function is based on the name table offset (oNam)
- for the variable. Note that module hash tables are larger than proc.
- hash tables, in anticipation of more variables per module than per
- procedure (i.e., to help give us reasonable search speed for module
- variables). As of this writing (Aug. '87), there are 16 hash chains
- per module hash table, and 8 per procedure hash table.
- The links in each hash chain are (physical) variable table offsets to
- the next variable entry in the chain. The end-of-chain marker is
- EITHER a 0 or a 1 - - - this is because we also store a flag in the
- low bit of the hash link (we use every bit we can get ...).
- Since variables cannot be dynamically removed and/or reused (i.e.,
- one can unlink an entry, but then that space is dead), variable
- entries and hash tables go into the physical table in whatever order
- they are encountered.
- Variable Entries:
- A variable entry looks like one of the below:
- If oTyp is User- If oTyp is I2, I4,
- Defined or a Fixed R4, R8, or Sd. oTyp
- Length String is stored in low 3
- bits of flags field
- +----------------+
- | oTyp/cbFS |
- +----------------+ +----------------+
- | oNam | | oNam |
- +----------------+ +----------------+
- | oHashLink | | oHashLink |
- +----------------+ +----------------+
- | flags | | flags |
- +----------------+ +----------------+
- pVar--->+ value | pVar--->| value |
- | | | |
- +----------------+ +----------------+
- The value field is of variable length, depending on what the variable
- represents. The flag bits allow determination of size and use of the
- value field for any given variable.
- All variable entries are of even size, and must fall on even byte
- boundaries, for 2 reasons:
- (1) The runtime requires SD's to fall on even byte boundaries
- (2) We store a flag bit in the low byte of the oHashLink field,
- so each oVar must be even.
- */
- /*##############################################################################
- # #
- # Variable Creation #
- # #
- ##############################################################################*/
- /***
- *GrowBdVar(cbGrowVar) - grow variable table
- *Purpose:
- * Given an amount by which we wish to grow the active variable table,
- * grow it if possible, returning FALSE if successful or an error code if not.
- *
- * In the event that grs.otxCONT != UNDEFINED, don't call BdGrowVar; instead,
- * succeed if sufficient space exists between cbLogical and cbPhysical, fail
- * otherwise, returning ER_CN.
- *Entry:
- * cbGrowVar - number of bytes we wish to grow mrsCur.bdVar by.
- *Exit:
- * FALSE if successful, in which case mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical is increased by
- * cbGrowVar
- * Otherwise, returns an error code for use by CreateVar, below.
- *******************************************************************************/
- STATICF(ushort) GrowBdVar(cbGrowVar)
- ushort cbGrowVar;
- {
- /* [13] ensure that oVar < 0x8000 */
- if ((mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical + VAR_STRUCT_SIZE + 2) > 0x7FFF) /* [13] */
- return (PRS_ER_RE | ER_OM); /* [13] out of memory */
- if (grs.otxCONT == UNDEFINED) { /* user can't CONTinue */
- if (!BdGrowVar(&mrsCur.bdVar, cbGrowVar))
- return (PRS_ER_RE | ER_OM); /* out of memory */
- }
- else {
- /* user is able to CONTinue; fail unless space already exists in table */
- REG1 ushort temp = mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical + cbGrowVar;
- if (temp > mrsCur.bdVar.cbPhysical) { /* would have to actually */
- /* grow table */
- DbAssert(!(mkVar.flags2 & MV_fTrashTable))
- return (0x8000 | ER_CN);
- }
- else
- mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical = temp; /* success. */
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /***
- *CreateVar(oPVHash, varFlags) - create a new variable
- *Purpose:
- * Create a new variable in the mrsCur.bdVar. If 'oPVHASH' is UNDEFINED,
- * create it in the tMV, else, use the offset to the tPV hash table.
- *
- *Entry:
- * oPVHash - UNDEFINED if we're to create var in the tMV, or an offset
- * into mrsCur.bdVar to the hash table for the tPV.
- * varFlags - Initial settings for the flags word in the new var entry.
- * FVCONST, and FVSTATIC are to be set correctly; FVARRAY &
- * FVINDEXED will frequently be correct, but may be changed
- * based on other flags settings; FVVALUESTORED is to
- * be pathologically set to TRUE on input, while
- * mkVar - global structure containing MakeVariable inputs for oNam,
- * oTyp, and a(nother) flags word.
- *
- * NOTE: All variables are created on even-byte boundaries. This
- * guarantees, in turn, that the value fields of all variables will
- * start on even byte boundaries. We ensure this primarily by the
- * structure definitions in variable.h/.inc. The primary reason for
- * this is that the shared runtime assumes (and requires) that all
- * string descriptors be on even byte boundaries.
- *
- *Exit:
- * return value is an error code; either zero is returned (no error),
- * or the same error code as is used by MakeVariable is returned (see
- * MakeVariable, below).
- *
- * Also sets module static vm_oVarCur to the offset into mrsCur.bdVar
- * to the new entry, and vm_pVarCur to point to the entry.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- ushort NEAR CreateVar(oPVHash, varFlags)
- ushort oPVHash;
- ushort varFlags;
- {
- var *pVar;
- ushort inFlags = mkVar.flags; /* put MakeVariable callers flags
- word in a register */
- ushort cbValue = 0;
- ushort cbOTyp;
- ushort *pHash;
- uchar nmsp_type;
- ushort temp;
- ushort entryFlags; /* [11] use this to build up
- [11] the flags word for entry */
- ushort oPrsRef; /* [11] 0 or oPrs for function
- [11] ref */
- /* if caller to MakeVariable really wanted just a search without modifying
- the variable table, return Internal Error code to indicate that the
- search failed */
- if (mkVar.flags2 & MV_fDontCreate)
- return (PRS_ER_RP | ER_IER);
- /* The following assertion is made because (if for no other reason ...)
- we assume that the user can still CONTinue if he asks to add a variable
- but we return ER_CN and he backs out of the edit */
- DbAssertIf(mkVar.flags & !(FVCOMMON | FVFNNAME | FVFUNCTION),
- !(mkVar.flags2 & MV_fTrashTable))
- if ((mkVar.oTyp == UNDEFINED) && !(mkVar.flags & FVASCLAUSE))
- /* reference to a record prior to ...AS...*/
- return (PRS_ER_RP | MSG_BadElemRef); /* [9] */
- /* The following assertion is based on the fact that we're using
- grs.oRsCur in the case that we CAN continue to see if there's an active
- frame on the stack for the active procedure - if so, we return ER_CN */
- DbAssertIf(oPVHash != UNDEFINED,
- ((grs.oRsCur & 0x8000) && (prsCur.oVarHash == oPVHash)))
- if ((oPVHash != UNDEFINED) &&
- (grs.otxCONT != UNDEFINED) &&
- !(varFlags & (FVSTATIC | FVSHARED | FVCONST)))
- if (FindORsFrame()) /* TRUE if this proc has an active frame */
- return (0x8000 | ER_CN); /* allow the user to back out of edit */
- oPrsRef = 0; /* [11] initialize */
- entryFlags = varFlags & ~0x07;
- if (varFlags & FVFUN)
- entryFlags |= FVINDEXED;
- else {
- entryFlags |= (FVARRAY | FVINDEXED);
- /* set the dimension count; if input of zero, assume 1 - - - will end
- up giving Rude Edit later if this turns out to have been wrong */
- if ((mkVar.cDimensions == 0) && !(inFlags & FVCOMMON))
- cbValue = sizeof(dm);
- /* NOTE: we if a dimension count wasn't specified on a COMMON
- statement for an array, the execute scanner depends on
- the cDims field in the variable entry being 0;
- we depend on that for STATIC arrays, in StdSearch */
- if ((inFlags & FVSTATIC) && (mkVar.cDimensions > 8))
- return (PRS_ER_RE | MSG_SubCnt); /* 'Wrong number of subscripts' */
- }
- if (!(inFlags & FVIMPLICIT)) /* if pathological input was wrong */
- entryFlags |= FVEVEREXPLICIT;
- inFlags = entryFlags; /* now use flags as passed BY MakeVariable */
- /* initialize cbValue for static variable case, to save code later on */
- cbValue += (inFlags & FVARRAY) ? (sizeof(aStat) + - sizeof(oneChar) +
- sizeof(dm) * mkVar.cDimensions) :
- (mkVar.oTyp == ET_FS ? mkVar.fsLength :
- CbTyp(mkVar.oTyp));
- nmsp_type = NMSP_Variable; /* assume we're not creating a FUNCTION, or
- DEF FN entry */
- if (inFlags &
- if (inFlags & FVCOMMON) {
- entryFlags &= ~FVVALUESTORED; /* set that bit to FALSE */
- cbValue = (inFlags & FVARRAY ? sizeof(aCom) : sizeof(comRef));
- if (inFlags & FVSHARED)
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared;
- }
- else { /* not COMMON - */
- cbValue = sizeof(ushort);
- if (inFlags & FVFUNCTION) {
- nmsp_type = 0; /* don't set any name table
- bits */
- if ((oPVHash == UNDEFINED) && (mkVar.flags & FVFUNCTION))
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared; /* set tNam entry flag */
- if (mkVar.flags & FVLVAL) /* retval */
- entryFlags &= ~FVVALUESTORED; /* set to FALSE for retval */
- else {
- if ((oPrsRef =
- PrsRef(mkVar.oNam,
- (uchar)((mkVar.flags & FVFUNCTION) ?
- mkVar.oTyp)) & 0x8000) /* [16] function not found */
- return (PRS_ER_RP | ER_UF); /* 'Undefined Function' */
- }
- }
- else { /* FVFORMAL */
- entryFlags &= ~FVVALUESTORED; /* set that bit to FALSE */
- if (inFlags & FVARRAY)
- cbValue = sizeof(aFormal);
- }
- } /* else - not COMMON */
- else /* STATIC,SHARED, or CONST */
- if (inFlags & FVSHARED) {
- if (oPVHash == UNDEFINED) /* entry going in the tMV */
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared;
- else { /* entry going in tPV */
- entryFlags &= ~FVVALUESTORED; /* set to FALSE */
- cbValue = sizeof(ushort);
- }
- } /* if SHARED */
- else if (inFlags & FVCONST) {
- if (oPVHash == UNDEFINED) /* entry going in the tMV */
- nm_mask = NM_fShared; /* Always set fShared bit
- so constants are found */
- }
- } /* if special case flag is set */
- else {
- if ((grs.oPrsCur != UNDEFINED) && (prsCur.procType == PT_DEFFN))
- oPVHash = UNDEFINED; /* var ref. belongs in the tMV for DEF's */
- if ((oPVHash != UNDEFINED) && (!(prsCur.flags & FP_STATIC))) {
- entryFlags &= ~FVVALUESTORED; /* actual value not stored in entry */
- if (inFlags & FVARRAY)
- cbValue = sizeof(aFrame);
- else
- cbValue = sizeof(ushort); /* size of a frame offset */
- }
- } /* no special case flag was set */
- cbValue = ((++cbValue) >> 1) << 1; /* round up cbValue, to
- ensure even-byte vars.
- Note that this MUST be
- done in case of odd-sized
- user-defined types or
- fixed-length strings. */
- cbOTyp = ((mkVar.oTyp > ET_MAX) || (mkVar.oTyp == ET_FS)) ?
- sizeof(ushort) : 0;
- vm_oVarCur = mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical + cbOTyp + VAR_STRUCT_SIZE; /* [11] */
- /* [11] see if namespace ER_DD error BEFORE we try to grow the var table,
- [11] so we don't ask user if he wants to continue and THEN give error */
- if (nmsp_type) /* don't set anything if
- creating a DEF or FUN
- entry (txtmgr does it) */
- if (CheckONamSpace(mkVar.oNam, nmsp_type))
- return (PRS_ER_RE | ER_DD); /* duplicate definition */
- temp = cbValue + cbOTyp + VAR_STRUCT_SIZE;
- if (temp < cbValue) /* [12] 64k wrap occurred */
- return (PRS_ER_RE | ER_OM); /* [12] out of memory */
- if (temp = GrowBdVar(temp))
- return (temp);
- pVar = (var *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb + vm_oVarCur); /* in case table moved */
- ZeroFill((char *)pVar, cbValue);
- if (cbOTyp) { /* oTyp > ET_MAX */
- if (mkVar.oTyp == ET_FS) {
- *((ushort *)((char *)pVar + VAR_cbFixed)) = mkVar.fsLength;
- entryFlags |= mkVar.oTyp;
- }
- else
- *((ushort *)((char *)pVar + VAR_oTyp)) = mkVar.oTyp;
- }
- else
- entryFlags |= mkVar.oTyp;
- ONamOf(pVar) = mkVar.oNam; /* [11] */
- FlagsOf(pVar) = entryFlags; /* [11] set entry flags */
- ValueOf(pVar, oPrs) = oPrsRef; /* [11] oPrs or zero */
- if (nmsp_type) { /* don't set anything if
- creating a DEF or FUN
- entry (txtmgr does it) */
- if (SetONamSpace(mkVar.oNam, nmsp_type))
- ; /* [11] CheckONamSpace will
- [11] already have caught
- [11] error, if any */
- }
- mrsCur.oPastLastVar = mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical; /* can always trim table
- back to oPastLastVar and
- lose no variables */
- vm_pVarCur = pVar; /* an exit value */
- /* initialize the dim count if:
- the entry is an array AND it's NOT (shared AND in a procedure).
- (If an array is shared and in a procedure it doesn't have a cDims
- field in the var table entry. The entry is a near pointer to the
- array descriptor defining the array.) */
- if ((FlagsOf(pVar) & FVARRAY) &&
- !((FlagsOf(pVar) & FVSHARED) && (oPVHash != UNDEFINED))) //[17]
- ValueOf(pVar, aryStat.cDims) = mkVar.cDimensions;
- /* this actually sets
- cDims for all arrays */
- /* now just have to link the new entry in */
- pHash = (ushort *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb +
- ((oPVHash == UNDEFINED) ?
- (mkVar.oNam & HASH_MV_NAMMASK) :
- (oPVHash + (mkVar.oNam & HASH_PV_NAMMASK))));
- if ((*pHash == 0) || (FlagsOf(pVar) & FVDECLDVAR)) {
- /* link this entry into start of chain */
- OHashLinkOf(pVar) = *pHash; /* old start of chain in new entry */
- *pHash = vm_oVarCur; /* save offset to new entry */
- }
- else { /* link this entry into end of chain */
- OHashLinkOf(pVar) = 0; /* 0 (or 1) indicates end of chain;
- UNDEFINED doesn't do it because
- we store a flag in the low bit */
- pVar = (var *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb + *pHash); /* point to start of chain */
- while (OHashLinkOf(pVar) > 1) /* while not end of hash chain */
- pVar = (var *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb + (OHashLinkOf(pVar) & 0xFFFE));
- OHashLinkOf(pVar) |= vm_oVarCur; /* OR this in rather than assign it
- to preserve existing flag value */
- DbAssert(!(vm_oVarCur & 1)) /* we depend on oVars being on even
- byte boundaries for this hashlink
- bit flag use, and for SD's */
- }
- return (vm_fVarFound = FALSE); /* var created, not found;
- retval says 'no errors' */
- } /* CreateVar */
- /*##############################################################################
- # #
- # Variable Searching #
- # #
- ##############################################################################*/
- /***
- *ReDirect() - unlink entry @ vm_oVarCur, set FVREDIRECT, put vm_oVarTmp in value
- *Purpose:
- * 'ReDirect' a variable entry, i.e., unlink it from its hash chain, set
- * the FVREDIRECT flag in the entry, and put the offset to the 'real'
- * entry (in vm_oVarTmp) into the value field.
- *
- * Redirection is performed whenever an existing entry is made invalid
- * by some new instance of a matching variable, for example, what looked
- * like an array at first encounter might be found to be a FUNCTION at
- * a later encounter - - - all such array entries (in tMV and all tPV's)
- * are redirected to this newly created FUNCTION entry. The scanner
- * can then go through and fix up the pcode for each redirected entry,
- * since we'll put the oVar for the new entry in the redirected entry.
- *Entry:
- * vm_fPVCur - module static flag, TRUE if hash table is in tPV, FALSE if tMV.
- * mrsCur.bdVar assumed set up, and if vm_fPVCur is TRUE, prsCur is assumed
- * to be set up, and the oVarHash field to contain an offset into
- * mrsCur.bdVar to the tPV hash table.
- * vm_oVarCur is an offset into mrsCur.bdVar to the entry to be redirected.
- * vm_oVarTmp is an offset into mrsCur.bdVar to the entry it is to be
- * redirected to.
- *Exit:
- * none.
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *******************************************************************************/
- VOID NEAR ReDirect()
- {
- REG1 var *pVar;
- REG2 char *pVarBase = mrsCur.bdVar.pb;
- REG3 ushort *pHash;
- REG4 var *pVarPrev;
- REG5 ushort oHashTmp;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | calculate pointer into hash table to offset to the first entry in the |
- | chain; this is just: |
- | (base of physical table) + (offset to start of hash table) + |
- | (offset into hash table) |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- DbAssertIf(vm_fPVCur, prsCur.oVarHash != UNDEFINED)
- pHash = (ushort *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb +
- (vm_fPVCur ?
- (prsCur.oVarHash + (mkVar.oNam & HASH_PV_NAMMASK)) :
- (0 + (mkVar.oNam & HASH_MV_NAMMASK))));
- pVar = (var *)(pVarBase + *pHash); /* point to first entry */
- if (*pHash == vm_oVarCur) /* entry is @ start of chain */
- *pHash = OHashLinkOf(pVar) & 0xFFFE; /* unlink first entry */
- else {
- while ((oHashTmp = OHashLinkOf(pVar) & 0xFFFE) != vm_oVarCur) {
- DbAssert(oHashTmp != 0) /* better not be end of chain */
- pVar = (var *)(pVarBase + oHashTmp);
- }
- pVarPrev = pVar; /* point to entry prior to one
- we wish to unlink */
- pVar = (var *)(pVarBase + oHashTmp);
- OHashLinkOf(pVarPrev) = OHashLinkOf(pVar);/* unlink the entry */
- }
- /* at this point, pVar points to the entry being redirected */
- FlagsOf(pVar) |= FVREDIRECT;
- ValueOf(pVar, oMV) = vm_oVarTmp;
- } /* ReDirect */
- /***
- *FuncSearch() - search the appropriate hash table for FUNCTION case
- *Purpose:
- * Search the appropriate table (tPV or tMV) in the case where we've
- * encountered [DECLARE] FUNCTION.
- *Entry:
- * vm_fPVCur - module static flag, TRUE if we're to search tPV, FALSE if tMV.
- * mrsCur.bdVar assumed set up, and if vm_fPVCur is TRUE, prsCur is assumed
- * to be set up, and the oVarHash field is either UNDEFINED (in which
- * case we just return), or contains an offset into mrsCur.bdVar to the
- * tPV hash table.
- *
- * mkVar set up as per MakeVariable (below).
- *Exit:
- * FALSE = no error
- * otherwise, the same error code is returned as described for MakeVariable,
- * below.
- * If no error is returned, then the static vm_fVarFound indicates success or
- * failure.
- * If vm_fVarFound == TRUE, vm_oVarCur is set to the offset into mrsCur.bdVar to
- * the found variable entry, and vm_pVarCur points to the entry.
- * If an existing entry has been converted to a FUNCTION entry by the search,
- * the static flag fConvtdToFun will be set TRUE.
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *******************************************************************************/
- ushort NEAR FuncSearch()
- {
- REG1 var *pVar;
- REG2 char *pVarBase = mrsCur.bdVar.pb;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | calculate offset into mrsCur.bdVar to first entry in appropriate hash |
- | chain; this is the contents of: |
- | (base of physical table) + (offset to start of hash table) + |
- | (offset into hash table) |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- REG3 ushort oVar = *(ushort *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb +
- (vm_fPVCur ?
- (prsCur.oVarHash + (mkVar.oNam & HASH_PV_NAMMASK)) :
- (0 + (mkVar.oNam & HASH_MV_NAMMASK))));
- fConvtdToFun = vm_fVarFound = FALSE; /* initialize */
- if ((oVar == 0) || (vm_fPVCur && (prsCur.oVarHash == UNDEFINED)))
- return(FALSE); /* empty hash chain - not found */
- for (pVar = (var *)(pVarBase + oVar); /* loop init. */
- pVar != (var *)pVarBase; /* oVar = 0 ==> end of chain */
- pVar = (var *)(pVarBase + (OHashLinkOf(pVar) & 0xFFFE))) {
- /* loop re-init */
- if (mkVar.oNam != ONamOf(pVar))
- continue;
- if (!(FlagsOf(pVar) & FVFUN)) {
- return (PRS_ER_RE | ER_DD);
- if (OTypOf(pVar) != mkVar.oTyp)
- if (FlagsOf(pVar) & FVEVEREXPLICIT)
- return (PRS_ER_RE | ER_DD);
- else {
- DbAssert(mkVar.oTyp <= ET_MAX)
- FlagsOf(pVar) = (FlagsOf(pVar) & ~ 0x07 | mkVar.oTyp);
- }
- fConvtdToFun = TRUE; /* set flag if converting to FUN */
- ValueOf(pVar, oPrs) = PrsRef(mkVar.oNam, PT_FUNCTION, mkVar.oTyp);
- /* set value field */
- DbAssert(ValueOf(pVar, oPrs) != UNDEFINED)
- /* error if prs not found */
- FlagsOf(pVar) &= ~FVARRAY;
- } /* if entry flag FVFUN is FALSE */
- if (vm_fVarFound) /* is this a second match in the */
- return(PRS_ER_RE | ER_DD); /* same chain? If so error */
- /* now, note that we've found a match and save this oVar, but keep
- looking, in case there's another matching name, which would trigger
- the above error ... */
- vm_fVarFound = TRUE;
- vm_oVarCur = (char *)pVar - mrsCur.bdVar.pb;
- vm_pVarCur = pVar;
- } /* while not at end of hash chain */
- return (FALSE); /* no errors */
- } /* FuncSearch */
- /***
- *ModSharedChk() - check tPV for matches to a new module SHARED variable
- *Purpose:
- * Check the tPV (of prsCur) for a match to a given (new) module SHARED
- * variable. If a match is found, redirect it, i.e., unlink the tPV entry
- * from its hash chain, set the FVREDIRECT flag in it, and place
- * the offset to the new module SHARED variable in its value field.
- *
- * Note: This is now optimized based on the knowledge that it's ONLY used
- * used for FUNCTION declarations or definitions.
- *
- *Entry:
- * vm_oVarTmp = offset into mrsCur.bdVar to a new module SHARED variable.
- * vm_fPVCur assumed to be TRUE
- * other inputs set up as for FuncSearch (above)
- *Exit:
- * TRUE - no error.
- * FALSE - some error from FuncSearch, assumed to be a rude edit case
- * (so we can count on mrsCur.bdVar being tossed out).
- * In this event, the static variable 'errVal' will be contain the
- * error return, and (non-RELEASE only) the mkVar.flags2 bit
- * MV_fTrashTable will be set.
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *******************************************************************************/
- boolean ModSharedChk()
- {
- if (errVal = FuncSearch()) {
- return(FALSE); /* some error found - quit looking */
- }
- if (vm_fVarFound)
- ReDirect();
- return (TRUE);
- } /* ModSharedChk */
- /***
- *GetDefaultType - given the logical 1st char of a var name, get default oTyp
- *Purpose:
- * Given the logical first char of a name, return the default oTyp of that name.
- * Note that 'logical first char' implies the third char of a name which starts
- * with 'FN' and the first char of any other name.
- *Entry:
- * namChar
- *Exit:
- * oTyp
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- ushort NEAR GetDefaultType(namChar)
- char namChar;
- {
- namChar &= 0xDF; /* convert to upper case */
- DbAssert ((namChar == ('.' & 0xDF)) ||
- ((namChar >= 'A') && (namChar <= 'Z')));
- return(namChar == ('.' & 0xDF)) ? ET_R4 : (ushort)ps.tEtCur[(namChar) - 'A'];
- } /* GetDefaultType */
- /***
- *MakeVariable - Search for var, create if req'd, return offset to it
- *Purpose:
- * Given a variable encountered by the parser or scanner, search for the
- * variable; if not found (and no error conditions detected), create the
- * variable in the tMV or the appropriate tPV and return an offset into
- * mrsCur.bdVar ('oVar') to the value field in the variable entry; this offset
- * goes in the pcode stream.
- *
- *Entry:
- * mrsCur set up; it is assumed that bdVar is a heap owner.
- * prsCur either set up, or grs.oPrsCur is UNDEFINED if no procedure is
- * currently active
- * mkVar.oNam - global name table offset for the name of the input variable
- * mkVar.oTyp - global type table offset for the (perhaps assumed) type of the
- * input variable. In the case of an implicitly typed variable,
- * ET_IMP should be passed; in this instance, MakeVariable will
- * determine the appropriate default type, based on the oNam.
- * In the case of a reference to a record element, the oTyp of the
- * record variable cannot be set by the caller; in this special
- * case, mkVar.oTyp must be set to UNDEFINED by the caller.
- * mkVar.flags - global 2-bytes of bit flags used to describe the variable
- * encountered. One byte contains flags which are set in
- * atypical situations, the other contains flags to be tested
- * in common situations.
- * Note that the FVIMPLICIT and FVFNNAME flags are not inputs,
- * however - - - these can be set or reset on input: MakeVariable
- * (now) sets these based on the oTyp and oNam fields (respectively)
- * mkVar.cDimensions - number of dimensions in an array variable; required
- * for correctly allocating the array descriptor, and setting
- * the dimension count for array variables. Only meaningful
- * when FVINDEXED is set, and FVFUNCTION is not (and the variable
- * name does not start with 'FN') (Note that FVINDEXED is
- * considered to be set whenever FVFORCEARRAY is set).
- * mkVar.flags2 & MV_fONamInOTyp - set when the oType field is either ET_FS or
- * ET_FT and the fsLength field is the oNam of a CONSTant
- * which gives the length of the fixed length string/text.
- * mkVar.flags2 & MV_fDontCreate - set when MakeVariable is called JUST to
- * search for an existing variable. Does not create a new variable
- * if one is not found with this flag set. Non-RELEASE code checks
- * that no other modification of the variable table takes place
- * when this is TRUE.
- *
- *Exit:
- * The return value is an oVar if the high bit (bit 15) is clear, and
- * it's an error code if the high bit is set.
- *
- * If the high bit is not set (and retval is an oVar), if the input mkVar.oTyp
- * was incorrectly assumed by the caller (i.e., implicitly typed), mkVar.oTyp
- * will contain the correct oTyp on exit.
- *
- * If the high bit is not set, if a CONSTant var entry was found, mkVar.flags2
- * will have the MV_fConstFound bit set (always reset on exit otherwise).
- *
- * If the high bit is set, the LSB is a scanner error code and the MSB
- * minus bit 15 is a parser action code. The scanner error code is an
- * error which the user will see, whereas the parser action code is an
- * indication to the parser of what action it should take. The codes are
- * listed below:
- *
- * +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
- * |15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
- * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- * | E| P| P| P| P| P| P| P| S| S| S| S| S| S| S| S|
- * +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
- *
- * E - Error indicator (error if set)
- * P - Parser action code - bits set for different codes (includes bit 15 set):
- * PRS_ER_RE - Module Rude Edit
- * PRS_ER_RP - opReParse placed before statement
- * S - Scanner error code - decimal number in LSB (see basicmsg.doc)
- *
- * If the return value is an error code, and the mkVar.flags2 MV_fTrashTable
- * bit is set, then the caller MUST take action to 'throw away' mrsCur.bdVar;
- * this flag set on error return indicates that the table has been modified
- * somehow and cannot be used dependably.
- * Note that this is a non-RELEASE flag; assertion code is used to ensure
- * that a rude edit error is returned whenever this flag is TRUE.
- *
- * Note that ER_IER ('Internal Error') is used to signal the case where
- * the caller had the mkVar.flags2 MV_fDontCreate bit set on input and a
- * matching entry was not found.
- *
- * Note that an oVar (pVar) is not an offset (pointer) to the start (low word)
- * of the appropriate variable entry, rather it's an offset (pointer) to the
- * value field in the entry. Other fields are referenced from a pVar via
- * negative offsets.
- *
- * On exit, the following input flag bits are reset to FALSE in mkVar.flags:
- * On exit, the MV_fONamInOTyp and MV_fDontCreate bits are always reset in
- * in mkVar.flags2.
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- ushort NEAR MakeVariable()
- {
- REG1 ushort flags;
- REG2 var *pVar;
- REG3 ushort retval;
- REG4 ushort createMask;
- REG5 ushort oHashCreate;
- REG6 ushort oNamPrs;
- REG7 ushort namChar;
- REG8 boolean fCreate; /* used to signal that we don't
- want to create input variable */
- REG9 ushort inputFlags = mkVar.flags; /* save input mkVar.flags in case
- we must change them locally */
- ushort mkVarONam;
- ushort mkVarOTyp;
- uchar mkVarCDims;
- boolean fTemp;
- DbAssert(grs.oMrsCur != UNDEFINED)
- DbChkGrs() /* sanity check on grs, mrsCur, and prsCur */
- if (mkVar.flags2 & MV_fONamInOTyp) {
- mkVarONam = mkVar.oNam;
- mkVarOTyp = mkVar.oTyp;
- mkVarCDims = mkVar.cDimensions;
- /* mkVar.fsLength is really an oNam for a CONSTant. We must search local
- var table for this constant (tMV too if we're at proc level) and
- use it's value to set the input oTyp to the appropriate fixed length
- string constant */
- DbChkoNam(mkVar.fsLength)
- mkVar.flags2 &= ~MV_fConstFound;
- mkVar.oNam = mkVar.fsLength;
- mkVar.flags = FVIMPLICIT;
- mkVar.oTyp = ET_I2; /* CONSTant MUST be an I2 */
- vm_fPVCur = (grs.oPrsCur != UNDEFINED);
- retval = StdSearch();
- if (!vm_fVarFound && !retval && !(vm_fPVCur = !vm_fPVCur))
- /* if we searched tPV and didn't find it, better be in tMV */
- retval = StdSearch();
- /* restore input values of mkVar struct (must do this here so mkVar.flags
- is correct in case of error) */
- mkVar.oNam = mkVarONam;
- mkVar.oTyp = mkVarOTyp;
- mkVar.flags = inputFlags;
- mkVar.cDimensions = mkVarCDims;
- if (retval || !vm_fVarFound || !(mkVar.flags2 & MV_fConstFound) ||
- (OTypOf(vm_pVarCur) != ET_I2) || (ValueOf(vm_pVarCur, I2) <= 0)) {
- retval = PRS_ER_RP | MSG_InvConst;
- goto RetValExit;
- }
- mkVar.fsLength = ValueOf(vm_pVarCur, I2);
- }
- mkVar.flags &= ~(FVFNNAME | FVIMPLICIT); /* Initialize the flags to FALSE */
- DbAssertIf(mkVar.flags & FVCONST,
- (mkVar.oTyp != ET_IMP))
- if ((mkVar.oTyp == ET_IMP) ||
- ((mkVar.oTyp == UNDEFINED) && !(mkVar.flags & FVASCLAUSE)))
- mkVar.flags |= FVIMPLICIT; /* note that an 'UNDEFINED' oTyp
- could really be a fixed-length
- string of maximal (32K) length.
- The FVASCLAUSE bit removes this
- ambiguity */
- if ((namChar = GetVarNamChar(mkVar.oNam)) & 0xff00)
- mkVar.flags |= FVFNNAME; /* get first logical char of name
- in low byte, & fFNnam in high */
- if (vm_fPVCur = (grs.oPrsCur != UNDEFINED)) {
- DbAssert(prsCur.oVarHash != UNDEFINED)
- DbAssert(prsCur.oVarHash < mrsCur.bdVar.cbLogical)
- if (mkVar.flags & FVCOMMON) {
- retval = PRS_ER_RP | MSG_InvProc;
- goto RetValExit;
- }
- oHashCreate = prsCur.oVarHash;
- /* The below is a speed optimization. oNamOfPrsCur is set by the rude
- scanner to prevent searching the name table for the proc name for
- each variable reference in the procedure. When we're called by the
- parser, oNamOfPrsCur will be UNDEFINED and we must do it here. */
- if ((oNamPrs = oNamOfPrsCur) == UNDEFINED)
- oNamPrs = ONamOfOgNam(prsCur.ogNam);/* [4] */
- DbAssert(oNamPrs != 0) /* [4] ONamOfOgNam CAN'T ret. OM */
- }
- else { /* no prs active */
- if (mkVar.flags & FVSTATIC) {
- retval = PRS_ER_RP | MSG_InvModLev;
- goto RetValExit;
- }
- oHashCreate =
- oNamPrs = UNDEFINED;
- }
- flags = mkVar.flags; /* put flags word in a register */
- if ((flags & FVIMPLICIT) && (mkVar.oTyp != UNDEFINED))
- mkVar.oTyp = GetDefaultType((char)namChar); /* set default type */
- DbMkVarInp() /* special validation code for global inputs */
- /*======================================================================
- 'createMask' is a mask used to pass to CreateVar - - - the code below
- depends on the fact that most of the variable entry flags correspond
- in position to the MakeVariable input flags ...
- =======================================================================*/
- createMask = FVVALUESTORED |
- nm_mask = 0; /* initialize */
- vm_oVarCur = UNDEFINED; /* initialize */
- mkVar.flags2 &= ~MV_fConstFound; /* initialize */
- if (retval = StdSearch())
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- if (vm_fPVCur) { /* a procedure is active */
- /*====================================================================
- Even though a procedure is active, we must search the tMV as well
- in one of three possible cases:
- 1. A match was not found, and the name table entry indicates that
- there is a module shared variable of this oNam.
- 2. A match was not found, and the current prs is for a DEF FN.
- 3. We've found a retval in the currently active FUNCTION, but input
- FVLVAL is not set, i.e., we've got a case of self-recursion,
- and thus want to find the tMV FUNCTION reference rather than the
- tPV retval. Note that in this case, we KNOW we'll find a match
- in the tMV, as the reference is to the FUNCTION in prsCur.
- ====================================================================*/
- if ((!vm_fVarFound &&
- ((FlagOfONam(mkVar.oNam) & NM_fShared) ||
- (prsCur.procType == PT_DEFFN))) ||
- (vm_fVarFound && !(flags & FVLVAL) &&
- (FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) & FVFUN) &&
- (mkVar.oNam == oNamPrs) && (prsCur.procType == PT_FUNCTION))) {
- vm_fPVCur = FALSE; /* search the tMV */
- if (retval = StdSearch())
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- vm_fPVCur = TRUE; /* reset */
- if (vm_fVarFound) {
- pVar = vm_pVarCur;
- /* [10] set temp boolean TRUE if there exists a module-level
- [10] var of this name (not necessarily the var just found! */
- fTemp = FlagOfONam(mkVar.oNam) & NM_fShared; /* [10] */
- if (fTemp && !(FlagsOf(pVar) & (FVFUN | FVCONST))) { /* [10] */
- if (!(FlagsOf(pVar) & FVSHARED)) /* [10] */
- vm_fVarFound = FALSE; /* [10] not SHARED, so not found */
- } /* [10] */
- else if (!fTemp && (prsCur.procType != PT_DEFFN)) /* [10] */
- vm_fVarFound = FALSE; /* if not SHARED, then not found */
- else if ((FlagsOf(pVar) & FVFUN) && (flags & FVLVAL))
- if ((mkVar.oNam == oNamPrs) &&
- (prsCur.procType == PT_FUNCTION)) {
- /* not found after all - really want to create a retval */
- vm_fVarFound = FALSE;
- }
- else goto RE_DD_Exit; /* attempt to assign to a Function
- outside of the Function */
- } /* if vm_fVarFound */
- } /* if !vm_fVarFound && tNam entry fShared bit set */
- else if (vm_fVarFound && (FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) & FVSHARED))
- vm_oVarCur = ValueOf(vm_pVarCur, oMV);
- /* caller doesn't want oVar for
- the SHARED entry in the tPV,
- he wants the actual tMV entry */
- }
- else /* no procedure is active */
- if ((flags & FVLVAL) && vm_fVarFound && (FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) & FVFUN))
- goto RE_DD_Exit; /* attempt to assign to a Function
- outside of the Function */
- if (!vm_fVarFound)
- if (retval = CreateVar(oHashCreate, createMask))
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- } /* typical case - no special flags set */
- else {
- /*==== SEARCHING FOR SOME SPECIAL VAR (i.e., COMMON, STATIC, etc.) =====*/
- if (flags & (FVFUNCTION | FVFNNAME)) {
- if (flags & FVFUNCTION) {
- DbAssert(vm_fPVCur == FALSE) /* [DECLARE] FUNCTION only legal
- at module level */
- if (retval = FuncSearch())
- goto RetValExit;
- pVar = vm_pVarCur;
- if ((!vm_fVarFound) || (fConvtdToFun)) {
- if (!fConvtdToFun) /* function entry doesn't exist yet */
- if (retval = CreateVar(UNDEFINED,
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- if ((NMSP_MASK & FlagOfONam(mkVar.oNam)) == NMSP_Variable) {
- /* there exists at some non-FUNCTION variable(s) of this
- oNam somewhere in mrsCur.bdVar */
- /* now set up inputs for each invocation of ModSharedChk */
- vm_fPVCur = TRUE;
- vm_oVarTmp = vm_oVarCur;
- errVal = 0;
- ForEachPrsInMrs(ModSharedChk);
- /* reset static variables */
- vm_oVarCur = vm_oVarTmp;
- vm_fPVCur = FALSE;
- retval = errVal;
- FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) |= FVSHARED;
- /* remember that an entry of this oNam is module shared: */
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared;
- if (retval)
- goto RetValExit;
- ResetONamMaskTmp(mkVar.oNam,NMSP_Variable);
- /* txtmgr depends on us resetting
- this bit in this case */
- }
- }
- } /* if FVFUNCTION */
- else { /* must be FVFNNAME */
- if ((!vm_fPVCur) || (mkVar.oNam != oNamPrs))
- if (mkVar.flags & FVLVAL)
- goto RE_DD_Exit;
- if (retval = StdSearch())
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- if (!vm_fVarFound) {
- if ((vm_fPVCur) && !(mkVar.flags & FVLVAL)) {
- vm_fPVCur = FALSE; /* search the tMV */
- if (retval = StdSearch())
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- vm_fPVCur = TRUE; /* reset */
- }
- if (!vm_fVarFound)
- if (retval = CreateVar(oHashCreate, createMask | FVFUN))
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- }
- } /* if FVFNNAME */
- } /* if FVFUNCTION, of FVFNNAME */
- else { /* must be FORMAL, STATIC,
- if (retval = StdSearch())
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- if (flags & (FVFORMAL | FVSTATIC | FVCONST)) {
- if (vm_fVarFound)
- goto RE_DD_Exit; /* existing var matches formal,
- static, or const */
- if (retval = CreateVar(oHashCreate, createMask))
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- if ((flags & FVCONST) && !vm_fPVCur) {
- DbAssert(txdCur.scanState == SS_RUDE) /* ensure no owners */
- FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) |= FVSHARED;
- /* remember that an entry of this oNam is module shared: */
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared;
- }
- else if (flags & FVCOMMON) {
- fCreate = TRUE; /* assume we want to create the
- variable if not found */
- if (vm_fVarFound) {
- pVar = vm_pVarCur;
- if (FlagsOf(pVar) & FVARRAY) {
- DbAssert(txdCur.scanState == SS_RUDE) /* ensure no owners */
- FlagsOf(pVar) |= FVCOMMON; /* convert entry to be a COMMON */
- FlagsOf(pVar) &= ~FVVALUESTORED;
- fCreate = FALSE; /* don't want to create too ... */
- }
- else /* not an array */
- goto RE_DD_Exit; /* [14] */
- } /* if found */
- if (fCreate)
- if (retval = CreateVar(UNDEFINED, createMask))
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- if (flags & FVSHARED) {
- DbAssert(txdCur.scanState == SS_RUDE) /* ensure no owners */
- FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) |= FVSHARED;
- /* remember that an entry of this oNam is module shared: */
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared;
- }
- } /* if FVCOMMON */
- else { /* must be FVSHARED */
- DbAssert(flags & FVSHARED)
- /* NOTE: this case MUST be tested AFTER we check for FVCOMMON */
- if (vm_fPVCur) { /* active procedure */
- if (vm_fVarFound)
- goto RE_DD_Exit; /* [14] in case found entry
- [14] contains an owner */
- else { /* var not found in the tPV */
- vm_fPVCur = FALSE;
- if (retval = StdSearch()) /* search tMV */
- goto RetValExit;
- vm_fPVCur = TRUE; /* reset */
- if (!vm_fVarFound) {
- if (retval = CreateVar(UNDEFINED, createMask & ~FVSHARED))
- goto RetValExit; /* create var a module level */
- }
- FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) |= FVSHARED; /* scanner needs this bit
- set in module entry.
- Namespace bit keeps
- this case straight. */
- vm_oVarTmp = vm_oVarCur; /* save offset to tMV entry */
- if (retval = CreateVar(prsCur.oVarHash, createMask))
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- pVar = vm_pVarCur;
- ValueOf(pVar, oMV) =
- vm_oVarCur = vm_oVarTmp;
- }
- }
- else { /* no proc active - DIM SHARED */
- if (!vm_fVarFound)
- if (retval = CreateVar(UNDEFINED, createMask))
- goto RetValExit; /* return error code */
- /* NOTE: the parser CAN call us here when we're not in SS_RUDE,
- NOTE: but the txtmgr guarantees us that if a user enters
- NOTE: or modifies a DIM SHARED statement, it will be a rude
- NOTE: edit. I.e., we don't need to worry about any proc-level
- NOTE: variables here, since the rude scanner scans the
- NOTE: module before any of the procedures in the module */
- FlagsOf(vm_pVarCur) |= FVSHARED;
- /* remember that an entry of this oNam is module shared: */
- nm_mask |= NM_fShared;
- }
- } /* if FVSHARED */
- } /* COMMON, SHARED */
- } /* some special-case flag(s) is/are set */
- /* var was either explicitly or implicitly typed; set flag accordingly: */
- if (!(flags & FVIMPLICIT))
- FlagsOf((var *)(mrsCur.bdVar.pb + vm_oVarCur)) |= FVEVEREXPLICIT;
- if (nm_mask != 0)
- SetONamMask(mkVar.oNam, nm_mask); /* don't set name table flag bits
- until no chance of error */
- DbChkoVar(vm_oVarCur)
- DbChkoTyp(mkVar.oTyp)
- DbMkVarExit(vm_oVarCur,vm_fVarFound,vm_fPVCur)
- /* Reset most of the input flags to their default values (FALSE) - - leave
- the rest as they were on entry */
- mkVar.exitFlags = mkVar.flags; /* NOTE: can remove exitFlags
- when MakeVariable is
- rewritten in native code*/
- mkVar.flags = inputFlags & ~(FVFNNAME | FVASCLAUSE | FVIMPLICIT | FVLVAL |
- mkVar.flags2 &= ~(MV_fONamInOTyp | MV_fDontCreate);
- return(vm_oVarCur);
- RE_DD_Exit:
- retval = PRS_ER_RE | ER_DD;
- RetValExit:
- DbMkVarExit(retval,vm_fVarFound,vm_fPVCur)
- /* Reset most of the input flags to their default values (FALSE) - - leave
- the rest as they were on entry */
- mkVar.exitFlags = mkVar.flags; /* NOTE: can remove exitFlags
- when MakeVariable is
- rewritten in native code*/
- mkVar.flags = inputFlags & ~(FVFNNAME | FVASCLAUSE | FVIMPLICIT | FVLVAL |
- mkVar.flags2 &= ~(MV_fONamInOTyp | MV_fDontCreate);
- return(retval);
- } /* MakeVariable */
- /*##############################################################################
- # #
- # Call-back code, for when a variable table moves #
- # #
- ##############################################################################*/
- /***
- *AdjustStatChain(pVarTable, oVar, cbAdjust)
- *Purpose:
- * Adjust the back pointers to AD's and SD's in all static variables in
- * the current hash chain by cbAdjust bytes.
- * Note that this code is shared by AdjustMrsVarTable and AdjustPrsVarTable.
- *
- *Entry:
- * pVarTable is the base pointer for the variable table.
- * oVar is an offset into a variable table to the first var in a chain.
- * cbAdjust is an adjustment factor to be added to appropriate backpointers.
- *
- *Exit:
- * none.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- STATICF(VOID) AdjustStatChain(pVarTable, oVar, cbAdjust)
- var *pVarTable;
- REG2 ushort oVar;
- ushort cbAdjust;
- {
- REG1 var *pVar;
- REG3 ushort flags;
- while (oVar != 0) {
- pVar = (var *)((char *)pVarTable + oVar);
- flags = FlagsOf(pVar);
- oVar = (OHashLinkOf(pVar) & 0xFFFE);
- if ((flags & FVFUN) || !(flags & FVVALUESTORED))
- continue;
- if (flags & FVARRAY) {
- if ((ValueOf(pVar, aryStat.aryDsc.fFeatures & FADF_SD)) &&
- (ValueOf(pVar, aryStat.aryDsc.pNext) != NOT_OWNER))
- B_IAdUpd(&(ValueOf(pVar, aryStat.aryDsc)), cbAdjust);
- }
- else if ((OTypOf(pVar) == ET_SD) && (ValueOf(pVar,sdStr.pb) != NULL)) {
- B_ISdUpd(&(ValueOf(pVar, sdStr)), cbAdjust);
- }
- } /* while */
- } /* AdjustStatChain */
- /***
- *AdjustMrsVarTable(pVarTable, cbAdjust)
- *
- *Purpose:
- * Adjust the back pointers to AD's and SD's in all static variables in
- * the tMV by cbAdjust bytes.
- *
- *Entry:
- * pVarTable is the base pointer for the variable table.
- * cbAdjust is an adjustment factor to be added to appropriate backpointers.
- *
- *Exit:
- * none.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- VOID NEAR AdjustMrsVarTable(pVarTable, cbAdjust)
- var *pVarTable;
- ushort cbAdjust;
- {
- REG1 ushort iHash;
- REG2 ushort *pHash = (ushort *)pVarTable; /* tMV hash tbl @ start */
- for (iHash = 0; iHash < CBINITMVHASH/2; iHash++)
- AdjustStatChain(pVarTable, *pHash++, cbAdjust);
- } /* AdjustMrsVarTable */
- /***
- *AdjustPrsVarTable(pVarTable, oVarHash, cbAdjust)
- *
- *Purpose:
- * Adjust the back pointers to AD's and SD's in all static variables in
- * the given tPV by cbAdjust bytes.
- *
- *Entry:
- * pVarTable is the base pointer for the variable table.
- * oVarHash is the offset in the variable table to the tPV hash table.
- * cbAdjust is an adjustment factor to be added to appropriate backpointers.
- *
- *Exit:
- * none.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * none.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- VOID NEAR AdjustPrsVarTable(pVarTable, oVarHash, cbAdjust)
- var *pVarTable;
- ushort oVarHash;
- ushort cbAdjust;
- {
- REG1 ushort iHash;
- REG2 ushort *pHash = (ushort *)((char *)pVarTable + oVarHash);
- if (oVarHash != UNDEFINED)
- for (iHash = 0; iHash < CBINITPVHASH/2; iHash++)
- AdjustStatChain(pVarTable, *pHash++, cbAdjust);
- } /* AdjustPrsVarTable */