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Visual C++
- /***
- * Variable.h - QB5-specific type definitions and data for the Variable Manager
- *
- * Copyright <C> 1985, 1986, 1987 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- #undef VARIABLE_H /* it will have been defined as 0 in switch.h */
- #define VARIABLE_H -1 /* to prevent duplicate #include's */
- /* Array Descriptor definition */
- typedef struct dm {
- ushort cElements; /* Count of elements for this dimension */
- ushort iLbound; /* Lower bound of this dimension */
- } dm;
- typedef struct ad {
- char far *pData; /* Address of data */
- ushort pNext;
- ushort cPhysical;
- uchar cDims; /* Count of dimensions of the array */
- char fFeatures; /* For future features that impact the ad */
- ushort oAdjusted; /* Adjusted offset */
- ushort cbElement; /* Size of a single array element */
- char tDM; /* First byte of Dimension specific information */
- } ad;
- /* fFeatures flag definitions */
- #define FADF_STATIC 0x40 /* Array is a $STATIC array */
- #define FADF_SD 0x80 /* Array is a string array */
- /* Common Block entry */
- /* NOTE: code exists (in context.asm) to adjust backpointers in grs.bdtPrs,
- grs.bdtMrs, or grs.bdtComBlk - - - one piece of code handles all
- three table types, and counts on the fact that the entry types
- for the latter two tables have 3 bd's, bdtPrs has a single bd, and
- that these bd's are adjacent, and at the beginning of the entry.
- This code is also written to make a special check which assumes
- bdValue is the last bd in this structure. */
- typedef struct com {
- ushort ogNam; /* [5] This is the name of the common data block.
- [5] In the case of unnamed common, this field
- [5] contains a 0. */
- bd bdType; /* This is the owner field for the type block,
- which has entries for all the values. For
- format of this table, see ..idcommon.doc */
- bd bdValue; /* This is the owner field for the data block,
- which holds the actual values of common
- variables */
- ushort oTypCur; /* Current offset into type table */
- ushort oValCur; /* Current offset into value table */
- } com;
- /* value part of a scaler COMMON variable */
- typedef struct comRef {
- ushort oCommon; /* Offset into table of COMMON blocks if fCommon */
- ushort oValue; /* Offset into COMMON block oCommon */
- } comRef;
- /* value part of a COMMON array variable */
- typedef struct aCom {
- ushort oCommon; // Offset into table of COMMON blocks if fCommon
- uchar cDims; // Dimension count - set by varmgr at var creation
- uchar filler1;
- ushort oValue; // Offset into COMMON block oCommon
- } aCom;
- #if !VARMGR_H
- #include "varmgr.h" /* include generic QB .h file */
- #endif
- #define VAR_INIT_SIZE 10 /* number of bytes to initially grow var table by
- when creating a new entry - - - a large number
- lowers the number of vars the user can add and
- still continue, a small number increase the
- chance that the initial request will ultimately
- be too small */
- #define ONamOf(pVar) *((ushort *)((char *)pVar + VAR_oNam))
- #define OHashLinkOf(pVar) *((ushort *)((char *)pVar + VAR_oHashLink))
- #define FlagsOf(pVar) *((ushort *)((char *)pVar + VAR_flags))
- #define ValueOf(pVar,valType) ((val *)((char *)pVar + VAR_value))->valType
- #define OTypOf(pVar) (FlagsOf(pVar) & 0x07 ?
- FlagsOf(pVar) & 0x07 :
- *((ushort *)((char *)pVar + VAR_oTyp)))
- /* flag constants used for the flags word in the above (var) structure
- NOTE: These flags overlap with another set of flag constants defined below;
- Do not change these without changing equiv.s (of the same name) below.
- */
- #define FV_STATIC 0x01 /* TRUE implies array is $STATIC array */
- #define FV_TYP_MASK 0x07 /* used to mask off all but oTyp bits from flags */
- #define FVFUN 0x0008 /* FUNCTION - DEF FN or a FUNCTION */
- #define FVCOMMON 0x0010 /* COMMON variable */
- #define FVSTATIC 0x0020 /* variable used in a STATIC statement */
- #define FVSHARED 0x0040 /* If entry in a tPV, value is an oMV, else ... */
- #define FVFORMAL 0x0080 /* TRUE if var is a procedure formal */
- #define FV_STATICSET 0x0100 /* TRUE implies $STATIC flag set (in oHashLink) */
- #define FVEVEREXPLICIT 0x0200 /* TRUE if var was EVER referenced explicitly */
- #define FVARRAY 0x0400 /* Variable is an array */
- #define FVINDEXED 0x0800 /* TRUE if var name was followed with a '(' */
- #define FVVALUESTORED 0x1000 /* TRUE if actual value is stored in entry; if
- FALSE, value is an oMV or an oFrame */
- #define FVDECLDVAR 0x2000 /* TRUE if var was explicitly declared */
- #define FVREDIRECT 0x4000 /* TRUE if there's likely an old oVar in pcode */
- #define FVCONST 0x8000 /* TRUE if defining a CONSTant */
- /* Global inputs and outputs to the MakeVariable routine.
- The constants given below are used with the global mkVar.flags
- NOTE: These flags overlap with another set of flag constants defined above;
- Do not change these without changing equiv.s (of the same name) above.
- */
- #define FVFUNCTION 0x0008 /* TRUE if in a FUNCTION definition or declare */
- #define FVCOMMON 0x0010 /* TRUE if input is from a COMMON declaration */
- #define FVSTATIC 0x0020 /* TRUE if input is from a STATIC statement */
- #define FVSHARED 0x0040 /* TRUE if SHARED keyword associated with var */
- #define FVFORMAL 0x0080 /* TRUE if a formal in a proc def. or declare */
- #define FVIMPLICIT 0x0100 /* TRUE if user didn't explicitly type variable
- NOTE: This is NOT an input; it's set
- by MakeVariable as if it were */
- #define FVLVAL 0x0200 /* TRUE if on left side, or in INPUT, READ stmt */
- #define FVFORCEARRAY 0x0400 /* TRUE if input variable is DEFINITLY an array */
- #define FVINDEXED 0x0800 /* TRUE if input could be an array or Function */
- #define FVDIM 0x1000 /* TRUE if input found in a DIM statement */
- #define FVASCLAUSE 0x2000 /* TRUE if var type declared via an AS clause */
- #define FVFNNAME 0x4000 /* TRUE if var name is of the form FNxxxx.
- NOTE: This is NOT an input; it's set
- by MakeVariable as if it were */
- #define FVCONST 0x8000 /* TRUE if var entry is for a CONSTant */
- /* Global inputs and outputs to the MakeVariable routine.
- The below constants match existing FV constants (above), and are
- present to allow parser and rude scanner changes go in without switches.
- */
- #define FVI_FUNCTION 0x0008 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_COMMON 0x0010 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_STATIC 0x0020 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_SHARED 0x0040 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_FORMAL 0x0080 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_IMPLICIT 0x0100 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_LVAL 0x0200 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_ARRAY 0x0400 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_INDEXED 0x0800 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_DIM 0x1000 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_ASCLAUSE 0x2000 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_FNNAME 0x4000 /* [2] */
- #define FVI_CONST 0x8000 /* [2] */
- /*
- oTypComMax and oValComMax are used by the scanner to trim
- a BLANK common block during a CHAIN. They are initially
- 0, and get set to the max by the scanner. They are reset
- by ResetCommon, and the txtmgr calls SsTrimCommon to trim
- back the block at the end of SystemScan. */
- extern ushort oTypComMax; /* Max oTyp for all BLANK Common declarations */
- extern ushort oValComMax; /* Max oVal for all BLANK Common declarations */
- ushort FAR MakeCommon(ushort);
- VOID NEAR ClearCommon(VOID);
- VOID NEAR ResetCommon(VOID);
- /* Non-RELEASE support, used with vardebug.c */