资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE uiinfhlp.asm - interface routines for new help engine.
- ;***
- ;uiinflp.asm
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1985-1988, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Interface routines for the new help system.
- ;
- ;
- ;*******************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include version.inc
- .list
- include cw/version.inc
- include cw/windows.inc
- include cw/edityp.inc
- IncludeOnce architec
- Include help.inc
- IncludeOnce qbimsgs
- IncludeOnce ui
- IncludeOnce uiint
- IncludeOnce uimenu
- IncludeOnce uinhelp
- assumes DS,DATA
- assumes ES,DATA
- assumes SS,DATA
- subttl DATA segment definitions.
- page
- sBegin DATA
- externB HelpFlags
- globalB fMessageBox,0,1 ; are we in a message box?
- externW efHelp ; Editmgr structure for Help Wnd.
- externW oCurTopic ; offset to the current topic
- globalW iStaticHelpTopic,0,1 ; High word of NC during searches
- externB b$Buf1 ; FILNAML-sized buffer
- externB b$Buf2
- externW iFileSize ; Size of current help topic
- externW iCurRequestLine
- externW rgLineAttr ; static attribute buffer
- externB fHelpAlloc
- HtSpot EQU b$Buf2 ; Static HotSpot structure
- sEnd DATA
- externFP GetEditMgrState
- externFP EditFilterWndProc
- externFP HelpSzContext
- externFP HelpHlNext
- externFP HelpNcPrev
- externFP HelpGetLineAttr
- externFP HelpGetLine
- externFP HelpNcNext
- sBegin UI
- assumes CS,UI
- externNP toupper
- externNP GotoBookMark
- externNP SetBookMark
- externNP GetInitialPos
- externNP GetNextNc
- externNP SzSrchExcl
- externNP AppendBuf
- externNP CalcNc
- externNP MoveCursorPwnd
- externNP SizeHelpContext
- ;***
- ;DisplayHlpGeneric - Display either VarHelp or EngineHelp on screen
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Will deturmine the type of help specified and display it in
- ; the help window. It is expected to call this routine after
- ; calling RetrieveHelpHistory, as its output parameters identically
- ; match our input parameters.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; DX:AX - Help Topic (NC or Var Help ID)
- ; CL - Flags (EI_VARHELP only)
- ; 0 => Engine help
- ; ~0 => Variable help
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AL = 0 all ok
- ; AL <> 0 failure (returns Error Code)
- ;****
- cProc DisplayHlpGeneric,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- cCall DisplayHlpWndNc ; display the new topic
- ;AL = 0 if succeeded, error code otherwise
- DisplayHlpGeneric_Exit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;NextHotLink - Go to next hot link
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine will move the cursor to the next hot link in the
- ; current topic. Will wrap around the proper end of the help topic
- ; to check for hot links if needed.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; cLead : parameter to pass to HelpHlNext
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;****
- cProc NextHotLink,<NEAR>,<SI,DI>
- parmW cLead
- cBegin
- ; This routine is only called when the help window is open
- ; and valid, thus we can assert HLP_GOTBUF and oCurTopic.
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,ne,HLP_GOTBUF,UI,<NextHotLink:Buffers not initialized>
- DbChk HoldBuf2 ; lock down the HotSpot
- ;Get current line#/column number
- mov ax,EfHelp.EF_ipCur_ob ; get the current column
- inc ax ; make it 1 relative
- mov HtSpot.colHS,ax ; save it for HelpHlNext
- mov ax,EfHelp.EF_ipCur_oln ; current line #
- inc ax ; make it 1 relative
- mov HtSpot.lineHS,ax ; save line number for help engine
- xor di,di ; first time through
- DbAssertRel oCurTopic,ne,0,UI,<NextHotLink:oCurTopic invalid>
- mov si,oCurTopic ; get ptr to current topic
- HotSpotRetry:
- lea bx,[si].bdlHelpText.BDL_seg ; BX = handle of text seg
- xor ax,ax ; ax = offset of text
- mov cx,OFFSET DGROUP:HtSpot ; cx = offset of HotSPot
- push HtSpot.lineHS ; save row and column of hot spot
- push HtSpot.colHS
- cCall HelpHlNext,<cLead,BX,AX,DS,CX>
- pop bx ; restore row and column of old hot spot
- pop cx
- or ax,ax ; did we get a hot linK?
- je NextHotLink_Retry ; no, go complain
- mov ax,di ; save old loop counter
- inc di ; one more time through loop
- or ax,ax ; first time through?
- jne MoveCursorToHotLink ; no, it is a real hot link
- cmp cx,HtSpot.lineHS ; on the same row?
- jne MoveCursorToHotLink ; no, must be a real hot link
- cmp bx,HtSpot.colHS ; old column in current hot spot?
- jl MoveCursorToHotLink ; no, must be a real hot link
- mov ax,HtSpot.ecolHS ; AX = ending column of hot spot
- cmp bx,ax ; old column in current hot spot
- ja MoveCursorToHotLink ; no, must be a real hot link
- inc ax ; try again after the hot spot
- mov HtSpot.colHS,ax ; set position
- jmp HotSpotRetry ; and try again
- NextHotLink_Beep:
- cCall CowMoo ; beep the speaker
- jmp short NextHotLink_Exit ; and leave.
- NextHotLink_Retry:
- cmp di,1 ; Have we already wrapped around?
- ja NextHotLink_Beep ; yes, nothing to find
- mov di,2 ; set wrapped flag
- mov ax,1 ; assume wrapping backwards
- mov HtSpot.lineHS,ax ; set line + col position
- mov HtSpot.colHS,ax
- test cLead,8000H ; forward (+) or backwards (-)?
- jz HotSpotRetry ; we assumed right
- mov ax,iFileSize ; get last line number
- mov HtSpot.lineHS,ax
- mov HtSpot.colHS,-1 ; column position FFFF
- jmp HotSpotRetry
- MoveCursorToHotLink:
- ;Move the cursor to the position specified in the HotSpot structure
- mov ax,HtSpot.lineHS ; get the context relative row
- dec ax ; make it 0 relative
- mov cx,OFFSET DGROUP:wndHelp
- mov bx,HtSpot.colHS ; get the context relative column
- dec bx ; make it 0 relative
- cCall MoveCursorPwnd,<cx,ax,bx> ; move cursor to hotspot
- NextHotLink_Exit:
- DbChk FreeBuf2 ; release the HotSpot
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;HelpBack - Backup one level of help (if possible)
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Implements ALT-F1. The user asked us to go to the help topic
- ; that was previously shown.
- ;
- ;
- ; NOTE: SLIME: this routine uses iStaticHelpTopic for a temporary
- ; Dgroup storage location. This should cause no problems,
- ; as HelpBack and searching are mutually exclusive.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per Convention
- ;
- ;****
- cProc HelpBack,<PUBLIC, NEAR>,<SI,DI>
- cBegin
- ;There are two cases to handle:
- ; 1) If the cursor is not at the start of a topic, move to start of topic
- ; (note: the start of the topic is 0,0 and (if visible on the screen)
- ; the first hot link.
- ; 2) If the cursor is at the start of a topic, move to previous topic
- ;
- ;General Algorithm when EI_VARHELP is turned on
- ; Get Last topic from help history (should be displayed topic)
- ; save topic
- ; if (cursor not at start-of-topic)
- ; Display Saved Topic (will force cursor to start of topic)
- ; else
- ; while (New topic not displayed OK)
- ; if (Topic Exists)
- ; Get Last topic from help history (topic to be displayed)
- ; Try to Display Topic
- ; else
- ; Display Saved Topic
- ;
- ; We do not call HelpStart, as there is no reason to start the help system
- ; if it is not already started. No Help => No Help Back => exit with error
- ;
- test HelpFlags,HLP_GOTBUF ; are we initialized?
- jne Initialized ; yes, see if we can get history
- HelpBack_Err:
- cCall CowMoo ; beep the speaker
- DJMP jmp short HelpBack_Exit ; and return
- Initialized:
- cCall RetrieveHelpHistory ; get the currently displayed item
- jcxz HelpBack_Err ; no current topic? exit
- ; (possible if no help ask for yet)
- mov si,dx ; set SI:DI = context info.
- mov di,ax
- ;Test for cursor at begining of topic
- xor ax,ax ; 0 to compare against
- cmp fHelpVisible,al ; help window visible?
- je CurrentTopic ; no, goto current topic
- cmp EfHelp.EF_ipCur_ob,ax ; at column 0?
- jne CheckHotLink ; no, goto initial position
- cmp EfHelp.EF_ipCur_oln,ax ; on first line?
- je PreviousTopic ; yes, goto previous topic
- CheckHotLink:
- cCall GetInitialPos ; (DX,AX) is initial cursor position
- cmp EfHelp.EF_ipCur_ob,ax ; in the right column?
- jne CurrentTopic ; no, redisplay current topic
- cmp EfHelp.EF_ipCur_oln,dx ; in the right row?
- jne CurrentTopic ; no, redisplay current topic
- PreviousTopic:
- cCall RetrieveHelpHistory ; get the item to goto
- jcxz CurrentTopicBeep ; none, beep and exit (CX = 0)
- cCall DisplayHlpWndNc ; display the topic
- cmp al,HELP_HANDLED ; did we get an error?
- je CurrentTopic ; yes, try to clean up and exit
- or al,al ; did we succeed?
- jne PreviousTopic ; no, try topic before it
- jmp short HelpBack_Exit ; we succeeded, exit
- CurrentTopicBeep:
- cCall CowMoo ; tell user of error
- CurrentTopic:
- mov dx,si
- mov ax,di
- cCall DisplayHlpWndNc ; display the topic
- ;any error at this point must have been caused by OOM or Missing varhelp
- or al,al ; could we redisplay?
- je HelpBack_Exit ; yes, we are done
- cCall GiveHelpOOM ; display OOM message
- HelpBack_Exit:
- DbAssertRel curHelpFile,e,0,UI,<HelpBack: help file open>
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;CmdHelpPrev - Goto Previous Help Topic
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The user has requested that we goto the previous help topic. Beeps
- ; if this is not possible or the help window is not open.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per C Convention
- ;
- ;****
- cProc CmdHelpPrev,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- cmp fHelpVisible,0 ; help window visible?
- DJMP je CmdHelpBeep ; no, beep and exit
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,ne,HLP_GOTBUF,UI,<CmdHelpPrev:Help window open but not HLP_GOTBUF>
- and HelpFlags,NOT (HLP_FAILFNF OR HLP_FAILOOM) ; clear flags
- mov bx,oCurTopic ; get ptr to current topic
- push Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum+2 ; parameter to HelpNcPrev
- push Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum
- cCall HelpNcPrev ; get next NC
- mov cx,ax ; is it 0? (non available)
- or cx,dx
- jne CmdHelpDisplay ; no, try to display it
- test HelpFlags,HLP_FAILFNF OR HLP_FAILOOM ; already displayed msg
- jz CmdHelpBeep ; no, topic not found=>beep
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;CmdHelpNext - Goto Next Help Topic
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The user has requested that we goto the next help topic. Beeps
- ; if this is not possible or the help window is not open.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per C Convention
- ;
- ;****
- cProc CmdHelpNext,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- cmp fHelpVisible,0 ; help window visible?
- je CmdHelpBeep ; no, beep and exit
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,ne,HLP_GOTBUF,UI,<CmdHelpNext:Help window open but not HLP_GOTBUF>
- mov bx,oCurTopic
- mov dx,Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum + 2 ; DX:AX = old context num
- mov ax,Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum
- cCall GetNextNc ; Set DX:AX
- jz CmdHelpError ; check for errors
- CmdHelpDisplay: ; Called from CmdHelpPrev
- cCall DisplayHlpWndNc
- or al,al ; did we succeed?
- je CmdHelpNext_Exit ; yes, return.
- CmdHelpError:
- cmp al,HELP_HANDLED ; Will someone else handle?
- je CmdHelpNext_Exit ; yes, just exit
- DbAssertRelB al,e,HELP_NF,UI,<CmdHelpNext:Illegal error>
- CmdHelpBeep: ; NOTE: shared label
- cCall CowMoo ; beep the speaker
- CmdHelpNext_Exit:
- cEnd
- ;Routine added with [1]
- ;***
- ;NormalizeTopic - Convert a context number to a standard form
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The current implementation of the help engine allows a piece of text
- ; to have multiple context strings, thus multiple context numbers.
- ; While searching, we use the context number to specify when we have
- ; wrapped around the file and reached the starting point. Thus, we
- ; have to Normalize the topic number so it is the same one that will
- ; be returned from HelpNcPrev or HelpNcNext.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; AX : topic ID
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; if (CX != 0)
- ; DX:AX : topic number
- ; else
- ; error (will have been signaled)
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per C Convention
- ;****
- cProc NormalizeTopic,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- push ax ; preserve Topic ID
- mov dx,iStaticHelpTopic ; DX:SI = context number
- ccall HelpNcNext,<iStaticHelpTopic,AX> ; get previous one
- pop bx ; BX = topic ID
- mov cx,ax ; did we succeed?
- or cx,dx
- jz PrevNext ; no, try to get one after the topic ID
- cCall HelpNcPrev,<DX,AX> ; yes, do a Prev to get normalized NC
- jmp short CheckReturn ; and return it
- PrevNext:
- cCall HelpNcPrev,<iStaticHelpTopic,bx> ; get NC before topic ID
- mov cx,ax ; did this succeed?
- or cx,dx
- jz NormalizeExit_Err ; no, exit with error
- cCall HelpNcNext,<DX,AX> ; get topic after that one
- CheckReturn:
- mov cx,ax ; set error condition
- or cx,dx
- NormalizeExit_Err:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;ChngHelpCurTopic - Cleans up after a help search
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The three routine set (GetHelpCurTopic, GetHelpNextTopic,
- ; ChngHelpCurTopic) are used for a search or scan of the help file.
- ;
- ; This routine will take a topic ID that was used to terminate
- ; the search and prepare things for continued operation of the
- ; help system. This routine should only be called if we are
- ; exiting from a search in a topic other than the original
- ; topic, and want to change that topic to be the new current topic.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; CX = previous topic
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;****
- cProc ChngHelpCurTopic,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,e,HLP_VARHELP,UI,<ChngHelpCurTopic:Called when HLP_VARHELP>
- mov ax,cx ; Set DX:AX to NC of topic
- mov dx,iStaticHelpTopic
- or dx,dx ; check to see if it is valid
- je ChngHelp_Exit ; no, just exit (we will close help wnd)
- inc cx ; Topic ID = UNDEFINED ?
- je ChngHelp_Exit ; brif - identifier is invalid.
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,ne,HLP_GOTBUF,UI,<ChngHelpCurTopic:iStaticHelpTopic non 0 without HLP_GOTBUF>
- cCall RecordHelpHistory ; record topic in help history list
- ChngHelp_Exit:
- cCall DrawDebugScr ; make sure screen is redrawn so
- ; we get proper help title.
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;GetHelpNextTopic - Prepares the next topic for looking
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The three routine set (GetHelpCurTopic, GetHelpNextTopic,
- ; ChngHelpCurTopic) are used for a search or scan of the help file.
- ;
- ; This routine will take a Topic ID and return the next physical
- ; Topic ID. If the presented Topic ID was the last one in a section,
- ; this routine will wrap around to the begining of the section.
- ;
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; CX = previous topic
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AX = new Topic Identifier if engine help
- ; 0 if var help (will work as topic id)
- ; UNDEFINED if error
- ;****
- cProc GetHelpNextTopic,<NEAR>,<DI>
- cBegin
- DbChk HoldBuf1 ; use BUF1 as a temporary buffer
- test HelpFlags,HLP_COMPRESS ; help shutting down
- DJMP jnz NextTopic_Exit ; yes, exit
- mov dx,iStaticHelpTopic ; get static high word of NC
- or dx,dx ; is it 0 (help system shut down)
- DJMP je NextTopic_Fail ; yes, return error
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,ne,HLP_GOTBUF,UI,<GetHelpNextTopic:iStaticHelpTopic non 0 without HLP_GOTBUF>
- mov ax,cx ; DX:AX = old topic number
- cCall GetNextNc ; DX:AX = next context number
- DJMP jnz GotNextTopic ; we were successful
- cmp al,HELP_HANDLED ; error message already displayed?
- DJMP je NextTopic_Fail ; yes, return error code
- DbAssertRelB al,e,HELP_NF,UI,<GetHelpNextTopic:illegal error from GetNextNc>
- ;Goto the first topic of this section of the file. We are guarenteed
- ;that the topic h.pg1 (MSG_FirstContextStr) exists at the begining of
- ;each section of the help system. Thus, we pick off the file name
- ;part of any context string of the section and goto filename!h.pg1
- mov bx,oCurTopic ; get ptr to a legal buffer
- mov di,OFFSET DGROUP:B$Buf1 ; store results in B$Buf1
- push ds ; far ptr to buffer
- push di
- push Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum+2 ; context number
- push Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum
- cCall HelpSzContext ; get current filename
- or ax,ax ; was the call successful?
- je NextTopic_Fail ; no, exit with error
- cCall szSrchExcl,<DI> ; AX = pos of '!' or 0
- DbAssertRel ax,ne,0,UI,<szComposeContext:Illegal string from HelpSzContext>
- mov bx,MSG_FirstContextStr ; message to append
- cCall AppendBuf,<AX,BX> ; stick it on
- xchg ax,bx
- mov Byte Ptr [bx],0 ; and 0 terminate it.
- ;Get the context number + context for this name
- ;param for CalcNc pushed above
- cCall CalcNc,<DI> ; convert to context number
- jcxz NextTopic_DbFail ; brif we couldn't locate it
- cCall NormalizeTopic ; normalize topic number
- jcxz NextTopic_Fail ; brif it can't be normalized
- GotNextTopic:
- mov di,ax ; save value to be returned
- cCall BufferNc ; BX = ptr to buffered context
- or al,al ; error in buffering?
- jne NextTopic_Fail ; yes, return with error code
- lea ax,[bx].bdlHelpText ; get ptr to BDL
- cCall SizeHelpContext,<ax> ; AX = # lines in this topic
- ; sets iFileSize
- xchg ax,di ; restore return value
- jmp short NextTopic_Exit ; and return
- NextTopic_DbFail:
- DbAssertRelB al,ne,HELP_NF,UI,<GethelpNextTopic:h.pg1 missing from file>
- ;If we get a fatal error, we have to close the help window. There
- ;is no guarentee that we can redisplay the original topic, and to
- ;display some random topic would be poor. Thus, make sure the
- ;bit to close the help window in DoDrawDebugScr is set.
- NextTopic_Fail:
- or HelpFlags,HLP_COMPRESS ; close help window at earliest time
- mov ax,UNDEFINED ; assume we will get an error
- NextTopic_Exit:
- DbChk FreeBuf1 ; release buffer
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;GetHelpCurTopic - Start search and returns the current topic id
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The three routine set (GetHelpCurTopic, GetHelpNextTopic,
- ; ChngHelpCurTopic) are used for a search or scan of the help file.
- ;
- ; This routine will prepare for a linear scan of the help file
- ; and will return the Topic Id for the currently displayed help
- ; topic.
- ;
- ; A Topic ID is a word that references a help topic. It is the
- ; lower word of a NC, so it is valid only as long as we do not
- ; shut down the help system.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AX = cur Topic Identifier if engine help
- ; 0 if var help (will work as topic id)
- ; UNDEFINED if error
- ;****
- cProc GetHelpCurTopic,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- test HelpFlags,HLP_GOTBUF ; are we initialized?
- mov ax,UNDEFINED ; assume not
- je CurTopic_Exit ; brif not - give error and ret.
- DbAssertRel oCurTopic,ne,0,UI,<GetHelpCurTopic:oCurTopic invalid>
- mov bx,oCurTopic ; get a pointer to the current topic
- mov ax,Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum ; get topic specific part of NC
- mov dx,Word Ptr [bx].ContextNum+2
- mov iStaticHelpTopic,dx ; save static part of NC
- cCall NormalizeTopic ; Normalize the topic number
- inc cx ; JCXNZ
- loop CurTopic_Exit ; brif success
- mov ax,-1 ; set failure flag
- CurTopic_Exit:
- cEnd
- ;Added with [4]
- ;***
- ;RestoreHelpTopic - Return help system to state before a search
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The search code needs the original help topic restored to the screen.
- ; We get the topic from the help history list and redisplay it.
- ;
- ; Note: we can not use DisplayHlpWndNc, as it will change the position
- ; of the cursor and resize the window.
- ;
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;****
- DbPub RestoreHelpTopic
- cProc RestoreHelpTopic,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- test HelpFlags,HLP_VARHELP ; are we in variable help?
- jnz exit ; yes, exit. nothing to restore
- cCall RetrieveHelpHistory ; get the last history item
- DbAssertRel cx,ne,0,UI,<RestoreHelpTopic:History list empty>
- push ax ; save context number
- push dx
- cCall BufferNc ; load context into memory, al=err code
- pop dx ; restore context number
- pop cx
- or al,al ; any errors?
- jne RestoreTopic_Fail ; yes, handle them
- push bx ; save ptr to help context
- xchg ax,cx ; DX:AX = context number
- cCall RecordHelpHistory ; save this in the history list
- pop bx ; return ptr to help context
- lea ax,[bx].bdlHelpText ; Get ptr to BDL of this help topic
- cCall SizeHelpContext,<ax> ; calculate size, set iFileSize
- jmp short exit ; get out of here
- RestoreTopic_Fail:
- DbAssertRelB al,e,HELP_HANDLED,UI,<RestoreHelpTopic:Unable to regenerate initial topic>
- or HelpFlags,HLP_COMPRESS ; no error should have happened, we
- ; have no idea what state we are in,
- ; so close help window
- exit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;GetHelpTitle - Returns the title for the currently displayed help item
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Calculates the title that should go on the help window and
- ; returns it in bufStdMsg.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; CX = max title length allowed
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AX = number of characters in title
- ; bufStdMsg = contains title.
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per Convention
- ;****
- DbPub GetHelpTitle
- cProc GetHelpTitle,<NEAR>,<SI>
- cBegin
- mov si,cx ; SI = cbMaxTitle
- mov ax,MSG_HelpTitleQH ; first part of title ("MS-DOS Help: ")
- test cmdSwitches,CMD_SW_QHELP ; /QHELP viewer?
- jnz ght1 ; YES, got title
- mov ax,MSG_HelpTitle ; Yes normal help window title
- ght1:
- cCall ListStdMsg,<AX> ; put in bufStdMsg
- mov bl,HelpFlags ; get a copy of the flags
- and bl,HLP_GOTBUF or HLP_COMPRESS ; mask out all but these
- cmp bl,HLP_GOTBUF ; brif NOT HLP_GOTBUF or
- jne GetHelpTitle_Exit ; HLP_COMPRESS
- ; HLP_INHELP will only be set if we are about to do something that can
- ; put up a dialog/message box. If this routine is called with it set,
- ; then we are trying to redraw the screen after the box has been removed.
- ; This can be dangerious, as we may not be in a state where we can
- ; generate a help title. So return with what we have.
- test HelpFlags,HLP_INHELP ; are we called recursively?
- jz NotRecursiveGHT ; no, try to get a title
- cmp fMessageBox,0 ; are we in a dialog box?
- jnz GetHelpTitle_Exit ; yes, exit with what we have.
- NotRecursiveGHT:
- HelpTitleNotVarHelp:
- mov bx,oCurTopic
- or bx,bx ; current topic invalid?
- je GethelpTitle_Exit ; yes, return with what we have
- lea ax,[bx].bdlHelpText ; get ptr to the BDL
- cCall GetHelpTitleStr,<ax,si> ; AX = total length of title
- GetHelpTitle_Exit:
- DbAssertRel ax,be,si,UI,<GetHelpTitle: title too big>
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;GetHelpLine - Get a line of help text
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine is called by the edit manager to display a line
- ; of text on the screen. This routine must take care of all
- ; the cases associated with ressyncing the virtual line mechanism,
- ; as well as detecting when a ressync would be needed.
- ;
- ; Since this routine is called from COW, the line numbers are 0 relative.
- ; The help system is 1 relative (because of the HelpEngine) so we
- ; do the conversions on the fly.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; CX = iLineNum - virtual line number of line to retrieve
- ; DX = szBufPtr - pointer to buffer in which to store line
- ; AX = cbMaxSize - maximum size of buffer
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AX = # bytes in line
- ;
- ;****
- cProc GetHelpLine,<NEAR>,<SI,DI>
- cBegin
- mov si,ax ; save entry params
- mov di,dx
- mov al,HelpFlags ; get a copy of the flags
- and al,HLP_GOTBUF or HLP_COMPRESS ; mask out all but these
- cmp al,HLP_GOTBUF ; brif HLP_GOTBUF and
- je CheckHelpOwner ; NOT HLP_COMPRESS
- GetLineError:
- xor ax,ax ; number of characters
- GetLine_NoAttr:
- ; signal GetHelpLineAttr that it can't lookup attributes
- mov iCurRequestLine,UNDEFINED
- jmp short GetHelpLine_Exit ; and return
- CheckHelpOwner:
- inc cx ; make 1 relative
- GotHelpLine:
- mov bx, oCurTopic ; get current topic pointer
- or bx,bx ; is it 0?
- je GetLineError ; yes, no current topic set
- mov iCurRequestLine,cx ; set line # offset for attribs
- lea bx,[bx].bdlHelpText.BDL_Seg ; BX = handle text seg
- xor ax,ax ; AX = text offset
- cCall HelpGetLine,<CX,SI,DS,DI,BX,AX> ; put text into buff.
- or ax,ax ; did we get the line?
- je GetLineError ; no, signal error
- ;AX = number of characters in buffer = return value
- GetHelpLine_Exit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;GetHelpLineAttr - return attributes for previously fetched line
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine will return the line attributes for the
- ; line that was retrieved with the last call to GetHelpLine.
- ;
- ; Note: No call that could change the state of the help system
- ; should be called between GetHelpLine and this routine.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AX = near ptr to string containing attributes
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; Per Convention
- ;
- ;****
- cProc GetHelpLineAttr,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- .errnz (-1) - (UNDEFINED)
- mov ax,iCurRequestLine ; did GetHelpLine return bogus
- inc ax ; line (== -1 = UNDEFINED)?
- jne Get_Attr ; no, line is buffered
- DefaultAttrs:
- mov bx,OFFSET DGROUP:rgLineAttr ; pointer to static buffer
- push bx ; save for return ptr
- mov ax,UNDEFINED
- mov [bx + LA_cb],ax
- mov [bx + LA_attr],isaSyntaxHelp
- mov [bx + (size LINEATTR) + LA_attr],ax
- DJMP jmp short GetAttr_End
- Get_Attr:
- ; we assume that nothing in the help system will change from the call to
- ; HelpGetLine. Thus, we do not have to check that help is up and running,
- ; as HelpGetLine will zero iCurRequestLine if there are ANY problems.
- ; Also, CompressHelp will zero iCurRequestLine.
- DbAssertTst HelpFlags,ne,HLP_GOTBUF,UI,<GetHelpLineAttr: HLP_GOTBUF not set>
- DbAssertRel oCurTopic,ne,0,UI,<GetHelpLineAttr:Invalid oCurTopic>
- mov bx,oCurTopic
- lea bx,[bx].bdlHelpText.BDL_seg ; get handle of topic seg
- ; a-emoryh Added more space for Dos6 online help index strings
- mov ax,CB_bufStdMsg + 6 + 16 + 70 ; maximum size of buffer
- mov cx,OFFSET DGROUP:bufStdMsg ; buffer to store results in
- push cx ; save for mapping start
- xor dx,dx ; offset into topic segment
- cCall HelpGetLineAttr,<iCurRequestLine,AX,DS,CX,BX,DX>
- pop bx ; pointer to buffer
- or ax,ax ; did we succeed?
- jz DefaultAttrs ; no, use default attrs
- ;Map attributes from HELP format to COW format
- push bx ; save ptr to buffer for return
- AttrList:
- mov ax,[bx].LA_attr ; get first attribute
- inc ax ; is it -1 (end of list)
- je GetAttr_End ; yes, we are done
- dec ax ; restore attribute
- DbAssertTst ax,e,<NOT (A_BOLD OR A_UNDERLINE OR A_ITALICS)>,UI,<GetHelpLineAttr: Illegal attributes set>
- mov cx,isaBold ; assume bold attribute
- test ax,A_BOLD ; does it have any bold in it?
- jne GotAttr ; yes, update and loop
- mov cx,isaUnderline ; assume underline attribute
- test ax,A_UNDERLINE ; does it have any underline in it?
- jne GotAttr ; yes, update and loop
- mov cx,isaItalic ; assume italics attribute
- test ax,A_ITALICS ; does it have any italics in it?
- jne GotAttr ; yes, update and loop
- mov cx,isaSyntaxHelp; it must be default
- GotAttr:
- mov [bx].LA_attr,cx ; update attribute
- add bx,Size LINEATTR; point to next attribute/size pair
- jmp short AttrList ; go modify this one.
- GetAttr_End:
- pop ax ; retrieve pointer to begining of buffer
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;GetHelpFileSize - Returns the number of lines in the help file
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine is used to set the scroll bar, and to establish
- ; the maximum line number in the file. Since we currently use
- ; a virtual file, we will return a virtual size.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; AX = size of file in lines
- ;
- ;Uses:
- ; AX
- ;
- ;****
- DbPub GetHelpFileSize
- cProc GetHelpFileSize,<NEAR>
- cBegin
- ; HLP_INHELP will only be set if we are about to do something that can
- ; put up a dialog/message box. If this routine is called with it set,
- ; then we are trying to redraw the screen after the box has been removed.
- ; This can be dangerious, as we may not be in a state where we can
- ; access a help topic. Thus we will tell the edit manager that we
- ; have 0 lines, so it will not call us to redraw the screen.
- mov ax,iFileSize ; get size of variable help
- test HelpFlags,HLP_INHELP ; are we recursively entering help?
- jz ExitGHFS ; no, return with what we got
- cmp fMessageBox,0 ; are we in a message box?
- jz ExitGHFS ; no, return with what we got
- cCall DrawDebugScr ; make sure we are redrawn later
- xor ax,ax ; return 0 lines
- ExitGHFS:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;HelpWndProc - Window Proc for the help window
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine interprets all messages that are going to the help
- ; window. Those of interest is processes and returns a value.
- ; Otherwize, it will pass the message on to EditFilterWndProc.
- ;
- ; This routine implements the receiving end of the messaging system.
- ; It must be able to be called recursively.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; pwnd - Ptr to window that is to receive the message
- ; msg - message
- ; wParam - Word parameter to message
- ; lParamHi- Long word parameter to message, broken up for ease of use.
- ; lParamLo-/
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; DX:AX - return value
- ;
- ;****
- labelW MessageTable ; list of addresses for our messages
- dw UIOFFSET HelpBack
- dw UIOFFSET CmdHelpNext
- dw UIOFFSET DisplayHlpGeneric
- dw UIOFFSET GetHelpCurTopic
- dw UIOFFSET GetHelpNextTopic
- dw UIOFFSET ChngHelpCurTopic
- dw UIOFFSET RestoreHelpTopic
- dw UIOFFSET GetHelpTitle
- dw UIOFFSET GetHelpLine
- dw UIOFFSET GetHelpLineAttr
- dw UIOFFSET GetHelpFileSize
- .errnz (($ - MessageTable) / 2) - NUM_HELPMSG
- cProc HelpWndProc,<PUBLIC,FAR>,<SI>
- parmW pwnd
- parmW msg
- parmW wParam
- parmW lParamHi
- parmW lParamLo
- cBegin
- inc fHelpAlloc ; set recursion flag
- mov cx,wParam ; cache in a register for speed
- mov ax,msg ; cache in a register for speed
- mov bx,ax
- sub bx,WM_FIRSTHELPMSG ; is it one of our special msgs?
- cmp bx,NUM_HELPMSG
- jae NotInTable ; no, it is not in table
- shl bx,1 ; make into a word index
- mov dx,lParamHi ; Make lParam accessable
- mov ax,lParamLo
- call CS:MessageTable[bx] ; and go do the code
- jmp WndProcExit_2 ; return with code from the call
- NotInTable:
- jne CheckSETFOCUS
- DbAssertRel pwnd,e,<OFFSET DGROUP:wndHelp>,UI,<HelpWndProc:mouse message not for Help window>
- mov bx,lParamLo
- mov al,bh ; al = screen relative row number
- cbw ; ax = screen relative row number
- add ax,EfHelp.EF_pdCur_olnTop ; ax = file relative row number
- xor bh,bh ; bx = screen relative column number
- add bx,EfHelp.EF_pdCur_obleft ; bx = file relative column number
- push BX ; push first parameter
- SelectHotLinkTrue:
- push ax
- ; a-emoryh - Don't beep in QHelp mode when can't find hotlink
- ; Do we really want to not beep, though?
- mov ax, 1 ; assume do beep
- test cmdSwitches,CMD_SW_QHELP ; /QHELP viewer?
- jz hwpDoBeep
- xor ax, ax ; Qhelp mode, so clear beep flag
- hwpDoBeep:
- push ax
- ;; Old line
- ; push sp
- cCall SelectHotLink ; select hot link, allow BEEP
- jmp WndProcExit
- cmp ax,WM_SETFOCUS
- PUSHI ax,<OFFSET DGROUP:wndHelp> ; borrow the SETFOCUS call to
- cCall DoStatusMsg ; update the status line message
- jmp Short DefaultCase ; Pass call onto the edit mgr.
- sub cx,'0' ; CX = wParam - '0'
- cCall SetBookMark,<CX>
- jmp short WndProcExit
- jne CheckCHAR
- sub cx,'0' ; CX = wParam - '0'
- cCall GotoBookMark,<CX>
- jmp short WndProcExit
- CheckCHAR:
- cmp ax,WM_CHAR
- jne DefaultCase
- cmp cx,09h ; is the character a TAB
- jne NotTab ; no, go check for ENTER
- xor ax,ax ; assume not shifted
- test lParamHi,KK_SHIFT ; is a shift key pressed?
- jz GotoHotLink ; no, use a value of 0
- dec ax ; use -1
- GotoHotLink:
- cCall NextHotLink,<AX>
- jmp short WndProcExit
- NotTab:
- cmp cx,0dh ; is the character an ENTER?
- jne NotEnter ; no, go test for another char
- cCall GetEditColumn ; AX = file relative column number
- push ax
- cCall GetEditLine ; AX = file relative line number
- jmp SelectHotLinkTrue ; select hot link (AX = line)
- NotEnter: ; check for legal characters
- cmp cx,7fh ; is it a backspace?
- je DefaultCase ; yes, let EditMgr have it
- or ch,ch ; is it a virtual key
- jne DefaultCase ; yes, EditMgr will handle it
- cmp cx,' ' ; is it a control character
- jb DefaultCase ; yes, let EditMgr have it
- cCall GetEditMgrState ; Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+K active?
- or ax,ax ; (non-zero if so)
- jnz DefaultCase ; yes, EditMgr will handle this
- cCall toupper,<wParam> ; convert parameter to uppercase
- cmp ax,wParam ; was it already upper?
- jne GotoHotLink ; no, goto hotlink
- neg ax ; yes, tell hotlink to look backwards
- jmp GotoHotLink ; goto hotlink.
- DefaultCase:
- cCall EditFilterWndProc,<pwnd,msg,wParam,lParamHi,lParamLo>
- jmp short WndProcExit_2
- WndProcExit:
- xor ax,ax ; return 0L
- cwd
- WndProcExit_2:
- dec fHelpAlloc ; release allocation lock
- cCall CloseCurHelpFile ; close the current help file
- cEnd
- sEnd UI
- end