资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE uimemory.asm - User interface memory management routines
- ;***
- ;uimemory.asm - User interface memory management routines.
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1985-1988, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; User interface temporary heap support routines.
- ;
- ;
- ;*******************************************************************************
- include version.inc
- IncludeOnce ui
- IncludeOnce uiint
- IncludeOnce util
- IncludeOnce heap
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; DATA Segment Declarations
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAX_UISTACK EQU 1976d + 202d + 2d ; Options/Paths dialog + (F1 = help)
- ; + 2 bytes of slop
- MAX_UISTACKFAR EQU 1060d ; Options menu (1056 bytes) + slop
- ; create a static stack uiStack in DATA, of size MAX_UISTACK
- sBegin DATA
- assumes ds,data
- assumes cs,data
- uiStack:
- t1 = 10000
- t2 = 3000
- startrow = 4
- startcol = 34
- public InitUIStack
- InitUIStack:
- push bp
- push ds
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov ax,600h
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,314fh
- mov bh,7
- int 10h
- xor si,si
- mov bp,si
- mov es,si
- next: mov ah,2ch
- int 21h
- xor dh,dl
- push dx
- xor ax,ax
- mov al,dh
- mov dl,lines
- div dl
- mov [row],ah
- pop ax
- xor ah,ah
- mov dl,chars
- div dl
- mov [column],ah
- @@: mov al,[row]
- mov ah,chars
- mul ah
- add al,[column]
- xchg ax,bx
- xor al,al
- xchg al,table[bx]
- or al,al
- jnz gotit
- inc [column]
- cmp [column],chars
- jne @B
- mov [column],al
- inc [row]
- cmp [row],lines
- jne @B
- mov [row],al
- jmp short @B
- gotit: not al
- cmp al,' '
- jne @F
- jmp done2
- @@: add row,startrow
- add column,startcol
- inc si
- and si,3
- mov di,si
- mov dh,row
- mov dl,column
- mov rdelta,0
- mov cdelta,0
- mov [ticks],t1
- dec di
- jz s2
- dec di
- jz s3
- dec di
- jz s4
- xor dl,dl
- inc cdelta
- mov [ticks],t2
- jmp short loop1
- s2: xor dh,dh
- inc rdelta
- jmp short loop1
- s3: mov dl,79
- dec cdelta
- mov [ticks],t2
- jmp short loop1
- s4: mov dh,24
- dec rdelta
- loop1: push ax
- push ax
- mov ah,2
- xor bh,bh
- int 10h
- mov ah,8
- int 10h
- pop bx
- push ax
- xchg ax,bx
- mov ah,9
- xor bx,bx
- mov bl,[row]
- sub bx,startrow-1
- mov cx,1
- int 10h
- mov cx,[ticks]
- pause: loop pause
- pop ax
- xor bx,bx
- cmp dh,row
- jnz @F
- cmp dl,column
- jz done
- @@: mov bl,ah
- mov cx,1
- mov ah,9
- int 10h
- pop ax
- add dh,rdelta
- add dl,cdelta
- jmp short loop1
- done: pop ax
- done2: mov ax,bp
- inc ax
- cmp ax,chars * lines
- je exit
- mov bp,ax
- jmp next
- exit: pop ds
- pop bp
- retf
- table db 0ABh, 097h, 09Ah, 0DFh, 0ABh, 09Ah, 09Eh, 092h
- db 0D2h, 0D2h, 0D2h, 0D2h, 0D2h, 0D2h, 0D2h, 0D2h
- db 0BDh, 09Ah, 08Bh, 097h, 0AFh, 08Dh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0BBh, 090h, 08Ah, 098h, 0B9h, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0B5h, 09Eh, 092h, 096h, 09Ah, 0BDh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0B5h, 09Ah, 099h, 099h, 0A8h, 09Ah, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0B3h, 096h, 085h, 0ADh, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0B2h, 09Eh, 08Dh, 094h, 0BCh, 097h, 09Eh, 0DFh
- db 0B2h, 096h, 08Bh, 09Ch, 097h, 0A6h, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0ADh, 096h, 09Ch, 094h, 0B0h, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0ADh, 096h, 09Ch, 094h, 0ADh, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0ACh, 09Ch, 090h, 08Bh, 08Bh, 0AFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0ACh, 08Ah, 08Dh, 09Ah, 08Ch, 097h, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0ABh, 096h, 092h, 0B4h, 09Ah, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- db 0ABh, 090h, 092h, 0BDh, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh, 0DFh
- chars = 8
- lines = 15
- row db 0
- column db 0
- rdelta db 0
- cdelta db 0
- ticks dw 0
- staticB ,,MAX_UISTACK-($-uiStack)
- staticW puiStackCur,<dataOFFSET uiStack> ; current pointer/end marker
- sEnd DATA
- assumes DS,DATA
- assumes SS,DATA
- sBegin UI
- assumes CS,UI
- ; create a static stack uiStackFar in segment UI, of size MAX_UISTACKFAR
- staticB uiStackFar,,MAX_UISTACKFAR ; data for the stack
- staticW puiStackFarCur,<UIOFFSET uiStackFar> ; current pointer/end marker
- ;****************************************************************************
- ; UiStackAlloc
- ; Purpose:
- ; Allocate a space on the User Interface stack (STATIC DGROUP)
- ;
- ; This routine should only be called only when the allocated memory
- ; must not move under any circumstances.
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; ax = number of bytes needed
- ; Exit:
- ; ax points to start of zero filled allocated field
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- cProc UiStackAlloc,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- mov bx,[puiStackCur] ;bx points to start of allocated field
- push bx ;save return value
- push bx ;pass pb to ZeroFill(pb, cb)
- push ax ;pass cb to ZeroFill(pb, cb)
- add ax,bx ;ax points past end of allocated field
- mov [puiStackCur],ax ;update stack ptr
- call ZeroFill ;zero fill the buffer
- pop ax ;return ax pointing to allocated buffer
- cEnd
- ;***************************************************************************
- ; void FAR UiStackFree(puiStack)
- ; Purpose:
- ; Free's memory that was alloc'd by UiStackAlloc.
- ; Entry:
- ; Ax - Is a pointer into the User Interface stack.
- ; Exit:
- ; Current top of stack is pulled back to AX.
- ;
- ;***************************************************************************
- cProc UiStackFree,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
- cBegin
- DbAssertRel ax,ae,<dataOFFSET uiStack>,UI,<UiStackFree: err1>
- DbAssertRel ax,b,puiStackCur,UI,<UiStackFree: err2>
- mov [puiStackCur],ax ; clean off this block
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;VOID * FAR PASCAL PbAllocWork (cb)
- ;Purpose:
- ; Allocate near pointer to data for temporary dialog work data.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; cb count of the number of bytes to allocate.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; Return near pointer to data in uiStack.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; If there is not enough memory, UiStackAlloc gives an assertion.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc PbAllocWork,<PUBLIC,FAR>
- parmW cb
- cBegin
- mov ax,[cb]
- call UiStackAlloc ; return AX = *data
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;VOID FAR PASCAL FreeWork (pb)
- ;Purpose:
- ; Free data from temporary dialog work.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; pb near pointer to data to free.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; If this is a bad pointer, UiStackFree gives an assertion.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc FreeWork,<PUBLIC,FAR>
- parmW pb
- cBegin
- mov ax,[pb] ; ax = *data to free
- cCall UiStackFree ; free the data
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;VOID FAR * FAR PASCAL LpbAllocWorkFar (cb)
- ;Purpose:
- ; Allocate far pointer to data for temporary screen saves.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; cb count of the number of bytes to allocate.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; Return far pointer to data in uiStack.
- ;
- ; Does NOT zero-fill the allocated memory.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; If there is not enough memory, gives an assertion.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc LpbAllocWorkFar,<PUBLIC,FAR>
- parmW cb
- cBegin
- mov dx,cs ;DX = segment of stack (for return)
- mov bx,[cb] ;bx = # bytes to allocate
- mov ax,cs:[puiStackFarCur] ;ax points to start of allocated field
- add bx,ax ;bx points past end of allocated field
- mov cs:[puiStackFarCur],bx ;update stack ptr
- ; return DX:AX = *allocated memory
- assumes ds,DATA
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;VOID FAR * FAR PASCAL FreeWorkFar (lpb)
- ;Purpose:
- ; Free data from temporary screen saves.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; lpb far pointer to data to free.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; None.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; If this is a bad pointer, gives an assertion.
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc FreeWorkFar,<PUBLIC,FAR>
- parmD lpb
- cBegin
- mov ax,off_lpb ;CS:AX = block to free
- mov cs:[puiStackFarCur],ax ; update stack pointer
- cEnd
- sEnd UI
- end