资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***
- *uioptn.c - Support Options menu items.
- *
- * Copyright <C> 1985-1988, Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *Purpose:
- * All Options menu support routines, and other routines that modify
- * the screen's appearance.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- /* First, include version definition header */
- #include <version.h>
- /* Next, include TextWin's interface headers */
- #include <cw/version.h>
- #include <cw/windows.h>
- #include <cw/edityp.h>
- #include <cw/color.h>
- #include <uiext.h>
- /* include dialog information */
- #include <cw/dlg.h>
- #include "uioptns.hs"
- #include "uioptns.sdm"
- /* Next, include QBI's headers */
- #ifndef CONTEXT_H
- #include <context.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef QBIMSGS_H
- #include <qbimsgs.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef UI_H
- #include <ui.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef UIINT_H
- #include <uiint.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef UTIL_H
- #include <util.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef RTPS_H /* [10] */
- #include <rtps.h> /* [10] */
- #endif /* [10] */
- #ifndef HEAP_H /* [10] */
- #include <heap.h> /* [10] */
- #endif /* [10] */
- void near ColorResolution (void); // [36]
- void near SetFullMenus(void);
- /* options have been changed with CmdViewOptions => write qb ini file */
- boolean fOptionsChanged;
- bool fSyntaxCheck = TRUE; /* enabled by default */
- BYTE fMono = FALSE; // [25]
- /********* View Options ******************************************************/
- uchar rgMsgColors[] = { //[30] change from word to byte
- MSG_Black,
- MSG_Blue,
- MSG_Green,
- MSG_Cyan,
- MSG_Red,
- MSG_Magenta,
- MSG_Brown,
- MSG_White,
- MSG_Gray, /* [9] Add Bright colors */
- MSG_BrBlue, /* [9] */
- MSG_BrGreen, /* [9] */
- MSG_BrCyan, /* [9] */
- MSG_BrRed, /* [9] */
- MSG_Pink, /* [9] */
- MSG_Yellow, /* [9] */
- MSG_BrWhite /* [9] */
- };
- #define rgMsgColorsMax (sizeof (rgMsgColors) / sizeof (BYTE)) //[30]
- /* [9] Separate array is smaller than moving array around */
- uchar rgMsgMono[] = { //[30] change from word to byte
- MSG_Black,
- MSG_White,
- MSG_Gray,
- MSG_BrWhite
- };
- #define rgMsgMonoMax (sizeof (rgMsgMono) / sizeof (BYTE)) //[30]
- /***
- *WORD FAR WListProcColor (tmm, sz, isz, tmc, wParam, bArg)
- *Purpose:
- * ListBox filling support procedure.
- *
- *Entry:
- * tmm Dialog item message type.
- * sz String pointer to return text in.
- * isz Listbox item to return text for.
- * tmc Unreferenced.
- * wParam Unreferenced.
- * bArg Unreferenced.
- *
- *Exit:
- * tmm = tmmCount, size of array of colors.
- * tmmText or
- * tmmEditText, Text of isz'th element of color array in sz.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- WListProcColor (tmm, sz, isz, tmc, wParam, bArg)
- WORD tmm;
- char *sz;
- WORD isz;
- TMC tmc;
- WORD wParam, bArg;
- {
- Unreferenced (tmc);
- Unreferenced (wParam);
- Unreferenced (bArg);
- switch (tmm) {
- case tmmCount:
- /* [5] [25] if fMono, use rgMsgMono */
- return ((fMono ? rgMsgMonoMax : rgMsgColorsMax) // [30]
- >> ((cmdSwitches & CMD_SW_NOH) != 0) // [21]
- );
- case tmmText:
- case tmmEditText:
- {
- /* [5] [25] if fMono, use rgMsgMono */
- DbAssert (fMono ? (isz<rgMsgMonoMax) : (isz<rgMsgColorsMax)); //[30]
- ListStdMsg (fMono ? rgMsgMono[isz] : rgMsgColors[isz]); //[30]
- }
- strcpy (sz, bufStdMsg);
- break;
- }
- return (TRUE); //[31] Was depending on return value of strcpy
- //[31] to be non-zero.
- }
- /* [7] Make MenuBarMain, rgMenuMain, and rgMenuMainEZ accessible */
- extern MENUBAR MenuBarMain;
- extern MENU rgMenuMain[], rgMenuMainEZ[];
- /* [5] Array of colors for OptnsDisplay dialog */
- static struct {
- WORD coFore, coBack;
- } rgco[3];
- /***
- *BOOL FAR FDlgOptnsDisplay (dlm, tmc, wNew, wOld, wParam)
- *Purpose:
- * Dialog procedure for dlgOptnsDisplay.
- *
- * dlmInit:
- * Initialize the array of temporary colors for Normal Text,
- * Current Statement, and Breakpoint Line in rgco.
- *
- * dlmClick:
- * If Changing foreground or background color, change
- * color array element, and redisplay the general picture
- * box for this element.
- *
- * Else, get the color from the array, and change the
- * foreground and background listbox indices.
- *
- *Entry:
- * dlm Dialog message.
- * tmc Item code of action.
- * wNew Unreferenced.
- * wOld Unreferenced.
- * wParam Unreferenced.
- *
- *Exit:
- * None.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- FDlgOptnsDisplay (dlm, tmc, wNew, wOld, wParam)
- WORD dlm;
- TMC tmc;
- WORD wNew, wOld, wParam;
- {
- ISA isa;
- register WORD oColor, i;
- WORD coFore, coBack;
- Unreferenced (wNew);
- Unreferenced (wOld);
- Unreferenced (wParam);
- if (dlm == dlmInit) {
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- GetIsaColor ((ISA) isaEditWindow+i, &rgco[i].coFore, &rgco[i].coBack);
- }
- }
- if (dlm == dlmInit || dlm == dlmClick) {
- oColor = (cmdSwitches & CMD_SW_ED) ? 0 : GetTmcVal (tmcColor); //[38]
- DbAssert (oColor < 3);
- isa = (ISA) isaEditWindow + oColor;
- if (tmc == tmcCoFore || tmc == tmcCoBack) {
- coFore = GetTmcVal (tmcCoFore);
- coBack = GetTmcVal (tmcCoBack);
- // [15] [25] If monochrome, translate index to attribute.
- if (fMono) {
- rgco[oColor].coFore = ((coFore & 1) ? coWhite : coBlack) |
- ((coFore >= 2) << 3);
- rgco[oColor].coBack = ((coBack & 1) ? coWhite : coBlack) |
- ((coBack >= 2) << 3);
- }
- else {
- rgco[oColor].coFore = coFore;
- rgco[oColor].coBack = coBack;
- }
- if (cmdSwitches & CMD_SW_ED) //[38]
- RedisplayTmc (tmcQeditText); //[38]
- else //[38]
- RedisplayTmc (tmcNormalText + oColor);
- }
- else {
- coFore = rgco[oColor].coFore;
- coBack = rgco[oColor].coBack;
- // [25] If no highlight bit, clear it for proper index
- if (cmdSwitches & CMD_SW_NOH) {
- coFore &= 7;
- coBack &= 7;
- }
- // [15] [25] If monochrome, translate color to index.
- if (fMono) {
- SetTmcVal (tmcCoFore, ((coFore & 7) == coWhite) |
- ((coFore >= 8) << 1));
- SetTmcVal (tmcCoBack, ((coBack & 7) == coWhite) |
- ((coBack >= 8) << 1));
- }
- else {
- SetTmcVal (tmcCoFore, coFore);
- SetTmcVal (tmcCoBack, coBack);
- }
- }
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- #define QeditTextLen 24 //[38] length of " Set colors for the ",
- //[38] and " text editor window:"
- #define ColoredTextLen 19 //[12] length of " Normal Text ",
- //[12] " Current Statement ",
- //[12] and " Breakpoint Lines "
- /***
- *WORD FAR PASCAL DisplayQeditTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- *Purpose:
- * Display the the "QEDIT Text" color item in the appropriate color.
- *
- *Entry:
- * tmm Unreferenced.
- * pv pointer to general picture window.
- * hObj Unreferenced.
- * tmc Unreferenced.
- * bArg Unreferenced.
- * wParam Unreferenced.
- *
- *Exit:
- * returns TRUE.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- DisplayQeditTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam) //[38]
- TMM tmm;
- char * pv; /* really a pwnd */
- WORD hObj, bArg; /* not used */
- TMC tmc;
- WORD wParam;
- {
- REG1 PWND pwnd = (PWND) pv;
- Unreferenced (tmm);
- Unreferenced (hObj);
- Unreferenced (bArg);
- Unreferenced (tmc);
- Unreferenced (wParam);
- SetIsaColor (isaUserMax-1, rgco[0].coFore, rgco[0].coBack);
- ListStdMsg (MSG_QeditText1);
- TextOut (pwnd, 0, 0, bufStdMsg, QeditTextLen, isaUserMax-1);
- ListStdMsg (MSG_QeditText2);
- TextOut (pwnd, 0, 1, bufStdMsg, QeditTextLen, isaUserMax-1);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /***
- *WORD FAR PASCAL DisplayNormalTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- *Purpose:
- * Display the the "Normal Text" color item in the appropriate color.
- *
- *Entry:
- * tmm Unreferenced.
- * pv pointer to general picture window.
- * hObj Unreferenced.
- * tmc Unreferenced.
- * bArg Unreferenced.
- * wParam Unreferenced.
- *
- *Exit:
- * returns TRUE.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- DisplayNormalTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- TMM tmm;
- char * pv; /* really a pwnd */
- WORD hObj, bArg; /* not used */
- TMC tmc;
- WORD wParam;
- {
- REG1 PWND pwnd = (PWND) pv;
- Unreferenced (tmm);
- Unreferenced (hObj);
- Unreferenced (bArg);
- Unreferenced (tmc);
- Unreferenced (wParam);
- ListStdMsg (MSG_NormalText);
- SetIsaColor (isaUserMax-1, rgco[0].coFore, rgco[0].coBack);
- TextOut (pwnd, 0, 0, bufStdMsg, ColoredTextLen, isaUserMax-1); //[12]
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /***
- *WORD FAR PASCAL DisplayCurStmtWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- *Purpose:
- * Display the the "Current Statement" color item in the appropriate color.
- *
- *Entry:
- * tmm Unreferenced.
- * pv pointer to general picture window.
- * hObj Unreferenced.
- * tmc Unreferenced.
- * bArg Unreferenced.
- * wParam Unreferenced.
- *
- *Exit:
- * returns TRUE.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- DisplayCurStmtTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- TMM tmm;
- char * pv; /* really a pwnd */
- WORD hObj, bArg; /* not used */
- TMC tmc;
- WORD wParam;
- {
- REG1 PWND pwnd = (PWND) pv;
- Unreferenced (tmm);
- Unreferenced (hObj);
- Unreferenced (bArg);
- Unreferenced (tmc);
- Unreferenced (wParam);
- ListStdMsg (MSG_CurStmt);
- SetIsaColor (isaUserMax-1, rgco[1].coFore, rgco[1].coBack);
- TextOut (pwnd, 0, 0, bufStdMsg, ColoredTextLen, isaUserMax-1); //[12]
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /***
- *WORD FAR PASCAL DisplayBreakpointTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- *Purpose:
- * Display the the "Breakpoint Lines" color item in the appropriate color.
- *
- *Entry:
- * tmm Unreferenced.
- * pv pointer to general picture window.
- * hObj Unreferenced.
- * tmc Unreferenced.
- * bArg Unreferenced.
- * wParam Unreferenced.
- *
- *Exit:
- * returns TRUE.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- DisplayBreakpointTextWndProc (tmm, pv, hObj, tmc, bArg, wParam)
- TMM tmm;
- char * pv; /* really a pwnd */
- WORD hObj, bArg; /* not used */
- TMC tmc;
- WORD wParam;
- {
- REG1 PWND pwnd = (PWND) pv;
- Unreferenced (tmm);
- Unreferenced (hObj);
- Unreferenced (bArg);
- Unreferenced (tmc);
- Unreferenced (wParam);
- ListStdMsg (MSG_Breakpoint);
- SetIsaColor (isaUserMax-1, rgco[2].coFore, rgco[2].coBack);
- TextOut (pwnd, 0, 0, bufStdMsg, ColoredTextLen, isaUserMax-1); //[12]
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /***
- *VOID NEAR CmdOptnsDisplay ()
- *Purpose:
- * Called when OPTIONS/DISPLAY menu item is selected.
- *
- *Entry:
- * None.
- *
- *Exit:
- * None.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- VOID NEAR CmdOptnsDisplay ()
- {
- ushort tabs;
- WORD i;
- HCABOptnsDisplay hcabOptnsDisplay;
- tabs = 0;
- DbAssert (uierr == 0); //[24]
- hcabOptnsDisplay = (HCABOptnsDisplay) HcabAlloc (cabiCABOptnsDisplay);
- /* [5] Catch HcabAlloc errors */
- if (uierr)
- return;
- (*hcabOptnsDisplay)->oColor = 0;
- (*hcabOptnsDisplay)->oCoFore = (*hcabOptnsDisplay)->oCoBack = 0;
- itoa (GetTabs (), bufStdMsg, 10);
- SzToCab (hcabOptnsDisplay, bufStdMsg, Iag (CABOptnsDisplay, szTabStops));
- // [26] if SzToCab memory allocation failed, free cab and exit.
- if (uierr)
- goto EndCmdOptnsDisplay;
- (*hcabOptnsDisplay)->fScrollBars = fScrollBars; /* [4] */
- (*hcabOptnsDisplay)->u.sab = (cmdSwitches & CMD_SW_ED) ? sabOptnsQedit : sabOptnsQbas; //[38]
- if (TmcDoDlgFar (&dlgOptnsDisplay, sizeof (dlgOptnsDisplay), hcabOptnsDisplay) == tmcOk) {
- fOptionsChanged = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- SetIsaColor ((ISA) isaEditWindow+i, rgco[i].coFore, rgco[i].coBack);
- }
- ColorResolution (); // [36]
- fScrollBars = (*hcabOptnsDisplay)->fScrollBars;
- // [21] Either RemoveScrollBars() or AddScrollBars() will have no effect
- // [21] (depending on the setting of fScrollBars).
- RemoveScrollBars ();
- AddScrollBars ();
- /* SetTabs only if greater than zero */
- SzFromCab (hcabOptnsDisplay, bufStdMsg, CB_bufStdMsg,
- Iag (CABOptnsDisplay, szTabStops));
- /* [22] if user specified -1 convert to -2 so erroneous
- [22] Can't Set Tabs dialog is not displayed. */
- if ((tabs = atoi (bufStdMsg)) == -1) //[22]
- tabs--; //[22]
- if (tabs != GetTabs()) {
- /* user wants to change tab stop setting.
- * Don't let them if any loaded files had tabs in them.
- * Otherwise, the user won't get what was expected. If the
- * reload the file after changing TABs, everything is fine.
- * QB doesn't keep TABs in its pcode.
- */
- UiRsActivate(UNDEFINED);
- while (NextMrsFile() != UNDEFINED) {
- if (mrsCur.flags2 & FM2_EntabSource)
- tabs = UNDEFINED;
- }
- }
- DrawDebugScr();
- }
- if (tabs == UNDEFINED)
- MsgBoxStd (MB_OK, MSG_CantSetTabs);
- else if (tabs <= 99 && tabs > 0)
- SetTabs (tabs);
- EndCmdOptnsDisplay: // [26]
- FreeCab (hcabOptnsDisplay);
- }
- /***
- *VOID NEAR CmdOptnsPaths ()
- *Purpose:
- * Called when OPTIONS/PATHS menu item is selected.
- *
- *Entry:
- * None.
- *
- *Exit:
- * None.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- VOID NEAR CmdOptnsPaths ()
- {
- extern bd bdLibPath, bdExePath, bdInclPath, bdHelpPath;
- extern char b$buf1; //[32]
- if (!BdRealloc (&bdHelpPath, MAX_SEARCH_PATH )) {
- SetUiErrOm ();
- goto CmdOptnsPathsEnd;
- }
- DbChkHoldBuf1();
- strcpy (&b$buf1, bdHelpPath.pb);
- if (PromptForString (cmdSwitches & CMD_SW_ED ? MSG_SearchPathEdit : MSG_SearchPathInterp, //[39]
- (char far *) &b$buf1, //[39]
- MAX_SEARCH_PATH) != tmcCancel) { //[39]
- fOptionsChanged = TRUE;
- strcpy (bdHelpPath.pb, &b$buf1);
- bdHelpPath.cbLogical = (CbSzUi(&b$buf1)) + 1;
- }
- DbChkFreeBuf1();
- CmdOptnsPathsEnd:
- return;
- }
- bool fRightMouseHelp = TRUE; // [14] default to right mouse help
- /***
- *void near ColorResolution ()
- *Purpose:
- * Resolve all color dependencies.
- *
- *Entry:
- * Global isa's have been just set to their proper values.
- *
- *Exit:
- * Sets isaCurBreakpoint based on isaCurStmt and isaBreakpoint, and
- * isaIncludeFileHilite based on isaIncludeFileHilite, and isaEditWindow.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near ColorResolution () // [36]
- {
- WORD coFore, coBack, dummy;
- /* for those statements that are both Current & Breakpoint, use:
- * the Current statement forground,
- * the Breakpoint statement background
- */
- GetIsaColor (isaCurStmt, &coFore, &dummy);
- GetIsaColor (isaBreakpoint, &dummy, &coBack);
- SetIsaColor (isaCurBreakpoint, coFore, coBack);
- /* for those statements that are Highlighted Include file lines, use:
- * the Include File Line foreground,
- * the Edit Window background
- */
- GetIsaColor (isaIncludeFileHilite, &coFore, &dummy);
- GetIsaColor (isaEditWindow, &dummy, &coBack);
- SetIsaColor (isaIncludeFileHilite, coFore, coBack);
- }