资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***
- *uiscrn.c - screen management functions.
- *
- * Copyright <C> 1985-1988, Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *Purpose:
- * Miscellaneous procedures to interface QB with CW screen operations.
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- /* First, include version definition header */
- #include <version.h>
- /* Next, include TextWin's interface headers */
- #include <cw/version.h>
- #include <cw/windows.h>
- #include <cw/edityp.h>
- /* Next, include QBI's headers */
- #ifndef QBIMSGS_H
- #include <qbimsgs.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef UI_H
- #include <ui.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef UIINT_H
- #include <uiint.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef HEAP_H
- #include <heap.h>
- #endif
- void far EnsShowDebugScrFar(void);
- void far ShowOutScr(void);
- void far EnsMouseOff(void);
- void far TossOutputScreen(void);
- void near Cls (void);
- void near SaveUserMouse(void);
- void near RestoreUserMouse(void);
- extern bool FAR PASCAL FInitMouse(void); //[17]
- extern void FAR PASCAL EndMouse(void); //[17]
- extern void FAR PASCAL SetBlinkBit(ushort);
- bool fDebugScr = FALSE; /* TRUE if debug screen is visible,
- FALSE if Output Screen is visible */
- extern WORD iModeCurrent;
- bd bdVids = {0, NULL, 0};
- bd bdVidsDebug = {0, NULL, 0};
- bdl bdlVidData = {0, NOT_OWNER, 0, 0};
- bdl bdlUserMouse = {0, NOT_OWNER, 0, 0}; //[17]
- /***
- *void near Cls ()
- *Purpose:
- * Clear the output screen. This is used if we couldn't restore the
- * output screen.
- *
- *Entry:
- * None.
- *
- *Exit:
- * None.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near Cls ()
- {
- RRC rrc;
- rrc.rxLeft = rrc.ryTop = 0;
- rrc.rxRight = axMac;
- rrc.ryBottom = ayMac;
- FillRrc (NULL, &rrc, ' ', isaBackground);
- }
- /***
- *void near SaveUserMouse
- *Purpose:
- * Saves the mouse state of the User's mouse
- *
- * New for revision [17]
- *
- *Entry:
- *
- *Exit:
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near SaveUserMouse()
- {
- WORD cbMouse;
- BdlFree(&bdlUserMouse);
- cbMouse = CbSizeMouseState();
- if (cbMouse && BdlAlloc (&bdlUserMouse, cbMouse)) {
- SaveMouseState((void FAR *) MAKELONG (0, GETSEG (bdlUserMouse.seg)));
- }
- }
- /***
- *void near RestoreUserMouse
- *Purpose:
- * Restores the mouse state of the user's mouse
- *
- * New for revision [17]
- *
- *Entry:
- *
- *Exit:
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near RestoreUserMouse()
- {
- if (bdlUserMouse.seg != NOT_OWNER) {
- RestoreMouseState((void FAR *) MAKELONG (0, GETSEG (bdlUserMouse.seg)));
- BdlFree(&bdlUserMouse);
- }
- }
- /***
- *void near SaveUserScreen ()
- *Purpose:
- * Save the contents of the output screen.
- *
- * If we don't have enough room for the screen data, we still save the
- * mode information so we can at least change modes and clear the screen
- * properly.
- *
- *Entry:
- * bdVids Is a bd to be used for the mode structure data.
- * bdlVidData Is a bdl to be used for the screen contents.
- *
- *Exit:
- * bdVids and bdlVidData contain the information from the output
- * screen if there is room to store them.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near SaveUserScreen ()
- {
- INST inst;
- WORD cbVids;
- if ((cbVids = CbSizeVids ()) == 0)
- return; //[17]
- if (!BdAlloc (&bdVids, cbVids, IT_NO_OWNERS))
- return; //[17]
- if (!FQueryInst (&inst, iModeCurrent)) /* [3] */
- DbAssert (FALSE);
- if (!FSaveVids ((VIDS *)bdVids.pb, &inst)) { //[12]
- DbAssert (FALSE);
- }
- if (BdlAlloc (&bdlVidData, ((VIDS *)bdVids.pb)->cwVidData * sizeof (WORD))) //[12]
- SaveVidData ((VIDS *)bdVids.pb, (WORD FAR *) MAKELONG (0, GETSEG (bdlVidData.seg))); //[12]
- else
- // Must free, as FRestoreVids doesn't clear and leaves junk on screen.
- BdFree (&bdVids);
- if (bdVidsDebug.pb != NULL) // [6]
- if (!FRestoreVids ((VIDS *) bdVidsDebug.pb)) // [6]
- DbAssert (FALSE); // [6]
- SetBlinkBit(0);
- }
- /***
- *void near RestoreUserScreen ()
- *Purpose:
- * Restore the output screen from previously stored data in
- * SaveUserScreen.
- *
- *Entry:
- * bdVids Global data pertaining to the mode and screen overhead.
- * bdVidData Global data containing the screen contents.
- *
- *Exit:
- * None.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near RestoreUserScreen ()
- {
- INST inst;
- WORD cbVids;
- BdFree (&bdVidsDebug); // [6]
- if ((cbVids = CbSizeVids ()) == 0) // [6]
- goto FailRestore; // [6]
- if (!BdAlloc (&bdVidsDebug, cbVids, IT_NO_OWNERS)) // [6]
- goto FailRestore; // [6]
- if (!FQueryInst (&inst, iModeCurrent)) // [6]
- DbAssert (FALSE); // [6]
- if (!FSaveVids ((VIDS *) bdVidsDebug.pb, &inst)) // [6]
- DbAssert (FALSE); // [6]
- if (bdVids.pb == NULL) { //[12]
- FailRestore: // [6]
- Cls ();
- return;
- }
- if (!FRestoreVids ((VIDS *) bdVids.pb)) { //[12]
- DbAssert (FALSE);
- }
- // [5] May not have data, but restored mode if possible.
- else if (bdlVidData.seg != NOT_OWNER) {
- RestoreVidData ((VIDS *)bdVids.pb, //[12]
- (WORD FAR *) MAKELONG (0, GETSEG (bdlVidData.seg)));
- }
- TossUserScreen();
- }
- void near TossUserScreen ()
- {
- BdFree (&bdVids);
- BdlFree (&bdlVidData);
- }
- void far EnsShowDebugScrFar ()
- {
- EnsShowDebugScr ();
- FEnableMouse(TRUE); //[17]
- }
- /***
- *void near EnsShowDebugScr ()
- *Purpose:
- * If the debug screen is not already visible, save the user screen.
- *
- *Entry:
- * None.
- *
- *Exit:
- * None.
- *
- *Exceptions:
- * None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void near EnsShowDebugScr ()
- {
- if (!fDebugScr) {
- /* Output screen is currently visible */
- fDebugScr = TRUE;
- /* put screen in User Interface compatible (text) mode.
- * User's screen may have been in high or low-res graphics mode.
- * Don't save user's screen image if memory is so low that
- * there's not enough to execute a SYSTEM, CLEAR, or SETMEM statement.
- * This is ensured by calling UiGrabSpace first.
- */
- UiGrabSpace();
- SaveUserMouse(); //[17]
- EndMouse(); //[17] This will turn off the user's mouse so
- //[17] it won't get saved by SaveUserScreen
- SaveUserScreen ();
- UiReleaseSpace();
- FInitMouse(); //[17]
- DrawDebugScr (); //[16]
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * void near EnsShowOutSaveRs()
- * Purpose:
- * If the output screen is not already
- * visible, switch to saved output screen mode and copy
- * the buffer saved by EnsShowDebugScr() to video ram.
- * Unlike EnsShowOutputScr, this function DOES NOT flush the edit manager's
- * buffer, and thus, perserves the caller's register set.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- void near EnsShowOutSaveRs()
- {
- if (fDebugScr) {
- fDebugScr = FALSE;
- /* Restore the user screen */
- RestoreUserScreen ();
- RestoreUserMouse(); //[17]
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * ShowOutScr
- * Purpose:
- * called by PRINT, CALL executors that want to force the user's screen
- * to be restored.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- void far ShowOutScr ()
- {
- EnsShowOutSaveRs ();
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * EnsMouseOff
- * Purpose:
- * Called by runtime initialization code just before a call to B$RUNINI
- * to turn the mouse off so it won't leave a ghost cursor when it clears
- * the screen.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- void far EnsMouseOff ()
- {
- FEnableMouse(FALSE); //[17]
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * TossOutScreen()
- * Purpose:
- * The runtime has changed screen modes while the debug screen was active.
- * We need to change state to be consistent with the output screen being active.
- * Output screen and mouse will be resaved by the next call to EnsShowDebugScr.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- void far TossOutputScreen ()
- {
- TossUserScreen (); /* release memory used to save output scr */
- fDebugScr = FALSE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * void near EnsShowOutputScr()
- * Purpose:
- * If the output screen is not already
- * visible, switch to saved output screen mode and copy
- * the buffer saved by EnsShowDebugScr() to video ram.
- * Unlike EnsShowOutSaveRs, this function flushes the edit manager's
- * buffer, and thus, may alter caller's register set.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- void near EnsShowOutputScr ()
- {
- EditMgrFlush ();
- /* so dirty buffer can never be written to user's screen by edit mgr */
- EnsShowOutSaveRs ();
- }