资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: $(QB5)qbmakefile:
- #
- # This makefile contains make information for all QBI version dependent
- # BASIC Interpreter Source
- #
- # The following macros are expected to be set up:
- # TL path to toolsbin directory
- # QB path to qb root
- # QB5 path to qb5 root
- # UIBLD directory to build .obj files to
- # CC cl command line switches
- # MASM masm command line switches
- #
- # This file is used in conjunction with:
- # qb5testmakefile root qb5 makefile (also qb5releasemakefile)
- # qbirmakefile version independent interpreter source
- # ..irmakefile QB5 specific interpreter source
- # ..qbmaketwin twin user interface code
- # ..uimakefile cow user interface code
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- TWINLIB = twin.lib
- HELPLIB = mhelph.lib
- KKIFLIB = kkif.lib
- COWLIB = cow.lib ibmtandy.lib
- COWLIB = cow.lib cowtandy.lib
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Macros for masm and cl command line switches specific to this
- # module, and include search paths.
- #
- CC_MOD = -Zp -Fo$@ $(UIFLAGS)
- CC_INCL = -I. -I$(QB5)hd -I$(QB)hd -I$(TL)
- MASM_INCL = -E -I. -I$(QB5)hd -I$(QB)hd -I$(TL)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- # DMOBJ are Quick BASIC 4.0 "direct mode" object files
- # This includes these runtime modules which are essential to
- # direct mode: bdmgr.obj bddebug.obj
- #
- DMOBJ = bdmgr.obj bddebug.obj binsav.obj binxlat.obj conmisc.obj condebug.obj
- context.obj debug.obj dshstubc.obj dshcmd.obj dshstrng.obj init.obj
- lsid.obj lsmain.obj lsrules.obj lsutil.obj lsoptab.obj
- nammgr.obj namdebug.obj opnamatr.obj
- prsmain.obj prsid.obj prsctl.obj prsnt.obj prscg.obj prslex.obj
- prsexp.obj prsutil.obj prsstate.obj prsrwt.obj prsdebug.obj
- prsstmt.obj prsnt1.obj qbimsgs.obj qbidata.obj rsalpha.obj rterror.obj
- txtdata.obj txtdeb.obj txtdir.obj txtload.obj
- txtmove.obj txtmgr.obj txtsave.obj
- txtutil.obj txtfind.obj txtthr.obj txtdebug.obj typmgr.obj
- uiutil.obj util.obj varmgrc.obj vardebug.obj vardbg.obj varutil.obj
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SSEXOBJ are Quick BASIC 4.0 scanner/executor object files.
- #
- SSEXOBJ = sscase.obj ssdata.obj ssdo.obj ssfor.obj ssif.obj
- ssbos.obj ssid.obj ssscan.obj ssstmts.obj ssaid.obj ssmisc.obj
- ssrude.obj ssrules.obj ssoperat.obj sslit.obj sstxutil.obj
- ssdeclar.obj ssdescan.obj ssoptab.obj ssrec.obj ssproc.obj
- ssrefarg.obj excase.obj excontxt.obj exconv.obj exdebug.obj
- exevent.obj exfor.obj
- exfnmisc.obj exgoto.obj
- exgraph.obj exmathop.obj exid.obj exif.obj exio.obj exos.obj
- exstmisc.obj exstring.obj exarray.obj
- exaryutl.obj exaid.obj exprint.obj exmisc.obj exlit.obj
- exrec.obj exrefarg.obj extort.obj exproc.obj bfpsig.obj
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- # RTOBJ are temporary runtime-specific objects
- #
- RTOBJ = rttemp.obj
- qedit.obj : $(QB5)irqedit.asm
- $(TL)szscrn "Assembling qedit.asm"
- $(TL)masm $(MASM) $(QB5)irqedit;
- help.obj : $(QB5)irhelp.asm
- $(TL)szscrn "Assembling help.asm"
- $(TL)masm $(MASM) $(QB5)irhelp;
- qbi0.obj: $(QB5)qbqbi0.asm
- $(TL)szscrn "Assembling qbi0.asm:"
- $(TL)masm $(SSFLAGS) $(MASM) $(QB5)qbqbi0;
- dshstubc.obj: $(QB5)qbdshstubc.c version.h
- $(QB)hdparser.h
- $(QB)hdpsint.h
- $(QB)hdheap.h
- $(TL)szscrn "Compiling dshstubc.c:"
- if exist dshstubc.obj del dshstubc.obj
- $(TL)cl $(UIFLAGS) -W3 -Zip -c -X -I. -I$(QB)hd -I$(TL) -AM -FPa -Gcs -NT UI $(QB5)qbdshstubc.c
- uirstubc.obj: $(QB5)qbuirstubc.c
- $(TL)szscrn "Compiling uirstubc.c"
- if exist uirstubc.obj del uirstubc.obj
- $(TL)cl $(UIFLAGS) -W3 -Zip -c -I$(QB)hd -I$(TL) -AM -FPa -Gs -NTUI -Fo$@ $(QB5)qbuirstubc.c
- uimisc.obj: $(QB5)qbuimisc.asm $(VERSION_INC)
- $(QB5)
- $(QB)
- $(QB5)
- $(TL)szscrn "Assembling uimisc.asm"
- $(TL)masm $(MASM) $(QB5)qbuimisc,$(@R);
- #==============================================================
- # exe file definitions
- #==============================================================
- # HELP files used by qbasic.exe (COW version)
- #
- HELP: qbasic.hlp edit.hlp help.hlp
- echo "Help files up to date."
- qbimsgs.rpl: $(QB5)irmakehelp.sed qbimsgs.h
- $(TL)sed -n -f $(QB5)irmakehelp.sed qbimsgs.h > qbimsgs.rpl
- uihelpid.rpl: $(QB5)irmakehelp.sed $(QB5)hdcwuihelpid.h
- $(TL)sed -n -f $(QB5)irmakehelp.sed $(QB5)hdcwuihelpid.h > uihelpid.rpl
- qbasic.hlp: uihelpid.rpl qbimsgs.rpl $(QB5)irqbasic.qh $(TL)..binbhlpmake2.exe
- $(TL)szscrn "making qbasic.hlp"
- if exist qbasic.hlp del qbasic.hlp
- $(TL)..binbreplace qbimsgs.rpl uihelpid.rpl < $(QB5)irqbasic.qh > qbn.qh
- -$(TL)..binbhlpmake2 /e /A: /oqbasic.hlp /S2 /W78 qbn.qh
- REM del qbn.qh
- edit.hlp: qbimsgs.rpl uihelpid.rpl $(QB5)iredit.qh $(TL)..binbhlpmake2.exe
- $(TL)szscrn "making edit.hlp"
- if exist edit.hlp del edit.hlp
- $(TL)..binbreplace qbimsgs.rpl uihelpid.rpl < $(QB5)iredit.qh > qbn.qh
- -$(TL)..binbhlpmake2 /e /A: /oedit.hlp /S2 /W78 qbn.qh
- REM del qbn.qh
- help.hlp: qbimsgs.rpl uihelpid.rpl $(QB5)irhelp.qh $(TL)..binbhlpmake2.exe
- $(TL)szscrn "making help.hlp (takes 10min 35sec on 386/33, with 628kb free,"
- $(TL)szscrn "and a 3Mb SmartDrv 4.0 write-behind disk cache!)"
- if exist help.hlp del help.hlp
- $(TL)..binbreplace qbimsgs.rpl uihelpid.rpl < $(QB5)irhelp.qh > qbn.qh
- -$(TL)..binbhlpmake2 /e /A: /ohelp.hlp /S2 /W78 qbn.qh
- REM del qbn.qh
- # qb is the "latest/current" version of QBASIC
- #
- # Link order constraints:
- # - math: math errors in executors are handled differently than math errors
- # in the runtime (diff in how the oTx of the error is found).
- # __bfpsignal must be defined between executors and $(RTLIB)+$(MATHLIB)
- # __bfpsignal is in bfpsig.obj in ex.lnk.
- #
- $(UIBLD)shell.lnk uirstubc.obj qbi0.obj
- $(TL)szscrn "linking qb"
- if exist qb.exe del qb.exe
- if exist qbasic.exe del qbasic.exe
- copy $(QB5)qbopt.lnk+$(QB5)qbmisc.lnk+$(QB5)qbrtint.lnk+$(QB5)qbls.lnk+$(QB5)qbprs.lnk dm1.lnk
- copy dm1.lnk+$(QB5)qbvar.lnk+$(QB5)qbctx.lnk+$(QB5)qbtxt.lnk dm.lnk
- copy $(UIBLD)shell.lnk+$(QB5)qbrt.lnk+dm.lnk+$(QB5)qbss.lnk+$(QB5)qbex.lnk j.lnk
- $(TL)..binblk $(LINK_USR) qbi0+@j.lnk+$(RTLIB),qb,$(MAPNAME),$(MATHLIB)+$(COWLIB)+$(CLIB)+$(HELPLIB)/NOD;
- $(TL)mapsym qb
- $(TL)szscrn "creating IBM version of QB.EXE"
- .rompatch
- $(TL)szscrn "creating qbasic.exe"
- copy qb.exe qbasic.exe
- $(TL)szscrn "Done."
- : qedit.obj
- $(TL)szscrn "linking"
- $(TL)..binblink510 qedit, /tiny;
- : help.obj
- $(TL)szscrn "linking"
- $(TL)..binblink510 help, /tiny;