资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE prsexp.asm - Parser Expression Recognizer
- ;==========================================================================
- ; Module: prsexp.asm - Parser Expression Recognizer
- ; Subsystem: Parser
- ; System: Quick BASIC Interpreter
- ;
- ; NOTE:
- ; See prsnt.asm for general comments
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- include
- includeOnce opaftqb4
- includeOnce prstab
- includeOnce opintrsc
- includeOnce qbimsgs
- includeOnce parser
- includeOnce pcode
- includeOnce psint
- includeOnce variable
- assumes DS,DATA
- assumes SS,DATA
- assumes ES,NOTHING
- sBegin DATA
- PREC_lPar EQU 1 ;operator precedence for '('
- PREC_rPar EQU 1 ;operator precedence for ')'
- PREC_mark EQU 0 ;minimum operator precedence
- FOP_unary EQU 1 ;flag indicating resword can be a unary operator
- ;NOTE: order of this table assumes values of IOP_mark through IOP_LParen
- ; as defined in
- ;
- .errnz IOP_mark - 0
- .errnz IOP_RParen - 1
- .errnz IOP_Imp - 2
- .errnz IOP_Eqv - 3
- .errnz IOP_Xor - 4
- .errnz IOP_Or - 5
- .errnz IOP_And - 6
- .errnz IOP_Not - 7
- .errnz IOP_EQ - 8
- .errnz IOP_LT - 9
- .errnz IOP_GT - 10
- .errnz IOP_LE - 11
- .errnz IOP_GE - 12
- .errnz IOP_NE - 13
- .errnz IOP_Add - 14
- .errnz IOP_Minus - 15
- .errnz IOP_Mod - 16
- .errnz IOP_Idiv - 17
- .errnz IOP_Mult - 18
- .errnz IOP_Div - 19
- .errnz IOP_Plus - 20
- .errnz IOP_UMinus - 21
- .errnz IOP_Pwr - 22
- .errnz IOP_LParen - 23
- mpIopOpcode LABEL WORD
- DW 0 ;stack marker
- DW 0 ;)
- DW opImp ;IMP
- DW opEqv ;EQV
- DW opXor ;XOR
- DW opOr ;OR
- DW opAnd ;AND
- DW opNot ;NOT
- DW opEQ ;=
- DW opLT ;<
- DW opGT ;>
- DW opLE ;<=
- DW opGE ;>=
- DW opNE ;<>
- DW opAdd ;binary+
- DW opSub ;binary-
- DW opMod ;MOD
- DW opIDv ;
- DW opMul ;*
- DW opDiv ;/
- DW 0 ;unary+ (never emitted)
- DW opUMi ;unary-
- DW opPwr ;^
- DW opLParen ;(
- mpIopPrecedence LABEL BYTE
- DB 2*PREC_mark ;stack marker
- DB 2*PREC_rPar ;)
- DB 2*2 ;IMP
- DB 2*3 ;EQV
- DB 2*4 ;XOR
- DB 2*5 ;OR
- DB 2*6 ;AND
- DB 2*7 + FOP_unary ;NOT
- DB 2*8 ;=
- DB 2*8 ;<
- DB 2*8 ;>
- DB 2*8 ;<=
- DB 2*8 ;>=
- DB 2*8 ;<>
- DB 2*9 ;binary+
- DB 2*9 ;binary-
- DB 2*10 ;MOD
- DB 2*11 ;
- DB 2*12 ;*
- DB 2*12 ;/
- DB 2*13 + FOP_unary ;unary+
- DB 2*13 + FOP_unary ;unary-
- DB 2*14 ;^
- DB 2*PREC_lPar + FOP_unary;(
- PUBLIC pExpTos, stkExpInit
- ;Expression stack constants (see prsexp.asm)
- CB_EXP_STK EQU 64 ;number of bytes in expression stack
- ; 4 bytes per entry, 16 entries
- stkExp DB CB_EXP_STK DUP (?) ;parse-time expression stack
- stkExpMin EQU stkExp+4 ;minimum legal offset for pExpTos
- stkExpInit LABEL BYTE ;value of pExpTos when initialized
- pExpTos DW 0 ;points to cur top of expression stack
- sEnd DATA
- sBegin CP
- assumes CS,CP
- ;*********************************************************************/
- ; ushort NEAR RelOp()
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Called by NtExp() and NtCaseArg() to parse a relational operator.
- ; If a 2-token relational operator is parsed, ScanTok() is called
- ; once to consume 1st token. Caller must always call once ScanTok()
- ; to skip past token(s). It is done this way so NtExp() can be faster
- ; & smaller.
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; pTokScan points to potential relational operator token
- ;
- ; Exit:
- ; returns:
- ; 0 if token is not a relational operator
- ; 1 for =
- ; 2 for <
- ; 3 for >
- ; 4 for <=
- ; 5 for >=
- ; 6 for <>
- ; Condition codes set based on value in ax
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************/
- ;Register usage:
- ; di = iOperator
- ; si = points to current token
- ;
- cProc RelOp <PUBLIC,NEAR,NODATA>,<di>
- cBegin RelOp
- sub di,di ;default return value to 0
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- RelOpLoop:
- cmp [bx.TOK_class],CL_resword
- jne RelOpExit ;brif token isn't a reserved word
- mov ax,[bx.TOK_rw_iOperator];ax = operator's index (IOP_xxx)
- inc ax ;test for UNDEFINED
- je RelOpExit ;brif token isn't an operator
- ;Got an operator, see if its a relational operator
- ;IOP_xxx is always way less than 255, we can deal with low byte of ax
- sub al,9 ;map =,<,> to 0,1,2
- cmp al,2
- ja RelOpExit ;brif token isn't a relational operator
- inc ax ;map =,<,> to 1,2,3
- or di,di
- jne Got2ndChar ;brif we're dealing with 2nd char
- ; or relational operator
- xchg di,ax ;save partial return value in di
- ;got a relational operator, see if it is a 2-token
- ;relational operator like <>, <=, or >=
- call Peek1Tok ;examine beyond current token
- ; bx points to that token
- jmp SHORT RelOpLoop ;examine 2nd char
- ;di = 1..3 for 1st char in {=,<,>}
- ;ax = 1..3 for 2nd char in {=,<,>}
- Got2ndChar:
- cmp ax,di
- je RelOpExit ;brif same char as 1st (<<, >> or ==)
- inc ax ;map 2nd char {=,<,>} to 2,3,4
- add di,ax ;map <=, >=, <> to 4,5,6
- call ScanTok ;skip 1st relational operator
- RelOpExit:
- xchg ax,di ;ax = return value
- or ax,ax ;set condition codes for caller
- cEnd RelOp
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; STATICF(boolean) PopTillLParen()
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; This is called when we have encountered a right paren while
- ; parsing an expression. It causes all operators which have been
- ; stacked to be emitted, up to the matching stacked left paren.
- ; If no matching left paren is found on the stack, it means we
- ; parsed a sub-expression like x+y), so NtExp() should exit
- ; and let its caller parse the right paren. Maybe it marks the
- ; end of a function, sub, or array arg list.
- ;
- ; Exit:
- ; If 1 left paren was popped of the stack, returns psw.EQ,
- ; else if no left parens were found on stack, returns psw.NE
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************/
- cProc PopTillLParen <NEAR,NODATA>,<si,di>
- cBegin PopTillLParen
- mov si,[pExpTos] ;si points to top of expression stack
- PopLoop: ;while (PREC_lPar < *pExpTosReg) {
- cmp WORD PTR [si],PREC_lPar
- jbe PopDone
- inc si ;pop stacked operator's precedence
- inc si
- lodsw ;pop and emit stacked operator's opcode
- call Emit16_AX
- jmp SHORT PopLoop
- PopDone:
- mov [pExpTos],si ;save pointer to top-of-stack
- ;if top-of-stack is left paren, return psw.EQ
- cmp WORD PTR [si],PREC_lPar
- cEnd PopTillLParen
- ;*********************************************************************
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Parse an expression and emit code for it.
- ; Guarenteed to give Expression To Complex error before
- ; more than 16 (CB_EXP_STK/4) entries get pushed onto the expression
- ; stack. This controls unrestricted stack (SS) usage.
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; pTokScan points to 1st token of expression to be parsed
- ; If the static variable [oNamConstPs] is non-zero, intrinsic
- ; functions are not allowed
- ;
- ; Exit:
- ; pTokScan points to 1st token after expression
- ; cIdArgs is bumped by 1 (no matter how much recursion takes place).
- ; The return value is PR_GoodSyntax, PR_NotFound or PR_BadSyntax.
- ; If the result is not PR_BadSyntax, mkVar.flags is preserved across
- ; the call
- ; Condition codes set based on value in al
- ;
- ;*******************************************************************
- cProc NtExp <PUBLIC,NEAR,NODATA>,<si,di>
- localB fConsumed
- cBegin NtExp
- push [mkVar.MKVAR_flags] ;preserve this for caller
- ;Push a low-precedence stopper onto the stack which prevents any
- ;operators already on the stack from being emitted as a result of
- ;this recursive invocation of NtExp.
- sub [pExpTos],2 ;make room for marker on exp stack
- mov bx,[pExpTos]
- mov WORD PTR [bx],PREC_mark ;push minimum precedence
- mov [fConsumed],0 ;we haven't consumed anything yet
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;State which expects a term (function, constant, or variable).
- ; If we don't get one, we either return PR_BadSyntax if we've consumed
- ; 1 or more tokens, or PR_NotFound if we've consumed no tokens
- ;
- State1:
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- mov ax,[bx.TOK_class] ;ax = token's class
- cmp al,CL_id
- je GotId ;brif token is an id
- cmp al,CL_resword
- je GotResWord ;brif token is a reserved word
- cmp al,CL_lit
- jne NotTerm ;brif token is not a constant
- call NtLit ;try to parse a constant
- ; It is guarenteed that NtLit cannot
- ; return PR_NotFound if the token's
- ; class is CL_lit
- jmp SHORT CheckResult
- GotId: call NtIdAryElem ;Try to parse an id (may recurse)
- ; It is guarenteed that NtIdAryElem
- ; cannot return PR_NotFound
- ; if the token's class is CL_id
- dec [cIdArgs] ;NtIdAryElem() bumped cIdArgs,
- ; NtExp() bumps it on exit, and we are
- ; only supposed to bump it once per
- ; invocation of NtExp().
- CheckResult:
- or al,al ;test return code
- jg State2 ;brif PR_GoodSyntax
- jmp NtExpExit ;return PR_BadSyntax result
- ;bx points to current token's descriptor
- GotResWord:
- mov ax,[bx.TOK_rw_iOperator]
- inc ax ;test for UNDEFINED
- je NotOperator ;brif didn't get an operator
- dec ax ;ax = IOP_xxx for operator
- cmp al,IOP_Add
- je Scan_State1 ;brif unary plus
- ; no need to emit a unary +
- cmp al,IOP_Minus
- jne NotMinus ;brif not if unary minus
- mov al,IOP_UMinus ;convert to unary form of -
- ;ax = operator index (IOP_xxx) for current token
- NotMinus:
- mov di,ax ;di = operator index
- test mpIopPrecedence[di],FOP_unary
- je NotTerm ;brif not a unary operator
- cmp al,IOP_LParen
- jne ConsumeOp ;brif token is not '('
- ; -- consume & stack/emit operator
- sub [pExpTos],2
- mov bx,[pExpTos]
- mov WORD PTR [bx],PREC_lPar ;push precedence for '('
- ; this precedence can only be popped
- ; by right paren
- cmp bx,dataOFFSET stkExpMin
- jb ExpTooComplex ;brif stack overflow
- Scan_State1:
- call ScanTok ;skip current token
- mov [fConsumed],1 ;Now we can't return PR_NotFound
- jmp State1 ; because we've consumed something
- NotOperator:
- call NtIntrinsic ;try to parse intrinsic function
- jg SHORT State2 ;brif PR_GoodSyntax (change state)
- jl J1_NtExpExit ;brif PR_BadSyntax
- NotTerm:
- cmp [fConsumed],1
- je ExpectedExp ;error if we needed to see a term
- ; i.e. we've consumed anything
- ;else we never even consumed 1 token, return NotFound
- sub al,al ;return(PR_NotFound)
- jmp SHORT J1_NtExpExit
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Error handler's (placed here so they can be reached by SHORT jumps)
- ;
- ExpTooComplex:
- mov ax,MSG_ExpTooComplex ;Error: expression too complex
- call PErrMsg_AX ;produce parser error msg
- ; al = PR_BadSyntax
- jmp SHORT J1_NtExpExit
- ;we've encountered something like <term><operator><garbage>
- ;
- ExpectedExp:
- mov ax,MSG_ExpExp ;Error: Expected expression
- ExpErrMsg:
- call PErrExpMsg_AX ;Error: Expected <ax>
- ; al = PR_BadSyntax
- J1_NtExpExit:
- jmp NtExpExit
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;This code is for the state where we are expecting a binary operator
- ; or end-of-expression
- ;
- State2:
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- cmp [bx.TOK_class],CL_resword
- jne EndOfExp ;brif not reserved word
- mov ax,[bx.TOK_rw_iOperator];ax = IOP_xxx for token
- inc ax ;test for UNDEFINED
- je EndOfExp ;brif its not an operator
- dec ax ;ax = operator's IOP_xxx
- mov di,ax ;di = operator's IOP_xxx
- test mpIopPrecedence[di],FOP_unary
- jne EndOfExp ;brif not binary operator (exit)
- cmp al,IOP_RParen ;check for right paren
- jne NotRightParen ;brif not
- ;Now we call PopTillLParen to cause all operators stacked
- ; since the last scanned left paren to be emitted.
- ; It also detects if the parenthesis for this expression
- ; don't balance, i.e. the expression (a)), in which
- ; case we return, because the right paren we're looking
- ; at may be for an array reference. If it is an error,
- ; it will be caught by a higher level.
- call PopTillLParen
- jne EndOfExp ;brif we got a right paren, but it
- ; was beyond the expression we were
- ; called to parse. Exit without
- ; consuming this right paren.
- add [pExpTos],2 ;pop left paren's precedence
- mov ax,opLParen ;emit opLParen pcode
- call Emit16_AX
- call ScanTok ;skip right paren
- jmp SHORT State2 ;state remains ExpBinaryOp
- ;Check for relational operator
- ; di = IOP_xxx for operator
- ;
- NotRightParen:
- call RelOp ;see if its a relational operator
- je ConsumeOp ;branch if not
- ;iop = RelOp() + IOP_EQ - 1
- add al,IOP_EQ - 1 ;ax = operator index - IOP_EQ - 1
- xchg di,ax ;di = IOP for relational operator
- ;This is executed when we have scanned an operator while parsing
- ; an expression. All stacked operators with precedence greator or
- ; equal to the scanned operator are emitted, then the scanned operator
- ; is stacked. This is how we convert infix to postfix (or reverse polish).
- ; di = IOP_xxx for operator
- ;
- ConsumeOp:
- mov si,[pExpTos] ;si points to top of exp stack
- mov al,mpIopPrecedence[di] ;al = operator's precedence
- sub ah,ah ;ax = operator's precedence
- shl di,1 ;di = IOP_xxx * 2
- push mpIopOpcode[di] ;save current operator's opcode
- mov di,ax ;di = operator's precedence
- test al,FOP_unary
- jne EmitDone ;brif unary operator (must be stacked
- ; until we emit the term it applies to)
- EmitLoop:
- cmp [si],di
- jb EmitDone ;brif stacked operand's precedence
- ; is less than precedence of
- ; current operator
- ; (i.e. leave relatively high precedence
- ; operators on the stack)
- inc si ;pop stacked operator's precedence
- inc si
- lodsw ;pop and emit stacked operator's opcode
- call Emit16_AX ;emit the stacked opcode
- jmp SHORT EmitLoop
- EmitDone:
- sub si,4 ;make room for new entry
- mov [si],di ;push current operator's precedence
- pop [si+2] ;push current operator's opcode
- mov [pExpTos],si ;save exp stack ptr
- cmp si,dataOFFSET stkExpMin
- jbe J_ExpTooComplex ;brif exp stack overflow
- jmp Scan_State1 ;scan token, advance state
- J_ExpTooComplex:
- jmp ExpTooComplex ;Error: Expression too complex
- ;Now we call PopTillLParen to cause all operators stacked by this
- ; recursive invocation of NtExp to be emitted. It also detects
- ; if the parenthesis for this expression don't balance, i.e.
- ; the expression ((a+5)
- ;
- EndOfExp:
- call PopTillLParen
- jne ParensBalance ;brif paranthesis are balanced
- mov ax,MSG_RightParen ;Error: Expected ')'
- jmp ExpErrMsg
- ;Now we pop the minimum precedence operator stack marker which was
- ;stacked when we entered this recursive invocation of NtExp
- ;
- ParensBalance:
- inc [cIdArgs]
- mov al,PR_GoodSyntax ;This is (and must remain) the only
- ; exit which returns PR_GoodSyntax
- NtExpExit:
- add [pExpTos],2 ;pop off initial stopper
- pop [mkVar.MKVAR_flags] ;restore caller's mkVar.flags
- or al,al ;set condition codes for caller
- cEnd NtExp
- subttl Intrinsic Function Nonterminal
- ;**********************************************************************
- ; PARSE_RESULT NEAR NtIntrinsic()
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Parse an intrinsic function.
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; If the static variable [oNamConstPs] is non-zero, intrinsic
- ; functions are not allowed
- ;
- ; Exit:
- ; The value of cIdArgs is preserved
- ; If no intrinsic is found, no tokens are consumed, no opcodes
- ; are emitted, and the return value is PR_NotFound.
- ; If it is found, a corresponding opcode is emitted and
- ; Parse() is called to check the syntax and generate code
- ; for it. If the syntax for the intrinsic is good, the
- ; return code is PR_GoodSyntax. If not the return code
- ; is PR_BadSyntax.
- ; Condition codes set based on value in al
- ;
- ;******************************************************************
- cProc NtIntrinsic <PUBLIC,NODATA,NEAR>,<si,di>
- cBegin NtIntrinsic
- sub al,al ;prepare to return PR_NotFound
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- cmp [bx.TOK_class],CL_resWord
- jne NtIntrExit ;brif not a reserved word
- mov dx,[bx.TOK_rw_rwf] ;dx = reserved word flags
- test dx,RWF_FUNC
- je NtIntrExit ;brif token isn't for intrinsic func
- cmp [oNamConstPs],0
- je NotInCONST ;brif not in CONST a=<expression> stmt
- mov ax,MSG_InvConst ;Error: Invalid Constant
- call PErrMsg_AX ; al = PR_BadSyntax
- jmp SHORT NtIntrExit
- push [pCurStkMark] ;preserve caller's pCurStkMarker
- push [cIdArgs] ;preserve caller's cIdArgs
- mov [cIdArgs],0 ;reset cIdArgs to 0 for this
- ; intrinsic function's code generator
- ;Fetch info for a particular intrinsic function out of the
- ;parser's reserved word table 'tRw'.
- mov si,[bx+TOK_rw_pArgs] ;si -> pRwArgs in tRw
- lods WORD PTR cs:[si] ;ax=state table offset for func's syntax
- mov cx,ax ;cx=state table offset
- sub di,di ;default to no code generator
- test dx,RWF_FUNC_CG
- je NoFuncCg ;branch if no code generator for func
- lods WORD PTR cs:[si] ;ax=adr of code generation func
- mov di,ax ;di=adr of code generation func
- lods WORD PTR cs:[si] ;ax=arg to pass to code generation func
- mov si,ax ;si=code generation arg
- NoFuncCg:
- push cx ;pass oState to Parse
- call ScanTok ;skip keyword token
- pop ax ;ax = oState
- add ax,OFFSET CP:tState ;ax = pState = &(tState[oState])
- mov [pStateLastScan],ax
- call NtParse ;try to parse intrinsic function
- jle NtIntrNotGood ;branch if result isn't PR_GoodSyntax
- or di,di
- je NtIntrGoodSyntax ;branch if no function code generator
- mov ax,si ;pass arg to code generation routine
- ; (usually, this is an opcode)
- call di ;invoke code generation routine
- NtIntrGoodSyntax:
- mov al,PR_GoodSyntax ;return PR_GoodSyntax
- jmp SHORT NtIntrRestore
- NtIntrNotGood:
- jl NtIntrRestore ;branch if result == PR_BadSyntax
- call PErrState ;Generate error message "Expected
- ; <a> or <b> or ..."
- ;al = PR_BadSyntax
- NtIntrRestore:
- pop [cIdArgs] ;restore caller's cIdArgs
- pop [pCurStkMark] ;restore caller's pCurStkMarker
- NtIntrExit:
- or al,al ;set condition codes for caller
- cEnd NtIntrinsic
- subttl Literal Nonterminals
- ; Used when CASE could only be followed by literal instead of Exp.
- ; May easily be useful for some future construct.
- ; Handles up to 1 unary minus. Could easily be changed
- ; to handle unary +, we would just need to add the opcode.
- ;**********************************************************************
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Parse any form of literal and, if found, generate a corresponding
- ; literal opcode.
- ;
- ; Exit:
- ; Returns either PR_GoodSyntax, PR_NotFound or PR_BadSyntax
- ; Condition codes set based on value in al
- ;
- ;******************************************************************
- cProc NtLit <PUBLIC,NODATA,NEAR>,<si,di>
- cBegin NtLit
- mov di,[pTokScan] ;di points to current token
- cmp [di.TOK_class],CL_lit
- jne LitNotFound ;brif already got a unary op
- sub ax,ax
- or al,[di.TOK_lit_errCode] ;ax = lexical analyzer's error code
- jne LitSnErr ;brif lexical analyzer found an error
- ; in literal's format
- lea si,[di.TOK_lit_value_I2];si points to literal's value
- mov bl,[di.TOK_lit_litType] ;bl = LIT_xxx for literal
- cmp bl,LIT_STR
- je GotLitSD
- cmp bl,LIT_I2
- jne @F ;branch if not a decimal integer
- mov ax,[si] ;ax = value
- cmp ax,opLitI2Max ; Is value within pcode limit
- ja @F ;branch if value isn't 0..10
- .erre OPCODE_MASK EQ 03ffh ; Assure following code is ok
- mov ah,al
- mov al,0 ; AX = literal * 0100h
- shl ax,1 ; AX = literal * 0200h
- shl ax,1 ; AX = literal * 0400h
- add ax,opLitI2 ;opcode = opLitI2 w/value in upper bits
- call Emit16_AX
- jmp SHORT NtLitGoodSyntax
- @@:
- sub bh,bh ;bx = LIT_xxx for literal
- mov al,[tLitCwValue + bx] ;al = # words in literal's value
- sub ah,ah ;ax = # words in literal's value
- mov di,ax ;di = # words in literal's value
- shl bx,1 ;bx = 2 * LIT_xxx for literal
- mov ax,[tLitOpcodes + bx] ;ax = opcode
- call Emit16_AX ;emit the opcode
- EmitLitLoop:
- lodsw ;ax = next word of literal's value
- call Emit16_AX
- dec di
- jne EmitLitLoop ;branch if more words to emit
- jmp SHORT NtLitGoodSyntax
- ;Got a string constant like "xxxxxxx"
- ;Emit all source characters between the double quotes.
- ;If <cbText> is odd, <cbText> is emitted as an odd value,
- ;and an extra pad byte is appended to keep pcode even-byte alligned.
- ;
- GotLitSD:
- mov ax,opLitSD
- call Emit16_AX
- mov ax,[di.TOK_oSrc] ;ax = column token started in
- inc ax ;ax = oSrc + 1 (skip ")
- push ax ;pass it to EmitSrc
- mov ax,[si] ;ax = length of string literal in bytes
- ;TOK_lit_value_cbStr
- push ax ;pass size of string to EmitSrc
- call Emit16_AX ;emit size of the string
- call EmitSrc ;emit the string itself
- NtLitGoodSyntax:
- call ScanTok ;skip literal token
- mov al,PR_GoodSyntax
- NtLitExit:
- or al,al ;set condition codes for caller
- cEnd NtLit
- LitNotFound:
- sub ax,ax ;prepare to return PR_NotFound
- jmp SHORT NtLitExit ;brif we didn't consume unary opcode
- ;ax = error encountered by lexical analyzer when scanning number
- LitSnErr:
- call PErrMsg_AX ; al = PR_BadSyntax
- jmp SHORT NtLitExit
- sEnd CP
- sBegin DATA
- ;Tables used by NtLit
- ;Following tables assume following constants:
- OrdConstStart 0
- OrdConst LIT_I2 ; % suffix
- OrdConst LIT_O2 ; &O prefix
- OrdConst LIT_H2 ; &H prefix
- OrdConst LIT_I4 ; & suffix
- OrdConst LIT_O4 ; &&O prefix
- OrdConst LIT_H4 ; &&H prefix
- OrdConst LIT_R4 ; ! suffix
- OrdConst LIT_R8 ; # suffix
- OrdConst LIT_STR ; "xxx"
- tLitOpcodes LABEL WORD
- DW opLitDI2 ;LIT_I2 (% suffix)
- DW opLitOI2 ;LIT_O2 (&O prefix)
- DW opLitHI2 ;LIT_H2 (&H prefix)
- DW opLitDI4 ;LIT_I4 (& suffix)
- DW opLitOI4 ;LIT_O4 (&&O prefix)
- DW opLitHI4 ;LIT_H4 (&&H prefix)
- DW opLitR4 ;LIT_R4 (! suffix)
- DW opLitR8 ;LIT_R8 (# suffix)
- tLitCwValue LABEL BYTE
- DB 1 ;LIT_I2 (% suffix)
- DB 1 ;LIT_O2 (&O prefix)
- DB 1 ;LIT_H2 (&H prefix)
- DB 2 ;LIT_I4 (& suffix)
- DB 2 ;LIT_O4 (&&O prefix)
- DB 2 ;LIT_H4 (&&H prefix)
- DB 2 ;LIT_R4 (! suffix)
- DB 4 ;LIT_R8 (# suffix)
- sEnd DATA
- sBegin CP
- ;**********************************************************************
- ; PARSE_RESULT NEAR NtLitI2() - Parse & emit 16-bit integer
- ; Purpose:
- ; Parse and emit a 16-bit signed integer. Note this is very
- ; different from NtLit() in that it emits no opcode, just
- ; a 16 bit value. It is the responsibility of the caller
- ; to emit the opcode before calling this function.
- ; If a numeric literal is found, but it is > 32k,
- ; an Overflow error message is generated.
- ; Exit:
- ; Returns PR_GoodSyntax, PR_BadSyntax or PR_NotFound
- ; Condition codes set based on value in al
- ;
- ;******************************************************************
- sub al,al ;prepare to return PR_NotFound
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- cmp [bx.TOK_class],CL_lit
- jne NtLitI2Exit ;branch if token isn't a literal
- cmp [bx.TOK_lit_type],ET_I2
- jne NtLitI2Ov ;brif token isn't a signed 16 bit int
- mov ax,[bx.TOK_lit_value_I2];ax = value
- call Emit16_AX ;emit it
- call ScanTok ;consume token
- mov al,PR_GoodSyntax ;return PR_GoodSyntax
- NtLitI2Exit:
- or al,al ;set condition codes for caller
- ret
- NtLitI2Ov:
- mov ax,ER_OV ;Overflow
- jmp PErrMsg_AX ;al = PR_BadSyntax
- ; return to caller
- NtLitI2 ENDP
- ;**********************************************************************
- ; PARSE_RESULT NEAR NtLit0() - Parse the literal 0, emit nothing
- ;******************************************************************
- sub cx,cx ;expect constant 0
- NtLit1Shared:
- sub al,al ;prepare to return PR_NotFound
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- cmp [bx.TOK_class],CL_lit
- jne NtLit0Exit ;branch if token isn't a literal
- cmp [bx.TOK_lit_type],ET_I2
- jne NtLit0Exit ;brif token isn't a signed 16 bit int
- cmp [bx.TOK_lit_value_I2],cx
- jne NtLit0Exit ;branch if token isn't 0
- call ScanTok ;consume token
- mov al,PR_GoodSyntax ;return PR_GoodSyntax
- NtLit0Exit:
- ret
- NtLit0 ENDP
- ;**********************************************************************
- ; PARSE_RESULT NEAR NtLit1() - Parse the literal 1, emit nothing
- ;******************************************************************
- mov cx,1 ;expect constant 1
- jmp SHORT NtLit1Shared
- NtLit1 ENDP
- ;**********************************************************************
- ; PARSE_RESULT NEAR NtLitString() - Parse a string literal
- ;******************************************************************
- cProc NtLitString <PUBLIC,NODATA,NEAR>
- cBegin NtLitString
- sub al,al ;prepare to return PR_NotFound
- mov bx,[pTokScan] ;bx points to current token
- cmp [bx.TOK_lit_type],ET_SD
- jne NtLitStringExit ;branch if token isn't string constant
- call NtLit ;ax = result of parsing the string
- NtLitStringExit:
- cEnd NtLitString
- sEnd CP
- end