资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page ,132
- TITLE ssmisc - Scan Miscellaneous opcodes
- ;***
- ;ssmisc - Scan Miscellaneous opcodes
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ;
- ; This module contains miscellaneous scan utilities.
- ;
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include
- IncludeOnce conint
- IncludeOnce context
- IncludeOnce qbimsgs
- IncludeOnce ssint
- IncludeOnce txtmgr
- IncludeOnce variable
- .list
- ; .sall
- assumes DS, DATA
- assumes es, NOTHING
- assumes ss, DATA
- subttl Static data area definitons.
- sBegin SCAN
- assumes cs, SCAN
- subttl Scan Table Access Routines
- page
- ;***
- ;GetRuleInfo
- ;Purpose:
- ; Fetch the rule byte and word for this opcode.
- ;Input:
- ; bx = opcode
- ;Output:
- ; ax = rule byte
- ; bx = rule word
- ; PSW.C set iff high bit in mpOpRule set
- ;Preserves:
- ; all
- ;****************************************************************
- public GetRuleInfo
- GetRuleInfo:
- mov bl,mpOpRule[bx] ;Load rule table offset
- xor bh,bh ;To byte offset
- mov al,tRuleByte[bx] ;Load rule byte
- cbw
- shl bl,1 ;To word offset
- mov bx,tRuleWord[bx] ;Load rule word
- ret
- subttl Scan Stack Access Routines
- page
- ;***
- ;FindFrame
- ;Purpose:
- ; Return the address of the the requested frame type, if one exists.
- ;
- ;Input:
- ; ax = Frame identifier for structure entry.
- ;
- ;Output:
- ; bx = address of frame (if PSW.NZ)
- ; PSW.Z set if no such structure found.
- ;
- ;Modifies:
- ; none
- ;Preserves:
- ; ax
- ;**********************************************************************
- public FindFrame
- FindFrame:
- push ax
- mov bx,sp
- add bx,4 ;Back over push and ret address
- EnsureFrameLoop:
- mov cx,[bx] ;Load frame identifier
- cmp cx,STYP_StackEnd ;Test for end of stack
- jz EnsureFrameX ;End of stack - exit
- test cx,ax ;Test for block of requested type
- jnz EnsureFrameX ;Frame found - exit
- call CbFrameSTYPCx ;Map STYP in cx to cbFrame in cx
- add bx,cx ;Move to next frame
- jmp short EnsureFrameLoop ;Loop to check next frame
- EnsureFrameX:
- pop ax
- ret
- ;***
- ;CbFrameSTYPCx
- ;Purpose:
- ; Map a frame id to the number of bytes in that frame type.
- ;
- ; Frame sizes are based on the high byte of the id word.
- ; The type bit is converted to an index into an array of
- ; frame sizes. The conversion is performed by shifting the
- ; frame id high byte until the single bit indicating the frame
- ; type is found.
- ;
- ;Input:
- ; cx = frame id
- ;
- ;Output:
- ; cx = count of bytes in the input frame type
- ;
- ;Preserves:
- ; all
- ;*******************************************************************
- dw SIZE FIF ;DefFn frame same as IF
- dw SIZE FDO ;WHILE frame is identical to DO frame
- public CbFrameSTYPCx
- CbFrameSTYPCx:
- push bx
- mov bx,-2
- CbCountSTYPLoop:
- inc bx
- inc bx
- shr ch,1
- jnb CbCountSTYPLoop
- mov cx,[bx].mcbSTYP
- pop bx
- ret
- subttl Execution Procedure Frame Allocation
- page
- ;***
- ;SsAllocOFrame - allocate an oFrame for a frame resident variable
- ;Purpose:
- ; Allocate an oFrame for a frame resident variable.
- ; If the oFrame is already allocated then that allocation is honored.
- ;
- ; Note that this means the allocation is always successful.
- ;
- ; prsCur contains information about the current frame
- ; allocation.
- ; PRS_cbFrameVars is the start of the last allocated frame variable.
- ;
- ;Input:
- ; ds:bx = pVar of a frame variable that may or may not have an oFrame
- ;Output:
- ; none
- ;Preserves:
- ; all
- ;**********************************************************************
- .errnz 4 - SIZE DM ;Power of two multiply used below
- public SsAllocOFrame
- SsAllocOFrame:
- DbChk PVar,bx ;Verify that this is a variable
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- mov dx,[bx].VAR_Flags ;[3] Load flags word from variable
- mov cx,dx
- and cx,FV_TYP_MASK ;Get oTyp from flags word
- jnz @F
- mov cx,[bx].VAR_oTyp ;Load data type from variable
- @@:
- add bx,VAR_value ;Move to value entry
- test dx,FVARRAY ; Is this an array?
- jz AllocOFrameNotArray ;Not an array
- add bx,AFRAME_oFrame ;Move to oFrame for arrays
- mov al,[bx-AFRAME_oFrame].AFRAME_cDims ;Dimension count
- xor ah,ah
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1 ;4 bytes per dimension
- add ax,(SIZE AD) - 1 ;AD has a one byte field that
- ;overlaps the first dimension info
- cmp word ptr [bx],0 ;Already allocated?
- jz SsAllocAryOrSimple
- AllocOFrameNotArray:
- cmp word ptr [bx],0 ;Already allocated?
- jnz SsAllocOFrameX ;Already allocated
- mov ax,cx ;Map data type..
- call CbTypOTypSCAN ; to data byte count.
- PadLength:
- inc ax
- and ax,not 1 ;Round up to even
- js StackOverflow ; Variable size is > 32767 bytes
- jz AllocFS ; Brif fixed string or text
- TestX dx,FVFUN ;Function return value?
- jnz SetRetVal_OBP ; add var offset and set oBP
- ;Bump cbFrameVars by the size of the current variable.
- SsAllocAryOrSimple:
- add ax,PrsCur.PRS_cbFrameVars ;Increment cb frame variables
- ; and temporaries
- jo StackOverflow
- mov prsCur.PRS_cbFrameVars,ax ;Save updated size
- SetOBP:
- neg ax ;To be subtracted from bp
- SetHandle:
- mov [bx],ax ;Set oFrame for current var
- SsAllocOFrameX:
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- AllocFS:
- mov ax,[bx].VAR_cbFixed ; Length of fixed variable
- DbAssertRel ax,ne,0,SCAN,<SsAllocOFrame: VAR_cbFixed is 0>
- jmp short PadLength ; Go back and pad
- SetRetVal_OBP:
- add ax,-FR_FirstVar ; account for offset to first var
- jmp short SetOBP
- StackOverflow:
- mov ax,MSG_OutOfStack
- call SsError
- jmp short SsAllocOFrameX
- subttl control structure binding helpers
- page
- ;BindExitCur,BindExit - bind chain of EXIT entries
- ;Purpose:
- ; Walk a linked list of EXIT addresses and bind them to
- ; the passed oTx. This is used by ENDIF, NEXT, LOOP, and
- ; WEND scan routines.
- ;
- ;Input:
- ; bx = oTx of start of EXIT chain (terminated by UNDEFINED)
- ; cx = oTx to bind EXIT chain to.
- ;
- ;Output:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;Preserves:
- ; dx
- public BindExit, BindExitCur
- BindExitCur:
- mov cx,di ;bind to current emit address
- BindExit:
- cmp bx,UNDEFINED ;Test for end of list
- jz BindX ; and exit - end of EXIT list
- mov ax,PTRTX[bx] ;Get the next link
- mov PTRTX[bx],cx ;Bind this ref
- xchg ax,bx ;Next link to bx
- jmp short BindExit ;Go check for another link in the chain.
- BindX:
- ret
- ;***
- ;Purpose:
- ; This routine returns the number of bytes of data required for
- ; the input type.
- ;
- ; Copied directly from varmgr as part of revision [7].
- ;
- ; CbTypOTyp assumes that if the oTyp is a user-defined type, it is
- ; in the type table for the current mrs
- ; CbTypOTypOMrs uses the MRS_bdlVar table in the mrs whose oMrs is
- ; given in bx.
- ;Input:
- ; ax = oTyp
- ; for CbTypOTypOMrs, bx = oMrs of type table
- ;Output:
- ; ax = cbTyp, or 0 if oTyp == ET_FS or ET_FT
- ; PSW flags set based on an OR AX,AX
- ;Prserves:
- ; all (even bx)
- ; ES is preserved. NOTE: for FV_SBSWAP, it is assumed that the ES to be
- ; preserved is the text table.
- ;***************************************************************************
- assumes DS, NOTHING ;can be called with DS != SS
- mpCbTyp label byte
- .erre ET_IMP EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- DB 0 ;ET_IMP hole
- .erre ET_I2 EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- DB 2 ;ET_I2
- .erre ET_I4 EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- DB 4 ;ET_I4
- .erre ET_R4 EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- DB 4 ;ET_R4
- .erre ET_R8 EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- DB 8 ;ET_R8
- .erre ET_SD EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- .erre ET_FS EQ ($-mpCbTyp)
- DB 0 ;ET_FS - - - can't tell size from ET_ type
- .erre ET_MAX EQ ($-mpCbTyp-1)
- public CbTypOTypOMrsSCAN
- public CbTypOTypSCAN
- push bx
- jmp short CbTypOTyp_Cont
- CbTypOTypSCAN:
- push bx
- mov bx,[grs.GRS_oMrsCur]
- DbChk oTyp,ax ;sanity check on input oTyp
- CbTypOTyp_Cont:
- cmp ax,ET_MAX ;Is it a fundamental type?
- ja NotPredefinedType ; brif not - user defined
- mov bx,offset mpCbTyp ;base of lookup table in CS
- xlat byte ptr cs:[bx] ;al == desired size
- pop bx
- or ax,ax ;set PSW flags
- ret
- NotPredefinedType:
- PUSH_ES ;preserve for caller
- test [conFlags],F_CON_StaticStructs
- jz Mrs_In_Table ;brif mrsCur not set up
- cmp bx,[grs.GRS_oMrsCur]
- jz Want_MrsCur ;brif passed oMrs is for mrsCur
- Mrs_In_Table:
- push si
- RS_BASE add,bx ;bx points into Rs table
- GETRS_SEG es,si,<SPEED,LOAD> ; get seg of Rs table, trashing si
- pop si
- jmp short Got_pMrs
- Want_MrsCur: ;ax is an offset into type table
- lea bx,mrsCur ; found in the current mrs
- Got_pMrs:
- add ax,PTRRS[bx.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb] ;ax = pTyp
- xchg bx,ax ;bx = oTyp, ax = garbage
- mov ax,[bx].TYP_cbData ;ax = cbData from type table entry
- pop bx
- or ax,ax ;set PSW flags
- ret
- ;Added with [11]
- ;End of [11]
- sEnd SCAN
- end