资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page 49,132
- TITLE EXPROC - Executors for procedures
- ;***
- ;exproc.asm - executors for procedures
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include version.inc
- IncludeOnce architec
- IncludeOnce context
- IncludeOnce executor
- IncludeOnce exint
- IncludeOnce extort
- IncludeOnce opcontrl
- IncludeOnce opid
- IncludeOnce opstmt
- IncludeOnce qbimsgs
- IncludeOnce rtinterp
- IncludeOnce rtps
- IncludeOnce scanner
- IncludeOnce ui
- IncludeOnce variable
- IncludeOnce pcode
- .list
- endm
- assumes cs, CODE
- assumes es, NOTHING
- assumes ss, DATA
- sBegin DATA
- externB b$ErrInfo
- ParamCnt dw 0
- sEnd DATA
- extrn B$STMakeTemp:far ;Copy string to temp
- externFP __fpmath
- sBegin CODE
- subttl exStCall,exStCallLess,exStCallS
- page
- ;***
- ;exStCall - Execute CALL statement
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; 1. Activate target PRS
- ;
- ; 2. Push return address, allocate and zero frame variables.
- ;
- ; 3. Execute the SUB.
- ;
- ; The stack frame looks like this:
- ; <arg 1>
- ; <arg 2>
- ; . . .
- ; <arg n>
- ; <oRS of return address>
- ; <oText of return address>
- ; BP--> <old BP>
- ; <old b$curframe> [2]
- ; <local variables and FOR temps>
- ;
- ;
- ;******************************************************************
- MakeExe exFuncNArgSD,opAIdLd,ET_SD
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFuncNArgI4,opAIdLd,ET_I4
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFuncNArgR8,opAIdLd,ET_R8
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFuncNArgI2,opAIdLd,ET_I2
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFuncNArgR4,opAIdLd,ET_R4
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFuncNArgImp,opAIdLd,ET_Imp
- inc si
- inc si ;Skip over arg count
- jmp short Func0Arg
- MakeExe exFunc0ArgSD,opIdLd,ET_SD
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFunc0ArgI4,opIdLd,ET_I4
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFunc0ArgR8,opIdLd,ET_R8
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFunc0ArgI2,opIdLd,ET_I2
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFunc0ArgR4,opIdLd,ET_R4
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exFunc0ArgImp,opIdLd,ET_Imp
- Func0Arg:
- LODSWTX ;Get oVar
- xchg ax,bx
- mov ax,[pVarBx] ;Get oPRS
- jmp short FuncCall
- CallCompiledJ:
- jmp CallCompiled
- MakeExe exStCallS,opStCallS
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStCallLess,opStCallLess
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStCall,opStCall
- inc si
- inc si ;Skip over count of arguments
- FuncCall:
- ;ax = oPRS of target
- mov bx,ax
- RS_BASE add,bx ; es:bx points to prs
- test BPTRRS[bx.PRS_flags],FP_DEFINED ; Interpreted?
- jz CallCompiledJ
- CallInterpreted:
- inc [b$CurLevel] ;Save any temps from deallocation
- push [pGosubLast] ;Save current head of Gosub list
- push [grs.GRS_oRsCur] ;Push current oRS
- xchg dx,ax ;Save oPRS in dx
- mov al,0
- xchg al,[grs.GRS_fDirect] ;Get fDirect and set to FALSE
- or al,al ;Leaving direct mode?
- jz NotInDirect
- inc si ;Set LSB to indicate direct mode
- or [grs.GRS_flags],FG_RetDir
- ;remember there's a ret adr to
- ; direct mode buffer on stack.
- NotInDirect:
- ; Warning: SI is assumed to be at [bp+2] for out of stack error recovery.
- ; We need to make sure that fDirect gets reset correctly if we couldn't
- ; transfer control to the procedure.
- push si ;Push current oTx
- push bp
- mov bp,sp ;Set up frame pointer
- push [b$curframe] ; set up BASIC-frame chain
- mov cx,PTRRS[bx].PRS_cbFrameVars ; Local variables
- add cx,PTRRS[bx].PRS_cbFrameTemp ; Plus temps
- dec cx ; cbFrameVars includes 2 bytes to
- dec cx ; account for pushed b$curframe
- mov di,sp
- sub di,cx ;Allocate local variables and temps
- jc OutOfStack ;Underflow?
- cmp di,[b$pEndChk]
- jbe OutOfStack ;Not enough stack space left
- mov sp,di
- mov [b$CurFrame],bp ;must change b$CurFrame AFTER this chk
- ; there will always be a block fill
- ; needed
- jcxz NoLocals
- xor ax,ax
- push es
- push ss
- pop es ;es = ss
- shr cx,1 ;Word count
- rep stosw ;Zero out local variables
- pop es
- NoLocals:
- mov si,PTRRS[bx.PRS_otxDef] ; si points to procedure header
- xchg ax,dx ;Restore oPRS to ax
- or ah,80H ;oPrs ==> oRs
- call RsActivateCODE ;Activate called proc
- RestorePcodeVar
- inc si
- inc si
- add si,ax ;Start execution after definition
- DispMac
- OutOfStack:
- mov ax,[bp+2] ;LSB is fDirect flag before
- ;we started building the frame
- ror al,1 ;move lsb to msb
- cbw ;replicate msb into ah
- mov [grs.GRS_fDirect],ah ;Set fDirect back to entry state
- mov al,ER_OM
- mov [b$ErrInfo],OMErr_STK ;note that this is really Out of Stack
- ; space, not Out of Memory
- call RtErrorCODE
- ;Branched to when user is tracing through a native code call. Since
- ;native code can cause screen output, we need to swap to output screen
- ;just in case.
- ;
- ShowOutputScr:
- push bx ;save pPrs
- call ShowOutScr
- GETRS_SEG es,bx,<SIZE,LOAD> ;[4] restore seg of Rs table
- pop bx ;restore pPrs
- DbAssertRelB [fDebugScr],e,0,CODE,<exproc: ShowOutScr failed>
- ;bx = pPrs of procedure to be called
- CallCompiled:
- cmp [fDebugScr],0
- jne ShowOutputScr ;brif debug screen is visible
- DbAssertRel fNonQBI_Active,z,0,CODE,<exproc: fNonQBI_Active should be 0>
- mov [fNonQBI_Active],bp ;save pointer to most recent QBI frame
- inc [b$cNonQBIFrames]
- mov ax,[b$curlevel]
- mov [bcurlevel_QBI],ax ;if we end up having to blast the stack
- ; back to the most recent QBI frame,
- ; we need this to restore the proper
- ; setting of b$curlevel
- ;Save si and cbParam in last temp
- mov di,[grs.GRS_oRsCur]
- and di,07FFFH ; mask off high bit
- RS_BASE add,di
- .errnz MRS_cbFrameTemp - PRS_cbFrameTemp
- mov ax,PTRRS[di].MRS_cbFrameTemp ; Get no. of temps for module
- neg ax ;Make it oBP
- add ax,bp
- sub ax,PTRRS[di.MRS_cbFrameVars] ; Point to last temp
- xchg di,ax
- mov [di],si
- xor ax,ax ;Always leave ParamCnt zero
- xchg ax,[ParamCnt]
- mov [di+2],ax ;Amount of stack to clean up
- mov [grs.GRS_otxCur],si ;Save here in case of error
- cmp BPTRRS[bx.PRS_procType],PT_SUB
- jnz CallCompiledFunc ;call a User Library SUB
- call dword ptr [bx.PRS_txd.TXD_oCompiled]
- call RestoreFromCall
- CallX:
- DispMac
- CallCompiledFunc:
- test BPTRRS[bx].PRS_flags,FP_CDECL
- jnz MakeCall ;Don't push addr. for C
- mov cl,BPTRRS[bx.PRS_oType]
- and cl,M_PT_OTYPE ; mask out possible flags
- cmp cl,ET_SD ;[15][4] Value returned in regs?
- jae MakeCall ;[14]
- cmp cl,ET_I4 ;[15][4] Value returned in regs?
- jbe MakeCall
- ; Type is R4, R8, or CY
- ;Return value is always just before saved si in temps
- ;di = pointer to last temp
- ;cl = PRS_oType
- add di,4 ;Make room for si and cbParam
- push di
- cmp cl,ET_R4 ;[14] R4 ? Before ES loaded
- mov ax,0 ;NOTE: CY flag preserved
- push ss
- pop es ;es:di points to return temp
- stosw
- stosw ;Zero return value if R4
- je @F ;brif R4. Only clear two words
- stosw
- stosw ;Zero rest of R8 or CY
- @@:
- MakeCall:
- call dword ptr [bx.PRS_txd.TXD_oCompiled]
- call RestoreFromCall
- ;Returning from function - restore 8087 stack
- pop cx ;Get no. of 8087 registers saved
- jcxz NoTemps
- RestoreLoop:
- mov bx,sp
- fld tbyte ptr DGROUP:[bx] ;Put back on stack
- add sp,10 ;Move pointer up
- loop RestoreLoop
- NoTemps:
- mov bx,PTRTX[si-2] ;Get oVar
- mov cl,[pVarBx].VAR_flags ;oTyp in low bits
- and cl,FV_TYP_MASK
- cmp cl,ET_I4 ;Value in (dx:)ax?
- jb PushI2
- je PushI4
- cmp cl,ET_SD
- jae PushI2 ;If string, push near address in ax
- ;ax points to R4 or R8
- xchg ax,bx ;ds:bx points to return value
- cmp cl,ET_R4
- jnz PushR8
- fld dword ptr [bx] ; copy retval to 87 stack
- jmp CallX
- PushR8:
- fld qword ptr [bx] ; copy retval to 87 stack
- jmp CallX
- PushI4:
- push dx
- PushI2:
- push ax
- jmp CallX
- RestoreFromCall:
- ;Restore es, si, di and NonQBI flags after native code call
- ;Possible return value in dx:ax preserved
- ;cx preserved
- ;Restore return oTx to si
- GETRS_SEG es,bx,<SPEED,LOAD> ;[4] restore seg of Rs table
- mov bx,[grs.GRS_oRsCur]
- and bh,07FH ; mask off high bit
- RS_BASE add,bx
- .errnz MRS_cbFrameTemp - PRS_cbFrameTemp
- mov si,PTRRS[bx].MRS_cbFrameTemp ; Get no. of temps for module
- neg si ;Make it oBP
- sub si,PTRRS[bx.MRS_cbFrameVars] ; Point to last temp
- pop bx ; bx = ret address
- add sp,[si+bp+2] ;Clean off parameters
- push bx ; push ret address back
- mov si,[si+bp] ;Restore return oTx
- DbAssertRel b$cNonQBIFrames,nz,0,CODE,<exproc: b$cNonQBIFrames == 0>
- dec [b$cNonQBIFrames]
- DbAssertRel fNonQBI_Active,z,bp,CODE,<exproc: fNonQBI_Active not == bp>
- mov [fNonQBI_Active],0 ;reset - - QBI code is active again
- call GetEsDi
- ret
- MakeExe exStFunction,opStFunction
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStSub,opStSub
- add si,ax
- DispMac
- MakeExe exStDefFN,opStDefFN
- mov si,PTRTX[si+2] ;Get link to EndDef
- inc si
- inc si ;Skip past link to next DefFn
- DispMac
- MakeExe exEndSingleDef,opEndSingleDef
- ;Move return value from top of stack to expected location
- mov bx,[grs.GRS_oPrsCur] ; bx points to active prs in table
- RS_BASE add,bx
- mov cx,PTRRS[bx].PRS_cbFrameVars ;[2] Size of return value + 2
- mov di,bp
- sub di,cx ;Location for return value
- .erre FR_FirstVar EQ -2
- dec cx ; make cx the size of the return
- dec cx ; value
- mov al,BPTRRS[bx].PRS_oType
- and al,M_PT_OTYPE ; mask out possible flag bits
- cmp al, ET_SD ;[4] Returning a string?
- jae CopySD
- mov si,sp ;for integer ret vals
- ;Added with [35]
- cmp al,ET_R4
- jb DefFnInt
- jz DefFnR4
- fstp qword ptr [di] ;Store R8 return value in stack
- jmp short EndProc
- DefFnR4:
- fstp dword ptr [di] ;Store R4 return value in stack
- jmp short EndProc
- DefFnInt:
- ;End of [35]
- push ss
- pop es
- rep movsb ;Move up return value
- jmp short EndProc
- CopySD:
- ;pSD already on stack
- push di ;Assign string to here
- CALLRT B$SASS,Mov ;es is now invalid!!
- ;Fall into EndDef
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStEndDef,opStEndDef
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStEndProc,opStEndProc
- mov bx,[grs.GRS_oPrsCur] ; bx points to active prs in table
- RS_BASE add,bx
- EndProc:
- GETRS_SEG es,di,<SPEED,LOAD> ;[4] fetch seg of Rs table
- dec [b$CurLevel]
- mov ax,[bp].FR_pGosubLast
- mov [pGosubLast],ax
- mov al,BPTRRS[bx.PRS_cwParams] ; cw of parameters
- xor ah,ah
- shl ax,1 ;Change to cb
- add ax,FR_MinFrame ;Remove frame
- add ax,bp ;Compute sp w/o arguments
- xchg ax,di ;destination in stack of return value
- mov al,BPTRRS[bx.PRS_oType] ; oTyp of return value
- and al,M_PT_OTYPE ; mask out possible flag bits
- mov ah,BPTRRS[bx.PRS_procType]
- push ax
- mov si,[bp].FR_otxRet ;Get oTx of return addr
- test si,1 ;LSB = returning to direct mode?
- jz NotDirect
- mov [grs.GRS_fDirect],-1 ;Going back to direct mode
- dec si ;Back to true oTx
- and [grs.GRS_flags],NOT FG_RetDir
- ;remember there's no ret adr to
- push ss
- pop ds ;ds=DGROUP
- ; direct mode buffer on stack.
- NotDirect:
- mov ax,[bp].FR_oRsRet ;oRs of return addr
- call RsActivateCODE ;Activate caller
- pop ax ;ah=procType, al=oTyp of RetVal
- lea bx,[bp-2].FR_FirstVar ;Point to high end of return value
- push [bp].FR_basBpLink ;[33] Restore old b$curframe
- pop [b$CurFrame]
- mov bp,[bp].FR_bpLink ;Restore old bp
- cmp ah,PT_SUB ;Is it a SUB?
- jz NoRetVal ;If a SUB, no return value to copy
- xchg bx,si ;Save return oTx in bx
- ;Added with [32]
- ;Restore values to 8087 stack
- mov cx,[di] ;Number of temp reals to restore
- jcxz No87Temps
- Restore87Loop:
- fld tbyte ptr DGROUP:[di+2] ;Put back on stack
- add di,10 ;Move pointer up
- loop Restore87Loop
- No87Temps:
- ;End of [32]
- push ss
- pop es ;es = ss
- std ;Reverse order--possibly overlapping
- cmp al,ET_SD ;String?
- jae ReturnSD
- .erre ET_SD EQ (ET_MaxNum+1)
- ;Rewritten with [24]
- cmp al,ET_R4
- je RetR4
- cmp al,ET_R8
- jz RetR8
- ;Have I2, I4, or CY
- cbw
- xchg cx,ax
- .erre ET_I2 EQ 1 ;cw of I2
- .erre ET_I4 EQ 2 ;cw of I4
- rep movsw ;Copy return value
- SetSi:
- mov si,bx ;Return oTx
- ValInPlace:
- inc di
- inc di
- cld
- NoRetVal:
- mov sp,di ;Return val on top of stack
- RestorePcodeVar
- DispMac
- ReturnSD:
- dec si
- dec si ;Point to low byte of SD
- push si
- mov si,bx ;Return oTx
- mov [grs.GRS_otxCur],si ;Save in case of error
- call B$STMakeTemp ;Make SD a temp - ax = pSD
- stosw ;pSD/handle to its place in stack
- jmp ValInPlace
- ;Added with [24]
- RetR4:
- fld dword ptr DGROUP:[si-2]
- jmp SetSi
- RetR8:
- fld qword ptr DGROUP:[si-6]
- jmp SetSi
- ;End of [24]
- MakeExe exNoList1,opNoList1
- inc si
- inc si ;Eat one operand
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exSeg,opSeg
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exByVal,opByVal
- DispMac
- ;Added with [32]
- MakeExe exSave87,opNoList0
- ;The following special interface is used to obtain the number
- ;of items on the 87/em stack. This allows us to account for
- ;the extended stack with the emulator, with or without an 80x87.
- mov bx,10 ;arg to __fpmath to get count
- call __fpmath ;AX = # items on the 87/em stack
- mov cx,ax ;Count to cx
- jcxz EmptyStack ;go if nothing to do
- Save87Loop:
- sub sp,10 ;Make room for a temp real
- mov bx,sp
- fstp tbyte ptr DGROUP:[bx]
- loop Save87Loop
- EmptyStack:
- push ax ;Remember how much we saved
- DispMac
- MakeExe exParamCnt,opNoList1
- mov [ParamCnt],ax ;Remember how much to release
- DispMac
- ;End of [32]
- MakeExe exAddStack,opNoList1
- add sp,ax ;De-allocate stack space
- DispMac
- MakeExe exDeallocArray,opNoList1 ;oBP
- ;De-allocate local array va