资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE ssdata - Scanner specific data declarations
- ;***
- ;ssdata - Scanner specific data declarations
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ;
- ; This module contains scanner specific data declarations only.
- ;
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include
- .list
- assumes ds, DATA
- assumes es, NOTHING
- assumes SS, DATA
- sBegin CODE
- foo label byte
- sEnd CODE
- subttl Static data area definitons.
- sBegin DATA
- public SegCode
- SegCode dw seg foo
- public SsErrOTx
- SsErrOTx DW 0 ;Text offset of pcode which was replaced by opEot
- public SsErr
- SsErr DW 0 ;Error code to be returned by scanner.
- public SsErrOpcode
- SsErrOpcode DW 0 ;Opcode which was replaced by opEot
- public SsDelayErr,SsDelayLoc,SsDelayCnt
- SsDelayErr dw 0 ;Error code of delayed error
- SsDelayLoc dw 0 ;oTx of delayed error
- SsDelayCnt dw 0 ;Count of pending delayed errors
- public ScanRet
- ScanRet DW 0 ;Scan loop return address
- public f_Static
- f_Static DB 0 ;TRUE if $STATIC in effect
- public f_StaticCalc
- f_StaticCalc DB 0 ;Move to temporary for calcualtion
- public SsExec,SsExecFlag,SsExecTmp
- SsExec label word ;Flags below referenced as one word
- SsExecFlag DB 0 ;OPA_fExecute ORed in if can't allow COMMON
- SsExecTmp DB 0 ;Temporary hold for SsExecFlag during CONST
- public ScannerFlags,SsBosFlags,SsFlags
- ScannerFlags label word ;Flags below referenced as one word
- SsBosFlags DB 0 ;Scanner begin of statement flags
- SsFlags DB 0 ;General scanner flags
- public SsOTxPatchBos
- SsOTxPatchBos DW 0 ; Address of word to be patched at next Bos
- public SsOTxStart
- SsOTxStart DW 0 ; Address of point where stack is empty
- public SsOTxBOS
- SsOTxBOS DW 0 ;oTx for BOS for statement being scanned
- public SsCbTxExpand
- SsCbTxExpand DW 0 ;Count of bytes by which the text table has expanded.
- public SsLinkCtl
- SsLinkCtl DW 0 ;Address of Label control structure
- public SsCbFrameTemp
- SsCbFrameTemp DW 0 ;Bytes of temp space for current statement
- public SsStackSave
- SsStackSave DW 0 ;Save location for sp from start of scan
- public SsLineCount
- SsLineCount DW 0 ;No. of lines scanned
- ;Descan uses these to keep track of return address on the stack
- public SsNextOTx,SsReturnBp
- SsNextOTx DW 0 ;oTx of return address
- SsReturnBp DW 0 ;offset in stack of return frame
- ;ScanAndExec needs the following
- public SsScanExStart,SsScanExSrc
- SsScanExStart DW 0 ;Starting address of execution
- SsScanExSrc DW 0 ;oTx of original source
- ;Ss_StCall uses these to count parameter bytes for CDECL calls
- public SsCbParmCur,SsParmCnt
- SsCbParmCur dw 0 ;cb of all params so far
- SsParmCnt dw 0 ;Number of parameters
- public SsOtxHeapMove
- SsOtxHeapMove dw 0 ;oTx of last possible heap movement
- public SsBosStack
- SsBosStack dw 0 ;SP-2 at BOS
- sEnd DATA
- end