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Visual C++
- TITLE TYPMGR - Type Table Management Code for QBI
- ;***
- ;TypMgr.asm - Type Table Management Code for QBI
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Create and search for User defined types and elements of types
- ;Assumptions:
- ; The "module type table" was at one point an actual table. With QB5/EB,
- ; it was moved into the module variable table - - - both VAR and
- ; TYP/ELEM structures have no particular order requirements, being
- ; chained together, and both are created and discarded at the same
- ; time. We can therefore have VAR, TYP, and ELEM structs interleaved
- ; in the one physical table, but continue to think of them as unique
- ; logical tables.
- ;
- ; Each module type table consists of a single chain of TYP structures
- ; the offset to the first TYP in this chain is at offset oOFIRST_TYP
- ; in the table.
- ;
- ; The first TYP struct in each module type table must start at an offset
- ; greater than ET_MAX so an oTyp for a user-defined record is always
- ; greater than any predefined type constant. Besides the offset to the
- ; first TYP, the number of currently defined types is found in the table
- ; following the offset to the first TYP at offset oCTYPES.
- ;
- ; Each user-defined type has an associated chain of elements. The offset
- ; to the first element in a type is contained in the TYP structure. The
- ; elements are always chained in the same order as they are found in
- ; the text; this is ensured by the fact that the entire type table
- ; is discarded (and the module put in SS_RUDE) whenever a type is
- ; removed or an element is inserted out of order (i.e., not sequentially
- ; after the last element inserted in the type).
- ;
- ; Note that TYP and ELEM structures are intermingled in the table
- ; The physical order doesn't matter, only the chain order (we can
- ; never walk each physical entry in the table, only walk the TYP
- ; chain and each ELEM chain).
- ;
- ; The TYP and ELEM structures are similar; we take advantage of the
- ; fact that the oNam field is in the same location for both.
- ;
- ;*******************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include version.inc
- TYPMGR_ASM = ON ;don't include EXTRNs defined in this file
- includeOnce architec
- includeOnce context
- includeOnce heap
- includeOnce names
- includeOnce qbimsgs
- includeOnce rtps
- includeOnce scanner
- includeOnce txtmgr
- includeOnce variable
- .list
- ; .sall
- assumes DS,DATA
- assumes ES,DATA
- assumes SS,DATA
- assumes CS,CP
- sBegin DATA
- staticW oElemLast,0 ;used to allow DefineElem to leverage off of
- ;some code in RefElem
- externB b$ErrInfo
- sEnd DATA
- sBegin CP
- assumes cs,CP
- ;***
- ;DefineTyp(oNam) - create a new entry in the type table
- ;Purpose:
- ; Called when the parser encounters a TYPE statement, to create a new
- ; entry in the module type table for the type.
- ;
- ; Note that the scanner uses bits 13, 14, & 15 of an oTyp, so type tables
- ; can be no larger than 8k.
- ;
- ; Note: EB has a special use for this where the 'oNam' is really something
- ; else. The high bit set on input indicates that this is not really
- ; an oNam - - - the high bit is maintained in the oNam field of the typ.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; oNam - module name table offset for the name of the type.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; returns an offset into mrsCur.bdVar for the new type entry, or an
- ; error code, depending on bit 15 of the return value. If bit 15 is
- ; clear, an offset is returned, if set, the return value with bit 15
- ; masked off is a standard basic error code.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc DefineTyp,<FAR,PUBLIC,NODATA>,<SI,DI>
- parmW oNam
- localW oTypLast
- cBegin DefineTyp
- ; register si = pTypBase
- ; register di = pTyp
- ; dx = cbOld
- DbChk MrsCur
- mov si,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- mov di,[si+oOFIRST_TYP]
- mov dx,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_cbLogical] ; dx = cbOld
- jmp SHORT DefineTyp_Loop_Check
- DefineTyp_Loop:
- add di,si ;pTyp = pTyp + pTypBase
- mov ax,PTRVAR[di.TYP_oNam]
- cmp [oNam],ax
- jnz DefineTyp_No_Error
- mov ax,08000H OR ER_DD
- jmp short DefineTyp_Exit
- DefineTyp_No_Error:
- mov ax,PTRVAR[di.TYP_oTypNext]
- and ah,07FH ; mask off flag bit
- sub di,si
- mov [oTypLast],di ;oTypLast = pTyp - pTypBase
- xchg ax,di ;di = new oTyp
- DefineTyp_Loop_Check:
- or di,di ;end of TYP chain?
- jnz DefineTyp_Loop ; brif not
- je DefineTyp_OM_ER1 ;brif this would cause table to have more than
- ;the legal max. number of types
- push dx ;save cbOld across call
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET mrsCur.MRS_bdVar>
- call BdGrowVar ; grow type table enough for new type
- ; we can't just blindly call BdGrowVar at a point where the user CAN
- ; continue - - - but txtmgr guarantees that any edit of a TYPE
- ; statement or of an element in a TYPE block causes module rude edit
- DbAssertRel grs.GRS_otxCONT,z,UNDEFINED,CP,<DefineTyp: CAN Continue>
- pop dx ;restore cbOld
- or ax,ax
- jne DefineTyp_Cont ; brif attempt to grow table succeeded
- DefineTyp_OM_ER1:
- jmp short DefineTyp_OM_ER
- DefineTyp_Cont:
- mov si,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- ;update pTypBase in case of heap movement
- inc PTRVAR[si+oCTYPES]
- ; increment count of types in table
- mov di,dx ;cbOld
- add di,si ;di = pTyp
- mov ax,[oNam]
- mov PTRVAR[di.TYP_oNam],ax
- sub ax,ax
- mov PTRVAR[di.TYP_cbData],ax
- mov PTRVAR[di.TYP_oElementFirst],ax
- mov PTRVAR[di.TYP_oTypNext],ax
- mov bx,[oTypLast]
- cmp PTRVAR[si+oOFIRST_TYP],ax
- ;special case of start of type table?
- jne ChainTyp ; brif not
- mov bx,oOFIRST_TYP - TYP_oTypNext
- ; this will make the following instruction
- ; put this oTyp in the table, to start the
- ; TYP chain
- ChainTyp:
- or PTRVAR[bx.TYP_oTypNext][si],dx
- xchg ax,dx ;cbOld = oTypNew = retval
- DefineTyp_Exit:
- cEnd DefineTyp
- DefineTyp_OM_ER:
- mov ax,ER_OM OR 08000H
- jmp SHORT DefineTyp_Exit
- ;***
- ;RefTyp(oNam, oTxRef) - Return oTyp for a type described by oNam
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Given an oNam and the text offset at which it was found, return the
- ; offset into the type table for the type of this name.
- ; If the text offset at which the type was defined is larger than oTxRef
- ; (i.e., if this amounts to a forward reference), return an error code,
- ; MSG_UndType.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; oNam - offset into the module name table.
- ; oTxRef - offset into active text table where type reference was found
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; If bit 15 is clear, return value is an offset into the module type table
- ; for the desired type entry; if bit 15 is set, the return value is an
- ; error code; this error code with bit 15 masked off is a standard basic
- ; error code.
- ; Only one error code is defined: the case where no type entry is found
- ; with the input oNam.
- ; If this error occurs, the parser will emit an opReParse - - - it is NOT
- ; safe to create an empty type entry in this case, because the reference
- ; might create a static variable entry, which would end up with a size
- ; of zero for the value field ... a type reference prior to definition
- ; must trigger an error.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;Preserves:
- ; ES
- ;******************************************************************************
- parmW oNam
- parmW oTxRef
- cBegin RefTyp
- DbChk MrsCur
- ;Check to see that this is not a forward reference
- cCall OtxTypDefined,<oNam>
- RefTyp_Cont:
- mov bx,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- mov dx,PTRVAR[bx+oOFIRST_TYP]; dx = offset to first typ in chain
- xchg bx,dx
- cmp ax,[oTxRef] ;returned from OtxTypDefined
- jb RefLoop_Start
- RefTyp_Err_Exit:
- mov ax,MSG_UndType OR 08000H
- jmp SHORT RefTyp_Exit
- RefTyp_Loop:
- mov bx,PTRVAR[bx.TYP_oTypNext] ; offset to next type (oTypCur)
- and bh,07FH ; mask off flag bit
- RefLoop_Start:
- or bx,bx
- je RefTyp_Err_Exit ;brif no more entries - not found
- add bx,dx ;bx = pTypCur
- mov ax,PTRVAR[bx.TYP_oNam]
- cmp [oNam],ax
- jne RefTyp_Loop ;brif names don't match
- or BPTRVAR[bx.TYP_fReferenced],080H
- ;set fReferenced bit
- xchg ax,bx
- sub ax,dx ;subtract off table base for retval
- RefTyp_Exit:
- cEnd RefTyp
- ;***
- ;DefineElem(oNam, oTyp, oTypElem) - Add an element to a type
- ;DefineElemFixed(cbFixed, oNam, oTyp, oTypElem) - alternate entry point.
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Given an oNam for a new element, the oTyp for the type entry the element
- ; is to be a part of, and the oTyp for the type of the new element,
- ; add the element to the chain of elements for that type.
- ; DefineElemExp converted to DefineElemFixed as part of revision [7].
- ;Entry:
- ; oNam - offset into mrsCur.bdlNam for the element being defined
- ; oTyp - offset into mrsCur.bdVar for the type entry it will belong to
- ; oTypElem - oTyp for the element that's being defined, i.e., the type
- ; of the new element (can be some user defined type).
- ; For DefineElemExp, oTypElem will be ET_FS or ET_FT, and this word
- ; parameter will also have its high bit set (per pcode) if
- ; the cbFixed parameter is really an oNam of a constant which
- ; contains the length of the fixed-length string/text.
- ;Exit:
- ; A new element entry is allocated, completely filled in, and linked in to
- ; the end of the element chain for the given type.
- ; Return value is a standard BASIC error code, OR'd with 0x8000 for
- ; consistency with other TypeMgr functions. Possible error codes are:
- ;
- ; ER_DD - already exists an element of this type of that oNam
- ; ER_OM - Out of Memory
- ; MSG_UndType - recursive definition, i.e., element not allowed to
- ; be of the same oTyp as its parent type.
- ; MSG_InvConst - DefineElemExp called with the oNam for a CONSTant, and
- ; some error occured in finding a matching CONSTant.
- ; If all bits are clear (i.e., 0 is returned), no error.
- ;
- ; NOTE: As a side effect of this routine, mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp can be modified.
- ; This is wierd, but it saves some code in RefElem and callers.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc DefineElemFixed,<PUBLIC,NEAR,NODATA>
- parmW cbFixed
- parmW oNam
- parmW oTyp
- parmW oTypElem
- cBegin
- mov cx,[cbFixed]
- cCall DefineElemCommon,<oNam,oTyp,oTypElem>
- cEnd
- cProc DefineElem,<PUBLIC,NEAR,NODATA>
- cBegin <nogen>
- xor cx,cx
- cEnd <nogen>
- cProc DefineElemCommon,<NEAR,NODATA>,<SI,DI>
- parmW oNam
- parmW oTyp
- parmW oTypElem
- localW cbOld
- localW pTyp
- localW cbFixed
- cBegin
- mov [cbFixed],cx ; remember if fixed-length string/text
- ; element or not
- jcxz DefineElem_Shared ;brif DefineElem was called
- mov ax,[oTypElem]
- or ah,ah
- jns DefineElem_Shared ; brif cbFixed actually is a byte count
- and ah,07FH ; mask off high bit
- mov [oTypElem],ax ; restore as an actual ET_ type
- xchg ax,cx
- ;ax = oNam of a CONSTant
- mov [mkVar.MKVAR_oNam],ax
- mov [mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp],ET_I2
- mov [mkVar.MKVAR_flags],0 ;only want to find ET_I2 match
- or [mkVar.MKVAR_flags2],MV_fDontCreate
- call MakeVariable
- xchg ax,bx ;put retval in bx
- mov ax,MSG_InvConst OR 08000H ;in case of error return
- or bx,bx
- js DefineElem_Exit2 ;brif some error finding the CONSTant
- add bx,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- mov ax,PTRVAR[bx.VAR_value] ;get the I2 CONSTant value
- mov [cbFixed],ax
- DefineElem_Shared: ;code common to both entry points from
- ; here on
- DbChk oNam,oNam
- DbChk oTyp,oTyp
- DbChk oTyp,oTypElem
- mov ax,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_cbLogical]
- mov [cbOld],ax
- mov ax,[oTypElem]
- cmp [oTyp],ax
- mov ax,MSG_UndType OR 08000H ;give this error for self recursion.
- ;note that that parser won't allow
- ;indirect recursion case to occur
- jz DefineElem_Exit2 ;brif self recursion - error
- mov [oElemLast],0
- push [oNam] ; parm to RefElem
- PUSHI ax,ET_IMP ; error if match regardless of type
- mov ax,[oTyp]
- mov [mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp],ax
- call far ptr RefElem ; ax = retval - better be an error
- ; NOTE: Updates oElemLast
- cmp ax,MSG_UndElem OR 08000H ; RefElem shouldn't have found elem
- mov ax,ER_DD OR 08000H ;ER_DD if it did
- jz DefineElem_Cont0
- DefineElem_Exit2:
- jmp DefineElem_Exit1
- DefineElem_Cont0:
- mov cx,[cbFixed]
- jcxz Grow_tElem ; brif not fixed-length string/text elem
- mov cx,2 ; size of ELEM_cbFixed field
- Grow_tElem:
- add cx,SIZE ELEM
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET mrsCur.MRS_bdVar>
- push cx
- call BdGrowVar ; grow type table enough for new type
- or ax,ax
- je DefineElem_OM_Error_1
- mov di,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb] ;di points to base of type table
- mov ax,[oTyp]
- add ax,di
- mov [pTyp],ax
- mov si,[cbOld]
- add si,di ;si points to element being defined
- mov ax,[oNam]
- mov PTRVAR[si.ELEM_oNam],ax
- mov PTRVAR[si.ELEM_oElementNext],0 ;[3]
- mov ax,[oTypElem]
- mov PTRVAR[si.ELEM_oTyp],ax
- cCall CbTyp,<ax>
- jnz Got_cbTyp ; brif type wasn't ET_FS or ET_FT
- mov ax,[cbFixed]
- mov PTRVAR[si.ELEM_cbFixed],ax
- Got_cbTyp:
- mov bx,[pTyp]
- mov cx,PTRVAR[bx.TYP_cbData]
- mov PTRVAR[si.ELEM_oVar],cx
- add PTRVAR[bx.TYP_cbData],ax
- jc DefineElem_OM_Error ; brif wrap beyond 64k
- mov ax,[oTypElem]
- cmp ax,ET_MAX
- jbe @F ; brif new elem not of user-def. type
- or BPTRVAR[bx.TYP_fReferenced],080H
- ;set fReferenced bit
- @@:
- cmp ax,ET_SD ; dynamic string?
- jnz @F ; brif not
- ; remember that in order to assign a
- ; var of this type to another such
- ; var, we can't simply block copy
- @@:
- mov bx,[oElemLast]
- mov ax,[cbOld]
- or bx,bx
- jne Not_1st_Elem ;brif this is not 1st elem in typ
- mov bx,[pTyp] ;special start of elem chain code
- mov PTRVAR[bx.TYP_oElementFirst],ax
- jmp SHORT DefineElem_Cont2
- DefineElem_OM_Error_1:
- DefineElem_OM_Error:
- mov ax,ER_OM OR 08000H
- DefineElem_Exit1:
- jmp short DefineElem_Exit
- Not_1st_Elem: ;link new element in @ end of chain
- mov PTRVAR[bx.ELEM_oElementNext][di],ax
- DefineElem_Cont2:
- sub ax,ax
- DefineElem_Exit:
- cEnd DefineElem
- ;***
- ;RefElem - return offset to specified element in tTyp
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Given the oNam for an element in type mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp, return the offset
- ; into mrsCur.bdVar for the element, and place the type of the element into
- ; mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; oNam - name of the element to be found
- ; oTypElem - oTyp of element; ET_IMP if caller doesn't know type.
- ; This is used so we can give ER_TM if user puts an (incorrect)
- ; explicit type char on an element reference.
- ; The oTyp of the parent type is in mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp.
- ;Exit:
- ; return value is an offset into mrsCur.bdVar for the element if bit
- ; 15 is clear, or is a standard BASIC error code OR'd with bit 15 if set.
- ; If successful, mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp is changed to the oTyp of the found element.
- ; If the found element is a fixed-length string/text, mkVar.MKVAR_fsLength
- ; is changed to the length of the string.
- ; Static oElemLast:
- ; if the element contains no types of the found element is the first
- ; in the chain, oElemLast will be unchanged.
- ; else if the element is found, oElemLast will be an offset to the
- ; previous element in the chain.
- ; else (element not found in non-empty element chain), oElemLast is
- ; an offset to the last element in the chain.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc RefElem,<PUBLIC,FAR>,<si,di>
- parmW oNamElem
- parmW oTypElem
- cBegin
- mov si,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- mov bx,[mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp]
- DbChk UserTyp,bx ;Ensure the oTyp we're looking in is
- ; valid, and a user defined oTyp
- mov ax,PTRVAR[bx.TYP_oElementFirst][si]
- and ah,07FH ;mask off fReferenced bit
- xchg di,ax ;di = table offset to first elem in typ
- mov dx,[oNamElem]
- DbChk oNam,dx
- jmp short RefElem_LoopStart
- RefElem_MSG_Undefined:
- mov ax,MSG_UndElem OR 08000H
- jmp SHORT RefElem_Exit
- RefElem_Loop:
- mov di,PTRVAR[di.ELEM_oElementNext]
- RefElem_LoopStart:
- or di,di
- jz RefElem_MSG_Undefined ;brif end of elem chain - elem not found
- mov [oElemLast],di ;always keep oElem of last elem here
- add di,si ;di = pElem
- cmp PTRVAR[di.ELEM_oNam],dx
- jnz RefElem_Loop ;brif no match
- mov ax,PTRVAR[di.ELEM_oTyp]
- mov [mkVar.MKVAR_oTyp],ax ;set oTyp of found element in location
- ; provided by caller
- mov bx,ax
- cmp ax,ET_FS
- jnz RefElem_Exit1
- mov bx,ET_SD ; explicit type char for ET_SD ($)
- ; legally matches element of ET_FS
- mov ax,PTRVAR[di.ELEM_cbFixed]
- mov [mkVar.MKVAR_fsLength],ax
- RefElem_Exit1:
- xchg ax,di ;ax = pElemFound
- sub ax,si ;ax = retval = oElemFound
- .errnz ET_IMP - 0
- mov cx,[oTypElem]
- jcxz RefElem_Exit ; brif caller doesn't want to
- ; check type of element
- cmp cx,bx ; does element match given oTyp?
- jz RefElem_Exit ; brif so
- mov ax,ER_TM OR 08000H ; type mismatch error
- RefElem_Exit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;CompareTypsRecurse - compare 2 types to see if they're the same
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Given two oTyps, compare them (recursively element-by-element)
- ; to see if they're the same. The given oTyp's do not have to be
- ; for user-defined types - - - any valid oTyp's are okay.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; ax = oTyp1 - first type
- ; bx = oTyp2 - first type
- ; if SizeD,
- ; ds is set to seg of type table for oTyp1,
- ; es is set to seg of type table for oTyp2.
- ; else
- ; si points to base of type table for oTyp1
- ; di points to base of type table for oTyp2
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.Z set if the two types match, reset if not.
- ; if PSW.Z set, CX = 0 indicates no further comparison need be made.
- ; if CX != 0, however, the oTyp's are either ET_FS or ET_FT, and
- ; the lengths must be compared by the caller (who presumeably has
- ; access to these lengths).
- ; If PSW.Z reset, CX = 0 if routine succeeded, ER_OM if insufficient
- ; stack space for required recursion.
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc CompareTypsRecurse,<NEAR,NODATA>
- cBegin CompareTypsRecurse
- cmp bx,ET_MAX ;is oTyp2 user-defined?
- jbe Compare_Cmp_Exit ; brif not
- cmp ax,ET_MAX ;is oTyp1 user-defined?
- jbe Compare_Cmp_Exit ; brif not
- add ax,si ;ax = pTyp1
- add bx,di ;bx = pTyp2
- mov bx,PTRVAR[bx.TYP_oElementFirst]
- and bh,07FH ;mask off fReferenced bit
- xchg ax,bx
- mov bx,[bx.TYP_oElementFirst]
- and bh,07FH ;mask off fReferenced bit
- Elem_Compare_Loop:
- ;bx = oElem1, ax = oElem2
- or bx,bx
- jz Compare_Cmp_Exit ;end of chain 1 - set exit code based on
- ; whether both chains end
- or ax,ax ;end of chain 2?
- jz Compare_Cmp_Exit ;brif end of chain 2 - reset PSW.Z,exit
- ;not end of either chain - - continue
- add bx,si ;bx = pElem1
- push bx ;save across recursive call
- mov bx,[bx.ELEM_oTyp]
- xchg ax,bx ;ax = oTyp of element 1, bx = oElem2
- add bx,di ;bx = pElem2
- push bx ;save across recursive call
- mov bx,PTRVAR[bx.ELEM_oTyp] ; bx = oTyp of element2
- mov cx,sp
- sub cx,6 ;CompareTypsRecurse requires 6 bytes
- ; of stack space per invocation
- cmp cx,[b$pend]
- ja Compare_Cont ;brif sufficient stack space to recurse
- mov cx,ER_OM ;abnormal termination - not enough stack
- mov [b$ErrInfo],OMErr_STK;note this is really Out of Stack space
- pop ax ; clean stack
- pop ax ; clean stack
- or sp,sp ;reset PSW.Z to indicate failure
- jmp short CompareTypsRec_Exit1
- Compare_Cont:
- call CompareTypsRecurse ;compare these types
- pop bx ;pElem2Old
- pop ax ;pElem1Old
- jnz CompareTypsRec_Exit ;if any element match fails, whole
- ; process terminates
- jcxz Compare_Cont_1
- ;ET_FS or ET_FT - - - oTyp's compare, but must also check string
- ;lengths - - -
- xchg ax,bx
- mov cx,[bx.ELEM_cbFixed] ; cx = size of element1
- xchg ax,bx
- cmp cx,PTRVAR[bx.ELEM_cbFixed]
- jnz CompareTypsRec_Exit ; if lengths are different, no match
- Compare_Cont_1:
- mov bx,PTRVAR[bx.ELEM_oElementNext] ; fetch new oElem2
- xchg ax,bx ;ax = oElem2, bx = pElem1Old
- mov bx,[bx.ELEM_oElementNext]
- jmp short Elem_Compare_Loop ;continue until end of both chains
- ; found, or an element pair is found
- ; that doesn't match
- Compare_Cmp_Exit:
- cmp ax,ET_FS ; special comparison required?
- jnz CompareTypsRec_Cmp ; brif no special compare step
- ;ax is either ET_FS or ET_FT
- cmp ax,bx ; set condition codes for retval
- mov cx,sp ; caller must check string lengths
- jmp short CompareTypsRec_Exit1
- CompareTypsRec_Cmp:
- cmp ax,bx ;sets condition codes for retval
- CompareTypsRec_Exit:
- mov cx,0 ;routine terminated normally
- CompareTypsRec_Exit1:
- cEnd CompareTypsRecurse
- ;***
- ;CompareTyps - compare 2 types to see if they're the same
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Given two oTyps, compare them (recursively element-by-element)
- ; to see if they're the same. The given oTyp's do not have to be
- ; for user-defined types - - - any valid oTyp's are okay.
- ;
- ; This routine does the start-up work, and uses
- ; CompareTypsRecurse to do the actual comparison.
- ;
- ; Interface modified as revision [15].
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; ax = oRs1 - oRs of first type
- ; bx = oRs2 - oRs of first type
- ; cx = oTyp1 - first type
- ; dx = oTyp2 - first type
- ;
- ; parm1 = oRs1 = oRs of 1st type
- ; parm2 = oRs2 = oRs of 2nd type
- ; parm3 = oTyp1 = oTyp of 1st type
- ; parm4 = oTyp2 = oTyp of 2nd type
- ;Exit:
- ; PSW.Z set if the two types match, reset if not.
- ; If PSW.Z reset, CX = 0 if routine succeeded, ER_OM if insufficient
- ; stack space for required recursion.
- ;
- ; AX = 0 if two types match
- ; If AX != 0, DX = 0 if routine succeeded, ER_OM if insufficient
- ; stack space for required recursion.
- ;Preserves:
- ; ES - scanner depends on this (in non-windows versions)
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc CompareTyps,<PUBLIC,FAR,NODATA>,<SI,DI,ES>
- parmW oRs1
- parmW oRs2
- parmW oTyp1
- parmW oTyp2
- cBegin CompareTyps
- assumes ds,DATA
- mov ax,[oRs1] ; parm to OMrsORs
- call OMrsORs ;get oMrs of type1
- mov si,[oRs2]
- xchg si,ax ;si = oMrs1, ax = oRs2
- call OMrsORs ;get oMrs of type2
- xchg ax,di ;di = oMrs2, ax = garbage
- mov cx,[oTyp1]
- mov dx,[oTyp2]
- cmp si,di ;oTyp's in different modules?
- jnz Diff_Module ; brif so
- cmp cx,dx ;return PSW.Z set appropriately
- mov cx,0 ;CompareTyps terminated normally
- jmp short CompareTyps_Exit
- Diff_Module:
- push [grs.GRS_oRsCur]
- push cx ;preserve oTyp's across call
- push dx
- call MrsDeActivate ;so both mrs's are in mrs table
- RS_BASE add,si ; si = pMrs1
- RS_BASE add,di ; di = pMrs2
- GETRS_SEG es,bx,<SIZE,LOAD> ;[5] es == Rs table seg, trashes bx
- mov si,PTRRS[si.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb] ;[2] si = base pointer to type table 1
- mov di,PTRRS[di.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb] ;[2] di = base pointer to type table 2
- pop bx ;bx = oTyp2
- pop ax ;ax = oTyp1
- call CompareTypsRecurse
- pop ax ;oRsCur on entry
- pushf ;save retval flags
- cCall RsActivateCP,<ax> ;restore oRsCur to entry value
- popf
- CompareTyps_Exit:
- mov dx,cx ; per new interface
- mov ax,sp ; non-zero
- jnz CompareTyps_Exit_1 ; brif types don't match
- sub ax,ax
- CompareTyps_Exit_1:
- cEnd CompareTyps
- ;***
- ;ONamOElem, ONamOTyp - Return the oNam for the name of a given element or type
- ;Purpose:
- ; Used for descanning. Given an offset into mrsCur.bdVar to an element or type
- ; entry, returns the oNam for the name of the element.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; oElem or oTyp - offset into mrsCur.bdVar for the desired element or type
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; return value is an offset into the module name table for the name of the
- ; element or type.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; none.
- ;
- ;Preserves:
- ; All but AX and BX (for callers in CP. Callers from outside CP cannot
- ; assume this).
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- .errnz TYP_oNam - ELEM_oNam
- ;fall into ONamOElem, taking advantage of the fact that the oNam
- ; field is in the same position in the ELEM and TYP structures.
- parmW oStruc
- cBegin ONamOElem
- mov bx,[oStruc]
- add bx,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- mov ax,[bx.ELEM_oNam]
- cEnd ONamOElem
- ;===============================================================================
- ;***
- ;ForEachPrimElem - recursively walk each primitive element in a TYPE
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Recursively visit each primitive element in a TYPE. By "primitive element"
- ; we mean an element that is not itself of some user-defined type.
- ; For each primitive element, call the near routine pointed to by SI.
- ; In the special case where SI == 0, just increment CX instead, i.e., this
- ; routine then simply counts all primitive elements.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; an oTyp in ax.
- ; SI == 0 to count, or is a near pointer to a helper routine.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; if SI == 0, cx = count of primitive elements on exit,
- ; otherwise cx is not touched, and can be used as a return value by the
- ; helper routine.
- ; Does not use dx - - - caller & helper routine can also use dx as desired.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; In non-RELEASE case, DebHalt may be called if input not a valid
- ; user-defined oTyp.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- DbPub ForEachPrimElem
- cProc ForEachPrimElem,<NEAR,NODATA>,<DI>
- cBegin
- DbChk oTyp,ax
- mov bx,[mrsCur.MRS_bdVar.BD_pb]
- mov di,ax
- mov di,PTRVAR[di.TYP_oElementFirst][bx]
- and di,07FFFH ;mask off fReferenced bit
- add di,bx ;di = pElem
- add ax,bx
- cmp ax,di
- jz ForEachPrimElem_Exit
- ForEachPrimElem_Loop_Start:
- lea ax,[bx+0]
- cmp ax,di
- jz ForEachPrimElem_Exit ;brif end of chain
- mov ax,PTRVAR[di.ELEM_oTyp]
- cmp ax,ET_MAX
- ja @F ; brif user-defined type
- or si,si ; special case?
- jnz CallHelper ; brif not - - call helper
- inc cx ; increment count of prim elements
- jmp short ForEachPrimElem_Continue
- CallHelper:
- ;ax == oTyp of primitive element
- ;if SizeD, es == segment of type table
- ;di == pElem for primitive element
- call si ; call helper for this prim element
- jmp short ForEachPrimElem_Continue
- @@:
- call ForEachPrimElem ; recurse to handle elements in
- ; this user-defined type
- ForEachPrimElem_Continue:
- mov di,PTRVAR[di.ELEM_oElementNext]
- add di,bx ;add table base to get next element
- jmp short ForEachPrimElem_Loop_Start
- ForEachPrimElem_Exit:
- cEnd
- ;***
- ;CPrimElemFar(oTyp) - return the number of primitive elements in a type
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; Recursively count the total number of primitive elements owned by a
- ; given user-defined type.
- ;
- ;Entry:
- ; an oTyp.
- ;
- ;Exit:
- ; a count of the number of actual elements (i.e., of type ET_I2, ET_I4,
- ; ET_R4, ET_R8, fixed-length string, etc) in the type.
- ;
- ;Exceptions:
- ; In non-RELEASE case, DebHalt may be called if input not a valid
- ; user-defined oTyp.
- ;
- ;******************************************************************************
- cProc CPrimElemFar,<PUBLIC,FAR,NODATA>,<SI>
- parmW oTyp
- cBegin CPrimElemFar
- mov ax,[oTyp]
- sub si,si ; just inc cx for each prim element
- sub cx,cx ; initialize count
- call ForEachPrimElem ; cx == count of primitive elemtns
- xchg ax,cx ; ax == retval
- cEnd CPrimElemFar
- ;===============================================================================
- sEnd CP
- ;===============================================================================
- end