资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ########################################################################
- #
- # QB Master Peropcod.Txt:
- #
- # This file is machine read by tool OpTabler.
- # The format of this file is:
- # - "#" in column 1 causes the line to be a comment.
- # - blank lines are ignored.
- # - "@" in column 1 followed immediately by 1-6 characters
- # begins a new class of opcodes. These classes are used to
- # produce a number of opcode .inc & .h files, so that the
- # number of EQU/#define directives for opcodes is minimized
- # in each source file. the special class name "__END_COMMON"
- # is reserved to indicate the end of the block of the common
- # block. all new opcodes should be added after this indicator.
- # - each logical line describes 1 opcode and is terminated by ';'
- # - fields within a line are separated by '|'s or any number of
- # newlines
- # - OpTabler will report if the wrong number of fields were
- # found on a line.
- # - the field definitions within a line are:
- # 1. opcode name
- # 2. level of opcode support if a product doesn't appear
- # in this column, the opcode is fully supported, if it's
- # prefixed by a "*" it is not supported or listable,
- # otherwise its listable but not supported.
- # 3. scan dispatch label
- # 4. rule table index
- # 5. executor address map for this opcode
- # 6. opcode attribute count (in bytes)
- # 7. opcode's LIST rule dispatch
- # 8. offset into reserved word table for opcode (for LIST)
- #
- ########################################################################
- #
- # NOTE: Parser assumes opXXImp..opXXSD match ET_IMP..ET_SD
- #
- # Start of contiguous block assumed by parser
- #
- ########################################################################
- # Start of Minimal set of opcodes
- ########################################################################
- @MIN
- #
- # prsmain.asm assumes next 2 opcodes are contiguous
- #
- opBol | | Ss_Bol | 0
- exBol0 | OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBol | 0;
- opBolSp | | Ss_BolEmit | 0
- exBolSp | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBolSp | 0;
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by prsmain.asm
- #
- #
- # prsmain.asm assumes next 2 opcodes are contiguous
- #
- opBolInclude | | Ss_BolEmit | 0
- exBolInclude | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBolInclude | 0;
- opBolIncludeSp | | Ss_BolEmit | 0
- exBolIncludeSp | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBolIncludeSp | 0;
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by prsmain.asm
- #
- opBolLab | | Ss_BolLabDef | 0
- exBolLab | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBolLab | 0;
- opBolLabSp | | Ss_BolLabDef | 0
- exBolLabSp | 6+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBolLabSp | 0;
- opBos | | Ss_Bos | 0
- exBos | OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBos | 0;
- opBosSp | | Ss_Bos | 0
- exBosSp | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrBosSp | 0;
- opEot | | Ss_Eot | 0
- exEot | OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrEot | 0;
- opEndProg | | Ss_Bos | 0
- exEndProg | OPA_fTxtFind
- LrEndProg | 0;
- opReParse | | Ss_NotDefined | 0
- ExNotDefined | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrReParse | 0;
- ########################################################################
- # Start of ID related opcodes
- ########################################################################
- @ID
- opIdLd | | ss_IdLd | LOWUND
- mpLdExpOpExe | 2+OPA_fSsRude
- LrIdLd | 0;
- opIdSt | | Ss_IdSt | LOWUND
- mpStExpOpExe | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fExecute
- LrIdSt | 0;
- opVtRf | | Ss_VtRf | LOWUND
- mpVtRfOpExe | 2+OPA_fSsRude
- LrVtRf | 0;
- opAIdLd | | Ss_AIdLd | LOWUND
- mpALdExpOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude
- LrAIdLd | 0;
- opAIdSt | | Ss_AIdSt | LOWUND
- mpAStExpOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fExecute
- LrAIdSt | 0;
- opAVtRf | | Ss_AVtRf | LOWUND
- mpAVtRfOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude
- LrAVtRf | 0;
- opOffLd | | Ss_OffLd | LOWUND
- mpOffLdExpOpExe | 2+OPA_fSsRude
- LrOffLd | 0;
- opOffSt | | Ss_OffSt | LOWUND
- mpOffStExpOpExe | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fExecute
- LrOffSt | 0;
- # opcodes needed for arrays in records currently not supported in any products
- opOffALd | *qb | Ss_OffLd | LOWUND
- mpOffLdExpOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude
- LrOffALd | 0;
- opOffASt | *qb | Ss_OffSt | LOWUND
- mpOffStExpOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fExecute
- LrOffASt | 0;
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by parser
- #
- opAsType | | Ss_AsType | 0
- exAsType | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrAsType | ORW_As;
- opAsTypeExp | | Ss_AsType | 0
- exAsTypeExp | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrAsTypeExp | ORW_As;
- opNoType | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exNoType | 0+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrNoType | 0;
- opDimOptionBase | | Ss_Lit | ET_I2+HIGH ST_LIT
- exDimOptionBase | 0
- LrDimOptionBase | 0;
- opElemRef | | Ss_ElemRef | 0
- exElemRef | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrElemRef | 0;
- opShared | | Ss_Shared | 0
- exShared | OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrShared | ORW_Shared;
- opStDefType | | Ss_StDefType | 0
- exStDefType | 6+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStDefType | 0;
- opStReDimTo | | Ss_ReDim | 0
- exStReDimTo | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStReDimTo | ORW_ReDim;
- opStEndType | | Ss_StEndType | 0
- exStEndType | 2+OPA_fSsRude + OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStEndType | ORW_Type;
- opStShared | | Ss_StShared | 0
- exStShared | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStShared | ORW_Shared;
- opStStatic | | Ss_StStatic | 0
- exStStatic | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStStatic | ORW_Static;
- opStType | | Ss_StType | 0
- exStType | 4+OPA_fSsRude + OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStType | ORW_Type;
- op_Static | | Ss_Static | 0
- ex_Static | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- Lr_Static | 0;
- op_Dynamic | | Ss_Dynamic | 0
- ex_Dynamic | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- Lr_Dynamic | 0;
- opStConst | | Ss_StConst | 0
- exStConst | OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStConst | ORW_CONST;
- ########################################################################
- # Start of Control-related opcodes
- ########################################################################
- opBreakPoint | | Ss_Bos | 0
- exBreakPoint | OPA_fTxtFind
- LrNoList | 0;
- opByVal | | Ss_ByVal_Seg | ByValMarker
- exByVal | 0
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Byval;
- opEndSingleDef | | Ss_EndSingleDef | 0
- ExEndSingleDef | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrEndSingleDef | 0;
- #
- # NOTE:
- # For scan purposes, opEv<On|Off|Stop> do not take arguments.
- # Therefore, each opEvxxx event handler is considered to not emit an argument.
- # This is not actually the case. It is handled this way for speed since:
- # 1. the argument counts are always one
- # 2. the argument type is always I2
- # 3. the parser ensures that no syntax can intervene
- #
- opEvCom | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exEvCom | OPA_fExecute
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Com;
- opEvGosub | | Ss_MrsLabelRef | SSR_1LabMain0Arg
- exEvGosub | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrEvGosub | ORW_Gosub;
- opEvKey | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exEvKey | OPA_fExecute
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Key;
- opEvOff | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvOff | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrEvOff | ORW_Off;
- opEvOn | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvOn | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrEvOn | ORW_On;
- opEvStop | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvStop | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrEvStop | ORW_Stop;
- opEvPen | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvPen | OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Pen;
- opEvPlay0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvPlay0 | OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Play;
- opEvPlay1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exEvPlay1 | OPA_fExecute
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Play;
- opEvSignal | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exEvSignal | OPA_fExecute
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Signal;
- opEvStrig | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exEvStrig | OPA_fExecute
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Strig;
- opEvTimer0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvTimer0 | OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Timer;
- opEvTimer1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_None
- exEvTimer1 | OPA_fExecute
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Timer;
- opLab | | Ss_LabDef | 0
- exLab | 4+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrLab | 0;
- opLabSp | | Ss_LabDef | 0
- exLabSp | 6+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrLabSp | 0;
- opSeg | | Ss_ByVal_Seg | SegMarker
- exSeg | 0
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Seg;
- opStCall | | Ss_StCall | 0
- exStCall | 4+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCall | ORW_Call;
- opStCallLess | | Ss_StCallLess | 0
- exStCallLess | 4+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCallLess | 0;
- opStCallS | | Ss_StCallS | 0
- exStCallS | 4+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCallS | ORW_CallS;
- opStCaseElse | | Ss_CaseElse | 0
- mStCaseElse | OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseElse | ORW_Case;
- opStCase | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCase | OPA_fExecute
- LrStCase | ORW_Case;
- opStCaseTo | | Ss_CaseTo | 0
- mStCaseTo | OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseTo | ORW_To;
- #
- # start of contiguous block assumed by NtCaseRelation() in parser
- #
- opStCaseEq | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCaseEq | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseRel | '=';
- opStCaseLt | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCaseLt | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseRel | '<';
- opStCaseGt | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCaseGt | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseRel | '>';
- opStCaseLe | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCaseLe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseRel | "=<";
- opStCaseGe | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCaseGe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseRel | "=>";
- opStCaseNe | | Ss_Case | 0
- mStCaseNe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCaseRel | "><";
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by NtCaseRelation() in parser
- #
- opStChain | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStChain | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Chain;
- opStDeclare | | Ss_StDeclare | 0
- exStDeclare | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStDeclare | ORW_Declare;
- opStDefFn | | Ss_StDefFn | 0
- exStDefFn | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStDefFn | ORW_Def;
- opStDo | | Ss_Do | 0
- ExStDo | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Do;
- opStDoUntil | | Ss_DoLoop | low STYP_DoUntil
- mStDoUntilOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStDoUntil | ORW_Until;
- opStDoWhile | | Ss_DoLoop | low STYP_DoWhile
- mStDoWhileOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStDoWhile | ORW_While;
- #
- # start of contiguous block assumed by NtIfStmt() in parser
- #
- opStElse | | Ss_Else | 0
- exStElse | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStElse | ORW_Else;
- opStElseLab | | Ss_LabelRef | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- exStElseLab | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStElseLab | ORW_Else;
- opStElseLabDirect | | Ss_LabelRef | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- exStElseLabDirect | 2
- LrStElseLabDirect | ORW_Else;
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by NtIfStmt() in parser
- #
- opStElseNop | | Ss_ElseNop | 0
- exStElseNop | 0
- LrStElseNop | ORW_Else;
- opStElseIf | | Ss_ElseIf | 0
- mStElseIfOpExe | 2
- LrStElseIf | ORW_ElseIf;
- opStEnd | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStEnd | 0
- LrRw | ORW_End;
- opStEndDef | | Ss_StEndDef | 0
- ExStEndDef | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStEndDef | ORW_Def;
- opStEndIfBlock | | Ss_EndIf | 0
- exStEndIfBlock | 0
- LrStEndIfBlock | ORW_If;
- opStEndProc | | Ss_StEndProc | 0
- ExStEndProc | OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStEndProc | ORW_End;
- opStEndSelect | | Ss_EndSelect | 0
- mStEndSelect | 0
- LrStEndSelect | ORW_Select;
- opStExitDo | | Ss_Exit | high STYP_Do
- ExStExitDo | 2
- LrStExitDo | ORW_Do;
- opStExitFor | | Ss_Exit | high STYP_For
- exStExitFor | 2
- LrStExitFor | ORW_For;
- opStExitProc | | Ss_StExitProc | 0
- ExStExitProc | 2
- LrStExitProc | ORW_Exit;
- opStFor | | Ss_For | 0
- mStForOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStFor | ORW_For;
- opStForStep | | Ss_For | low STYP_Step
- mStForStepOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStForStep | ORW_For;
- opStFunction | | Ss_StFunction | 0
- exStFunction | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStFunction | ORW_FUNCTION;
- opStGosub | | Ss_LabelRef | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- exStGosub | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStGosub | ORW_Gosub;
- opStGosubDirect | | Ss_LabelRef | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- exStGosubDirect | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStGosubDirect | ORW_Gosub;
- opStGoto | | Ss_LabelRef | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- exStGoto | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStGoto | ORW_Goto;
- opStGotoDirect | | Ss_LabelRef | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- exStGotoDirect | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStGotoDirect | ORW_Goto;
- #
- # start of contiguous block assumed by NtIfStmt() in parser
- #
- opStIf | | Ss_If | 0
- mStIfOpExe | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStIf | ORW_If;
- opStIfLab | | Ss_IfLab | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- mStIfLabOpExe | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStIfLab | ORW_If;
- opStIfLabDirect | | Ss_IfLab | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- mStIfLabDirectOpExe | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStIfLabDirect | ORW_If;
- opStIfGotoLab | | Ss_IfLab | SSR_1Lab0Arg
- mStIfGotoLabOpExe | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStIfGotoLab | ORW_If;
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by NtIfStmt() in parser
- #
- opStIfBlock | | Ss_IfBlock | 0
- mStIfBlockOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStIfBlock | ORW_If;
- opStLoop | | Ss_Loop | 0
- ExStLoop | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLoop | ORW_Loop;
- opStLoopUntil | | Ss_LoopWhile | low STYP_DoUntil
- mStLoopUntilOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLoopUntil | ORW_Until;
- opStLoopWhile | | Ss_LoopWhile | low STYP_DoWhile
- mStLoopWhileOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLoopWhile | ORW_While;
- opStNext | | Ss_Next | 0
- mStNextOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude
- LrStNext | ORW_Next;
- opStNextId | | Ss_NextId | 0
- mStNextIdOpExe | 4+OPA_fSsRude
- LrStNextId | ORW_Next;
- opStOnError | | Ss_MrsLabelRef | SSR_1LabMain0Arg
- exStOnError | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOnError | ORW_Error;
- opStOnGosub | | Ss_nLabelRef | SSR_nLab1Arg
- exStOnGosub | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOnGosub | ORW_Gosub;
- opStOnGoto | | Ss_nLabelRef | SSR_nLab1Arg
- exStOnGoto | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOnGoto | ORW_Goto;
- #
- # start of prscg.c assumed contiguous block
- #
- opStRestore0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStRestore0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Restore;
- opStRestore1 | | Ss_MrsLabelRef | SSR_1LabMain0Arg
- exStRestore1 | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStRestore1 | ORW_Restore;
- opStResume0 | | Ss_NotInProc | 0
- exStResume0 | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Resume;
- opStResume | | Ss_MrsMrsLabRef | SSR_1LabMain0Arg
- exStResume | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStResume | ORW_Resume;
- opStResumeNext | | Ss_NotInProc | 0
- exStResumeNext | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStResumeNext | ORW_Resume;
- opStReturn0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStReturn0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Return;
- opStReturn1 | | Ss_MrsMrsLabRef | SSR_1LabMain0Arg
- exStReturn1 | 2+OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStReturn1 | ORW_Return;
- #
- # end of prscg.c assumed contiguous block
- #
- opStRunFile | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStRunFile | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Run;
- #
- # Note: the following label is always an oName.
- #
- opStRunLabel | | Ss_MrsLabelRef | SSR_1LabMain0Arg
- exStRunLabel | 2+ OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrStRunLabel | ORW_Run;
- opStRunMain | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStRunMain | OPA_fTxtFind+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Run;
- opStSelectCase | | Ss_Select | 0
- mStSelect | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStSelectCase | ORW_Select;
- opStStop | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStStop | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Stop;
- opStSub | | Ss_StSub | 0
- exStSub | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStSub | ORW_SUB;
- opStWait2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4I2_None
- exStWait2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Wait;
- opStWait3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I42I2_None
- exStWait3 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp3 | ORW_Wait;
- opStWend | | Ss_Wend | 0
- ExStWend | 2
- LrStWend | ORW_Wend;
- opStWhile | | Ss_While | 0
- mStWhileOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWhile | ORW_While;
- opWatchExp | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1Any_None
- mptyppexWatchExp | OPA_fTxtFind
- LrWatchExp | 0;
- opWatchStop | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_None
- exWatchStop | OPA_fTxtFind
- LrWatchStop | 0;
- ########################################################################
- # Start of general statement-related opcodes
- ########################################################################
- opChanOut | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exChanOut | OPA_fExecute
- LrChanOut | 0;
- opCircleAspect | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_None
- exCircleAspect | OPA_fExecute
- LrCircleAspect | 0;
- opCircleEnd | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_None
- exCircleEnd | OPA_fExecute
- LrCircleEnd | 0;
- opCircleStart | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_None
- exCircleStart | OPA_fExecute
- LrCircleStart | ORW_Circle;
- opCoord | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2R4_None
- mptyppexCoord | OPA_fExecute
- LrCoord | 0;
- opCoordStep | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2R4_None
- mptyppexCoordStep | OPA_fExecute
- LrCoordStep | 0;
- opCoordSecond | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2R4_None
- mptyppexCoordSecond | OPA_fExecute
- LrCoordSecond | 0;
- opCoordStepSecond | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2R4_None
- mptyppexCoordStepSecond | OPA_fExecute
- LrCoordStepSecond | 0;
- opFieldInit | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exFieldInit | OPA_fExecute
- LrFieldInit | ORW_Field;
- opFieldItem | | Ss_FieldItem | SSR_I2SD_None
- exFieldItem | OPA_fExecute
- LrFieldItem | ORW_AS;
- opInputChan | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exInputChan | OPA_fExecute
- LrInputChan | 0;
- opInputEos | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exInputEos | OPA_fExecute
- LrNoList | ORW_Input;
- opInputPrompt | | Ss_InputPrompt | 0
- exInputPrompt | OPA_fExecute+OPA_CntMask
- LrInputPrompt | ORW_Input;
- opLbs | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exLbs | 0
- LrUnaryChar | '#';
- opNoList0 | | Ss_NoList0 | 0
- ExNoList1 | 0
- LrNoList | 0;
- opNoList1 | | Ss_NoList1 | 0
- ExNoList1 | 2+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrNoList1 | 0;
- opNoList2 | | Ss_NoList2 | 0
- ExNotDefined | 4
- LrNoList2 | 0;
- opNoList3 | | Ss_NoList3 | 0
- ExNotDefined | 6
- LrNoList3 | 0;
- opPrintSpc | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exPrintSpc | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintSpc | ORW_Spc;
- opPrintTab | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exPrintTab | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintTab | ORW_Tab;
- opPrintComma | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exPrintComma | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintComma | ',';
- opPrintSemi | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exPrintSemi | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintSemi | 59;
- opPrintEos | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exPrintEos | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintEos | 0;
- opPrintItemComma | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1Any_None
- mptyppexPrintItemComma | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintItemComma | ',';
- opPrintItemSemi | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1Any_None
- mptyppexPrintItemSemi | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintItemSemi | 59;
- opPrintItemEos | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1Any_None
- mptyppexPrintItemEos | OPA_fExecute
- LrPrintItemEos | 0;
- opQuoteRem | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exQuoteRem | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrQuoteRem | 0;
- opNop | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exNop | 0
- LrNoList | 0;
- op_Include | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- ex_Include | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- Lr_Include | 0;
- #
- # beginning of statement executors
- #
- opStBeep | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStBeep0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Beep;
- opStBLoad1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStBLoad1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_BLoad;
- opStBLoad2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI4_None
- exStBLoad2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_BLoad;
- opStBSave | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD2I4_None
- exStBSave | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp3 | ORW_BSave;
- opStChDir | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStChDir | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_ChDir;
- opStCircle | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_None
- exStCircle | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCircle | ORW_Circle;
- opStCircleColor | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4I2_None
- exStCircleColor | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStCircleColor | ORW_Circle;
- opStClear | | Ss_StCnt | ET_I4
- exStClear | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStClear | ORW_Clear;
- opStClose | | Ss_StCnt | ET_I2
- exStClose | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStClose | ORW_Close;
- opStCls | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStCls | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Cls;
- opStColor | | Ss_StCnt | ET_I2
- exStColor | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStColor | ORW_Color;
- opStCommon | | Ss_StCommon | 0
- exStCommon | 4+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStCommon | ORW_Common;
- opStData | | Ss_StData | 0
- exStData | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStData | ORW_Data;
- opStDate_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStDate_ | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStDate_ | ORW_Date_;
- opStDefSeg0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStDefSeg0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStDefSeg0 | ORW_DEF;
- opStDefSeg1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_None
- exStDefSeg1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStDefSeg1 | ORW_DEF;
- opStDraw | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStDraw | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Draw;
- opStEnviron | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStEnviron | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Environ;
- opStErase | | Ss_Erase | 0
- exStErase | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStErase | ORW_Erase;
- opStError | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStError | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Error;
- opStFiles0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStFiles0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Files;
- opStFiles1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStFiles1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Files;
- opStGet1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStGet1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Get;
- opStGet2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I4_None
- exStGet2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Get;
- opStGetRec2 | | Ss_FPutGet2 | 0
- exStGetRec2 | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStGetRec2 | ORW_Get;
- opStGetRec3 | | Ss_FPutGet3 | 0
- exStGetRec3 | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStGetRec3 | ORW_Get;
- opStGraphicsGet | | Ss_GPutGet | 0
- exStGraphicsGet | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStGraphicsGet | ORW_Get;
- opStGraphicsPut | | Ss_GPutGet | 0
- exStGraphicsPut | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStGraphicsPut | ORW_Put;
- opStInput | | Ss_Input | 0
- mStInputOpExe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStInput | ORW_Input;
- opStIoctl | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2SD_None
- exStIoctl | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Ioctl;
- opStKey | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStKey | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStKey | ORW_Key;
- opStKeyMap | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2SD_None
- exStKeyMap | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Key;
- opStKill | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStKill | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Kill;
- #
- # start of contiguous block assumed by parser
- #
- opStLine | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStLine | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLine | ORW_Line;
- opStLineColor | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStLineColor | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLineColor | ORW_Line;
- opStLineStyle | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStLineStyle | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLineStyle | ORW_Line;
- opStLineStyleColor| | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_2I2_None
- exStLineStyleColor | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLineStyleColor | ORW_Line;
- #
- # end of contiguous block assumed by parser
- #
- opStLet | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStLet | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwSpc | ORW_Let;
- opStLineInput | | Ss_LineInput | 0
- exStLineInput | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLineInput | ORW_Input;
- opStLocate | | Ss_StCnt | ET_I2
- exStLocate | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLocate | ORW_Locate;
- opStLock | | Ss_StLock | 0
- exStLock | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLock | ORW_Lock;
- opStLPrint | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStLPrint | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLPrint | ORW_LPrint;
- opStLSet | | Ss_LSet | 0
- mStLSetOpExe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStLSet | ORW_LSet;
- opStMid_2 | | Ss_LRSetMid | 1
- mStMid_2OpExe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStMid_2 | ORW_Mid_;
- opStMid_3 | | Ss_LRSetMid | 2
- mStMid_3OpExe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStMid_3 | ORW_Mid_;
- opStMkDir | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStMkDir | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_MkDir;
- opStName | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_2SD_None
- exStName | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStName | ORW_Name;
- opStOpen2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2_None
- exStOpen2 | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOpen2 | ORW_Open;
- opStOpen3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD2I2_None
- exStOpen3 | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOpen3 | ORW_Open;
- opStOpenOld3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2SD_None
- exStOpenOld3 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOpenOld3 | ORW_Open;
- opStOpenOld4 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2SDI2_None
- exStOpenOld4 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStOpenOld4 | ORW_Open;
- opStOptionBase0 | | Ss_OptionBase0 | 0
- exStOptionBase0 | 0
- LrStOptionBase0 | '0';
- opStOptionBase1 | | Ss_OptionBase1 | 0
- exStOptionBase1 | 0
- LrStOptionBase1 | '1';
- opStOut | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4I2_None
- exStOut | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Out;
- opStPaint2 | | Ss_PaintWidth | SSR_1I2SD_None
- mptyppexStPaint | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPaint2 | ORW_Paint;
- opStPaint3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2SD_None
- exStPaint3 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPaint3 | ORW_Paint;
- opStPalette0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStPalette0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Palette;
- opStPalette2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I4_None
- exStPalette2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Palette;
- opStPaletteUsing | | Ss_PaletteUsing | 0
- exStPaletteUsing | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPaletteUsing | ORW_Palette;
- opStPCopy | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_2I2_None
- exStPCopy | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_PCopy;
- opStPlay | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStPlay | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Play;
- opStPoke | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4I2_None
- exStPoke | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Poke;
- opStPreset | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStPreset | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPreset | ORW_Preset;
- opStPresetColor | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStPresetColor | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPresetColor | ORW_Preset;
- opStPset | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStPset | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPset | ORW_Pset;
- opStPsetColor | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStPsetColor | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPsetColor | ORW_Pset;
- opStPut1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStPut1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Put;
- opStPut2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I4_None
- exStPut2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Put;
- opStPutRec2 | | Ss_FPutGet2 | 0
- exStPutRec2 | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPutRec2 | ORW_Put;
- opStPutRec3 | | Ss_FPutGet3 | 0
- exStPutRec3 | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStPutRec3 | ORW_Put;
- opStRandomize0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStRandomize0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Randomize;
- opStRandomize1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R8_None
- exStRandomize1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Randomize;
- opStRead | | Ss_Input | 0
- mStReadOpExe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStRead | ORW_Read;
- opStRem | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStRem | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStRem | ORW_Rem;
- opStReset | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStReset | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Reset;
- opStRmDir | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStRmDir | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_RmDir;
- opStRSet | | Ss_LRSetMid | 0
- mStRSetOpExe | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStRSet | ORW_RSet;
- opStScreen | | Ss_StCnt | ET_I2
- exStScreen | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStScreen | ORW_Screen;
- opStSeek | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I4_None
- exStSeek | OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Seek;
- opStShell0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStShell0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Shell;
- opStShell1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStShell1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Shell;
- opStSleep0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStSleep0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Sleep;
- opStSound | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2R4_None
- exStSound | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp2 | ORW_Sound;
- opStSwap | | Ss_Swap | 0
- mStSwapOpExe | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStSwap | ORW_Swap;
- opStSystem | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStSystem | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_System;
- opStTime_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exStTime_ | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStTime_ | ORW_Time_;
- opStTroff | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStTroff | OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Troff;
- opStTron | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStTron | OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Tron;
- opStUnLock | | Ss_StLock | 0
- exStUnLock | 2+OPA_fExecute
- LrStUnLock | ORW_UnLock;
- opStView | | Ss_StView | ET_I2
- exStView | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStView | ORW_View;
- opStView0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStView0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_View;
- opStViewPrint0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStViewPrint0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStViewPrint0 | ORW_View;
- opStViewPrint2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_2I2_None
- exStViewPrint2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStViewPrint2 | ORW_View;
- opStViewScreen | | Ss_StView | ET_I2
- exStViewScreen | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStViewScreen | ORW_View;
- opStWidth2 | | Ss_PaintWidth | SSR_1I2SD_None
- mptyppexStWidth2 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWidth2 | ORW_Width;
- opStWidthLPrint | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_None
- exStWidthLPrint | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWidthLPrint | ORW_Width;
- opStWidthFile | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_2I2_None
- exStWidthFile | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWidthFile | ORW_Width;
- opStWindow | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_4R4_None
- exStWindow | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWindow | ORW_Window;
- opStWindow0 | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStWindow0 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_Window;
- opStWindowScreen | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_4R4_None
- exStWindowScreen | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWindowScreen | ORW_Window;
- opStWrite | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStWrite | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrStWrite | ORW_Write;
- opUsing | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_None
- exUsing | 0
- LrUsing | ORW_Using;
- ########################################################################
- # Start of opcodes related to Intrinsic functions
- ########################################################################
- opAdd | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_Same
- mAddOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '+';
- opAnd | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mAndOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryRw | ORW_And;
- opDiv | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_Div
- mDivOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '/';
- opEQ | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_I2
- mEQOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '=';
- opEqv | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mEqvOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryRw | ORW_Eqv;
- #
- # beginning of functions
- #
- opFnAbs | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1NotSd_Same
- mFnAbsOpExe | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Abs;
- opFnAsc | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_I2
- exFnAsc | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Asc;
- opFnAtn | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnAtn | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Atn;
- opCoerce | | Ss_Coerce | 0
- mptyppexCoerce | 0
- LrCoerce | 0;
- opFnChr_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_SD
- exFnChr_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Chr_;
- opFnCommand_ | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_SD
- exFnCommand_ | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Command_;
- opFnCos | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnCos | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cos;
- opFnCsrlin | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_I2
- exFnCsrlin | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Csrlin;
- opFnCvd | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_R8
- exFnCvd | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cvd;
- opFnCvdmbf | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_R8
- exFnCvdmbf | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cvdmbf;
- opFnCvi | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_I2
- exFnCvi | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cvi;
- opFnCvl | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_I4
- exFnCvl | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cvl;
- opFnCvs | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_R4
- exFnCvs | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cvs;
- opFnCvsmbf | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_R4
- exFnCvsmbf | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Cvsmbf;
- opFnDate_ | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_SD
- exFnDate_ | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Date_;
- opFnEnviron_ | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1I2SD_SD
- mptyppexFnEnviron_ | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Environ_;
- opFnEof | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnEof | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Eof;
- opFnErdev | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_I2
- exFnErdev | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Erdev;
- opFnErdev_ | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_SD
- exFnErdev_ | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Erdev_;
- opFnErl | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_I4
- exFnErl | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Erl;
- opFnErr | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_I2
- exFnErr | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Err;
- opFnExp | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnExp | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Exp;
- opFnFileAttr | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I2_I4
- exFnFileAttr | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_FileAttr;
- opFnFix | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1NotSd_Same
- mFnFixOpExe | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Fix;
- opFnFre | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1I2SD_I4
- mptyppexFnFre | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Fre;
- opFnFreeFile | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_I2
- exFnFreeFile | 0
- LrRw | ORW_FreeFile;
- opFnHex_ | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1I2I4_SD
- mptyppexFnHex_ | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Hex_;
- opFnInkey_ | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_SD
- exFnInkey_ | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Inkey_;
- opFnInp | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_I2
- exFnInp | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Inp;
- opFnInput_1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_SD
- exFnInput_1 | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Input_;
- opFnInput_2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I2_SD
- exFnInput_2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Input_;
- opFnInstr2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDSD_I2
- exFnInstr2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Instr;
- opFnInstr3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2SDSD_I2
- exFnInstr3 | 0
- LrFunc3Args | ORW_Instr;
- opFnInt | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1NotSD_Same
- mFnIntOpExe | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Int;
- opFnIoctl_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_SD
- exFnIoctl_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Ioctl_;
- opFnLBound1 | | Ss_LUBound1 | 0
- exFnLBound1 | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_LBound;
- opFnLBound2 | | Ss_LUBound2 | 0
- exFnLBound2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_LBound;
- opFnLCase_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_SD
- exFnLCase_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_LCase_;
- opFnLTrim_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_SD
- exFnLTrim_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_LTrim_;
- opFnLeft_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2_SD
- exFnLeft_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Left_;
- opFnLen | | Ss_FnLen | 0
- exFnLen | 2
- LrFnLen | ORW_Len;
- opFnLoc | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I4
- exFnLoc | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Loc;
- opFnLof | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I4
- exFnLof | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Lof;
- opFnLog | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnLog | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Log;
- opFnLPos | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnLPos | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_LPos;
- opFnMid_2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2_SD
- exFnMid_2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Mid_;
- opFnMid_3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD2I2_SD
- exFnMid_3 | 0
- LrFunc3Args | ORW_Mid_;
- opFnMkd_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R8_SD
- exFnMkd_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Mkd_;
- opFnMkdmbf_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R8_SD
- exFnMkdMbf_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Mkdmbf_;
- opFnMki_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_SD
- exFnMki_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Mki_;
- opFnMkl_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_SD
- exFnMkl_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Mkl_;
- opFnMks_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_SD
- exFnMks_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Mks_;
- opFnMksmbf_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_SD
- exFnMksmbf_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Mksmbf_;
- opFnOct_ | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1I2I4_SD
- mptyppexFnOct_ | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Oct_;
- opFnPeek | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_I2
- exFnPeek | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Peek;
- opFnPen | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnPen | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Pen;
- opFnPlay | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnPlay | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Play;
- opFnPmap | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4I2_R4
- exFnPmap | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Pmap;
- opFnPoint1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_R4
- exFnPoint1 | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Point;
- opFnPoint2 | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2R4_I2
- mptyppexFnPoint2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Point;
- opFnPos | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnPos | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Pos;
- opFnRight_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SDI2_SD
- exFnRight_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Right_;
- opFnRnd | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_R4
- exFnRnd | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Rnd;
- opFnRnd1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_R4_R4
- exFnRnd1 | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Rnd;
- opFnRTrim_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_SD
- exFnRTrim_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_RTrim_;
- opFnSAdd | | Ss_SAdd | 0
- exFnSAdd | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_SAdd;
- opFnScreen2 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2I2_I2
- exFnScreen2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_Screen;
- opFnScreen3 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_3I2_I2
- exFnScreen3 | 0
- LrFunc3Args | ORW_Screen;
- opFnSeek | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I4
- exFnSeek | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Seek;
- opFnSetMem | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_I4
- exFnSetMem | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_SetMem;
- opFnSgn | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1NotSD_I2
- mFnSgnOpExe | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Sgn;
- opFnShell | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_I2
- exFnShell | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Shell;
- opFnSin | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnSin | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Sin;
- opFnSpace_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_SD
- exFnSpace_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Space_;
- opFnSqr | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnSqr | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Sqr;
- opFnStick | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnStick | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Stick;
- opFnStr_ | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1NotSD_SD
- mptyppexFnStr_ | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Str_;
- opFnStrig | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_I2
- exFnStrig | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Strig;
- opFnString_ | | Ss_FnString | SSR_1I2SD_SD
- ExNotDefined | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_String_;
- opFnTan | | Ss_1FnPExeR8 | 0
- exFnTan | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Tan;
- opFnTime_ | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_SD
- exFnTime_ | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Time_;
- opFnTimer | | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_R4
- exFnTimer | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Timer;
- opFnUBound1 | | Ss_LUBound1 | 0
- exFnUBound1 | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_UBound;
- opFnUBound2 | | Ss_LUBound2 | 0
- exFnUBound2 | 0
- LrFunc2Args | ORW_UBound;
- opFnUCase_ | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_SD
- exFnUCase_ | OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_UCase_;
- opFnVal | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_SD_R8
- exFnVal | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Val;
- opFnVarPtr | | Ss_VarPtr | 0
- exFnVarPtr | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_VarPtr;
- opFnVarPtr_ | | Ss_VarPtr$ | 0
- exFnVarPtr_ | 2+OPA_fHeapMove
- LrFnVarPtr_ | ORW_VarPtr_;
- opFnVarSeg | | Ss_VarPtr | 0
- exFnVarSeg | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_VarSeg;
- opGE | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_I2
- mGEOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | "=>";
- opGT | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_I2
- mGTOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '>';
- opIDv | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mIDvOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | 05CH;
- opImp | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mImpOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryRw | ORW_Imp;
- opLE | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_I2
- mLEOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | "=<";
- opLT | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_I2
- mLTOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '<';
- opLitI2 | | Ss_LitI2 | ET_I2+HIGH ST_Lit
- exLitDI2 | 0
- LrLitI2 | LIT_I2;
- opLitDI2 | | Ss_Lit | ET_I2+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitDI2 | 2
- LrLitNum | 200H + LIT_I2;
- opLitDI4 | | Ss_Lit | ET_I4+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitDI4 | 4
- LrLitNum | 400H + LIT_I4;
- opLitHI2 | | Ss_Lit | ET_I2+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitHI2 | 2
- LrLitNum | 200H + LIT_H2;
- opLitHI4 | | Ss_Lit | ET_I4+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitHI4 | 4
- LrLitNum | 400H + LIT_H4;
- opLitOI2 | | Ss_Lit | ET_I2+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitOI2 | 2
- LrLitNum | 200H + LIT_O2;
- opLitOI4 | | Ss_Lit | ET_I4+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitOI4 | 4
- LrLitNum | 400H + LIT_O4;
- opLitR4 | | Ss_Lit | ET_R4+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitR4 | 4
- LrLitNum | 400H + LIT_R4;
- opLitR8 | | Ss_Lit | ET_R8+HIGH ST_LitX
- exLitR8 | 8
- LrLitNum | 800H + LIT_R8;
- opLitSD | | Ss_Lit | ET_SD
- exLitSD | OPA_fHeapMove+OPA_CntMask
- LrLitSD | 0;
- opLParen | | Ss_LParen | 0
- exLParen | 0
- LrLParen | 0;
- opMod | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mModOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryRw | ORW_Mod;
- opMul | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2NotSD_Same
- mMulOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '*';
- opNE | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2Any_I2
- mNEOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | "><";
- opNull | | Ss_Lit | ET_I2+HIGH ST_LitX
- ExNull | 0
- LrNull | 0;
- opUndef | | Ss_Lit | ET_I2+HIGH ST_LitX
- ExUndef | 0
- LrUndef | 0;
- opNot | | Ss_1FnPExe | SSR_1I2I4_Same
- mNotOpExe | 0
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Not;
- opOr | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mOrOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryRw | ORW_Or;
- opPwr | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2R4R8_Same
- mPwrOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '^';
- opSub | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2NotSD_Same
- mSubOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryOp | '-';
- opUMi | | Ss_UMi | 0
- mUMiOpExe | 0
- LrUnaryChar | '-';
- opXor | | Ss_2FnSamePExe | SSR_2I2I4_Same
- mXorOpExe | 0
- LrBinaryRw | ORW_Xor;
- # The next two opcodes were added for QB4b (BC6's QB), so for binary load
- # compatibility they need to immediately follow the QB4 opcodes.
- opEvUEvent | | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exEvUEvent | OPA_fExecute
- LrRw | ORW_UEvent;
- opStSleep1 | | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I4_None
- exStSleep1 | 0+OPA_fExecute
- LrRwExp1 | ORW_Sleep;
- # End of QB4b specific opcodes.
- opAsTypeFixed | | Ss_AsType | 0
- exAsTypeFixed | 6+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrAsTypeFixed | ORW_As;
- opStDim | | Ss_StDim | 0
- exStDim | 2+OPA_fSsRude+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStoClassDecl | ORW_Dim;
- opAElemRef | *qb | Ss_ElemRef | 0
- exElemRef | 4+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrAElemRef | 0;
- opFnFormat_ | *qb | Ss_Format | 0
- mptyppexFnFormat_ | 0
- LrFuncHighArgs | ORW_Format_;
- opFnError_ | *qb | Ss_0FnETExe | ET_SD
- exFnError_ | 0
- LrRw | ORW_Error_;
- opFnError_1 | *qb | Ss_4ET_ET | SSR_I2_SD
- exFnError_1 | 0
- LrFunc1Arg | ORW_Error_;
- #
- # End of common block of opcodes
- #
- ########################################################################
- #
- # To maintain binary compatability with QB4 all new opcodes must be added
- # at the end of the sequence of opcodes.
- #
- ########################################################################
- opStInclude | *qb | Ss_0_0 | 0
- exStInclude | OPA_CntMask+OPA_fTxtFind
- LrStInclude | ORW_Include;