资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- TITLE prscg.asm - Parser Code Generation Functions
- ;==========================================================================
- ;
- ; Module: prscg.asm - Parser Code Generation Functions
- ; Subsystem: Parser
- ; System: Quick BASIC Interpreter
- ;
- ;==========================================================================
- include
- includeOnce architec
- includeOnce context
- includeOnce heap
- includeOnce opmin
- includeOnce opcontrl
- includeOnce opstmt
- includeOnce opintrsc
- includeOnce parser
- includeOnce pcode
- includeOnce prstab
- includeOnce psint
- includeOnce qbimsgs
- includeOnce rtps
- includeOnce scanner
- includeOnce txtmgr
- includeOnce ui
- includeOnce util
- includeOnce variable
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Code Generation Overview
- ;
- ; During the course of interpreting the parse state tables, NtParse()
- ; encounters MARK(nnn) directives. These cause NtParse to push
- ; the current pcode offset and the constant nnn onto a stack as follows:
- ;
- ; Given BNF of
- ; exp MARK(1) exp MARK(2) exp
- ;
- ; Before parsing the statement, the marker stack looks like:
- ; high memory:
- ; maxStkMark--> <--pCurStkMark
- ; :
- ; minStkMark-->
- ; low memory:
- ;
- ; After parsing the statement, but before calling the code generation
- ; function for the statement, the marker stack looks like:
- ; high memory:
- ; maxStkMark-->[oDstPcode]
- ;
- ; [oDstPcode]
- ; <--pCurStkMark
- ; :
- ; minStkMark-->
- ; low memory:
- ;
- ; Code generation functions use the information on the marker stack to
- ; decide how to alter pcode already emitted to the pcode buffer during
- ; parsing.
- ; An Argument may be passed to a code generation function in ax.
- ;
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- assumes ds,DATA
- assumes ss,DATA
- assumes es,NOTHING
- sBegin DATA
- sEnd DATA
- sBegin CP
- assumes cs,CP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; VOID InsertOp(ax:opcode, bx:oDst)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Insert an opcode at a given offset into the pcode buffer
- ; If out-of-memory, ps.errCode = ER_OM on exit
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; bx = offset into ps.bdpDst where word is to be inserted
- ; ax = word to be inserted
- ; Exit:
- ; Caller's can depend on bx being preserved
- ; If an out-of-memory error occurs, ps.errCode = ER_OM
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- InsertOp PROC NEAR
- ;make room for 2 bytes in pcode buffer before oDst
- ; BdShiftRight((bd *)&ps.bdpDst, oDst, (ushort)2))
- push bx ;save caller's bx
- push ax ;save opcode
- push bx ;save oDst
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET ps.PS_bdpDst>
- push bx ;pass oDst
- PUSHI ax,2
- call BdShiftRight ;grow buf, can cause heap movement
- or ax,ax
- je InsOpOmErr ;brif out-of-memory
- call SetDstPbCur ;update ps.bdpDst.pbCur,
- pop bx ;restore bx = oDst
- add bx,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb]
- pop [bx] ;pop and store opcode
- InsOpExit:
- pop bx ;restore caller's bx
- ret
- InsOpOmErr:
- call ParseErrOm ;Error "Out of memory"
- pop bx
- pop ax
- jmp SHORT InsOpExit
- InsertOp ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; VOID NEAR CgOn(ax:opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Called after the RESTORE/RETURN statement has been parsed.
- ; It generates code for the statement.
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; The top of the MARK stack (*pCurStkMark) is 1 or 2 for
- ; 1 for RESTORE
- ; 2 for RESTORE <label>
- ; opcode = the opcode to emit if top of MARK stack = 1
- ; This can be opStRestore0 or opStReturn0
- ;
- ; The bnf which causes this to occur is:
- ; tkON (event (tkGOSUB ((Lit0 EMIT(opEvGosub) EMIT(UNDEFINED)) |
- ; (EMIT(opEvGosub) LabLn)))) |
- ; (tkERROR tkGOTO ((Lit0 EMIT(opStOnError) EMIT(UNDEFINED)) |
- ; (EMIT(opStOnError) LabLn))) |
- ; (Exp (tkGOTO MARK(1) | tkGOSUB MARK(2)) LabLn {tkComma LabLn})
- ; <CgOn()>
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- mov bx,[pCurStkMark]
- cmp bx,MAX_STK_MARK
- je OnExit ;brif no MARK directives from BNF
- push [bx] ;save markId
- mov bx,[bx+2] ;bx = offset into pcode which preceeded
- ; markId
- mov ax,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_cbLogical]
- sub ax,bx ;ax = byte count of operands
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- ; (bx is preserved)
- pop ax ;restore ax = markId
- cmp al,1 ;markId
- mov ax,opStOnGoto
- je GotGoto ;brif if MARK(1) directive (GOTO)
- mov ax,opStOnGosub ;else it must be MARK(2) (GOSUB)
- GotGoto:
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- OnExit:
- ret
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; VOID NEAR CgInsert0or1(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Called after the RESTORE/RETURN statement has been parsed.
- ; It generates code for the statement.
- ; If out-of-memory, ps.errCode = ER_OM on exit
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; The top of the MARK stack (*pCurStkMark) is 1 or 2 for
- ; (generated pcode = opStRestore0/opStReturn0/opStResume0)
- ; 2 for RESTORE/RETURN/RESUME <label>
- ; (generated pcode = opStRestore1/opStReturn1/opStResume <label>)
- ; 3 for RESUME 0
- ; (generated pcode = opStResume <UNDEFINED>)
- ; 4 for RESUME NEXT
- ; (generated pcode = opStResumeNext)
- ;
- ; opcode = the opcode to emit if top of MARK stack = 1
- ; This can be opStRestore0, opStReturn0, or opStResume0
- ;
- ; The bnf which causes this to occur is:
- ; tkRESTORE MARK(1) [LabLn MARK(2)]
- ; <CgInsert0or1(opStRestore0)>
- ; tkRETURN MARK(1) [LabLn MARK(2)]
- ; <CgInsert0or1(opStReturn0)>
- ; tkRESUME MARK(1) [(LabLn MARK(2)) | (Lit0 MARK(3)) |
- ; (tkNEXT MARK(4))]
- ; <CgResume(opStResume0)>
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- PUBLIC CgInsert0or1
- CgInsert0or1 PROC NEAR
- xchg dx,ax ;save opcode in dx
- mov bx,[pCurStkMark]
- mov al,[bx] ;al = markId
- cmp al,1
- je InsMark1 ;brif got RESUME or RETURN or RESTORE
- ; with no parameter
- cmp al,2
- je InsMark2
- cmp al,3
- je InsMark3 ;brif got RESUME 0
- ;else it must be MARK(4) RESUME NEXT
- mov ax,opStResumeNext
- jmp SHORT InsEmit
- ;got RESUME or RETURN or RESTORE with no parameter
- InsMark1:
- xchg ax,dx ;ax = opcode
- InsEmit:
- call Emit16_AX
- jmp SHORT InsExit
- InsMark2:
- push dx ;save opcode
- ;make room for 2 more bytes at end of pcode buffer
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET ps.PS_bdpDst>
- PUSHI ax,2
- call BdGrow ;grow buf, can cause heap movement
- or ax,ax
- je InsOmErr
- ;move label's oNam forward in buffer by 2 bytes
- mov bx,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pbCur]
- mov ax,[bx-2]
- mov [bx],ax
- ;Insert opcode before label's oNam
- pop ax ;ax = opcode
- inc ax ;map to opcode variant with no parm
- ; opStResumeLab opStRestoreLab or
- ; opStReturnLab
- mov [bx-2],ax ;store opcode
- call SetDstPbCur ;update ps.bdpDst.pbCur
- jmp SHORT InsExit
- ;map RESUME 0 to opStResume(UNDEFINED)
- InsMark3:
- mov ax,opStResume
- call Emit16_AX
- mov ax,UNDEFINED
- call Emit16_AX
- InsExit:
- ret
- InsOmErr:
- jmp ParseErrOm ;Error "Out of memory"
- ; and return to caller
- CgInsert0or1 ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; ErrIfPrsHasTxtTbl()
- ; Purpose:
- ; If the current prs (prsCur) has a text table, generate an error.
- ; This is called by functions which are about to do something which
- ; can only be done to a "compiled" (external) procedure, not a
- ; pcoded procedure.
- ;
- ; Exit:
- ; returns FALSE if prsCur has a text table (condition codes set)
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- ErrIfPrsHasTxtTbl PROC NEAR
- sub ax,ax ;prepare to return FALSE
- test [txdCur.TXD_flags],FTX_mrs
- jne ErrNoText ;brif prs has no text table
- mov ax,MSG_InvDecl OR PSERR_fAlert
- call ParseErr0
- mov ax,sp ;return TRUE (non-zero)
- ErrNoText:
- or ax,ax ;set condition codes for caller
- ret
- ErrIfPrsHasTxtTbl ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; VOID NEAR CgDeclare(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Called after the DECLARE, SUB, FUNCTION or DEF FN statement has
- ; been parsed. It generates code for the statement.
- ; The prs has already been created (by MakeProc in prsid.asm),
- ; and is active for all statements except DECLARE.
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; Structure pdcl is filled in by parser terminal recognizers like
- ; NtIdSubDecl, NtIdFn [QB4], etc. to describe to prs being declared/defined
- ; The MARK stack (*pCurStkMark) contains entries built by the bnf:
- ; MARK 1 indicates CDECL was present
- ; MARK 2 -> ALIAS's string literal
- ; MARK 3 -> start of formal parm list
- ; MARK 4 indicates STATIC was found
- ; MARK 5 -> single line DEF FN's definition expression
- ; MARK 6 indicates ([parmlist]) was seen
- ; MARK 7 -> LIB's string literal [EB specific] [07]
- ; MARK 8 indicates AUTO was found [EB specific] [07]
- ;
- ; BNF which builds entry pcode:
- ; (tkFUNCTION IdFuncDecl [tkCDECL MARK(1)]
- ; [tkALIAS MARK(2) LitString] MARK(3) parms) |
- ; (tkSUB IdSubDecl [tkCDECL MARK(1)]
- ; [tkALIAS MARK(2) LitString] MARK(3) parms)
- ; <CgDeclare(opStDeclare)>
- ; tkDEF IdFn MARK(3) parms [tkEQ MARK(5) Exp]
- ; <CgDeclare(opStDefFn)>
- ; tkFUNCTION IdFuncDef MARK(3) parms [tkSTATIC MARK(4)]
- ; <CgDeclare(opStFunction)>
- ; tkSUB IdSubDef MARK(3) parms [tkSTATIC MARK(4)]
- ; <CgDeclare(opStSub)>
- ;
- ; For the statement DECLARE SUB X CDECL ALIAS "abc" (BYVAL A(), B, ...)
- ; The pcode buffer contains:
- ; <"abc"> <idA> <idB> ...
- ; MARK(1)MARK(2)^MARK(3)^
- ;
- ; For the statement SUB X (BYVAL A(), B, ...) STATIC
- ; The pcode buffer contains:
- ; <idA> <idB> ...
- ; MARK(3)^MARK(8)
- ;
- ; Where <idX> is 3 16 bit words: oPrs, oNamProc, oTypProc
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- cProc CgDeclare,<PUBLIC,NEAR,NODATA>,<si,di>
- localW opcode
- localW oDstParms
- localW oDstAlias
- localW oDstEndDef
- localW cbLibInfo
- localW procAtr
- procAtr_LO EQU BYTE PTR (procAtr)
- procAtr_HI EQU BYTE PTR (procAtr+1)
- cBegin
- mov [opcode],ax
- mov ax,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_cbLogical]
- mov [oDstEndDef],ax ;save current size of output
- sub ax,ax
- mov [procAtr],ax
- mov [oDstAlias],ax
- mov [cbLibInfo],ax
- mov al,[pdcl.PDCL_procType]
- .errnz DCLA_procType - 0300h
- or [procAtr_HI],al ;save procType in pcode field
- mov al,[pdcl.PDCL_oTyp] ;al = value for low byte of ProcAtr
- ; word which DCLA_Explicit,
- ; DCLA_AsClause, and DCLA_oTyp
- mov [procAtr_LO],al ;save oTyp in pcode field
- sub ax,ax
- cmp [pdcl.PDCL_fDeclare],al
- je NotDeclare ;brif not DECLARE stmt
- cmp [pdcl.PDCL_cParms],ax
- jne MarkDisp ;brif got a parm list
- dec [pdcl.PDCL_cParms] ;set to UNDEFINED so scanner knows
- ; to not use this for parm
- ; type/count checking
- jmp SHORT MarkDisp
- NotDeclare:
- ;If we don't get MARK(4), this SUB/FUNCTION has no STATIC keyword
- and [prsCur.PRS_flags],NOT FP_STATIC
- ;-------------------------------------------------
- ;walk through MARK(xxx) entries from left to right
- ;-------------------------------------------------
- MarkDisp:
- mov si,MAX_STK_MARK
- DeclMarkLoop:
- cmp [pCurStkMark],si
- jne DeclNextMark
- jmp SHORT DeclEndOfMarks
- DeclNextMark:
- dec si
- dec si
- mov di,[si] ;di = oDstOpcode
- dec si
- dec si
- mov ax,[si] ;ax = al = markId
- dec ax
- DbAssertRel ax,be,9,CP,<Unexpected MARK in CgDeclare()>
- shl ax,1
- xchg ax,bx ;bx = 2 * (markId - 1)
- jmp WORD PTR cs:DeclDispTbl[bx] ;dispatch based on markId
- DeclDispTbl:
- DW DeclMark1 ;CDECL
- DW DeclMark2 ;ALIAS
- DW DeclMark3 ;parms (before left paren)
- DW DeclMark4 ;STATIC
- DW DeclMark5 ;single line DEF
- DW DeclMark6 ;1st parm (after left paren)
- ;MARK(1): Got CDECL directive
- DeclMark1:
- call ErrIfPrsHasTxtTbl
- jne DeclMarkLoop ;brif prs has a text table
- .errnz DCLA_cdecl - 8000h
- or [procAtr_HI],80h ;remember we got CDECL
- jmp SHORT DeclMarkLoop
- ;MARK(2): Got ALIAS directive
- DeclMark2:
- call ErrIfPrsHasTxtTbl
- mov [oDstAlias],di ;save offset to opLitSD("<alias>")
- jmp SHORT DeclMarkLoop
- ;MARK(3): got offset to formal parm list
- DeclMark3:
- mov [oDstParms],di
- jmp SHORT DeclMarkLoop
- ;MARK(4): got STATIC keyword at end of proc definition
- DeclMark4:
- or [prsCur.PRS_flags],FP_STATIC
- jmp SHORT DeclMarkLoop
- ;MARK(5): got single line DEF FN
- DeclMark5:
- mov [oDstEndDef],di
- mov ax,opEndSingleDef
- call Emit16_AX
- mov ax,2
- call Emit16_AX ;emit cntEos word
- call Emit16_0 ;emit space for link field
- jmp SHORT DeclMarkLoop
- ;MARK(6): got ( [parmlist] )
- DeclMark6:
- cmp [pdcl.PDCL_cParms],UNDEFINED ;so scanner knows to not use this
- ; for parm type/count checking
- jne DeclMarkLoop ;brif got a parm list
- inc [pdcl.PDCL_cParms] ;so scanner knows to use this declare
- ; for parm type/count checking
- jmp SHORT DeclMarkLoop
- DeclEndOfMarks:
- ;Copy Alias text after formal parms
- mov ax,[oDstAlias]
- or ax,ax
- je NoAliasArg
- call CopyLit ;ax = cbAlias
- mov [cbLibInfo],ax
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- .errnz DCLA_cbAlias - 7C00h
- or [procAtr_HI],al ;save cbAlias in pcode field
- ;squeeze source of ALIAS lit out of pcode buffer
- ;BdShiftLeft((bd *)&ps.bdpDst, oDstAlias, oDstParms - oDstAlias)
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET ps.PS_bdpDst>
- push [oDstAlias]
- mov ax,[oDstParms]
- sub ax,[oDstAlias] ;ax = number of bytes to delete
- push ax
- sub [oDstParms],ax ;update for the left shift
- sub [oDstEndDef],ax ;update for the left shift
- call BdShiftLeft ;grow buf, can cause heap movement
- NoAliasArg:
- ;Now make room for things to insert before parm list:
- ; opcode, byte-count-till-end-of-stmt, link field for DEF FNs, oPrs
- mov si,10 ;assume we need to insert 10 bytes
- cmp [pdcl.PDCL_procType],PT_DEFFN
- jne NotDefFn1 ;brif not DEF FN stmt
- inc si ;need 2 extra bytes for link field
- inc si
- NotDefFn1:
- ;BdShiftRight((bd *)&ps.bdpDst, oDstParms, cbInsert)
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET ps.PS_bdpDst>
- push [oDstParms]
- push si ;pass cbInsert parm
- call BdShiftRight
- or ax,ax
- jne ShiftOk ;brif no out-of-memory error
- call ParseErrOm ;Error "Out of memory"
- jmp SHORT DeclExit
- ShiftOk:
- call SetDstPbCur ;update ps.bdpDst.pbCur after BdShift...
- push ds
- pop es ;es = ds for stosw below
- mov di,[oDstParms]
- add di,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb]
- mov ax,[opcode]
- stosw ;store opcode in pcode buffer
- ;emit cntEos operand
- mov ax,[oDstEndDef]
- sub ax,[oDstParms]
- add ax,si ;include cbInsert
- add ax,[cbLibInfo] ;add #bytes in LIB and ALIAS clause
- sub ax,4
- inc ax ;round up to even byte count
- and al,0FEH
- stosw ;store cntEos operand
- cmp [pdcl.PDCL_procType],PT_DEFFN
- jne NotDefFn2 ;brif not DEF FN stmt
- stosw ;leave room for DEF FN link field
- NotDefFn2:
- mov ax,[pdcl.PDCL_oPrs]
- or ax,ax
- jns NotUnboundDefFn
- mov ax,[pdcl.PDCL_oNam] ;for [DECLARE] DEF FNs, in SS_RUDE
- ;state, emit the oNam
- NotUnboundDefFn:
- stosw ;store oPrs/oNam operand
- mov ax,[procAtr]
- stosw ;store proc's oTyp
- mov ax,[pdcl.PDCL_cParms]
- stosw ;store cParms operand
- DeclExit:
- cEnd
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CopyLit(ax:oDstLit)
- ; Purpose:
- ; Move the ASCII text of an opLitSD to the end of the pcode buffer.
- ; If string is longer than 255 bytes, it is truncated.
- ; Entry:
- ; ax = offset into pcode buffer to opLitSD opcode
- ; [EB] bx = TRUE iff length of string is to output as byte preceeding
- ; text of string.
- ; Exit:
- ; string is moved to end of pcode buffer and the opLitSd is removed
- ; ax = length of string
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- push si
- mov si,ax
- add si,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb]
- lodsw ;skip opLitSD opcode
- DbAssertRel ax,e,opLitSD,CP,<CopyLit: expected opLitSD>
- lodsw ;ax = cb operand from opLitSD
- or ah,ah
- je LenOk
- mov ax,255 ;truncate string
- LenOk:
- push ax ;save for return value
- inc ax ;round up to word count
- shr ax,1
- mov cx,ax
- jcxz CLitExit ;brif entire string has been copied
- CLitLoop:
- push cx ;save word count
- lodsw ;ax = next 2 bytes of string
- sub si,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb] ;Emit16 can cause heap movement
- call Emit16_AX
- add si,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb] ;reconvert offset to pointer
- pop cx ;restore word count
- loop CLitLoop
- CLitExit:
- pop ax ;ax = string length
- pop si
- ret
- CopyLit ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgCall(opcode)
- ; Purpose:
- ; Called to generate pcode for the following bnf:
- ; tkCALL (MARK(1) IdImplicit
- ; [tkLParen IdCallArg {tkComma IdCallArg} tkRParen])
- ; tkCALLS MARK(1) IdImplicit
- ; [tkLParen IdCallArg {tkComma IdCallArg} tkRParen]
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- push si ;save caller's si
- mov bx,MAX_STK_MARK
- mov si,[bx-2] ;si=offset in pcode for item after MARK
- push ax ;save opcode for Emit16 below
- mov bx,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb]
- mov ax,[bx][si] ;ax = oNamIdSub
- call SubRef ;ax = oPrs for sub being called
- ;We can ignore error results, because
- ;if error occurs, no code will ever
- ;try to activate this oPrs, because
- ;line will be stored as opReParse
- ;delete the information emitted by NtIdImplicit()
- ;BdShiftLeft((bd *)&ps.bdpDst, oDstCur, 2)
- PUSHI dx,<dataOFFSET ps.PS_bdpDst>
- push si
- PUSHI dx,2
- mov si,ax ;si = oPrs
- call BdShiftLeft ;grow buf, can cause heap movement
- call SetDstPbCur ;set ps.bdpDst.pbCur after BdShiftLeft
- call Emit16 ;emit opcode pushed ~15 lines above
- push [cIdArgs]
- call Emit16 ;emit arg count
- push si ;push oPrs
- call Emit16
- pop si ;restore caller's si
- ret
- CgCall ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; VOID NEAR CgRun(opcode)
- ; Purpose:
- ; Invoked to generate code for the following bnf:
- ; tkRUN [(Ln MARK(1)) | (Exp MARK(2))]; <CgRun()>
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- mov bx,[pCurStkMark]
- cmp bx,MAX_STK_MARK
- mov ax,opStRunMain ;ax = opcode to emit for RUN
- je RunEmitExit ;brif simple RUN (no MARKs)
- DbAssertRelB [bx],be,2,CP,<Invalid MARK id in CgRun()>
- cmp BYTE PTR [bx],1
- jne RunFile ;brif markId != 1 (RUN <filename>)
- ;Got RUN <line number>, insert opStRunLabel before Ln
- mov bx,[bx+2] ;bx = pcode offset
- dec bx
- dec bx ;bx = pcode offset where opcode is to go
- mov ax,opStRunLabel
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- jmp SHORT RunExit
- RunFile:
- mov ax,opStRunFile
- RunEmitExit:
- call Emit16_AX
- RunExit:
- ret
- CgRun ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; VOID NEAR CgInput(opcode)
- ; Purpose:
- ; Invoked to generate code for the following bnf:
- ;
- ; tkINPUT
- ; [(lbsInpExpComma MARK(16)) |
- ; (tkSColon MARK(2) [LitString MARK(4) (tkSColon | (tkComma MARK(1)))])|
- ; (LitString MARK(4) (tkSColon | (tkComma MARK(1))))]
- ; MARK(8) IdAryElemRef EMIT(opStInput) {tkComma IdAryElemRef
- ; EMIT(opStInput)}
- ; EMIT(opInputEos)
- ; <CgInput(opInputPrompt)>
- ;
- ; tkLINE tkINPUT
- ; [(lbsInpExpComma MARK(16)) |
- ; (tkSColon MARK(2) [LitString MARK(4) (tkSColon | (tkComma MARK(1)))]) |
- ; (LitString MARK(4) (tkSColon | (tkComma MARK(1))))]
- ; IdAryElemRef
- ; <CgInput(opStLineInput)>
- ;
- ; It maps syntax to pcode as follows:
- ; INPUT [;] [prompt (,|;) <list> =>
- ; [sdExp] opInputPrompt(cnt,mask,<typelist>)
- ; If prompt is followed by a semicolon, FINP_QSupress is not ORed into
- ; 'mask' which causes a question mark to be appended to the prompt
- ; string.
- ; The optional semicolon after INPUT causes FINP_CrLf not to be ORed into
- ; 'mask' which causes the user's terminating carriage return not to be
- ; echoed.
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- PUBLIC CgInput
- .errnz FINP_QSupress - 1
- .errnz FINP_CrLf - 2
- .errnz FINP_Prompt - 4
- push si ;save caller's si
- push di ;save caller's di
- sub di,di ;init bit mask
- mov bx,MAX_STK_MARK
- ;OR bit mask with to 1 for comma after prompt (MARK(1)),
- ; 2 for semicolon after INPUT (MARK(2)),
- ; 4 for prompt (MARK(4))
- InpMarkLoop:
- cmp [pCurStkMark],bx
- je InpMarkLoopDone
- dec bx
- dec bx
- mov si,[bx] ;si = oDstOpcode from mark stack
- dec bx
- dec bx
- cmp WORD PTR [bx],16
- jne NotMark16 ;brif markId != 16
- cmp ax,opStLineInput
- je InpMarkLoop ;brif not INPUT #n
- jmp SHORT InpExit ;If INPUT #n, pcode is already complete
- NotMark16:
- or di,[bx]
- DbAssertRel di,b,16,CP,<Invalid markId in CgInput>
- jmp SHORT InpMarkLoop
- ;di = bit mask (built by ORing markIds)
- ;ax = opcode
- ;
- InpMarkLoopDone:
- cmp ax,opStLineInput
- jne NotLineInput
- call Emit16_AX ;emit opcode
- push di ;emit bit mask
- call Emit16
- jmp SHORT InpExit
- ;It was INPUT, not LINE INPUT
- ;insert opStInputPrompt[cbOperands:16,mask:8,types:8]
- ;don't count string literal in cInputItems (its in cIdArgs)
- ;count mask in cInputItems (cancels string literal)
- ;di = bit mask (built by ORing markIds)
- ;ax = opcode
- ;
- NotLineInput:
- push ax ;save opcode on stack
- mov ax,[cIdArgs]
- shr ax,1 ;round down to word count
- mov cx,ax ;cx = word count
- mov bx,si ;bx = oDstOpcode (place to insert ops)
- jcxz InpLoopDone
- ;emit garbage typelist (scanner will fill in)
- InpLoop:
- push cx ;save word count
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- ;any value in ax would do, scanner fills
- ; (bx is preserved)
- pop cx ;restore word count
- loop InpLoop
- ;now emit mask and space for 1st entry in type list
- InpLoopDone:
- mov ax,di
- and al,7 ;mask off bits > 7
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- ; (bx is preserved)
- mov ax,[cIdArgs]
- inc ax
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- ; (bx is preserved)
- pop ax ;ax = opcode (pushed ~25 lines above)
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- InpExit:
- pop di ;save caller's di
- pop si ;save caller's si
- ret
- CgInput ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgStmtCnt(opcode)
- ; Purpose:
- ; Called for statements like CLEAR, CLOSE, COLOR, ERASE, FIELD, LOCATE
- ; and SCREEN, which take as an operand the number of arguments
- ; preceding them.
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- PUBLIC CgStmtCnt
- call Emit16_AX ;emit the opcode
- mov ax,[cIdArgs]
- jmp Emit16_AX ;emit the arg count
- ;and return to caller
- CgStmtCnt ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgCntHigh(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ;
- ; Called for the Format$ function.
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- ;Added with [11]
- ;End of [11]
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgLineStmt(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Invoked to generate code for the following bnf:
- ; tkLINE [coordStep] tkMinus coord2Step
- ; [tkComma [Exp MARK(1)]
- ; [tkComma [(RwBF MARK(3)) | (RwB (RwF MARK(3)) | MARK(2))]
- ; [tkComma Exp MARK(4)]]]
- ; <CgLineStmt(opStLine)>
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- PUBLIC CgLineStmt
- CgLineStmt PROC NEAR
- push si ;save caller's si
- sub dx,dx ;operand = 0
- mov cx,ax ;cx = opcode
- mov si,[pCurStkMark]
- LineLoop:
- cmp si,MAX_STK_MARK
- je LineLoopDone
- lodsw ;ax = markId
- inc si ;skip oDstPcode
- inc si
- dec ax
- je LineMark1 ;brif MARK(1)
- dec ax
- je LineMark2 ;brif MARK(2)
- dec ax
- je LineMark3 ;brif MARK(3)
- ;MARK(4) means line style parm was specified
- inc cx ;convert opStLine, opStLineColor->
- ; opStLineStyle, opStLineColorStyle
- ;fall into case 1
- ;MARK(1) means color parm was specified
- LineMark1:
- inc cx ;convert opStLine to opStLineColor
- jmp SHORT LineLoop
- ;MARK(2) means B parm was specified
- LineMark2:
- mov dl,1 ;operand = 1
- jmp SHORT LineLoop
- LineMark3:
- ;MARK(3) means BF parm was specified
- mov dl,2 ;operand = 2
- jmp SHORT LineLoop
- LineLoopDone:
- push dx ;pass operand to Emit16 below
- xchg ax,cx ;ax=opcode for Emit16_AX
- call Emit16_AX ;emit the opcode
- call Emit16 ;emit the operand
- pop si ;restore caller's si
- ret
- CgLineStmt ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgOpen(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Invoked to generate code for the following bnf:
- ; tkOPEN Exp
- ; ([(tkFOR ((tkAPPEND MARK(1)) |
- ; (tkINPUT MARK(2)) |
- ; (tkOUTPUT MARK(3)) |
- ; (tkRANDOM MARK(4)) |
- ; (tkBINARY MARK(5))))]
- ; [tkACCESS ((tkREAD MARK(6) [tkWRITE MARK(8)]) | (tkWRITE MARK(7)))]
- ; [(tkLOCK ((tkREAD ((tkWRITE MARK(11)) | MARK(9))) |
- ; (tkWRITE MARK(10)))) |
- ; (tkSHARED MARK(12))]
- ; tkAS optFilenum [tkLEN tkEQ Exp MARK(13)]) |
- ; (tkComma optFilenum exp12 MARK(14))
- ; <CgOpen(opStOpen2)>
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- tModeMask LABEL WORD
- DW MD_APP ; MARK(1) means APPEND was specified
- DW MD_SQI ; MARK(2) means INPUT was specified
- DW MD_SQO ; MARK(3) means OUTPUT was specified
- DW MD_RND ; MARK(4) means RANDOM (or default) was speced
- DW MD_BIN ; MARK(5) means BINARY was specified
- DW ACCESS_READ * 256 ; MARK(6) means READ was specified
- DW ACCESS_WRITE * 256 ; MARK(7) means WRITE was specified
- DW ACCESS_BOTH * 256 ; MARK(8) means READ WRITE was specified
- DW LOCK_READ * 256 ; MARK(9) means LOCK READ was specified
- DW LOCK_WRITE * 256 ; MARK(10) means LOCK WRITE was specified
- DW LOCK_BOTH * 256 ; MARK(11) means LOCK READ WRITE was specified
- DW LOCK_SHARED * 256 ; MARK(12) means SHARED was specified
- push si ;save caller's si
- mov cx,ax ;cx = opcode
- sub dx,dx ;mode = 0
- mov si,[pCurStkMark]
- OpenLoop:
- cmp si,MAX_STK_MARK
- je OpenLoopDone
- lodsw ;ax = markId
- inc si ;skip pcode offset
- inc si
- cmp al,14
- je OpenMark14
- cmp al,13
- je OpenMark13
- ;mode |= tModeMask[markId - 1]
- xchg bx,ax ;bx = markId
- shl bx,1 ;convert to word index
- mov ax,tModeMask - 2[bx] ;ax = mask
- or dx,ax ;or mask into mode
- jmp SHORT OpenLoop
- ;MARK(13) means LEN=nnn was specified
- OpenMark13:
- inc cx ;convert opStOpen2 to opStOpen3
- jmp SHORT OpenLoop
- OpenLoopDone:
- push dx ;save mode
- xchg ax,cx ;emit opcode
- call Emit16_AX
- pop ax ;ax = open mode
- jne OpenEmitExit ;brif open mode was specified
- or al,MD_DEFAULT ;default open mode
- OpenEmitExit:
- call Emit16_AX ;emit open mode
- pop si ;restore caller's si
- ret
- ;MARK(14) means old open syntax
- OpenMark14:
- mov ax,[cIdArgs]
- add ax,opStOpenOld3 - 3 ;ax = old open opcode
- jmp SHORT OpenEmitExit
- CgOpen ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgLock(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Invoked to generate code for the following bnf:
- ; tkLOCK optFileNum
- ; (tkComma (Exp MARK(1) [tkTO MARK(2) Exp]) | (tkTO MARK(3) Exp]))
- ; <CgLock(opStLock)>
- ; tkUNLOCK optFileNum
- ; (tkComma (Exp MARK(1) [tkTO MARK(2) Exp]) | (tkTO MARK(3) Exp]))
- ; <CgLock(opStLock)>
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- push si ;save caller's si
- push di ;save caller's di
- mov di,ax ;di = opcode
- sub dx,dx ;mode = markId = 0
- cmp ax,opStUnLock
- jne NotUnlock
- mov dl,LOCK_UNLOCK ;mode = LOCK_UNLOCK
- NotUnlock:
- mov si,[pCurStkMark]
- LockLoop:
- cmp si,MAX_STK_MARK
- je LockLoopDone ;brif done with MARK directives
- lodsw ;al = markId
- xchg cx,ax ;cl = markId
- lodsw ;ax = oDstOpcode
- cmp cl,1
- jne NotMark1 ;brif not MARK(1)
- test dl,LOCK_1stToLast
- jne NotMark1 ;brif MARK(2) was seen
- or dh,LOCK_DefLastArg/256 ;tell executor to default last record
- NotMark1:
- cmp cl,3
- jne NotMark3 ;brif not MARK(3)
- xchg bx,ax ;bx = oDstOpcode
- ;Emit default 1st record before the 2nd Exp
- push dx ;save dx
- .erre opLitI2Max GE 1 ; Assure 1 is allowed
- mov ax,opLitI2+OPCODE_MASK+1; pass opLitI2 with value of 1
- call InsertOp ;insert word AX at offset BX
- ; (bx is preserved)
- pop dx ;restore dx = mode & markId
- or dh,LOCK_Def1stArg/256 ;tell lister to default 1st record
- NotMark3:
- or dl,LOCK_1stToLast
- jmp SHORT LockLoop
- LockLoopDone:
- push dx ;pass mode to 2nd call of Emit16
- xchg ax,di ;pass opcode to Emit16_AX
- call Emit16_AX ;emit the opcode
- call Emit16 ;emit the mode operand
- pop di ;restore caller's di
- pop si ;restore caller's si
- ret
- CgLock ENDP
- PUBLIC Cg0or1Args, Cg1or2Args, Cg2or3Args, Cg3or4Args
- Cg3or4Args PROC NEAR
- dec ax
- Cg3or4Args ENDP ;fall into Cg2or3Args
- Cg2or3Args PROC NEAR
- dec ax
- Cg2or3Args ENDP ;fall into Cg1or2Args
- Cg1or2Args PROC NEAR
- dec ax
- Cg1or2Args ENDP ;fall into Cg0or1Args
- Cg0or1Args PROC NEAR
- mov dx,ax ;save base opcode in dx
- add ax,[cIdArgs] ;ax = opcode + cIdArgs
- cmp dx,opStMid_2 - 3
- je CgMoveOpsToEnd ;brif MID$ statement
- J1_Emit16_AX:
- jmp Emit16_AX ;emit ax and return to caller
- Cg0or1Args ENDP
- ;*********************************************************************
- ; CgMoveOpsToEnd(opcode)
- ;
- ; Purpose:
- ; Invoked to generate code for the following bnf:
- ; tkLSET MARK(1) idAryElemRef MARK(2) tkEQ Exp
- ; CgMoveOpsToEnd(opStLset)
- ; tkRSET MARK(1) idAryElemRef MARK(2) tkEQ Exp
- ; CgMoveOpsToEnd(opStRset)
- ; tkMID_ tkLParen MARK(1) idAryElemRef MARK(2) exp12 tkRParen tkEQ Exp
- ; Cg3or4Args(opStMid_2)
- ; Moves the pcode for idAryElemRef to the end of the buffer
- ;
- ;*********************************************************************
- cProc CgMoveOpsToEnd,<PUBLIC,NEAR,NODATA>,<si,di>
- cBegin
- push ax ;pass opcode to Emit16 (at end of proc)
- mov si,[pCurStkMark]
- lodsw ;al = markId (2)
- lodsw ;ax = text offset for MARK(2)
- xchg di,ax ;bx = text offset for MARK(2)
- lodsw ;al = markId (1)
- lodsw ;ax = text offset for MARK(1)
- xchg si,ax ;si = text offset for MARK(1)
- ;setup for BdShiftLeft((bd *)&ps.bdpDst, oDstCur, cbMoved)
- PUSHI ax,<dataOFFSET ps.PS_bdpDst>
- push si
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,si
- push ax ;pass cbMoved
- ;call to BdShiftLeft is after loop
- MoveLoop:
- cmp si,di
- je MoveDone
- add si,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb] ;si = ptr to next word to be moved
- lodsw ;ax = next word to be moved
- sub si,[ps.PS_bdpDst.BDP_pb] ;si = offset to next word to be moved
- call Emit16_AX ;copy word to end of buffer
- jmp SHORT MoveLoop
- MoveDone:
- ;delete the source of copied words - parms pushed several lines above
- call BdShiftLeft ;grow buf, can cause heap movement
- call SetDstPbCur ;update ps.bdpDst.pbCur for BdShiftLeft
- ;emit opcode - parm pushed several lines above
- call Emit16
- cEnd
- PUBLIC CgCircle
- CgCircle PROC NEAR
- mov dx,MAX_STK_MARK
- cmp [pCurStkMark],dx
- je NoCircleMark
- inc ax ;got a MARK(1), color parm included
- ;map opStCircle to opStCircleColor
- NoCircleMark:
- jmp Emit16_AX ;emit ax and return to caller
- CgCircle ENDP
- sEnd CP
- end