资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page 49,132
- TITLE exfor - FOR/NEXT executors
- ;***
- ;exfor - FOR/NEXT executors
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; This module contains all executors for FOR and NEXT.
- ;
- ; In general, these executors are very speed critical.
- ;
- ; FOR executors are:
- ;
- ; exStFor<Step|><I2|I4|R4|R8|CY>
- ;
- ; <Step|> - indicates whether there is a STEP clause. This variant has
- ; one more argument then other variants.
- ;
- ; <type> - FOR receives stack arguments of a specific type
- ;
- ; NEXT executors are:
- ;
- ; exStNext<Step|><Id|><type>
- ;
- ; <Step|> - NEXT in the case that no STEP clause was found can be made
- ; faster, as the STEP need not be loaded, and no checking is
- ; necessary for the STEP sign.
- ;
- ; <Id|> - This variation is for listability. Due to memory movement,
- ; it is always necessary to execute a exIdRf before the NEXT.
- ; The lister can't tell whether to list this op without help.
- ; This is a usability issue. The variants without Id are made
- ; to share code with Id variants to conserve size.
- ;
- ; <type> - NEXT is specific by type. R8 data type FOR/NEXT are less
- ; speed critical than other types. Size considerations require
- ; that R8 NEXT variants share code.
- ;
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- .8087
- .xlist
- include version.inc
- IncludeOnce context
- IncludeOnce executor
- IncludeOnce exint
- IncludeOnce opcontrl
- IncludeOnce rtinterp
- IncludeOnce variable
- .list
- extrn B$CMI4:far
- GetpFrame MACRO ;Re-defining macro in exint.inc
- xchg bx,ax ;;Get oBP to bx
- add bx,bp
- assumes cs, CODE
- assumes es, NOTHING
- assumes ss, DATA
- sBegin CODE
- subttl FOR I2 Variants
- page
- MakeExe exStForI2,opStFor
- LODSWTX ;Pick up offset to FOR block
- GetpFrame
- pop cx
- mov [pFrame],cx ;Limit to FOR block
- pop ax ;Initial value for variable
- pop bx ;Address of variable value
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Text branch to the operand of NEXT
- jmp StNextForI2 ;FOR entry in matching NEXT executor
- MakeExe exStForStepI2,opStForStep
- LODSWTX ;Pick up offset to FOR block
- GetpFrame
- pop cx ;Step
- mov [pFrame],cx ;Step to FOR block
- pop ax ;Limit
- mov [pFrame+2],ax ;Limit to FOR block
- pop dx ;Initial value
- pop bx ;Address of index variable value
- mov [bx],dx ;Assign initial value to variable
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Branch to the NEXT operand
- jmp StNextStepForI2 ;FOR entry in matching NEXT executor
- subttl FOR I4 Variants
- page
- MakeExe exStForI4,opStFor
- xor ax,ax ;Supply the STEP for the user
- push ax
- inc ax
- push ax ; push an (I4)1 and use the same NEXT
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStForStepI4,opStForStep
- LODSWTX ;Pick up offset to FOR block
- GetpFrame
- pop [pFrame] ;Step second word
- pop [pFrame+2] ;Step first word
- pop [pFrame+4] ;Limit second word
- pop [pFrame+6] ;Limit first word
- pop cx ;Initial value second word
- pop dx ;Init value first word
- xchg ax,FrameReg ;ax = FOR block address
- pop bx ;pVar
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Branch to the NEXT operand
- jmp StNextForI4 ;Exit through NEXT code
- ;ax = FOR block address
- ;ds:bx = var address
- ;dx/cx = initial value
- subttl FOR R4 Variants
- page
- ;NonSTEP variants
- MakeExe exStForR4,opStFor
- fld1 ;NonSTEP variants push a 1 for STEP
- SkipExHeader
- ;Step variants
- MakeExe exStForStepR4,opStForStep
- LODSWTX ;Pick up offset to FOR block
- GetpFrame
- fstp dword ptr [pFrame] ;Get step
- fstp dword ptr [pFrame+4] ;Get limit
- xchg ax,FrameReg ;ax = FOR block address
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Skip to NEXT
- pop bx ;pVar
- jmp StForNextR4 ;Exit through NEXT with
- ; pFrame = FOR block address
- ; bx = variable
- subttl FOR R8 Variants
- page
- MakeExe exStForR8,opStFor
- ;R8 without step is fast enough and smaller if FOR simply supplies the step
- fld1
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStForStepR8,opStForStep
- LODSWTX ;Pick up offset to FOR block
- GetpFrame
- fstp qword ptr [pFrame] ;Get step
- fstp qword ptr [pFrame+8] ;Get limit
- xchg ax,FrameReg ;ax = FOR block address
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Skip to NEXT
- pop bx ;Variable address
- jmp StForNextR8 ;Exit through NEXT with
- ; pFrame or ax = FOR block address
- ; bx = variable
- subttl FOR CY Variants
- page
- subttl NEXT I2 Variants Without STEP
- page
- MakeExe exStNextI2,opStNext
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStNextIdI2,opStNextId
- LODSWTX ;Pick up oBp of parameters
- GetpFrame
- mov cx,[pFrame] ;Pick up Limit
- pop bx ;Var ref
- mov ax,[bx] ;Load index value
- inc ax ;Perform the step
- jo NextI2OverflowErr ;Error - overflow
- StNextForI2: ;FOR entry in matching NEXT executor
- mov [bx],ax ;Store in variable
- cmp ax,cx ;Test var against limit
- jg ExitLoop ;Loop end conditions met
- NextCont:
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Branch to beyond FOR
- DispMac ;And on with the show
- ExitLoop:
- inc si ;Skip operand
- inc si
- DispMac ; and go
- NextI2OverflowErr:
- jmp exMathErrOVF
- subttl NEXT I2 Variants With STEP
- page
- StepDown:
- cmp [bx],ax ;Test var against limit
- jge NextCont ;Take another lap
- jmp short ExitLoop ;Skip operand and continue
- MakeExe exStNextStepI2,opStNext
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStNextIdStepI2,opStNextId
- LODSWTX ;Pick up oBp of parameters
- GetpFrame
- mov cx,[pFrame] ;Pick up step
- mov ax,[pFrame+2] ;Pick up Limit
- pop bx ;Var ref
- add [bx],cx ;Add step to variable
- NextI2OverflowErrJ:
- jo NextI2OverflowErr ;Error - overflow
- StNextStepForI2: ;FOR continuation
- or cx,cx ;Test sign of step
- js StepDown ;Negative step
- cmp [bx],ax ;Test var against limit
- jg ExitLoop ;Loop end conditions met
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Branch to beyond FOR
- DispMac ;And on with the show
- subttl Next I4 Variants
- page
- MakeExe exStNextStepI4,opStNext
- SkipExHeader ;Extra op for listability
- MakeExe exStNextIdStepI4,opStNextId
- LODSWTX ;Pick up oBp of parameters
- GetpFrame
- mov cx,[pFrame]
- mov dx,[pFrame+2] ;dx/ax = step
- xchg ax,FrameReg ;ax = FOR block address
- pop bx ;Var ref
- ;Add in step - error if overflow.
- add cx,[bx] ;Add in low word of value
- adc dx,[bx+2] ;Add in high word of value + PSW.C
- jo NextI2OverflowErrJ ;Error if overflow
- ;Entry for FOR code.
- ;dx/cx = index value
- ;ds:bx = pVar
- ;ax = pFOR block
- StNextForI4:
- ;Perform assignment to variable
- mov [bx+2],dx
- mov [bx],cx ;Assignment complete
- ;Compare var to limit.
- push dx
- push cx ;Push current value
- xchg FrameReg,ax ;Restore FOR block address
- push [pFrame+6]
- push [pFrame+4] ;Push limit
- call B$CMI4 ; Compare two I4s on the stack
- lahf ;Put flags in AH
- test byte ptr [pFrame+3],80H ;Test sign of step
- jnz NextNegStepI4 ;Negative step
- sahf
- ja NextLeave ;Leave loop if index > limit
- jmp short NextContI4R4R8 ;Exit through shared code
- NextNegStepI4:
- sahf
- jb NextLeave ;Leave loop if index < limit
- jmp short NextContI4R4R8
- subttl NEXT R4 Variants
- page
- ;There are no nonSTEP versions of R4 NEXT as FOR simply supplies the STEP
- ; when the user doesn't.
- MakeExe exStNextStepR4,opStNext
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStNextIdStepR4,opStNextId
- LODSWTX ;Pick up oBp of parameters
- GetpFrame
- pop ax ;Address of variable
- ;Need to:
- ; 1. add STEP to the variable whose address is in ax
- ; 2. compare LIMIT to variable whose value is on the stack.
- ; 3. compare sign of step with this previous compare to get the
- ; final disposition.
- ;Add STEP.
- ; The mathpack entry point does not modify the variable in the case
- ; that an error (such as overflow or underflow) is detected.
- ; ax = index variable address
- ; pFrame = FOR block address
- fld dword ptr [pFrame] ;Load the step
- xchg ax,bx ;bx points to variable
- fadd dword ptr [bx] ;Add variable to step
- DbPub StForNextR4
- StForNextR4: ;Entry from R4 FOR executors
- ;Compare index variable with limit
- ; bx = index variable address
- ; ax or pFrame = FOR block address
- fst dword ptr [bx] ; and store in variable
- xchg ax,FrameReg
- fld dword ptr [pFrame+4] ;Load the limit
- fcompp ;Compare to the variable
- fstsw DGROUP:stat ;fstsw ax is 80287 only
- fwait
- mov ax,DGROUP:stat ;Put status word in ax
- .errnz LOW MATH_R4SignMask
- test byte ptr[pFrame+3],HIGH MATH_R4SignMask ;Test for Sign of step
- NextComR4R8X:
- jnz NextNegStep ;Negative step
- sahf
- jb NextLeave ;Leave loop if si > di
- NextContI4R4R8:
- mov si,PTRTX[si] ;Continue loop
- DispMac
- NextLeave:
- inc si ;Skip oTxt field
- inc si
- DispMac ; and continue
- NextNegStep:
- sahf
- ja NextLeave ;Leave loop
- jmp short NextContI4R4R8
- sEnd CODE
- sBegin DATA
- public Stat
- Stat dw (?)
- sEnd DATA
- sBegin CODE
- subttl EXIT FOR
- page
- ;exStExitFor and exStExitDo are simply a GOTO at execution time.
- MakeExe exStExitDo,opStExitDo
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStExitFor,opStExitFor
- jmp short NextContI4R4R8 ;Branch to the exit point
- ; like a NEXT loop continuation
- subttl NEXT R8 Variants
- page
- ;There are no nonSTEP versions of R8 NEXT as FOR simply supplies the STEP
- ; when the user doesn't.
- MakeExe exStNextStepR8,opStNext
- SkipExHeader
- MakeExe exStNextIdStepR8,opStNextId
- LODSWTX ;Pick up oBp of parameters
- GetpFrame
- pop ax ;Address of variable
- ;Need to:
- ; 1. add STEP to the variable whose address is in ax.
- ; 2. compare LIMIT to variable whose value is on the stack.
- ; 3. compare sign of step with this previous compare to get the
- ; final disposition.
- ;Add STEP.
- ; The mathpack entry point does not modify the variable in the case
- ; that an error (such as overflow or underflow) is detected.
- ;
- ; ax = index variable address
- ; pFrame = FOR block address
- fld qword ptr [pFrame] ;Load the step
- xchg ax,bx ;bx points to variable
- fadd qword ptr [bx] ;Add variable to step
- StForNextR8: ;Entry from R8 FOR executors
- ;Compare index variable with limit
- ; bx = index variable address
- ; ax or pFrame = FOR block address
- fst qword ptr [bx] ;Store in variable
- xchg ax,FrameReg
- fld qword ptr [pFrame+8] ;Load the limit
- fcompp ;Compare to the variable
- fstsw stat ;fstsw ax is 80287 only
- fwait
- mov ax,stat ;Put status word in ax
- .errnz LOW MATH_R8SignMask
- test byte ptr[pFrame+7],HIGH MATH_R8SignMask ;Test for Sign of step check
- jmp NextComR4R8X
- subttl NEXT CY Variants
- page
- ;There are no nonSTEP versions of CY NEXT as FOR simply supplies the STEP
- ; when the user doesn't.
- sEnd
- end