资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page ,132
- TITLE sslit - Scan Support for Literals
- ;***
- ;sslit - Scan Support for Literals
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ;
- ; Scan literal pcodes.
- ; Literal scan routines mark their stack entries for two reasons:
- ; 1. At procedure call time literals always coerce when the definition
- ; or declaration is available. This means that users are not
- ; required to use an explicit type character when calling a declared
- ; or defined procedure.
- ; 2. For execution speed, I2 literals 0 through 10 are coerced to R4
- ; by replacing the executor.
- ;
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include
- IncludeOnce scanner
- IncludeOnce ssint
- IncludeOnce pcode
- IncludeOnce optables
- .list
- extrn exLitDI2:far
- assumes cs, SCAN
- assumes DS, DATA
- assumes es, NOTHING
- assumes ss, DATA
- sBegin SCAN
- ;***
- ;Ss_Lit - Scan Literals
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ;
- ; Scan literal opcodes opLit...
- ; Stack entries for literals indicate type and the fact that they
- ; are literals. This difference allows literals to be coerced
- ; rather than typechecked in procedure invocations for procedures
- ; that are declared.
- ; Furthermore, opLit0 through opLit10 may be coerced from I2 to R4
- ; by changing the opcode.
- ;
- ;Input:
- ;
- ;Output:
- ;
- ;************************************************************************
- mpLitI2OpExe label word
- DWEXT exLitI20
- I2Lit = 1 ;Next literal is one
- rept opLitI2Max
- DWEXT exLitI2%I2Lit ;;Generate table entry
- I2Lit = I2Lit + 1 ;;Bump literal value
- endm
- SsProc LitI2
- mov al,byte ptr es:[si-1] ; Get MSB of opcode
- .erre OPCODE_MASK EQ 03ffh ; Assure SHR is correct
- shr ax,1 ; AX = Literal value * 2
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = Opcode * 2, BX = Literal * 2
- mov bx,mpLitI2OpExe[bx] ; BX = Executor address
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = Executor, BX = Opcode * 2
- SKIP2_PSW ; Fall into scan routine below
- SsProc Lit
- ;Emit the executor
- call EmitExCopyOps ;Emit the executor and copy operands
- ;Make the stack entry
- push di ;FRAME: oTx of end of exp fragment
- mov al,mpOpRule[bx] ;Type is in the rule table
- mov ah,al ;Type and flags in both bytes
- .errnz ST_Lit AND 0FFFh ; Assure literal flags in range
- .errnz ST_LitX AND 0FFFh ; Assure literal flags in range
- .erre ET_MAX LT 0fh ; Assure ET type in range
- and ax,0f00fh
- push ax ;FRAME: Type with literal bits
- ;Exit to the main loop
- jmp [ScanRet] ;Return to the current scan loop
- sEnd SCAN
- end