资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page 49,132
- TITLE sstxutil - scanner text table management utilities
- ;***
- ;sstxutil.asm - scanner text table management utilities
- ;
- ; Copyright <C> 1986, Microsoft Corporation
- ;
- ;Purpose:
- ; The scanner behaves as a filter, reading pcode in one state
- ; and emiting it in another. The SS_EXECUTE state is larger than
- ; either of the other two states, as coercion, opBranch and
- ; procedure invocation support executors are present in SS_EXECUTE
- ; mode only.
- ;
- ; At the beginning of scan, the text table is moved up in memory.
- ; It is then scanned to a point starting at the beginning of the segment.
- ;
- ; When the text expands, a test is made to ensure that there is still
- ; space between the source side of the filter and the emit side. If
- ; room is tight, then the unscanned pcode is moved farther up within
- ; the segment.
- ;
- ; Links through the pcode are updated when they are scanned, not when
- ; the text moves. For each link list in the text there is a control
- ; structure that maintains information about that link list. See the
- ; LNK structure.
- ;
- ;
- ;****************************************************************************
- .xlist
- include
- IncludeOnce scanner
- IncludeOnce ssint
- IncludeOnce txtmgr
- .list
- assumes DS, DATA
- assumes es, NOTHING
- assumes ss, DATA
- sBegin SCAN
- assumes cs, SCAN
- subttl
- page
- ;***
- ;SsEnsureGap
- ;Purpose:
- ; Ensure a gap between the scanner emit side and the source side.
- ;
- ; This routine updates the LNK link control structures used to
- ; maintain link lists through the text during scan. The actual link
- ; lists are maintained when the pcodes containg the links are updated.
- ;
- ; The text is only actually moved if one of the two conditions is met:
- ; 1. The movement would be more than SS_oTxMovThreshold.
- ; 2. The movement is required to ensure the minimum gap of SS_oTxGapMin.
- ;
- ; When an allocation fails, it is retried with SS_cbTxAllocInc. OME
- ; is detected by noting when the allocation size drops below the
- ; allocation required to maintain the minimum gap between source and
- ; emit side in the scanner - SS_cbTxGapMin.
- ;
- ;
- ; Gap control constants are:
- ; SS_oTxMovThreshold - moves below this aren't made unless necessary
- ; to maintain SS_cbTxGapMin.
- ; SS_cbTxAllocInc - amount by which a request is decremented
- ; before retrying.
- ; SS_cbTxGapMin - minimum required gap size
- ;
- ; Variable SscbTxExpand is maintained as the total bytes of text
- ; expansion.
- ;
- ;Input:
- ; si = oTxSrc - first byte to move
- ; di = oTxEmit - last byte emited by scanner + 1
- ; cx = cbTxGapPref - preferred gap size (SsMakeGap only)
- ;Output:
- ; si = new address of low byte of source side
- ; carry flag set if OME
- ;
- ;**********************************************************************
- SS_cbTxMovThreshold = 64 ;cb of minimum move
- SS_cbTxAllocInc = 128 ;Decrement by this amount when allocation fails
- SS_cbTxGapMin = 20 ;At least 20 bytes between source and emit
- SsMakeGap:
- public SsMakeGap
- xor ax,ax ;No current gap
- and cl,0FEH ;Always move whole words
- cmp cx,SS_cbTxMovThreshold ;Request more than minimum?
- jb MinMove
- jmp short FigMove
- SsEnsureGap:
- public ssEnsureGap
- mov ax,si
- sub ax,di ;ax = cb Current gap
- cmp ax,SS_cbTxGapMin ;Is it big enough now?
- jae EnsureGapOK ;Yes - exit
- MinMove:
- mov cx,SS_cbTxMovThreshold ;Minimum move to try
- FigMove:
- mov dx,SS_cbTxGapMin ;Absolute minimum allowed gap
- sub dx,ax ;dx = min move to get to required gap
- EnsureAllocLoop:
- ; cx = cbMovMax (getting smaller each loop)
- ; dx = cbMovMin
- push cx ;Save cbMovMax
- push dx ; and cbMovMin
- Arg si ;pFirst byte of pcode to move
- Arg cx ;cbMove
- cCall TxtMoveUpFar ; Attempt to move the text
- GETSEGTXTCUR ;es = the text segment
- pop dx
- pop cx
- or ax,ax ;Test for success
- jnz EnsureGapGrew ;Movment succeded - exit
- cmp cx,dx ;Trying minimum move?
- jz EnsureGapOME
- sub cx,SS_cbTxAllocInc ;Decrement for retry
- cmp cx,dx ;Less than minimum?
- jge EnsureAllocLoop ;Retry if more than minimum
- mov cx,dx ;Try absolute minimum
- jmp EnsureAllocLoop ; and retry
- EnsureGapOME:
- stc ;Signal OME
- ret
- EnsureGapGrew:
- add SscbTxExpand,cx ;Update total bytes of movement
- add si,cx
- EnsureGapOK:
- clc
- ret
- sEnd SCAN
- end