资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- COW : Character Oriented Windows
- scroll.c : scroll bar control
- */
- #define COW
- #include <cow.h>
- #define SCROLL
- #include <uscroll.h>
- #include <uwindow.h>
- #include <uscreen.h>
- #include <uisa.h>
- #include <uevent.h>
- #include <kinput.h>
- #include "dialog.h"
- #include "event.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "screen.h"
- #include "scroll.h"
- #include "_scroll.h"
- /*
- scroll bar slots
- ptCurSb current logical position in range
- ptMinSb minimum logical position in scroll range
- ptMaxSb maximum logical position in scroll range
- wSb extra word for info defined below
- */
- /* ScrollBarWndProc(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam) -
- * Process scroll bar messages.
- * Purpose:
- * Handles user interaction with scroll bars.
- *
- * Scroll Bar:
- * ^ <--- Up Arrow
- * + <-------------------
- * + ^ ^
- * + | |
- * + | |
- * + +--- Page Up Area |
- * + | |
- * + | |
- * + v |
- * + <--- |
- * # <------ Elevator +--- Scroll range
- * + <--- |
- * + ^ |
- * + | |
- * + | |
- * + +--- Page Down Area |
- * + | |
- * + | |
- * + v v
- * + <-------------------
- * v <--- Down Arrow
- *
- * The scroll bar manager sends WM_VSCROLL or WM_HSCROLL messages to
- * its Parent when a scroll bar event is detected.
- * The value of the wParam and lParam parameters of this
- * message determine what event has occured.
- *
- * wParam Event
- * ------ -----
- * SB_LINEUP The mouse was clicked on the Up Arrow
- * SB_LINEDOWN The mouse was clicked on the Down Arrow
- * SB_PAGEUP The mouse was clicked in the Page Up Area
- * SB_PAGEDOWN The mouse was clicked in the Page Down Area
- * SB_THUMBPOSITION The elevator was dragged to a new position.
- * SB_THUMBTRACK The elevator has moved but the mousebutton
- * is still down.
- *
- * The Application sees the elevator as being in the logical range
- * ptMin..ptMax. These logical values are used for communication between
- * the Scroll Bar Manager, and the Application.
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- ScrollBarWndProc(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam)
- /*
- -- the real scroll bar Wnd Proc
- */
- DWORD lParam;
- WORD message, wParam;
- {
- StartPublic();
- RRC rrc;
- BYTE ptDownLine, ptElevator;
- short ptNew;
- MSP msp;
- WORD messageScroll;
- WORD wNonClient; /* value to mask for non-client */
- BOOL fSmallScroll;
- /* statics for the scroll bar with capture */
- static WORD wParamScroll;
- static BOOL fInWindow = TRUE;
- static BYTE ptStartElevator;
- static BYTE ptMouse;
- BYTE pt; /* the position if a mouse message */
- GetClientRrc(pwnd, &rrc);
- /* set up parameter based on whether horizontal or vertical scroll */
- ptElevator = PtElevatorSb(pwnd);
- msp.lParam = lParam;
- if (pwnd->style & SBS_VERT)
- {
- messageScroll = WM_VSCROLL;
- ptDownLine = rrc.ryBottom-rrc.ryTop-1;
- pt = msp.s.ry;
- wNonClient = MK_NONCLIENT_Y;
- fSmallScroll = rrc.ryBottom - rrc.ryTop == dyScrollMin;
- }
- else
- {
- messageScroll = WM_HSCROLL;
- ptDownLine = rrc.rxRight-rrc.rxLeft-1;
- pt = msp.s.rx;
- wNonClient = MK_NONCLIENT_X;
- fSmallScroll = rrc.rxRight - rrc.rxLeft == dxScrollMin;
- }
- switch (message)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- /* draw the scroll bar */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (pwnd->style & SBS_VERT)
- {
- AssertSz(rrc.ryBottom - rrc.ryTop >= dyScrollMin,
- "Scroll bars too small");
- }
- else
- {
- AssertSz(rrc.rxRight - rrc.rxLeft >= dxScrollMin,
- "Scroll bars too small");
- }
- #endif /*DEBUG*/
- #ifndef REMOVE_LATER
- if (pwnd->style & SBS_VERT)
- {
- rrc.ryTop++;
- rrc.ryBottom--;
- }
- else
- {
- rrc.rxLeft++;
- rrc.rxRight--;
- }
- #endif
- BeginDraw();
- FillRrc(pwnd, &rrc, (ACHAR) chScrollbar, DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- if (pwnd->style & SBS_VERT)
- {
- CharOut(pwnd, 0, 0, chUpArrow,
- DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- CharOut(pwnd, 0, ptDownLine, chDownArrow,
- DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- if (!fSmallScroll)
- CharOut(pwnd, 0, ptElevator, chElevator,
- DiNormal(isaElevator));
- }
- else
- {
- CharOut(pwnd, 0, 0, chLeftArrow,
- DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- CharOut(pwnd, ptDownLine, 0, chRightArrow,
- DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- if (!fSmallScroll)
- CharOut(pwnd, ptElevator, 0, chElevator,
- DiNormal(isaElevator));
- }
- EndDraw();
- break;
- fInWindow = TRUE;
- /* capture mouse for repeated scrolling or thumbtrack */
- SetCapture(pwnd);
- if ((ptMouse = pt) == 0)
- wParamScroll = SB_LINEUP;
- else if (ptMouse == ptDownLine)
- wParamScroll = SB_LINEDOWN;
- else if (ptMouse > ptElevator)
- wParamScroll = SB_PAGEDOWN;
- else if (ptMouse < ptElevator)
- wParamScroll = SB_PAGEUP;
- else
- {
- /* capturing the elevator */
- wParamScroll = SB_THUMBPOSITION;
- ptStartElevator = ptElevator;
- break; /* do not set alarm or send message */
- }
- SetAlarm(pwnd, ctickRepScrollStart);
- SendMessage(pwnd->pwndParent, messageScroll,
- wParamScroll, MAKELONG(0, (WORD) pwnd));
- break;
- /* mouse movements are only used for Thumb-tracking */
- /* see if mouse is still in the window */
- fInWindow = FCaptured(pwnd) && !(wParam & wNonClient);
- if (fSmallScroll)
- break; /* not thumbtrack possible */
- ptMouse = pt;
- if (wParamScroll == SB_THUMBPOSITION)
- {
- if (!fInWindow)
- /* reset thumb */
- ptMouse = ptStartElevator;
- if (ptMouse != ptElevator &&
- ptMouse > 0 &&
- ptMouse < ptDownLine)
- {
- /* change thumbposition */
- SetPtElevatorSb(pwnd, ptMouse);
- /* ??? efficiency ??? */
- if (pwnd->style & SBS_VERT)
- {
- CharOut(pwnd, 0, ptElevator,
- (ACHAR) chScrollbar,
- DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- /*maybe*/CharOut(pwnd, 0, ptMouse,
- chElevator, DiNormal(isaElevator));
- }
- else
- {
- CharOut(pwnd, ptElevator, 0,
- (ACHAR) chScrollbar,
- DiNormal(isaScrollbar));
- /*maybe*/CharOut(pwnd, ptMouse, 0,
- chElevator, DiNormal(isaElevator));
- }
- /* translate physical to logical; round up */
- ptNew = TranslatePosition(ptMouse,
- 1, ptDownLine-1,
- pwnd->ptMinSb, pwnd->ptMaxSb, TRUE);
- pwnd->ptCurSb = ptNew;
- SendMessage(pwnd->pwndParent, messageScroll,
- MAKELONG(ptNew, (WORD) pwnd));
- }
- }
- break;
- case WM_ALARM:
- if (FCaptured(pwnd))
- {
- SetAlarm(pwnd, pwnd->ctickRepSb);
- if (fInWindow)
- {
- switch (wParamScroll)
- {
- default:
- goto ReturnFalse;
- case SB_LINEUP:
- if (ptMouse != 0)
- goto ReturnFalse;
- break;
- if (ptMouse != ptDownLine)
- goto ReturnFalse;
- break;
- case SB_PAGEUP:
- if (ptMouse == 0 ||
- ptMouse >= ptElevator)
- goto ReturnFalse;
- break;
- if (ptMouse == ptDownLine ||
- ptMouse <= ptElevator)
- goto ReturnFalse;
- break;
- }
- SendMessage(pwnd->pwndParent, messageScroll,
- wParamScroll, MAKELONG(0, (WORD) pwnd));
- }
- }
- break;
- if (wParamScroll == SB_THUMBPOSITION && !fSmallScroll)
- {
- /* end tracking elevator */
- ptNew = TranslatePosition(ptElevator, 1, ptDownLine-1,
- pwnd->ptMinSb, pwnd->ptMaxSb, TRUE);
- if (ptNew != -1) /* -1 if calculation error */
- {
- SendMessage(pwnd->pwndParent, messageScroll,
- MAKELONG(ptNew, (WORD) pwnd));
- SendMessage(pwnd->pwndParent, messageScroll,
- MAKELONG(ptNew, (WORD) pwnd));
- }
- }
- SendMessage(pwnd->pwndParent, messageScroll, SB_UPCLICK, 0L);
- wParamScroll = 0;
- if (FCaptured(pwnd))
- {
- ReleaseCapture();
- KillAlarm();
- }
- break;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- case WM_KEYDOWN:
- case WM_KEYUP:
- case WM_CHAR: /* just an extra check */
- Assert(FALSE);
- #endif
- }
- ReturnFalse:
- ReturnPublic(0L, DWORD);
- }
- SetScrollRange(pwnd, ptMin, ptMax, fRedraw)
- /*
- -- set the scroll range for the scrollbar window "pwnd"
- --
- */
- PWND pwnd;
- short ptMin, ptMax;
- BOOL fRedraw;
- {
- StartPublic();
- AssertSz(ptMax > ptMin, "SetScrollRange : invalid range");
- pwnd->ptCurSb = pwnd->ptMinSb = ptMin;
- pwnd->ptMaxSb = ptMax;
- if (PtElevatorSb(pwnd) == 0)
- SetPtElevatorSb(pwnd, 1);
- if (fRedraw)
- DrawWindow(pwnd);
- StopPublic();
- }
- SetScrollPos(pwnd, ptNew, fRedraw)
- /*
- -- set the scroll position for the scrollbar window "pwnd"
- -- useless operation if scroll-bar is 2-wide
- */
- PWND pwnd;
- short ptNew;
- BOOL fRedraw;
- {
- StartPublic();
- short ptOld = pwnd->ptCurSb;
- RRC rrc;
- WORD ptMax;
- AssertSz((short) pwnd->ptMaxSb >= (short) pwnd->ptMinSb, "SetScrollPos : invalid range");
- AssertSz(ptNew >= pwnd->ptMinSb && ptNew <= pwnd->ptMaxSb,
- "SetScrollPos : out of range");
- GetClientRrc(pwnd, &rrc);
- pwnd->ptCurSb = ptNew;
- if (pwnd->style & SBS_VERT)
- {
- ptMax = rrc.ryBottom - 2; /* one position for downline */
- if (rrc.ryBottom - rrc.ryTop == dyScrollMin)
- ReturnPublic(ptOld, short);
- }
- else
- {
- ptMax = rrc.rxRight - 2; /* one position for downline */
- if (rrc.rxRight - rrc.rxLeft == dxScrollMin)
- ReturnPublic(ptOld, short);
- }
- /* translate from logical to physical range, round down */
- ptNew = TranslatePosition(ptNew, pwnd->ptMinSb, pwnd->ptMaxSb,
- 1, ptMax, FALSE);
- Assert(!(ptNew & 0xff00));
- SetPtElevatorSb(pwnd, ptNew);
- /* redraw elevator */
- if (fRedraw)
- DrawWindow(pwnd);
- ReturnPublic(ptOld, short);
- }
- GetScrollPos(pwnd)
- PWND pwnd;
- {
- StartPublic();
- ReturnPublic(pwnd->ptCurSb, short);
- }